The Wingham Advance, 1914-02-05, Page 4l._ GREAT ECONOMIES iN WOMEN'S HiGH GRADE GOATS, FURS AND WINTER WEARING APPAREL Most of these garments give savings of very great dis- counts, All are of high class imported Cloakings, that will give great wear and satisfac- tion. Owing to the unusual mild weather, we find in many departments that the heavy goods have not been sold, and have decided to clear these at great sacrifice prices rather than carry them over. Extra, Extra! GREAT $5000 FUR SALE Commences this month. If you want to buy Furs, now is your chance. Come early and get first choice. Special Prices.—On Men's and Ladies' Fur and Fur -lined Coats. Your Account.—All accounts for the past year are now due, and an early settlement is requested. KING BROS. PRODUCE WANTED 1 PHONEI 7 TRH WING AM ADVANCE RHEUMATISM We don't ask you to take our word kr the remarkable curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, neural., gia, headaches or other Uric Aeid troubles, or the word of more than ten thousand people SOLACE bas restored to health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE BOX anti testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and In- dividuals. Also SOLACE remedy for CONSTIPA'E'ION (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC CONBINED) Does the work surely but pleaeautly—Nature's way. No distress —no grlpeing—no sick stomach --no weakening. The T W 0= rem- edies are all we slake, but they are the greatest known to tate medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful drugs, Neither affects the heart or stomach --bat helps them. To prove the wonderful curative power of SOLACE remedies write for FREE BOXES, State if one or both are wanted. SOLACE CO., Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A. 1010011.110, M 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 f11111111111T ..r Is Right Phone No. 132 Eat More Carter's Nome Made -Bread Made Right Eats Right w▪ e▪ t sMIN 4.041 4- w *Alewe LULUill1UULiLLLULUiLitiiitlittif Iii�ilULLLL LLLLLLLLL>,tliliif iLU "That's a fine umbrella you carry." "Isn't it ?" "Yes." "Did you come by it honestly ?" "I haven't quite made it out. It started to rain the other day and I stepped into a doorway to wait till it stopped. Then I saw a young fellow corning along with a nice large um. brella, and t thought if he were going as far as my house I would beg the shelter of the gamp. So I stepped out and asked, "Where are you going with that umbrella, young fellow ?' and he dropped the umbrella and ran." 000000000000000 000 00000 00000000 0000000 000000000000000 Annual Sale of Winter Goods Commencing Saturday, Feb. 7th, till Saturday, Feb. 21st, we will offer our entire stock of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats at 25 per cent. off regu- lar prices. 1 Coon Coat price $140, sale price - 1 t< is 90, gi 8 Men's China Dog Coats price $25, .sale price 4 Russian Calf Coats, price $30, sale price - 40 pair of Lumbermen's heavy/Rubbers, sale 25 0.0 $100.00 60.00 18.00 18.00 2.50 2.25 Two thousand yards of Crum's English Print, reg. 122c per yard for 10c. Dress Goods and Silks, our entire stock, at greatly re- duced prices. GROCERIES. Robin flood Porridge Oats, try one of these, they are extra nice, reg. 25e for 20o Maple Leaf Salmon, per tin 20c Tomatoes, per tin, 100 Corn, 3 cans, 20c Eggo Baking Powder, reg. 250 per tin, 1Se 20 lb. sack pure Cane Sugar, 95c No goods will be charged at these prices. Must be cash or trade. Your last year's account is past due, kindly call and settle as we are in need of the sash. J. A. MILLS Phone 89 Wingam ..444444444.4144444444* 44+44 444444444444.44 44.44$444440044444+ 0:$4 0 0 O O O 0 O O 0 O 0 O O O O 0 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 O O O O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GUARANTEED RELIEF FROM ALL BOWEL ILLS If your bowels are out of order, in- stead of using some harsh salt or other physic, take a Rexall Orderlie tonight, and tomorrow you will feel great, They taste good and act so easily that there isn't a particle of griping or purging. nor the excessive looseness that follows the taking of salts and most pills, They soothe and streng- then the bowels, promptly relieving the constipation, making it unlikely to occur again. We don't believe there. is any other bowel remedy anywhere near as good, and at the same time so easy and pleasant to take as •R.'xall Orderlies We know you will agree with us and believe you will thank us for telling you about them. If they don't sat- isfy you in every way, cotes back and tell us and we will give back your money without a word or question, You have no reason to hesitate when we give you the opportunity, as we hereby do, to try them at our Heir. In vest pocket tin bnxas : 10e. 25'. 