The Wingham Times, 1912-10-03, Page 6r {. WINGHA.NI TIRES OCTOBER 3, 1912 01 111lbf Il;ilii e$innersr " Is dinner ready, Mary ?" " Yes, Madam—it is ready, and, I think, a great success.' " Your cochih g is improving.s, " Weil perhaps it is, and I hope so, but really, Mrs. Housewife, l think our new Gurney -Oxford is partly responsible for tho success I have had lately. I was never able to cook roasts and fowl so well on our old stove, and as for bread and biscuits, I used to tremble when g went to take them from the oven—they were so often soggy and heavy. Now they are always light and beautifully brown, and, if I do say it myself, something to be proud of." " true, Mary, my husband has said almost the same thing. I'm awfully grad you approve of my choice of a Gurney -Oxford. He approves because of the saving ins coal since we got it, also because of the better ideals he is getting." " Indeed he's right, Madam—and it requires so little attention:' " That's fine, Mary. Will you serve dinner in a few minutes please." (.3 J.BOYC 9 Wingha . Plumbing and Heating Engineer. A WEEKLY THOUGHT. Is not Work one of the supremest blessings bestowed upon mankind? Work is one of the most satisfactory and beneficial outlets for the natural energy which we possess. And the doing of the work that is given us in the very best way we know of, with an earnest I ?sire to be accomplishing something in the world should create real happiness. It does not matter what the work may b.. whether it be in the highest or the lowest position in the nation, in doing it ;veli, we are helping to mould that nation's greatness. Henry Van Dyke, a"philosopher--author"of modern times has expressed the idea in the followirg very beautiful lines: -- "Let me but do my work from day to day, In field or forest. at desk or loom, In roaring market -place or tranquil room; Let me but find it in my heart to say When vagrant wishes becken me astray, 'This is my work, my blessing not my doom; Of all who live I am the one by whom This work can best be done in the right way.' Then shall I see it not too great, nor ,small. To suit my spirit and to prove my pow- ers. Then shall I cheerful greet the labour- ing hours, And cheerful turn them when the long shadows fall, At eventide, to play and love and rest, Because I know for me my work is best." —Kaye. William Covert, a civil war veteran and a pioneer citizen of Petrolea, died at an advanced age. Samuel James, for nearly 40 years postmaster and merchant at Merrick- ' Mille, died at the age of 80. 1 Do not suffer another day wit Itching, Bleed- ing, or Protrud- ing Piles. No surgical oper- ation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly cure you. 500. a bot.: all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. and enclose 2 stamp o pay postage. mention Dr. T. S. Dicke, professor in West- ern Univerfity, lately from Belfast, committed suicide, probably from wor- ry over the trouble in Ireland. Stephen Kyoshk, the young Walpole Island Indian who has been acquitted en a second trial on a charge of murder is to marry Flossie Williams. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reluable I'r ,c :h regtilatur: never fails. These pills are excee u:.:y powerf.:l in rci;elating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Fan's are sold at &5 a bon, or three fqr 510. Mailed to any address. Th. Scobeii Drug Co„ St. Catharines, Ont. The peach growers of the Niagara district, both sides of the border, stand to lose more than $10;1,0110 for the very peculiar reason that there is an over abundance of this luscious fruit this year. The crop is too big to handle, and there is a shortage of pickers, a shortage of baskets, and the transpor- tation companies are unable to furnish sufficient cars in which to ship the fruit after it is picked. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R IA The following is a statement of the Centre Huron Liquor License Fund for the current license year as supplied from the Provincial Secretary's office: The receipts included, licenses, $7,898; fines, $415; tranfer fees, $116.67; bal- ance transferred from last year, $13.09; total, $8,443.76. The expenditures in.. eluded, inspector's salary, y $708; 8, once rent, $20; commissioners' travelling ex- penses, $123; postage, stationery, coun- sel fees, etc., $2414.2$; transferred to next year, $5.81, leaving a balance of $1,375.67. Of this amount 83,953.67 was distributed to municipalities as follows: McKillop, $59; Brussels, $325; na,forth, $761.67; Goderieb, $1,3119.17; Clinton„ 014.1.0. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S DASTORIA HEARD AS THEY PASS. The Local Paper. The man who edits the average coun- try newspaper cannot well avoid tread- ing on somebody's toes continuallly; must expect to be censured oftsa for unintentional failures; must expect hard work and little thanks; must ex- pect to be called a coward because he does not "pitch into" everything that somebody thinks wrong, and a fool if he speaks out too plainly on public evils; he must expect to grind other people's axes and turn the grindstone himself. Still we think it is one of the noblest professions on earth; the one in which the earnest man can do the most good to his fellow man, and in which an hon- orable man can wield much power for good.s- Ex. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CdASTORIA The heavy emigration from Germany this year is growing monthly. In July 8,961 emigrants left the country and in August 10,008, about double the num- ber for the same two months in 1911. The total so far this year is 84,192, as against 53,961 for the same period in 1911, and this in spite of the scarcity of labor in many parts of the country. A Word of Gratitude. "In justice to humanity I want to tell you that I was a greet sufferer from itching piles, and have found Dr. Chase's Ointment the best treatment obtainable," writes Mr. Fred Hinz, Brodhagen, Ont. "It gives instant re- lief and I can recommend it to any sufferer from this dreadful disease." "Why is it that people who never expect perfection in themselves, de_ mond it of other people?" He swears a great deal around the house. He has to, in order to appear so good natured when he is in public. "Of course she did not wish to ap- pear at all curious, so she asked Tom to ask Strelinger to ask Dodge what was the matter with the Tomkinses." "That man thinks his wife's a .sort of eight-day clock and that all he has to do to keep her running is to wind with a word of praise every week or so." "He said his relatives did not ap- prove of his profession. Just you show me a set of relatives that ever do ap- prove of anything. I'd like to feast my eyes on them." "Most people, if you off.ered them a n ;;lion dollars, would pocket it, with the casual remark that they hoped they were not robbing you of anything you could use." During a paroxysm of coughing the other day, a man in East Oakland, Cal., who was supposed to be dying of tuber- culosis, coughed up a tooth and is now entirely cured. He had his teeth re- moved several months ago while under the influence of an anesthic, at his home in the East, and soon afterwards developed a bad cough. He was inform- ed by physicians that he was sufliering from tuberculosis, and was advised to seek another climate. He removed his family to California, but continued to get worse. He expected to die at any time, and thought the end was near when he ejected a tooth. He is now doing well. 11111'0111NT WARNING! THE ONLY GENUINE AND ORIGINAL EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY IS "Dr. Fowler's a REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. MRs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STROP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRH03A. It is air solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind, Twenty-five cents a bottle. What is said to have been thegreat- est slaughter of fur -bearing animals in the history of Siberia took place last year. The slaughtering included 4,525,- 000 gray squirrels, 1,500,000 white hares, 12,250 sables, 200,000 ermine, 1,500 brown bears, 181',000 kolonki (a species of skunk), and 16,500 gray wolves were killed, besides about 100 Arctic fox. Blaming the Town. "This surely is a one-horse town," the shiftless man asserts, then takes his seedy gripsack down, and packs his socks and shirts, and to some other village goes to seek the shining plunk; there he accumulates new woes, and says the burg is punk. In every town, however slick, you'll hear the failures say: "This wretched hamlet makes us sick, we'll chase ourselves away. The poor man has no chances here, he finds no open door; the whole corrupted at- mosphere makes head and bosom sore." Flom town to town the failures drift and find each one the worst, until at last the peelers lift them to the jug feet first. All towns are good if you will work and try to reach the top; all towns are fierce if you're a shirk, whose mission is to yawp. Select a man whose heart is bold, whose courage never slumped, and he will gather fame and gold, no matter where he's dump- ed. Though planted in the virgin woods or on an island bare, you'll see him coming with the goods, and both feet in the air. And when you hear a pil- grim wail, and blame things on his town, you may be sure that he would fail where'er he settled down.—Walt This grand remedy has been on the ' Mason. market for sixty-five years, and is, with- out a doubt, the best medicine known A trouble had arisen among the sing - for the cure of ers of a certain church, and on one Sabbath morning the good minister DIA.(EA, DYSENTERY, COLIC; ; found himself without a choir. He CRAMPS, PAIN in the STOMACH; 4 read the old familiar hymn, eomnlenc- CI'fOLERA MORBUS CHOLERA? I love to steal awhile away. In the ' 1 absence of the choir one of the deacons INPANTt1M, And ALL SUMMER ; threw himself into the breach and un - COMPLAINTS. I dertoolc to lead it off. Ile pitched the tune and sung "I love to steal," but If an unscrupulous druggist tries to had bit it so high that he broke down. talk you into taking any ether prepare- i He tried it a second time, and again ti1 w s so o when you ask for "Dr. Fowler'." i broke down at stew , it a lc w. refuse to take it, and insist on getting ' Not discouraged, he tried it the third what you ask for. Price 35 ante p time, and sung "I love to stent," and bottle. Sec that the name, The T. 1Flilbum Co., Limited, is en the wrapper, as we are the manufacturer1 and role proprietors. Deafness cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en- tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition' hearing will be des- troyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the muc- ous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot,be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for pation. consti- Many hog growers, says Farm, Stock and Home, never weigh the feed they give their pigs but make a practice of giving them all they will clean up at a meal. They say they will grow if you do this from the time they are weaned until they are fat. It is true that they will grow and very fast at first, but at the last they do not grow so fast, and observation will invariably show that pigs that