The Wingham Times, 1913-11-27, Page 8S TIIE WINGHAM TIDES, NOVEMBER 27 1913
- -Se,a the stock of Christmas station•
eery at the TIMES office.
--Parker's lanky eery a fountain pen
on sat ;it the TIME.; office.
-Mr. John McIntosh, who conducted
a jewelry store in Wingham some few
years ago, di: cl suddenly at his home in
Blount U'o:est last week.
-Mr. Robert Bowes, a Huron pioneer,
died at his home in Clifford last week.
Mr. Bowers settled in Howick town-
ship in 1063, but had lived retired in
Clifford since 1891.
- Mrs. W. Frederick Burgman will
receive for the first time since her mar-
riage on Frilly, November 28th, from
4 to 6 o'clock p.m. and afterwards on
the fir;.t: and third Fridays of each
-Mr. R. Vanstone has sold his house
on Minnie Street to Mr. F. Buchanan.
Mr. Vanstone will move to the house
occupied by Mr. N. Evans and Mr.
Evans has leased the new house on
John street which has been erected by
Mr. W. F. VanStone.
-Rev. Ja-ob Walter, a well-known
and highly respected resident of Lis-
towel for the past twenty years, passed
away Sunday ' morning, following a
lengthy illness. Deceased had been
living retired in Listowel. Iie Ieavgs a
wife, five sons and five daughter,
- Come and help the hockc,,'boys by
your attendance at their coil" eat, Dec. 4.
Witeg,licun Team will wtlJJl/e the best in
the district. Special retusic good sing-
ing, instrumentals, dialogues, etc., on
Dec. 4th. Plan of hall opens at Me -
Ribbon's drug store, Tuesday, Dec. 2.
-To make the farm pay .4411 it can
pay, should be the object ofevery good
farmer, not to inpoverislthe land, but
to handle it as a b,Isi,n/ss proposition.
Do this and you ae,4lound to succeed.
The Weekly Sun, Tonto, the farmer's
business paper, can help you. Send
the publishers a post card, they will be
pleased to furnish free sample copies.
Wonderful Value.
The beat dollar's worth ofl'i?red to -day
is a year's subscription to/Abe Family
Herold and Weekly Star/,of Montreal.
Any home not now recei/cing that paper
is missing a treat fila f ery member of
the family -from gitldfather or father
down to the youngest tot. Try it for a
year and you will be convinced. The
publishers will refund your money if
you are not satisfied. It is certainly
worth your while to try it for one year.
Saturday Night Shopping.
It is to be feared that Guelph is
falling back upon the evil days in the
matter of. late Saturday night shopping.
Some time ago, and it looked as if the
exarenle of several merchants would
appeal so forcibly that the stores would
be all closing about nine o'clock. Alas,
it is nearly as bred as ever. Late tie. p -
ping grows gradually worse, the tired
clerks get home late at night, the
churches suffer next day -and all be-
cause the public is so careless on this
point, and the merchants won't com-
pel earlier shopping by closing their
stores ptotuptly. It's too bad that the
ground gained is now to be loot by
Wampole's Cod Liver Oil
It Strengthens the Lungs
Builds up the Chest and
prevents that Cough from
developing into something
Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON
ANNOUNCEMENTS, &C. When You Buy Coal Be
Notices Under !I his Head ten cents n line
for first insertion; five cents for subse-
quent insertions.
Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's.
select from at lowest prices.
W. J. GRErR.
-Buy your railway tickets from H.
13. Elliott, Town Agent for the G.T.R.
at the TIMEs Office.
Highest cash prices paid for all kinds
of live poultry. Gunns' Limited, 'phone
LOST -On Tuesday, apin, ensign of
blue bird. Finder will berewarded by
leaving at TIMES office.
- Envelopes, writing paper and all
staple lines of stationery on sale at the
TIMES office.
Fon SALE-Agood roadster colt, also
buggy, cutter, harness and robes.
Apply to J. A. Haugh, at shoe store.
Fort SALE -Driving Horse, light
wagon and sleigh. Get particulars at
Wingharn Steam Laundry. TOY SING.
