The Wingham Advance, 1914-03-19, Page 2WILL EASE YOUR THROBBINO HEAD" PE N4wItntro5
TO Cline Soaks and Clear
Stuffed Nos'rils Nothing
Equals "Catarrhozone"
• You eell end phi mighty quick -
cure it eompletely -by Catarthozone.
Any sort of Catarrh, whether in noliei
throat or bronchial tubes, can be driv-
en forever out of the aystem byeitri-
Ply breathing in the healing vapor of
It's; in the nostrils an stir passages
that Cetarrli germs breed. The germ-. troubles, Stellate. pleasant, safe and
killing vapor of elaterrhozone Ineans sure. 'Use the tried and. proven Te111-
!natant death to these germe-raeana ease Any dealer anywhere can SIMPlY
that a healing proem is started Catarrhozene. Large eenaplete outfit,
throughout all the sore membranes, $1,00; small size 50e; • treat size 250.
thereby eftectually ridding tile .0/I -
tem or the real came) or the trottble.
Catarrbozoile ProMptly °peas UP
clogged nostrils ,tales that irritating
Pain onto f the nose, prevents the for-
mation -0S bre) painful crusts, It there
is a nasty dislcearge it disappears with
a few hoursuse of Catarrhozone In-
haler. If a baa cole keeps you sneez-
ing, if you have dull frontal pains over
the eyes, you'll get the /speediest cure
Possible with Catarthozone,
Years of wentierful success in Ee-
Me and Anierica, have 'proven Ce-
tarrhozone a specific for all catarrhal,
throat, bronchial and breathing -organ
The iSee of elynamite in farming
one of the developinente-that » grad:
nally belog adopted in the clearing of
land, digging ditches, draining swampe,
grading roads, excavai,ing for building
, foundations and cellers, sinking well;
preparing the land for crops, digging'
holes in which te pant trees, and, for
NW/soiling with a view to rejuvenating
partially wornout land and putting new
life into -old or feeble orchards.
A few years ago the use of explosives
on the farm was narrowed -down to split-
ting stunue so they can'more readily be
dug out. Rut later onii was feund
be cheaper and quicker to get rid of the
stumps by lifting them out eomptetely
fioni the ground, and at one operatien
eeduto them to firewood size.. •
.A step further was then taken. it was
diseovered to be a good husitress policy
to blast out boulders and plant the
wound they occupied rather than plow
around them.
Blinding ut eellars mute nexteand
thIs led to the idea of blasting the
roek eueountered digging drains. -Then
ditches were made in a flash through
practieally any kind, o. "
Next fruit growere'' beganpreParing
their orchard grounds With light chargee
of dynamite, and by breaking up' hard-
pan and other imperVisius, suites thou-
sands of acres of land -that was 'pre-
viously worthless has been made to bear
large crops.
The time, evidently; le not far distent
when the knowledge of handling dyna-
mite will be part, of the training of a
practical farmer. ,
The cost of. perforining the various
operations, such as stump .and boulder
blasting, ditch digging, subsoil "plowing,"
hardpan blasting, etc., varies with condi-
tions, but in every case it Ms provecl to
be lower than the coot of Accomplishing
the same results 13y Manual labor or
with meehanicat appliances.
It is claimed -that for subsoitiog, dyne -
mite is without in equal in Its way. The
increased yield, of soil after havingbeen
blasted at a depth of several feet r.te
admitted to be along approved lines. is
An authority says ordinary 'plowing
turns over the eurface of the soil to a
depth of from hos to ten Indies. The
plow forms a hard crost or "plow -sole"
along" ite path which is almost impene-
trable to root growth. The consegennee
is that plant life uses the six or eight
inehes of top soil only, and the
seine soil year after year and for crop
alter erop, until Many of the important
elements of plant food in it are tirtually
exhausted. The result is smaller crops,
each year lifter the soil has been used
for several years, and the individual
plants and vegetables are less fully de-
veloped. Dynamiting the subsoil, it is
asserted, gives the plane an opportuaity
to grow down into or draw water.eon-
taining valttable fertilizing elements up
from the second or third strata of soil
wherein plensy of plant food i still
available; besides the greater spread ana
depth of root growth renders possible a
larger surface growth and bettor crops,
both as to quality and (pantile?.
A sire is more than half the 'herd. Pfe
is' half of the first generation,,. three-
fourths of the next, seven -eighths of the
third, and. so on, -until', if judfcioniti
breeding and selection be maintained for
a few generatione, the character of the
herd of flock will be fixed by the sire.
The influence of the sire is felt over
the e»tire herd, and if a poor animal it
need, the bad effeet is naturally felt
throughout the herd. The sire must he
the product of the right, kind of ances-
try. It is not enough that the animal
be not mixed in blood; his pedigree
should ehow the character of his awes;
try. If a purebred sire is creased upon
grade females in six generations, but lye
per ent. of the original unimproved
Mr. J. IE. Arsenittlit, a Justice of the
Peace and station master at Welling-
ton, on the P. Id. I, Re., says: "Four
Years ago I fell on a freight truck, sus -
tabling a bad cut on the front of my
leg. I thought this would heal, but
instead it developed into a bad ulcer,
and later lee a form of eczema which
spread very rapidly and also started
em the other leg, Doth legs became
00 swollei and sore that I could only
go about my work by having them
"1 Oonaulted tWO doctors, Mut tried
all the salves, 111111nel:its and lotions I
heard of, but instead of gettinghetter
1 got Worse.
