The Wingham Advance, 1914-02-05, Page 3um)) VEDRuAky 5, 194 Here's A Friend indeed Constipation. is the bane of stld, age—harsh cathartics aggro- vete, avoid them and, use Chime, berlains Tablets, the mildest and gentlest oflaxatives—best forth(' young, the middle acedand the old. 2ss. bottle—Druggists. and Dealers, or by mail, 6 Chamberlain !!tedious Co. Termite. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by c?sp,:rt instructors at the `',(itektil.afer/ Y. M. c. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. Collage in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. . J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal 7h icdrat- 1lvePrincipi oad Salesman Wanted. For every town and distript whers r r we are not eprented. e Fruit, are .bringing high prices and Nnreery Stock is in demand. Make big money this Fall and Winter by takiog an agency, Experience not necessary. Free equipment, exclusive territory, highest commissions paid, Write for full particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO ONTO ONTARIO OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTiS dila. Anyone sendiing >i sketch and destvijntlolt mat qufnldyy ascorta n ear opinion tree a hat ex Invent, nee is probable atejgv b cm meat tionsntrtotlyconfidential. MINIMUM en Civet: pont free. !dept agency for spongingP o ('tit Patents talon through Munn do qo. receive enc tai notice, without cbaree, intim A handsomely iltpciratait weakly, I rgeat err. ..r,nlpt lr of ryny setpnt ae urns ,G naq {or pawls, .'roe ,law, pewees wean , Neill uy all news[tuaiere MJNi & Co Stt111rsadway, NeW f 2,d Drano 03109, P Mei VA4AMPlitBn, , e L HIGH COAL II Another oar of genuine Lehigh hard ' cul fret; from ,'DIRT" A "d according i to State Autborttias, ii to 0 per cent. richer in Axed "CARBON" ttian cry (Auer 1 wit cantiene to WI the Free Bunting Autheaolte to those who de- sire It—the most et.onopnuul fuel on the minket: The following prices, for Ohestiiut 'Aaf tom Enrronudtig tu us cone Lewd with Witlghtun wlilIn of id• serest .to those who burl, coal :— Apr, & M ,y Sep. to i)tc ` 8ruoaels • • • $7,60 $8,q0 Clinton - • - ° 7.50 8.00 Goderioh • - 7 60 $ 00 Wingi,am. • - $8,75 to $7,40 to $7 15 $7.75 iwlJ WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. Why is Wingham from 260 to 76e tower ? Wood and Kindling always on e hand.t-- . THE WINGITAM ADVANCE R. J. Cantelon Boz 127 w ....w.......:. WINTER TOURS ^---• Te .-•--• California, Florida and the Sunny South. ItItI•1.'URN TICKETS AT LOW RATES TEM LOGICAL ROUTIS TO TIIE WEST For WINNIPEG I,egye Toronto 2 30 p m. DAILY For VANCOUVER I.etwe Tgronto 10.70 p.m, DAILY Compartment Library O1)aervalion Car, StandardloontlingCar, Tourist leeping Car, Dining tor. First Class Coaches, Colonist Car o both Trains. Particulars from Canadian Paotfto Agents or write 11, G. Murphy, l3. t+. A., 0.p. Ity., Toronto, W k7. Willis, up town agency; phone 47, ,T,•1I. Breen' r, station agents phone 7, TIME TABLE CHANGES A geeeral change of tirne will be made January 4th, 1914. Time Tables containing full particulars may be bad on application to Grand Truuk _ Agents. Low Rate's to California, Florida, and the Sunny South NOW IN EFFECT "the Grand Trunk Ra lwey is tl}o most direct route from ell points Bast through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. Full particulars at Grand Trunk TIcket Ofli es, or write C, 10, Horning, D.P.A.. Toronto, Ont, 11. D Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket Age:. t; phone 4 W. V. Aurginan, Station Ticket • gent i phone 50, ,o. -*IP.,Ss ie ala OPPORTUNJTY' knockinonce your door now—so take heed! .4R004„4, Ask up to send you our big 80 -page Cata- logue of Seeds, Bulbs, Fruits, Garden Tools, Insect Destroyers, Fertilizers, Foul - le try and l�l. post cardBee wilSupesg (t to you. Write today. Eel DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO. LTD. EOx 1272 LONDON, ONT.. CANADA. 16 Valuable Premium given ---a b s o. lute,FREE--- wittt each order. Page one of Catalogue tells bow to get it. CENTRALSTRATFORD. ONT. Canada's best Iractical training school. Three department --Com. naerelal, Shorthand and Telegraphy. 0onrees are thoronilh and practi- cal. Individual instruction is givtu by a strong, experienced staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free otaloguo and see what we can do for you. D. A. MoLACELAN - Principal HIGH CLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY 1 DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 asa=111.1l.1.ssseaaaaarar.ssaaseaaarasrwas,s�d' MRS. W. We LAKE Tells Otherso H wo Get et Stroh is and Well. Mrs. W. W. Lake of Aberdeen, Miss., says: "The grippe had left me in a weak, run-down condition from which I suffered for some time. 1 tried different remedies but nothing seemed to do me any good until I took Vinol, from which I received great benefit. My cough is almost entirely gone and I am strong and well again, and I am glad to recom- mend Vinol •to others who (suffer as 1 did." Mrs. Lake's recovery was due to the combined action of the medicinal elements extracted from cods' livers —combined with the blood making and strength creating properties of tonic iron, which are contained in Vinol, and her cough disappeared as a natural result. We guarantee that Vinol will do all we claim and will pay back your money if Vinol does not satisfy you. J. Walton McK,bbon, Druggist, Wingham Farm