Sure You Get Genuine
Prices of Deleware, Lacawana
and Western Coal Co.'s
Granton Coal
Egg and Stove, $7.50
Chestnut - 7.75
Pea 6.25
Blacksmith, Cannell and Soft
Coals, also Lumber, Lath,
Shingles and Wood always on
Don't buy a Vacuum Carpet Cleaner
until you see the,"Cadillac"electric and hand for prompt drlivery.
hand cleaners. Sold by H. E, Isard
& Co.
FOR SALE -Good second-hand rose-
wood square piano, Miller's make. e
Also good sideboard and other house-
hold furniture will be sold at a bargain, •
Apply to Robt. Knox.
Kbit SALE -A house and lot on Maple
street. Get particulars at the TIMES
office. Pasture Far for Sale.
-We are prepared to pay the highest i
prices for all kinds of grain at our , The Executors of {the Estate of the
store house at the Grand Trunk Station. j late John Casemor/( desire to sell the
TIPLING & MILLS. t North part of Lor o. 10 in the First
t Concession of r Turnberrycon-
DON'T FORGET when you want wool taining :19 acres,/more or less '
and Jute blankets, robes, string bells, Further particulars can be obtained
shaft chimes and driving Gauntlets, from the undersigned.
we have the largest stock in Huron ' RICII. CASEMORE,
County to choose from. Prices right. Box 171, Wingharn, Ont.
--Thos. Kew.
public indifference, but it would appearNoTlcr1--Having disposed of my busi-
/loss I would ask all parties owing me
that sotu.e people are so determined to to kindly settle their accouuts at an
early date. I thank you all for your
liberal patronage in the past.
put thielse; off till the last moment that
they don't care whether it is the Sab-
bath of net when the clerks get home.
The public are heedless and the clerics ; GENERAL. STORE BUSINESS FOR SALE.
-I am ofletm for general
have to suffer from such a course. 1, o sale my el neral
'a -tore business in tete village of Belrnore.
Guelph Herald. Will sell or exchange for real estate in
or near town of Wingham. Satisfac-
Ho ttN. tory reasons for selling --H. T. TISOMSoN
Menial o In Regina, on Nov. 21st, WANTED - Teacher for Union School,
to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murdison (nee No. 7, Turnberry and East Wawanosh,
1,%;;;I,Ie Mnr:�ales) a daughter,- 1.1SQ p foe :Veer 1314, duties to commence first
Randall. of the year. State salary and qualifi-
loatj it t: --In Morris township, on cations. Applications should be in by
November l•tth, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. the lath December.
Russell; a daughter -Margaret Ger- JAMES GonKn.,,
truck. Wingharn, Ont.
Yurt.t --In Morris, on Oct. 30th. to EisGl; WANTLD We are anxious to
Mr. and I''rs. Joseph Yuill; a son. purchase new leid eggs from now until
Bg:rarrr,•rr - In 'Iurnberry, on Novem-
ber 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bennett:
a Fem.
Ames fitl},ADEAU - At the Methodist
Parsonage. Brussels, on November 19th,
by Rev. D. Wren, M. A., Mr. Wnl.
Ante:;, to Miss Lydia. Thihadeau, all of Voice Culture and Violin , Wingharn, Ont.
(Farm 1, _ miles south of Wingharn.)
spring esiteeeely. Would strongly ad-
vise poultry breeders to have their hens and be will sold reasonably. I am also
producing egg; during the winter offering a few good cows and heifers.
months. We are now paying 32 cents All are bred to the Imo. bull some due
for new iaids. Gunns' Limited, 'phone to calve in December. If you need any -
10. thing white me or give us a call.
_ -- J. G. FYFE,
Centre half lot 42 con. 7, East Wawa -
nosh, 100 -acres 85 cleared -all under
grass, well underdrained, 4 acres
orchard mostly winter fruit, 1.3.e story
frame house, kitchen and woodshed.
Barn 60X70 with stonestabling, cement
floors, windmill and water in house and
stable, 1?imiles from post office, school
and church. A bargain for quick sale,
Apply tet'
Lot 35, con 10 or Belgrave P. 0.
