The Wingham Times, 1912-09-05, Page 1THS W1NGHAM • TIMES.
VOL, XEI.--NO, 2118.
It takes years of experience and
a high degree of expert linowm
ledge to make baby remedies
effective. "Motner Krohs"
remedies are designed for
children only. They are
made right and recom-
mended with confidence
Mother Krohs Cough Syrup
Mother Krebs Worm Syrup '
Mother Krohs Soothing Syrup
Mother Krohs Colic Remedy
Mother Krohs Croup Remedy
Mother Krebs Laxative Syrup
Mother Krohs Teething Syrup
Mother KrohsNeutralizing Cordial
Mother Krobs Compound Essence
c f Catnip
WM. wIrer
Everyone of these is admirably
suited to the particul:'r purpose,
"Guaranteed Harmless." They
are each worth the quarter
asked and should be in
you Children's medicine
1 W. McIibbon
ae...t.tes Store
We Fit Glasses Properly
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Offioe over Maloolm'e Grocery.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines]
• Ocean Steamships.
Christie's Grocery
PHONE fig.
Boneless Pigs Feet.
Beef Stake and Onions
Roast Beef
Cooked Corned Beef
6c Potted Tongue
PER Potted Game
Potted Veal
TIN Potted Beef
l0c Ox Tail Soup 10c
Vermicelli Soup
PER cnnsomme Soup ER
Set tcb Broth
TIN Tomato Soup` TIN
Wear Creer's Shoes and Robbers.
Picture Hou Opened, Vi
The Wingham pis re house was op-
ened on Wednesda evening o£ this
week under the ma agement of Mr. L.
Kennedy, when t ree performances
were given. The .use will be open
every evening and nder the manage-
ment of Mr. Kenney the very best of
moving pictures wi 1 be shown.
Go to KNox's fo your School Books,
Phone 65a.
Returning t
Mr, Robt. Calve
been appointed as
man in Wingham a
duties on Monday
family here in t
Calvert resided in
ago and worked
we are pleased to
turning to Wingha
, of Fordwich has
P. R. section Pore-
d took up his new
and will move his
near future. Mr.
ingham some time
n the C. P, R., and
earn that he is re -
Piano for sale, Apply to P, Fisher.
The Bowfin
The final game
bowling tourname
Wednesday afternc
very wet grounds,
in the consolation
ween Reid's rink, o
Iinnis'sERipley rink.
in the finaI's,Porter'
over Reid's Teeswat
doubles won by Jo1�
in last week's big
t were played on
on and evening on
The semi-final game
s a good one bet-
Teeswater and Mc -
Mr. Reid won and
Attwood Rink won
r rink. The Scotch
ston and Smith of
s elect from at lowest prices.
Canadian Na
Persons intendi
dian National,Ex
procure from any
R., copy of the 0
let, which contain
information, and
at the exhibition
of the Exhibition
effort to:make this
in the history of t
tractions are of t
dard. The public
of the low rates o
dian Pacific to see
of this splendid e
nal Exhibition.
g visiting the Cana-
ibition, Toronto, can
Agent of the C. P.
sial Program *Book -
train service, hotel
rincipal attractions
r The management
s put forth every
year the grandest
e Fair 'and the at -
very highest sten-
s ould take advantage
ered by the Cana -
the "Imperial Year"
Death of F
The Lithgow I'
says:—"A very of
Mr. Donald Lamo
ly at his late resit/
noon. He was co
when he suddenly
and exclaimed, "1
pired. The decea
Lithgow for 83 yea
of Prince Edward
there 76 years
spent the earlier
Zetland on the fa
homestead. The
place to -morrow a
byterian cemete
The subject of thi
brother of Mrs.
Wingham; Ronald
h omestead; Mrs.
and Mrs. Eli Jacqu
seer Resident.
ercury of July 15th
identity of Lithgow,
t, died very sudden-
nce yesterday after-
versing with a friend
hrew up his hands
m done," and ex -
ed had :resided in
s. He was a native
stand and was born
go, The deceased
ortion of his life near
m next to the old
funeral will take
ternoon to the Pres -
at Bowenfells."
brief notice was a
eo. Taylor, Lower
amont, on the old
bite, of Wisconsin,
s, Whitechurch.