For Sale 200 acres of land, close to the town of Wingham. Good stock and grain farm. Will sell all or subdivide and well in part. 18-tf J, S. DUCKETT. Read Our Personal Money -Back Guarantee You Can Try This • Remedy At Our Risk YOU know what that means---•-Miseiy--Worry Big Pills—Debts! You know you can't afford to get sick. Keeping in good health means food and clothing for you and your family. It's up -to you to take care of yourself. It's up to you, whenever you don't feel ;sight, to take something to make you right, to strengthen you, build you up, ward off worse sickness, protect you and your family! That thing we have, and in offering it to you we protect you against money risk, by personally promising you that if it doesn't protect you against sickness, we'II give you back your money without a word or question. It is -- It Is the Best Remedy ._......::........ When you are rlln'down, no,matter what the cause. It doesn't merely stimulate you and make you feel good for a few hours, but takes hold of the weakness, and builds you up to a healthy, normal condition. It is a real nerve -food tonic, a real builder of healthy nerves, rich blood, strong muscles, good digestion. It contains the H,ypophosphites, to tone the nerves and give energy, and pure Olive Oil, to nourish the nerves, the blood, the entire system, and give vitality, strength and health. It is pleasant to take, the greasy flavor of the Olive Oil having been remove FM' VIII who are tired out, neryous, run-down, debilitated, weak, emac;atetl—for convalescents—for old people— for piny children --we recommend Rexall Olive Oil Enluisien as the best medicine we know of to make crit keep you well and strong. Sold only at the 7'000 Greatest Drug Sold in th out of the drug business right here in your town, It is our duty to give you the best remedy we can for whatever ailment you may have, and business sense demands that we recommend nothing unless we know it'd good. We know Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is good. We believe it is the best builder of health, energy and strength there is made. We know it is greatly helping many of your neighbors. We believe that it will make you well and strong again, and save you money and worry in the end. We feel it is good business for us to recommend Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion and get you to use it, because we know you'll thank us after- ward for making our confidence in it so plain that you didn't hesitate to take us at our word, We also feel sure that onee you have used it, you'll be as enthusiastic about it as we are and will recommend it to your friends. Read our money -back guarantee and get a bottle teday. esStores—the World's stores -0.00a bottle Is town only by us We t� _.. ranee This is to Relieve and SatisfyYou, Your MoneyBack (� , a .. p , � Remedy �! . �ck We doret -.a, your money unless Amll Olive Oil amu 'o - really helps and satisfies W , �. �1 t err nt ygll � . �.. �.� �►� � �s� � y p ... s �Au I# itt, doesn't, comO back and:tell us, pad we'll give bade our money. We believe ft will pro- tea o-tett your health—if it doesn't* the money is yours, :incl we want you to llpyo lt, Meczns''X1116 OF AL !lir °;x J. st}.° ' c ala pe, in this fru'n, BLUNDERS IPI NOVELS. "Howlers" That Have )seen Made Be Women Writers. That popular novelists maim all sortsof funny mistakes andperpe- trate marvellous anachronisms when writing their surprisingly thrillli#g tales is well known, Dickens, Scott, Thaekeray, Reade, and so on, right. down to the latest, Mrs. Florence ilarelay, have all fallen into the trop he,oro to -day. But in nothing are so many laughable blunders made by novelists as in relation to sport, and this is particularly One case with WO - men writers, however eminent or ex- perienced they may be, "Outdo" wasprobably the most astounding of all great story writers of her sex in this respect. Three in- stances wilt prove that she took very little pains to learn the .details of any sport she was describing, Speaking of one of her heroes who was taking part in a famous boat -race, "Oulda" makes t'.is astonishing statement:— "An in the boat rowed splendidly, but none rowed as fast as number six." 1f "Ouida" has any 'blunder to sur- pass this amusing error in a sporting contest, it may be found in her de- scription of a great horse -race, where- in her heroine is supposed to'bo the owner of the �irn r. And, this horse having won, the female novelist goes on to show the sensation made bythe lady owner (we do not wonder t it either!) wben "she came proudly in- to the paddock, leading Its the winner of the Waterloo Cup." Of course, all sporting men know that the Wat- erloo Cup is the trophy awarded for the finest dog -race in the world. "Ouida," too, seems 'o have bee totally regardless ar to whether sport- ing items got mixed with her educa- tional ones, or vice versa, for in an- other story she makes her hero be- come "very popular at Cambridge where he got his Blue for history.' This is funny enough to make a 'Varsity man laugh for a month! As "Blues" are given by the sports' cap- tains for certain games only, how any Fellow under the -sun could get his "Blue for history," either at Oxford, Cambridge, or anywhere else, is a puzzle. But your woman novelist never troubles about a detail like that - •not she! Why should she? If Cam- bridge doesn't give "Blues for his- tory" when she nays so — well, it ought to, that's all. Even the celebrated Marie Corelil is not always accurate when • she comes t 1 write about men's sports and men's work. Says she, in "The Treasure of Heaven," when her hert is speaking in that book:— "AftEr school hours I got an even- ing job, with a shilling a week, for b '-!ging home eight Highland bull• heifers from pasture." Buil-heifers, indeed! What sort of: creatures are they? The job sound' a bit like that when somebody us,..t to"e:3nd very juvenile boys to the near- est grocer's shop for "a penn'orth o. pigeo.t, milk." • Services at Front Door. The question of the right of relt.