The Wingham Advance, 1914-01-22, Page 7. I it"110 goo'l, savation. Shall 44b b4
.. 11 Il it away f.mA her-*#uor $roe eua:esi
1.4 . ,
. � I t ift,"'Zill iiW-s arlicel, aeo.-Vtod and Matto
. t 110 "good Valt" ber own, *i tb.. ".."
i& ,4� 01%:ll �vvr retain it. .�W 004
1 k1a 4 1 irA lei,, Pan 4L
I I 1wrt,r will take it froin. her, fa neltheir
I U I � 111,111 Ilor lledlti QV9r e4it- -41111 MAY IT -
11 I awltive ,anti throw it away., but IlQt
LJINSO.Y IV., .Tanuary ,.15), 10,14.. . UII tile polwens of evil eats, ever take it
__ flollit tier. N11hedon, Many earit"at soul$,
qerving Josits.-I.Illie s: I -S, 9I ol.02,� J'Ay" been cheated out of a r4oh ;-nd
. 4
: r IN "N-411 l3weet munlullion IV Jesus that Avould
bave be t for tho fact that
Cultilliontary.---r. Jekiww belpera (vs. thtly ]IV 49 k1maelves to b000ma
I fli,
. I3). 1. Afterwaril--this, Nya,q q4ripig t1w cillyrossd With those earthly th�pga th"t"
lit'LAMI-i YtIar of Chn.m.1i tultil,stry, The tort'llelli at the tinte, sectilied ta ba. mat-
twelvo diovlplcli 11 t,l beQ11, 0108elk, antl ters of tile greatest lipportalice.
tile prinviples of tillp now kingdoin hAd Qatistions.,-In wilat 3-agion WtIa josps,
beell set fort -It III the Sermon, on tile preacblngr? What glad tidings did lie do-
� Mount. '1111-ougholit overy c1tv and vil- clare? Who were with him oil this nd4-
J,ly ,
.,Q1TQ8lIl3 b0g�ln A VVI(10 r,JJj1,YO of Illis- *1any What Promise 414 Ila c��rtaiu pa
. , &all
� "tollary labOr inVIDding the region . og Inake to Jostigi 111hy did Jesuo dealaro,
� "
(41.01101" outtiftle 111*3 own Aty, 03per- 169 Own poverty to 'him What reftsoms.
I nallip, 01441 t1dIsI,-,Ys---Jolm fliz. B"aptuit Ilya given, for delaying to follow ,Tagus ,
- hall. Preached repentalic's t4a tlIQ pi-epar- 1%7111it are the eouditionel of disciple.
, �
. Won; lot' tile kingdom, our Lord preaels.- sbipf Draw tk coloparlsop, betweep. Mary
. Al. Of (he ldng,aolu itself, and this was And Vartha, I ,
I . glad t1dinga, because the kingd,olu of 11RACTIOAT4 SU'.RvEy.
flod 1,3 "rightt-melies,4, .Ind Peft0c, And TOPic-Christitin Service.
oy Ill the Holy effillot" 11. Rolm 14. ITi-- 1. Etnbodle�s tensporal support,
N111. Bib. T116 twelve --The twelve ilia. It. Requireq a full Istiusitry 1.
I ciples. 2. Certain women -Tile goapel 311'. Depends upon spiritual llfp,
� Of 04rhat Came to bringr blce6lngi to 411,
1 and ilia been effective it, oievatiug, we- L H'IllbodieO temporal sapport; In a
manhood to her proper place, wherever few wor4o we are given all jps:glit into
the material conditions of CIIT,stlo I evan-
I It 11,18 lind it -i way. Emstern women were gollatic work. The women wlio � milliater-
d0spised and negleeted, but Jesus was ed, unto Him were monuments of lite
. grao.iollis sintl tender toward tbeip, Ileal. healing polver And inercy. lie was their
ed of evil spirits anti in'llrinities ----!,Vwo I .
. great 1111i.yeician, It was their joy to Con -
different classes tire here mentioned as tilbuto of their aubatance for -the tem-
. baving been Mievea, Those who had r Dral ]support of tile MaRtor, that lie
Pril spirits were so Possessed with de- might extend His labors and blessing
. . 's
Illons that they Nvere not able to cou- to others. The twelve. disciples were pan-
tnol themselves, Asia. in addition, may ,11dates for tile 11 I t y u d r t A U
bave been suffering froin lAysical or By f,be e,i.fts of I! lie r 11 e r I Ing.
mental inaladies, Mary called Xagd4loslo ti, 0 t the women Jesus and
. -!rhie le tile first reference We have to I �YOT�o were enabled. to continue
their public mW-,atry. Theii devotion to
. this Wossian, who had bunoareettly af-' Christ and ills ,lisciples was their crown
I flieted with demon por-Aessi Ill, and who, .of renown. Many deeda of faithful love
� having been healed, out of gratitude and liable e,qvDtiQjx ware included in the
I followed Jesus anti aided him with words, "Which ministered unto Him."
. . money or RA equivalent, Seven devils - Joroin the beginning Christianity and we -
11 The expirweloss. shows that )ier condition manhood have had ik,close relationship
was an aggravated cast, of aemoss Paz, , If. Requires a full ruji)Iatry. Leh&
. fiesqlon. 3, Joanuft-The femilline of for Christ is the law .of His Kingdom.
; . John. ,She was a woman of prominence, Fixedness of ai;tentioia and ( I lavoteduess
being tile. wife of one of Ilarod's offic- of parposso embody a great principle,
. ers. Steward -He was the mnnages� of
I which regulatm tile 0bristlan life. Thia
1. Itorod's fluandal and bousehold'af fairs. be8t,work is done into widell. tit. 8 111divi-
.4 Susana-Xothilla 1.3 known af her aside dual throws himself wholly. It implies
front what iti he'Fe, stated. Ministered un- concentration, resolution and persever-
to him of -their substance --From thiek
wo collotilde that tile), laul Wealth, and ance. The. three 'men, who in turn met
.b the test Of discipleship, recognized tho
. their devotiors to Jesus la(l them to coss. Messianic mission of Jesus, but d4fored
i . tribute toward Hisi support. It must be in their thought of its cliarneter and aira.
t borne !it inintl that tile tlis,qiplos had '
I left till to follow Jesus and must be pro- rialltey Also differed in the risks they
, . I or cot ling short of discipleship.. TIA&
� vided for, first waa destined to serloilwdleappolut-
11, What it illeans to follow 'Tesua ment, The r-econd asked for a dangerous
. -
I (vo. 671-02), .57. It caiii6 ti) pass -11at- dolti.y. Thp third Was attempting a cowl
thew mentions flie events which. follow proiniso thitt ,Would rove disastrous.