Cas •
Wastity condition when I got me'
first box of Zoinelluk. Greatly to ley de-
light that first box gave me relief. I eon.
tinuiel to apply it to the sores, and day by
day they got better, 1 coule gee that it
list I had got hold of -somethitig which
would tura me, and in the end it did.
is now over a year sines Zem-Itifit
-Worked e cur* in ray eaae, end thee* hail
been to return of the eczema,"
Purely herald in tomposition, Zeinalluk
ht a *ere cure for all skin dieettes, cold
mores, thepped hands, ulcers, bloodamilma
ine,ovai lease sorts, Vies, ringworm.,
hillanail teaches, tees, bums and bruits%
droggitte and stet Pl Sell at Mo. box, ot
post free from Zata-Buk Coe Torwates era
blood will remain. It inalvidnahl of the
second generations are one-quarter un-
improved andeare bred to a generation
of their own kind they will still rentahl
one-quarter unimproved, The . improve -
meat and advancement of our stock
cease when we uee a sire sinIy bectitege
he "leeks good," Purthermoee, the une
ment we use eminnon *grades all imprcive-
molt seases except that whieli Is accom-
plished by the slow procese ptftelee-
time s
A practical crearuery hutter maker
tens bow be prevents mold as -follows:
tu the Afternoon of the der before the
tubs are to be used he immerses them
in scalding teeter for hell an bona The
water entere the Pores of the woad and
kills the mold germs. Re then sprin-
kles them thoroughly with salt and al -
low's them to stand empty over night.
In the morning he steams eaeh tub
three minutes, and then fills it with
cold water uetil ready to pack. The tub
thus beeomes perfeetly watereght and
is dry aud elven when it reaches the
market, tied will eat mold. -
Hunius,:stise vegetable matter, in it
stat of decay, la not only the chief
source of nitrogen, but is essential to a
proper ineehanieal condition of the soil.
Plowing, 'harrowing; etc., is to the soil
what kneading; ;the dough is to •the
bread. liy thikeineans the fertilizing
ferrneut i iOt Intimately Mixed
through' the ion so tirat .the feeding
roots of plants may find food at every
point and:nat. have to traverse barren
distancea, to .find -the object. of their
search in poeketse; This thorough ad-
mixture of soil elemeots also promotes
the development and work of the mi-
crobes whose growth, life and death
produce the sustaining- elements of
plant food, -These microbeaare a crop
to be cultivated. pet' as Wheat or corn
is cultivated... lVlien we plant. a bushel
of wheat per am we de, not pour the
seed in a t.die, Init.scatter it as evenly
as possible,' over all the surface; and for
similar reasens. We want an even stand
of nutrifying mierobet in order to pro-
duce the beet' yield of plant food.
The most simple remedy for a caked
udder after calving is frequent baths
with hot water. Then grease the quer,
ters well with a mixture of turpentine
one part And melted lard, two parts,
tieing it'quite warm. Rub and knead the
udder a good' ilea. leach time. Give the
cow internally a teaspoonful of the fluid
extract of poke -root three timeper
day. Continue treatment for two full
weeks. ."
Horses siiffer more from pulmonary
diseases in the winter than in the sum-
mer because stables are not, in many
oases ventilated -sufficiently. Poor
ventilation predisposes to lung trouble,
and many a eimple cough or eold devel-
ops into inflammation of the lungs just
because the patient is standing in a
poorly ventilated stable. The average
case of inflaenza„oe even cold distemper
will not needvery much medical attens
tion if the allowed an abund-
-sent supply of fresh air. Keep the body
warm by -plenty of clothing, stimulate
the circulation in the extrenlitiet by
hand-rubing the legs. Keep the bowels
relaxed by the use of succulent food. If
the breathing is labored, apply a, hot
poultice to the throat and chest, and
you will have gone a long way toward
preventing any ecimplieations from set-
ting in anti will probably not need any
professional adviee at all. If a plenti-
' fal supply or fresh air is necessary to
maintain a horse In good health, it will
readily be. underetood how necessary it
must be to ag animal which is sulfer-
ing from any respiratory trouble. Fresh
air is of the utmost importance in sueli
iises. The. Inost ekilful medical treat -
Merit will be useless without it.
It tosts 'mere to' procure the fonnda-
tion stock or pure-bred animals, but it
costs no more after that to raise them.
And satisfaction with the steck de,
• Mends something better than common
atoll on the farm.
Lime, while not eonsidered as a plant
food is. nevertheless, a valuable amend-
ment in making:soil More productive. It
is a etimulant that often makes lilac-
elentente waive. breaks down on.
genic compounds and sets free nitrogeo
and other valuable constituents of fer-
tility. Lime is a- reliable agetit hi ais-
enteisratiag vegetable matter and con-
verting it into limns, which Is so vain -
able in making levee yield. Lime cog
recta oddity of :mils; it neutralizes ne-
ide and soil organisms which .are belie
ful in converting organic- cempoiends in-
to available plant food, If lime is MA
a plant fond it is Very netessary to
make pant food behave as it should.
Wood 48,103 as a fertilizer varies
greatly in coMpOsition, though almost
alwaye un res lima ted. The panel'
ie soluble and hae imMediate effect.
Phosphoric acid, Devine; from 1 to 2 per
•eent., le as valuable as the potash. There
le, also mueltlihte in wood oldies, ran -
in g Stoat- V) to 31 per vents and this,
though oat dirt etlY a. ftntilizer, is 1:4 -
directly ors eeneiderable aahle for Its
merhanical nmi ellemleal effete upoii the
soil and its more or lese inesolidee ele-
ments, Avesage Relies from mixed
woods eontain about 0 per emit. Mash,
2 per rent.' phosphoric avid and 20 per
cent. of little. • Cod athes are worthless
except for the inechatical offeet, Weed
Ashes should not be permitted to go to
Waste cm the %rm. Even leached ash-
es should he used as a. fertilizer, unless
the, haul is eXpenaive. It will not pay
to hind leaelied asliee
(Rochester Heralds
Still, we believe that, In spite of all
the talk about It and about, the Woman
of today Is practically the 'same as the
!omen of the day before, and of the day
trete that. There Wwitys have been
emirdsts. Sappho was one in ancient
Lesbos. Peter hati trouble with femin-
lets in Ttome. But Most wOrrien stro only
happy, in a ettpreme moue In thief,
homes, and it is In their nature not
onlY to loVe, but, in the terra erns*,
to obese their auslostmls.
Kingettm Despatcle-An interesting
document is the ennual report of the
PeuttentiarY, Jinit PliblIshed- It "ila'vs.
that among its inmates are 48 pellet's
sent up for life, of whom twe are
fenialeo. The total number of inmates
Is 6111; Winding 11 women. The na-
tionalitles of the priaoners ere as fol-
lows; „Catualtans, 305; Englana, 55;
Wales, 3; Scotlaell, 11; Ireland, 22;
Frosted, 6; Sweden, 1; 'Gutted %tittes,
61; Italy, .34; Austria), 10; India, 1;
(lertnany, ea'Russia, 7; 'Nieto", 1;
' Denmark, 1; Australia, 2; Greete, 1;
Newfouneland 1.
"Toronto the Good" eontribUtes iie
largest 'number of inmates, 90. having
been sent from there, wlitch is more
than any other two wliole counties, .
According to social. relations, 193 are
married, 8 are widowers,' and 313' are
Six persons are over 70 yaera
old, while 36 ea are under 20 years.
Classified according to habits, 184
Are very temperate, 118 are total ebs
stainers, and 206 are intemperate. Ties
portion of sthe return is regerded as
remarkable, in the light ot!..the oft -res
Ileated statement that drink • Is the
entree or so intich erinle.,
The retarn /Showing the scholestie
attainments of the prisoners shows
that 444 men and 2 women can read
and write -well; 60 men and 9 wanton
are wholly Bliterate, mut one man.
primmer can read only,
In the list or occallations, snarly
every trade and Profession is repre,.
• sented, there. being even a newspaper
Tbere are 42 farmers, 24 clerks, 21
teamsters, 181 laborers and 16 eooks,
The last figures are reniarkable alien
compared with the .S1=11 , percentage
of the total population. which cooks
form. The law is represented, lar three
lawYera, one detective and. one police-
She Got Got So She
Was Almost Insane
• Thatisi4C,':Ihai Mrs. Wellington Dunlop
Says Dodd's Kidney Pills are the
Beat of all Medicines,
South Waterville, 'York Co., N.
March. 10.--(apectate-Mrs. Wellington
Dunlop, an estimable resident of Ude
plitee,, has given an interview In whica
slie states that she believes Dode's
Kidney Pills to be the best el all medi-
cines. Mrs.- Dunlop says:
"When I commenced, taking Dodd's
Kidney Pills I was in a terrible con-
dition. I had been eick for over a
year and had paid out more than one
hundred and thirty dollars for doctors
and medicine. I woeld ;set eotne
better and then get just as bad as
"The doctor said my trouble crone
from nty stomach. His medicine re -
lime me for only a few minutes after
I had taken it, and I got so that I
was nearly in Jane.
"I had not taken Dodd's Kidney
Pills two days till I was some better.
I took twelve boxes ili. all, and I can
truly say they have done me more
good than any medicine I have ever
Dodd's Kidney Pills are suffering
woman's best friends. If you haven't
tried them yourself,ask your neigh-
Party of German Nobles
Arrive in Alberta.
Calgary, Alta., Despatch -The van-
guard of probably the most distin-
guished body of colonists to corne into
the west arrived in the city last itiselt.
They comprise a Mantle, of • German
noblemen with their following, who
have aequired 90,000 acres of, irrigat-
ed land of the Canaille -it Pacific hold-
ings near the toWn of Hussar, tetx
miles north er Dusan°. The leader
of the expedition is Count Barsloff
and one of these interested and who
expects to join the colony later is
Prince tadzlwih1, a blood relation of
Emperor William. Several counts
and lesser menthere of the nobility
have holding:4 and expect to Wu the
colony later. The eO1011Y is strongly
backed financially. It has under con-
struction a palatial produce packing
Plant, upoe. which $250,000 Will be ex-
pended, creameries, elevators and
numerous residences. About two hun-
dred Germanagriculturists, all inter.
ested, are expected to arrive in May.
Stomach Always Baulked,
Had Constant Indigestion
Cured by De. Harrinton's Pills.
• Mr, Clemthons' experience is not
uliusUal. Nowadays poor stomachs
are more the rule than the 0:tenet:ton.
But the proper treatment is sure to
make a quids mire. Yon can always
depend on Dr. Harelltotes Pills, they
reach the feriuble at once, go right to
businees. teak while you sleep and
have yeu. feeling better if not cured
next returning.