50a, You can buy Reaall Orderlies only at The Resta.11 Stores, and in this town only of us. J. W. McKibbon, druggist. Visits To The Other World.. Jules Verne was a scientific man, says H. H. Windsor in Popular Mech- anics, and many regard his fiction stories of submarine and aerial flight —which at the time they were pub- Iished seemed wild dreams — as a serious prediction of what he believed would be accomplished. As a matter of fact he did live to see the submarine an accepted arm of two navies, and the Wrights were well advanced to- ward success before ho died. There remains his "Trip to the Moon," which seems absolutely impossible of ac- complishment, Nevertheless there ate scientific men who dare to reach out into space and chart a pathway to other worlds. One of these, M. Ernest Arch -deacon, who ranks among the foremost authorities in France on aviation, predicts our present aviation machines, which at best could not encircle the earth in leas than eight days, will be abandoned for air craft which will girdle the globe in 66 minutes. "All the peoples of the earth will then form a sole and single nation." Man, insatiable in his ambition, is contemplating interplanetary flight, and M. Esbault Pelterie believes the vehicle will be a self-propelled rocket (Verne again) with a speed of seven miles a'eecond, which is estimated to be sufficient velocity to carry the projectile beyond the zone of terres- trial attraction. At this rate the moon would be reached in less than ten hours --assuming, of course, the vehicle was not melted long before by the heat generated in its terrific flight. Radium is suggested as a possible motive power. The idea of inter• planetary flight, from our present viewpoint seems of course imposelble. 'Vne submarine Was 400 years In de- Veloping, Mr. Archdeacon says, "1 am convinced that in a certain number Of centuries the inhabitants of all the planets will have made acquain, tante with one another, and t foresee the day when a world's interplanetary congress will be held," '.,w atwlw Briggs -.What did your wife say about your staying out so Yate the oth. er night? Griggs—Don't ask me yet. When sire stets through with the sebjeot, I'll condense it for yott.. EDITOR! 4.1., PARAURAP1JS. lion, L. 1' Pallatier, I,'4rsttn►s ter. Genaral hie a dater way of dols g big thioge. Time IN none of the blare of trurpete boob as accompanied the rligheat accnmpltebnient of his pre. deceesor, Econ. Rodolphe Lemieux ; be seems rather to avoid publicity, Mr, i?elfetiet•'e latest achievement is. the eotupletien of a new parcels' poet agreement with Australia: By the new arrangement preaeut rates will be eat in two. The prevailing rate of twenty-four cents a pound up to eleven pounds either way is reduced after the first pound to twelve cents a pound. Thi reduced rate coulee into effect this month. With the present extensive tratftt between the two CQuntrlea this reduction in rates will be a big boon to aesinees iotereete and the general pub- lic. This is only a fortaste of what is conning as a parcels' post will be inaug- urated for Canada shortly through the energy of Mr. Pelletier, The Post- master General has been working steadily on the scheme for several months and expects to bave the last ob- stacle surmounted in a few days and the system launched. From an economic stand point the establisbniant of par - cent' post is a great achievement and ntatke a remarkable step forward in progressive legielation, Jest how much it will mean to Canada is shown by the experience of the Uuited States where parcelb'post has proved a won- derful success, has been a great boon to the people, and has done much to. wards cutting down the cost of living. This achievement in itself is enough to mark Mr. Pelletier as one of Cana- da's moat .progeeesive legislatore; but it is not his only success, air Pelle- tier ever since he assumed office has worked unceasingly for cheaper cable rates between Canada and the Mother Lend. Be has taken the matter up with the British Government and 'the cable companies and has left no stone unturned to secure lower rates. Through bis effects decided reductions in rates were secured, Even with this Mr. Pelletier wad not, satisfied. Lest year he returned to the trey, add as it was impossible to secure any further cuts from the cable companies he turn ed to the wireless concerns A con- tract was signed with the Radio Syn- dicate Co., which resulted in a big re• duction of present rates and a amaeb- ing of the cable monopoly. The new company has ite equipment now practi- cally in shape, a large receiving plant having been established at Newoaatle, B. 0., and it is expected everything will be in readiness for operation in a few months. Mc. Pelletier's efforts in extending rural free mail must be overlooked. Under the old administration no real attempt had