% here just before his description of the The first mali. all entKusiastic volunteer, j
1. embarl.mflon fat, Gergesa, And the still- lind -conceived of no difficulty, Jesus
'I. . 511- of ilia tompost, (Matt. S., 19-29,). would not permit him to enter. lite ser-
- - W-Ldon. believes that Luke places them vice without a full knowled.e of ito,
I at their ehronologival order. A certain conditions. ilia -'bold proffersawere met
man-Frorn Matt S. iD we learn that
this man was a scribe. The incident is by the pathetic announcement of what
4 � remarkable, because there were dely acceptance- iii.volved. To folloW
few Jewish leaders -who Avere kindly die- h mn the reconstruction of tl;e
, . Posed toward Jesus. Lord -Master. I whole-inan upon a higher plane. The so- .I,
I , -,Yill follow thee whithersoever -than cond inali was rl type of a large class j
, lie scribe made a strong 6tat4- who want beaveil on their own terinis;
� ment ae to his determination to become who walt until some,groat alfliction haa j
� stripped them of earthly joy, before ,IN
I I one of Jesus' followers. He evidently they turn to Christ foil companionship. ,I
1) had not counted the cost of discipleship. Hie$ excuse indicated W, unwilling and a
There was high excellence in Ills profes-
� fdov, and knew that lie -would Itof btand backward heart. In -ilia case of the, third - ,,V
i . the tests lbat Would com2 upon his fol- man Jesus assumed that' there was a
t. lowers. lie at an" ileclared what sort, moral Crisis, the he must decide prompt-
, ly in favor of 9, Straightforward course.
I of life )to would bavo to live, if be His -Was a present responsibility of eu- 3
� would be His disciple. Spis of Piau- A
i term expressive of Cbrist'a hamillatiop. tire committal to Christ, ,,tit implicit i.
I . Not where to lily His head-ITe lived In consecration, with no mental rwerva- I
C poverty. Ile supplied food for tile multi- tion, no clingipg to the old manner Of X
�, tudes, bat Ile accepted the bessefaction" life. He was,callad upoll to Organize hill X
of ilia friends for His own sustenance. life upon one mastei � ful principle, -With w
NVc have no record that the scribe ever no division Of affection or interest be-.
because a disciple of Christ. tween Christ and, other things. Ilia look -
t 5( �
,), po,110.%V me-jesels extended A ,,lost in, back implied a divided istate 0Y
I - I gracious invitation to a needy mail, who mind, an irre0oInte purpose, fatal to ,S
. men mu b ,
, understood, at least in part, what 4is- Success. The 14njr4l,g Nvork at a S
, g steadfastudas and uu-. to
cipleahip meant. But lie eAid-There are we'll of unflinching .
: niumberleas instances of recognition. of 1I.Aylling resoluteness of soul, I
I sluty and A, tendency toward it, butsome 111. Depends upon spirituat life. The
Objection is raised that thwarts its fill- plain lesson which coalles out of Jeaus' ir, filisianb, Bury my'-_'�+her-lt is not prob. visit to 111urblia and Mary is to reprove '
.1 N� the liabit of putting 4har .pressing at
�. Able that Ilia fatller��as dead, but the I ta
. I pliall. begod. leave either to remain witill disties forward before attertilingv to the
I n Invitation to Christ and provided 1
1 � ills aged fatbor. While lie liver or to give, I
I g1 ed I)
� arraxage for )lie pare sluring Ills remain- for Ilia c011IfOrt, 10t she WAS wei it 1
k .11
---.A �ng slays and for his burial. 00. Lot tile eown by the very service which 'ter love I 11C
-Let tile spirituall bad t4i,ken up� until Me ,was beetrayed
� . dead bury the dead Y , I t"r
dead bury their pliveloially dead. , Go Into Incivility to ber guest and a tres- 2.
1. And preach the kingdom-Ood's call pass upon the rules Of hospitality, Hers ,
� t-hou . ,
�* - to men to become ]ilia Llisciples and fellow was an error in judgmient, pot the ontire L10
.1 . workers ddd noi admit of Interference by lack of reil piety, but great Ovarsight, 9a
it business or family interests. Xotbin,,, In Mary ,%vs observe a re4liness to r I
- , ece'vO ed
: a divine hiatruction, to improve a prosent Is
.� Allould be allowed to hinder one from
. I following the Lord fully. By comparing Opportunity, to subordinate temporal gr
4 ls,pirltual jlltprs�sts with inaterial, and thin6a lo spiritual things, to .think &lid ba
I � iwthig blie infinite superiority of the act for eternity. it -was not Martha!s Hd
14 former, one does not wonder that the activity, but her anxiety And dlatrahAion ,-.\r
89,viour made big disnanti. fling strong, that cartawl her to deny ber guest the 19
Ood's work is of sufficient importance VcTY thing that pleased him best. What
to clann all our efforts. sbo� needed was sympathy 'with Christ's
I . '
. 61, Another al(io-Theke -wore .,), feNi spirit, to understand Ilia object And Rinw,
1; wbG -were hiellned to becomo Christ's to appreciate his longfilg-desire to feed to
I 711,wiploa and who were determined I- th
I .nd a famishing World, to reciprocate his
faithful; but there are Inore who apiritual desires for those he soll,ght to
. ts,ould have become Ills followers if the lift to It high and heavenly exporlonce.
croslws and iself-destials Had been, less. 40%118 taught Martha that site Would. an
. I Let ilia first go bld them farewell-.17-hio best serve herself anti hira by casting Ag
I request ii uslowared. by the words of aside tier (,aros and giving herself upr to 11
k f .�. ,U-6us in ,Ifzitt, 10, 37, "He that loveth the joy of cominunion With him. He 2
I V Ilia father and mother more than me Is gave greatest pr6tilinellea to tile Cott- to
*, 4not worthy of ilia, and lie that lovetli cersi,3 of tile soul. To be filled with the $L
.? 2� F,nn or daugiiter more than me is not "I of God would equip for godly ko
t �,
� , ' -1 worthy of Inc." The request shows that S"i and that equipment wits ilia one wh
� � im"Or,
i . , the nutu was not a fit subject for tile thing greatly needed. T. it. A, WO
1�- .l kingdom. 02. Put Ilia ]land to the plow - - - I Ing
� I i -The OrlentM PIOW Was suado of tivo . 46 2) to
fastened together. The horjy.,�ntal MUST FIND k 7- mu
"a", :70
-* . pole, -was tho bealn to which the oxen I
�_Z. wero hitel-ed. The lower On(l of tile I M
�� � othor Was tile plowshare, and the upper L.)st Submaride .Has to be (!'I
I end formed the hansIle. Tho plowman aid
I lilillst keell big lialitl constantly antl firtil. o,vered is 'Order. tile
, ly i1polt the Plow to keep it !it tile - . Tit
� groun-1, to that it Wolild Wra the farrow. . bet
t Ills attention must not be turned away Plymouth, San,. 19,--l'The submarine tal
� front his ,work, NO one could Ila it Ills' A7 m und") was the order is- sil
Ople -%vita Was looking longingly 1p,ok
I toward theworld. � 0 . Stied to -day, at the offke of the naval wit
111. Afary and Irartlin (v�q..,L;18-42)�l 38, cOminander-irvehief, who Is determined of
�_ � , 1� that the se�aroh for the ill-fated vessel, 10e
I , A certain. villago-This 0
� (John. 1I.- 1), t,he lionie of Ntary, A lorly Which has been missing since Priday, gee
, I tartha, dur. Ila
. .�. mid Lazirus. lfartha retlelvdirim into when site disappeared with her crew
I , 1'er houst-Frnin title we conclude t1,&t Ing suanoeuvres bora,.shall not be given We
i Martha had cliarge of the boule, �9, Up. bu
k. From early morillha, twelve destroy- Ap
. -it at 'Iestis, feot---May took-flie ))Ila!- qu
tion. of a lt,aimer. We Iread tbat Saulaftt elni) workitig in pairs, 'have steauled slow -
'At the feet of Gainalle.1 (Acta 92.-3). ly tip and down, sweeping with cables (ill
Heard his word---Listepcd cigorly to ilia the sandy bottom of Whitesand Day, to,
VI � d1wourse. 40. (Nimbered-Barticned, anx. but thus far withont rosult, The qioab nit ,�
� folla, Milell aerv;ng-Martllft dft1rt,,-tl to 6 to Ile continuOd throughout 'he waekl 75
give Jfu�nq a h(-sp_',t%Ne recoption, anti if necessary, but the impression is grow -
It, no we may sappose, tile twelve weret Ing tliqt At" may already have been 11);
i . then with hills, much labor was necesttary swallowed tip by the quieksrin& wliiell 22
to providel for tile entire (VOI11P.Ally. Delat Prevail ill .tile vicinity. 1 14
Clot( not (lat-To Wfaybila file important The eoilimander-in-chlef's office, in re� ear
thing AMR to PITPAre It 211011 for the ply to critics, declares that the subwar-
I oat
Master, Init, to Mary it semled mare ine mlist have boom so deep in tilt wat- �$l a,
imporhant to livar Ill% WON% tliall to or that Ila apparatus could have, lifted I
wwoiw-� in,ppare a waroptuoug baliquef. lieft ine, her ivithill 24 hours, and DIP crew could to
-1he (Ireek word ineaw;, "LlAt Isle not have li . ved such a length of time, S.'k
Illone in Vile 'Ilidll?e of lily work" to . o d, 6 erg
0- 1� vollIP Antl lisivil to yon.-Fatrar. 41.