-- ious bodies to hold open-air service.. with instrumental music, at the front doors of London dwelling -houses won re'seii at the Westminster police Cour' in London recently. An engineer, wh" stated that his ; ge was 86, complete ed of the annoyance caused by Sunda' night religious services outside hi residence, in Walnut Tree Walk, Lail beth. The noise of a choir, an hat monium, and the crowd, he said, -ea most distressing to those who desire peace and quietness in their home-. Complaint to the minister in charg was met with the threat that he woul• be given into charge of the police i ho again interrupted the service. Hi rejoinder was that the boot wan et the other foot, and that he should ap peal to a magistrate for a summons Mr, Francis said that the act woulc: protect a householder if there was in terruption to his ordinary occupation. Or "other reasonable or sufficient cause" was assigned to stop instru- ment playing. If the nuisance was repeated he was prepared at once to grant a summons against the harmon- lure player or any other musician who had been requested to desist and did not do s3. He Was a Model Chauffeur. James Morris, who has been chauf- feur to Cardinal Bourne since the lat- ter was presented with a motor ear some years ago; and who had pre- viously been coachman to Cardinal Vaughan, has retired, It is Morris's boast that he has safely driven nine princes of the church in the motor ear, which he has piloted 18,000 miles "without ever getting the car- dinal into trouble with the polled for exceeding the speed limit." Cardinal Bourne has presented him; with an autograph portrait of himself, Jitpanege Toys In London. A current i7, S. Consular report is- sued from Washington trays: "Japan- ese toys are ra )idly supplanting these 'made In Germany' in many of our de- partments," states a larger importer of toys in London. "Thousands of gross of toy Union Jacks are made in Japan, and also the majority of the small nodding animals, jumping rabbits, and other novelties that are now so common," • Early Paintings of Cain and Abel. In the pictures of the eastern churches Cain is slaying Abel with•a dagger; in the 'vest his weapon of murder is usually a club; sometimes, however, he is paint, in the act of stoning his brother to death, Cain and )bel are generally well. i •essed men in early ilil}stl+ations, Lady Eastlake has the tippy of a eh). ture in which Adam's elaborate Goth. le castle or mansion forms the back- ground to the figures of the top brothers.—Olt! Peres Booli, The rirtu's health, At the annual picnic of a 14 anchoee 'er lirni one of the ptteltere Was called :}ton after dinner to 1lydpOse the toast •' the firm. Ile was rather;ervoutt nil began thus; ""Mr, C)hairmeu and •'ntletnen. I have very great plea. are in rising to propose the health + t' a firm, which will be very brief. •--Manchester Guardian, (SIM PATES AT BOTTOM) • The more reverently you ponder over the growth of your own knot*. ledge of life, the more you consider the myateriee of your etva mind, the less will you presume to believe, to have faith for another. hood has not given another nritn a hind for yon to look afters. It le written, "Let every roan be fully persuaded in hien own mind." Teacher—"Defloe appetite." 13.7—.'When you eat yon are "s1rpr' and when you're finished you're tight.." 1 Trus Torture Once Thought Necessary, but Now Your Search for Relief is Ended. Wonderful Method Retsina Rupture Without Knife, Danger or Pain, J.Y. EGAN, Specialist of Toronto Old-fashioned truss torture is no longer neces- sary, Galling,slipping trusses and barbarous methods of reating rupture are done away wbgl astdevooted fifty yea©stitothis one caflio tion. The marvelous new EGAN ""CURATRUS' gives to the ruptured instant relief, rest and security where all others fall. It stops all irritation and restores every part to its na- tural position as soon as it Is used and for all time and old style trusses are thrown away. EOAN S CURATRUS" cures are absolutely with. out operation and the cost is small, Multitudes of cured men, women andt..,udren testify. Also endorsed by many physicians. Where others fail is where 1 have my greatest success. Nothing complicated, no pain or irri- tation, but lust a natural retentive method. Immediate relief guaranteed. No fakes or lies —just straight business. Do not lay this aside, or delay, but tear off free coupon now. Fero Consultation Coupon. This coupon, upon presentation to J. Y. Egan rupture specialist, (office, No, 200, 14 East King Street, Toronto) who will visit the towns on dates mentioned below, will entitle of samplefree a sconsultation eofce examination nurmber of my room. Note dates. Wingham; Queen's Hotel Saturday afternoon and night, Sunday all day and night. 