The Wingham Advance, 1911-11-30, Page 4GOD GOODS PRODUCE WAITED metweirmillelleseeMentenMellsionneelleneffolislo BUY YOUR WINTER NECESSITIES TO AOVANTM LADIES' WINTER COATS We are showing a fine assortment of these in Tweeds and Plain Cloths, with or without Convey- tibia `' Collars, PRICES: -48400, $10.00, $I2O0, $I5.00, $I6.50. Ladios' Aviation Cosi ti k SWAM. See our assortment before buying Prices --15c, $I.00, $1.50 FURS! FURS! FUS! STOLES, MUFFS, CAPERINES, THROWS, FUR TIES, &c. Our stock was never so complete before. We are showing sets at $10.00, $15.00, $20.00, $30.00 and $50.00. We invite you to compare our values by 'fair comparison of quality. RAW FURS WANTED. -We pay highest cash prices for Raw Pelts in season PRODUCE WANTED. ---Batter, 24c; Eggs, 30c ; Dried Apples, 8c ; Potatoes, Beans, Feathers, Poultry. KING BROS. This Concrete Root Cellar Costs Less Than Wood and is Much More Durable Cement is particularly adapted to the con- struction of Root Cellar floors and walls. Experience proves that for the farmer, Con- crete is superior to wood in every point of comparison. Concrete perinits of a desirable degree of coolness without freezing. There is no question as to hs durability. Concrete lasts, not for years, but for ages; and needs no repair, Anyone who has scooped vegetables from the old plank floor will appreciate the fact that Concrete offers a smooth, continuous surface with no projecting plank ends or nails to damage the scoop or ruffle the temper of the scooper, You. may (sad me a 0697 of "What as l.reur Can . De With psnersts." Nemo The various uses to which Concrete may be profitably put, on the farm, are plainly and simply in our 160 -page book, "What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete" which shows how the following farm buildings and utilities can be constructed of concrete: - Barns, CI'stelrin, Dairies, Dip- ping Tanks, Foundations, Fence Posts, Feeding Floors. Gutters, Hens' Nests, Hitching Posts, Horn Blocks, Houses, Pouf - Shelter Walls, Stables, Stales, Stalls, Steps, Tanks, Trough., Walks, and ao forth. Send for It -It's free -though it regularly sells for Sec. Write to«day. CANADA CEMENT CO., Limited . 61.60. National Bank Building, MONTREAL Address ,.....,..4......... THE WINO A M ADVANCE NQRTB. HURON 1 ' UQ4RES.$ive PQI.KY. ELECTION FIGURES IN 1908, } The following are the official figuree at thelaet provincial eleotioa own ASIIFIELD, -Currie Musgrove 4,.. /Mg vimplanNowninsw' Capital Paid Up. . . 4 -. $ z,750,000 ltaserve and Undivided Pronto . . e.zeihoao Total .el,tets . . , . , . . 40,0, The Bask of T3amilton has Malde eats- ing eiteple-by eliminating all unnecessary Flank formality. An d000unt may be Opened with the deposit of One Dollar -.-Ewen so moll an amount will net as an ittoentive to steady saving, end will quiokly grow to a ram worth while, . Asa%Ca 'o SMITH, Ai ent, 'ISOHAM ansammesirmik -+-Mrs, Caroline Jones Hudson, who observed her 103rd birthday anniver- eaf;y at 'Tempileton, Maas., estimates that elle bee probably more than 200, 000 relatives in the United Stated. .--Albert Corbett, of Chicago, with a fractured bead end sundry other n- juriee, itad been tenderly laid away on a marble slob as dead, when he sat up and chewed 4-w1•Giulinie nny pante, tm chilly.'" Aq0.. 2 4. I,. 1.440, 1144! 0 R#88 18 444.04 4.4. n ...43 (1 3 ,..4..,...4.'46 54 4..., ... .0....04 59 /��) 5p� a. 4.4,..44.,,,.Mt, 25 0.. ............79 11 4,,.,....4..,,81 18 sla 370. Majority for Currie --00, WEST WAWANOSH.. Currie Musgrove No, 11.,.,..,.... ,....53 08 2 37 52 8 ,.,,....4......28 65 4. 60 40 5 ...............4$ 32 226 242 Majority for Musgrove --10, EAST WAWA:NOSI. Currie Musgrove No.1 67 42 2. 58 73 8. 59 39 4,.. ..180 31 244 185 Majority for Currie -59. MORRIS. Currie Musgrove No.1 ° 03 32 2 4,4.4 .,......,4$ 42 3 ...... .........40 ' 49 4... , 47 . 