. Alartlia. VarthixTbe Topetition of the VATAL MONTAEAL PIRE, ,"a
11 iinuie by our Lord 4howA his conepril Woutrettl, Jan. IS.---aidel Schneld. Of
for ber vvelfare. It is rather it 'warning er, n mllor, twc-nty-elght YeArg Or ft,14
� fl.�4111 a reproof tinit lie Ii giving ter, age, lost his lite ]A a Clarke street 1)rI
it (7.1refill .11)(I trotibletlabout iwinv'thingp fire to -day, find six-year-old Abe Cohen bit�
4A.), tilt-, wtv fl,bout howe'll'Od virPM Wltq Was UllCongef011ig When takoft froill a till
likoly to volt her of the sphitual kpM tot) floor by the firemen, young Off,
!, the'l'She Inight WN ' Tiv(l, Tht" i6 110 re- 06110n- Wiloi revived, bY an 'Amblilanee �s
I proof of v�*refulnpqq ftnAl Oxce'llown its surgron. Psi,
bottookOoping. A desire to do oria's work Sevets. famillos with A totgl ot sav- f9A
I ive!l is cin;�nipiidable, but Nvotry, Anti ehty-ffV6 people were rendfres,el hom,e- me
overanxii,ty itre ,popilemnail. 41. One 10ows through the DIAting hot Ash" irs Me
tbiYkgr i4 vklhil -That one t1tifig is splr- a imden reteptaolo% ), 10
$ 1
& - I 11 ..M�, I � , 1.
. . I 0
1 U 0 WN 4
. . . . . -
RecelptsI NNero alojerotte.
130 earsi. .0,40. cattlQ,, i,jo3 hogs, ,,34 tihe
-lid latillig, 63 calves. ,cls
biTtZi;�i;;' t""" - " - `
� a eel's .. " 800 0
'es' `
M but0hars' steers .. 7 50 to
7 tS
oil butchers' steers _ G 00 to
,T 00
butelioral helferss .. 8 to to
& rg)
Psi butchers' heifers 7 74 to
COM$ ... ". I 7 00 to
7 25,
cowo ... - ::":::: 000 to
0. r
1 , .Ki
vs ... ... ... ... .... a 1� to 4 75
�oV WrOCKPIts-Not
lst,14111, an'"dprices, flini.
Flax� 1,
steers ,, ,, . , , to
*,7 00
it .
steers _ .:: :: ::. 000 to
6 40
" $00 to
�,Rfi� A61;)�A
, INGX3$-A mod�
M.Pply,nold at
. ePA - - __t�o, to 49,i- eaeh,
b �
0A"'!�k';v AZ`40 14AUBS-Recelpts not
eclual to demand -anti prices higher.
Sheep .. ... ... .... ..... ;a 25 to ' Go
... ;,, 2 ois to. 4 00
Lanibs, choice ('wes and
w0hers .. .... ... .. ..... 9 00 to 9 35
Itoos-pploes stea4y,
Selected, red And watered $9.15 and $9.75
f -Q-% cars, 41.44 $9.45 Weighed off chiel,
I ll'A'R,XJ-,'P.O,'*-'A'[A'Rl�.r,,T,
Dressed lio2s, beal,y .... $11 0,1 $1, 6()
Do., lighi . 1� ..... .... 12 00 12 50
Butter, dalry, Ill. , ,. . , () 3 , () 0 3,1
". ,
Rg , gs, dozen , , . . . . - ... 0 41 0 55
Chickous-, lb. .. . , _ _ 0 17 0 20
rowl, lb, .. - ..". - 0 12 0 14
Duckst Ill.. .. , , , . . I I 0 la 0 Is
TukeYs, Ill . .... .. .... 0 24 0 20
Geese, Ill. .. .. ,. _.. -0 la 0 1$
APT)Ies, bbl. .,� ., _ , . 2 50 4 50
Potatoes, bag .. , .., .. 0 D . 0 1 00
Beef, forequilrters Cwt- 12 oo 13 So
. Do, lsiil�quarter',,
Do., " aides, cwt., . 14 0.0 j5 oo.
Do., medium, cwt, .... IR 00, 13 00
Do., Common, evvt, .... 10 00 11 00
tag" light, Cwt. . '. "
a , c invion, cwt. , , . . 31 ri. o I 2 So
Do., prime, cwt . .. .... 13 oo 1.5 00
Lamb, cwt . .. .... ..... la 00 18 00
Sugars are quoted in Toronto, in bags,
per cwt., as follows:
Fstra granulated, St. LaNvrence..$ 4 al
Do. Do. Redpathla ... 41 4 31
leaver granulated .............. 4 21
,qo. I yellow ................... ,,; 91
In barre1q, So per cwt, more; ear lots,
a I as a.
Open. High. Low. Close.
i" FOR 7
\ %,* I
... �
SINKS 6-c 'I\
�,,*, .. 11 . 69 )
: ... 441
. . ; ..l. .. 1-4
- , . -
...., ........ . � JI 11.,
. .... 4.1.
* ...... ...". ..._.-.---1.-. t
. '..
%_...;. ...'.. `� %..,I�
--`,.,e'..:, .J1.,...�.-.:.`..1_. '.....
. ..
Z. .
1. -.-
I ��i
� I �%
4 �._ - __ :
$&65 per owt., 1,11001, washed, 22c p
pound; hides, Ile per pound; Calfskin
130 to 14c per pound.
Harriston77B.ggs, were plentiful at 3i
per dozen dairy butter 25o potind, ore,
mery $oa 1)Ound, potatoes ON bag, dres,
eld ghickens 150 pound, dressed goes
13c Pound, There were no ducks nor tu
kOY4 offered, Spring wheat, 85o; fa
wheat, 85c; eats, Sac; live ]logs, I(
easier, $6,50 offei'ad for Monday dell,
cry. Butcher cattle Advanced 2&c, $74
to $7,50. UxilorteRttle also 25o higho
and $8.25 offered. Hay,
baled hay, imported, $14 ton, straA,
$9 toil.