have been fed some definite amount daily and this amount regularly and gradually increased are away ahead of pigs fed all they will eat all the time, when it comes to uni- formity and cheapness of gains. There can be little doubt in the mind of any- one who has ever tried aceurate feed- ing, or who has watched others who have that it pays in the end. When you have a bad cold you want the best medicine obtainable so as to cure it with as little delay as possible. Here is a druggist's opinion: "I have sold Chamberlain's•Cough Remedy for fifteen years,.'" says Enos Lollar of Sar- atoga, Ind., "and consider it the best on the market." For sale by all deal- ers. The British imports of live sheep from the United States and Cadsda from January 1 to September 7, were 13,945, a decrease of over 28,000, coni parep with the same period in 1911. These figures are given in the Colonial Consignment and Distributing Co's. mailed report of the 13th inst, The imports of cattle from the two coun- tries during the same period amounted to 46,613, a decrease of 105,546, com- pared with the same time in1911. Beef imports from all sources amounted to 2,780,266 cwts., which is an increase of 22,240 cwts. Frozen sheep and lamb imports to the 13th inst., amounted to 9,825,120, a decrease compared with last year of 649,016. Frozen beef im` ports, however, show an increase of over 92,000, the arrivals up to the 13th int. being 1,702,628. The above b a picture of "Chief Little Bow," who was probably the first inhabitant of CARMANGAY, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the $,urfner tilia the Iartd. Railways, Wheat, Coal and Water I! CARMANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRL on account of the topography of the country.. It is situated on the Little Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It has VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town. OUR PROPERTY is WITHIN the TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of business; Send for our illustrated booklet describing the property we have to sell it'll ar an a Work for yourVi' Money in the East, but invest it in the est CUT OUT THE COUPON NOW 19' AND SEND IT TO US Western Canada Real Estate Company Head Office --502 TEMPLE BUILDING, Toronto, Ont: BRANCHES: MONTREAL. (ME. HAMILTON, ONT. i LONDON. OMP. 15 Sus Life Ams.. 302 !Astor Cb.mben 11 Dominion Danis C!.mbas WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE � 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. Please send me without obligation on my. part, literature containing facts, figures and views of CARMANGAY. Name.................................W.....,....,....., 1. Address ..:+....- -... ^.....-^.^.. *' THE WINGHAM TIMES Sir Wilfrid Laurier had a ride over the National Transcontinental, and ad- dressed a large gathering in the round- house at Cochrane. Toronto gave Premier Borden a splendid welcome at the banquet ten- dered him in the Mutual street arena Monday night by the board of trade. Fully 7,000 people were present and listened with interest to what the Pre- mier had to say regarding the navy and other big problems. WAS TROUBLED WITH HIS HEART HAD TO GIVE UP WORK Mr. Alfred Male, Eloida, Ont., writes: "I was troubled with my heart for two or three years. I thought sometimes that I would die. I went to the doctor, and he said he could not do anything for me. I had to give up work. My wife persuaded me to try Milbum's Heart and Nerve Pills. The first box relieved me, so I kept on until I had taken seven boxes, and they cured me. 1 would not be without them on any account, as they are worth their weight in gold. I advise my friends and neigh- bors who are troubled with heart or nerve trouble to try them." To any of those suffering from heart or nerve trouble we can recommend our Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills with the greatest confidence. Price 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for 81.25. If your dealer docs not have them itt stock, send direct to The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. then went down as before. •At this point the audienee became amused, and the minister arose and said, "It is greatly to be regretted. Let us pray." ---Exchange. WAN TED Nothing Like It For COlde. ;Firs. Holland H nd Fer uson Sheffield, N. 13., writes: „r. Chase's D S ru of y Linseed and Turpentine has euredp my children and myself of severe colds. We are never without it in the house. There is nothing like it for olds and throat trouble, and it is so soothing and pleasant to take, ray children woul drink a whole bottle if they were per. mitted. A live representative for WINGHAM. and surrounding District tosell high-class stock for TRE FUNTHItI NURSERIES More fruit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario, The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm. We teach our men Salesmanship; Tree Culture and how big profits in fruit.growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ nlent, exclusive territory Vs rite for particulars, STONE & WELLINGTON Tott8NT0, PRINTING AND STATION ERY We have put in our office Stationery and can WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PA PER PAPETERIES, a complete stock of Staple supply your wants in WRITING PAPER. BLANK BOOKS - PENS AND INK TOILET PA PER PLAYII:G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position thanever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS. POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may requirein the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, Ont. VatgatedMIermallOWNOZIMOMOMildWaillilliNINION j