The Wingham Advance, 1914-01-08, Page 4TR] WINGIEEAM ADV4NCr i TutJ12sDAY, JANUARY 8, 1914 Exceptional Values In Winter Wearing Apparel for Men and Boys, Lades and • Children. Men's Fur Overcoats Men's Fur -lined Over- coats Men's Tweed Over- coats For correct styles see Men's Tweed Suits. The Standard Fashion Sheet for January It shows the latest Winter Fashions Each customer will receive a Fashion Sheet FREE, at our Pattern Counter Boys' Overcoats and Clothing. Underwear and. Hosiery Ladies' Fur Coats Ladies' Fur -lined Coats Ladies' Cloth Coats Misses' Overcoats Winter Hosiery and Underwear. Me. Editor :— Too will observe in paper No. 0, the statement, "Leglelatton never has and never will do this," We presume. Me. Bamford means Legislation never pro- hibits. Perhaps this is one of hie so called "incontrovertible facto." How- ever you are aware that the brewers of the United States publish a hand• hook each year showing the liquor per head purchased in every State in the Union. They certainly know more about the production and sale of liquor than any other class. Far 1011 the United States Government tax upon the Consumption of ligsior in the dif- ferent States showed that Kansas, (A Prohibition State) consumed the tette- hundredth part of e, gallon for each person. This could be accounted al - w eet entirely for druggists and meth- anical uses. In the adjoining state of Missouri, a liquor state, the per capita consumption was given as thirty-six gallons or thirty-six hundred times as much per bead as in Kansas, a state that has for thirty years enjoyed a fair chance to prove what Prohibition would do. The resulthas been beyond the most sanguine expectation of the advocated of Prohibition, Crime baa been lessened. More than one half of the one hundred and five jails are empty, Forty-two counties have had no jury called to try a criminal case in many years, No less than twenty-one thousand students are reported as attending the state colleges. In Kan- sas, we are informed taxes are very much lighter than in adjoining States. As compared with Indiana or Missouri, about one half as much, The "bureau of Correction", report that twenty- nine counties have not a sing`e person on their poor farm, such as every county is bound to maintain. The bank deposits to the credit of the people of Kansas is much greater per head than in the Licensed state of Mis- souri? It would after all appear from these returns, tbecorreetnees of which cannot be disputed that in Kansas, Prohibition does prohibit. In conclusion, we again say many men who could not resist the temp- tation of the open bar would take their wages home to their wives and families. Every hotel man knows money is taken over the bar that ehould go to warm, clothe, and feed famishing children. The bar has never been a bleating to any, even the liquor men admit it, but it has been a curse to thousands, even this they admit. General Booth says, "Nine - tenths of our poverty, equator, vice and crime spring from this poisonous tap 'root." Society by its customs, habits and laws, has greased the elope, down which these poor creatures slide to perdition.," KING BROS. PRODUCE WANTED 1 PHONE 71 Heavy winter Goods We are offering to the public several lines in Men's Fur Coats at a bargain, such as Bulgarian Fawn, Corean Bea- ver, Russian Calf, Coon, and China Dog ; also a few Ladies' Astrachan Jackets ; was $35, $40 and $45 Your choice, $10.00 mosarransouramosomormanrosirmoso Phone $9 PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WANTED. J. A. Mills (Successor to T. A, MILLS) WiNH.AM Maordioe Boy's heroism, At the meeting of the Board of Education an Fa•idey night a letter was read from Arthur W. Bell, in. !trustor of Eu renice for the province, calling attention to the heroism of little Tom i'attereon of Kincardine in saving a boy greatly hits senior, from drowning last summer and suggestions that the Board take the initiative in the matter by communicating with the Royal Oaoadien Humane As- sociation on the subject. Mr. Beall concludes his letter thus "With the pleasantest memories of Kincardine, which will never leave, I am, youre for the Wye and little Tom Patterson." Oa motion of Qte, G. Macintyre and James Malcolm, the secretary was in• strutted to