Owen Sound -Turkey's, 2oc to 21C
chickens, Me to 17c; geese, 14e; dair,
butter, in pound rints, 27c. to 28c; noNi
laid eggs, 40c; w1soat, Boa io 820; Oat
34c; peas, 900; potatoes, 0,10 to $1 PC
b�g, hall $16.50 to $17; dressed bogi
$ 50; live hogs, $8.05.
"an . .. .. .............. ...... 85%
reterliorol,-Live bqgs under 20i
ay .. I ... .... 90% 90% 00% 00%
Pounds ,were $0, baleil hay, $18, long
illy .. .. .. .. 92% 921/1 02 02
hay, $10; fall wheat, 87c; spring wheal
85c; oats, Sac to 38c; barley 5N to 55C
an . ...... .. .. . 32%
** .. .... ""
mnitink barley, 00c; farmers' Iddes,10c
Itty .. .... .... 3 1A 36% 30% 361/2
butchers' bides, Ile; potatoes, $1.25, ap
lily . " .. .... .. - ....... 37%
Spies, $4 a barrel, light offerings o
Flax� 1,
turkeye, l0c per pound; chickens
lay .. .. ,.132 1 321/s 1 311/s 131%
$1 to $1.20 a pair; butter, 30e; egLgg
35c to 40o.
Belleville-Eggswere M to 43c a doz
iiiiiiieiLpaii,%--Close-N,Ntliettt, May, ,%t-.-
an, butter, 30ooio 33c A, pound; fowl
-4 to 87 7-8d bia;,Tuin s(i I-2 to
$1 to $1.50 a pair. Hay, loose, $15 to $l(
sked. Caali-No, I hard, LO 7-3 to 00-
a ton, balea, $17 a ton. Oats, 42a to 45(
-8c; No6 1 Northern, 86 3 -Ac to 83 7-8c,.
4 bushed, wheat, Doe a burybel, hogs
a. 2 Nortlitirit, 83 7-8 to $3.1 5-3c. Corn,
$12-75 dressed; hags, live, $9 to $OX
a. 3 yellow, 57 1-2 to 58e. Oate-No, 3
per citt.; lam-boldne, 900; butchers' hidei
bite, 36 to 36 1-4c. I'llour, inioliam,yed.
'1111�e,, farmeW )iides, lot/go, dealdns
Tin, $21.75. , . �
75c. . I
Duluth -Close- Wheat. .',s'o. 1 hard,
Cattle, receipts 27000.
'�; No. I Narthern, 863-4c; No..2 do.,
Market steady.
Beavee, .... �:.X 70 tol) 50
43-9c; No. 2 hard, R,t3-8c;
847-8e; May, $83-8c, thily, 89.7-8c.
....... .. ......
.. .. ...... .. 1. ... l to . I 1.
Stockers and feeders .. .. 6 00 to7 75
- , - LONDON WOOL SALH'183.,
Cows and heifers .. 1. 1. 3 60 tO8 50
Calves.. .. .. .. .. " .. I 50 to 1150
Landon—An. attractive selection of
110go, ecelpta 45,000.
,250 bales caused spirite,teonipetition
the to Marinas
Aialcot stdong.
Light.. .. .... .1 .. .. 8 15 to 8.45
wool sales -day. wore
ken by all sections �it prices ranging
2 to 8 521,g'
alixed.. .. .. .. ., .. ., 8 25
Heavy., .. .. .. .. .. _ s15 to 8 65
unchanged to fiva per cant. above
, * * , , , , , , , , , , ,
Rou . 8,15 to 825
a November average. Cross-brods hazi
hardening tendency. -Amerlemns
- ;�le;:. .. .. .. .. 675 to 8 20
.unil. - .. .. - "I. 8 35 to 860
lught suitable parcels of niorinos aric
Sh"p, receipts 35,000.
Iviaricet slow. '
osabreds. 'file salles: Now South Nkrales,
Wr tive .... .... . � .. .. 4 75 to 5 05
" 00 bales; scoured, is to Is I -2d;
asy, 6-2 to a Sd. Queewltsind, 5,500
astern.. .. .. .. .... �, .
Yearlings.. .. .. .. .. .. 585 to 703
as-, secured, Is 3d to 1,; lid, greasy,
Lambs, native ..., .... .. s75 to goo
to is Set. Victoria, I 800 ls.ilei, scour-
, is 2 1-24 to i� 3d; gre"Y' 0 1-2d to
Vast Buffalo despatch: Cattle - Re.
ceipts, 3,500; slow and 10 to 15c lower,
2d. Alrest Australia, 1,200 bales,
easy, 7d to Is IkI, NOW Zealand, 1,000
Prime steers, $8.75 to $8.90*, shippillwt
les; scoured, Is Id to Is ad; "Jilells.171
to Is 1-2d. Cape of Good Hope anti
$8 to $8.0; butchers), $7 to $8.25;
heifers, $0 to $7.83, cows, $3.5o to $7.15;
atal,_ 300 bales; scoured, Is Od to Is
bulls, $5 to $7.25, stockers and foefii,s,
1-2d; greasy, 7 I -2d. to Is Id. .
$5.50 $7, stockers heifers, $5.25 to
. 11
$5.75, fresh Mile aul spriligers, stei,dy,
35,50 to .$qo.
London, Ont.—Butter raugged, from 27
Veals—Receipts, 600; native a -ad 5 to
320 per pound retail, the same as for
10c higher, licavy and mixed, $8.60 to
a past few months. Eggs are, slightly
$8.05, Torkers,*$8.00 to $8.70, pigs, $s.50
�er, 38 to 40c -being . the retail quota,
to $8.05; roughs, $7,00 to $7,75, stags,
1118, Poultry prices were untilangred,
- I
$6 to $6.25; dairies, $8.50 to 8,05.
d potatoes Were the ,sapie as a week
]loop atid lambs—Recelpts, 25,000;
a, 90o wholesale and $1 Pat, bag lletail.
111011" ivethers, steady, others 15 to 25c
ICAare now aeareer,and brought $:>
lower, hu - 500 to $8.10; yearlings, $,j
par barrel. Hay still brings tip
to $7*, W. hars', $5.75 to $8.2'15,- elves, $3
$15 per ton. Feed barley brotkgrlit
to $4.60; is cap, $5 to $5,65.
05 per cwt. Alost of the oats ivar-
ted to -day brought $1,03 per owt., and
Wheati spot, firm.
cat is steady at $IA5. ' Hides and
'%%Tts. 2 manitoba-7s, 4 334d.
�ol ar,i steady in price, With little plov.
No. 2 ilranitONL-78, 1-2d, .
. Butchers' wents were quoted as fol-
1,'utures easy Atal,ch-78, 2 5-sd.
Alay-lo, 1 1-2d.
vs- Lamb, 15 to lac por pound;
Cornl Spot, 3111Y- -Xis, I 1-2d.
ttoll, .$q to $10-50 per civ.t.. I)cof,
American mixed -,6s, 12d.
un& $12,50 to $13; beef, Cow'
a" $10 to
Futures steady, Jan. -4s, 9 I-Sd.
Frlday�s, 10 1-2d. 4
to $14,
; Tani. $13 ,y dressed hogs,
oleo, $12.60 to $13.,
Vlour, winter patplits-28s, 6a.
Hope In I,onclon (Pacific Coast)-fs, Ss
.Tuelpli.— There wits, A fairly good-
ad market to -day, tile feature being
to 16, 152.
"C", extra Tridia rness122s, 6d.
reduction in the price of fresh �-g�_s-
prime mesa, western -logs, 9d.