"My food seemed to deeompose in
my stomach," writes Mr. Ralph Clent-
mons, of Newbridge P.O. "I had a
stoma:el that failed in some Way to
perform its work. Digestion seemed
more or less arrested and I grew thin,
Yellow, lietVelle. The stomach became
distended and impeded apparently the
action of the beart, for °nett at eight
It wotad ito great stunts. At times
X would 'vomit a mucous ataes, and at
these times my head ached most ter-
ribly. A friend Who had been owed
of a shelter condition, advised me to
take Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly,
all& 1 did. The result 1 ray ease
Was simply mervelous. Hamil-
ton's, Pills removed the eaUne,
strengthened the stoinacia excited the
liver to normal action, the kidneys
were reletteed of exceosive work.
Health soon grew within me. / catt
tiow eat, sleep and Me like' a live
advieee-use Dr. Itamilton't Pills
-they are sure to do you good. 25c
per box, five for $1,00, or at druggists
and storekeepers or by mail from The
Cattiarbezone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and
Kingston, Canada,
wire -sae vas saseessais
Reduce Cost
. of Living
Woe e Petty.
Four enpestale bread saunas).
Two. level tablespoon,: Lotter.
Six cure elleed apples.
One-half cup sugar..
Cinnamon to taste.
Melt butter in the baking dish, stir
itt the breed .crumess. Peer out • the
weenie), leaving a few iri the bottom
of the dish, Preeere the lieplee, Min
tiis ellgar and einnemon, Put )IaJi
the apples in the baking diah, emankit
with half' the sugar and spice, corer
with a hiyer ef bread crumbs, add the
remaining applee, sugar and spice, and
cover with •the remaining crumbs. Bake
hi a moslerete oveii -until apples are
tentler, Setve plain, or with a eweet
Notes -The baking dish may be cor-
eree at first to.prevent -crumbe brown-
ing too mad.
Other spice, as uutmeg or gronna
cloves, may be used.
'Aragon Stew. •
Twa pounds, neek of mutton.
.Two eups .cold water.
(Inc . Very small onion. •
Four large potatoes.
Twd teaspoone salt (levet),
Sprinkle pepper. •
Wipe the .niett carefully. If it is
very fat, trim some of it off. Cut it
Piocee eliont two or three inehee
square,. or into suitalde eked. pleeee
for serving without cutting. Put them
into a ,Stew -pan With the water arid
onion peeled and eut into slices. 'Sim -
tiler two and one-half hours, and then
add the potatoes cut into inch cubes,
and the salt and pepper. Simmer un-
til potatoes are enoked, about thirty
minutes, Serve on a hot platter.
Note. -Other vegetablee inay be
used .in place of the potatoes and
onion, in whieh case the gravy must
be thickened with fiatir..
Lima 33ean Sonia
'TOL() c'eunplIsmbjlea,118,
Two quarts water,
'Three tablespdone minded onion.
One tablespoon minced carrot,
Two level tablespoong
One and one-helf level terespoon salt.
• Sprinkle pepper,
Soalf nears over night in enough
cold water to cover, Pour tide of anti
rinse the beans in fresh water. Now
put them in a eaucepan wit It the te o
quarts cold water; cook slowly, cover
Closely, two hours Melt dripping in
a pan, add Vegetables and eook under
browu; add to the beams and simmer
gently hall an hour, thee' rub through
a strainer. Mix flow with an equal
meesure of milk until it le perfeetly
smooth thin down with a little Dion!
milk, Air into the liot mixture and
cool:, stirring coristautly. until it boils,
add remaining,milk, salt and pepper.
Note. --A -eouple of whole doves and
a piece of a bay leaf may be added to
the beams with the vegetables, • but
these are not necessary.
Beams are very nutritious, arelemity
take the place of meat in 8. meal. -In
soup alley are more easily digested
than when servea pinin, beettuse the
tough outer (-peering has .been re-
Theee level teaspoons shortening.
Iliree-quartere cup milk.
(Inc and one-half level eups
01m -quarter tea:spoon salt.
Two and one-half teaspoon( beking
powder. -
One eup dates, stoned and out into
Sift the floor, salt and baking poyder,
add the milk and shortening melted,
beat thoroughly, stir in the dates. Pour
into greased cups ,and steam one and
one-half hours, or steam in one large
nionld and stealn two and One-half
hours. Turn old and serve with sauce,
If steamer is not convenient, a colan-
der with 8 close -fitting eover, placed
over a pot of boiling water, may be
toed.- The cover must- fit closely and
the water kept boiling,
One-third eup sugar...
One and one-half level teaspnons corn
Oak cup tioiling water,
One-hattelevel. -teaspoon butter .
One-half teaapoon
Speck of salt.
Mix the sugar, corostarch and salt
thoroughly in a saucepan,. stir in the
boiling water and cook. Remove from
the fire, add vanilla, and butter.
Round steak, cut about one inch thick.
Safi, and pepper.
Sliced onion.
floilitaa water.
SPrend tlie Vent ent flat, sprinkle
with Doer and pound with the edge of
a plate until the meat will absorb no
'More Ilour, doing thia on both sides of
the meat.
Cut steak into large pieces for serving.
Heat A frying pan very hot, grease with
a little fat Or dripping; place the meat
on the hot pith, turo at mice, end con-
tinue turning frequently until the 'Bur -
faces are nieely seared'. Cover the bot-
tomof the pan with boiling water,
.sprinkle with salt rind pepper; add a
'tittle %Heed oninn. (ewer closely and
simmer about one and a ball levers,
watching carefully, adding more watt:
if necessary.
Note. -If ruefully done this steals
should be very tender: -
medium sized potatoes,
1 quart milk.
2 slices .onions.
3 level teideepospilide butter.
41 level tablespoolifels flour.
1 1-2 teaspoona sitit, •
143 teaspoon pepper.
Cook potatinte in boiling salted water;
when soft, rub through a strainer.
Scald milk with onion, remove onion
end add milk tdowly to the potatoea.
Melt two tablespoons butter. stir in •the
thaw, end mix mail perfeetly smooth:
*fir into the milk and potatoee, and
obi:, Mitring constantly until it boils:
(book one tninutereadd Ara anti 141.1101',
strain; add remainieg butter, ilea eerVe.
Note,- Gther swasoniags, ot I-1 tees
spoon lately ealt and 1 teitepoon fauey-
ehopped aerially, may be Wed, adding
00 Pate re after etraining,
Augusta. Sadly, Marelt 16---41 18 an-
lionneed that the testsin wireless tele-
phony made during the past week be-
tween warships of the Italian Deer by
William Marconi, oa board the battle, •
ship Reina Elena, flagship Of the Duke
.the Abrueze were entirely imeceSs.
In!. The Duke of Abruezi presided
eVer the experiments :and expressed
het .asiMirittion of the roans attained.
Painful Swellings Reduced 1 Tali "3)w:cm* °Euro.
Muscular Strains Ended N °are a'a7"4—Bo
. )4°14er'$
Special agoniefle.
If you have any anuscleo that aro
strained met Steak, that are frequently
subjeet to riteumatio pains; tr yon
have any painful swellitige that refese
to ge away -get busy with Nerviline,
This is the very sort ef trouble that
Nerviline Is noted far ettrieg Mackie'.
"I liave proved Nerviline simple a
wonder in reducing a hard, palatal
1 [Meaning, It followed an
reeeived in my left leg, and caubed
me great pain and discomfort. The
eulogies were strained and sore, and
no other remedy gave the me end,
comfort I got from rabbit/IS on Nervi -
line, There is a soothing, pain-reliev-
lug power about Nerviline taitt touch -
ea the root or MY trouble. laerviline
Deduced .the swelling, it destroyed the
• pain, it brought my limb back to per-
• fect condition," The experience of Mr.
Bowen, whose) borne is in MIddleSeg,
• Is not unusual, Thousands are proving
every day that muSeular peine of every
• kind, chronic rheumatism, lumbago,
neuredgia and sciatica will yiela to
Nerviline when tiotlaug Glee catt possi-
bly cure. Nerviline le an old-time
fatale Pain, remedy, need nearly forty
years with great success. The large
family size bottle coots 50c., trial stze
25e., at all dealers.
Experiments are now being made
at some of the crushing Mills in Null
as to the feasibility of extracting oil
from sunflower seed and using .the
residue as an ingredient In the MAIM -
facture of feed cake, Large consign-
ments of seed have recently arrived
in Hull from Odessa, the sunflower
being extensively cultivated in mouth -
ern Russia.
When crushed the sunflower seed
yields on the average 30 Per Cent, of
oil, while the yield of soya bean 011
Is 18 per cent. The oil is limpid and
pale yellow in color and it is believed
It will prove valuable in soapmaking,
tbo manufacture of varnishes and for
culinary purposes. The residue from
the crushed sunflower seeds has been
xnanufactured into cakes, aud experi-
ments are being made to ascertain
whether the cake thus made is Imit-
able for feeding purposee. A small
quantity of these cakes has been ship-
ped to the Continent, -Prom Consular
and Trade Reports. "
on the
We offer you free
this book that tens
you all about horse
diseases and how to
cure theta. Call for it at your
local druggist or write us.
Is Invaluable. It cures Slavin, Curb, ablint,
ItIngbono or any other lameness, quickly and Fa tely
at smallosaense. /lead what Leo Cadlualh or Ennis'
ityncoorel,, 01b4nt:,,s.siya "I used your SpavIn Cure on a
5000that bad ItinabOna, and 3 auxed him In four
Kendall's Sparta Cure IS cohlat the ualrelhl PrIc6
a 1150 bottle, 6 area It you Anna obit or our
free book at year localdrurglans, Write 110.
Enosburg Falls,Verntonl 81
(et, some N. E., Telegraph)
But bow often are the courts open t�
• the charge of 'being reseectra of per-
sons? One man tharged with a crime
has no money to spend in his defence;
another has thousands to spend for law-
• yers, detectives, alienists, coranessions,
appeals. Are these inen equal before the
lay? On party to a suit can afford to
amid, to cxnastst the resources of the
lay; another has no money to spend.
Are they equal before the lay? On
each occasion that justice fails to be
stern and inflexible, that is when it con-
siders the standing of the individual, it
:is accustoming men to disregard it. If
• criminals ars to escape simply because
they have influence, the very founda-
tions of society are undermined.
027-5 Th -Els
MAE1.1.4----3 Sesese-se-------
ea 6 .. •
is certainly one of the most disagree-
able ailments which flesh is heir to.
; Coated tongue -bitter taste in the
• mouth -nausea - dizziness-- these
/ combine to make life a burden. The
cause is a disordered' liver -the cure
Dr. Morse's, Indian Root Pills. They
go straight to the root of the trouble,
put the liver right, cleanse the stom-
ach and bowels, clear the tongue and
I take away the bitter taste from the
?mouth. ,At the first sign of bilious-
, ness take
I *
Dr. Morse s 40
.lisdiark Root Pills
, •.. 40
When the Son Set.
There was a litle boy who commenced
to keep a diary. "Got up this morning
at 7 oaloek," was hie first entry.