17 days only, February 14 and 15. Kincardine, Royal Hotel, Feb, 16 and 17. Listowel, Arlington Hotel, Feb. 18, and other Western towns -see local papers. 6 --Sale of Shorthorn Bulls -6 Broadview Shorthorns—•Herd Headed by "Favorite Character." (Imp.) . For sale are six bulls, eight to twelve months old. These are choice young bulls with the best of breeding and will be sold reasonably, 1f you need any- thing nything write me or give us a call. J. G. FYFE, Wingbam, Ont. Farm 1} miles south of Wingham.) BELL'S GROCERY Vegetables Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed Prompt Delivery. Phone 82. BELL'S GROCERY Successor to W. J. Patterson IFOR SALE Good Apple Butter at 6c per ib. in any quantity, while it lasts. Call and get a sample ; will deliver to any part of town. FLOUR—Robin Hood, Milver- ton, Maple Leaf, Five R. Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Chop Grain and all kinds of Cereals. Grain taken in exchange for flour, bran, shorts and meals. When in need of anything in this line call or phone 84. Wingham Chopping Mill EZRA 1VMERKLEY. ireNOPalti OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS t 1 Chill .ole head of a family, or any male over .LL 18 years Old may homestead a quarter. sootiest of available Dominion lana in Mani. toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The spoil, dant must appear in person at the Dominion lands Agency or Sub.,Allittioy for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at the oillce of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub. agent) on certain conditions, Dutieg.—Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live Within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at leaet 80 sores on certain conditions. A habitable house is Te- noited in every ease except when residence is performed In the vicinity. in certain districts a homesteader in good etanding may pre-emp_t a quarter -section along- side his homestead, Pride $3 per sore. Dunes Sig months' residence in each of six years from date at homestead entry (including the time regi red to earn hem stead patent) and %alien is ssores ubject totra t eductioniin cgs he of rough, scrubby or stony land after report by Mane. Stead Inspector on application for patent. A homesteader who has exhausted ble home. stead right trod cannot obtain a pre-emption tea lake a purchased homosted in certain dtirictn., Pries" $3 00 leer sere. Duties.—Must reside MIX months in melt of three years, oulti• vete fifty hetes and area a Neuse Werth $300. ill . liI of IC 1 11' t 1E4 III pe tt uli lit it p i. IU 110 rmwuuRan+umlawRu,nuwumtlrmamc lbCProprielaryo°rPa eatileditineAst AVegetable Prepareilon forAs•, simdatinglheFnod ndReeg�uwlaJ.' Jing the Stomachs and Boweisof INFANTS,°CHILDREN Promotes Digestion Cheelfi t- ness llndpestCogtalnsneiti* Cpiunl.Morphine norNiueral NOT NAR C OTIC. ,8trkoreldRrf WJIZiYWTt ibnphr Send Ataxia + Ilbchette ai(s- .ArunSred + tate him Seed- rt 'arlkd,� en7'f0ay. Aperfect Remedy rorconstipa- tion, SourSlomach,Dlarrhoeal Worms,Convulsions.Feverish• ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FocSimile Signature of, Tee CENTAUR COMPAtW. MONTREAL&NEWYORK •Atb months old 35 DOSES -35cENTS • Exact Copy of Wrapper. CASTORIA Por Infants and Children% The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CCNTAUR COMPANY, NCW YORK CITY. How Good Roads •_mill benefit You HEY BENEFIT THE FARMER, because they increase the value of his farm; en- able him to raise more profitable crops; his cost of hauling will be low; he can reach mar- kets when prices are best; his children can get to school every day in the year, and he will have more social Life and better conditions generally. THEY BENEFIT THE CONSUMER, because they re- duce the cost of living in proportion to what the farmer saves, and by bringing new industries to the community, enable a larger proportionate amount to be paid put in wages, and with increased population, more amusements and better stores. Public roads are commercial feeders of the city, and every tfi i improvement of these roads means a greater prosperity through increased agricultural production and greater slim- li ulous' to all industries. Economical Good Roads Conerete roads are best from the start and cheapest in the end. They are free from ruts, mud and dust. They give good footing to horses and easier traction to every class of vehicle, but most important is the fact that they require practically no expenditure for upkeep. Complete information . of concrete road construction is 's4 yours for the asking,without cost or obligation. � g Write to -day for concrete roads literature, to SI;G�, .1icid Concrete Roads Department Canada Cement Company Limited 803' Herald Building, Montreal r�• 11 A -43 Hanover Place, Winnipeg Past, Present and Future. PAST Previous to the year 1911, the north end of Winnipeg was practically cut off from the main portion of the city by the C. P. R. Terminal Yards. In 1911 and 1913 this obstacle was overcome by the McPhiliip Street sub -way and the over -head bridge on Arlington St. Immediately . development began in this part of Winnipeg. PRESENT The north end of Winnipeg, West of Main, particularly between Mountain and Lansdowne Avenues, is the most rapidly g owing residential portion of Winnipeg. Between these Ave- nues and Hearn and Main St. a person might pick at random a lot or more and make a profitable investment. The