-XI-111111 short cut, 14 to 16 lba,-.0o,
a ak O 17a a do2an, Ui'tt
t.,On, Comberiestid out, 2o to Jo Ills. -
ore closing time as low as 3,1d 1vaa,
On. Butter remained Practically tile
Us, cd -
Short ribs, 16 to 20 lbs. -Vs, 6%].
nd as ,last week, at 98 to 300 it pound '
Clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs -70s.
- - I
Ile there Was no chango in the pric 0
t - r l- ttn I
--'--"--- I
poultry, Ohickenis ranged front 14 to
. 1 �
- L � . I .
ft Pound, fowl at 19. to 14a it pound,
. .1
se at $1.20 to $1.5o each. * Vitro were
� I
ducks -or turkeys offered. Votattles
re more plentiful than usual to-d%y,
t the price remainod at $1 per Isag.
pies sold at All prices, aetordbig to
ality. The ineat market wite wall
.e! , ,�".�
I �
�Pli;(I. Pork was 14 to l5c, beef 12
I .
150. and lasub 15 to l(k,.
t. Thelinas.—Tho quotations Werp,4
ttOr 28 to,30e,
li Ogg% 96 to 3,90; Applei,
to Boa a bushol; alljokpilsq, is -to ,20a
elliekens, $1 to $1&3 a pair; turkeys,
.. 1, , I
.. I %,N.Y',�-If I I
to 24c, geese, Ila. Trolley, extractea,
to 150'. do., t%onlb, IS to ide. )lotIttoc.q.
to $1 A InLIS1101; onions, 40c, Peak;
I . ( .1 .
rots, 40 to 430e it bushel,, Wheat, 85� I
6* 32'al loose hav, $14., Intled
A .-
t4 $17; hide. 0 1',g to, it I Z&
A - _U WIL � - 11
' erlin—Tho supplV of eggs wagerlual
the donland,atid, 'rov ailing price waA
Dovilt waste time tom In A,
par dozen, alth *1 few custom-
611salves because they'rea
few cents cheaper,
Paid as low Its log Aold tit
per ounil, and potittoea at $115
bag. Rere wag a
1 IlaV6 proved Zara.43uk
best toe 9,ozernow Plies, Skila
Splendid varletv
fowl Offered, chickens being plentiflil
Diseases, arid injuries.
As A Mother, you aWd It
S011ing ELL frost 43c t
ckia at 80c and goest at $Unso. Call-
to your ritmily to U46 the
08, turnips, carrots ,and otber'voge-
best, that's Zara-Bukl
34regat, Allon1wifsonersw" . -
404 sold at lisivil, pricils. Apploot were
. . . . .
red at from, $1 to $1.25 per bllol)ol.
tylatford—pricea.. —Eggs, 400, Per tlox-
blIttOY, 97a to 30c per pound; thick-
. 40c to W ta'Alt'. ducks, 506 to T.'se.
ll�- pollitm, *1.26 per ilag; *he I "
busliel; oatis W busbel; h
per per
11 -
N#, #16 per t6n; IIV, live, ".W o..
- - ---------- ___
s,lv*r middlos, )INlit. * to k Ik*.
clear Isild4les, 11"vy, 36 to 40 lba.
Oefir back$, is to 00 Ills. -M%. 04.
hIrs, st$llare, It to 13 Ibm'-wo. *J.
prime We4tern, In tlrecess_�,Jm,
call, reflUNI-1146, sa.
', C411441411, flneAt wblto�s G(l.
1!_*1fW1d1 city -424,
I V .
atinp.1, s1lirlys-439,
_ -
Trial Opowned in Britist
Army Brib ry, Case
I -0 , &
Alllcgcd to, Haw J3
, � on Go.
ing on T�a Years,
London, Jan. IS. -The Clial-lul ,O�
bribery and corruption in cossialee , tIoJ1
with the canteen supplies of tile Dritist
ar"I.Y. Which )live aroused suph witie.
spre�id attention irrtlle, BrItIsIt Islas fol
i'mOnle time. past, were tile subject yes.
Inv#% I I
.. 11 TV%
V V V. /Ay I
KRA Muff
k�n\'" �
, ( NWIth Daily
�'�'11111 .
� \1 Use of
illu ? I 1.
Qtlgltt at tile Dow And oce'a 'ion
street police court against eight Army � � s al use of Cuti,
OfflOcre anti non-cominisajoned officers cura Ointment. No Other
On ' d elght civilians, i S, rauch to
.Vile Crown Prosecutor, S. R, 1). :Nfulr, emoll ent do so -
after rp4ding tile forniell. Charges against prevent pore-cloggi
the accused, three of whom, two officer$ . ng; pim,,
anti one eivilian did not a � PPe4r, occupied ples,.blackheads, red, rough
the entire day in readilloff correspondence
relating Ao what lie described as,. "this hafids; dandruff, itching
I tl*nffic in brihery,)o scalps and falling hair. -
Mr ,Muir Contended that the evidence Ill
Showed persistent recelpts of bribes Cutleura goals and Ointment are soia eiroupout
by 0o world. A tworai sample of eacu, with 32-pago
military inep� from tile civil defendants, SktnI300I-,Be1lt'Po9t-1roe. A�14rc-_, Patter Drug 4
tile gifts being handed to them ist order Moro. Corp., Dept. 4it, Yiostoll, V. S.A.
to influence contract,3 and. to prevent , , �� . I --- � __ -
complaint$ about tile high prices. .. I- __ -
The case Was adjourned until JAn. 24, 46JINVIIAN111
I'lld it is expected to oec)lpy tile courts -
fat- montihs. , . I -
Tile six officers; and two liasl�oolltllllg. Makes Attackon Britain in
sioned Officers- involved are all conneetod peech. - ,
with the quartermaster's department of � .,
tile War Office. All the officers have . ' �
risen from tile ranks, London, ,Tilt 19.---alorc than IQ0 Anj-
I'lle bribery Antl c0l"Tiltion, According cricans present it tile weekly lullelleop.
to the opening Speech of tile prosecuting
counsel, ]lave been of tile Anscrican Litnol)eon Club '
of Ire a �p,l n _ might be neces. - ' , to -day
tex years. 'Ill i; oil for upwards . wildly che,red and Applauded a. velled
nPry to add oblier names to tile list of but obvions atta -
of, oil Sir Lionel �ardcst
those ace(lsv4. and at the game time aud,11rit4in's. IN[exi'Can policy, nlado by
several Officers are being dealt with by lSeIIfttQr J, 11am 14mvis, Amorlean ewle_
military tribunals. gato to tile Conference oil ,Safety tit Se.t,
The lVaIr Office took the initiative. in and the club,$ guest,of honor. -
tile Investigation of reports in eircula- Speaking inittiedlately after all Undo�_
tion as to the bribery and corraptlaii Sceretary of tile British Ad,miraltv, -,vita
90ing` on ill Connection With army sup- expressed Ole conventi
Plies. Some Weeks AgO it Was announced America and Britain woun-11d. llohpv�ays"hft-t
that a general court-martial had b6en united in the lasting bonds of peace,
convened, to try five quartermasters Senator Lewis sitid- "President Wilson
with a view to testing the accura-ey of desires friendship and Peace with all
statements made of a system of Isr . lbery nations, but 11OW can there be peace With
and corraption in the conduct of east- it nation that iq Inciting our neighbors
toons in t,he army.,,
� is I *. � : to Z, on our bordera? Pre,iitlent ly,il-
! 8011's pol!Py ia peace with lionor, but
. hoi%or llre;C It must belionor even with.
