The Wingham Advance, 1911-11-30, Page 7ITIEWS OF THE BAY IN BRIEF •••••••1••••••••••• Italian Killed In Cobalt Mine by F all, 'Woman Dies While Hurry - Ing to Street Car, **********0•••1 • Stralforol Moving to Reduce Tavern Licenses. ' PI••••,••••••••,• 'The new Dauforth Avenue • Baptist Chatreln Toronto, was opened; 1Lor1 Stratheeno, Started a Toronto W. $16,000 eampaign with a 00- Feeription of 0,500. IL S. Hamer, of Perth, bets been al.)* mointed nesistant to tho Live Stock O.:mm.148*u of Canoda. The./Thornton, of Consecon, one, of • nieedoldeat am best knowu phyeicians i.e. 'Prime Edward County, is dead. Miss Margaret IC. Cowan; one of the 'oldest residents of Sandwich, Ont., died ...at her home there. She was 01 years A- big New Jeneoy corporation will '<mato a. Canadian branch, K11003'14' th•reo hundred hands, at Fall View, am earding to Dr, S. E. Boult' er president of tho Niap,am retie Boattl of Trade. AO Nee result of a row in £1, house at 200 Sitincoe strod, Toronto, Mrs. Grose, WhoSiives at that address, may suffer Um" amputatien of ]Lor left foot. She dyed a bullet wetted in the ankle. :Slurrying to get a street ear on Dov- ioreoure road, near Dundas street, To - Trento, Mrs, Catharine Nasty, 225 Dover• court road, over -exerted herself, was otevereonie by heart failure, dud died. Mielraci Noca, an -Italian at Cobalt tStation Grounds tline„ was killed in- ottatitly by falling frout the bucket at ethe 150 foot level to the bottom of the oShalt. 1.1•3 -was terribly injured about rthe bead. . Painful injuries were sustailted by Olalwein Hough, an iron worker at the 1idk works at Port Credit. A. pail of ontrifent paint which be was handling eaulkleely expladed and covered his face, Blends and cloths. Two memoranda 1141V0 just been iesued in Bietain containing amended proposals resular the nationaleinSuottnee bill affect. ling "persons in the naval and military seereice ef the Crown, and seamen in rthe mercantile marine!' George Adams. Brantford. toWnship •eitax collector, while besiegel with rate - "layers at the Brantford Collet Housc. to pay taxote, was stricken with para- lysis. 116 was removed to the hospital, and his condition is critieal. • Stratford City .Couneig at a speeial sessione !tare the tiy-Mw to reduce the lavedn licenses in that city from six- teen to ton, first,aid L'eecinit readings., Wilie by-law goes to the ratepayers at itatteeJtoutary municipal elections. IVililam. Burke is under arrest at Illatoutford eharged with assaulting. Thos. 'Wallace. night • porter at the 'Grand !Trunk etation. there. Burke had fallen melee)) welting for a train to Hamilton,' 141,11i1 When .awakened by Wallace broke taut in w frenzy. • ' In the arrest of George Dugan, 67 • :Dougall eveime, Windsor, employed in -Ithe Windsor freight shtelts of the Cana- dian Pacific,the detectives 'believe they haveone of a number ofonen who have breon preying on freight ears in the Windsor yards recently. David R. Leavens, who has been post - Master for the pot twelve yearsat luais been dismissed. Alfred Greeti,.. who hos been for more than twenty • yews in offiee and assistant poelatiaoter Under Mr. Leavens, lees been ettnittiuted to the vaennt position. o • -, • SANDBAGGED AND ROBBED. .Brantford, Nov. 26. --Peter Nelson, tresddent of 'Walpole township, reported. ..to County Coustable ,Keer here that he -twos sandbagged and. robbed or $150 a fee, miles from Oshwekeh on the Indian reserve 101itiaturdatet tight last. Be was left lyitetuseenscious on the road, where lee was found several hours later. AWFUL DEED Chops .11eads Off Wife and • Paramour, Kenosha, Wis., Noe. -Tertilred by the mental pletttre a his headleSd nee and her paramour, whom he elm last night, Pasquale Marches', 27 yeasts old, a Merchant`, to -day copfeesed to a priest the deuble critne, heretofore not ()heat'. He was turned over to the pence, who are closely guarding, him for fear of possible mob violence. Month% to Marcheei, he went home last night and found his wife, Rosario, and hie eousiu making. love, Without allowing his presence to become known, Marehesi went to a 'woodshed, proettred a hand axe, crept into the hostas) and chopped off the heads of the two lover. Taking his baby, two menthe old, from the ems of Ws slain wife, Marcheei washed the blood front its face, carried it to the home of his brother, and said that his wife was Ife returned to tbe house, tressed Ws daughter, Josephine, four years old, and look her to Ma brother's. • 4s� • WITHOUT FUNDS *b. e•••••••••,.* Daughter of Dublin Clergy- man Takes Her Life, lffs**•••••••••••••0 New York, Nov, 26. -Alice Tristram, 34 years. old, conunitted suielde In Van Courtland Park to -day by drinking poison whilesitting atone at a table. SIM came to this country last Septem- 'ber,. and at 'the Y. W. C. A., where she stepped, told friends that her father was Canon Tristram, of Trinity _Chureh, Dublin, and that ehe was married to a wealthy mineral water manuftteturer .rutmedShanks. She 'assumed her maiden ;tame on arrival here, although she had. a 14 -year-old son in school in Ireland. The Dublin eity,director„v con - taloa the name of Rev, John W. Vito trani, D. D., secretary of the Board of Education, and of J, & 0. Shanks, LIM- ited, mineral water mane/at:hirers. Miss Tristram had a sweet and welt cultivated voice, and had sung here on several -omelette at musicales and din- ners.: She had been unsuccessful, how- ever, in an effort to obtain pupils, and, it is believed that she was pressed for funds before she took her life. CAMOY'S WEDD NO The Bride Did Not Go Over Catholic Church. New York, ' Nov. 26.-4iiss Mildred Sherman, daughter of Mr, and .1\1r% W11 - Nally Watts Sherman, was inarried -to Lard Carney% of Great Britain, this af- ternoon by the Roman Cathodic ritual, but without renouncing her Protestant Pettit. An anouncetnent this morning that the bride had embraced the Catholic faith AVA3 denied this afternoon, upon the au- therity of the Sherman family. It was said ,that Aliss Sherman does not even contemplate such a step, Lord Camoys, who Is Catholic, has received a spec - tat dispensation, permitting the perform- ance of the ceremony by a Catholic priest. 4 • 0• KILLED IN --.QUARREL. Halifax, N. S., Nov. 26.--Leev1s Ue- L83'rdn, of Prince Eaward bland, was instantly killed at Reserve, Q. .13., this atternoon by Dominick Baptiste, ao Italian miner. ld'he men had been drink. ing, and MeLarren struck Baptiste, who left the room, coming back .in a few min- utes with a revolver. He fired two shots at. MeLarren, both entering the head. 4 • * FRIENDS TO THE RESCUE. St, Thomas, -Ont., Nov. 26. -Thirty- seven friends of Mr. George Turritl, of Aylmer, offered to contribute skin for a skin -grafting operation after he hnd been terribly scalded in the Ayliner Can - Mug =factory. It took Di. Johnson of Vienna, almost an entire day to do 'the grafting, and, there is every hope thot, 'the operation will be successful, and that Turrill will recover. '•••••••='•*• We offer and recommend PRICE BROS.. & COMPANY OF QUEtilEC, CANADA Manufacturers of Paper, Pulp and Timber First Mortgage Five Per Cent. Sinking Fund Gglid Bonds Vne November 1st, 1940.Interest Payable thaYtorly PRICE TO YIELD 6% ON THE INVESTMENT ••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••*•• We consider that these; Bonds present a11 exceptional opportunity for absolutely safe and most remunetative investment on ac- count of the strong features following: First- The convertible nature of the Company s assets, consisting Aef 6,000 square miles of pulp and timber lands distrAbuted throughout the Pro- vince of Quebec. Thee properties could to -day be subdivided and sold ir4 the open market for almost twice the amount of the First Mortgage Bonds The timber limits are folly insured with Lloyds 15i` London, Vngland, againdlt loss through forest fire4t Second -The net earningt from the Company's present business are equal to approxittatelf twice the arnourxt required for payment of Intereat on -the First Mortgage Bonds. The new paper and Pulp mills now in com.se of eonstruction will 'double this earning power. - Third- The ,First Mortgage fiends can to -day bo purehased at a Substantial ditcount price and they ate retired by a Sinking P.und capable of redeem- ing prattically the entire issue at 1024 and interest by yearly drawings. 