The Wingham Times, 1912-02-29, Page 1•
VOL. XLI.--NO. 2091.
Don't Neglect
That Cough
If neglected that cough will
surely rasp and tear the mem-
branes of they throat and effect
the bronchial tubes and lungs
as well.
Rides you of all mucous de-
posits in throat and prevents
further accumulation.
Try a bottle to day.
We refund your money is not
Walton McKibbon
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
The beautiful brick residence
on the corner of John and Wil-
liam streets. This is a fine pro-
perty, well situated and in good
repair. Will be sold right as the
owner is leaving town.
Insurance in all its branches.
Farm Loans at 5i} per cent.
Rents Collected.
Investments Made.
Accounts Audited.
Houses Rented.
Real Estase bought send sold.
Ritchie & Cosens
Farmers who want money Co 'buy
horses, cattle; or nogs to feed for me.rket
oast have it on reasonable terms.
Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer-
ohants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rate. going.
Wear Greer is Shoes and Rntbees
The Royal English Had
6eil Ringers
Thursday, Ma ch 14th
Nothing like th � ever heard by
Canadian people They are play-
ing to crowded houses
Plan opens at McKibbon's Drug Store
on Thursday, March 7th,
Admission 35c; Reserved Seats 50c.
Horse Buyers
Dr. Henry, of To
ers, of Montreal ha'
this week purcha
horses. They are
to -day and in Forx
will be in Win
Farmers in this
horses for sale sh
town on Saturday
n Wingham.
nto, and L. Stoth-.
e been in Wingham
ing all kinds of
in Teeswater for
osa on Friday and
ha°m on Saturday.
section who have
ild bring them into
February clearing sale at KNox's.
Presented wi
The members f the Westminster
Guild of St. A drew's Presbyterian
Church held a sec al evening on Monday
evening last wen a very pleasant
time was spent b all present. Mr. H.
A. Mutton, wh has been an active
member of the uild for some time and
who left this w k for Winnipeg, was
presented with a purse of gold from
the Guild, show g the esteem in which
he is held by th members.
Purse of Gold. r�
Fon SALE—Two good canoes. Apply
Death of W. M. Dack.
After a lin_ering illness, Walter M.
ar of Bruce County:pass-
his home in Walkerton
g. He is survived by
one daughter. The de -
many years publisher of
porter of Kincardine, and
Registrar after having
r three terms in tae' Leg -
representative of Centre
ody was taken to Kincar-
esday for intermentin the
hat town.
Duck, Regist
ed away at
Monday morn
his widow an
ceased was f
The Bruce R
was appointe
serving two
islature as t
Bruce. The
cline on Wed
cemetery in
20 to 50 pe cent discount at Knox's
bruary sale.
during the
Hur• P. S. Promotion.
The Annu
1912. Paper
junior and s
and third cla
class. Teac
I Inspector be
s ( exact numb
Cbrvstie's Grocery pupils who N
to the teac
21st, with fu
ing the exam
Canned Fish No. 1 quality arid
choice brands are preferrable
1TISII We say so from past
experience, most of our
customers endorse this.
Try a can
Cod Steak - 15c
Kippers, Imported 15c
Thistle Haddie - 15c
Fresh Herring - 13c
Just recived a shipment of Oranges
the best obtainable
Bitter oranges 25c per doz
Navels (sweet) 30c to 60c
per dozen
We're headquarters tor
Public School Promotion
will begin on March 28,
will be prepared for the
for divisions of the second
ses and for junior fourth
ers should notify their
ore March 9th, giving the
r of II, III, and IV class
11 write on each of these
The paperssent
o will p p be s nt
er by mail about March
1 instructions for conduct -
Cows FOR SALE.—Four or five choice
milch cows d le to calve early are offer-
ed for sale. pply to A. Kelly.
Are You ' oing West This Spring?