AfTER EFFEUS' Of' . . out pesice." ___ ,
.. Buffalo, Jan. 18. -miss Evangeline
Booth, �commander of the Salvation
Army in the United States, is confined
'Overcome by the Use of Dr.-, to her bed in her room in a local
Williame Pink Pills. . hotel, suffering with a serious. attack
of bronchitis. The doctors attending
Throughout Canada Iss, grippe (in. her say that Pneumonia will probably
flitenza) proatratea thousands or busy develop, but late to -night her condi-
men anti wo , I tion Was much more encouraging.
man every Winter, -wreek- Miss Booth contracted a severe cold
Ing their health and leaving behind in Elmira last Priday, which rapidly
numerous serious ailments. It, is the grew worse. Last night when she ar-
after effects of ]a grippe that cause rived here it was necessary to call
such wides, doctors. She has been forced to can-
pread pilEcry. Here is the .
. , eel her present engagements, but. nil -
reason. " grippe leaves behind it less Pneumonia should develop. by to -
weakened vital powers a shattered morrow mor,ulng she will be ible to
nervous system, Impure and impov- leave this city during !he 'week.
orialied blood and a lo�Nv state of Considerable - alarm was felt over
health that i'enders the sufferer ex. her condition during the afternoon,
tramely liable to rheumatilsm, indi- , . elo . �
gestion, neuralgia and nervous dial MILITANT C010MITTED.
Orders. You call avoid let, grippe eA- .
tirely by keeping the blood rich and London, Jan. 18. -Phyllis Brady, the
Pure through lite. occasional use of well-known militant suffragette, after
Dr Williams' Pink Pills. Or if because evading tire policd for toll mouths, Was
f arrested and brought before the Police -
yo�' IIMv0` not recognized your blood
We4knew, ]a grippe foAtens its fangs Court,at Chertsey, Sutrey, yesterday. '
upon You, its disastrous after effects Ther magistrate committed her for trial :
can be driven Out by tile same mediellse. at the London S I essions oil a charge of
Dr. Willhims' Pink Pills increase and an- arson. She Is believed to be one of
rich the blood supply, feed the starv, the suffragettes who set fire to the i
W residence of Lady White, widow of �
fterves, and thus import new health and
aaw strength to enfeebled men and the late ' Field Marshal. Sir, George 1
ivomen. Mr. G. St. Cla White, at Englefleld Green; Surrey, on
bhe San Life Assur it) connected with �garch 2901. �
, a -nee Co., HaliTax, , - 4 �& I
�T-S., Says. Ill was taken down lvith 9, REGULATE MILITARY POWERS,
,Iqavv, cold and ' Its griPP6 was confined (
Lo the house for some weeks. I had tile (Berlin, Jan. 10.4The BAdleal, Liber- I
jelst of medical attention, and aithoussh al and Clerical members of the Im- i
'Ile doctor said I w '
, as cured I ,Was still perial. Parliament hive determined to i
!ar from Well, and did not ]lave the vim take the Initiative toWard the Instr -
�. 0
le�!easary for it strenuous business lijej duction of a measure governing the I(
Ind did'not Attend to elther office ,or use of weaponi by the military In
leld work. Talking witi, a friend he Germany, such as recently occurred ((
;,Lid 'Why "at tr Dr. Williams' Pink during the violent incidents li%�ween
?ills�' I deelded ful do so, and before the army and civil authorities at Za-
bern, Alsace. Their intention is to V
: had used a box felt an improvement, t
Intl before long the pills made me feal place on the basis of a law enacted by I
lite a fiew man. I can't therefore say Parliament the prevention of similar (
;a* Inuch in favor of this valuable =ad. occurrences Instead of leaving it in
cine, and hope that any who Inay read the liands of the monarch, (
� ,- - -
;Ilia and be in need of medical atten- - - 0
Acri will Ile persuaded to try this truly
vonderful rnedicine.11 ,,The Hog the Mortgage Payer." c
. 0
You can get these health-re-40wissit Tit these davel of tile high cost of food I
?Illa through any medicine dealer or ,and especiall� Of Ineftt, i0len tho ptidk- a
)Y Mail post paid at 50 cents a box. or erg are dogilairing of the ineat sttl)l)ly 1.
6v boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. NVII. P.nsl 66"price of flesh food is proc e,11110 I,
i�nls' 1.1edicine Co., Brockville, OuL steadily upward, farmers Would. tit) wev, t
'60 to Pay liped to tv section of Samuel W. I
Allerton's book oil "Ilraetical Farmlsio," v
REUTER DEC ORATED .erltitltd, "Tho Ilog the ..NLtortga,ga r' t
orP' � V* I
Mr. Alle,vton. says that this is wbat r
I . tile hog is kiloNva its oil 11111110ii fArnis t
<aiser Honors Colonel of and lie believes ibat it is nil oplineptly I,
. correct &�appafion. Ile gives intIC)l 9
Zaborn Regiment. p`111cill.-Al 1141vice W-gal7dY19 tile 80e0qAtill '
hop, And points out- tbat the
Berlin Jan. 18,-Tha list of deeara- �111"Illg al us"Ohiticie to alledesa Is hag
.' I
long Qa public to-aay includes the Put Oils may be avolded bY proper
ted E'Aglo of, tile Third Class with f('Nlille Of tile animal. Ilia itlea bting
:11ot to Colonel Von Router, who re, illat cholera is roduced by overfeeeding i
Ito A,
of t-orn. . erefore aa lse,,f ground I
Ontly was aequitted. by Court-martial - 11, v
arle,v ,
fts. a c1larige of feed, and' also
I charges made against hint. in call- suggests, in order'to prevent tilt, Spread
action with the troubles betweon the of the disectle, in case Any .,tnlm,,tl 11post
illltar�v and townspeople At Zabern, i firms chould become inleeted With it,
flutt ling coap'l Ile eoll?ktructed all(,f SO41t.
dsa,m WIlLi'll the )ftat arilly list Wile tere(l over tile fftryu 41) tlltk't illfco
11111,9110d, A)lt XOvOinbar aj 1913, Call In"Iv be 'couffilell to all few of*ths� ant.
oil Renter Iteld-only tile Red Eagle Inak ns pwsible ftli(I tile Tese; plinissilred.
f the Fourth Class, Mr. AlleTton, Shows that bv proper
Altioligr others decorated wag Roar- c"Ire Ilog raising L4 not oxPellsi;rc, ,lips(l. it
Aillival 1�011 Rebour-pasellwitz, W110 Is 11111ftecomial'y to point nut that in trele ,
mit-dautled the GeTinaft. squadron timesf of high prien it bring -4 harctj ye. O.,
'lliell visited the 'United Statoe ill turns. Ite Alawa, in adlutio,ly, that lx-�- .
H-2. Tie reeelvea tho Red Eagle of. sulva flip (11w,tt Value of ling byeedin't in
to Second Clasq, with Oak wreath. file profit of file anfinal.4 tliprilgoil,tig, _
Arthur von Gwiliner, director-getorstl 110,09 greativ enrich tllo 1,11111 lipoll WIll'sh
F the Doitteclie Bank, also rcOaIVO8 tile 00Y Tun, Ailtl th-w4 their prtL,ontso on tilt, 03
!e Ited E'Agle of tile Seeond Class. There farlil 111"ll't's for tile Let"Orn101it of all bi
I a more till n 5,000 namm on 06 list, evolis Ily slipplAng, nritill'al hirt1lig(w.