20arth- Price Bros. 8c Company is the largest in- dustry in the Province of Quebec, where they have been in bushiest for over one hundred years. Their First Mortgage l3onds have been pur- chased by the Most conservative investors in England and Canada, among whom are many of our strongest Banks and Insurance Companies. Complet; particulars will be forwarded on request. P:OYAL SEICLIMITIBS colaponivrtioN J N#1171 -EP Nox of MOntreal Vd&ccir,SUtCh 6iork6C 5ta Toronto ,WH IT •444144441%4:, Montreal, OLItt, it, • tiatillikitttleOftelOtt IttettleANOt• ...•••••••=01 SIXTY PRISONERS ARE BEHEADEO 1•••••••••••••• Roasted and Ate the Hearts of the Victims. gebels' Plans After Fl.1 of Nanking City. e••••••••• Boxer Faction Murder For- eigners in Same Section, •••••••eeee**e...eer Hong Kong, Nov, olt the West Rieer peadically come theta standstill. Steameris to Wu Chow front hong Kong have been withdrawn, but thoie front Context Ivo being continued on the ttestiranee given by the British atithoritiee that an effective patrol of the river will begin on Sunder, •Commuuicat tote .with 'Wu Chow and Nanking le eettalaly mit aff, Several passenger Motor boats are mieskig, At Wu Chow Aim revolationery sob diers are aveoging the tetient maeseeret They have already beheaded 00 pideort4 ers, some of wheat tire the sons of aria. tocrats. Afterwards they held an- orgy, elating out the hearts of victims, some of whigh they roasted and ate. Some of the missienaries from up -river sta. Gems have sought refuge- at 'Hoeg Kong. Companiesof troops patrolled the streets cif Hone Kong and Kowloon Sun. day with fixecr bayonets. This was done .with a view to preventillg the reettrfeeee .ef recent theterbanece, Seine eheothig and stone throwieg eeetieeed, and twe. persons .wete iejured slightly. • Foittrunas 1)1;101E111W: Shanghai, Noe, 27-.-Repotte31 Mar; dere of foreigners ht tho Peovineett of Shen Si and Shan 81 ha', I3k1I teteived here with ,tlitt gfeeest apprehension. It, is qttite evident' that, a strong &meet of Boxerism remains within the t sphere of Peking, where the GevernMent might be eepeeted to control. Throughout the soutb, which is held by the. revolution- aries, not a single case even or injury to foreign interests, except whet limy be attributed to accident, lets teeta1ee14 Trade has been peosteetedt and there is a grdwing fuelittg anion the mer- chant:is that tedne definite action' should be taken to preveet further outragei •The throne seems heiplees to prevent further murders by the Boxers, who are in no way connectedwith the:rate:Au- tionaries and pnnishing offtindefi with death tltrougeout the Vast trading dis- tricts itt tomtit end centrel Oltina. The canittiercial interests of all nationalities ar'e losing heitviiy REBELS' PLANS. Paris, Nov. 27. -From °tie 1i tbb else revolutionary Ionians V.Itt arotireal has obtained Alt eittillit Of the peopeted military eautpa Igo. Actoellitee to this, as soon an NitAking is takea theertitiald- tionary army will be diVittbd I114:three bections, Tim Nenkieg troops will ad- vance albettthe imperial .geant canal' to T.ien Tsin. Hankow erfity wi•1 (*roes the yellow River and, pioeeel by the frankow. Railway to Pekin,g. The Cant) orce will be tromirorted directly by see to Tien Tam Tim eon. centration of the three metes wlfl teke place outside of Peking, white wil be rapidly surrounded, TROOPS VOR AMOY: . Amoy, 'Noy, 27.-T1te teamwork - 14,4u arrived to -day front Poe Giteta With 600 troops of the new steely 10111'31)ot-tern etfummenta, More will follow. • Conditions in the larger towns are quiet, but uncertainty reigns. Clan fighting and robber raids continue •in the villages and country districts, where the troops are not sufficientlo utteetteut to preserve order. IMPERIAIISTS WINNING Poking, Nev. 27.-LieuteGen, Fent Kwo- Chang, in command of the iniperial forces at Hankow, reports that Ise mots to reeapeure the whole of the:town of Iran Yang before nightfall. His tvoope drove the revolutionists out et Mei - hand and Me1tsuba fort If‘A 'evening, and captared Donate. fl1 thiS Morning. NANKING Shaughai, Chha tW.'27.-Fierce fighting colitlinted. at. Nanking, where the rebele Moe captured the Topeldpg- men. gote aud hold all thro defences in that. part of tbe city. Tltey are now bombarding Peichekao fort front both land. and water. It is antictipatedlitat the whole city will eoon be la their hands, WANT THRONlil TO fetlIT. • Peking, Nov. 27. -The Assenibly of the Proviete of Chi Li resolved yeeterday tu suunnon the throne to Abdicate. 11 tweed a resolutionto-dey, by whi6lt it detided to participate in the republican government which is now biting forated The National.' Assembly attempted to bola a meeting tesday, hitt Only thirty inernbers Were present. ' The Chinese troops ht Tidiest lutve mutinied,. declaring their sympathy for the releolutioniate. AOED WOMAN KILLED. . Tor"onto7.-e-Another level eloosing areitient with fatal results took ;iittert Oil Saturday afternoon at the CRUM Truett Itaileety .crossing, tOteen etreet emit: The victim wes Miss &lay Detior, 70 years old, who roomed at 450 Queer' street east. How the accident happened is not known, but it le suo- posed that she walked around the draw - boards, which had beet' lowered, and iieross the tracks, when she was struek by nit ineoniihg shunting engine and hurled aginst a fence. 'SAILOR FATALLY ORUSHBD. Cornwall, Nov. 20.-W1teo the etea- wier Deabyshirc woe parng Out of leek seventeen of the Cornwall Canal, theat 7.30 kit night, one of her sailornamed Robert Keltoe, in Attempting to beers, ber, fell between the boat arid th.. stone wall and wife instantly kilted. re was rolled several timea before drop. ping into the water. Die neck was bode - en, as were eleo his arms, legs and • thoulder-blades, • BAY BU YtHitoYAllti. Montreal, ;Nov. stpokert to tionight, Mr, Rodolphe Forget, 'president, of the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Company, ehtted that Itlit COMIMIty Wee negotiating for the pureletee Of the Cob lingwood Shipbuilding Caimpafty's plant at Collingwood, Ont. "We have not yet vompleted arrange - matt," he *id, "but eepect within a •few days to 1* able to 4111101111fe tlia poiclase." ato•••*********4••••144.-.. • Some men ore like reversible coateee they wear the emootheet surfate out. bide the home. • Plotitla Times Union. ONTARIO CROPS ••••••••••••••••••• Nov. Bulletins by Depart- ment of Agriculture. Yield of Grain Was Light -- Quality Fttii,; 1•••••••••••....,• The November crop bulletinof the Ontario Department of. Agriculture is not an optimistic documene. The yield and quality of the .grain crops were At beet not above average and in .some cases deeidedir peers T116 Het crept trete diatippoltitiag, fruit did wily fairly well mid live stock suffer- ed from the droutle Suminarized, the report states that the quality of fall wheat was fair to good with the yield coneidetoblO be- low overage, Thit Mitt OVoji- foitiot geed botr atild the, 0tIt.t4 Wheat was looking tall When the reports to the Department were- made. TIM acreage this year milt bb laittert. ilatiV.y Was not ae. nettal bttt WAS free from discoloration. Oats, .on account • of the drouth, were relatively (he poor est crop, both in yield-. and quality. The weather also caused is bad season for • peas. • Buckwheat was an indiffer- ent atop, and beans Wete tog, uneven. Corn‘vttsliiirsttaft irtecio.adavci7oltillile froth frost, but The yield Of pietatoes Wee light but they Were ef excellent quality, being free from the rust that hes teriously affected tee .ctop .for getitial Years. .Droutli triin fll the late fields neheted eonehterable loss. Practikallet all root • cropssuffered from the drotah. .Turnips were a light crop but of good Quality, though rather email. Mange's are regarded as „the best crop of the .seamettli thatodil not U) to tomati The yield of clover eeed was light but the quality was ,excellent. A email surplue of apples 13 re- ported, tegethcr • with a 'fair yield of plums, peachee And pears,. Grapes did well, Muth fruit -.Was desttoyed by the IOW, Live stock Auffeetti from poor pas- tures, Cattle were rather thin but healthy. Sheep Writ's titel..