I"Stich an expression," said his hotra
fled mother.. "Does the sun get up7 No,
it rises,"
Just before Tommy retiree he wrote
in his diary: "Set at I) o'cloek."
e* •
Beak Free. W A MORI°
Rome treatment removed
lump from thislady's breast
Old torte, ulcer e and
•erowtbs cored. Describe
yeur trouble ; we tvill seed hook and testimonials.
THE CANADA CANCER 1N8r1r1ftrE, Warta
10 eNthietlitl, AM. TORONTO
'et ea
tugenio tot Lyrics.
Eugenevieve, Etigenevleve„
The days May collie and the days may
But each te other we Oen cleave.
So lope as Science tellbs so.
• • NI
etock-a.bye baby thy eribs's eygenic,
Papa's tt doctor and trees a eugenic;
And don't take a husband unless he's
ft gent
Whose mark in the treitith League's WO
Per oent.
-New York Mail.
Minard'e Liniment Cures Dandruff.
4 see
• 'Capt. C. G. Rawling, it member 01 1115
British Onset/Mon that recently explored
Imtch New Guinea, describes what may
bs the greatest unbroken precipice in the
World. It runs. be rays, fur a distance
ef eiglity miles front Mount tairstena
tvestward to the Males LOWS MOthltahle
Ite Welt teat sheer hel,ght is at Mount
Lectard Darwlie
Thes explorers were never 10 a posalon
to mousure with the theedilite a elleer
beight oif tluls 811n1s,usepreeipies, rx-
veeding gra feet, but from maw/ view::
obinined of It while 1.e was climbing
cent Ilawling has no hesitation In not-
ing that the greatest perpontlieular height
not less than 10,600 feet or almost ex-
actly two miles. -Prom the Ventia
Minard,s Llnittent Curbs Burn, Eta,
its daily ti1,(u
8:14.:aeatViliterileilitellajaee eating,
/nerving, playing, ming anti Marione:
Its Ulna or growth deuentis very
largiev on the way in which these ()come -
thins are exerciseth
nks,;baint:oes it eat; When doea It eat?
How often It eat? With what reg -
Warns does it eat?
iilatietlY the same (mei:alone eerily to its
leo n appears that the special business
of a child. Is tin: special busluese et its
she is the inepager and director
(if huelness. as It' seem. There are
feW wholesome. alba very slinine,
hetleaaseatwthelholiefeaw•emeatitk. toTifleorilehwaviii: hteleilas
eine hundreds of niece before. They
must he said hundreds of times more.
Du not overfeed a =VOW' Child.
,i,ef the foe be main, weit4cooke (lane
(Lye it ht regular houre and alert
enough so that "elecinse" Is unnecessary,
Train the child to beaten, habits of
Retying In fresh ter, No child should
haa less than nine hours' sleep, and if
it is under 12 it should have mere.
Very early In Its young life giVe Yceir
00111 111 etrhees t sor uortunitY to have a ve-eletY
Do not lot it forget that the all-olax-
and-no-work doctrine Is equally as bad
as the "all work and no. play" axiom.
Begin early to instill the principle of
"don't worev." The best teaching in
this ease will be example.
Train vour chila to atria obedience in
Imuortanco matters and forget to "nag"
him about small matters.
Pretect the child from shocks. Don't
• erithten him or let others frighten him.
Teach your child that cleanliness Of
18 an essential to healtlful growth
as cleanliness of body. Bail companions
are as harmful as the common drinking
sun. the roller towel ana the disease -germ
There are no off -hours in the business
of a chin And the niece of success is the
eternat visitanee of the mother.
The Dye that colors ANY KIND
of Cloth Perfeotly, with the
No Chance of Matakes. 'Clean end 161tople.
Ask your Druemlat or Dealer. Send for Booklet.
The Johnson -Richardson Co. Limited, Montreal
(Pittsburg Gazette -Times)
The "loyal opposition" has made no
• compromise suggestion. It is pursuing
itilirLaproeltlicytolistweanththotuwl tiLaittihnt govetrnis-
ment has to propose -and no aoubt to
reject it. There has been little or noth-
lug to indicate that it would accept any-
thing but complete government surren-
der by exclusion of Ulster from the
terms ot the bill, if not abandonment or
the whole measure. The latter is wha.t
is triettnt by the demand for a deferen-
(Chicago Tribuue)
Prostitution, immorality are problems
of htunanity. In a final analysis they
may even be found to bo a problem of
human nature. Commercialized vice,
however, the traffig is immorality, •the
fostering of prostitution for gain, for
profit, are problems of the police, of the
low and the courts. Prison sentences
for the pander, the procurer, the dive aud
"cafe" keeper -in short, for every one
of the men who helps revolve the wheels
of this sinister industry -would restriet
considerably if it did not abolish this
cruelest of modern wrougs.
With your Cidneys do not feel blue.
Visit the nearest Drug Store and get
a bottle of
„A Pi 0 Li
This is a positive cure • for Gall Stones;
Kisney Stones, Kidney and Bladder
trouble, Gravel, Rheumatic Pains, ail-
ments of uric acid origin. Endorsed by•
Physicians and Surgeons. Price 81.50
per bottle, leading Druggists. Corres-
pondence invited. Free literature and
testimonials front the
Hun= Body a. Water Cooler.
. -We are Water-cooled engines.
-We consume according to climate.
-/n the tropics more water is neces-
-With the temperature at 100 degrees
three gallons daily are required.
-And this three gallons must be sipped
with deliberation.
