The Wingham Times, 1912-12-26, Page 1THS
VOL. X11.—NO. 2114
I Wish
You all a
and •
J. W. McKibbon
2lis /e..x-ca. ,lxcrai
"Eyesight Tested Free" and
glasses supplied when needed at
reasonable prices.
C. N. Griffin
'^"lp ed with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer Marria itenses.
Office over Malcolm's Grooery.
.Christie's Grocer
Wish You
The Season
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Chant me a rime of
Sing me a jovial
And, though it is fi
Let it be pure an
ed with laughter,
Sing of the hearts rimmed over
With the story o the day,
Of the echo of chili ish voices
That will not die : way.
Of the blare of the asseled bugle
And the timeless latter and beat
Of the drum that t robs to muster
Squadrons of scat pering feet.
But, oh, let your vo ce fall fainter
Till, blent with a inor tone,
You temper your so g with the beauty
Of the pity Chris hath shown.
And sing one verse or the voiceless
And yet, ere the .•ng be done,
A verse for the ear that hear not
And a verse for tl e sightless one.
For, though it be ti
A merry Christm
Let a low, sweet v
Run through the
e for singing
s glee,
ice of pathos
Tho Holi. y Rates,
The Grand Trutt c Railway System
will sell tickets for he holidays as fol-
lows: Single fare, :,cod going Dec. 24th
and 25th, good fo return Dec. 26th;
also Dec. 31st and Jan. 1st, good for
return January 2n.. Fare and one-third
Dec. 21st to Jan, st, good for return
up to Jan. 3rd. If you purpose travel-
ling buy your ticke s from H. B. Elliott,
Town Agent. The TIMES office will be
open evenings fo the convenience of
those who wish to secure tickets.
Farmers h Poultry for sale woul
do well to call at THOS. FELLS, Butcher
Praise Ap reciated.
Councillor McKib on, however, has a
rival for the Reeves iii in the person of
Coun. Elliott, one of the busiest men in
town. Someone ha said —" If you
want anything done, give it to a busy
man;" according to hat more ought to
be piled on friend Iliott's shoulders.
His long residence In own, several years
faithful service at t e Council and good
business ability, sh Id tit our brother
quill -driver for addi 'anal usefulness in
the municipal field. The above para-
graph from the Ad ance of last week
is appreciated by th editor of the TIMES
The TIMES man will e pleased to receiv-
sufficient' votes to e ect him to the pos-
ition of Reeve and elected, w}lt..a ye;
the.>rtpayars faithful atravide.
All kinds of Watches, Clocks and
Silverware for the Christmas trade at
December edding.
On Wednesday eve ing, Dec., 18th at
5.30 p.m., the home o Mrs. Jno. Bell,
Glenannan, was the scene of a very
happy event, when he daughter, Susie,
became the bride of . John Mitchell,
Turnberry, in the pre- nee of only the
immediate relatives . the bride and
groom. The marriag ceremony was
conducted by Rev. A. R. Gibson. The
bride, who was giv=n away by her
mother, was unattend and was pret-
tily gowned in whit , ninon; trimmed
with rouching and . ystal trimmings,
carrying white carna ions and maiden
hair ferns. Thewedd g march was play-
ed by Mrs. Jas. Weir sister of the bride.
After the ceremony, inner was served,
the tables being dec rated with holly,
pink and white earn tions and smilax.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch 11 will reside on
Mr. Mitchell's fine arm on• the 10th
concession of Turn. rry.
POULTRY WANTED.—I'dighest cash
prices paid for all kinds .of live poultry,
GUNNS' LIMITED, Phone 1••. /•
FOUND.—A purse containing a small
sum of money. Als a sum of money
loose. The owner o ither of these
may have them by p oving property and
paying for the advt.
Bonspiel Ri Victorious.
The winning rin did not hold the
honors very long rom the Winnipeg
Bonspiel rink. 'ib return game was
played on Monde, afternoon and the
winners of last we ks gatne went down
to defeat to the t e of 14 to 9, Mr.
Porter was not a le to play and his
place was taken b V. R. VanNorman
and this change i no way weakened
the rink. The ne skip was very much
annoyed by his th rd player, all through
the game assured im that there would
be little difficulty 'n winning from the
Bonspiel boys. any of the players
have come to the conclusion that Mr.
