The Wingham Advance, 1914-02-26, Page 6THE WINGJIA.M ADVANCE X800.00 PRIZE V Contest Opens Monday Feb. 23 Rules of the Contest TING CO\TES THE WINGHAM ADVANCE Voting Contest providing for the distribu- tion of prizes valued at $800.00 is now open; These splendid prizeswill be given to the people who secure the most votes, given in return for subscriptions collected for the "Advance" and the "Canadian Ladies' Home Journal" during the next six weeks. Here is a chance to secure a valuable prize for an effort. C antest is open to all respectable men and women, married or single, of Wingham and district. Nothing is 'ever gained by standing back and allowing others to have the best things of life. Enter your name to -day. . Any person, married or single, whose residence is within the circula- tion zone of THE "ADVANCE" may enter the contest. No employee of THE "ADVANCE" is eligible. Contestants may nominate themselves or be nominated by a friend. Nominations may be made tat any time. Contestants may secure subsoriptions anywhere. Votes will be issued according to the advertised schedules. Any payment may be made by a person now taking THE "AD- VANCE' which extends the subscription from the date to which the enbsoriber has paid. THE "ADVANCE" reserves the right to alter any contest rule or condition, except that the value of the prizes shall not be reduced. Candidates must turn in subscriptions as soon as received In entering the contest candid:>tes signify their intention to be gov- erned by the above rules. The Campaign System AR of the splendid prizes listed in this announcement, and possibly others to be announced later, will be awarded on the basis of votes secured in the contest. Votes will be awarded on all subeoription pay- ments of $i 00 or more to THE "ADVANCE" and the Canadian Ladies' Home Journal, A subscription record will be issued for eaoh payment made. This record will abow. the name and address of the subscriber, the amount paid and what for, the number of votes issued and the con- testant's name. A duplicate will be kept on file at the Contest Office to be counted by the Judges at the close of the contest, The Judging Committee will be composed of representative men The eonteit will be divided into two periods. Twenty per cent. more votes will be al- lowed during the first period than the second period. EARLY WORK COUNTS THE MOST VOTES. THE GRAND PRIZE $400,00 UPRIOEIT GRANO PIANO. For the candidate who secures the most votes in the entire campaign. THE SECONE PRIZE A Beautiful Solitaire Diamond Ring. For the candidate who secures the _second highest number of votes. THE THIRD PRIZE $110 Scholarship at Wingham Business College. THE FOURTH PRIZE $70 Scholarship at Wingham Business College. FIVE GOLD WATCHES The candidates standing fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth, will each receive - an elegant Waltham gold watch. IO% CASH COMMISSION The candidates who continue actively in the contest to the end and do not win a prize will be paid 10 per cent. cash commission. Nomination Blank 1000 Votes Nominate a Candidate ! ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. $800 • PRIZE VOTING CONTEST Campaign Manager, The Wingham Advance: Dear Sir: --Please enter name of M Address Nominated by Address as a candidate in the $800 Voting Contest. This blank is good for 1000 votes to the can didate nominated herewith. Only ane nomination will be credited to each candidate. THE ADVANCE CONTEST MANAGER Phone 34. WINGHAM, ONT. Box 476. THURSDAY, FEm1r.UAR1' 26, 1914 Contest Closes Tuesday Mar.. 31 The Vote Schedule First Pe 'iod--February to March 14th, THE ADVANCE CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL One year. .. „$1.00.... 1000 votes One year. $L00.... 1000 votes Two years , . , . 2 00.... 3000 votes Twa years.... 2.00, , .. 3000 votes Three years... 3 00..., 7000 votes Three years, , 3.00,.., 7000 votes Four years.... 4 00, .12000 votes Four years.... 4 00,,..12000 votes Five years.... 5.00. -.20000 votes Five years.... 5 00....20000 votes Twenty per Dent. less votes in Second Period. Combination Schedule When the Advance and Canadian Ladies Howe Journal are together ordered for the same name and address, votes will be allowed as follows: One year $2,00,..•.,,. 8000 votes Two years . 4 00 12000 vote. Three years .... 6.00 80000 votes How to Enter the Campaign Nominate yourself or a friend to -day -THIS MINUTE. Call up on the telephone No, 34, or drop a card to the Contest Manager, and you will be supplied with the necessary information and stationery. Get your friends and acquaintances who are not taking THE "ADVANCE" +" to subscribe, If they are already subscribers, get thein to pay ail past due and then 1Zubsoribe for a year or more in advance. See everybody -it makes no rbfferenoe where they live. You will receive votes for all the money turned in for or by you. Write to your friends -all of them. Early energy spells success. Six short weeks of hustling will make you the winner of a prize that would .