best how- ever, is lots along the Sharp Boulevard and the. Avenues on each side. FUTURE The profit making possibilities are brightest along the Sharp boulevard and the Avenues on each side, as prices will continue to show a steady advance for many years to come. Land on the Boulevard that two years ago sol . at $$22.00 a foot is now selling at $60 00 a foot. Two more years will show equal if not better conditions on Hanover Place as by that time the Street • Car line will doubtless be along the Boulevard. The time to . invest in now. Prices of lots, $225.00 each and up according to • location. •Write the-- Investment nvestment and Developing Company. Ltd. Mead Office—Hanover, Onto Branch Office— John Haffner, 214 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Man. :Agents 'ega>gttld in unrepresented 'district& W. W, rORth W. J. CURRIE, Local Agent. !rebuts of the Minister OR the Interior. teewitotef'of this M. to ttetuenlnot bnd TSE DOMINION DANK to eaMUND L OBLER, M.P., PRESJPENT, W. R. MATTNEW$, YIOE•PRESIor 1r. O. A. BOGERT, General Manager.' This Bank Offers Farmers • a complete and sattsfavtory banking service. , Sales Notes collected on favorable terms, and advances made on ouch po ea tr asonab1eTntes. The Savings Department le a safe andconvenient depository for your money. Interest at current rates is paid on deposits of one dollar and upwards, Ono dollar opens an account in the Savings Departments R. J. Cantelon Boz 127 w ....w.......:. WINTER TOURS ^---• Te .-•--• California, Florida and the Sunny South. ItItI•1.'URN TICKETS AT LOW RATES TEM LOGICAL ROUTIS TO TIIE WEST For WINNIPEG I,egye Toronto 2 30 p m. DAILY For VANCOUVER I.etwe Tgronto 10.70 p.m, DAILY Compartment Library O1)aervalion Car, StandardloontlingCar, Tourist leeping Car, Dining tor. First Class Coaches, Colonist Car o both Trains. Particulars from Canadian Paotfto Agents or write 11, G. Murphy, l3. t+. A., 0.p. Ity., Toronto, W k7. Willis, up town agency; phone 47, ,T,•1I. Breen' r, station agents phone 7, TIME TABLE CHANGES A geeeral change of tirne will be made January 4th, 1914. Time Tables containing full particulars may be bad on application to Grand Truuk _ Agents. Low Rate's to California, Florida, and the Sunny South NOW IN EFFECT "the Grand Trunk Ra lwey is tl}o most direct route from ell points Bast through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. Full particulars at Grand Trunk TIcket Ofli es, or write C, 10, Horning, D.P.A.. Toronto, Ont, 11. D Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket Age:. t; phone 4 W. V. Aurginan, Station Ticket • gent i phone 50, ,o. -*IP.,Ss ie ala OPPORTUNJTY' knockinonce your door now—so take heed! .4R004„4, Ask up to send you our big 80 -page Cata- logue of Seeds, Bulbs, Fruits, Garden Tools, Insect Destroyers, Fertilizers, Foul - le try and l�l. post cardBee wilSupesg (t to you. Write today. Eel DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO. LTD. EOx 1272 LONDON, ONT.. CANADA. 16 Valuable Premium given ---a b s o. lute,FREE--- wittt each order. Page one of Catalogue tells bow to get it. CENTRALSTRATFORD. ONT. Canada's best Iractical training school. Three department --Com. naerelal, Shorthand and Telegraphy. 0onrees are thoronilh and practi- cal. Individual instruction is givtu by a strong, experienced staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free otaloguo and see what we can do for you. D. A. MoLACELAN - Principal HIGH CLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY 1 DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 asa=111.1l.1.ssseaaaaarar.ssaaseaaarasrwas,s�d' MRS. W. We LAKE Tells Otherso H wo Get et Stroh is and Well. Mrs. W. W. Lake of Aberdeen, Miss., says: "The grippe had left me in a weak, run-down condition from which I suffered for some time. 1 tried different remedies but nothing seemed to do me any good until I took Vinol, from which I received great benefit. My cough is almost entirely gone and I am strong and well again, and I am glad to recom- mend Vinol •to others who (suffer as 1 did." Mrs. Lake's recovery was due to the combined action of the medicinal elements extracted from cods' livers —combined with the blood making and strength creating properties of tonic iron, which are contained in Vinol, and her cough disappeared as a natural result. We guarantee that Vinol will do all we claim and will pay back your money if Vinol does not satisfy you. J. Walton McK,bbon, Druggist, Wingham Farm For Sale 200 acres of land, close to the town of Wingham. Good stock and grain farm. Will sell all or subdivide and well in part. 18-tf J, S. DUCKETT. Read Our Personal Money -Back Guarantee You Can Try This • Remedy At Our Risk YOU know what that means---•-Miseiy--Worry Big Pills—Debts! You know you can't afford to get sick. Keeping in good health means food and clothing for you and your family. It's up -to you to take care of yourself. It's up to you, whenever you don't feel ;sight, to take something to make you right, to strengthen you, build you up, ward off worse sickness, protect you and your family! That thing we have, and in offering it to you we protect you against money risk, by personally promising you that if it doesn't protect you against sickness, we'II give you back your money without a word or question. It is -- It Is the Best Remedy ._......::........ When you are rlln'down, no,matter what the cause. It doesn't merely stimulate you and make you feel good for a few hours, but takes hold of the weakness, and builds you up to a healthy, normal condition. It is a real nerve -food tonic, a real builder of healthy nerves, rich blood, strong muscles, good digestion. It contains the H,ypophosphites, to tone the nerves and give energy, and pure Olive Oil, to nourish the nerves, the blood, the entire system, and give vitality, strength and health. It is pleasant to take, the greasy flavor of the Olive Oil having been remove FM' VIII who are tired out, neryous, run-down, debilitated, weak, emac;atetl—for convalescents—for old people— for piny children --we recommend Rexall Olive Oil Enluisien as the best medicine we know of to make crit keep you well and strong. Sold only at the 7'000 Greatest Drug Sold in th out of the drug business right here in your town, It is our duty to give you the best remedy we can for whatever ailment you may have, and business sense demands that we recommend nothing unless we know it'd good. We know Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is good. We believe it is the best builder of health, energy and strength there is made. We know it is greatly helping many of your neighbors. We believe that it will make you well and strong again, and save you money and worry in the end. We feel it is good business for us to recommend Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion and get you to use it, because we know you'll thank us after- ward for making our confidence in it so plain that you didn't hesitate to take us at our word, We also feel sure that onee you have used it, you'll be as enthusiastic about it as we are and will recommend it to your friends. Read our money -back guarantee and get a bottle teday. esStores—the World's stores -0.00a bottle Is town only by us We t� _.. ranee This is to Relieve and SatisfyYou, Your MoneyBack (� , a .. p , � Remedy �! . �ck We doret -.a, your money unless Amll Olive Oil amu 'o - really helps and satisfies W , �. �1 t err nt ygll � . �.. �.� �►� � �s� � y p ... s �Au I# itt, doesn't, comO back and:tell us, pad we'll give bade our money. We believe ft will pro- tea o-tett your health—if it doesn't* the money is yours, :incl we want you to llpyo lt, Meczns''X1116 OF AL !lir °;x J. st}.° ' c ala pe, in this fru'n, BLUNDERS IPI NOVELS. "Howlers" That Have )seen Made Be Women Writers. That popular novelists maim all sortsof funny mistakes andperpe- trate marvellous anachronisms when writing their surprisingly thrillli#g tales is well known, Dickens, Scott, Thaekeray, Reade, and so on, right. down to the latest, Mrs. Florence ilarelay, have all fallen into the trop he,oro to -day. But in nothing are so many laughable blunders made by novelists as in relation to sport, and this is particularly One case with WO - men writers, however eminent or ex- perienced they may be, "Outdo" wasprobably the most astounding of all great story writers of her sex in this respect. Three in- stances wilt prove that she took very little pains to learn the .details of any sport she was describing, Speaking of one of her heroes who was taking part in a famous boat -race, "Oulda" makes t'.is astonishing statement:— "An in the boat rowed splendidly, but none rowed as fast as number six." 1f "Ouida" has any 'blunder to sur- pass this amusing error in a sporting contest, it may be found in her de- scription of a great horse -race, where- in her heroine is supposed to'bo the owner of the �irn r. And, this horse having won, the female novelist goes on to show the sensation made bythe lady owner (we do not wonder t it either!) wben "she came proudly in- to the paddock, leading Its the winner of the Waterloo Cup." Of course, all sporting men know that the Wat- erloo Cup is the trophy awarded for the finest dog -race in the world. "Ouida," too, seems 'o have bee totally regardless ar to whether sport- ing items got mixed with her educa- tional ones, or vice versa, for in an- other story she makes her hero be- come "very popular at Cambridge where he got his Blue for history.' This is funny enough to make a 'Varsity man laugh for a month! As "Blues" are given by the sports' cap- tains for certain games only, how any Fellow under the -sun could get his "Blue for history," either at Oxford, Cambridge, or anywhere else, is a puzzle. But your woman novelist never troubles about a detail like that - •not she! Why should she? If Cam- bridge doesn't give "Blues for his- tory" when she nays so — well, it ought to, that's all. Even the celebrated Marie Corelil is not always accurate when • she comes t 1 write about men's sports and men's work. Says she, in "The Treasure of Heaven," when her hert is speaking in that book:— "AftEr school hours I got an even- ing job, with a shilling a week, for b '-!ging home eight Highland bull• heifers from pasture." Buil-heifers, indeed! What sort of: creatures are they? The job sound' a bit like that when somebody us,..t to"e:3nd very juvenile boys to the near- est grocer's shop for "a penn'orth o. pigeo.t, milk." • Services at Front Door. The question of the right of relt.