Salle of Shorthorn Bulls.
Broadview Sievethorns - Herd Headed
by "Favorite Character." (Imp.)
For sale are eight bulls, eight to
twelve months old. These are choice
young bulls with the best of breeding
:,(iTIHwELL --STARLING-At Castor,
Alta., in the Methodist Church, by Rev,
R. L. MacDonald, Miss Myrtle Sperling.
daughter of Mrs. G. Spading, Crated
Imola Ovt., to Mr. R, CurtisRathwell,
both of Castor. Alta.
LICE x-Ia Ethel, on November 12,tli,
Mary Chrystal, relict of the late Alex-
ander IRE...ay, aged 71 years, 1 month
and 29 days.
Closing of Partnership.
,ill :a. _went owing to the late firth of
T. t''i a < € ' . must he paid at once at
the (16 business to Field Bros.
ate e .e v.uitag the business and by
•,°; oWing by Tr, ]meld &
Co. e.;'!e t- •Inane.
Annuul Me, tiajrof the Shore!.
and I'e ro ,,�r;rof the I; llesvale
d t t -' Hutt r ,.'a,111palay. Limited,
'will La
j. 1, }ld iii ie Foresters' Hall,
eel Friday, December 12,191ii.
at 1 .t'4 ce't ] ,ekp.m. fov the olection of
ac ,oali hrcotor'e and the tram
sactiort (if :,ley other business that may
colli, tho 1ic(' lag.
Ily order
1. PAIL, Secretary.
Mr. Peter Wilson wit: receive pupils
in the above at his home, Catherine
Street, ophoeite Public School grounds.
Tuition in the evenings only. Special
terms to beginners. Modern methods
Sho Sheri e F,Prior
In store next to Haugh's ahoe store
I have opened a Shoe Shine Parlor for
both ladies and gentlemen.
Tan or white shoes dyed to stay black.
All work guarantees. Give me acall.
NOTICE TO ',:REDITORS. Meeting of Iurosn County
IN 'I HE I'S`,A713 (;1" JOIIN -t'I I i T.1.
f'red,toro u± elm Elder, I^10 of Iltn Poa r :.f
Sile,ghaeu, in l . ' county of r5uro,a, C,, n , n.u,}n.
ottensed, nt,,''lo 1 on or all t t thn 3rd (int' of
Eovetr.Lpt • 11.1 .,, na.ei ell rnuthe
against or 4nti'i,; r.larotn the c rias Safi
•u1 aeCeacc d, are j,I,•r. lit' notified to nerd by
t.,.at, prepaid oro( c rtvi'o deliver to Mrs
:fane Mel aehla s,j'135 William St , Chatham.
Ont., the adunu sl#a rix, on or before thO Intel
dry of Ile: eml, r Vd3, their names, a,ldt'eSSr5
,.1 dosct 1ptmt ; :mil full partieurare of their
Chines, necoun o (re ant, t rot, a:.d t.:e nature of
Bht ar s;eeurity, if too, held by them Iattued
i. telt' after sulci met mentioned date. th„
a:, (4 of tli deet av, r V. n i
t t (� 1 a otrtbuttd
r raw* the parties cattitict th, t, to having rr
carr only to a laim0 or vrtere to a,¢ t7110t.i the
eseeneetratrie ellen thou Igloo noitio, and the
sa ,i administratrilt will •1a t iii liver',' ro< the
said assets, or any pert thereof, to any p•,1Pon
or per:;onn, of ('4144 an claim or interni r.Paa
shall not have rt ceivt,I noti, ,' o('tho true' of
nurh adiAtribtttitiaa.
e .T A. 6101i"ION,
fViaghotat, t ant.
Soliditor for the Adurinirtrnttis. IDate1, t!11S
Lith day of 130Gemh x.131;:
The n.uun. i, of Corporation of the
Counts of Huron will meet in the council
eltarabei•, in the''reten of (Ioderieh, on
Tuesday, DeceiTber 2nd, at 3o'clock.
All accounts a lust the county must
be placed with, tine clerk before this
Dated at GOMM), Nov. 18th, 1913.