I I- - . 1. r'aTlnerg 416@11 i0lOW All 00490 thin(M I ef
to rirp,li. not mily for Clew own, InIt f';r to
. Mrs. Stafford, widawof the I& 1,110 ealllt of VIP Putire ronstiming mWie
ick �;tafford, died suddenly at ilia Of 010 nAthon. It it were, roolux.j ilaw 0
�aldenee of hor son,lri-law, Willilim lkte- profitilble hfsg miltivAtIpit really lo, '1�
ounell, IlittrIston. 8he wits being serv. 010TP, W01IIII 1v Imany 'more h*A,q mlqej
I breitkfast in bett by her t1mighter I Islirl tblkliltsitit proWm woula No, lly, no'l ItIll
livil Alle etpired, In,ftn# so AM . I ell
It . I ,
.............................. ........................... ,,",,"I'll .............. . . . . . . . . . . I ..... . �
� I __J____1 I ,-,.. 11,*.��.
I R?
�, �Jg
','� -
1"X11"IMMIT14 OXT 1-,JWTJJ,fZjr,M. I J I
-About tell year,* 0,40 4 series of ex. it, ,
POrlwouts wore re orted Isy the jjrli� '' A'"
11 'oil ,
r0rilitY Of 111111019 eXperiluent gtatioss, r VA M, I
. v we'll. , � ,
I Concerning the problem of lnoreammg w 1� ror o� , 1,
lefficiallev Of barl))!ard stiassure by win� I th 4A. I'll
orals Anti legunle vrojw. The. . a a
, 4e expeli. bu#401s 04 , ,,
ments were or a, illgh werit anti voluq. *am woul,4, , .
The Object ll -as to Aseertaig the beat, pW0.1U1.a,& *..If . I I I
Metbods of,,goil tI. . eatluent is$ Well as phorus "d ,-_ ,
0 Illost suitable rotatiolls for plain- I I
tailtin- And Illet-et . ..
, %silso, the production I I
e4pacli.y of Illinois sdi'to. Tilese, exped- for he 11
ments Ilave .1 bearing, upols, tile Problem !nereaae of 1100 I , - ,
I Oil every kind of soil throughout tile two bus. : a 04 �
. 'Aliddle States, t1lat 13 to sity, itusler outlay. - 7 ") 4. �� , ,111
Sor"WhIlt similar Conditions. r', * -'� �
At tile thile of tit(,' report, tile fields r,uu xzws " . "
workea by the station li;id bews. under "I ���
I .1, I Z .
its Control only Tor two y(lar$, but as III groon#ug III I � -1 , 444
. fir !is thQY Went, tile TeAllItS AN 1111" should W plst4sl 1 4 1
, � r
Portant. . . comb should be us to �
Tile A-titatION8 adopted In tile experl_ and is somettima-4 4 I , I k
. 0 g , to, J*, T
sn"t'fields Worei, first, a three yeAr,_0 apPlIcestlan'th 'it . .
rotation-flyst air carn or wheat in the dirolotia 'a 1wr I .- I ,
(with A leg,111110 catch crop on. cartalls. will rafle the, )Yholo oft�t 14A, ' �
Plots), AVeond year oats (wIth v, ]a. d Itp tbs.
iflove traces, of'sourf among
I '11100 catch crop on ilia same plots as hard teeth of
I , the 4OU4., ,
in tI10 I rat Y(1419,� third year legume- And thus pi,o(Juee Wore AW I
: 0101"e" , ('01"Peas or stinic, otlict, legume. remove, The Secret of keeo
I '11or a vatell crop with C COM In ga0d -aOX4AtJO I
Mere seeded between the rows, or an), but zolatim" And: t
bcPs- al)011t July 1, at- wiliter v6tch dur. Inking pallss not .
1119 J1113, or August, wiles, tile I
� I . corn lias� wrong W.q.y, A pt
been worked for the last time, �
F better �.Or the 40at
Or R catch 0w)p with wlieat or oats, roe _11M
oklorA e,u ryl
clover w4y,bo seede(I jil.,the spring, or for the hor0
, ,,,
cowPeas, say beeths, -vvljltpr voteil.' be '�,O�A!11,,�olllgnitp-e
$Own as $0011 as posisible After Isurvest- the .tttelltiosl
ii)g the grain, the stubby ground being the�,entjre -,I;W-��,e
. Other dislied or plowed .before ,sowing elyj of ,".1L.6, 0%
tile Catch Crop' All legume catch Crop$ VCfiielp'o. %JI'llor
Were Plowed under for ilia Is . ,,a. T., I 6
, essefit of , their u,
the )all(]. Tile regular legume a use !it Moscow
Issually barvcgf�a and' taken , 7111t,1114191 t4ing. to have ,
land deficient ill nitrogen it is plaiyed coatsitry. ,j,lle
under. . a carclogg, ahi
. Lime was applied only to some plots done stiore in'
is, order to-correct'soil, acidity. It was
found .that 1,009 to 2,000 pounds once ' Ground flax
In six or eight years is sufficient for for butter fat
that Purpose, Phosphorus -was applied lif-apill , 11 p 14,
at tile rate of 400 pounds (fine gr6unll milk, fill- tile, a
bone the first year) and 200 'Pounds weeks I , prolk e .
41 I
bone tile follow�jlg year per acre. Qn Skim ... I . 6 Via calf gr
Solve fields were used "instead 500 to nally Isic .O tao tilt% flAX-3o
1,000 Pounds of' gronild roe), , ca;f is getting
phospla'ate th" ltllllotf,,�a
—that .11laterial' being ninch a i - per blespoonful with e�l
than bone,, -Potaaaiu�. -was *applied at -qeod illay be JuIXvd with tile m !
thLk I -ate of 200 paunds, the *first and �'IeXor mix cornmeal or any other *r
I 100 pounds per year, tile. -year folio-vYing. feed that contains, a good .of 0
It was put oil Ill illo forls, Of ulilriate 1kith the inilk,. a s el y a
or sulphate of potassium. Malture was prodace scoura, T Is I r t91
. '41111
P14 vpo,n,,,thP fields wIlen used, at.ihe that starelketi. foodamust be viLved-1
rate 0, c tolls per year., That is, in saliva before (ligestion. mn tttke r
tile three '
years' rotation six toils Were and anything that., I's- dru wit')l
co�ne Ill
put bit tll� wheat field, in the four mill,, (lot,% not 1) ,
years' rotation eight tons. . Itild consequently) It f
The four years' �rotatiou followed was geAed sold acti .n.� , n Ill
. I
corn, corn, oats, legume, or -corn, oats, ltliinelitar� -tract, I
Wheat, legume; or wheat, wheat,, oats,' - .
legume. . . . I Yn selecting a dairy. 0,ow I .
The� experiment proved that planure lollg� udder llengthwfsc I of I
produced about the same result oil ilia larirv, roomv Isat'rel, -with by
fertility of the soil as cowpeas turned n',fle apart, �roiniisent wilk veil
under green. Vor -when Ito other treat- ing -well forviard, NvIth large op
ment was added tile inallure give 2,9 t6 the abdomen; jong, Icart'nce
bushels more than the legumes,, but S`kin; Clear-cut iic-el'kut .
a ("
11 , _ " . .