$1i161 Con- dition. bet dot jilenitittil. A 110 supply of tik'Eft At the ,beeinning of the Mouth was !liege butAhe tegli cost of feed and the low price of pork will, am cording to a number of correepoudents of the Department, resalt in the role of brood sowe, • A geftorai ilitneetdialent itt the qual- ity of lidaitry is recorded. More hens, geese and .dtteke are being raieed, but a scarcity of turkeys is predicted. - The dairying season was a fairly good one. The output of chew Was small, owing to the shortage of milk, but prieee were high, Thrashing Wee colupleted catty Red fall plowinA' WAS edVaneesi,. at the beginning.ot the Month.' PISA& is scarce in!he Weeletil halt qt the Provinemelott hi the theet and north the supply Is considered sufficient, ft is probable that in order to ease the situation in the Weet the farmers will carry lees young beefing animals and hogs. The. situation; According to the report, calls for the exercise of Mitch Caution and thrift. The report finds that the scarcity •of farm help is still a iserioutt Rob - lent,. despite the fart that Wages tite considered too- high. The vomit is notived in the increased aterage land put out to pasture. BABY SHOW Stlitragetes to Show. They Can Raise Babies. • Chicago, Nov, 2: prove to ridi- culing men that sufftagielet can raiee childrem 115 (Mb -of flitir tiitdu Nil/loses, members of the Illinois. Equal Suftrage Aseemiatien have planned a "comity fir," at one of the leading betels at wldlevh the main feature will be a baby sho The women who wouht vote are also desirous of showing the stronger eex that they are not fey astree :when it doilith to it eliestloil of tieekleg, to eitow their prownees in this line a cooking eoutest has boon aoranged for. The MOD will be asked to partake of pies, bread, puthliogs, salads and biscuits, all the preclude ef , the .euffragiet eooks. , etondlee ttilt" yii1 hifit threg days begillidetr lite. 0- and speakers WM, are kuoivii to favor "equal justice to OP Will Ws Invited to tat<c addreeses. ( Courted, Engaged and Mar- ried in Ten Minutes. an • • •, ^ ay - Port ti*ditle Telae, Weeek. D. Shoots, of St. Boube, diet heal ideal, pro- posed add Martial 1141 1111 411hhi ten minutes, to -day. This is said to set a new record. lie was hunting 'a board! mg house and -entered one where Mrs. M. L. Wilson, of %%rocket -torten, Texas, was stopping. While waitiego for the landlady Mose Wilson 'sought to enter- tain , She, told Milt taliti tante here to but; a bo.arding house, "Haven't you i. lmsband to take care of you?'" Shoots enquired, wi"iNsono,, but if the right man came along I'd take him," responded dirs. "You needn't look apy Itittlien", said .bSiltl.teno?. "I'M the right Man, with a The couide Abele( mtela tem, a ear to the Cettet Houle; 'obtained ti lieenatt and were illaitied by District ,Iudge tuck. st • * BARGE AGROUND. • Purl Colborne, Nov. 213. --The barge Edward Kelly, owned by the Potsburg & Erie Veal teeepeity, Met eleeloeed le the tee!LtI11it between Part Colborne and Erie, Is agrouml outside the east break - nater here and is fast going to pieces. She was towed to Erie on Saturday for coal, but on account of the severe 1,110WSt017111 was forced to run hack to Girt harbor there, Whee auet Mashie the bleakWittet the titbit -menet% anti site Pen egenbliti. IItit etew were taken off Ibit4 Inothilit arid the VOsei abandoned. thei'e iS no - re0 bU CH ESS. kohtreal,. Nov. 20. ---Mr. R. IL Angus, 'Nutrition: of the oinnuization which itaised a million ,and a half for McGill last week, has received a telegram of congratulation from the Duke of Con naught. hli Royal Highnetts will be it) Montreal Decembet 12-10, Both the Duke and Duchess will .vbsit lticGuil and receive the honorary degree of -LL.D. The Dueltete will be tile ettioild Woman to reeeive tile honor, the only other honorary graduate .being the peseta •Qtteeu, 'vett whom it was conferred when elte vitited Moaned ast the Duch- cee of 'Irak, ry Real _Shaving Comfort Thhitrtple plated razor with 2 nlekel-plated blade boxes and 12 double-edged blades In htady cam: - Pact, $5.00 reattt tater, $5.06 to VIA& tainStaittion Sets, tit40 tap. WO matter bow gOOd a shave *" you have ever had, you lirTe never really known Shaving Comfort if you have not used the Gillette SaielyRazor .NO STROPPING -NO HONING, nbsolutclY slfe. The Gi:letto la1cti, ItVer is always ready end zrott eon age It as fast us you like, A few rapid, smelting straks over your face and you're shaval. The Gillette 111.,S0 11 0101111, oular, sato mut est-morale:II. -Salta every 1111111, beesurs0 you can aljust the Sande blade tO the toughest:beard or 'the tendered taro.. tt'rdealer shotld be able to show ;colt the di rent sty1cAorst u..talorto... If he t.atut,t, 'svelte n,,,,dirod,..* 'We wilt Re that you me tttppli1/4d. GillreUe Steely Water Co. Of Centide, UMW Olace „Ad Feeney. el Se .Alceander St.. 4144tteal4 • 11•••0•4111,17.•••• 19 CARDINALS WERE CREATED 111•••••••••••••••• Imposing Ceremony at the Consistory. ••*••••••••.•• A Year of Mourning for the,, Church, Route, Nov. «T. -Obedient to ttsaw- - mons from Pope- Pius X., the car - dhotis in Rome assembled in tt, secret consistory to -day and confirmed the mat nomination of nineteen new mentherii in the College of Cardinals, the onpreme governing 'body of the Roman Catholic enure's. At en- , tend the hall .of the consistory where to-dity's eezemany took place, his step wits lege sure and the careworn face of Hie Holineete bore eigns of his • recent illness, which bad come to stay. Nevertheless he withstood the fatigne oi the longand tryingordeal bravely with 'a smile for eaeri and a went for several in the long proces- sion that pieeted before the papal throne, In with the ecclesiastical law a public consistory must be held .three days after the private gathering, when the new cardinals with the ex. ception of those from Spain and ,Atts- tria Will receive their red hats. The Spanish and Austrian prelates, as is provided in the concordat with those econtriee, must receive the biretta first from the bande -of their tomporAl sovereign. The public; consistory will oe held on Thureday in the ball oi the beotifieation instead of in the Sala Regio as at first planned. The former hal is mueli the larger and was odeeided upon this morning be- cause .of the great number of appli- cations foil admittiinte; Toaday's ceremony, though com- paratively sirnp1, was earned out with a !stately digeity and form that ints eltaractotized the inatitution from th.e earliest claye. The coneietory was set for nine o'clock and early. in the day groat orowde gathered tu the plena ef Bt., Peter and oround the lliteilica to witnees , .of the cardinals aud other dienttaries, .Soon atter 8 o'clock the Best o& the ear- riagoa were entering the Porta Dello Zeco and pm:Laing through the court of .8an Damez from where their owe -- pante found .entrance to the palace. In the preceesion before the throat* each ,cligdifttrdt stegotding to peecede ence,, opeifottehfid turn and kneel- ing, lasted the Mimi ring. It was loeg and tiresotme ceremony which Pius X. bore with greet patieaee. As the la -et of the number