-About six quarto of water daily are
necessary to maintain a laborer here.
-of course, Many foods tab made UP
of a good part of water.
-But even at that one must drink at
least six glasses of water daily, both be-
fore and between meals,
-An average rule Is to sip one glass
a half-hour before breakfast, two be-
tween luncheon and dinner. and oue up-
on retiring.
.T.o put thrOligh the license reduction
will require tome tall hustling. iVfean-
time lots of eorns will be tramped on.
The cure is "Putnam's," the old reli-
able corn extractor that has been cur-
ing corns and warts for years. "Put -
tiara's" never fails, 25e; • at all dealers.
(Termite Telegram)
"Obey" is a word that might as well
be left itt or dropped out of the marriage
What difference does it make?
For every bride who hesitates at the
peoinIse to obey deinahded itt the mar-
riage settee, there must be a, million
brides who willingly Make the promise
and themaully forget all about it after -
• •
Druggists refund money if.PAZO merle
Muse' fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleed-
ing or Protrnding Piles, First anisitra.
tion gives relief. 50c.
Rest, the Great Remedy.
Have yau over wonderer why you must
lost le one of the Most essential needa
to uphold human life. Without it one
could not eve. /test is ticeded more In
thrhheY, than at any other time. Then
the body develop rapidly, aud to do so
it must have plenta of rest, A healthy
itrit ntiltot
n itle Asosoeps, thprogntreattheer &tarot nopf 08101
Is born until he becomes twenty-one, he
usually sleepe well. Ie this meld the
body grows. At twenty-one, it is said,
person stops growing in height. With
ties stop of growth, Jess sleep is heeded.
Melt disease affects the body, repair
is necessary. Rest is the best means
for repair. Ili teeed of heart disease
and lung troubles, rest is eonsideted the
best renutly. In many cases of heart
disease patients have recovered after
ba,vingibeen eenfinsd to bed for months
et a time. /test is a powerful eurative
in active tuberculosta. That ia Why
physicians tttlftlty advice their patients
to go to erinitariunis.
A Missouri womett, who lute hurled
pine husbands, has knit been tnarried
asain. Iklissouri may not be the land
of the free, but 11 1* the home of the
brave.---Rotthester Post-Expeess.
In 0* etud they often Were* so devitellaed that they
meet be given a Ione rest from slice service. This is due
to the absorption into their systems of poisonous Bacteria,
or Mime,. both r °neigh/tut awl sexual in serving mares et
all degrees of Health and Dieceve. There are many of theme
gentle very Dipole int te the stallion. To conteract the
growth of such germs in his system. and ateep blm in nor-
mal condition there hi but one Germicide ht pi -comae form
known, and le for Internal rase. ePOIIII'S LIQUID DISTBUPER oulehl is sate.
simple and mire. It stele in the whole grandular system, regenerates the vital
tercet, levee the blood rich end red. It win ,enable any Stallion to eo through
a long seal season, keeping him vigorous end not the least -danger from any
form .ot distemper. Give him a dose ef "SPOHN'S" 0'07 et8ee1-14Y on Mu tongue
or with lite bran or oats. All Druggists.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Cherrilide arid Becteriologiets, Goshen, inte, 1.).8.A;(
WO class Prolit-Sharloo Rosids,
$V01), $1400
INVESTMENT may bo withdrawn any time after one year,
on 60 days' notice, Bust:news at back ef these Bonds eatab,
lished 28 years. Send for special folder and full particulare.
ISSUE NO. 12, 1914
YER, Mill; inust be expert in piece dye-
ing. Apply to P, O. Box GS, Hamilton,
VW grant In eastern New Ontario; give
lot, concession, township and price, C.
Coopen, Box 278. Brantford, Ont.
Wild Deer Springs Through Parlor
WI nd ow. .
A. mall wild deer came to an untitne-
ly mad early this afternoon following ee-
vere injuries sustained when the eni-
anal jumped through the parlor window
at the home of W. Griswold, Jefferson
street. The little deer appeared on Jef-
ferson street about 12 oalock. No one
knows wheuce he came. He became
frightened and jumped through the win-
dow at Mr. Griswold's house.
The family drove him out through
another window and he again cut him.
self. Then he ran across to Ward street
pureued by several lags and was Lin.
'ally rounded up in a yard on Square
The damage to the Griswold. parlor
and windows will amount to about $50.
The .only redress the family has is an
appeal to the next Legislature or some
succeeding one. -From the Hartford
Stock Yards
Largest Canadian
For Beef and Feeder
Caltle, Calves, Hogs,
Sheep and Horses
Why Your Tires Blow Out.
Punctured and blowouts common to
Motorists, yet mauy of -them do not
know the exact cause of them. They
are not always 'caused by glass and other
sharp material found on roads, as is
the general belief. - As almost every per-
son is aware, heat causes air to expand.
An automobile tire, after It has been
whizzing around for several hours, is
bound to become hot. The heat causes
the air within the tire to expand, and
this, in many cases, when the heat be-
comes intense, results in a blowout.
Therefore to avoid punctures and blow-
" outs, It ts edvisable to keep air pressure
down, say, about five pounds less than
normal. This will give the air within
ample space to expand. There is so
much friction in fast riding that it would
not be a bad idea to toss a painful of
cold water over the tires of one's car at
occasional points. By doing so many
blowouts would be avoided.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen, -Theodore Dorais, a cus-
tomed ot mine, was completely cured
of rheumatism after five years of suf-
fering, by the judicious use of MIN-
The above -facts can be verified by
writing to him, to the Perish Priest
or any of his neighbors.