ever been mode to inaug- urate the sys' ern ; it was a paper policy. A few pre-election routes were estab liahed and thousands of mail boxes were bought from a friendly contract- or. Nothing more was done. Now rural free mail is an accomplished fact. Old Ontario will soon he covered with the system. Prince Edward gland is already nearly all served by it and it is being rapidly extended in Nova Scotia. New Brunswick, Quebec and other portions of the Dominion, —With almost every government member in his place in the House, and with two-thirds of the opposition benches vacant. the third session of the twelfth Parliament was formally opened a week ago. The government was ready and anxious for the session, while the opposition acted with an in- difference and listlessness that showed lack of hope and serious dissensions in their ranks. All the fight seems to have left the opposition, or they are a- waiting the arrival of Hon. William Pugsley to enthuse and invigorate the shattered remnant. The introduction of new members was an interesting eyent; six made their bow to the Speaker, five Con- servatives and one lonely Liberal. The appearance of Alex. Morrison, of Macdonald, whose victory refuted the Liberal slanders, and James Morrie, Of Chateauguay, was the signal for an enthusiastic outburst from the gov- ernment benches. Hon. Arthur Meig- hen, whose splendid ability hats won. ?or him this rapid -promotion, received a splendid reception from all parties. Liberals raised a feeble cheer on the appearance of Reuben Truax, of South Bruce, but they were so few in num- hers and so apathetic that his recap. time was not Inspiring. • The address from the 'Throne con- tained notice of a redistribution bill, which will give twenty-two additional members to the West. Liberals al- ready announce their intention of blocking the measure before they have even seen it, They Will also block additional senatorial representation to the West. The Liberal senators are now the "Blockers' Brigade" of the BALD AT 35 !gill the Germs : Nourish the Hair RootS and Yousil N'e•'er Grow Bald -=-.,Tse Parisian .Sage, It's your own fault if you grow bald at 35 as thousands of men do—yes 1 and Women also. If you have dandruff it is because the germs are already de. vouring the very life of the hair and its roots. $111 these germs with Parisitn Sage and atop dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair in two Weeke. Its guaranteed, you know this de- lightful and refreshing Parisian Sage that is now sold all over Canada, and if it doers not prove better than any other hate tonic you ever used, g.t yrkear money back. It puts life And beauty Into dell faded hair. Large bottle tet d, W. Ma$I bleat and druggists everywhere. lies! uiar pries ISO *ear. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1914 Liberal party. 'L'he epeeehos of the leaders In the debate indicated clearly the feeling in the two parties, Rt. Hon. Mr, Borden. was confident and aggressive, while Sir Wilfrid wandered airrtleesly and etetgald absolutely at sea except when he rehashed one of the late Sir Rich- ard Cartwrlght's dismal harangues. Behind lion. fdr. Borden was a Party raised to the higbest pitch of enthusi• Nato, while Sir Wilfrid's few followers seemed ashamed, or disapp.Pinted, at chief's miserable failure and gave him practically no support. What ever even worse than lack o! support was the severe criticism of Sir Wilfrid by one of his leading supporters -.-De. Michael Clark, Planing nn the Liberals the respon- sibility of rsfusalof aid to the Imperial naval defence, and to highway's, and defeat of the Branch Lines mu was done in an effective end emphatic way by Hon. M. Borden,. Liberals, unable to refute his charges, have been placed in a sorry plight, and are exasperated, but helpless, in the humiliating posi- tion in which they are placed. Tbey cannot escape the responsibility, Equally successful was Hon. W. T. White in his answer to Liberal criti- cism, and his exposure of their frenzi- ecl financial methods when in power. His speech was relished, by everybody except Sir Wilfrid'e corporal guard of supporters. A more auspiciousopening for the government could not be desired. Strong in policy and administration, and confronted with an apathetic and divided opposition, the government's position could not be on a more firm basis. Government Reserves Water - Power Sites Consistent with the policy of the Dominion Government to preserve the water powers for the people, the De- partment of the Interior is plraciug under reservation all vacant Dominion land that the Superintendent of Wat- er Powers may recommend to be valu- able for the development of water pc ver. Six whole sections of land, in town ship 108, range 6, west of the 5th mer- idtan, have recently been reserved from dibpoeition