-- ious bodies to hold open-air service.. with instrumental music, at the front doors of London dwelling -houses won re'seii at the Westminster police Cour' in London recently. An engineer, wh" stated that his ; ge was 86, complete ed of the annoyance caused by Sunda' night religious services outside hi residence, in Walnut Tree Walk, Lail beth. The noise of a choir, an hat monium, and the crowd, he said, -ea most distressing to those who desire peace and quietness in their home-. Complaint to the minister in charg was met with the threat that he woul• be given into charge of the police i ho again interrupted the service. Hi rejoinder was that the boot wan et the other foot, and that he should ap peal to a magistrate for a summons Mr, Francis said that the act woulc: protect a householder if there was in terruption to his ordinary occupation. Or "other reasonable or sufficient cause" was assigned to stop instru- ment playing. If the nuisance was repeated he was prepared at once to grant a summons against the harmon- lure player or any other musician who had been requested to desist and did not do s3. He Was a Model Chauffeur. James Morris, who has been chauf- feur to Cardinal Bourne since the lat- ter was presented with a motor ear some years ago; and who had pre- viously been coachman to Cardinal Vaughan, has retired, It is Morris's boast that he has safely driven nine princes of the church in the motor ear, which he has piloted 18,000 miles "without ever getting the car- dinal into trouble with the polled for exceeding the speed limit." Cardinal Bourne has presented him; with an autograph portrait of himself, Jitpanege Toys In London. A current i7, S. Consular report is- sued from Washington trays: "Japan- ese toys are ra )idly supplanting these 'made In Germany' in many of our de- partments," states a larger importer of toys in London. "Thousands of gross of toy Union Jacks are made in Japan, and also the majority of the small nodding animals, jumping rabbits, and other novelties that are now so common," • Early Paintings of Cain and Abel. In the pictures of the eastern churches Cain is slaying Abel with•a dagger; in the 'vest his weapon of murder is usually a club; sometimes, however, he is paint, in the act of stoning his brother to death, Cain and )bel are generally well. i •essed men in early ilil}stl+ations, Lady Eastlake has the tippy of a eh). ture in which Adam's elaborate Goth. le castle or mansion forms the back- ground to the figures of the top brothers.—Olt! Peres Booli, The rirtu's health, At the annual picnic of a 14 anchoee 'er lirni one of the ptteltere Was called :}ton after dinner to 1lydpOse the toast •' the firm. Ile was rather;ervoutt nil began thus; ""Mr, C)hairmeu and •'ntletnen. I have very great plea. are in rising to propose the health + t' a firm, which will be very brief. •--Manchester Guardian, (SIM PATES AT BOTTOM) • The more reverently you ponder over the growth of your own knot*. ledge of life, the more you consider the myateriee of your etva mind, the less will you presume to believe, to have faith for another. hood has not given another nritn a hind for yon to look afters. It le written, "Let every roan be fully persuaded in hien own mind." Teacher—"Defloe appetite." 13.7—.'When you eat yon are "s1rpr' and when you're finished you're tight.." 1 Trus Torture Once Thought Necessary, but Now Your Search for Relief is Ended. Wonderful Method Retsina Rupture Without Knife, Danger or Pain, J.Y. EGAN, Specialist of Toronto Old-fashioned truss torture is no longer neces- sary, Galling,slipping trusses and barbarous methods of reating rupture are done away wbgl astdevooted fifty yea©stitothis one caflio tion. The marvelous new EGAN ""CURATRUS' gives to the ruptured instant relief, rest and security where all others fall. It stops all irritation and restores every part to its na- tural position as soon as it Is used and for all time and old style trusses are thrown away. EOAN S CURATRUS" cures are absolutely with. out operation and the cost is small, Multitudes of cured men, women andt..,udren testify. Also endorsed by many physicians. Where others fail is where 1 have my greatest success. Nothing complicated, no pain or irri- tation, but lust a natural retentive method. Immediate relief guaranteed. No fakes or lies —just straight business. Do not lay this aside, or delay, but tear off free coupon now. Fero Consultation Coupon. This coupon, upon presentation to J. Y. Egan rupture specialist, (office, No, 200, 14 East King Street, Toronto) who will visit the towns on dates mentioned below, will entitle of samplefree a sconsultation eofce examination nurmber of my room. Note dates. Wingham; Queen's Hotel Saturday afternoon and night, Sunday all day and night. 17 days only, February 14 and 15. Kincardine, Royal Hotel, Feb, 16 and 17. Listowel, Arlington Hotel, Feb. 18, and other Western towns -see local papers. 6 --Sale of Shorthorn Bulls -6 Broadview Shorthorns—•Herd Headed by "Favorite Character." (Imp.) . For sale are six bulls, eight to twelve months old. These are choice young bulls with the best of breeding and will be sold reasonably, 1f you need any- thing nything write me or give us a call. J. G. FYFE, Wingbam, Ont. Farm 1} miles south of Wingham.) BELL'S GROCERY Vegetables Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed Prompt Delivery. Phone 82. BELL'S GROCERY Successor to W. J. Patterson IFOR SALE Good Apple Butter at 6c per ib. in any quantity, while it lasts. Call and get a sample ; will deliver to any part of town. FLOUR—Robin Hood, Milver- ton, Maple Leaf, Five R. Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Chop Grain and all kinds of Cereals. Grain taken in exchange for flour, bran, shorts and meals. When in need of anything in this line call or phone 84. Wingham Chopping Mill EZRA 1VMERKLEY. ireNOPalti OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS t 1 Chill .ole head of a family, or any male over .LL 18 years Old may homestead a quarter. sootiest of available Dominion lana in Mani. toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The spoil, dant must appear in person at the Dominion lands Agency or Sub.,Allittioy for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at the oillce of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub. agent) on certain conditions, Dutieg.—Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live Within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at leaet 80 sores on certain conditions. A habitable house is Te- noited in every ease except when residence is performed In the vicinity. in certain districts a homesteader in good etanding may pre-emp_t a quarter -section along- side his homestead, Pride $3 per sore. Dunes Sig months' residence in each of six years from date at homestead entry (including the time regi red to earn hem stead patent) and %alien is ssores ubject totra t eductioniin cgs he of rough, scrubby or stony land after report by Mane. Stead Inspector on application for patent. A homesteader who has exhausted ble home. stead right trod cannot obtain a pre-emption tea lake a purchased homosted in certain dtirictn., Pries" $3 00 leer sere. Duties.—Must reside MIX months in melt of three years, oulti• vete fifty hetes and area a Neuse Werth $300. ill . liI of IC 1 11' t 1E4 III pe tt uli lit it p i. IU 110 rmwuuRan+umlawRu,nuwumtlrmamc lbCProprielaryo°rPa eatileditineAst AVegetable Prepareilon forAs•, simdatinglheFnod ndReeg�uwlaJ.' Jing the Stomachs and Boweisof INFANTS,°CHILDREN Promotes Digestion Cheelfi t- ness llndpestCogtalnsneiti* Cpiunl.Morphine norNiueral NOT NAR C OTIC. ,8trkoreldRrf WJIZiYWTt ibnphr Send Ataxia + Ilbchette ai(s- .ArunSred + tate him Seed- rt 'arlkd,� en7'f0ay. Aperfect Remedy rorconstipa- tion, SourSlomach,Dlarrhoeal Worms,Convulsions.Feverish• ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FocSimile Signature of, Tee CENTAUR COMPAtW. MONTREAL&NEWYORK •Atb months old 35 DOSES -35cENTS • Exact Copy of Wrapper. CASTORIA Por Infants and Children% The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CCNTAUR COMPANY, NCW YORK CITY. How Good Roads •_mill benefit You HEY BENEFIT THE FARMER, because they increase the value of his farm; en- able him to raise more profitable crops; his cost of hauling will be low; he can reach mar- kets when prices are best; his children can get to school every day in the year, and he will have more social Life and better conditions generally. THEY BENEFIT THE CONSUMER, because they re- duce the cost of living in proportion to what the farmer saves, and by bringing new industries to the community, enable a larger proportionate amount to be paid put in wages, and with increased population, more amusements and better stores. Public roads are commercial feeders of the city, and every tfi i improvement of these roads means a greater prosperity through increased agricultural production and greater slim- li ulous' to all industries. Economical Good Roads Conerete roads are best from the start and cheapest in the end. They are free from ruts, mud and dust. They give good footing to horses and easier traction to every class of vehicle, but most important is the fact that they require practically no expenditure for upkeep. Complete information . of concrete road construction is 's4 yours for the asking,without cost or obligation. � g Write to -day for concrete roads literature, to SI;G�, .1icid Concrete Roads Department Canada Cement Company Limited 803' Herald Building, Montreal r�• 11 A -43 Hanover Place, Winnipeg Past, Present and Future. PAST Previous to the year 1911, the north end of Winnipeg was practically cut off from the main portion of the city by the C. P. R. Terminal Yards. In 1911 and 1913 this obstacle was overcome by the McPhiliip Street sub -way and the over -head bridge on Arlington St. Immediately . development began in this part of Winnipeg. PRESENT The north end of Winnipeg, West of Main, particularly between Mountain and Lansdowne Avenues, is the most rapidly g owing residential portion of Winnipeg. Between these Ave- nues and Hearn and Main St. a person might pick at random a lot or more and make a profitable investment. The best how- ever, is lots along the Sharp Boulevard and the. Avenues on each side. FUTURE The profit making possibilities are brightest along the Sharp boulevard and the Avenues on each side, as prices will continue to show a steady advance for many years to come. Land on the Boulevard that two years ago sol . at $$22.00 a foot is now selling at $60 00 a foot. Two more years will show equal if not better conditions on Hanover Place as by that time the Street • Car line will doubtless be along the Boulevard. The time to . invest in now. Prices of lots, $225.00 each and up according to • location. •Write the-- Investment nvestment and Developing Company. Ltd. Mead Office—Hanover, Onto Branch Office— John Haffner, 214 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Man. :Agents 'ega>gttld in unrepresented 'district& W. W, rORth W. J. CURRIE, Local Agent. !rebuts of the Minister OR the Interior. teewitotef'of this M. to ttetuenlnot bnd