•rdinarily take yon several years to secure. Your friends will subscribe for the Ad- vance and they will be plea'•ed to help you. Give them the opportunity. Clip out the nomination blank and send or bring it; to the Contest office. Everything will be made plain to you. You can win the Capital Prize if yoti make up your mind to do so. Enter your name to -clay. Get a receipt book. • in a prize. ENTRE 8T.RATFORD, ONT.. 3iffiiada"L3 best practical training school. Aimee department -Com, match!, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Courses are tho ng -h -sad_ .praoti•. cal. Individual instruction is given -by a strong, experienced staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free otalogue and see what we can do for you. b. A. McLACKLAE - Principal FOR SALE Good Apple Batter at Gc per Ib. in any quantity, while it lasts. Call and get a sample ; will deliver to any part of town. FLOUR --Robin flood, Milver- ton, Maple Leaf, Five X. Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Chop Grain and all kinds of Cereals. Grain taken in exchange for flour, bran, shorts and meals. I When in need of anything in this line Ball or phone 84. Wingham Chopping Mill EZRA MERKLEY. BELL'S GROCERY Vegetables- Fresh e _ Groceries Flour arid FeedPrompt Delivery. Phone $2. BELL'S GROCERY L,E3HZGIH COAL Another ear of genuine Lehigh hard coal tree from "DIRT" and according to State Authorities, 5 to 6 per cent. richer in fixed "CARBON" than any ` other. I will continue to sell the Free Burning Anthracite to those what de- sire it -the moat economical fuel on the market. The following prices, for Chestnut Coal, from surrounding towns com- pared with Wingham will be of in- terest to those who burn coal: -- Apr. & Meq Sep. to Dee Brussels - - - $7.50 $8,00 Clinton - • • 7.50 8,00 Goderich - - 7.50 8 00 Wingham - • $6.75 to $7.40 to $7.15 $7.76 Why is Wingham from 25e to 75o lower ? Wood 'and Kindling always on hand. R. J. Cantelon Bos 127 Good Salesman Wanted. For avers ' ,;rn and district where we ere 'not represented. Fruits are bringing high prices and Nursery Stock is in demand. Make big money this Fall and Winter by taking an agenoy. Experience not necessary. Free equipment, exclusive territory, highest commissions paid. Write for full particulars, STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO -.- ONTARIO Low Rates to California, Florida, and the Sunny South NOW 1N EFFECT The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route from all points East through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. Pull particulars at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices, or Write C, E. Ironing, b.P.A.. Toronto, Ont, Ii. It, Elliott, Town Passenger and rfibket Agent; phone 4. W. 1. iiurgman, Station Ticket Agent; phene SO, Capital Pard Up $3,000,000. Reserve $3,750,000. Total Meets Over $45,000,000. OVtn Eta YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS Ti't*r it 1V A attic DEMON!' COPYRIGHTS &O. Anyrnnb banding it sketch and deborlption nay quickly wanton onr opinten art at er an Invention to probably at�y� nm sinew, Dona strictly confidential. tJ�y onFi its sent feta. Oldest Stoney f t1 rats. rodents taken trrroou h Munn . , reaeiv0 awlttotle without e,intbee ft tittritat ups 444054 sly ann rON The Saving Habit -KA A NY . p ople who are 1T.1- earning Lees than you, and whose necessary ex- penses exceed yours, have been saving for years and nota have sang and eom- fortable bank aeominte Sy+stein do saving was the foundation of many a large fortune. It is a habit that le easily acquired, affording inure satisfaction and of- fering larger rewards than any other habit that you conld form. You can open an'"an- coun.t, in this bank with one dollar, and every" six menthe your savings �vlll be credited with the high- est current interest. C. P. SMITH AGENT WINGR1�l GOOD HORSESHIGH.. RAH ASS LIVERY l NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET 'Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 '5arenisom .l..s ..s,■moommurom....0 Whooping .Cough SPASMODIC CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS • BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS GSTACLISHEtr 167a A Simple, Safe and effeetivo treatment for bron. chlal troubles, nvoidicgdrugs. Vnperir"cttCresotene stops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough and rencves Spasmodic Croup at once. Itis n BOON to suttatrs from Asthma. The air carrying the nntisrpticvapor, inspiredAvitit every breath, makes breathing cosy; soothes the sore throatnnd stops the cough, nsauring restful nights. It is Invaluable to mothers with young children. Send postal for deoeriptivo bpotdet, ALL. DRUQOISTS. The CRESOT.ENti ANTISEPTIC THROAT TABLETS forthe irritated threat, They pre simple, dffective and antiseptic. Of your druggist or from es, 10c. its stamps. Vapo Cresolene Co. •at Cortlehdt St„ N.Y. LeerninS butes nuilding Montreni, Can. ;i SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST, LAND REGULATIONS rIinE sole head of a family:or any mato over 1. 18 years old may homestead a quarter. 00tton of available Dominion land in Mani toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli• eaut must appear in person gqat the Dominion 0.ntrjYs Agency y'omaybe Sub-Agency the district pl • any Local Agent of Dominion. Lands (not sub• agent) on Certain Conditions, Duties. -Six months' residence upon and cul tivation oC the land In each of threb years. A Homesteader may live within nine miles of bit. homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres on certain i n son isle habitable conditions. .A h bi able house i5 r 4 gulled in every case, excopl when residence la performed in the vieluity. In certain districts a homesteader in good ..tanding may prmernpt a quarter-seetion along• side his homestead. Price 03 per acre. Duties -Six months' residont'e in each of till yean from ditto ot homcsreed entry itneluding the auto required to earn hom.atead patent) ants 50 acres extra cultivation. The arca ot .nise aatinn is subject to rednctien in ease of rough scrubby- or stony land 'atter report by Time. stead Inspeetor on application for patent. A. honpeeteader who has exhausted hishoinc• stead right and cannot obtain a preemption trier take 4 a ui'ohayed hbm od i to , disttlets. Prloe $300 per etre ti)utise.. -Mus reside tee months in each ot three yearb, eulti nate fifty aoree and elect a honest worth $800, w, 'CiD. CORY, Of the letinietter of the %nsariam From Ontario's Capital, Lo, the poor bank clerk, He has come to the conclusion that he is not getting all that he ought to get and that something must be done. Hence there has been formed in Toronto an association of bank clerks, to be the forerunner of a larger association cov- ering the whole of the Dominion of Canada. The salary of the bank clerk has been the subject of much and frequent complaint in Toronto. From time to time men have risen up to say that by paying small salaries to men in positions of heavy responsibility and surrounded by temptation, the banks in these parts have put a prem• ium upon defalcation. The charge is usually made after some bank clerk yields to the temptation aforesaid after failing to finance himself as a so- cial lion on the salary of a messenger boy. To mend this situation the clerks are getting together. They will organize and will talk business to the bankers with the strength of the organization behind them. They say that there is no use tackling the puzzle in any other way, that the banks are not run on sentiment and that only in union is there etrength. But they want to be Called a union. One of the principal grieveances is the long wifeless futut e that confrbnte them. , Marriage is barred by the banks unless the would- be -bride -groom is receiving ti certain salary, usually $1,000, The clerks say that this spells bachelor -hood indefln- itely. To Be Continued The taller buildings round about Made him look rather emalI, And so he tore his buildings down And built one twice as tall. And then those other buildings looked, Beside his, rather small ; And so they tore those buildings down And built some twice as tall, And then, beside those taller oneh, Clio own looked rather email And to he tore Iiia building clown And built one twice as tall, A a(u x thorse other buitdin a looked, Beside his, rather small; And so they tore those buildings down And built sense twice as tall. Neap that up for about ninety -tine tetanias and the try this The Kaiser built another ship, And Johnny 13a11 two .more. The Raiser built two other ehipe, And Johnny BtttI built four. The 1 alter then four reesele built, And en on, o'er and o'er -•- :..W Mali loft tba ins lse ah..*e arses+ r,+,ri river, t"Credulities to Nature Dear" 'Tis said of Georgie Washington he never told a lie ; lis cat the tree and did not run -just aaid : "Here dad, 'twas I." Of course he never bounced a babe and chucked it in the chin and called it cute --the wee gazabe-al- though it looked like sin. He never sought the "con" to fleece upon the ancient stage by telling that his ro bast niece• was shy of full -fare age. He never told each maiden fair her eyes were like the sun and by the moon and stars he'd swear there was no other one, He never spent a social eve that tasted of the lime, then gur- gled, when it came to leave : "We've had a lovely time." And it he lived to -day and played the automobile game, would he admit the coin he paid for upkeep of the same? Aud would he