T 1-1.
when liliospborus and potassium were' Ill -101t eYes. Such a co,'$;'�,il' I
.added,the legumq surpassed the mangre 011gilt not to be dig4olinting" PF,
treatment by 28 bushels. The expdri, . W,f $Ile has a dar 'toe %ke'
' n t'
ment also,"ProYed that lime, -Phosphorus 6�r; otherwse thNAest'COW W h
and. potassium. applied without either . .. � . '
manure oK legumes, felt short 5.7 bugh. If ft high-spirited ho 0 1.
els, respectively"2.0 bushels,'as against plan,aptl mid control Iii
the same APPIW -with barnyard'nihiv ORPELfAc of endit6ug a-
ure and green xrops ployed �Indcr. Tbn but-tery oftpn such, ill- d'Ia A'To
. -
lat bably will gather frorn the a' -r inore' ON-eitt aNe' than Viev tatrir,,til
t"r Pro Ill, tile drivei being fid6ty 0 -nil 'bo
as much. Ilitromell, perhaps '01ren a III
tie )note, tban"the manure (two tolls Iftck Of good jadginent, � I
would, contain. But — I I
the foripei contains also sonle pitos- Stock shoilld be led a varl t 4 1 ,
phorus And a good deal of DOtISSILIM, Mally flocks .and bords hav to .,
and therefore cannob beqult� made up almost entirt-ly i1poll grain It ' .
for by green crops, except ,With it Pro. Ye"I", 'which is at careless ni '
portionate addition to them of these ifig. Vegetables, either raw �'
two alcments—phosphorus ond potassi- or niixcd with ground grai .1.
upl- . . lent, but 1here is 110thin& I
. 0
It,has -been shown that. red clover can eral suppIV of grair
' ,, _rjor .
je isown with NNIleat, oats or -rye, fdr, witil Plenty -of greiss-in-Sul
ass* than $1 an acre, and grow ft, crop 'in minter, gi-ven (Ifiring tjlo (
A clover containing- o an 100 tile ,routrIlliess" is of nlixe
lounde of nitrogen per -acre. This result miloh tli� bettor.* vilrety
)all oleo. be accomplished With cowpeas Wilth and promt
atoll crop, or say beans, or vOtelles, &lid ------ *_+� �
wo-bably with, crimson clover And nlfalfa� . 5,000 OUT ON tHE
tfter the soil becomes thoroughly in-
eated with the proper bacteria.' Albany, X. 3,, jan. 19
Extra inVOstigatiops have shown that ,characterized the walhout'at 4
Jfalfa properly infecied with the alfalfa to -day of approximately 5,00 '
meterta obtaine praetic "I its nitro- ployod by the )Delaware-'
. _11U Railroad Company�
,raw from tile als., Leven w n grown 6 I
he black prairie soil of I111110M crews brought their, traill,
it is not necessary to apply any, nitr,5,, minal pointi, took ifielir ell
,an to the soil in order to (.-liable found houses and ,�e,n I a, teo th .
t 0 0
� nf:i
egumoi� to start growing. to awalt the resul r
A good stand and a luxuriant growtif tween. union - leaders and offt .
Lf leginneR were obtained on a soil which the company, The conferees w
vAs absolutely free of nitrogen, simply In Session at 8 o'clock.
,y providing suitible conditions, includ- The inen demilsid the reinsta
ng a sufficient supply' *of the mineral 6f'two men who were disch ,
lefflelits of plant food (as phosphorus . alleged disobedience. . . I
nd potassium), lime if needed, and thor. The telographer!isl Ineludi g $I
ugh Inoculation, with the proper species men, will leave their keys S to �tly
f nitrogen p0lering bacteria. I fore noon after disposition* of ev,
it may b� safely said that a farm in train is made. .
ood running order inay obtain ,any I
mount of nitrogen needed for its crops ' HIS LIFE FOR
y means of these legumes, at it coat of . A LUNATIC,
lie cent a pound. � Vancouver, .8,C., Sall. 18.7--Ja
Phosphorus is more expensive. A ton Paisley, a seaman aboard the T
f ground rook phosphate containing Trunk liner Prince Rupert, lost
bout 12 to 13 per cent. of pliosp�liorua life last evening as the vessel Was
,.%n be bought for $1 to $8. Thus three ter -Ing 'Vancouver harbor. TRTe Jun
mts or a fraction move par pound would overboard in a vatn attempt to res
a its cost to the farmer. Ground bone, Charles Anderson, a lunatic, VI
Ity Of *being brought from Ruj)ert -
)ntaining about the game qualitt tl
hosphorus, is worVit about $25 to $30 Westininster Asyllum. Anders
toil, that is to say, about four times been in charge of a. policeman
io price of ,,,Oak phosphate. Roolc pho3. got away While tile officer w
4itte will g(ve abOlAt as good resulb. dinner, Anderson leaped verb I
I)en applied in connectioll With -a liberal and was followed by Paisley.
se of legumes or farm manure, and Will. steAuler Iva$ Stopped and a boat
D isiore lasting in its effects than bone, out, but neither man . wits seen liga
WMI. - )But With6lit organic Matter in ' ' I . -0 6 4b I � I
is soil or it liberal application of man. When .'tile Imman door p�at turni he
' '
ro or legumes It ,would, not affect res- liable to be ftslisn-eo .18 IV 1Iinsg1,,#A0,v01T;
ilts materially. New York American.
'frosts In the Nose, Frequent ' S- ' nezing
W Have Catarrh-ADislostiog '
I . 1� D"Os
folief In 'rive. minutes-Cgrtal"
Cure Pollows If "Catarth. . ,,
ozone Is Use.d. .1
Don't etav Stuffed no with .1 sore alose,
00 running and broath bad.
Tako a Ila breath through the inhalor I
st one single breath antl see how it.
QaTA Out tl'6 11090i how it make. -i yoa �
'eatilt free and easy. �
Relief from VatIVA1670110 Ja (Illick ilia �
fcetive�Yoit dowt )lave to Wait all day
' got I either.
, tqo other tro.-ttinent is like C�Itlrrli- i
.one or is allie to driveeattirrh so com. i
i ptclffl. I
yen doft*t tnkt. anything intpi,nall.v in.
Ing 0ittarrliozone-you doift run'tb
Xfta# Of #P011114 dit9fttion or Iftm I
ifig aPPO'Cite With a bad fasting modid,
� fimt breathe in that soothing pin
� 'qPOr, so rich Ill healing, so full
Power to cure' every type, of . tilm,
trtiuble, 11,64rSOn"s, paip� over the ey(
VrallehitiA and Catarrh. I
�'evllls thilt Ina.v Ix, larking in ,t)
11101101, 11(me '01, throat, QatoLri'110701
will d,vat-roy t1will, 11, this 4�jy it pri
v0ptS many tin ill. ' J
"I aul i*ver Ivitlioi,t 01ttarrIjO701le
hiller"', writm I`. tl, JaIllmoll, of I
in'�gtoil. ..t. se it for a minute, nil
Atolka 41; cold at it,4 Jh,:jinIl,111y,,. if
COM )IAA lt ,,ttart, or if ijA�ic,,,i,irth
Nut thrmit, Von, ("In p"!IV cIlre ii 11
CafarrhozoW.11 . �
Tf sliffering
� from tblolt dr6
rityining ov�m, aptivo, li�li;�Jl a' '
el,oki,d'eau�itinrs. is thollioqril
lh%.r ,Cat&rrft0,h# WM .qol.0,11v v
(4t tht %TV $1101) Pettit. 'it
I .
trhilk "n *140V 01 I So<-. -
Awl M, Z. 6, 6"o , hjgr"r
I r , ", .
. _12A ,� h