communicate with the R. 0, 13. A. [The rescue for whish recognition is sought took place last summer on the occasion of a school picnic in Clement's grove ou the South line, Some lade were swimming and young Robinson a son of Arch. Robinson of the South line, eank in a bole. He had gone clown for the second time when Tom Pettreson dived down and brought him out, He is a son of Ex-Mayof Robert Patterson[ —Kincardine Re- view. The abeve refers to a nephew of the Councillor Patterson. Yours sincerely, M. Lockhart. • CUM '.x a X .t r.. Forest Fire Losses, 1913, Must 1 Walt ? "I have a. life With Christ to live, Rut, ere I live it, must I wait Till learning can cleer.answer give Of this and that hook's date ? 1 have a life in Obriet to live, I have a death in Obriet to die ; And must I weft till science give All doubts t% foil reply I Nay, rather, while the sea of doubt Is raging wildly round ahotit, Questioning of life of death and nip, Let me but creep within Thy fold, 0 Ohrist, and at Thy feet Take but the lowest seat, And hear Thine awful voice repeat, In gentlest accente, heavenly sweet ; "Come unto Me, and rest ; Believe Me, and be blest," Prin. Shairp, t A Gaelic Blessing. Thur thu ruinn gu Obiel Sinn crian ague budual Druinn ach bu to fein mac an ether a leha geal ague bu dual duit thoir Dhnin dbiot flbien na chuir- ladh ma tuidhenan binai Sinn o mar gabh thu guothgck ruinn cha ghahh Sinn guothuck riut ague rear toir thu d xd duinn cna toir Sinn dap duinn. Amen. CASTOR IA Infants and Children. Tho Kind. You Have Always Bought Beare the Biguatuxe of CHRISTIEi1 GROCERY AHOflE 59 THE DOMINION BANK 4I111 RoMUND 5, O846R, M.P•, PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, Vltik-Pae*l0LNr, O. A. BQGSRT, General Manager. This Bank Offers Farmers n service. a complete and satisfactory banking ryice. Sales Notes collected on favorable terms, andadvanoes shade on such notes at reasonable rates, The Savings Department is a safe and convenient depository for your money. interest at current rates is paid on deposits of one dollar and upwards. One dollar opens an account to the Savings Departrnept. r WHAT A GREAT MAN SAID TO THE GREAT CANADIAN PEOPIE Passed Away. Mr. George McEwen of Hensali, for yeare a well known figure in South Huron, died in Clinton hospital on Friday, Dec. 20th, the immediate cause being apoplexy. Mr. McEwen lived for over a quarter of a century in Hensel', where he was formerly en- gaged in the making of salt and also in the flax business and grain trade. He was prominent in municipal matters, for yeare reeve of Hay and for a term warden of Huron. He was also active in politics and for one term represented South Huron in the House of Oommone, defeating John McMillan. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to Maitland cemetery, Goderich, being conducted under Masonic auspices. They Found Them Good. Dominion Forestry Branch Reports Remarkably Small Loss, The lowest level of forest fire loss on record in Canada was reached this year on Dominion Forest Reserves in Western Canada. From the first of April to the end of September several of these reserves escaped without a single fire over ten acres in extent, the small tires that did occur being satin• guished by the ranges before occasion: ingany damage to standing timber On the Rooky Mountains Forest Re• serve, which has an area of 13,373.830 acres, the fire -lose amounted bent 1,150 acres of young timber of only peter.. tial value and $150 worth of mature timber. The total area burnt over, more than half of which was cut -over or grassland, was but 3,010 acres. re- presenting only 0.02 per cent of the area of this reserve. On the Dominion Forest reserves in British Columbia, which have a total area of 2,420,480 ac- res not a single fire succeeded in spreading over a larger area than ten acres, and the only green timb6r injur- ed by. fire was four acres of young ledge -pole pine. The records` are not yet complete for Saskatchewan and Manitoba, but the available figures compare favourably with the ones cited. The above figures also compare favourably with corresponding ones ,n the National Forests of the United States, where the area burned in 1013 although the smallest in recent years. was somewhat over 0.03 per cent