BOOTH PRIYILIGE.—Tennlcfrs for re-
freshment booth pri ill a at Wingham
fall fair on Septemb7th, will be re-
ceived by the undersigned up to Sep-
tember 14th. H. B, ELLIOTT, Sec'y.
Another Appei}I for Harvesters.
On account of ti
the West for addi
the Grand Trunk
to run two more
slots on Septemb
all stations in Ca
Winnipeg is $10.0C
from Winnipeg to
beyond McCloud,
Returning half ce
plus $18.00 to des
Canada. The farm
Trunk Pacific pay t
and this is an ex
young men to visit
route via Chicago is
as many large cities
sod enroute, which
ony of the journey,
thing new to see r
Grand Trunk Pa
shortest and quic
nearest Grand Tr
particulars, or wri
A., Union Station„
e urgent appeal from
Tonal Farm Laborers,
iailway have decided
arm Laborers' excur-
r 4th and 6th from
ada. The rate to
plus half cent mile
estination but not
algary or Edmonton.
mile to Winnipeg,
nation in Eastern
re along the Grand
e maximum wage
ellent chance for
the West. The
an attractive one,
and towns are pas-
reaks the mount-
s there is some-
lti the time. The
fic Railway is the
est route between
n-Edrnonton. Ask
nk Agent for full
e A. E. Duff, D. P.
Toronto, Ont.
FOP. SALE ox RENT.—About two and
a half ecres of land and small house,
opposite Western Foundry, Possession
at once. Apply to D. McCormick,
Wingham or phone line 194, ring 11.
Read Willis $ Co.'s Rdv, on page 8
Hotelkeeper f
A. Lambertus and
keepers of Teeswa
W alkerton on Wedn
before Magistrate F
for selling liquor wit}
saeh pleaded guilty
00 and cots. The
bertus was not este
was dismissed.
Buttermilk for
Kent block,
eavily Fined.
J. hlosash, hotel -
r were tried at
day of last week,
1ton and Chambers
out a licence. Mo-
nd was fined $100.-
harge against Lam-
lished and the case
e at the Creamery
East Wawan
A very pretty we
ed at high noon on
residence of Mr. an
gill, East Wawanos
est dapghter, Miss
ried to Mr, David
The ceremony wa
drawing -room by R
room was attractiv
ferns and evergreen
charming in a gown
entered amid the st
march played by
Toronto. She was
father. About 75
and after the cere
dainty wedding di
were beautifully
hearty congratulat
Bell left for New
The bride's going -
navy blue whipcord
On their return
Edward street,
sh Wedding.
ding was solemniz-
hursday last at the
Mrs. Geo. Pother-
, when their young-
mma 3, was mar-
ell, of this town.
performed in the
v. Mr, Miller. The
ly decorated with
The bride looked
of white, satin, and
ains of a wedding
ss McDowell, of
iven away by her
ests were present,
ony partook of a
nor. The tables
decorated. After
ons Mr. and Mrs.
York and Boston.
ay dress was of
ith hat to match.
ey will reside on
KNox's the place to buy your School
Supplies. Phone 65a.
A Note oil Warning.
There has been i
the Minister Agric
conspicuous poster
of potato growers
of, examining their
w hether or not it is i
ued, by direction of
lural at Ottawa, a
ailing the attention
to the importance
rop to ascertain
�fected with "Po-
tato Canker." The hanger shows in
o plant the whole
ed by the disease.
earance of indivi-
oe Canker has st-
ers who discover
f the disease in
ed to send affect-
ominion Botanist,
Ottawa. The
Farmers' Circular
of Botany and is
the Publications
tment of Agricui-
natural colors a pota
yield of which is affe
It also shows the ap
dual tubers in which
arted to work. Gra
suspicous symptoms
their erop are reques
ed specimens to the
Experimental Far
poster is issued as
No. 3, of the Divisio
being distributed b
Branch of the Depa
Death of M Merkley.