count it on his card each time upon the linke he out the air and peeled the sward and laid it to the jinx ? Arid venial.' he pay your Uncle Sam -as all goof Yankees should -his lucerne tax sere- flint, sena li cm ? Hush, child, Of course he would I "Oh 1 doctor, c sn't you give me something to rure my dyspepsia if' "My dear madam, I wish I could. I'd cure mine, too," Two wells in the yards of 8, Kent and T. Gregory in Wiogham caved in mysterinu,ly on Sunday. The wells were sixty feat deep and are on a side hill a couple of hundred feet apart. They were dug some years ago. It is thought the cave-ins may have been caused by the recent severe frosts. This together with the big hole in the Wingbam prairie would seem to indicate that the town does not etand on a very firm foundation. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Hind You Sava Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has bowie the signature of and has been made under his per- aortal supervision since its infancy, Y.; Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health o£ Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caastorla is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Parc.. gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine not other Nareotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms tend tailays reverishness. ror more than thirty years it Lae been in eonstant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, `Wind Colic, alt Teething Troiibles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Cbltdrenn's Panacert-Tho Mother's Friend, tENU1NE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In tJn Use For Over 30 Years The Rind You Have Always Bought 11.11!i: eta ersketlel:44f tIS NV, t rw v tataattltsa a-xu..... SPRING 13 iN THE AIR The winter is nearly over and Real Estate Sales have already started. Don't be afraid to invent in your own town. There is LIQ better. Be a booster. Don't knock, If you have no pro- party, buy some, and if you have some, buy more. We have a number of ane properties on our list, which we would be glad to show in- tending purchasers. We are ale() quite willing to give ad- vice, free of charge, to people wishing to buy properties not on our lists,- We know values. It will pay you to see us. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840, Read Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre. mium note system. GEO. SLEEb1AN, Jo13N DAVIDSON President, Secretary. RITCHIE c&c COSENS, Agents, Wingharu, Ont DUDLEY HOLIES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office : Meyer Meek, Wingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. TPINGHAM, ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Office in Macdonald Blook- G. B. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Gradnate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OPiFIOE OVER 11. E. ISARD ,e co's. noun DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B D.A,, F.S.D. OSTEOPATHIC PNYSICIAN EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST Acute and Chronic Diseases treated, Glasses Scientifically fitted. Tuesday 11.30 a.m, to Wednesday 10.30 a.m Main St. (over Christie's Store.) W. R. HAMBLV, B,Sc., Ii.D,, CI. Special attention paid to. diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, $arteriology and Scientific Medicine. 'Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's • Hotel and the Baptist Ohurch. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118 DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OseacEs-Corner Patrick and Centre streets Pnortr,s- Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence. Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Rennedv specializes in Surgery. Dr, Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Oyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member Honee Staff Tor - elan (4e nee H(sypitai Ptisb grad - nate London and Dublin. Sncoesor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE ix ::ICDONALD BLOOM DR. ROB T' C. REDMOND 1.1. Il•, 0. S. (Eng.) L. It. C. 13. (Lund.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr, Chisholnl's old stand) W. J. MOON VE FERINAM' SL71tGEOV OFFICE ON- LATE DR WILSON. 11Di IDENoi - C011 PATRICIR 14 1 ZIANCIS ORtce Phone 179 Revldence Phone 183. Ex Gov. Vet. Inspector. 0. N. GRIFFI • GENE.I.AL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licensee, rite, Life, Accident, Plate Glass an( rY etas 1 '(•�y ill., r0(11pt• Insal Il i ra Ce 1 d r With a Real Estate and Money Loaning lousiness. WINOHANI General ospitai. (Undo Oove±nreeee enspection.l »leanantly situated. Eeautitully furnished. once to all regularly licenses. physlelens, nate* far patients (rwhteh inrltide bond 'cud wording nursing) -$4 ooattnn4et 10 115.110 Eersfurther Interfuse tiers-Addreet iviT %«It&teltritita