of the total reserve area. In the Fire Districts on Dominion Crown Lends in the west patrolled by Dominion fire ranges the loss occasion- ed by forest fires last season is also re= warkably email, nor ie this due wholly to the large amount of rain which fell last summer in the west. for . there were also several dry spells when fro. quent fires occurred, which only the alertness of the fire -rangers prevented from occarsloning large losses, In the Coast Fire Ranging District, B. 0., which being situated in the Railway Belt it administered by the Dominion' Forestry Branch, during June and July and August no lees than 110 Brea occurred, yet all of these flees were •et- tinguished by the flee -rangers before any standing timber was destroyed, Born In Oliphant. The largest baby probably ever born in Bruce County, certainly the largest in this district, taw the light of day last Wednesday at the famous Olt- phant summer resort, and weighed exactly 14i pounds, and the proud father is the Rev, Me. Ihanard, who at the age of 82 must be a Matt after Bx•President Itooee+velt'e own heart, Seven year* ago Mr, Danard was tsar• stied for the seoond time and he hes rinse a happy family of four ohildretl. •-tWisrtlott Etrho, Parisian Sage is e. discovery of a celebrated scientist who spent the best years of his life perfecting this great hair tonic. In giving his recipe to the Canadian people be said ; "Parisian Sage is the most delightful hair dreading in the world." le cures dandruff by killing the germs that infests the. roots of the hair it stops falling hair; it gives vig- our and strength to the hair roote. J. W. •MoKibbon sella Parisian Sage in a large fifty cent bottle—and guarantees it to do all that it is claimed for it, u,. your money is refunded. It atoi s feeling bait, dandruff, itching scalp anti restores life and beauty to dull fad, d hair in two weeks,. When packing the apples last fall on the fruit farm of Naito?. Renee near Clinton of which he is foreman, Mr, George Cordell put an addra'soed enve- lope in one of the barrels of first class "Ontarios," The other day he received a reply from the "Egremont Industrial Co-operative Society, Cumberland, England," stating that the fruit bad reached them in excellent condition and asking for particulars regarding the orchard, the care it received, the packing, etc. Mr. Cordell has applied and as the Company appears to be very well satisfied with the apples and have a chain of stores in all probability the result will be that the choicest of next fall's apples on the Rance farm will be sent direct to the "Egremont Indus- trial Cooperative Society," thus cut- ting out one or two middlemen' ._ ..... IN WAGES OR PROFIT Health Sooner or LateraSlxowa Its Value Don't go around with that tired, worn-out, down -hearted feeling, if you are constipated, bilious or have sour, gassy, upset stomach sick head- aches, weak kidneys or sluiggsh liver, see to it thateyou cleanse your system of undigested• food, lout. gases, exeese bile and uric acid, by the use of the great fruit tonic laxative. FIG PILLS , and you will be free from headaches, neuralgia rheumatism, lame back, in- digestion and all the distressing forms of sickness usually caused by coneri• nation and kidney trouble. FIG PILLS do not gripe or sicken but give a natural movement of the bowele. Refuse all substitutes. At all dealers in 25 and 00 cent boxes or by mail from The, Fig Pill Co St. Thomae, Ont. Sold at McKibbon'a Drug Store. .. r r Aro dr Wheat Barley Oats Peas Buckwheat Beane Potatoes Hay Straw (bundled) Bran Shorts Flour (first patents) . - . . Butter, roll Butter, prints Es Hogs Lambs Sheep Chickens (live)' Chickens (dressed Fowl (live) Fowl (dressed) Ducks (live) Ducks (dressed) Geese (live) , .. , .... , Geese (dressed) Turkeys (live) Turkeys (dressed Canadian Pictorial Canada's Most Artistic and Popular Maga zing, This elequent magazine delights the eye while it instructs the Mind con- cerning the picturesque doings of an interesting and highly entertaining world. • Bach issue is literally crowded with the highest quality of photogravnree, many of them worth framing. It is the moat popular "Pick-me-up" on the Waiting room tables of the lead- ing doctors throughout the Dominion, and in the big