A. COTE, Merchant.
St. Isidore, Que., May 32, '98.
(Montreal Gazette)
Mr. Pat. /3urns, of Calgary, the great
cattle and meat man, has been advising
i tt,
the people of hle city to go out, get a
olfatltaenrd suagrigdeseetieonw issomtheem
thhaatte tette taWheds.ehahtaveetagitotned
to grow ee
one of the lot. A lot of people, and in
thing on them. As one
result where they Might have had some
theorne on their investment, they .fiesty
Maivnea:d's108LEffhl tneti4ti *Ref le' yen Nettealgla
• (Lender), morning Advertiser)
isrliete is rie God In the schools" calne
from a pulpit at North Bay. Oh, bat
there Is. Theee's a God thet beams
from the faces of bees and girls everY
morning. Therent a God that inspires
the men awl women who steer the ahlp
that carries thousands of lives to the pert
of destiny. 'There's a God of helpful-
ness and a God of kindness hi the
schools; there'e a God of fairplay end
a God ot honesty aud 0. God of clean
thieking. There's a God of the parents
rtnd a Ged of the ehureli and a God of
the Sunday sehoolt. Thetela it God
of Influence. There's a God of revela-
(Montreal Ileesid Telegraph)
A Government bulletin says the cad
of living bas dropped one point In Can-
ada this month. Yes, but what part of
Not in the Orders.
Jines boss sent him up on the roof
to paint IL That was early in thio
mornings Toward nightfall the bass
the ladder to see where
"Jim, yott lazy e piece, 'What you been
tlitit'trec eena you up here to paint
the roof?"
"Why didn't you come down if yen
lied finished?"
" 'Deed, boss, you jes' said paint de
roof. You nevelt said nufin"bout tie).
in' down." ---Washington Ster.
Once a Mother uses Baby's Own Tab-
lets she will never again use Castor
Oil, that barbarous purgative which all
children loath. The Tablets are a gen-
tle laxative; pleasant to take and are
absolutely the best medicine a raother
can give her little ones. Concereing
them, Mrs, Hector •Blanchette, Rou-
ville, Que., writes: "I have used Baby's
• Own tablets in place of castor oil, and
am well satisfied with them." • The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
or by ntall at 25 cents a box from. The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Machine of a Thousand Mysteries,
The- Electrical World describes the
mysteries of a moter-driven advertis-
ing display which has puzzled neatly.
The device is operated by an electric
motor, a worn gear on the moter shaft,
driving an intermediate shaft which In
turn engages a rack on the fixed•base of
the machine. • Througti these reducing
gears the motor thus drives a magnet at
Toys placed on the surface of a glass
the end of its counterweighted arrn,
disk covered are fitted with light steel
bases, and as the revolving magnet
sweeps under them the toys are a.ttacted
and follow the circular path of the re-
volving arm. Striking effects are ob-
tained by placing more than one top on
the surface of the disk at one time aa on-
ly a portion of the figures will be car-
ried b' the magnet at each round. The
mechenism is inclosed in a black, 'vul-
canized fiber case.
se • o
(Now York Sun)
We hasten to set down one of the
most courageous and creditable acts of
any President since Abraham Lincoln.
We refer to Mr. VVIlsoree resolute de- -
termination that the Congress shall an-
eoeurr ttothe fe
President for that!
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding piles, send me your
address, and I will tell you how to cure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment; and will also send 'some of
this home treatment free 10T trial, with
references from your own locality if
requested. Immediate relief and per-
manent cure assured. Senli no money,
but tell others of this offer. Write to-
day to Mrs. M. Summers, box P 8, Wind -
sole One
(Buffalo News)
No great nations can go to war with-
out depleting their own resources ser-
iously and that makes it difficult for
other people to buy for along time after
the war is over, Waste in any country
affects all andustry the world around.
• o
Minard's Liniment for sale every-
(Montreal Daily Mall)
Some people get hold of a seed eats.;
lazes and a hoe, these days. Others
sire around and talk about the high
cost of farm jroduce. The city man who
has a plot of ground and doesn't grow
anything but whiskers is a reason for
the high cost Of living,
have been the standard for 21 -years,
and for •40 years prestribed and re -
Commended by Physicians. Accept no
other, At all druggist,
4 • *
(Ottatve Citizeia
It is a otewarthy fact that unorgan
ized labor Is always down nearest to
the existence level; the most strongly
organized will usually havo. the best
Working coeditions,
Take LAXATIVE BRO1410 Qtruvrxn
Tablets. Druggists refund meney if it
falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S stmt.
tura is en each box. 25e.
Wake That Dog.
During a recent burglar scare in a
Yorkshire town an eetentrie old man
bougbt a dog that was warranted a good
When he retired for the night, the
dog wa.s fastened in the kitchen.
In the early milting a neighbor went
to awaken hint, and heard the old man
say to his wife:
"Get up, Rot, rola waken thet dog;
there's bin -glare in the house,"
Do yeti feel constantly Ueda MS that everythiegla done with
in effort? 11 is AI Indicatios that the Itidneyst ate tot
doing their work ef alterisg the impuritiet front the blood.
will bele yota They restote the /Others to their notinet
healthy eosaition end glee you beta vest old those energy
kad deette 'te be hp ked dente. ProsDraggiste, pets,
per box or 6 fee, or aired from
Nati.litil Dti me WattC., if Catiada Dana. TOKIO,
rots. 4/ &a POs.insittotit. ISO