paying homage returned to hie. place the•mas, ler of ceremersies loudly proclaimed "extra omande • atitl gtoidually the greater number withdrew until the Pontiff and the cardinals were left alone Inc tins duties whieb had [freesia them together, Pine X. broke tbe ellen& that. lot- / lowed, voicing a simple prayer, and Wien,. still fitting, delivered it brief allocution, In this the Pope began by wing that the present year is a. yeat of mourning fee tlit3 thatch. AU felt that thIa Phettse alluded to the Q1umoia01 •tOmmOrneeatiten of the Italion jubilae, whiele; it Is felt, of- fended the figlits of the Holy See. Phrough thei indulfttetations of ace; tariene„ •evideittly tit the Free. mosone, hatred to the Catholic faith, the allocution continues, woe promot- ed, thus offending the faithful of the whole. world while the supreme great - nem of Italy is this fatth which ha.c1 inspired every civil - progrees and which alone Is thooptouree of Peace and lusting proetteriitt - The Pope lamented the immunity which was granted to the enemies of religion in Rome, especially the in- iquitous body, as he refers - to there, Which •oppeeed the existence of Glad and theaffliedstialt, Oder, Pitts X. then dealt with the perse- cution of the Chueeh irl Portugal by the come bode Arist expressed the hope •tildt Pottokiii3sit iiation, boactiog a °colludes of attachment to the Church would react against her enemy. The eviis of modernism and natural - hem Were comder-balanced, the Pope eontiettedoovergwhere ev Oise loee of the Holy ItuiThariet, tie Wee 'Raoul by (Ito eoneresses held in- (..!ologne,London. Montreal and Madrid. Spaia especially hope that clod would preserve her from 113)Ainde,elliet said, demonstrated her true re- ligious sentiment, and he ended with the the evil and guide ber to peace and hap - The (ovation of -t he: ("II Millets and the confirmation of His Holiness of the Archbishops., and itiehops already ap- Poieted by biiet, In, all in- etanees the Woceflute Wasi the Millet The 11A1110 of milt chosen for honor was. read. the Pope 'numbing of the eardinals in turn whether they approved the 80(81- nation, ed ski enr,Aslar it etlstias given by raising ti A surprise came wheit it was mode known that the Pope had created .still another .Cilidittal In Pectore-that is, in tis breast --the identity of the ene 50 Metaled not being made known. This makes an Addition of nineteen to, the Carninalatil, This departure from The knotre pro- Vantme gave rise to all sorts of rumors. Official denial that any other Anteriean prelate, in addition to -those proeiaimed tlb: elevated, was autlenized at the lyaci It is supposed that the Olnuttued Car- linal is Mgr. Pilippe Giestuti, seeretary of the 'congregation of Sacraments. The name, however, will not be revealed un- til later conaistory At the option of tee Pope, and it le posit& that this may not be until After the death of the reigning pontiff. The confirmatious completed, the mas• ter of ceremoniee threw open the door and the nobles and. SWisa !Mardi 10-01- tered and e,sCorted the Pope to his apartment. Vetri1l11q13 Waithd 8r('W moments and then returned to their waiting catnaps. and were &non to their residemes ,or temporery stopping- iltl. lelees, where the moat receptions were These Cardinale were created: Franck Bourne. .1.rehisishop of West- minster, Eng.•, Giuseppe Maria (os y Mach's), Archbishop ofValletlotiele, Spaiu; Antonio Viett Papal .Nuneio to. Spain, an Italian; Gennarn 'Wallah) -di llehltonte, Archbishop of lastest. Italian; Vraneia Bauer. Archbishop .of .Ohnutz. \t1 stria Lone° Adello Metteo, Ando bishop of Parise. Prelude Virgile lard, Atebbiehop et t hambetty, France; Eraneto 'Sago, Arebbiebop of Vienna: Mgr. Sohn M. leutee, Areltbishop of New York; 'Mete 'William OTonottl, Archbishop of ilostett; Mer, Diomede Falenhin, lipotstolic Dr legate at Wash. ington t Franc; 4 natia EOM to de Cabrietem. Disney .of tiontpellier. 'Prance: totetstuo ltisdeti. . • Mum, Datist a LUPO, lievretary of elite Congregation of the • . Holy Mot Italian; Boeellio A--teour or tie. Congregatien of the [ roRoNT GREETs Council, Italian; Ludivico Billo4 Frew+ • \ Jesuit; Guglielnio Van. ltos•non, of the Fathers of the ltesorreetion, Dutch, and Euriquez Alinarez y Sautos, Arehblehop of Seville, Spain. (inc tunutitted. Among the Arelibishope and Bishops aonfirmed in their office.; evere: Fergus P, dicEvay, Archbishop of To• routo fihmurl; Nell MacNeil, Archbishop of Vancouver; Charles lf, Gauthier, Arebbiehop of Ottawa; • Pau/ E. Boy. titular Pi -bop of Edenthiopolis and Aux. iliary Bishop of Quebec; Alevander Meet/on:11d, Biallop of Vietoria, Canada: Aliehael Bishop of London, Canada; ()vide Cherlebolo Apostolic Vicar of Keewatin, Canada; Ittlehael Powers, Bishop of St. George, New- foundland. • HOW TOGET RICH Carnegie Says it is Easy and Explains How. Taliccd to Reporters on His 7611i Birthday, New York, Nov, 20. -Andrew Carnegie felt so good yesterday; his seventy. sixth birthday, that lie trotted report. ers around his library -his home libr.iry -and pointed out the trophies on the walls. One of them was verses given Wm at an author's) dinner a fewyears ago.. "When L weut over to Skibo," said •Alr, Carnegie, "1 Wai teat Aching for a ebance to recite thoee verses to King Edward,. .11Iy 011111100 eame when the ang called at Skibo. I asked Iiim if Le winded to hear the greatest poem of. pude; it days, and, then 1 started rettd. - 'ng* • 1 4,:eu.ilsittedgudsi 'tflit•tiC'titigNedtiC1'...:some! I laughed and said, That'syou, fighting. Tee "'That's Roosevelt') said pig Ed- ward. Then I read ents e`'Ilinuittegritel,sraltvlisiesrt,twist. TI10 open hand in this hard fist, Than. Shake hands with yen all." "The King agreed that it was it great poem," said Mr,. Carriegid. n:ts r:Cpaitimnecegliy.n eadvised hit intervieVers to marry young. "On $25 it week. ? Th . "Although,"he said, "Pm glad I wait- ed and got tha chief prize of all the WO - men of earth," He let it be kuown that his motto is: "All is Well Since All eirowe Better," which he cOitMessed himself. . 'But SpeakinO, of mottoes, Imre in the corner is the greatest I know of, *Thine own reproaeh -alone do fear!' That, boys, is the truth. If one% own conscience acquits him, that's all he need be ooze:cruet' about." uliie:n Itle. Carnegie gave out a few auks for living. Be eitid wits easy to get 11011, and gave out the following rks "Dsziolithink,.or even enter a ingdrink- "Don't smoke. We foolish, tuul no employer wants foolish men waking for "Live within your income. '- "Don't be content with doing only your duty. Do more than your duty. It's the horse Who finielete a neck ahead who wins the race. "Use your heAtt Don't follow the rule, ;Dhoti elders if you break your em- ployer.' "Tell your employer filet fog know more about your department of his business than he possibly could. know. '1..ilevanriIcsteyd;tot like it then, but he will na reember it, andyouwill some dwy be 1e TAKEN FROM LAKE Body of R. S. Lewis, Lehigh Valley Official. •5.•••••••••••••• Niagara Paha, Net; :Kari go. ---Thr body of R. S. Lewis, the Toeolito tick- et agent of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. was taken froili Lake Cntario on Seta urdae- near Wilsen Park. it has beep Claimed. be it ttilittire Hi this city. Mr. Lewis had been staying tit the Niagara Hotel, Niagara -on -the -Lake, Inc the paet weekand a half, registered ender the mune of G. Stevens. His ac- tions had been somewhat peculiar. On Wednesday Letvim left the hotel.. He was notieed alt afternoon loitering around the Wharf, aed be was last seen shortly after sundowil, The body evidently did not sink, as it was taken from the lake over twelve miles distaht. About the fate there , Were several tettei but Coroner Scott, Niagaro Falls, stated that thee were probably caused by striking the side of the wharf as he entered the water. ••• SHELDON. SECURITIES. Montreal, Nov. 2.7,-1%c Affairs of C. a Sheldon, theo"fiattmelal wizard" who le now servieg it terin in St.. Vineent tle Paul penetentiary, figured in the prac- Hee cotnt on. Saturday afternoon, when a petition was presented by Mr, Arthui Wilks, the ,cerator of the insolvent es- tate, asking for authorization to sign over certain secinittes now in the po5. eession of Gamed, Terroux & Co., bank' 018.' THE CHRISTMAS RBOESS. Ottawa, Nov. W.-Aceording to owes ent piens Parliament wili adjourn foe the Clifietinae r000F13 011 1)0001100r 7111. This. date has teen seggcs.ted in vien of the Feast of the Immaculate .Cou ception nod it holiday, while the On tavio .eleetiont bike place on the follow- tiondAte. December 11. 11 Is also said that the irouse will ecoesemble on demi:try 10.. TAAPP5D 1)N1H44;70.H. Ole. Therese de Illainville, Que., .N eV. Onditenly eonfroutsel by it fast muting totin onthe readmit leeding, to the bridge, at an -elevation of SO feet olmee the eurfaeit of the river, 'leo. Anbe ;Joseph Attlitir Vaillaeourt, <etre of Ste. Therese, mottle cettain death flout .the train took a leap below to the water, but Milking, hie head on a bonlii- er was killed. • GOLD MEDAL FOR I, C. R. :Steno on, N. B.. Not. da,. !Pie itlicr ltailway 110.4 leen awarded 0 • gold medal by tee direetove if the Care eiliati National. ltehibitien far Vie flue • lisittiv made le: the 'railway at 'rolonto last feetitembeit. wittu 11.0 fintmeS 4WD'. mei. train, tlic 1.1inited;' 'Was fee - fined in an illitminate,1 1uictiuc VeWell --at• tooled gt•eat nitetiliOn. 1 • THE gag PAIR .•*•••••••••••••••• Mayor Geary Meets Them at North Toronto. Magnificent Bouquet Pre- sented to the Duchess, egret**. noe•peerref Toronto, Non. 27.. --Their Royal High., nesses .the Duke and Deeliese of Con- naught attired at North Toronto at 3. o'clock this .afternoon from Gttawit, and will sPoul the ueet four dap as oueets of the people of Toronto awl the Pro - vim* of Ontario. On the errival of the viee-regal party at Worth Toronto they were met by Mayor Geary :out the City Council. After the members of the Cotue oil had been presented to the royal guests, Ald Maguire, .ehairman of the R.eceptioneonunatee, handed the Duch- ese 0 magnifieent bonged, and the en- tire party proceeded to the city hall, where the formal welcome was extended by the Mayor in the following address: "May it -please your Royal Highnese. "The Mayor aod corporattomon behalf of the citizens of Toronto, gladly em- brace the opportunity afforded by the first visit to. this city of your Royal Highness as Governor-General of the Dominiou to renew their assurances of devotion and fealty to the erown and person of our Most Gracious King, and to tender to your •Royal -Rightmost yew gracious coneert, her 'Royal Higlineae Otte Duchess of Connaught, one the meni- hers .of yeur household, a meet hearty welcome. "Me,v we be permitted to valve our eonfident belief that your administrAtion so auspiciously begun will be crowned with every success, to express the earn- ed hope that the /sojourn in Canada of yourself, your gracious eonsort and the members of your household will be not enly interesting, bet pleasant and en- joyable, and Hutt the bleaeings of long heettli and every happmeee may tie voucttated you all," A Homo ree the vice -regal party pro- ceeded to Government House, where a private dinner Was tendered 1 the even - 1$1g,, at vidikh over one hundred invited. ITALY IN NO HURRY Will Finish War With Tur- key in Due Time. ••••••••••••••••••• Italian Ships Begun Bom- bardment in Aegian Sea. .1••••••••••••••• Paris, Nov, 27. -The Italian Wender, Giovanni Giolitti, told the eerrespondent. of the Figaro in lime that Italy Was not in a hurry to end the wstr with Tur- key, which will be envied oa with the least- poissible annoyance to the other powers, The treasury, he said, had re- sources sufficient to meet all, expend: - lure, however long the conflict Monad last. Moreover. when peace was doctor- ed Italy will lie °bilged to heep the sarna derce in Tripoli as a guarantec. for the Security of the colony. BOMBARDMENT BEGUN. Parts' Noy. 27.-Notwithatanding the etrietest cerieorship in Italy over tear news, a despatch lets 00111C through from the SeCulo of Milan, stating that repot te are current in Rome that action has commenced in tlte .Aegian SCill and that a hombardment is actually in progreet. Officiate maintain the strictest stleneee Mit the fact that telephonic commumea- tion abroad has completely stopped awl telt:emits are subjected to long delays is token to indicate that the gravestop- ovations are on foot. LEAVE AGAIRD •••••••••11•••••• German Cruiser and Gun- boat Now Recalled. Berlin, Nov. 27. -The 'cruiser Berlin and the guuboat Etter have been recalled front Agadir du Morocco where they hive been sta- tioned since the departure of the gun- boat Pantile in July of this year. . The departure of the German veseels Berlin Apd Etter Irmo Agadir puts an endto the eriticareitua•tiete ereated by the sending cf the gun- boat Panther to that end on July I of this year by the German Govern- ment in order to make a detnonotra. tion itt /awe et Getman intereste. The Panther, actors:lug to the offieial announcement ot the time of her Ar- rival elf the collet of Morocco. eeie intended to meted the, livea ani pro- perty of German ond native pr000rte of that country In Southern Morrie ee She was elespatched to Agadir at tve request of German lime operatine in that district. Her arrival cef the tend caused on inonense- eeneation thtoug out the. world. Thie was only relieved by theecoMmencoment of the neeotte- Hone between eFranee and Germany which recently concluded by the draw. hog up of an agreement between time* Iwo natiorio. " - PERISHED IN FIRE Santa Monism, (al, Nov. '27. -doe elm, a raneher, his wife and .four Ten are believed to have. perished and many Femme. liontee were deetroyet in it forest fire in Topanga anon. Severt hundred persona are utakiuse their way out over almost imp:wattle tralle and are suffering ;greatly. el • 4, - THE STOKES TRIAL. New 'York, Nov. 57.. -Tho trial of lian Graham and Ethel ('onrade, the show girls, 'oho ore charged AVM) 811010.• hrs. at V. I). Istoku. was halted abrupt:Iv lo.dav bY tlte withdrawal of a loror itt th.) lost:thee 11 tht 101114. It had been try, tied sin 'it the court room that ills, trlal would be delayed,because- some one had distneNal the caFe Intlistoreolly. MINISTER DEAD. .8atcp wash.„ >'uv. 0. T.. Whiternaa, low of the mud hum u )istPliAt Inhtistets in Amer* 1, died ot The boapital here torte teelay. His patt 1111:141111 that tie:till 'tug •oreed bv it vuoa 4,101. wh!Oi 104 nom. el Fa hie lee, len-ding 81141 g ling to Ilk 0 , w , t ' 1 1 'e fottabie §t4tkly; iillift-bd ha trimmings; •• easily I 1 e Ze trote . 'Pipes, o 1 eat, ee ' - ' . . 6;„.... , a .t. - - 4 t !I , ' II- • - ..y.- .4 your is alwoyl tiatilOki wires, that Perfection and ornamental, Automatic The e, c• .4 e , k7:!:1:' wrz.,1'1:;Th oaeleQielt , 2.:..( , - •"-A-4- , I ' ; './ 1 ,1 a Comfort older, to plain mad. • , teet- t ,,,, iv to and and 'a ' ' ,. t health, Willitinh bri iinyWhab :gel; . i I 1) 11 4. 2 e9,,`, • • e? 0 o el , cora- it Oil isms- give. a Sitigle nickel All parts " 'N') is ,it i ) 1 t k; to Men° EATLfi grow Smokeless warm the weather heat, hine.ho be carrii or dirt. enamel or as can be smokkig. cf Lhnited •- \ ,• Essential ,. Warmth fort, As hardly less Get a Heater, und home, no matter gIves:a _Wong, egady kr ust than ii lamp. no Ones; no smoke, gives complete aatisfaction. is &tithed in yet strong -locking flame spreader Dcalcrseverywhere; or writs Queen City 011 •4.-7:.r.">;-t-wf-r4.774,-,4=4,..•'-,7;-F":,•'44.74"F.7,7:.!..,T JER .. 440)itzkii$44 ' "IL 443 is essential you essential Perfection you keep what widespread inid 'barks It tan odor either blue and durable prevents to any nmey . Companyi .. 