public libraries it is lit- erally "used up" by the many who are attracted by rte entertaining and beautiful pages. It's a "love at sight' publica. tion and it bas departmental features of great interest to the young women and the home -maker. Of it—just to quote one man,s praise from among thousands—the Canadian High Cotnmis.loneic In London —the Rt. Hon. Lord Straohaona, wrote t "The Canadian Pictorial, is a publi- cation which, if 1 may be permitted to say eo, le a credit to Canada." (signed) Steathcons. On. trial to New Sabecribairs—tWelve menthe for only65 cents. The !"Canadian Plotorittl" la truhlieli- ed by The "PICTORIAL" PUBLIBS- 1NG GO, "Wltneser' Block, Montreal, Oha, lit for a year. WINWIAM MARKETS. $ 82 $ 85 52 53 3J• 35 1 00 1 03 52 55 150 175 65 15 00 10 00 10 00 12 00 22 00 24 00 3 00 21 25 .,.. 40 8 00 0 50 4 00 0 12 7 14 , 10 10 10 10 16 18 7 00 4 50 Cattle (see Toronto mat ket on page 2 6—Sale of Shorthorn Bulls -6 Broadview Shorthorns -Herd Headed by "Favorite Character." -'(imp.) For sale are six bulls, eight to twelve months old. These are choice young bulls with the best of breeding and will be told reasonably.if you need any- thing write me or give us a call. J. G. FYFE, Wingham, Ont. (Farm le miles south of Wingham.) Farm For Sale. STOCK TAKING SALE • The undersigned offers for sale his farm, lot, 3, con. 7, Turnberry, con- taining 107 acres of land. On the premises are a good barn, with cement stabling, good house, drilled well and windmill, Possession 1st of March next. Get full particulars from — O. J. RINTOUL, Rural route No. 4, Wingham, Ont. 1820 Farm For Sale OF CIINAWARE According tie our usual oustom we take stook last week of Jeuuary. Alt Chinaware is one of the most difficult things on earth to take stock of we are going to make SWEEP- ING REDUCTIONS on various lines. Kindly note that these value. tions will be withdrawn just as soon as our stook gets to right proportions TOILET SETS Our 10•pieoe Toilet Sets at $4.25 have been winners. They are with- out doubt welt worth $5.(0 They were tinted to our own order and during the pest year have been bili Betters, We offer them For cash only - - $3.2$ 200 acres of land, close to the town of Wingham. Good stock and grain farm. Will sell all or subdivide and sell in part. 18•tf J. S. DUOKE'IT. FANCY TEA POTS At One -Third Off. Our stook of Fano* Tea Pots is a very select one. We imported them direct from England and at regular prices are cheap. At one-third off They're a Snap. Jardiniers at 25 per cent. Reduction. Our stook is large and we cannot begin to detail them. If you want to buy a cheap Jardinier Now's you chance. Cake Plates, Fruits, Salads Vases, etc., At Reduced Prices. Our Chinaware has not been re- marked tor sale purposes. Most pieces have the regular prise markets in plain figures. WINGHAM BRANCH ; N. VANS, Manager. 4-14-1-1-1.,1-1-1÷ 144-1-4-1-1-1-1-1-1-1. 4-1.4-i-i..l-1"'1"1-1. IMPORTANT CHANGE ,IN TRAIN SERVICE • Train" No. 27, now leaving Toronto 8 45 p.m. daily, arriving Sudbury 5.55a,m., will be discontinued between'( oront•• and Sud- bury after Saturday. January 3, 1914. Train ' o- 28, now leaving Sudbury 10 45 p.m. daily, arriving Toronto 8 00 a m., will bdiscontinued between Sudbury and To- ronto after Sunday, January 4, 1014. Toronto -North Bay sleeping car will be discontinued with this service. Toronto -Sault Ste. Marie sleeping car will be handled Toronto to Sudbury on train No 3, leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m daily and Sudbury to Sault Ste. Marie on train No. 27. arriving you t Ste. Marie, Ont ,1.12 p. m, (Eastern time), and Sault Ste, Marie, Mich., 12 40 p.m. (Central tim() Sault Ste Marie -Toronto sleeping car will be handled Sault Ste. Mario to Sudbury on train No.28 leaving Sault Sto. Marie, Mich., 2,10 p m. daily (Central time), and Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., 3.50 p. m, (Eastern time), and from Sudbury to Toronto on train No.8, arriving Toronto 9.00 a, m. • Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or write M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A.. C.P.Ry., 9 oronto 1 RAll WA •`_..: "s ,EM TIME TABLE CHANGES A general change of time will be made January 4th, 1914. Time Tables containing full particulars may be had on application to Grand Trunk .Agents. Low Rates to California, Florida, and the Sunny South NOW IN EFFECT The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route from all points East through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. Full particulars at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices, or writs 0, E. Horning, D.P.A.. Toronto, Out, H. 13. Elliott:Town Passenger and Ticket Agent ; phone 4. W. F. Burgman, Station Ticket a gent ; phone 50. DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN ONTARIO ---- 47th Annual Convention and Winter Dairy Exhibition �A —WILL 03 (HELD IN— STRATFORD Wednesday and Thursday, January 14th and 15th, 1914 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON SESSION ESPECIALLY FOR FARMERS EXCELLENT LIST OP SPEAKERS. EVERY PERSON MADE WELCOME REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS S. E. FACEV, Pada PRANK HORNS. Sac, -Tasks. HARRIE•t'SVILLE " LONDON Nittlltlttttlllll#ltltttttttllttttitllttttitllt1ttltttllttttltttttttttlttt EAT MORE BREAD 3 1 es 0504. 1; E EAT CARTER'S HOME-MADE BREAD Now that the holidays and Christmas festi- vals are over sou will want some good home-made bread. It is the Very best thing you can eat. The cost of lining is high unless you eat lots of bread, it's cheap. Be sure and get Carter's real home-made bread, raised with Fleishman's yeast. CM1 us upct for a trial loaf. E CARTER'S BAKERY Y PHONE la a Hanover Place, Winnipeg Past, Present and Future. ,.mak =4 A -0:A s:i3 PAST Previous to the year 1911, the north end of Winnipeg was practically cut off from the main portion of the city by the C. P. R, Terminal Yards. In 1911 and 1913 this obstante was. • overcome by the MoPhillip Street sub -way and the over -head bridge on Arlington St. Immediately development began in this part of Winnipeg. PRESENT The north end of Winnipeg, West/ eV Main, particularly between Mountain and Lansdowne Avenues, is theemost rapidly g owing residential portion of Winnipeg. Beitiveen,= .Ave- nues and Hearn and Main St. aperson might' pick at random a • to ; or more and make a profitable investment. The best how- ever, is lots along the Sharp Boulevard and file Avenues on e tch side. FUTURE The profit making possibilities are brightest along the Sharp Boulevard and the Avenues on each side, as prices will continue to show a steady advance for many years to come. Land on the Boulevard that two years ago sold at $22.00 a foot is now selling at $60 00.a foot. Two more years will show equal if not - • better conditions on Hanover Place as by that time the Street Car line will doubtless be along the Boulevard. The time to • invest is now, Prices of lots, $225.00 each and np according to location. Write the— Reliance Investment and Developing Company, Ltd. Head Office --Hanover, Ont. ' Branch Office— John Haffner, 273? Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Agents wanted in unrepresented diNtricts, ++++++++++++++++++++++ 14++++++++++++++++++-14 ►ii iiYP►i .,Mt.S:, aV Tfr ••'•..iii e'e e'er�i►i s'e `ye •T#, Y 4 iw:i►f ►iia ♦,� db, eA q� 15 « eta q'l sit els eleeta eye ei� 1 eye C 1,. a±e Jl: e4* sic ee 111: 1► ep esu all ea. • Rei :S. Young ladies — do you know that a Gillette Safety Razor makes a very useful , Xmas .present for father, brother or some other girls' brother. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS FOR XMAS PRESENTS Also our stock is complete in Hockey Skates and Sticks, case Carvers, Car- pet Sweepers, Sleighs and Pocket Knives. Call and see our stock. We will be pleased to show you. Ammar — ••m RAE & THOMPSON;�. Vie GENERAL HARDWARE AND COAL MEIEiCHANT. 3 Phone 27. ♦�O ��i ♦fl (r� �b �1� �r� �t� dl �r� �t� Vfr �� �q 4» 4» 4» 4b err •,!A�tiV7,C 7. •A• Trytic 1C 1CiPC1N 74; 14,E (4, 5'' iii `SUPREME' Now is the time to see about that new Range. A Range that will give you entire satisfaction. It is guaranteed to save 50 per cent. in fuel and give better results. This Range is different in construction from any others and while the old time makes of stoves and ranges bake from tile top the Supreme halos front the bottom. Every Range given on thirty days' trial. If yon are not perfectly satisfied it dogs not Cost anything to make the trial. Alex. Young SOLE ADIENT W1NG HAM