The death of Mrs
the home of her so
Dinsley, on Sund
came as a great sh
and friends. The
been ill a few days,
was able to be aroun
day afternoon she w
with some rnemhers
she took suddenly w
minutea{in spite of
that loving hands co
peacefully to the gr
Merkley was of a ki
loved by all who kn
ready to lend a helpi
She was born in the
near Brockville, on
1842, her maiden n
Amelia Hartwell. S
her now bereaved hu
moved to Turnberr
they spent thirty-six
the trials and priv
pioneer life. In 190
Wingham where she
ing years. Seven so
ters were born to 31r
ley, eleven of whom
the Ioss of a kind an
The children are:—
Spokane, Wash.; Mr
Wingham; Mrs. Cha
nosh; Mrs. G. C. Si
Mrs. Runstedler, Wi
London; W. G., Alb:
homestead; James, '
and John, of Wingh
was of a Christian
adherent of the
The funeral took pl
afternoon to the
W hest the lessons o
And God says th
May we all meet u
And not ono of
Wm. Merky, at
-in-law, Mr. R. A.
y afternoon last,
ck to her family
eceased lady had
ut had rallied and
again. On Sun-
s talking quietly
f her family when
se and in a few
physician apd all
ld do, she passed
at beyond. Mrs.
d disposition, be -
w her and ever
g hand to others.
ounty of Leeds,
the 24th of July,
me being Esther
e was married to
band in 1860 and
is 1868, where
ears apd endured
tions incident to
they moved to
ent her remain-
s and six daugh-
and Mrs. Merk-
urvive to mourn
loving mother.
rs. Rodenhaven,
R. A. Dinsley,
am, East Wawa -
ons, Turnberry;
gham; Martin, of
ta; Henry, on the
f Turnberry; Ezra
m. Mrs. Merkley
character and an
ethodist Church.
ce on Wedkesdar
Ingham cemetery.
life are all ended
school Is dismissed
yonder in ?leaven
r number be missed.
WANT8D.--Two first class isolishers for
stove work, Mtist be experienced; also
experienced mountee forbaseburner and
cast ranges, drilling done, steady work,
highest wages. I oW8S, JAMIESON Lim -
WED. Hamilton, Ont.
The two severe el
ly last Sunday morn
that ever visited thi
storm broke over t
before twelve o'cloc
and the second one e
ing. The lightning
the storms continued
There was a very h
some people say mor
the few hours of Sun
fell during all the
The low land south
covered with water a
oats in the country
little lakes of water.
almost a failure unies
ored with better weat
During the first stor
pole near the chair f
and was soomon fire, a
Sunday morning the e
ctrical storms ear -
g were the worst
section. The first
s section shortly
on Saturday night
rly Sunday morn -
as very vivid and
or several hours.
avy fall of rain,
rain fell during
ay morning than
ains of August.
the town was
many fields of
ere standing in
The crops will be
we are soon fav-
an electric light
ctory was struck
out three o'clock
ectric lights near
the bowling green and in other sections
on the West side of th town were put
out of business. Mr. ohn A. McLean's
house was struek by ightning and did
damage to the amnt of about $100.
Fortunately membe s of the family
were up at the time . nd soon had the
fire checked. The fi emen were called
out and were very p ompt in arrriving
at the scene of the e.
Two barns were b rned, one on the
farm of Mr. Keife , of Culross, be-
tween Wingham an. Teeswater. The
large barn on the t eo. T. Robertson
farm on the 10th c•ncession of East
Wawanosh was str ck and was soon
completely destroy d. In the barn
were a few imple eats, including a
new binder, some he s and the season's
crop of hay and fall (wheat. Insurance
in the Howick Mutual will cover the
loss on the contents. It will take ,con-
siderable to replace the barn and the
loss is partly covered by insurance.
Mr. Robertson recently sold his farm
to Mr. Wm. Wightmhn.
Owing to the very !heavy rain some
cellars in the town were flooded. The
basement of St. Pa 's and the Baptist
Churches had con derable water in
them. There is co iderable damage
to books and an org n in the Baptist
The lightning pia
telephone service. .!
of the North Hur
were put out of bu
time, but the comp
instrument damage
was splintered.
been very fortunat
has not yet been
since the company
over three years a
ing made on the d
idly as possible an
restored in the ve
ed havoc with the
Some of the lines
n Telephone Co.,
iness for a short
ny did not have an
t and only one pole
his company has
as an instrument
mpletely destroyed
commenced business
o. Repairs are be-
maged lines as rap -
good service will be
y near future.