If so take advantage of the remark-
ably low One -Way second class Colonist
Rates to Vancouver, Victoria, Nelson,
Spokane, Seattle, Portland, San Fran-
cisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, etc., in
effect March let to April 15th, or if
Western Canada is your destination, the
One -Way second class Settlers' Rates
should appeal to you. Settlers' trains
to Western Canada will leave Toronto
at 10.20 P.M. each Tuesday during
herCa adianch and pPacifcc Railr way offers the.
finest possible equipment and fastest
train service. The route is one of the
most scenic in the world. • It is the only
line operating through standard and
tourist sleepers, also dining cars to
Winnipeg and Vancouver, with the
most modern compartment observation
libraryars through r
h thetoins mown and
acrose t Canada on transcontinental
trains. By travelling C.P.R. youavoid
the necessity of changing depots.
Dining car service unsurpassed. All
equipment is owned and operated by
the C.P.R., affording the highest form
of efficiency. If such a trip is under
Consideration apply to any C.P.R.
Agent for full particulars.
The basement of the First Baptist
Church at Dunn lle was wreeTced by a
gas explosion an two young men were
painfully burned.
Read Willl,s & Co.'s adv. on page 8
Choral So
Keep in mind th
cert which will be
.ing of this week.
ises to be one of
Wingham by a to
we hope to see it
admission is 25c.
at 35c. Plan of
drug store.
ety Concert,
Choral Society con -
held on Friday even -
This concert prom-
e best ever held in
al organization, and
argely attended, The
with reserved seats
all is at McKibbon's
Great stock r
during Februar
ming sale at Knox's
A meeting o
of the Childre
iu the Counc
afternoon last.
Goderich, the
sent and.gave
work being d
very satisfact
tions asked b
Mr. Elliott's re
the Society is d
Huron county.
ready subscribe
to aid this ve
their subscripti
the Bank of Ha
Groves, at the
':`Aid Society.
the Wingham branch
s Aid Society was held
Chamber on Friday
Mr. G. M. Elliott, of
county agent, was pre -
n account of the good
ne by the Society and
ily answered the quee-
those present. From
arks we gathered that
ing excellent work in
Parties who have el-
and those who wish
good work can leave
s with C. P. Smith at
ilton or with John F.
own Clerk's office.
Overshoes and Rubbers for Men
Women and Children—All the good
styles and best makes. W. J. GREER.
Death of
Agnes Vance, r
Barber, passed a
the home of her s
McKie, John st
lady, who was in
been in ,good heal
ions to her death
with apoplexy.
peered to be reco
suddenly worse
Mrs. Barber resid
Haysville, near N
one of the pione
section, where she
ed. To her daug
other members o
extended the symi
The remains were
burg on Tuesday
in St. James cern
rs. Barber. /
let of the late Robt.
y on Sunday last at
n -in-law, Mr. James
et. The' deceased
er 75th year, had
up to a week prev-
hen she was stricken
he rallied and ap-
ring when she took
n Sunday morning.
d for many years at
w Hamburg and was
residents of that
jwas highly esteem-
er, Mrs. McKie, and
the family will be
athy of many friends.
taken to New Ham-
iorningfor interment
Bargains in watches. at Knox's
ing the February sale.
Death of G
A gentleman we
our readers pass
last at his home
Belmore, in the
Barton, in his
had been ill for o
to his death. MrJ
resident of Turnbe
and was always ac
and in his earlier
auctioneering whi
inently before th
vived by his wid
funeral took plac
noon to the Wroxl
stavus Barton.
I -known to many of
d away on Sunday
in Turnberry, near
person of Gustavus
filth year. Deceased
ly a short time prior
Barton had been a
•ry for many years
ive in public affairs
ife was engaged in
h brought him prom -
public, He is sur -
w and family. The
on Tuesday after -
ter cemetery.
Coming o Wingham.
Positively, on a assurance of people
who knowand nd o the
strength of a
tour which has b4en so far a triumphal
one, the most uni ue treat in its way
that has
ever co c. to Wingham, is the
Royal English Be
be here on the
March 14th. T
musicians has bee
prize winners in t
are now making a
Halifax to Vanc
is composed of
reached the very
their art. They
trios and quartet
unaccompanied, a
music and mapy o
musical compositi
hundred and seve
three ounces to
play, it is said,
ensemble which
believed. People
where they have
enthusiastic and
return engage
present impossib
testimonials, giv
strong. Remem
visit to Wingha
14th. The adre
served seats
open at McKi
Thursday, Marc
1 Ringers, who will
vening of Thursday,
is organization of
for nine years tie
e British Isles, and
Canadian tour from
ver. The company
ne men who have
pex of proficiency in
sing solos, duetts,
s, accompanied and
d they play popular
the masterpieces of
n on a peal of one
ty bells ranging from
ten pounds. They
ith a precision and
ust be heard to be
nd press in all places
et been are wildly
are elamouring for
nts, which are at
to fill. Some of the
n are- unbelievably
er the date of their
is Thursday, March
si.n is 35c. and re -
c. Plan of hall will
bon's drug store on
Over twelve
seized in a raid
undred partridges were
ti a game -warehouse in
The reports f
ary and Febru
week for the p
The sympath
students is exte
in the death of
Geddes at Belg
the mouths 4ef Janu-
a will be issued this
a •nts' inspection,
y of the teachers and
ed to Wilson Geddes
s father, Mr. John L.
r ve last week.
nnounce the departure
utton for Winnipeg.
of our best students
interest in everything
e welfare of the school.
lin, but wish him success
We regret to
of Hector A.
Hector was on
and took a de
pertaining to
We will miss
in hisnew ho
This Friday
erary Society
entire manag
weeks from
their meetin
both meetin
they will no
the meetiug of the Lit -
will be held under the
ment of the boys. Two
Friday the girls will hold
It is to be hoped that
s will be well attended as
oubt be interesting.
Those wis
tics, apply
gration age
St. Helens
ing farm help or domes -
Wm. McQuillin, immi-
t or H. D. Woods, both
. 0.
There pa.
Lower Win
another of
ty, in the p
in his 75th
been enjoy
Monday eve
with a cold
asthma his d
ious to corrin
ty years ag
many years •
ship. He wa
Church; was
A few month
ighan celebra
of their max
highly esteex
ow will hay
friends in her
of Samuel Kernighan.
ed away at his home in
ham on Tuesday morning,
e pioneers of Huron coun-
rson of Samuel Kernighan,
year. The deceased had
g his usual health until
ing when he was taken ill
and being troubled with
th was hastened. Prev-
to Wingham some twen-
, the deceased was for
resident of H(251cic Town -
a member of St. Paul's
Conservative in politics.
ago Mr. and Mrs. Kern -
ed the 50th anniversary
iage. He was a man
ed and the bereaved wid-
the sympathy of many
Delighted Brantford Audience.
The Brantford Courier of February
21st, speaking o the Royal English
Bell Ringers sa s:—"A very clever
aggregation is the; Royal English Bell
Ringers. They altered before alarge
and delighted aunce last evening
and met with an enthusiastic reception
They have soft • cultivated English
voices and gave several solos, quar-
tettes and double quartettes in a pleas-
ing manner. The Conductor, Mr. Jes-
sop, has especially a capital baritone,
but it was in Bell Ringing the Company
excelled. The most difficult numbers
were interpreted, notably the overture
from "Cavalleria Rusticana" and
Suppe's exquisite overture from the
"Poet and Peasant." Altogether it
was a delightful evening. It is many
years since English Bell Ringers have
been here and their visit is a most
welcome one and should be most suc-
cessful." The Bell Ringers will appear
in opera house, Wingham, on Thursday
evening, March 14th. Admission 35c,
Reserved seats, 50c.
We are pleased to!see Mr. Wm. Find -
later, of the 3rd line able to be around
again after being confined to the Wing -
ham Hospital for seine .time, and where
the thumb on his left hand was
Our Canadian winters, as a rule, af-
ford much pleastre for the young
people of our day. One of the mo t
favored pastimes is skating which :s
enjoyed by ever, one, both big a:.d
little. Not till re ently has it been the
custom for partie to engage a sleigh
and journey to a iother village to en-
joy this pastim . This custom was
patronized during last week's blow by
four young peopl of the town of Wing -
ham. As recorded by a special corm -
pendent the lou les reached their des-
tination safely and after showing• the
people of-Bruss:Is how to cut corners
and how to e t ice cream in winter
they turned minds and footsteps
towards their native abode. After
driving and w lking for some three
hours they foud themselves confront-
ed by a monstrus snowdrift which de-
fied all furth r progress. They then
hunted up th ' nearest farm house
where they ss -re taken in, here they
enjoyed and e-• erienced farm life for
three ensuing ays. At the end of this
time they aga set out for Wingham.
only to be ba ed again by the weather
man, who ob ged them to camp by
the wayside ?.r another night, With
another deter ined effort the prodigals
reached their native shores, vowing to
await summ time for their next skate
at Brussels.
South R.nfre
In the bye-electi
on Thursday last,
ham was elected b
ly 300.
The result is reg
as a crushing blow
and its prestige.
the Government'
thrown itself into
Mr. Graham with
disposal. Dr. Rei.
stituency, and, ac
swered charges o
in the House, h:
statements and
electors. The
declared from hi
that Mr. Graham
ed, and his Minis
plauded the state
practically every
the House had
himself actively
with the cause of
date, Dr. Maloney,
ibility of the defer
Never before in
inion politics has a
place such a short
tion on like condi
a candidate of t
ment to power wit
was accorded to H
Renfrew. Such a
while probably par
ularity of the ca
substantial major
Low on September
have a strong sig
conced by Conserv
The fact that the recent debates in
the House in connec ion with the Na-
tional Transcontine tal Railway form-
ed a large portion of the campaign ma-
terial used by the! Ministers against
Hon. Mr. Graham would appear to
show that the peo le of South Ren-
frew at leastevindic• ted the late Min-
ister of Railways' a tion in connection
with the great undertaking.
Here are a few comments on the re -
Gave Him Great
n in South Renfrew
on. Geo. P, Gra-
a majority of near-
rded on both sides
o the Government
It was essentially
fight, and it had
he battle to defeat
every force at its
went into the con-
ording to the unan-
Mr. A. H. Clarke
d made willful mis-
uhlic bribes to the
inister of Customs
seat in the House
ould never be elect-
rial colleagues ap-
nt. The fact that
abinet Minister in
t ersonally identified
n the constituency
he defeated candi-
throws the respons-
upon the Govern -
he history of Dorn -
bye -election taken
ime after en elec-
ions, and returned
e defeated Govern -
such a majority as
n. Mr. Graham in
unusual happening,
ially due to the pop-
didate, and to the
ty gained by Mr.
1, is considered to
ificance,• which is
tives as well as
The return of Hot
ex -Minister of Rail
South Renfrew's al
. George Graham,
ays and Canals, is
wer to a dishonor-
able proposal. The temptation to take
a mere party advan age was emphati-
cally turned down, nd the credit of
the constituency ha, been maintained,
—Toronto Globe.
The Hon. George raham, was elec-
ted yesterday in So th Renfrew by a
plurality of nearly ree hundred not-
withstanding all a efforts of the
Borden Governmex to put up the
"green" and the ` dry' to beat him.
It is evident that t e campaign against
the Hon. Mr. Grah, m has been impos-
ed upon the Government by certain
elements of its party. The Prime
Minister has not e ergy to silence these
detestable elemen s.—Lo Soleil, Mont-
The defeat of t e Government candi-
date by Hon. G. . Grohanx is the just
reward of the C.nservatives for hav-
ing been unfaith ul to their word given
to the Liberals t at Mr. Graham should
be returned uno posed should the l-
vincial candidata be elected unerehetY lie
ly.—Montreal L • Petrie.
Ont• rio Farms.
That Ontario
chards, 24,384 a
57"2 acres of
report of the b
the Province of
has just been iss
of acres under
9,725,684, as co
1909. The tots
1910 was $175,11
000,000 more th
as 298,347 acres of or -
res of small fruits, and
rdens is shown by the
reau of industries for
ntario for 1910, which
ed. The total number
crop in 1910 was
pared with 9,578,323 in
value.of the crop for
.742, an increase of $4,.
n that of 1909.
Injured in
While at W
of last week, D
jured in a rail
bound passeng
Tamlyn was a
freight train
a siding. The
up when the er
back severely
the face. He
on Saturday .
fined to his h
large circle o
with the T1.tE
ailroad Collision.
kerton on Wednesday
J. E. Tamlyn was iii -
y collision. The north -
r train on which Dr.
passenger, ran into a
hich was standing in
doctor was standing
sh came and he had his
urt and was also cut on
vas able to return home
d has since been con-
e. Dr. Tamlyn has a
friends who, will join
in wishing him a speedy
Toronto has et divorce applications
entered at Ott wa out of thirty-two for
the whole Dominion.
Severe gales, a companied by blind-
ing snow that d fted over roadways.
and railways, visited this section on
Wendesday eveni g last and continued
until Friday aft-rnoon, Everywhere
the storax is conce, ed to have been the
worst in years and not since the winter
of 1904 did the rai i oads in this section
suffer so badly as hey did last week,
The country roads ere impassable for
two days and not any farmers visited
Wingham until Sa rday.
Wednesday nigh 's London train did
not reach Wingh m until after 11
o'clock and the 1 to train from Pal-
merston•was staller. at Lucknowon the
same evening. :lows and engines
were put to work on both branches of
the G. T. R. and it + was Friday even-
ing before the train were running any
way near schedule time.
On the 0. P. R. traffic was blocked
very badly. Wedne day night's train
from Toronto did n t get into Wing -
ham, but through to Teeswater, reach-
ing that place duri ig Thursday fore-
noon. Thursday the e was nothing do-
ing on the C. P. R. a far as Wingham
was concerned. F iday morning a
snow plow with two engines attached
left Teeswater at o'clock and when
coming into Wing am shortly after
seven o'clock the ow turned turtle
and left the track a the old tannery
yard. Fortunately he plow remained
right side up and w nt far enough off
the rails so as to cle r them and thus
did not interfere ith traffic. The
morning train from eeswater reached
Wingham shortly b fore noon on Fri-
day and this was th only train for the
day. Traffic was re. umed on Saturday
Sunday morning he crew of the
freight train came o er from Teeswat-
er and assisted by th bridge workmen
spent the whole da in getting the
snow plow back on t e track. The men
were placed at consi erable disadvant-
age in their work as they did not have
the proper tools for d ing work of this
kind, but they kept t it and accom-
plished the task sh rtly before six
o'clock. The weather being extra fine
on Sunday, the scene o• the wreck was
visited by a large number of our towns-
Wide Powers fo Hydro.