VanNor'man's thi d player is "Neither
a prophet or the on of a prophet" and
that he is very Kort on the curling
game. The scor and players :—
Bonspiel Rink Onee Winners.
C. Mitchell T. Hardin
D. Fortune L. F. Binkley
A. Hardie K. Rae
A. M. Crawford 14 V,R.1i anNorman 9
OATS VOR SALE—I have received two
ear loads of Ontario oats, good enough
for seed, 40e per bushel off the car.
Sample can bo seen at livery office.
Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8
At the Pict
Mme. Sarah Bern
star company, in th
photo play "Queen
:arts, Produced b
Company. A
on Doc. 26, 27 and 2
25 cent: Saturday
Death of M
Mrs. Knetchel,
pioneer residents
passed away at Se.
evening last after
deceased lady was ti
(Rev.) D. Perrie of
been a frequent visi
Perrie, Mrs. Perrie
their family attenl�
Seaforth on Tues
re House.
ardt and all her
great spectacular
Elizabeth" in four
the famous Players
the Picture House
• Admission, adult
atinee, 10 cents.
s. Knetchel.
one of the oldest
of Huron County
forth on Saturday
long illnsss. The
e mother of Mrs.
:his town and had
or here. Rev. Mr.
and members of
edthe funeral at
any place in the world
Who will'.
One of the quest
now is "Who will
County next year.
Bested in the Cour
Robert McKay,
Milne, of Blyth,
McKillop, and Wil
Wawanosh, all me
part in County
All are Liberals, a
ing now is in the
next year falls to
Tickets to
Town Agents.
e Warden?
ons to be discussed
e Warden of Huron
Among those sug-
ty press are Reeve
f Tuckersmith, Dr.
. M. Govenlock, of
iam Bailie, of West
who take a leading
ouncil proceedings.
id as the understatid-
ouncil, the honour
hat side of the house.
select from at lowest prices.
Messrs. Thos.
year one of the b
for the Chaistma
ever had. The s
corated and ever
neat. The firm
cattle which were
Field & Co. as w
calves and sheep.
killed by the firm
James Jamieson,
,and the animal w
Jamieson. The ca
and it tipped the s1
They also have .
cured meats whi
the firm. Mes
are always to t
Dis lay of Meat.
Fi Id & Co. have this
displays of meats
s trade that they have
t re is beautifully de -
is clean and
b tdhered ten head"of
feed by 1Y Ir. Thos.
e� as anumber of pigs,
One of the calves
was bred and fed by
of East Wawanosh
a credit to Mr.
f was six months old
ales at 650 pounds.
good showing of
h are home cured by
rs. Thos. Field & Co.
Ie front in the meat
FEED CoRN—A carload of the ver
choicest Amercan feed corn will arrive
this week. This car is the best quality
of dry corn. See us for prices. J.L.
Awde. _
Wingham High .chool Concert.
The concert give by the Wingham
High School Liter,ry Society in the
Town Hall on Thur. day evening, Dec.
19th, was in every 'ay an unqualified
success. It was th first concert which
was given by the p pits and the entire
programme was f rnished by them.
The ball was crowned by an enthusias-
tic audience. The . ogramme was as fol-
lows:—Selections by the Harmonica
Band, Hoop Drill with High School
Colours by Junior Girls, Flag Drill by
Senior Girls, Soloy Miss Eva Patter-
son, Sailor's Hor pipe and Highland
Fling by Miss Ve na MacDonald, the
accompaniment be ng pipe music played
by her father, Mr D. MacDonald, Clog
Dancing by Messrs. G. McLean and S.
Donaldson, Table.0 of Industries,Chor-
uses, "The Harp that Once through
Tara's Halls" an. "On Gallant Com-
pany!" by W. H. Glee Club, Dra-
matic Scenes, and + Military Drill by
W. H. S. Cadets. he gem of the even-
ing was the Trial ene from the "Mer-
chant of Venice." The other scenes,
"Christmas with th Ruggles," "Eig-
enism—Obstinacy,' and "A Railway
Matinee," were pa ticularly well done.