FOR SALE.—Will sell one of my high
class Durham hulls at right price.
Death of a • rris Pioneer.
It is our sad duty to record the death
of Mrs. Wm. Findl, ter, who died Tues-
day, Aug. 27th of eart failure. She
had only been con ned to bed about
three weeks, and h r sudden call came
as a shock to her elatives and many
friends, few knowi g that her condition
was so serious. S was born in Rox-
boroshire, Scotlan. , coming to Canada
in her girlhood. ter marrying her
now bereft husbanthey lived in Ayr,
until moving to the present homestead
over thirty-five yea •s ago, where she
lived continually a ost faithful wife
and mother, raisin a large family of
four sons and six daughters, namely:—
Wm, at home; Ge rge and Lyon at
Broderick, Sask; D , Mary of Ler',
S. Da'.cota; Mrs. Jo n Clegg, of Morri ;
Mrs. Walter Young of Detroit; (Mar-
garet and Stephen . eceased) and Misses
Nettie and Annie, home. She was
One of those exc •tional women to
whom the pioneer drys owe much. Of
high intellectual ta e and stirling chris-
tian eharactor, eve ready to lend a
helping hand in ti o of sickness or
trouble; never turni g any away from
shelter and ever gi ing a cheering and
encouraging word, For many years
acting as teacher i the Sunday School
when held at No. 7 where her stimulat-
ing presence was a renefit and inspir-
ation to the work. During her illness
she was very pat ent and resigned,
.bidding good-bye t• those present, and
leaving loving mess ges to those who
were absent. Th high esteem in
which she was held s seen by the many
friends who attende her remains toiler
place of burial and t era any kind friends
and laving hearte ade iter last resting
place beautiful with f1swers, lining her
bedwith tbemost ,beautiful ones. She
was a greatadmirerof flowers and spent
many a happy hour in her garden where
every shrub and flower was planted by
iter never tiring band. But she has
gone to her Master's Garden where all
is well and happiness remains.
Miss Ethel King i holidaying in Tor.
Mr. Earl Hall is siting in Toronto
this week.
Dr, Hambly is spe ding his holidays
in Toronto.
Mr. Geo. Schee er is spending his
holidays in Toronto
Mr. Roy Manuel s visiting with his
brother in Meafor
Miss Annie Cu
in Guelph and Elor
Mr. John Coulte is spending a week
at his home in Fo st. -
Mr. Wm. Reid o Detroit spent a few
days at his homei town.
Mr. Harry Co tts, of Hamilton is
visiting at his ho a in town.
Mr. Geo. Olver as visiting for a few
days with friends in Parkhill.
Mr. Wm. Lam• spent the holidays at
his parental hom. in.Chesley.
Mr. Harry Mor is is spending a week
in Toronto and ea tern points.
William Kerr a d wife have returned
to their home in ariett, Mich.
Mrs. Jno. McCoo and daughter Luella
are spending a wee in Toronto.
Mrs. Rae Dun4p is spending two
weeks with friends,in Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs, a. R. VanNorman
visited for a few days in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilmore Scott spent
the holidays with friends in Seaforth.
Mr, Stewart Ta sley, of Hamilton
is visiting with old iends in Wingham.
Mrs. Elliott Flen ing, of Fergus was
visiting at the hom of Mr. Wm. Field.
Miss R. Rintoul as returned home
after spending a fe days in Attwood.
Mrs. W. J. Pores , of Buffalo is visit-
ing with her mothe , Mrs. Mulholland,
Mrs. Chas. Swa son and children
spent the holidays w th friends in Gode-
Mrs. Robt. Henders n, son and daugh-
ter were visiting for few days in De-
Mr. Roy Forster, of Charleston, Ohio
is visiting at the home of W, F. Van -
Mrs. Copeland -Heat
Copeland attended the
Mr. and Mrs, Eugene
visiting for a few days
Mr. and Mrs. D. Rober
are visiting friends a
Mrs. 0. G. Clark and
have returned to their
ford, Conn.
Mr. Geo. Rankin, anddaughter, Nora
of Elora were visiting t his parental
home in town.
Miss Jean L. Wilson spending afew
weeks with her friend, riss
F. M. Ruth-
erford, Bolton.
Mrs. H. Hinscliffe a)d son Clarence
are visiting for a few ;lays with relat-
ives at Meaford.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shdler, of Detroit
have been visiting wish relatives and
friends in Wingham.
Ings is holidaying
and Miss Lulu
Toronto Exhi-
IcDonald were
pith friends in
on of Toronto
d relatives in
aughter, Anna
one in Hart -
Miss Gertie Englanhas returned to
her home in Toronto a ter spending a
week with friends in Wingham.
Florence Stapleton returned home
after spending the holidays with
her aunt Mrs. C. S. D y in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. i sbister and Miss
Tena Isbister have re urned home after
spending several wee s in the West.
Mrs. John A. Mow• and two child-
ren,Acton were v .itin
of g for a few
days with relatives a d friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Waterson, of New
York are visiting wit Mr. Paterson's
parents, Mr, and Mr Arch. Paterson.
Mr. and Mrs. W.
son, William George
are holidaying with
ings in Turnberry.
Miss Gertie White
town on Monday on
where she has acce
teacher in the Publi
Mrs. M. McLeod I
home in. Detroit aft
home of Mr. and M
Mrs- McLeod was
by Miss R. Rintoul.
Mr. and Mrs. R
have been on an
tour have, returned
very pleasant trip
pleased to weleom
Mrs. MeHardy-S
Miss Nelio Mc
Wingham, intends
Europe where she
studies in music
Vienna and Paris.
panied by her son
William Kittso
ter, Mrs. A. Ma
and Mrs. P. Jen
of Galt, Ont., a
Board and grand
ford, Ont„ are
J. J. Kerr of
Wilkins has tied
Mr. Wm. G
Mr. and Mrs. E
of Stratford;
daughter, Mert
Stewart and M
Angeles, Cali.;
don; Mr. and M
naw, Mich.; M
ville, Florida,
funeral of the 1
Mrs. McLaughlin and Miss Jennie
Huffman of Georgetn are spending
a few days at home .. Mrs. M. Huff-
Mr. CIarence More of the local
branch of the Bank of Hamilton has
been promoted to t e branch at Sel-
Mrs. M. L. Donley of New Liskeard
is here on a bnsines trip and is visit-
ing with Mrs. R. ' , Hastings, Turn -
Miss Dode McLe.d has returnrd to
her home in Brant rd after spending
the holidays with rs. R. W. Hastings,
Mr. J. S. Moffat , of Galt, was visit-
ing for a few days at the home of his
brother-in-law, r. ftabt. Maxwell,
Bluevale road.
Mrs. David Ro rtson, Centre street
and Mrs. Harry cGee, of East Waw-
anosh were visiti g with friends in Ex-
eter this week.
, Hastings, and
of New Liskeard
rs. R. W. Hast -
of Gorrie was in
er way to Blyth
ted a position as
as returned to her
r visiting at the
s. C. A. Rintoul.
ccompanied home
chard Clegg, who
xtended European
home. They had a
d many friends are
them home.
ith, of Clinton, nee
ardy, formerly of
leaving shortly for
plans to pursue her
at Berlin, Leipsig,
She will be accom-
Master Frank Smith.
, of Chicago and sis-
of Sciota, New York
te and son, Ogilvie,
Mr. and Mrs. G. S.
on, Harold, of Strat-
uests of Mr. and Mrs.
. Wawanosh. Mrs. 3.
ed to prolong her visit.
ves, Somerset; Man.;
ward Groves and child,
rs. Peter Wilson and
, of Detroit; Mrs. D,
s. John Allenby, Los
r. Wm. Everett, Lori-
s. Alf Cottrell, Sagi-
s. Wildfong, Jackson -
ere here attending the
te Mrs. Duncan Groves.
High and Public School Books of all
kinds at Kxox's. Phone 65a.
Wingham fall fai
Friday, September
There will be the
ren's parade. All
requested to mee
School not later
September 27th.