43 5 .4..5'3 '61 0 68 75 825 .302 Majority for .Currie -23. TURNBERRY. Currie Musgrove No.1 74 2 72 3 53 4 57 256 Majority for Currie -15. HO WICK. Currie Musgrove No.1 47 93 2 55 81 8 - 49 130 400 5 880 055 6 54 69 76 72 52 41 241 The Whitney Government has handled the affairsof tthie province. with rigorous care and with, a. due ap. preoiation of new !dams and progress .we polIcl+, Thie hoe been clearly abowo in the record of the Provincial Secretary's Department. AN, Hanaa'a chief charge le the asylums and the Central prison ; that is to say, he has been brought daily face to face with the two greatest problems before the human race -how to deal with mental. diseases, and how to make men out of criminals. Mr, Hanna Bent a Comraiesion abroad to study the organization methods and equipment of the Ger- man hospitals.. On the report of that commission he based the priocIpies of a reorganization which effected every asylum in the Province. Medical of. Seers. were freed from many dry details of management, eo that they could devote their whole attention te. the professional work at their hand. Already the results of the new policy are bearing fruit, and it is hoped that t'ie Bret factors leading to a solution of this intricate problem have been discovered. The transfer of a great number of Central prison inmates to a prison farm near Guelph isan experiment that seems bound to be successful. The men are treated like men, not like beast. An appeal is made to their self-reepeet. Their pride #e awakened. They are given a chance to do the most wholeeogne work in the world-- to till the soil. Except for the cor- rection of incorrigibles, barred cells will not be used at all. Dormitories with ordinary windows will replace the old cell -block with itsclanging bolte, companionehip will take the place of solitude. ,And yet there is nothing of sentimentalism or narnby pamby gushing in the treatmentof the men. They are still under punish- ment,. but with the punishment re- formative methods are adopted as well,. The result is that when a man's time is done he will be more likely to have opportunity for earning hie liv- ing and keeping straight, than he had under the old system. 351 537 Majority for Musgrove -186. WROXETER. Currie Musgrove No.1.. 01 35 Majority for Currie -26. BLYTH. Currie Musgrove No.56 2 46 95 08 Majority for Musgrove 3, WINGHAM. Currie Musgrove No.1 35 64 2. 32 59 3 ,...... 41 81 4 80 133 188 337 Majority for Musgrove 149. SUM3fARY OF MAJORITIES, Currie Musgrove Ashfield 60 West Wawanoah 16 East Wawanoah .59 .. Morris 23 so Turnberry 15 Howiek186 Wroxeter 26 Blyth....... .........., 3 Winghanz 149 eias.Wall elr & Seidl W INO$AM UNDERTAKERS We ars gtu.tli tfslilor. takers end atli lames fpr a ai teCeiv aVAIIV lutes 183 354 Total majority for Musgrove 171. 240 ACRE FARM. .FOR SALE Children's Md Work In Huron County. • If the Whitney Government had done nothing else but adopt progressive methods in the treatment of the cri- minal and the insane it would abun- dantly deserve a renewal of confidence at the hands of the electorate. During the past week two children hove been pieced in good foster homes by the Goderich and county society. A. boy twelve years of age, taken from a neglectedhome and placed with a proaperoue former a fele miles from Goderich, where he will be sent to school and treated as a member of the family. The little girt five years of lige has been placed in s good foster hoose in an adjoining town, where she will be lovingly eared for. The society is doing great good to the community by placing children, who would otherwise have no chance,. in homes where they will likely grow up to be useful citizens, Remeving the children from their homes by the society is only done as a last resort. Complaints 01 neglect are . Carefully looked into; parents are interviewed and children encouraged to attend school regularly, and to be truthful and honest. The cigarette habit also comes in for some attention, the loci- ety Having already brought helpful influences to bear on a nunnber of boys who were forming the habit. The Government superintendent, Mr. 3.3. Salta, le deeply interested in the society's work In Pluton county. Be ie giving every possible adaistance and is anxious that committees be formed in every town and village throughout the county, to that all asset of neglect and cruelty rosy be promptly reported and attended to by the executive officer. The Soolety systenutticelly sgite►tea against all that tends to rob children of the right to grow up in au atmosphere of 'torsi' cleanliness, and to have them trained for a life of respeotebillty and useful. detest, The aid of *11 classes respect- fully solicited to this desirable end. Cash contributions Will be received by the. society's Treasurer, l#. S, Wit - Home, or G. M. Elliott, corresponding Secretary and Omit? inspector. Citi- zens are requested to beoolane Inetnbelta