The Wingham Times, 1913-11-13, Page 88 TILE kA l uHAM nmES, NOVEMBER 13 1913 grand Trunk Railway System (own Ticket Office We can issue through tickets via )Pular routes, to any point in America East, West, South, Northwest, Mani- .oba, Pacific Coast, etc. Baggage checked through to destina- tion and full information given whereby travelling will be make pleasant and ree from annoyance. Tourist and return tickets to above points also ou -ale at lowest figures, and with all prevailing advantages. Single and return tickets to any point', in Ontario. Your business will be ap- :ireeiated, be your trip a short or a ong one. We can ticket you through to any point in Europe on all leading steamship lines. Prepaid orders also issued. If it's about travel, we have the information and will give it to you theerfully. E. B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Dimes Office, Wingham, Ont. MINOR LOCALS. -See Box and Cox and Mrs. Bouncer at the Hockey Club concert.- • --Regular meeting of Court Mait- land, Canadian Order of Foresters on i'riday evening of this weak. -Wait for the concert under the auspices of the Wingham Hockey Club. Date will be given next week. -The London Advertiser has decided co issue a morning edition and the new paper will make its appearance early in January. -Division Court will be held in Wing - nam to -day (Thursday) with Judge dolt presiding. There are a number of eases to be heard. -W. G. Patterson, the jeweler, has to announcement in this issue. He has a complete line of all kinds of jewellery, rte., suitable for Christmas gifts. - Ladies Hospital Auxiliary will hold a sale of home-made baking in the vacant store next to Awde's flour and feed store on Saturday afternoon of this week. - Mrs. John Elder wishes to thank the members of the Maitland Lodge, LO.O.F. and all other friends for their nany acts of kindness and assistance .0 her during her recent bereavement. -Mr. N. L. Fry has purchased the souse and two lots facing on Patrick .tree's from the Mrs. Morrow estate. .'he transfer was made through Ritchie .nd Cosens, insurance and real estate agents. -11,1h:°. Fred Howes, former hardware merchant, has taken a position as agent for the McCormick Harvesting Co., with his headquarters at Wingham. Elis family remains here. -Listowel Banner. -As a result of the discovery of in- toi:icants by Inspector Johnson, of Cen- tre.Hul;on, last week, Harry James, proprietor of the American Hotel, was to•Ca;: fined $100 and costs by Magis- trate Leckie. The license was cut off three months ago. -Miss Reynolds, milliner, met with a serious accidentonT'uesday afternoon. In walking in front of Mason's store she :ell on the slippery walk and dis- located her shoulder. Many friends ail: he sorry to hear of the accident e ild will wish Miss Reynolds speedy • e:overy. ---Idr. and Mrs. R. B. Harris, 54 3eaty avenue, Toronto, formerly of Wroxeter, announce the engagement � f thcrie daughter, Edith May, to Mr. E. Pierson Stephenson of Toronto. Phe marriage will take place quietly at Dunn avenue Presbyterian Church, on November 10. another column will be found the anneuncement of Mr.Peter Wilson, ssho is organizing a class of violin students. Mr. Wilson has had consid- erable orchestral experience and his in- tention is to have an ensemble class for more advanced students at which the study of music suitable for church orchestras will be taken up. -Mr. William Findlater, of Morris, received word of the death of his brother, Robert, at Ayr, Ont,, on Tues- day, November 4th. Mr, Findlater was in his 50th year and had lived in the town of Ayr for many years and was very well and favorably known in that ieeality. Mr. Wm. Fiuulater and his dila°; iter , Miss Findlater, left on Thurs- day to 'nd the funeral. G1ul d the Baby Against Gold Tho :•c anon for eolds is at hand and unless the mother hpep$ a continual watch over her little ones cold dvvilli 9E. !.0 thein atiy often mo! e, fieriou19 results fclile v An occasional tats`` of .Baby's Oua Tablets will srevee.t colds, or if they Co u,in<, on riuddenly the • Tablets will clear the stomach and bowels and instantly Lelieve the baby from cold. 1'ht, Tol h•is are sola] by findi^ agile deal- �;�s rr h¢ entail at 25 eeenfs a Le., from The Dv. Williams' Mediicitle.Uo., Meek- ville, Ont. 11 DON'T COUGH USE Wampole's Cod Liver Oil It Strengthens the Lungs , Builds up the Chest and prevents that Cough from developing into something, worse. .11110•IMILICOMINIMIMIll MOO J. J. DAVIS Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM • ADVERTISEMENT. License and Regulation of the Liquor Business Better than the Scott Act, The members of the Huron