There will be th
See advt. in ano
list of races and s
Copies of the
sent to all memb
ing one should ap
H. B. Elliott, at
Get your exhi
make this year's
ever held in Win
See particulars
two special prize
Make your ent
with the Secreta
The usual high
held in the opera
of September
well-known artis
baritone; Jas. F
ite comic singer
concert tenor an
Wingham Citi
the musical prog
of September 27
on Thursday and
6th and 27th.
sual school child-
chooi children are
t Wingham Public
n 12.45 •p. m. on
ee good horse races.
er column for full
ecial prizes.
rize list have been
s. Any others desir-
ly to the Secretary,
he TIMES office.
its ready and help
air one of the best
of Chas. Knechtel's
in advt. in another
es early as possible
at the TIMES office.
lass concert will be
ouse on the evening
th. The following
s will furnish the pro-
. McGregor, concert
, the old-time favor -
Bruce W. Pearson,
ns' Band will furnish
am for the afternoon
WANTED.—Bench and
for stove plate.
Limited, Fort
oor moulders
Copp Stove Co.,
1 lam, Ontario.
Useless • ebate.
I'd like to sit disc
you, friend, but ala
know the weeds wo
sass! You'd doubt
I'm wrong, if we s
but winter will be
must stack my ha
time to list while
plain, the divers
missed concerning
dire oppression w
what it means;
slow and sure, an
beans. With you
spot, and turn s
discuss the which
other things abstr
neighbor's pigs w
and gobble all my
thus give me a
earth have been
lived and learne
approached my d
ward turned; 1'v
supply of bacon
suffered for a pi
bac, At my doo
ed or sprung he
have toiled whit
is still my tree
ssing creeds with
K. If I did that I
Id spoil my garden
ss show me that
ould talk all day,
ere ere long, and 1
I wish I had the
ou my friend, ex -
points that I have
this campaign; the
endure—I know not
at winter's coming
I must thrash my
'd seek some shady
me language loose,
s of the what, and
se; but, if I did, my
aid enter my domain,
runes and figs, and
ain. My years on
ree score, and I have
the wolf, when it
r, has always back -
always had a good
my shack; 1 never
or hungered for to -
Famine never knock -
spiel of need; for 1
Two Fifty will buy a good pair of
Women's Shoes, if the Shoes are
bought here,
We show the best values at this
price, that it is possible to secure.
Leathers of Patent Colt, Velour
and Gun Metal Calf. Button, Lace
or BIucher cut. The same lasts as
the highest priced Shoes.
Every size and width, that's
This Shoe store is always able to
show the best Shoe value at any
Just arriveel at KNox'S new-, stock of
I High And Public School Books. Phone 65a
See us for Trunks and
Sole Agent.
***ate thlitoedistOtietInktief
Mr. A. Kelly offers for sale bis
fine 1 62 acre farm adjoining the
town of Wingba,m. This farm is
in the very highest state of cul-
tivation, has good buildings and
orchard, and is all seeded down
except about twenty acres.
Also 3 6 acres in Town Plot
with house and barn. This will
be sold with the large farm or
A number of other smaller
places in Town Plot.
All these will be sold at right
prices as Mr. Kelly is going
Ritchie & Cosens
And Authorized teacher Fletcher
Music Method, Simplex and Kinder-
Pupils prepared in Piano and Theory
for Conservatory examinations.
Studio, Minnie St.
Thirteen tra s were held up by a
rock slide on e C.P.R. main line near
Rogers' Pass.
Brussels October 3-4
Blyth Oetocer 1-2
London September 6-14
Seaforth -September 19-20
Toronto Aug. 24 -Sept. 9
Zurich September 18-19
Atwood • . September 19-20
Ripley September 24-2i;
Teaswater October 3-4
Thousands of ambitious young people
are being inetrtieted in their homes by
our Homo Studv Dept. ion fluty finish
at College if you desire Pay when-
ever you wish. Thirty Years' Exper-
ience. Largest trairere Cenedti.
Enter any day. Positions guaranteed.
If you wish to save board and learn
while you earn, write tor aartienlars.
0E0. SPOTToN, President