°W. LANF, clerl(.U�
There strayed onto the premises of
the undersigned, lot 34, con. it, hast
Wawanosh, about the list of Augnst, a
yearling heifer or steer. Owner can
have , ame by proving property and
paying expenses.
Wingham P.O.
High Grade Dependable
Marked at Prices that are Right
iinuvmi u,pntlr
Men's Fleece Lined Under-
wear. Shirts a n d
Drawers, 50 each.
"Tiger - Brand" all wool
Underwear, Elastic
knit, made from fine
Canadian Wool, $1.00
and $1.25 garment.
Men's and extra large men's
(Woolsley Brand)
shirts and Drawers
made from extra quali-
ty pure Australian
Wool splendidly fin-
ished throughout. A
garment that will give
you every satisfaction,
Shirt and drawers, 32
to 42—$2.50 each; 44
to 48—$3,00
Choice Racoon Fur Coats
$100 up to $150. Every coat is
a selection made by experts,
from the most choice skins in
prime condition extraheavy fur-
red and lined with the best
quality lining,
Extra Value Racoon Fur Coats $69.00.
A coat we can recommend made from
evenly matched skins and well lined
Manchurian Dog Coats, $25.00 value.
Come quick if you want one of these.
There are only 14 in the bunch and were
bought especially to sell at a price. They
are guaranteed and will give satisfaction.
Clearing at $10.25.
Fur trimmed and fur lined Coats. Our
values are greater than ever and the se-
lection is good. Prices from $12.50 to $75.
Penman's Klosed Krotch Combination
Suits, $3.00, sizes 31 to 44.
Watson's All -Wool Combination made
from extra quality wood all sizes $5 suit.
SPECIAL ORDERS: We take orders for anything we do not carry -
and can give best satisfaction.
To meet the needs of every
Santa Claus
The Presents You Want at
the Prices You Like
We want you to come and rest your
wistful eye upon our Beautiful Holi-
day Display. It will suggest to you
at once the proper present and afford
the lowest prices ever made. To
look through our splendid stock is a
Pastime. Come early and satisfy
your needs from our stock, which
was bought to save you time and
It will be to your interest to call
and inspect our charming selections
in: -
Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut' Glass, Diamond and
Pearl Rings, Jewellery of every description, Fancy
Chinaware, Ebony Manicure and Toilet Sets, Jewel
Cases, Xmas Booklets and Post Cards, Ladies' Hand
Bags, Combs.and Barretts, Fancy Stationery, etc.
Something for every Person Something for every Purse
Our Stock is replete with Big Hearted Bargains at Big Hearted prices.
We have sufficient variety to insure an easy choice of desirable gifts
for old and young,
Popular Selections ---Plenty of Variety ---New Attractions
We will please you, we will satisfy you, we will meet your wants, be they
large or small, with the most euitable Presents at the Fairest Prices. •
WATCH PEPAirkiNGI A SPECIALTY'Phone 65. Opposite National Hetet.
Want Every
Man in
and Vicinity
,�•...; .eek
>} r /3-
for k`->>• `• '
want Absolutely
+ the
` `Derby Shoes" have all
the Requirements
Style, Fit and Wear
We have a brand new stock
of these Shoes
Samples in South Window
G®zreeffrFor Ladies
Sole agents
Cold Weather
We are looking for the largest fall
business in our history. We cannot
explain to you how ready we are,
because there is so much to tell, so
many lines to deal with that space
will not permit ; but come and see
Overcoats and Suits
A splendid assortment in Men's and Boys' Suits
and Overcoats. 15o to select from.
Sweater Coats for Men, Women and Children,
all at moderate prices.
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers
The Shoe Section is now in first-class shape.
Many new fall lines have been added this week. We
buy no seconds in Rubbers. We keep none but the
Blankets and Comforters
We have a large stock of Flannelette Sheets,
I1-4 and 12-4 at the old prices. A splendid stock of
Wool Blankets, in all qualities and sizes. Special
value in Comforters.
We sell Royal Household, Robin Hood, Golden
City, and Universal. All give the best of satisfaction.
Also, Bran, Shorts and Feed.
Sitteessor to T. A. Mills