6 The Pertedilori it lBrifei no The heater This yea's light cleaned. • ONTARIO CROPS ••••••••••••••••••• Nov. Bulletins by Depart- ment of Agriculture. Yield of Grain Was Light -- Quality Fttii,; 1•••••••••••....,• The November crop bulletinof the Ontario Department of. Agriculture is not an optimistic documene. The yield and quality of the .grain crops were At beet not above average and in .some cases deeidedir peers T116 Het crept trete diatippoltitiag, fruit did wily fairly well mid live stock suffer- ed from the droutle Suminarized, the report states that the quality of fall wheat was fair to good with the yield coneidetoblO be- low overage, Thit Mitt OVoji- foitiot geed botr atild the, 0tIt.t4 Wheat was looking tall When the reports to the Department were- made. TIM acreage this year milt bb laittert. ilatiV.y Was not ae. nettal bttt WAS free from discoloration. Oats, .on account • of the drouth, were relatively (he poor est crop, both in yield-. and quality. The weather also caused is bad season for • peas. • Buckwheat was an indiffer- ent atop, and beans Wete tog, uneven. Corn‘vttsliiirsttaft irtecio.adavci7oltillile froth frost, but The yield Of pietatoes Wee light but they Were ef excellent quality, being free from the rust that hes teriously affected tee .ctop .for getitial Years. .Droutli triin fll the late fields neheted eonehterable loss. Practikallet all root • cropssuffered from the drotah. .Turnips were a light crop but of good Quality, though rather email. Mange's are regarded as „the best crop of the .seamettli thatodil not U) to tomati The yield of clover eeed was light but the quality was ,excellent. A email surplue of apples 13 re- ported, tegethcr • with a 'fair yield of plums, peachee And pears,. Grapes did well, Muth fruit -.Was desttoyed by the IOW, Live stock Auffeetti from poor pas- tures, Cattle were rather thin but healthy. Sheep Writ's titel..$1i161 Con- dition. bet dot jilenitittil. A 110 supply of tik'Eft At the ,beeinning of the Mouth was !liege butAhe tegli cost of feed and the low price of pork will, am cording to a number of correepoudents of the Department, resalt in the role of brood sowe, • A geftorai ilitneetdialent itt the qual- ity of lidaitry is recorded. More hens, geese and .dtteke are being raieed, but a scarcity of turkeys is predicted. - The dairying season was a fairly good one. The output of chew Was small, owing to the shortage of milk, but prieee were high, Thrashing Wee colupleted catty Red fall plowinA' WAS edVaneesi,. at the beginning.ot the Month.' PISA& is scarce in!he Weeletil halt qt the Provinemelott hi the theet and north the supply Is considered sufficient, ft is probable that in order to ease the situation in the Weet the farmers will carry lees young beefing animals and hogs. The. situation; According to the report, calls for the exercise of Mitch Caution and thrift. The report finds that the scarcity •of farm help is still a iserioutt Rob - lent,. despite the fart that Wages tite considered too- high. The vomit is notived in the increased aterage land put out to pasture. BABY SHOW Stlitragetes to Show. They Can Raise Babies. • Chicago, Nov, 2: prove to ridi- culing men that sufftagielet can raiee childrem 115 (Mb -of flitir tiitdu Nil/loses, members of the Illinois. Equal Suftrage Aseemiatien have planned a "comity fir," at one of the leading betels at wldlevh the main feature will be a baby sho The women who wouht vote are also desirous of showing the stronger eex that they are not fey astree :when it doilith to it eliestloil of tieekleg, to eitow their prownees in this line a cooking eoutest has boon aoranged for. The MOD will be asked to partake of pies, bread, puthliogs, salads and biscuits, all the preclude ef , the .euffragiet eooks. , etondlee ttilt" yii1 hifit threg days begillidetr lite. 0- and speakers WM, are kuoivii to favor "equal justice to OP Will Ws Invited to tat<c addreeses. ( Courted, Engaged and Mar- ried in Ten Minutes. an • • •, ^ ay - Port ti*ditle Telae, Weeek. D. Shoots, of St. Boube, diet heal ideal, pro- posed add Martial 1141 1111 411hhi ten minutes, to -day. This is said to set a new record. lie was hunting 'a board! mg house and -entered one where Mrs. M. L. Wilson, of %%rocket -torten, Texas, was stopping. While waitiego for the landlady Mose Wilson 'sought to enter- tain , She, told Milt taliti tante here to but; a bo.arding house, "Haven't you i. lmsband to take care of you?'" Shoots enquired, wi"iNsono,, but if the right man came along I'd take him," responded dirs. "You needn't look apy Itittlien", said .bSiltl.teno?. "I'M the right Man, with a The couide Abele( mtela tem, a ear to the Cettet Houle; 'obtained ti lieenatt and were illaitied by District ,Iudge tuck. st • * BARGE AGROUND. • Purl Colborne, Nov. 213. --The barge Edward Kelly, owned by the Potsburg & Erie Veal teeepeity, Met eleeloeed le the tee!LtI11it between Part Colborne and Erie, Is agrouml outside the east break - nater here and is fast going to pieces. She was towed to Erie on Saturday for coal, but on account of the severe 1,110WSt017111 was forced to run hack to Girt harbor there, Whee auet Mashie the bleakWittet the titbit -menet% anti site Pen egenbliti. IItit etew were taken off Ibit4 Inothilit arid the VOsei abandoned. thei'e iS no - re0 bU CH ESS. kohtreal,. Nov. 20. ---Mr. R. IL Angus, 'Nutrition: of the oinnuization which itaised a million ,and a half for McGill last week, has received a telegram of congratulation from the Duke of Con naught. hli Royal Highnetts will be it) Montreal Decembet 12-10, Both the Duke and Duchess will .vbsit lticGuil and receive the honorary degree of -LL.D. The Dueltete will be tile ettioild Woman to reeeive tile honor, the only other honorary graduate .being the peseta •Qtteeu, 'vett whom it was conferred when elte vitited Moaned ast the Duch- cee of 'Irak, ry Real _Shaving Comfort Thhitrtple plated razor with 2 nlekel-plated blade boxes and 12 double-edged blades In htady cam: - Pact, $5.00 reattt tater, $5.06 to VIA& tainStaittion Sets, tit40 tap. WO matter bow gOOd a shave *" you have ever had, you lirTe never really known Shaving Comfort if you have not used the Gillette SaielyRazor .NO STROPPING -NO HONING, nbsolutclY slfe. The Gi:letto la1cti, ItVer is always ready end zrott eon age It as fast us you like, A few rapid, smelting straks over your face and you're shaval. The Gillette 111.,S0 11 0101111, oular, sato mut est-morale:II. -Salta every 1111111, beesurs0 you can aljust the Sande blade tO the toughest:beard or 'the tendered taro.. tt'rdealer shotld be able to show ;colt the di rent sty1cAorst u..talorto... If he t.atut,t, 'svelte n,,,,dirod,..* 'We wilt Re that you me tttppli1/4d. GillreUe Steely Water Co. Of Centide, UMW Olace „Ad Feeney. el Se .Alceander St.. 4144tteal4 • 11•••0•4111,17.•••• 19 CARDINALS WERE CREATED 111•••••••••••••••• Imposing Ceremony at the Consistory. ••*••••••••.