Of the toddy. Your Imo* MId a pep mutt of two 4ollitt to all that is rt. gutted, Do ft nowt THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC. A fine farm of. 200 sores, has ;just been listed with vet for iti,mediete eale4 on act?ount of owner's 111 health, Large brick hone and bank barn, also still. other necessary building.. Fifty acres bush, Never failing well sad spriug. School zone, Post office 3& anile, church one to three smiles. A rare chance to get a good plane in a Ane locality. Price $8,500, or will exchange for smaller. Blacksmith Shop For Sale At Westfield. Good business, Owner wishes to retire and will sell right. A good opportunity for a young man wishing to start business for himself. Ritchie & Gosoos REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WE PAY CASH FOR USED. CANADA. NSTAGE STAMPS SOME T MUCH SOFFER $100.00 EAOq. If you have Canada cancelled stamps to sell write for our Illustrated catalogue quoting prices we pay for each kind by mall to any address for 10 cents (not free). QUEBEC STAMP EXCHANGE (RECD) P.O flog 179, QUEBEC, Canada, L-mr,A. dies" COLLEGE St.Thomas,Ont. 4STRA CA7Auxut FREE OTI t123T For the purpose of reporting to the Hydro -Electric Commission as to the cost of carrying the Hydro - Electric system to the extreme western, eastern. and northern sec- tions of the province, officials of the commission started out Monday to investigate the power possibilities in Huron, Grey, Bruce and the Trent Canal districts. On New Years Day 28, municipalities will vote on the question as to whether they will enter into agreements with the commission for a supply of cheap power. Bower will be developed on the Maitland and Saugeen Rivers, and at least 10,000 horse -power will be avail- able. As these rivers are practically dry during hot summer months, the system will be augmented by a loop attached to the Niagara system, so that power will be available at all times of the year. New transformer atatione will be erected at Guelph and Seaforth in order to augment the supply frond the Maitland and San. geen rivers. If the =Western lines are built. one will run from Seaforth to Goderich, Clinton, Bayfield, Orediton, Leith. Brussels, 'Wingham and Bel - grave. The other will run from Guelph to Elora, Fergus, Arthur, Mount Forest, Rarrieton, Palmerston, Listowel. Durham, Shallow Lake, Owen Sound, Meaford, Thornbury, Wiarton and Oollingwood. From these two trunk lines branch lines will run to every town and village in the district, so that every farmer iq the community will be in a posi- trod to have cheap power delivered at coat. On the Trent Canal district sail towns from Whitby to Cornwall Will be served. More than 4,000 horae,power will be developed on the Trent Valley Canal, and on the Ottawa River, at Chat's FaI1e, there is a possible development of 100,000 horse -power. When ilia gigantic scheme is corn.. pleted $5,000,000 will be necessary for equipment, and there will not be one city, town or village in the older part of the province which will not be served by the Whitney -fleck cheap power scheme. -The cornerstone of 5 'Carnegie Library building has been Told 10 Durham, by Dr. 3a>;nieson, M.L.A. -the Ontario Government has pur- chased nearly 300 acres of land in the teinity of 04411ia to be used as s farm in connection with the Crinis Herpiit. at for feeble-minded. -4tota. W, 3, Hanna le said to be considering a plan whereby worthlaas heads of faniiltes will be placed at -and Work on the Cataria prison !" titan their earnings sent to their families, This would be a good idem. ...It is said that in oertein' districts! of Nees rock, people dwell bloter to- gether than anywhere else to the World, in Ward 2 there are o-eer 4443,006 to the tqusre Paine, And the (tae bioeks east Of the Bowery *tarry *vet 000,000 to the Nowt* tile!, The Place Where. Good Clothes Come From LET US POST YOU 11 you get your clothes from no, you are sure to get Clothes made to fit Clothes neatly made Clothes well made Clothes that look well Clothes that wear well Clothes that last well Clothes in latest style Clothes 'that please Clothes that satisfy We 'understand our business We have the goods We know the styles Our charges are right st enntirig The Nifty Ian's Tailor R. Maxwell's old stand 1 abl1==================8i Winter Term from Jan. 2nd You risk nothing by attending this Col- lege. Its reputation for superior training and square dealing is absolutely clean and it will remain se. • TO>E<ONTOG ONT. is in a class by Welt when strictly first- class work is considered. Graduates are sire to• get goodoaitions owing to their proper training. Write for largo Catalogue. W. 4. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Mr. 'rouge and Alexander Ste. r MAL JAL fi /tr s-rflATroftD. ONT. Dowd 9 fI This h I h ed the apply, Sinden L tng each week sad. the e f sal at nds to the front as the best school its kind in the rovince. Our ceurses boy d those of the ordinary busi-e cb ege. a sc oo as a conti- ntal reputation for high-grade work. e have. three depe rtments-Conflner- t, Shorthand and Telegraphy, and demand for trained help greatly ce e s , . is are en. Denet ydser the better for yourself. flet our gee catalogue Mice. D. A, ateLACHLAN . Principal TuURSDAY, i o'vsm THE -CHRISTMAS LADIES' riS HOME JOURNAL 01) Intensely interesting a0a lull of helpful Xmae #suggestions nd an excellent quality of Xmas rattling far young and old,. now on rale•= -i5 ate, THE WINTER STYLE BOOK The best style authority to k had ---only 5 eta, when purchasing a 15 ct. pattern. HOUSE SHOES Isn't it fine to have a nine warm pair of House Shoes to clip on for the evenings. Bete are some fine ones:-- Ladies' Felt Top, Leather Soled House Shoes, red, 'brown and green, wish very dainty tepee -only $i.25. Childrea'a neat Felt HonseShoes, dark color. -40o and 600. Ladies' Felt House Shoes, large obeoked pattern -50o. Men's Comfortable House Shoes, very' snug, too. -only 600. CHRISTMAS STATIONERY We have an extra fine range of Fancy Pepetries, not expensive, either, but jest the thing for a little remembrance. THIS IS THE TIME FOR XMAS CAKES And we are just going to quote a few of our choice Fruits, Peels, Nuts, deo. New Raisins, fine big fleshy fruit -per lb , 10e. New Seedless Raisins -2 lbs., 20e. Seeded Raisins in paoksges- loo and 15e. New Currants, fine, Olean and dry -per lb., 10e.. Extra clean Currants -2 lbs., 250. New Figs, the very best cooking Figs -per lb., 50. Fresh Peels -per lb., 200 to 25e. New Shelled Almonda and Walnnts--per lb., GOO. And a best of other necessaries too numerous to mention. A OW order will convince of the first-class quality of our Pure Foods. Watch our window this week for Dolls, Toys, Etc. Full descriptions later. We want Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, White Beans and Poultry, etc., in fact any kind of marketable produce. DHS. KENNEDY & OLDER (waste --Corner Patrick and Cadre atreete Pnouati-- Res dense, Dr. itenfedy 1a Residence, Dr. Calder 161 Dr. 1cennedt speeialiaea is 'Burgers. Dr, Calder devotes specie' attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nese and Throat. E , ICYedthoroughly tested, Glasses properly. Y. M. 0. A. BOO.. LONDON. ONT. BUSINERS and SIIottrUAND SIJI3.lECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every gradut,te, Seven specially qualified regular teaebers. One hundred and fifty, London firms Semple our trained help. College it► se'asion from eeptt..5 id June 30. Enter any time. was 't;auLic"s� City :114 C Most Coll T. W. W rserctvra T, O. .1. W. Weenie thare.Y trcl Priondp.l. • Kerr & Bird THE PROFIT SHARING STORE WINGHAM, ONT. ..SILKS.. What could be nicer for a Christmas present to a lady than a Silk Dress ? We have ready for the fall and winter seasons a splendid stock of beautiful Silks, suitable for. gowns for all occasions. Take a look at our line of 4o in. Paillettes, rich, lustrous, satin -faced Silks, of that soft texture which gives the gown the fashionable clinging effect so much desired at present ; in colors., black, navy, seal brown, golden brown, grey, green, saxe, lemon, mauve, pink and cream ; reg. price $i,75 --for $i.go. Also Black Paillette and Black Taffetta No- bleese, 40 inch -very special • at $1.00. Black Peau de Sole, rich, beautiful Silk, just the thing to make a dress for and elderly lady ; reg. $1.5o -for $11.25. Black Bengaline, a handsome, heavy, Corded Silk for Blouses and Trimmings --at $1.25. FRESH tiROCERIES All kinks of Fresh Groceries just arrived for the Christmas trade. Try ours when preparing to make your Christmas Cake and Plum Pudding. Bring your trade here. We give the highest prices. Potatoes, 'oc per bush. ; Eggs, pcDried Apples, 8c. ' '2XON' s ir ..1.3. (Successor to T. A. MILLS) WINGHAM 1.1.41...