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The Wingham Advance, 1914-02-26, Page 3
f' 4T. "fT1j'I2,9DAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1914 O A REPORT OF INVESTIGATION High Cost of Living Solved. Dear Agriculturist: We have found a system of doing a produce busi- ness which we believe will be very profitableto you. It raises the price to the producer and lowers it to the consumer.... We pay you cash at your door for strictly fresh eggs and send them direct to the consumer. Your cream is weighed at your door, tested and paid for in Wingham and shipped to Silverwood's large Creamery in London. For full particulars, call or write A. H. Wilford Wingham Telephones— Office 174, Residence 108. CREAM WANTED . NOW. Clothes That • WE MAKE THE SUIT TO FIT THE MAN. Our expert cutter and designer, Mr. A. •*E. Lewis, has had wide experience, con - 0... sequently we can guarantee fit and work- manship. Old clothes made new by our pressing and cleaning process, --� m^- Ladies' tailoring a Give us a trial. • --m ALFRED TAYLOR3 1g'BE TAILOR 00000000Q,100JJ oflO000ot?" omo00000Q©f)00000 8 8 Great Bargains!8 CANNED GOODS 1 Tomatoes 10e. Corn 9c. Peas 8c `= Maple Leaf Salmon "O0 t Derby Salmon 16c 1 Simcoe Baked Beans Quaker Baked Beans... 7c I3REAKFAST FOODS 2Peerless Oats, 25c for 22c Puffed Wheat for 9c Flaked Rice 10e Flaked Barley 10c i L+Ister's Half -minute Pudding 90 Maple Syrup, pure mixture, in quart bottle for 220 Se M. GRISDALE 8 1 1 NN•+NN4.N Hanover _Place Developing Is Our Business The .Reliance Investment and Developing Company, Limited, are not trying empty to unload their lots on the public=, and when this is dune leave their customers to get out the befit way they can, Our ol.j et is to develop our property by treeing (3500 trees set out last year), grading streets, getting Municipal Improvements and building homes on the property, and in every way ti add valne not only to oar own buildings, but to that of our customers as well. At pre sent our Manager is in Winnipeg negotiating as to the car line along McPhillip street, and the main sewer Y along Poison fitreet to the property. The weter main and p'awt'r line are already along 1ioPhillip street past the pro- pel Y We have made rasa ft el a arrangements nents i th Mr.'WLiter M X.ut hitt n Tf C s n for c,a the erection ofr c n ten houses, e a o nti he ex ec fs s p to build a, twenty linrrfre s on the property y1 ape fy this year, We are also negotiating for flftPen more. Dc) 3 nu watt a good lnvertmtnt with substantial security behind it? Then buy some of our lots. Our prices are tight being $225.00 a lot and up acenrding to location. Our lova- tion is tight bring along. the Sharp boulever,i and avenues each side, the most rapidly growing district'iu 'Winnipog. Inquire as to our guarantee with every Mt s91d. THE RELIANCE INVESTMENT & DEVELOPING CO. Ltd. TAD OPPICE—IANOVER, ONT. Authorized Capitalization, $500,000 Pall Up Capital, $102,OCO. W J. Curtc'n 3 It R. No. 3, NT . Wingham. t. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE Don't be satisfied with an-,thinanythino less than an di son Phonograph Throughout the history of sound reproduction Mr, Edison has blazed the trail. Every important step has been con- ceived first in his mind. He is the acknowledged master of acoustics throughout the world, His recent triumph is the Blue Amberol Record. It came, after countless experiments, with all its strength of vol- ume, sweetness of quality and lasting endurance. To bring out the remarkable tone of this new record demanded a new repro- ducer. He invented it ---the Diamond -Point Reproducer. With it there is none of the an. noyance of changing the needle after each record. The diamond is as much a part of the phono- graph as its beautiful cabinet. Hear a i3lue Amberol--that's all we ask. Your Edisga dealer will play over as many as you like. We are con- tent to leave the verdict With your ear. Edison Amberola VI aed. CabinetNlahopany or Golden Oak. Diamond Point Reproducer; Powerful Spring Nlotor. ilAtertt,�,,, Ploys Blue Amberol Reco,ua •TRADE MARK A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at DAVID BELL teearte THE DOMINION BANK MR EDMUND D, Osten, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIDE PRESIDENT, C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital Paid Up . $5,400,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits • 7,100,000.00 You Can Start a Savings Account with $1.00.. It is not necessary for you to wait until you have a large sum of money in order to start a Savings'Account with this Bank. An account can be opened with $1.00 and more on which Interest is compounded twice a year. WINGHAM BRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. 1 RHEUMA'T'ISM We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, neural- gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE' BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and In- dividuals. Also SOLACE remedy for CONSTIPATION (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC CONBINED) Does the work surely but pleasautly—Nature's way. No distress —no gripeing—no sick stomach—no weakening. The TWO rem- edies are all we make, but they are the greatest known to the medical world and guaranteed to' be Free of opiates or harmful drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach --but helps them. To prove the wonderful curative power of SOLACE remedies write for FREE BOXES, State if one or both are wanted. SOLACE CO., Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A. 1 :3n t;u..fnt' ur#',2 aa -i r ,.. fs' . •r=`,2,� Concrete Tanks and Troughs Never Rot or Leak HE most practical tanks, whether f„r water or Sewage, are built of concrete. They never rust, rot, dryout or leak They never need new hoops or paint. They last a lifetime and seldom require repai:'tng, which makes them the cheapest tanks that Can be built. Clean, Sanitary Watering Troughs are just as necessary as the animals that drink from them. The farmer's best interests are being served when his stock is in- sured a plentiful supply of clear, dean water from a trough that is permanent and sanitary. "What the Tarnier ran do with Concrete" is the name of a handsome free book that tells all about concrete tanks, watering troughs and other uses of concrete that will save every farmer many dollars. Write for it to -day. Panner's Information Btneau Canada Cement Company Limited 22 Herald Building, Montreal -u.x Fr eye ,•i Test 3.Q or 4 S, Which? Oae of Ll a chief reasons for tasting cows not simply once in a while, but at regular intervals, is found in the Pact that they are known tovary so greatly and often so inexplicably, A. part altogether from what are termed normal variations from milking to milking, besides the variations between morning and evening, and the vari- ations between the fore milk and the strippings, careful observers, have noticed in two days a variation in the test of almost two per cent of fat In the milk of individual cows, for which no reason can be assigned, Obviously then It would be quite une fair to judge any cow on any one isolated test when it might be 3 0 one day and 4.$ another day. Which could you take? A fair and just way is to take samples regularly and test a composite sample, once a month. Then there will be credit given where it is really due, not necessarily to the one that is supposed to be a higher tester, because she le of fancy name or fancy price, but frequently to some tacitly despised individual which is rially the queen of the dairy.' It will pay to se- lect those cows that are knt?wn, not supposed, to yield milk rich in fat. The Dignity of Labor. A certain good doctor with an im- mense practice finds time to take a kindly interest in the girls who do housework in his comfortable home. He encourages them to do good work by treating them as members of his family, and, with the co-operation of his good wife, sees that they do not overwork, • Re frequently expresses his opinion that it is praiseworthy and houorable to do housework, and sensi- ble people everywhere will agree with him. Many inferior school teachers would make good house workers to the benefit of all concerned. "All tabor is noble and holy." It is only work that is poorly done that brings disgrace to the worker. One of the 'finest girls cf the writer's acquaint- ance earns her living doing house= work. She is a good cook and works rapidly and neatly. She makes it a rule to sleep an hour every afternoon and to have a half day of!' each. week. Her friends are many and she is in great demand. She goes to Brown's when a new baby arrives and when she leaves it is a positive joy to titre. Brown to take up her housekeepiug duties again for she finds no disorder. She goes to Smith's and Jones' when the children have the measles and these homes are clean when she leaves them. She is able to save more money than the average, teacher and she has the respect of intelligent. right thinking people. Compensation It is all worth while, I will not sub- sc-ibe even to the thoughvof Futility. Though perforce I must strive blindly, yet will I strive. I will believe and keep on believing. I have my faith in the eternal balance. The moldy earth in which I work is cold and black and not. good to look upon, and yet I know the rose I plant will some- times fairly bloom and send its fragrance all around me. Above the dark and angry clouds I know there is a soft, blue sky that presently will smile back at me when the clouds shall have moved away. The barbs that j3alousy, ignorance and unprovoked malice shoot at me fall harmlessly short. For there is compensation. °ensure, commendatton ;'indifference, appreciation ; shadows, sunbeams ; drudgery, imagination ; s i c k n e s e, h. al h ; failure, success ; toil, rest ; and thus the sweet compensation for the bitter alway. And thus 1 turn from the dreier and dark to the joyous and the light. And thus I will believe and keep on helieving. There is good. It is all worth while. Let me hoar the music of the world, the songs of the birds, the whispering of the trees, the splashing of the water, the melody of little children's voices. If the sun beat fierce upon me at the Noen, let it beat upon a man. For do 1 not know that the eventide will come ? There will be rest. My work shall Jaime been done and I may sit in the Cool twilight and watch the ships pass Out to sea. For .I know that every- thing shah have its compensation. 3'ven death, its compensation shall be Life, e, r A "Civil" Service Examination. (Yes to all these questions pauses ) If appoint d, will you regard your- self hencefort`i as a Lord of the line verse, and all non•:elk:lel beings as worms of the dust ? Will you refuse superciliously to ani sorer any q u stio u o e t t to you byan yq c#p y "Outsider" ? Win you cons?dei` any request for information adeadl3t it? Will you learn ell the varieties of calm insolence extent, and try t deknt r vise new comae Wilt you regard yo Itself as a pribi- ledeed being in the m ttter of hours of work an I methods of work, disdain• fully f corning any ehange in the inter- ests of eff11eiene,+? Win your heart tnot.to be, "The public be damned' ? A family in Sharon, Pa,. was en- larged On Frddey hr the birth of the thirteenth eon, Driven to &en re - tion for names, they tail him 1.4'/ 13133y. If the adventure hook still boide;gn d, . th.i.e tesatesen a ktr__t3eeirlteateetaila7s:-lore.. t. THiS �-1f- NEW MEDICINE SAVES YOU MONEY We are druggists right here in your town and ;snake a living out of the drug buaiuees, but it ie because people have to have drugs and not because we like to eee people suffer—we don't. Our duty is to render the best service we mita, and when someone is ailing, we are intrested in seeing them take the beet medicine there is for their trouble. We don't recommend "cure- ails," as we don't believe there are such things, We don't want you to spend more than you have to. Some of you get small wages), and when you're sick, none at all, end you should get the most you can for your money. We recently canoe across a new rem- edy for increaving strength and build- ing up people who are run-down and emaciated, We know that a slight trouble sometimes grows into a serious one, and to stop it in the beginning, will save you money in the end, This new compound is called Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion. ft is the beet remedy, when you`re run-down, tired -out ner- vous—no matter what the cause. It doesn't merely stimulate you and make you feel good for a few hours. but takes hold of the weakness and betide youup to a healthy, normal condition. it is a real nerve -food tonic and builder of good blood, strong mus. cies, good digestion, It contains Ry pophosphites, which tones the nerves, and pure Olive Oil, which nourishes the nerves, the blood and the entire system. Pleasant to take. Contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. We promise that if you are not per- fectly satisfied, with it, we'll -give back the money as soon as you tell us. Sold only at the 7,0000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only by us, $100. J. W. McKibbon, druggist, Wingham, E ..:., The Auction Wedding. One of the email 'papers published an item this week which was a weird mix-up of an account of wedding and auction notice. The most interesting part of the item follows :— "William Smith, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesiah Smith and Miss Lucy Anderson were disposed of at public auction at my farm one mile east in the presence of seventy guests, including two mules and twelve head of cattle. "Rev. Jackson tied the nuptial knot for the parties, averaging 1,250 pound on the hoof, The beautiful home of the bride was decorated with one sulky rake, one feed grinder, and -two sets of work harness, nearly new, and just before the ceremony was- pro- nounced the Mendel and Sons wedding march was rendered by one milch cow, five years old, one Jersey cow and one sheep, who carrying a bunch of bride's roses in her band was beauti- ful, She wore one light spring wagon) two crates of apples, three racke of hay, one grindstone of mousline desoie and trimmed with about one hundred bushels of spuds. The bridal couple left yesterday on an .extended trip. Terms spot cash, A MESSAGE TO WOMEN Who Are "Just Ready to Drop." When you are "just ready to drop," when you feel so weak that you can hardly drag yourself about—and be- cause you have not slept well, you get up as tired -out next morning as when you went to bed, you need help. Miss Lea Dumas Writes from Ma- lone, N. Y., saying: "I was in a bad- ly run-down condition for several weeks but two bottles of Vinol put ms on my feet again and made me strong and well Vinol has done me more good than all the other medi- cines edicines I eter took." If the careworn, run-down women, the pale, sickly children and feeble old folks around here would. follow Miss Dumas' example, they, too, would soon be able to say that Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron remedy, had built them up and made them strong. It is A wonderful, strength creator and body-builder, and we sell it un- der aguarantee of satisfaction. You get your money back if :Vinol does not help you. Walton McKibb cn,Druggist, Wingham 108 NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY Refuse itnitntions. Evety bottle hits the number and wording, 108 tion a Cold. This is the greatest and most wonderful of all cough medicines. 25c and 500 per bottle at telt drug stores. 6 --.Sale of Shorthorn Bulls -6 Broadview Shorthorns ---Herd Headed by "Pavorfte Character." (imp.) For salo aro six bulls, eight to twelve months old. These are choice ynung bulls with the best of breeding ahs will be sold reasonably. If you need any- thing write me or give us a call. J. G. FYFI+7, Winghaw, Ont. Farm It miles south of Wingliarn,) Mr. Geo. Moir Inshes to announti e.to the eltia'tts of 'K Ingham that he is in the old stand to stay. Shue Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Own, Lanes, - rte. 3 1 Leaving . $7,000.00 Watches, Glass, ware,, Ladies' brellas, Stationery, Shades, Etc., below is leaving Everything Sale ,per^n.ai,o l of Cut , \ b , qte;S �,u� ` • Town Stock Clocks, Jewelry, Silver. Leather Goods, and Gents' Um- Wall Paper, Window Fancy Goods, to be sold at and Cost as owner town. must be sold. now on. A. M. Knox PHONE 65 OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL 000000 0 00000 '00000ofADot3obt0ot,9000000 46 8 f 0 8 s 8 i 8 Having disposed of my business to Mr, J, Baker of Galt, 1 invite all of my old custone ers to give .alto a share of their pat, .nonage, Watch for his a dvertis er melt here next week, J. K. Irwin S 8 0 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.