•• A Year of Mourning for the,, Church, Route, Nov. «T. -Obedient to ttsaw- - mons from Pope- Pius X., the car - dhotis in Rome assembled in tt, secret consistory to -day and confirmed the mat nomination of nineteen new mentherii in the College of Cardinals, the onpreme governing 'body of the Roman Catholic enure's. At en- , tend the hall .of the consistory where to-dity's eezemany took place, his step wits lege sure and the careworn face of Hie Holineete bore eigns of his • recent illness, which bad come to stay. Nevertheless he withstood the fatigne oi the longand tryingordeal bravely with 'a smile for eaeri and a went for several in the long proces- sion that pieeted before the papal throne, In with the ecclesiastical law a public consistory must be held .three days after the private gathering, when the new cardinals with the ex. ception of those from Spain and ,Atts- tria Will receive their red hats. The Spanish and Austrian prelates, as is provided in the concordat with those econtriee, must receive the biretta first from the bande -of their tomporAl sovereign. The public; consistory will oe held on Thureday in the ball oi the beotifieation instead of in the Sala Regio as at first planned. The former hal is mueli the larger and was odeeided upon this morning be- cause .of the great number of appli- cations foil admittiinte; Toaday's ceremony, though com- paratively sirnp1, was earned out with a !stately digeity and form that ints eltaractotized the inatitution from th.e earliest claye. The coneietory was set for nine o'clock and early. in the day groat orowde gathered tu the plena ef Bt., Peter and oround the lliteilica to witnees , .of the cardinals aud other dienttaries, .Soon atter 8 o'clock the Best o& the ear- riagoa were entering the Porta Dello Zeco and pm:Laing through the court of .8an Damez from where their owe -- pante found .entrance to the palace. In the preceesion before the throat* each ,cligdifttrdt stegotding to peecede ence,, opeifottehfid turn and kneel- ing, lasted the Mimi ring. It was loeg and tiresotme ceremony which Pius X. bore with greet patieaee. As the la -et of the number paying homage returned to hie. place the•mas, ler of ceremersies loudly proclaimed "extra omande • atitl gtoidually the greater number withdrew until the Pontiff and the cardinals were left alone Inc tins duties whieb had [freesia them together, Pine X. broke tbe ellen& that. lot- / lowed, voicing a simple prayer, and Wien,. still fitting, delivered it brief allocution, In this the Pope began by wing that the present year is a. yeat of mourning fee tlit3 thatch. AU felt that thIa Phettse alluded to the Q1umoia01 •tOmmOrneeatiten of the Italion jubilae, whiele; it Is felt, of- fended the figlits of the Holy See. Phrough thei indulfttetations of ace; tariene„ •evideittly tit the Free. mosone, hatred to the Catholic faith, the allocution continues, woe promot- ed, thus offending the faithful of the whole. world while the supreme great - nem of Italy is this fatth which ha.c1 inspired every civil - progrees and which alone Is thooptouree of Peace and lusting proetteriitt - The Pope lamented the immunity which was granted to the enemies of religion in Rome, especially the in- iquitous body, as he refers - to there, Which •oppeeed the existence of Glad and theaffliedstialt, Oder, Pitts X. then dealt with the perse- cution of the Chueeh irl Portugal by the come bode Arist expressed the hope •tildt Pottokiii3sit iiation, boactiog a °colludes of attachment to the Church would react against her enemy. The eviis of modernism and natural - hem Were comder-balanced, the Pope eontiettedoovergwhere ev Oise loee of the Holy ItuiThariet, tie Wee 'Raoul by (Ito eoneresses held in- (..!ologne,London. Montreal and Madrid. Spaia especially hope that clod would preserve her from 113)Ainde,elliet said, demonstrated her true re- ligious sentiment, and he ended with the the evil and guide ber to peace and hap - The (ovation of -t he: ("II Millets and the confirmation of His Holiness of the Archbishops., and itiehops already ap- Poieted by biiet, In, all in- etanees the Woceflute Wasi the Millet The 11A1110 of milt chosen for honor was. read. the Pope 'numbing of the eardinals in turn whether they approved the 80(81- nation, ed ski enr,Aslar it etlstias given by raising ti A surprise came wheit it was mode known that the Pope had created .still another .Cilidittal In Pectore-that is, in tis breast --the identity of the ene 50 Metaled not being made known. This makes an Addition of nineteen to, the Carninalatil, This departure from The knotre pro- Vantme gave rise to all sorts of rumors. Official denial that any other Anteriean prelate, in addition to -those proeiaimed tlb: elevated, was autlenized at the lyaci It is supposed that the Olnuttued Car- linal is Mgr. Pilippe Giestuti, seeretary of the 'congregation of Sacraments. The name, however, will not be revealed un- til later conaistory At the option of tee Pope, and it le posit& that this may not be until After the death of the reigning pontiff. The confirmatious completed, the mas• ter of ceremoniee threw open the door and the nobles and. SWisa !Mardi 10-01- tered and e,sCorted the Pope to his apartment. Vetri1l11q13 Waithd 8r('W moments and then returned to their waiting catnaps. and were &non to their residemes ,or temporery stopping- iltl. lelees, where the moat receptions were These Cardinale were created: Franck Bourne. .1.rehisishop of West- minster, Eng.•, Giuseppe Maria (os y Mach's), Archbishop ofValletlotiele, Spaiu; Antonio Viett Papal .Nuneio to. Spain, an Italian; Gennarn 'Wallah) -di llehltonte, Archbishop of lastest. Italian; Vraneia Bauer. Archbishop .of .Ohnutz. \t1 stria Lone° Adello Metteo, Ando bishop of Parise. Prelude Virgile lard, Atebbiehop et t hambetty, France; Eraneto 'Sago, Arebbiebop of Vienna: Mgr. Sohn M. leutee, Areltbishop of New York; 'Mete 'William OTonottl, Archbishop of ilostett; Mer, Diomede Falenhin, lipotstolic Dr legate at Wash. ington t Franc; 4 natia EOM to de Cabrietem. Disney .of tiontpellier. 'Prance: totetstuo ltisdeti. . • Mum, Datist a LUPO, lievretary of elite Congregation of the • . Holy Mot Italian; Boeellio A--teour or tie. Congregatien of the [ roRoNT GREETs Council, Italian; Ludivico Billo4 Frew+ • \ Jesuit; Guglielnio Van. ltos•non, of the Fathers of the ltesorreetion, Dutch, and Euriquez Alinarez y Sautos, Arehblehop of Seville, Spain. (inc tunutitted. Among the Arelibishope and Bishops aonfirmed in their office.; evere: Fergus P, dicEvay, Archbishop of To• routo fihmurl; Nell MacNeil, Archbishop of Vancouver; Charles lf, Gauthier, Arebbiehop of Ottawa; • Pau/ E. Boy. titular Pi -bop of Edenthiopolis and Aux. iliary Bishop of Quebec; Alevander Meet/on:11d, Biallop of Vietoria, Canada: Aliehael Bishop of London, Canada; ()vide Cherlebolo Apostolic Vicar of Keewatin, Canada; Ittlehael Powers, Bishop of St. George, New- foundland. • HOW TOGET RICH Carnegie Says it is Easy and Explains How. Taliccd to Reporters on His 7611i Birthday, New York, Nov, 20. -Andrew Carnegie felt so good yesterday; his seventy. sixth birthday, that lie trotted report. ers around his library -his home libr.iry -and pointed out the trophies on the walls. One of them was verses given Wm at an author's) dinner a fewyears ago.. "When L weut over to Skibo," said •Alr, Carnegie, "1 Wai teat Aching for a ebance to recite thoee verses to King Edward,. .11Iy 011111100 eame when the ang called at Skibo. I asked Iiim if Le winded to hear the greatest poem of. pude; it days, and, then 1 started rettd. - 'ng* • 1 4,:eu.ilsittedgudsi 'tflit•tiC'titigNedtiC1'...:some! I laughed and said, That'syou, fighting. Tee "'That's Roosevelt') said pig Ed- ward. Then I read ents e`'Ilinuittegritel,sraltvlisiesrt,twist. TI10 open hand in this hard fist, Than. Shake hands with yen all." "The King agreed that it was it great poem," said Mr,. Carriegid. n:ts r:Cpaitimnecegliy.n eadvised hit intervieVers to marry young. "On $25 it week. ? Th . "Although,"he said, "Pm glad I wait- ed and got tha chief prize of all the WO - men of earth," He let it be kuown that his motto is: "All is Well Since All eirowe Better," which he cOitMessed himself. . 'But SpeakinO, of mottoes, Imre in the corner is the greatest I know of, *Thine own reproaeh -alone do fear!' That, boys, is the truth. If one% own conscience acquits him, that's all he need be ooze:cruet' about." uliie:n Itle. Carnegie gave out a few auks for living. Be eitid wits easy to get 11011, and gave out the following rks "Dsziolithink,.or even enter a ingdrink- "Don't smoke. We foolish, tuul no employer wants foolish men waking for "Live within your income. '- "Don't be content with doing only your duty. Do more than your duty. It's the horse Who finielete a neck ahead who wins the race. "Use your heAtt Don't follow the rule, ;Dhoti elders if you break your em- ployer.' "Tell your employer filet fog know more about your department of his business than he possibly could. know. '1..ilevanriIcsteyd;tot like it then, but he will na reember it, andyouwill some dwy be 1e TAKEN FROM LAKE Body of R. S. Lewis, Lehigh Valley Official. •5.•••••••••••••• Niagara Paha, Net; :Kari go. ---Thr body of R. S. Lewis, the Toeolito tick- et agent of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. was taken froili Lake Cntario on Seta urdae- near Wilsen Park. it has beep Claimed. be it ttilittire Hi this city. Mr. Lewis had been staying tit the Niagara Hotel, Niagara -on -the -Lake, Inc the paet weekand a half, registered ender the mune of G. Stevens. His ac- tions had been somewhat peculiar. On Wednesday Letvim left the hotel.. He was notieed alt afternoon loitering around the Wharf, aed be was last seen shortly after sundowil, The body evidently did not sink, as it was taken from the lake over twelve miles distaht. About the fate there , Were several tettei but Coroner Scott, Niagaro Falls, stated that thee were probably caused by striking the side of the wharf as he entered the water. ••• SHELDON. SECURITIES. Montreal, Nov. 2.7,-1%c Affairs of C. a Sheldon, theo"fiattmelal wizard" who le now servieg it terin in St.. Vineent tle Paul penetentiary, figured in the prac- Hee cotnt on. Saturday afternoon, when a petition was presented by Mr, Arthui Wilks, the ,cerator of the insolvent es- tate, asking for authorization to sign over certain secinittes now in the po5. eession of Gamed, Terroux & Co., bank' 018.' THE CHRISTMAS RBOESS. Ottawa, Nov. W.-Aceording to owes ent piens Parliament wili adjourn foe the Clifietinae r000F13 011 1)0001100r 7111. This. date has teen seggcs.ted in vien of the Feast of the Immaculate .Cou ception nod it holiday, while the On tavio .eleetiont bike place on the follow- tiondAte. December 11. 11 Is also said that the irouse will ecoesemble on demi:try 10.. TAAPP5D 1)N1H44;70.H. Ole. Therese de Illainville, Que., .N eV. Onditenly eonfroutsel by it fast muting totin onthe readmit leeding, to the bridge, at an -elevation of SO feet olmee the eurfaeit of the river, 'leo. Anbe ;Joseph Attlitir Vaillaeourt, <etre of Ste. Therese, mottle cettain death flout .the train took a leap below to the water, but Milking, hie head on a bonlii- er was killed. • GOLD MEDAL FOR I, C. R. :Steno on, N. B.. Not. da,. !Pie itlicr ltailway 110.4 leen awarded 0 • gold medal by tee direetove if the Care eiliati National. ltehibitien far Vie flue • lisittiv made le: the 'railway at 'rolonto last feetitembeit. wittu 11.0 fintmeS 4WD'. mei. train, tlic 1.1inited;' 'Was fee - fined in an illitminate,1 1uictiuc VeWell --at• tooled gt•eat nitetiliOn. 1 • THE gag PAIR .•*•••••••••••••••• Mayor Geary Meets Them at North Toronto. Magnificent Bouquet Pre- sented to the Duchess, egret**. noe•peerref Toronto, Non. 27.. --Their Royal High., nesses .the Duke and Deeliese of Con- naught attired at North Toronto at 3. o'clock this .afternoon from Gttawit, and will sPoul the ueet four dap as oueets of the people of Toronto awl the Pro - vim* of Ontario. On the errival of the viee-regal party at Worth Toronto they were met by Mayor Geary :out the City Council. After the members of the Cotue oil had been presented to the royal guests, Ald Maguire, .ehairman of the R.eceptioneonunatee, handed the Duch- ese 0 magnifieent bonged, and the en- tire party proceeded to the city hall, where the formal welcome was extended by the Mayor in the following address: "May it -please your Royal Highnese. "The Mayor aod corporattomon behalf of the citizens of Toronto, gladly em- brace the opportunity afforded by the first visit to. this city of your Royal Highness as Governor-General of the Dominiou to renew their assurances of devotion and fealty to the erown and person of our Most Gracious King, and to tender to your •Royal -Rightmost yew gracious coneert, her 'Royal Higlineae Otte Duchess of Connaught, one the meni- hers .of yeur household, a meet hearty welcome. "Me,v we be permitted to valve our eonfident belief that your administrAtion so auspiciously begun will be crowned with every success, to express the earn- ed hope that the /sojourn in Canada of yourself, your gracious eonsort and the members of your household will be not enly interesting, bet pleasant and en- joyable, and Hutt the bleaeings of long heettli and every happmeee may tie voucttated you all," A Homo ree the vice -regal party pro- ceeded to Government House, where a private dinner Was tendered 1 the even - 1$1g,, at vidikh over one hundred invited. ITALY IN NO HURRY Will Finish War With Tur- key in Due Time. ••••••••••••••••••• Italian Ships Begun Bom- bardment in Aegian Sea. .1••••••••••••••• Paris, Nov, 27. -The Italian Wender, Giovanni Giolitti, told the eerrespondent. of the Figaro in lime that Italy Was not in a hurry to end the wstr with Tur- key, which will be envied oa with the least- poissible annoyance to the other powers, The treasury, he said, had re- sources sufficient to meet all, expend: - lure, however long the conflict Monad last. Moreover. when peace was doctor- ed Italy will lie °bilged to heep the sarna derce in Tripoli as a guarantec. for the Security of the colony. BOMBARDMENT BEGUN. Parts' Noy. 27.-Notwithatanding the etrietest cerieorship in Italy over tear news, a despatch lets 00111C through from the SeCulo of Milan, stating that repot te are current in Rome that action has commenced in tlte .Aegian SCill and that a hombardment is actually in progreet. Officiate maintain the strictest stleneee Mit the fact that telephonic commumea- tion abroad has completely stopped awl telt:emits are subjected to long delays is token to indicate that the gravestop- ovations are on foot. LEAVE AGAIRD •••••••••11•••••• German Cruiser and Gun- boat Now Recalled. Berlin, Nov. 27. -The 'cruiser Berlin and the guuboat Etter have been recalled front Agadir du Morocco where they hive been sta- tioned since the departure of the gun- boat Pantile in July of this year. . The departure of the German veseels Berlin Apd Etter Irmo Agadir puts an endto the eriticareitua•tiete ereated by the sending cf the gun- boat Panther to that end on July I of this year by the German Govern- ment in order to make a detnonotra. tion itt /awe et Getman intereste. The Panther, actors:lug to the offieial announcement ot the time of her Ar- rival elf the collet of Morocco. eeie intended to meted the, livea ani pro- perty of German ond native pr000rte of that country In Southern Morrie ee She was elespatched to Agadir at tve request of German lime operatine in that district. Her arrival cef the tend caused on inonense- eeneation thtoug out the. world. Thie was only relieved by theecoMmencoment of the neeotte- Hone between eFranee and Germany which recently concluded by the draw. hog up of an agreement between time* Iwo natiorio. " - PERISHED IN FIRE Santa Monism, (al, Nov. '27. -doe elm, a raneher, his wife and .four Ten are believed to have. perished and many Femme. liontee were deetroyet in it forest fire in Topanga anon. Severt hundred persona are utakiuse their way out over almost imp:wattle tralle and are suffering ;greatly. el • 4, - THE STOKES TRIAL. New 'York, Nov. 57.. -Tho trial of lian Graham and Ethel ('onrade, the show girls, 'oho ore charged AVM) 811010.• hrs. at V. I). Istoku. was halted abrupt:Iv lo.dav bY tlte withdrawal of a loror itt th.) lost:thee 11 tht 101114. It had been try, tied sin 'it the court room that ills, trlal would be delayed,because- some one had distneNal the caFe Intlistoreolly. MINISTER DEAD. .8atcp wash.„ >'uv. 0. T.. Whiternaa, low of the mud hum u )istPliAt Inhtistets in Amer* 1, died ot The boapital here torte teelay. His patt 1111:141111 that tie:till 'tug •oreed bv it vuoa 4,101. wh!Oi 104 nom. el Fa hie lee, len-ding 81141 g ling to Ilk 0