of any kind until the engineers of the Water Power Branch have had an opportunity to make a complete survey of the famous power site at Vermilion falls, on the Peace river in northern Alberta. Similiar reservations have been made on the various rivers in the prov- ince of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Al- berta, and in the Railway Belt of Brit- ish Columbia. Particular mention might be made of reservations cover- ing land contiguous to Grand Rapids on the Athabaska river, the various power sites on the Elbow and the Bow rivers, in the prcvince of Alberts ; for land rt quired for the development of power at Grand rapids on the Sas- katchewan river, and all unoccupied land along the Winnipeg river, in the province of Manitoba. 0, her wrest lone will he'Deds' 1' 001 time to time upon the receipt of suf.i• Went information to enable the eloper. inrendsnt, of Water Powers to m- ke a de0nitct recommendation covering a deuoription of the laud that might be requires! for power purparee. May the good work proceed. Iltck'e—Is it true, then, that you're living beyond your station? Wit ks—Yet--!.wo mile s, WIIY DOCTORS PRESCRIBE 108 Nox A Cold Ih'oause it is rot a patent medicine but a pres':rip'ion of a very em.i,lueilt doctor le8 Nox a Cold in one day. 25o and 60c per bottle at all drug stores, 31111111111111111111 hlnlivatimnum! nanntantarmate ltl tant1tilitrrNilttdilliitimai111dIllU(f1111(�` To begin with, it is perfect. To the end it remains perfect—the Edison— Blue Amberol Record No musical -mechanical •triumph has approached this re- markable invention of Edison. The new composition of which it is made catdhes and holds the natural beauty of tone of the world% greatest singers, orchestras and bands, and holds it after you have played it over 3,000 times. The Blue Amberol io a per of the Edison dealers listed be- petual, practically unbreakable low. You'll be welcome any day. record that reproduces in an amazing way the art of the per- formers. Don't miss the oppor- tunity to hear it played at some 'TRADE RIARK1 :L4 t�Q.L�Qt11..► Edison Phonographs and Records arc sold by DAVID DELL :11 IIIUn11UUN11111BR11Ittnidttitt(Ilit lttttel(ttt(1(1 in11111tilliatill11111111111111M111111111111111111111111nti11116 evmwx, sG'Vi0.21,- steer-:.•• D. D. D. In Hosnitals; Standare Skin Cure How many hospital patients, stiff -ring the found. Soft and soothing, yot a powerful frightful i ch. the raw scorching paig of skin a tent.' disease, have been soothed to sleep by a To do the work. D. D. D Prescription mot soothing lipid washed in by the nurse's hands? be applied according to directions given in That fl uid la the famous D D. D. prescripts, n the pnmphtet around every bottle. Fallow for erzoma. these dirootto v—.and see! THE SUNERVIS'NfI NURSE of ono of our And it cert i ily tortes away the itch at once prominent Oatholic iu,titutioua (name of uur.,e —the moment the Iiquid is applied. The elite and institute on application), writes regarding is t.00thed—cam d so thoroughly refre,hed— a patient. rhe disease bad eaten her eye- delightfully cooled. brows away. Her nose and lips had become r All druggists of standing have tho fain us disfigured. Since the use of D. DY. D. her eye- specific as well as the efficient D. D. D. Skin brows are growing, her u• se and face have as- [ Soap. tuned their natural expression. " • But we are so confluent of 1!ao meas of this How many eczema sufferers are paying their prescription that we.will refund • he purcbano doctors for regular treatment and aro being price of the first full size bottle if it fails to treated with this name soothing, holing fluid? reach your ease. You alone are to judge. DR• 050. T: RICIIARDSON frankly writes supe for to anything I have ever J. J. Davis, Druggist, Wingham. D. D. D. Soap Keeps Your Skin Healthy The Irwin Sale ° Has been a great success. So much so that we have decided to continue the Sale another 30 days. New goods coming in daily, yet Sale goes on. a $$ Count Every time you spend a $ with us you save a half. Our stock is heavy and well assorted, and the Cut Prices prevail throughout the whole store for another month. Take advantage of the low prices 2 boxes Yeast for 5c 4 boxes Corns Starch...–. „25c 3 bottles Pickles 25c 3 lbs. Raisins .. 25c 3 cans Corn 25c 3 plugs McDonald's Tobacco 25e Tomatoes per tin ........, ... 10c 7 bars Comfort Soap • 25c 20 lbsGranulated 2 boxes Pearline for 5e 4 bottles Extracts ..25c 3 bottles Olives .. ... , 25c 3 lbs. Currants . , , , .. 25c 3 cans Salmon 25o Maple Leaf Salmon 20c Peas per tin 10e 40c Brooms for .. , 25c Sugar for $1.00. We are giving you from 25 to 50 per cent. discount on Dinner Sets and all China. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCE The Merchants Brokerage Company E EA1CRS .,713`'MGII PRICES t�► Yee