Under a bill before he Legislature
the Hydro Electric Coi ission is to be
given power to exprop iate any lands
or water powers which in its opinion
are valuable, and to c nstruct dains,
raceways, etc. Power is also to be
given to flood adjacent I nds as may be
necessary for the purp se of storing
water. The rates for power to be
charged by any munici al corporation
are to be subject to the approval and
control of the commissi n, as well as
the rates of any private company which
receives its electrical p wer from the
commission. 1
Mr. John Dow, of St lot 33, concess-
ion 6, East Wawano4h intends going
ing West and will hola clearing auc-
tion sale of farm sto.d- and implements
on Thursday, Februai y 29th. Mr. Dow
bras a good list of sto k. Thos. Gundry
will be the auctionee
Messrs John and ilfrid Reid of lot
34, concession
12, E st
� :noshvvi •'l]
hold an auction sale farm stock, grain,
implements etc., on S`ednesday, March
6th. There is an exc:lent list of stock
and seed grain and verythivg is to be
sold without reserv- as Mr. Reid is giv-
ing up farming. J,hn Purvis will be
Mr. Chas. J. ' , nteul will hold a
clearing auction sa e of farm stock and
implements at his emises, lot 3, con.
7, Turnberry, on nday, March 4th.
There is a good list f stock and imple-
ments and Mr. Ri toul is giving up
farming and is o ring his farm for
sale or:rent. John urvis will be the
The Ontario Good
decided to ask $5
Dominion Governs
Fifty per cent. o
of Montreal are pr
a report of the Med
Mr. John A. Pea
toms at Petrolea, I
and Mr. Becher E
succeed him.
Roads Association
,000,000 from the
ent for road im-
the school children
ounced diseased in
cal Health Officer.
Collector of Cus-
s been dismissed,
and appointed to
Of 4,501 vessels • rout foreign ports
that arrived at N • w York city in 1911,
only eleven were sailing ships. In a
few years a "sq are -rigger" will be
almost as great a curiosity as the car-
avels of Columbus,
Wouldn't you like to
save a few Shoe
Dollars, Sir !
You can save them right here
now, if you choose.
We're doing some great stunts
in Shoe selling and every buyer
gets his money's worth and then
Spring Shoes want to come in,
so this Season's Shoes must move
When we are selling our Men's
and Women's e5 00, $4.00 and
1 3,00 Shoes for 54.00, 8:3 CO and
52.00 and all other footwear in
Can you stay away from • this
CCM MINIIIIII•1•211111M11161{.....•10l•
Where quality et.un is a e win.
C. N. Griffin
Fry E
Coupled with a REAL 1;.;TATE and
Issuer of Marriage Lie( uses.
Office over McaIcoltn't Orrt•'ty
Ah, toothache is
makes the victim'•
while his wailings,
turb his neighbo
rends his swollen
for moral laws, th,
ple's cause, or
doesn't care a red
peaks of ,
to right a wrong, h
ing; though public
warm, he doesn't
storm; he only ho
stop that -aching.
might go to hang
where sirens sang,
care a dang, he'd 1
though the nation
He doesn't care a t
clown his jawbones
hot grounder. E'e
haunts my teeth a s
beneath, that fair
wreath, my witl
nothing else seems
using language ou.
dance, I do not s
—Walt Mason.
a fell disease that
marrow freeze, the
on the breeze, dis-
white toothache
:ws he has no use
uplift or the peo-
seful labors. He
ing-dong about the
g, he doesn't wish
s brave lance break -
wrath be growing
need the growing
s for chlorofoinx to
The ship of state
against the rocks
e simply wouldn't
tit founder; what
bulwarks break?
ker's shake while
•oils an ache, a red
as I write there
nokingpain, above,
y jolts my laurel
'rs wringing; and
worth my white but
of style; I do not
le, I am not singing.
Niscnra District's ltxglt-CL les and
popular Liminess 4ehooLs winch keeps.
°nen throughout the yettr. Young Ileo
pie mag enter any time tend rotupiettr
course without interruption of
midsummer holidays. You mnv ptu&
ail as Home or partly nt home aid ilr i• is
at the eolirge. Thirty Yergr's itlipt'rie•nce
Lars}a.t Trarnets 1, 1( 'a:,Ida. ailihnted
Neitat tato Oommorriai f:dn'ator'tl Assoc-
iation of I anede. Write for parties*ars.
`Ingham leusiuess Colldge
President. Ptincipai.