An interesting feat ro of the entertain-
ment was the prese tation by tho Prin-
cipal, Mr. J. C. Sm th, B.A., of the
Departmental Diplo as, Class Prizes,
Field Day Medals, a ter which Mr. F.
Buchanan, the Chai an of the High
School Board, ga a the successful
students a short add ess of congratula-
tion. The prize win ers were:—Schol-
arships: Stewart cKercher, Leitch
Memorial Scholarship, No. 1, (Queen's
University) value $1 5, with Honour of
Williamson Scholars ip, No. 1, value
$160. Form IV.—D . A. J. Irwin's
prize of of $10 for ghest aggregate,
E. W Linklater; F rm III.—Mr. A
Cosens' prize of $5 Par highest aggre-
gate, and Mr. D. Hdlmes' prize of $5
for highest aggrega a in Mathematics,
Verna McLaughlin; orm II.— Mr. J.
G. Workman's prize of $5 for highest
aggregate in Lower School Examina-
tion, Helena Welles d; Staff prize of
$2 in Books for Es y Writing, Jean
Webb; Girls' Ch mpionship Medal,
Florence Barber; B s Senior Ghatn-
pionship, W. Hain s; BoysJunior
Championship, N. Iladford. The ac-
companists were Alines D. Haugh,
0. Knox, M. Nichols Ill,. Petrie,' L.
Ross, and Mr. J. S, Donaldson. The
receipts of the concert were $167.25.
After deducting ex eases, the proceeds:
will be used for th P'ano Fund, Girls'
and Boys' athletic tqiiipment, etc.
Miss Houghton is sp nding the holi-
days in Toronto.
Miss Ruby Kerr of Keswick is home
for the holidays.
Mise Maude Fry, of oronto is home
for the holidays.
Miss G. Cruickshan of Toronto is
home for the,holidays.
Miss Ethel ,Knight o Ripley visited town this w. lc.
Mr. Gordon Shiell, o London is visit-
ing with friends in Wit gham.
Mr. Percy Roulston s spending the
holidays at his home a Olivet.
Mr. Geo. Walker if Turnberry is
spending the holidays n Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Du lop are spending
the holidays with frie ds in Toronto
Mr. W. Ansley ,.f toronto is spend-
ing the holidays a . is parental home.
Miss Lizzie Lo l.e idge is spending
the holidays with f..e ds in W alkervil le.
Mr. Caldwell Bre, , of Dundas is
spending Chriistma: this home in town.
Miss Gladys Fr .4er of Teeswater,
spent the week -end with friends in town.
Miss 0. Cruieksti.a k of Toronto is
spending the at her home here,
Mrs, A. 3, Alears n is spending the
holidays at her 1 bre tal home in Toron-
Mr. Edgar a
gr 'i,o u]s
visiting his Sister, 11
Mrs. A. M. Fralic
holidays v-ith friend
Detroit. •
Miss Viola Isard, t
ing the holidays at h
in town.
n of Fullerton is
rs, Richard Selo -
c is spending the
in Windsor and
f Torontois.spend-
r parental home
Miss Ada Haines, ' f Ripley is spend-
ing the holidays at hr parental home
in town.
Mrs. Alex. moa t, 2nd line of Mor-
ris is spending the 1 olidays with friends
in Chesley.
Miss Jean Maxwel , of the Bluevale
road is £peirdirg the holidays with re-
latives in Galt.
Miss Rae
of Wiart
holidays at the hom
G. Victor Collins_
• Miss Jennie Ilallid
spending a months
mother and sister.
Miss Margaret Va
ampton spent the h'
ental home in town.
Rev, A. G. McLa
was visiteh�g last
Mrs. D. McKinlay.
Miss Margaret M
spent Sunday at th
Miss Sarah Jane
Laura Coiling of
friends in town thi.
n is spending the
of Rev. and Mrs.
, of Toronto is
olidays with her
Norman of South-
lidays at her par -
tan; of Stratford
eels with his sister,
Murchy, of Ripley,
home of 5Ir. and
lcTavish and Miss
pley were visiting
Miss Helen S ith, of Toronto is
spending the holi'ays at the home of
her uncle, Mr. A. . Smith.
Misses Edith a d Clara Beemer, of
Toronto' are spen ing the holidays at
their parental ho e in town.
Messrs. Semi .a d Thos. Bennett are
spending part of he holidays with their
brother at Westbranch, Mich.
Miss C. A. T ylor, of the Public
School teaching staff is spending the
vacation at her h the in Blyth. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gray and son,
Howard are spe ding the holidays with
Mr. Gray's pares is in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKenzie are
spending the boll ays with their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Speddi g at Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs.
ampton is spendi
days with relati�
lhas. Bell, of Son h-
g the Christmas 1; .li-
s in Wingham. '
Mr. R. Lloyd, ho is attending college
in Toronto is spe ding the holidays with
his parents, Mr. nd Mrs. A. E. Lloyd.
Mr. Lyon Findlater, of Broderick,
Sask. is spending a few holidays at his
parental home on the 2nd line of Morris..
Mrs. McKinnon and children of To-
ronto is spending [the holidays at the
home of her parehts, Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Howson.
Mr. Will. Isbitter of Bruce Mines
and Mr. Adam Is ister, of Toronto are
spending the holidays with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Wm i Isbister,
Mr. Peter Cern
the past few wee
turned home and
to see him lookini
bell, who has spent
s in the West has re -
is friends are pleased
so well.
Miss E. King, arse, 'was taken sick
while in Londo taking some hol-
idays and is at t. Joseph's hospital
where it is suppled she will be for some
Thos. Field, Misses
Ella and Jeanet ush and Master Not -
Mr. and Mrs.
son Rush are in oronto where a h
�U O a
Christmas re-unikn of the Rush famiilly
is being held.
Mr. Harry"r o f .
Green, f the Arts depart-
ment and Mr. Rpy Starkhouse, who is
studying medicine at Queen's College,
Kingston were spending a few days with
old friends in town.
Like a bolt from a ear sky came the
news from Ottawa o = day last week
to Postmaster Fisher' to the effect that
he must vacate the d elling rooms over
the post office not la r than the first
of January. Mr. Fie er was very much
surprised that he sho Id receive a notice
of this kind. Promi.entConservatives
of the town claim th y were ignorant
of any move looking to the removal of
Mr Fisher from his lying quarters and
we understand that legrams were at
once sent to James Bowman, M, P.,
at Ottawa requestin : him to see that
action be stayed in , is matter, Who
is responsible for th s out -of -the -ordin-
ary move we are n in a position to
say, but we do believe that fully ninety
per cent, of the resi.ents of Wingham,
both Liberals and onservatives, are
willing and anxious o see Mr. Fisher
continue to reside in his present com-
fortable quarters..r. Fisher has been
postmaster of Winam for nearly half
a century and all t rough these long
years he has given 1 e people of Wing -
ham and district th very best of ser-
vice and has alway had a clean record
in his dealings wit the Post Office De-
partment and with the public. Any
further move looki g to the removal of
Mr. Fisher will be trongly resented by
the right thinking ople of Wingham
and district. It would be well if the
blame of last weeknotice could be
placed on the should rs of the party or
parties who are guilty of hatching the
ppiy at National
An event of mord than usual interest
to the community a d to all who knew
of it, was one whic took place in Cur-
rie's school on We. nesday, Dec. 18th.
The occasion was t at of presenting to
Mr. Wm. Naylor o East Wawanosh, a
cheque in token of he sympathy and
regret of his many t iends throughout
the district. As ma y will remember,
Mr. Naylor had the t•rrible misfortune
to meet with an acci.'ent which result-
ed in the amputation .f his foot about
two months ago. Si ce that time some
effort has been made .y Mr, Naylor's
neighbours to pike hi n some tangible
proof of their rc,ga;d for him in his
trouble. As a conheence on Wednes-
day evening a large rowd assembled
in the school -house. A splendid pro-
gram was rendered, e sentiment of
the people being voic .d in the opening
selections 'Blest be e Tie that Bind."
The program consisted of readings by
Mr Andrew Shiell, hich were great-
ly enjoyed. Solos b Mrs. John Elliott,
Mr. John Elliot and Ir. Fyfe, phond-
graph selections an. choruses. Short
addresses were give by Messrs. John
Currie and S. Burcbi 1. Lunch was ser-
ved by the'. ladies. , i he presentation,
beim' the main evon of the evening
came early in the preeding. and was
accompanied by the following address,
read by Mr. J. J. .rr, the present-
ation being made by Mr. Win. J. Cur-
December 18th, 1912.
Dear Friend and Ne -hbour:
It is with .regret ' at we realize the
cause of our meetin • with you this even-
ing, although we ar indeed glad that
you are able to be a esent with us. We
feel that we would villingly share the
heavy burden which you have been call-
ed upon to bear, bu we know that mere
words of sympathy , an do little towards
relieving the weigh which rests upon
However, we kno that the loving
Heavenly Father, w ho knows and does
what is best for us all, and who has
sustained and uphe d you during your
time of severe tri • will continue to
give you therequir. d strength to go on
and face the dutie and enjoy the plea-
sures which the f ure will bring to
Our Guide Book f Life tells us that
"it is more blesse to give than to re-
ceive" and we res 'ze the truth of this
in the expression f our sympathy to-
wards you, but w hope that the plea-
sure and blessing ill not all be ours
and that you wit be able to derive the
full measure of s tisfaction and bless-
ing which we are rying to enable you
to realize by pre enting to you this
cheque as a token of the esteem, good
will and sincere sy pathy of your friends
and neighbours.
Signed on then behalf, J. J. Kerr,
Wm. J. Currie.
Immediately a er thb presentation, a
letter which had been received from
the Sawyer -Mas ey Co.,:was read. It
wastes follows, d speaks for itself:
Ha ilton, Dec. 16th, 1912.
Dear Sir:
We are in ree }it of your letter of
the 12th inst., aid are very sorry in-
deed to hear of the accident to Mr. Wm,
Naylor and have to state that we cheer-
fully contribute our mite towards help-
ing the unfortunate man in his trouble
and hope same will reach you in ample
time for the presentation taking place
on Wednesday of this week
Amount enclosed $25.00 receipt of
which kindly acknowledgs and oblige.
Yours truly,
Sawyer -Massey Co., Limited.
Mr. Naylor gave a feeling response
thanking sine
kindly assisj
The eveni
singing :.
".al? who have so
d him and Mrs. Naylor.
,1g was broiht to a close by
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow."
The annual Mu
meeting will be hel
next Monday eveni
ation of candidates
Mayor, Reeve, Co
Public School Trust
portant that all rat
tend this meeting.
take an interest '
town and be on ha
men are nominated
itions. We have n•
developments in
since our last issue
and Van Stone are
Mayor's chair and
the contest will be
Mitchell, McKibb
Councillors, we ha
candidates who
field, Councillor
election. There i
this year for new
and we hope to s
best citizens elec
Mr, Wm. Isbis
ed as a candidate
has had many
municipal work
Reeve of Morris,
the township w
In Morris, we
for the Reeves
Reeve Shortreed
In East Wawa
is retiring and 0
in the field for t
Campbell will, it
Mr. Scott.
In Turnberry,
Reeve Powell wit
we have no infor
be the candidate
In West Was
will seek re-elects
has also signified.
ning for the post
Quillen, a forme
tioned as a pr
may accept nom' 'nation.
cipal Nomination
in the Town Hall
g for the nomin•
or the positions of
ncillors and four
es. It is very im-
payers should at -
11 ratepayers should
the affairs of the
d to see that good
or the various pos-
heard of any new
e municipal field
Councillors Bone
n the field for the
for the Reeveship
between Councillors
n and Elliott. For
e not heard of any
e definitely in the
ills will seek re -
a splendid opening
blood in the Council
e some of our very
d to the position.
r has ben mention -
for the ('ouncil. He
ears experience in
and was for years
when the affairs of
e given careful at-
derstand the contest
ip will be between
nd Councillor Elston.
osh, Reeve Gillespie
uncillor P. W. Scottis
position Councillor
s said, likely oppose
we understand that
seek re-election and
'nation as to who will
o oppose him
�anosh, Reeve Bailie
on and Coun. Watson
is intention of run -
ion. Mr Wm. Mc -
Reeve is also men-
bable candidate and
We have some Parlor Suites to clear
at wholesale cost price. ('all in and see
them. A nice three piece Suite (Silk
coverings) $25 for $19.—S. Gracey.
The electors of W ngham will vote on
three important by laws on Monday,
January 6th, the ame date as the
municipal elections
By-law No. 660, 1 nown as the local
option by-law. Th object of this by-
law is to prohibit a 'ter the 1st of May
next, the sale by r'
fermented or other n
in the Town of Win
paign in connection
has been quietly co
perance people hay
meetings and more
voting day. The b;
portant one and rat,
all the informatit.
tail of spirituous.
anufactured liquors
ham. Th:; cam
with this by-law
ducted. The tem -
held some public
will be held before;
-law is a very im-;
+payers should get',
1 possible on the
question and cast Meir ballot in the
way they consider proper.
By-law No. 6G1,( provides for the
granting of a sum,inot exceeding $300
per year, for payit rental of factory
premises, and exe .option from taxes,
except school rats and plants and
machinery, to the " ackson Manufactur-
ing Co., of Clinton who will, if the by-
law.receives the fa
of the ratepayers,
their clothing man
orable consideration
stablish a branch of
facturing business
in Wingham. The ompany agrees to
have thirty employes by the end of
first year and not 1 ss than forty during
the following nine years. The com-
pany will purchase electric power from
the town at reg ar rates. Wingham
needs all the indus ries she can secure.
By-law No. 66
raising of a sum n
to be expended in
improvement in J
are agreed that s
should be done on
On the local opti
cipal voters, who
of the town for thr
fied to vote. 0
Josephine street
owners are qualifi
two money by -I
vote in all the wa
provides for the
t exceeding $15,000
making permanent
ephine street. All
mething permanent
he Josephine street
n by-law all muni -
ave been residents
e months are quail -
the Jackson and
-laws all' property
to vote. On the
s, ratepayers can
s in which they own
The High Schoo will re -open on Jan.
dth. A number of new pupils are ex-
Miss Anderson i- spending tho holi-
days at her home in St. Augustine;
Miss Brewster in : rantford:Mr. J. R.
Smith in W scat. • n; the Princi-
pal, Mr. J. C. Smith, and Mrs. Sriith
in Kingston.
The receipts of he concertninounted
to $167.26. After paying all expenses
the proceeds will w devoted to a Piano
Fund,the pure'has of some equipment
for Girls' airy Boy'..' Athletics. etc.
illi1 if -i
f .r
"May your Christmas Joy he as
bright as the berries on tho Holy
W r e a th—and your Christmas
Memories like the Christmas Tree—
Ever green 1"
I3y the way, what's so suit-
able for Christm is Gifts as
good Footwear?
Practical. useful and always
Our Christmas Footwear is
on display and the shf)wing is
fine. It's well worth seeing.
We'll make any exchanges
desired after Christmas. Colne,
see our Christmas -pretd !
It is generally admitted, that,
taking every thing into consider-
ation, farms in this County are
selling below their actual
value, and that a rise must
come soon The shrewd
investor wi 11 buy now.
South a, lot 13, con 3, Mor
ris, 100 acres, good fram e
house and bank barn. Two.
orchards, good fences, 6
acres fall wheat, 20,acres fall
plowed Will be sold cheap
to wind up an estate.
North :l of lot 47 and 48,
it: orris, 1 z storey brick house,
bank barn and drive shed.
On good gravel road and
near market. flea,on for
.elling, owner wants to buy
a larger farm,
Full particulars of above and
many others, at oftie_e.
Ritchie 86 Conn
TIPLiNG & MILLS are prepared to buy
all kinds of first-class grain, also a
market for any quantity of first-class
hay and straw at their warehouse G.T.
R. station.
A three-piece Suite X29 for $2:1. Odd
pieces, $12 for $8.75, and a $16 piece for
$13. ('entre Tables, Jardinere Stands,
Music Cabinets. Special cut pries for
cash on all Furniture till Jan. 1st, 1913,
at Gracey's Furniture Store.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
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63E0. SPOTTON. President