County Business Men's Association before organizing to oppose the Scott Act in this County, considered the situation as it is at the present time, and as it is likely to be under the operation of the proposed law, if it should carry. tinder the license system, hotels and shops are licensed to sell liquors. These licenses are issued by the Goyernment. Inspectors and Commissioners are appointed by the Government whose duty is to see that only fit and proper men get lice.:ses, and that they live up to the law after they get them. These Inspectors and Commissioners are well- known and responsible men in the counties in which they live and repre- sent the Government, and are men of high character. We frankly admit that mistakes may be and are occasionally made by these Inspectors and Com- missioners, and that undesirable men are sometimes granted licenses and possibly are permitted to continue in the business far too long. Many of the men, however, who are given li tenses by these officials are good men and live up to the law; and we contend that it is not necessary to vote good men out of business to get rid of a few bad men who are in the business. That method would not be applied to any other line of busniess, and it is unjust and unfair to apply it only to the liquor business. No thinking person wou.d advocate doing away with all banking business be- cause now and then a banker cammits robbery. No sensible man would suggest getting rid of all physicians because some doctors are convicted to mal- practice No reasonable man me woman would join in a movement to prohibit all preachers from preaching,lyecause now ane then some stray from "the straight and narrow path of rectitude To do these things would be tfnreasonable and wrong, but it ie not equally so the pro- position to vote all the good men who are in the liquor beisiness out of it, in order to get rid of all the bad men who are in the business. The Inspectors and Commissioners are constantly drop- ping the undesirable license holders out at a rate that is rapidly reducing their number. Let us enumerate some of the things a law -observing hotel -keeper and shop- keeper does. He does not open in the morning un- til the law says he may, eight o'clock. He closes in the evening when the law says he must -in villages and town- ships at ten o'clock, and in towns and cities at eleven o'clock. He closes in the evening at seven o'clock on Saturdays and keeps closed until eight o'clock Monday morning. He does not sell to a boy under twenty -ane years of age. He does not sell to a known drunkard. He does not sell to an intoxicated person. These are not all the law -observing liquor dealer scrupulously does, but enough has been mentioned to indicate to any thinking mind the kind of order- ly drinking place it is possible to have, and the kind the law says we must have. Let that law, we say, be rigidly enforc- ed, for in our opinion it could not be en- forced too rigidly. It might not be inadvisable to bring pressure to bear upon these Commissioners to exer- cise every precaution in their power to avoid granting licensss to any but those who will keep strictly to the law, and if a holder of a licence breaks the law his tenure of his licence ought to be `Seriously imperilled if not forfeited. It is unnecessary to indulge in specu- lation as to what prohibition does for a community. Many places have fairly tried it and turns d from it. Other plaices are still giving it a fair trial. Tle people of this County want to know the truth about it. As an earnest of our good faith we suggest that the advocates of the Scott Act name a geatleman and this Association name one. and flint the two visit certain places agreed upon and make a quiet investigation of cone itions, the resulte of which will be published over their of the voters in this County, and thus, in some degree at least assist them in making up their minds as to how they should cast .old their votes. This Aosoeiation offers to pay one half of the expenses incurred by the ge :itlenlen in making this investigation desiring above all to ascertain the actual tri.th in regard to this question. Respectfulivv, THE IITTRON COUN'T'Y BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOC, IATIoN, JOHN RAN'SVonD. Preefdellt. WM. JACKSON, Secretary. When You Buy Coal Be Sure You Get Genuine • Scrant n Prices of Deleware, Lacawana and Western Coal Co.'s Scranton Coal Egg and Stove, $7.50 Chestnut - 7.75 Pea - 6.25 Blacksmith, Cannell and Soft Coals, also Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Wood always on hand for prompt dt livery. J. Ao McLEAN It will require 30 days to repair the damage caused to Montreal's telephone system in the business district by a three-minute fire on Wednesday. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HERBERT FRANKLIN HICKS, DhOEASED Creditors of Herbert Franklin Hicks, late of the Town of Wingham, m the County of Huron, Butcher, deceased, who died on or about the 60th day of 1-eptember, 11113. and all others having elating againi.t or entitled to share in the estate of said deceased, are hereby notified to send by post, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned, on or before the 22nd day of November, 1013, their names, addresses and descriptions, and full particulars of their claims, accounts or interest, and the nature of their se• curity, if any, held by them. Immediately atter said last mentioned date, the assets of the deerastd will be distribute c1 among they parties entitled thereto, having regard only to olsims or interests of which the administratrix shall then have notice, and the said adniinistratrix will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons, of wit, se claim or interest she shall not have received notice at the time of such distribu- tion, J. A. MORTON, Wiugham, Ont. Solicitor for the Administratrix, Daisy Hicks, Dated this 1st day of Novee ber,10:3 ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten sluts a line for first insertion; five cents,/for subse-,- quent insertions. fJ; WANTED -Good gel a1 servant. Apply in person or 71'riting at Times Office. Don't buy a Vacuum Car'�let Cleaner until you see the,"C dilltrf;" electric and hand cleaners. Soe1 H. E. Isard & Co. VIOLIN TUITION. Mr. Peter Wilson is open to receive a few beginners in violin. Rudiments of music thoroughly taught. Appoint- ments made at TIMES office. Pasture Farm for Sale. KINGBROS. MINIM High Grade Dependable Underwear Marked at Prices that are Right The Executors of the Estate of the late John Casemore desire to sell the North part of Lot No. 10 in the First Concession of Turnberry, con- taining 39 acres, more or less. Further particulars can be obtained from the undersigned. RICH. C'ASEMORE, Box 171, Wingham, Ont. !signatures in the press, for the benefit FARM FOR SALE. Centre half lot 42 con. 7, East Wawa - nosh, 100 -acres 85 eleared-W all under grass, well underdrained, 4 acres orchard mostly winter fruit, 1,?,?: story frame house, kitchen and woodshed. Darn 60X70 with stonestabling, cement floors, windmill and water in house and stable, 1.44miles from post office, school and church. A bargain for quick sale. Apply to WM. WIGH'I'MAN, Lot 85, con 10 or Belgrave P. O. i 1 Men's Fleece Lined Under- wear. Shirts a n d Drawers, 50 each. "Tiger Brand" all wool Underwear, Elastic knit, made from fine Canadian Wool. $1.00 and $1.25 garment. Men's and extra large men's (Woolsley Brand) shirts and Drawers made from extra quali- ty pure Australian Wool splendidly fin- ished throughout. A garment that will give you every satisfaction, Shirt and drawers, 32 to 42—$2.50 each; 44 to 48—$3.00 Choice Racoon Fur Coats $100 up to $150. Every coat is a selection made by experts' from the most choice skins in prime condition extraheavy fur- red and lines( with the best quality lining, Extra Value Racoon Fur Coats $69.00. A coat we can recommend made from evenly matched skins and well lined throughout. Manchurian Dog Coats, $25.00 value. Come quick if you want one of these. There are only 14 in the bunch and were bought especially to sell at a price. They are guaranteed and will give satisfaction. Clearing at $19.25. Fur trimmed and fur lined Coats. Our values are greater than ever and the se- lection is good. Prices from $12.50 to $75. Penman's Klosed Krotch Combination Spits, $3.CO, sizes 31 to 44. Watson's All -Wool Combination made from extra quality wood all sizes $5 suit. PRODUCE WANTED. PHONE 71 SPECIAL ORDERS: We take orders for anything we do not carry and can give best satisfaction. /t'/ °- G BROS. I Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's, TRUNKS AND VALISES: -131g stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. --Buy your railway tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G.T.R. at the TIMES Office. Highest cash prices paid for all kinds of live ponitry. Gunns' Limited, 'phone 10. LosT--On Tuesday, apin, ensign of blue bird. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at TIMES office. FOR SALE—Good second-hand rose- wood square piano, Miller's make. Also good sideboard and other house- hold furniture will be sold at a bargain Apply to Robt. Knox. FOR SALE—A house and lot on Maple street, Get particulars at the TIMES office. -We are prepared to pay the highest prices for all kinds of grain at/our store house at the Grand Trunk Station. TIPLING & Mims. DON'T FORGET when you ant wool and Jute blankets, robes, s ing bells, shaft chimes and drivin Gauntlets, we have the largest st Ck in Huron County to choose from, Prices right. -Thos. Kew, NOTICE --having disposed of my busi- ness I would ask all parties owing me to kindly settle their accouuts at an early date. I thank you all for your liberal patronage in the past. W. G. GRAY. LAUNDRY- Having secured; the agen- cy for the Stratford Stearn Laundry, we respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Give us it trial Work called for and delivered. Phone' 181 or call at Marshall's 5, I0,15 and7ic. store. GENERAL STORE DUSINF.i rOR SALE. - I am offering for sale my general store business in theyillaftge of Delmore. Will sell or exchangq fez. real estate in or W of town nearWingham. Satisfac- tory reasons for selling H. T. THOMSON EGGS WANTED—We are anxious to purchase new laid eggs from now until spring especially. Would strongly ad- vise poultry breeders to have their hens producing eggs during the winter months. We are now paying 32 cents for new ]aids. Gunns' Limited, 'phone 10. Dr. R. F. Parker, D.B.O.A., F.S.D. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Eye Specialist Food Scientist Acute and Chronic Diseases Treated. Glasses Scientifically Fitted. Tuesday 11.30 a.m. to Wednesday 10.30 a,m., Main St. (over Christie's Store). J. A. FOX, D. C. GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR Office in Knox house, back of Post Office. Entrance over Presbyterian Church Walk. Appendicitis, Cancer, Catarrh, Epi- lepsy, all Fevers, Goitre, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, all Female Troubles, Deafness, and other diseases cured without drugs or surgery. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., '7 p.m. Shoe Shine Parlor In store next to Haugh's shoe store I have opened a Shoe Shine Parlor for both ladies and gentlemen. Tan or white shoes dyed to stay black. All work guaranteed. Give me a call. GEORGE MOIR. Celery, Onio s, Cabbage. Till the 1st Nov ' ber we will sell Celery at $3.00 pe 100, Onions at $1.20 per bushel, 50 lbs., Winningsted Cab- bage at 45 cents per dozen. / R. A, GRAHAM, Market Grocery. Hotel Property For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale, his hotel property in the village of Belgrave. The property will be sold on easy terms. Also a quantity of household furniture for sale. Apply on the premises or write THOS. HILL, Belgrave, Ont. Sale of Shorthorn Bulls. Broadview Shorthorns -Herd Headed by "Favorite Character," (Imp.) For sale g are eight bulls, eight er ht to twelve months old. These are choice young bulls with the best of breeding and be will sold reasonably. I am also offering a few good cows and heifers. All are bred to the Imp. bull some due to calve in December. If you need any- thing write Ine or give us a call. J. G. FYFE, Ont. Ont. (Farm 1,!u miles south of Wingham.) irbg A QUALITY SHOE FOR MEN z • We have just received our new fall stock of Derby Shoes for Men and without any question they are 1'HE FINEST IN THE LAND The above cut represents the Patent Buttoned Boot in the Derby Shoe. It is made of the•- finest Patent Colt Tops and Soles of the very best Oak Tan" Leather. The VERY BEST of Everyt:.ing in this BOOT We have also this same style in Tan Button and in fact many other new and natty styles, IF YOU WANT THE BEST THAT IS, ASK FOR DERBY WE ARE SOLE AGENTS IN WINGHAM WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE .fes Sole agents For Ladies Si/U0 1 Cold Weather Needs We are looking for the largest fall business in our history. We cannot explain to you how ready we are, because there is so much to tell, so many lines to deal with that space will not permit ; but come and see Overcoats and Suits A splendid assortment in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. 15o to select from, Sweater Coats for Men, Women and Children, all at moderate prices. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers The Shoe Section is now in first-class shape. Many new fall lines have been added this week. We buy no seconds in Rubbers. We keep none but the best. Blankets and Comforters We have a large stock of Flannelette Sheets, .11-4 and 12-4 at the old prices. A splendid stock of Wool Blankets, in all qualities and sizes. Special value in Comforters. Flour We sell Royal Household, Robin Hood, Golden City, and Universal. All give the best of satisfaction. Also, Bran, Shorts and Feed. PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WANTED J. A, MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT.