The Wingham Advance, 1911-11-30, Page 3Q Ways to Cook
one wine et round steak through the
Meat -hopper, and add a level teaspoonful
eif salt, 0, dacit of pepper and two table-
epoenfulti of water. Mix thoroughly and
form inter a cake the shape of a sirloin
or porterhouse steak. rut an iron pan
un the etove and great's: ana when
hot put in the steak. Cook the steak
for a, moment on one 'side, turn it with
egke.turner axle sear the other, and
then mph It over it moderate fire, or
put it in the oven to cook slowly for
lateen minutes, turning once or Orem
Transfer it to e -second, platter, baste
it with a little butter, Arid seed it at
once to the table. Ties may also be
*erred with browie sweet pepper or
tomato saw. •
round steak into round•eakes and broil
or pan thera. While they are cooking
rubtogether two tablespoonfuls of but-
ter and two of flour, add half a pint
of milk, and stir until boiling. Add a
tablespoonful of dry horeeradish, or two
tablespoonfuls of borseradislt peeped
from the vinegar, and half a teaspoon-
ful of salt. Pour this mixture in the
bottom of the plater, stand the steaks
in it, and put half of a baked battena
on each steak.
pound of chopped round, steak with a
teaspoonful of salt and the juice of
half a lemon. Mix and form into round
cakes half an inch thick. Broil or ecialt
in a dry pan for eight minutes. Trensfer
to a , heated plate, anti. :mate with a
little butter.
Dispelled Throudh the Use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
When the shadow of poor health falls
on your life, 'when hope begins to
fade and friends look serious, then is
the time you should remember that
thousands sust as hopeleee have been
cured and restored to .the sunshine of
health by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These
pills actually make new, ricea bitted,
which bringe a glow of health to auase
mic eheeles, eures indigestion, head-
aches and backaches, drives, otft the
stinging paius of rheumatism and of
neuralgia, strengthens the nerves and
relleyee as no other medicine ean do
the aches and pains welch ,only women
folk suffer from. In any emergency of
poor health give Dr, Williams' Pit*
Pills a fair trial, and they will not die
appoint you. Here is a case that will
briug hope to many a weary ,sufferer.
Mrs.. P. K. Sanders, St, Thomas, Ont.,
says: "About four years ago I took
a severe cold which I neglected, think-
ing that I would soon be all right
again, But instead I founa myself in a
weak and run-down condition. 1 seem-
ed to have no arobStion to do anything
• and .my heart and nerves became so bad
I was forced to bed. The doctor who wee
celled in said the trouble was :throttle
anaemite but in spite of his
teudance I was unable to sit up end
*at, but bad to be fed with a spoon.
One day a visiting friend suggestea my
trying Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I
sent for a half dozen boxes. In a short
while I began to eat better and feel be
ter, and by the time the pills were used
I felt altogether different; my heart
did not bother me, my lipst and etheeks
regained their natural clor, and every-
body wbo saw me remarked on how well
was, .1 r -0 more looking. 'Wishing to be
on the safe side I took two more boxes
of the pills, which made a complete cure.
as I have had. neither ache nor pain
since, and I now weigh 146 pounde. I al-
ways recommend Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and I bope Viet this letter may
the means of suggeeting relief to many
of my sisters who suffer as1 dile'
Sold by all medicine dealers, or
sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A Trial Treatment
of Cuticura Soap
and Ointment Free
to Skin Sufferers
If you, or oomeone dear toi
you, are suffering the itch -
mg, burni»g, sleep -destroy-
ing torments a eczema, or
other crud slAn eruption,
with its embarrassing, un-
sightly db.:pm-tent; if you
have tried E.:ti manner of
treatment, no matter bow
harsh,. to ro avail, and have
" all but g.h.en up hope of
• cure, write to -day for a lib-
eral sample of Cuticura, Soap
and Ointment. Thousands
of skin -tortured sufferers,
from infancy to age, have
found that the first warm
bath with Cuticura Soap
and gentle application of
Cuticura Ointment bring
instant relief, permit rest
and sleep, and prove the
first steps in a speedy and
successful treatment. Ad-
dress "Cuticura," Dept.
xolVI, Boston, U. S. A.
Some of the 'Things That the Handle*
May Conteln.
The iugermity of the .Frenehnsan hell
not been eonflued to the making of
weapone out of epparently hormleee
canes. In fact there is qiiite a variety
of wee Mach the Nine le made to
One of the canes is WW1 with. a eoin
box aud a mateh box, therm being: eon -
tallied in the heed, which is provided
with A carefully concealed lid. The coin
box i's arraoged to pmanit of depositing
and easily removing the win by a; elight
preesure of tbe thumb, thus obviating
ioessity uf fiehing •for .tit, in the
• 1.1Aient°vtitialelf.117whilialuidtlil: :la: le: mo'f
plete outfit of the game. -known as
Petits Ci!tWhea•Alie•lid is epee
betting ean begin end the horse crossing
the latest Parisian novelties cc/piste in
a /tidies' parasol handle eentnining a
roulette wheel, which gen be used for
gambling at any place or moment.
These handles have become very popu-
lar. They are. of fine workmanship and
:lett:Fie:lin! aSen(Dliviteogue°1ind tba°01rns:iikaheizeiii;stto Tele.yttti i nAg
long sheet of paper is wound around
the rod, from which pieces may be torn
off for takluse notee. When the lid is
opened penknife, pencil, nail file, combs
and looking glass at -e disolosed. These
Objects are small, but Mega enough for
practical use.--Scientifie American.
of Cod, and that, believing, they might
have life through hie name.
In the second place, the result could
only be achieved when those resources
were brought forward with willing
consecration. From the beginning it
has been God's way to require some
basis for His divine 'bounty, Give Him
the dust—whatever that may be—and
He will breath into it the breath of
lais own life until it becomes a living
soul. Give lam the water -pots filled to
the brim, and He will furnish the wed-
ding. We may give Hine even a slender
trust which goes feeling its uncertain
way, and He will cause the blind eaee
to see. Give Him some measure of con-
secrated service and He will safeguard
it by His own gracious power, aud when
the result is declared it will be glare -
"How much faith bare you?' 1 ask
some uncertain, doubting soul here this
Morning. "Not much, you reply; "not
even five full-fledged slices of faith.
Three thin slices of belief are all 1 have.
I believe in God. I believe in duty,
believe in the hereafter. 1 am not sure
that I cen houestly say I believe much
more." That is meagre. The five loav-
es and two fishes in their realm were
more generous. Nevertheless you need
net hesitate for an hour, you need net
send out to increase your store. Bring
them hither, those dim, uncertaiti con-
fidences of yours, those broken frag-
ments of faith, those mysterious yearn-
ings after something fuller, holier, finer
than you now enjoy, those undiscover-
ed capaeities you have long dreamed of.
And when He brings in the result you
will discover an hicrease • of faith, a
larger and firmer hope, a finer measure
of love towards Goa and towards man,
and you will begin to render more ef-
fective service, and you evill know that
anything brought forward in willing con-
secration becomes a basis on which
there may rest the divine bounty truly
magnificent. How splendid it is that
we are never required to offer what we
enema offer, not to bo what we find
ourselves unable to be. We are only
asked to bring such loaves and Belem
as we have. •
(Rev. Dr. Charles Brown.)
• How reassuring this story is when
you review the inadequacy of the ef-
forts we put. forth in the face of the
world's great needHow unequal seems
the contest between -light and dark.
nessl In China, in India, in Africa,
there Is one missionary to a hundred
thousand people. What is be Amongst)
mattyf Here is one home mission
ehurth in a neglected community,
'standing for righteousness, and ten
publie houses and a half a. dozen worse
places fighting on the other side. What
is it in the face of such odds? Here
is the unorganized moral sentimeht of
.some community, fighting against the
• force of some strongly eetrenthed evil.
How unequal in every ease seems the
contest! Yet ott all the mission Beide
and right along the frontiers of any
Christian land, and in every great eity
where the force of • righteousness
stands, are quiet men and women who
come off more than conquerors. What
are they among so many t Let Jesus
make reply, and when Ile has made
reply it will add another elie.pter to
the lesson:I that were written that hien
naight believe that Christ is the Son
A statute of Mme. de Sevigne was un-
veiled to -day at Vitre in Brittany not
far from where the Les Roehers, where
she loved to live and the scenery of
which she exquisitely described in her
letters. M. Paul Desch:met, the Acad-
emician, delivered the inaugural ad-
dress, and the contpany paid a vieit to
the Chateau des Roehers, in which the
Neturnitres family preserves many rel -
bee of its famous actress.—Paris corres-
pondence London Time*.
Shik Gan
The captaln'S fine in his Coat of blue,
The mate is big and handsome, too;
But of the hundreds In her crew
It's the coolies who Make her go:
Eight hours off and four hours on,
shovelling coal tilt the voyage is done.
Stirring the flame till the race Is won
Sweat the cooliee who make her gO!
Not even a name on the Ship's pay roll,
OnlY a number to take its ton.
Just small mites In the human whole—
Naked coolies who Make her go!
Igo hint above ot what's below.
Weeping alive the fiery glow,
Driving the engines fast or slow --
Yellow cOolies Who Make her go;
The red hat which the Popo himself
will place on the heads of the new Car-
dinals is the crown of it prince of the
Church. It is chief among the insignia
of the office of Cardinal.
It is it small hat with two tassels on
the brim, Hanging from the hat on
either eide are five rows df tassels, each
row symbolizing a etep in the religious
life of the Cardinal; priest, vicar, Ma,
hop, archbishop, cardinal.. The red hat
Is never worn after the first thue and
le kept to be plaeed over the body of the
-cardinal %Olen he is deceped.
The cardinals' beretta is also inade of
red material, It has three semi -circular
mounta on top, with a cord loop in the
centre. It is worn on unofficial °m-
Tumble 'em up from the hell in the hold?
See how they shiver out In the cold.
Eyes iike a eatend faces,
These, the coolies, who make her go.
--Don 0. Bette. in Harper's Weekly.
New Zealand eondenges and powders
great quantities of melte
/IR Gillette beats every' other shaving device
In a lot of ways—it's safe, lee quick, it's
econotrdeal, it shaves clean and °golly, it
requires no strOpiiing not honing, It's always
ready and it cart be edineted to *aft the face of
any man who shavti.
The toughest beard rind tenderest face each
receives st perfea shove.
Get into the Gillette class wad u's'e tltne,
trouble and money.
„kak your &mkt to thaw yOU the dIlletie. If
h. hita neither the goods nor oat estakente.
Write 1146 We wfli eee that you are seeetkel.
OMAN &defy Rater Co. ei Coedit, United
ardt aseteree-el St. Attitintier St., Mental.
elihtleettall e NO HOW
No-Strapping—ft Inks
TOD% stever plated, with
2 blade bora% arid 12 doable.
tidied bleep in nest case.
Stillidarli Sett $8.00
PookM Ees$8OOto$6.00
Corebiettiots Sete, $6.1$0 to 06.00
Every mother who has once used
Baby's OWn Tablets readily admits that
there is no other medicine• to equal
them. They are a never failing cure. of
all stomach mut bowel complaints and
mane' a Peeelines little aabe owes bealth
end even life itself to their.use„ Con-
eerningh the Tablets, Mrs, Fred Dove,
Broadview, Sask., writes: 'I have used
Baby's Own Tablets for my little girl
and have found them of such•great bene-
fit I Would not be without them. They
are truly it wonderful remedy for little
ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 26', cents u box,
from The Dr, Williams' 'Medicine Co.,
Brockville. Ont. •
• •*
A Kansas merchant, who hail sust
paid a fine because his vegetable display
box was notesix inches higher than the
sidewalk, ventured the assertion that
it man can't go from morning till night
Without breaking some Kansas Mw, no
Inan how careful be is. A hotel man
thought he could; and a wager was
made, and the next dey was set for tee
"I'll win that bet all meta" said the
hotel !nen. "I'l stay in bed all day to-
And he did, until juste before dark,
when an inspector came along eni ar-
rested him for not having a nine -foot
sheet on his bed.—Kansas City Journal.
Croup is Deadly!
It must be stopped quiekly. Nothing
so sure as Nerviline. Give it internally,
and rub it on chest and throat—croup
soon vanislies. ao aoetor can write a
more efficient prescription than Pal -
son's Nerviline, which reaehes the trou-
ble and cures quickly. The marvelotut
power of Nerviiine will surprise you;
It's the beet household remedy for
coughs, colds, sere chest, croup and in-
ternal pain of every kind. Large boa.
tlee have, been sold by all dealers for
nearly fifty years at 25e.
Could Hardly Eat Gradually
Grow Worsa, Rollovod by
A. M. Ikon,.
Mr. A. N.
Ilterd, flax 31,
West Burs
lington, Iowa,
"1 hed ca-
tarrh of the
ettanach nod
small Intel-
tinee for a
number 01
years. I went
to a number
of doctors and
got no relief,
and1in al ly
one of mat
doctors s e 11 t
me to C h l-
c ago, and
met the teune
fate. They
said they
could do noth-
ing for me;
said I had
•caneer of the
stomach and there was no cure. • I al-
most thought the eazne, tor my breath
was offensive and I emit(' not eat any-
thing without greet =leery, and I grad-
uallY grew worse.
"finally L concluded to try Peruna,
and 1 found relief and a cure tor that
dreadiul disease, catarrh. I took five
bottles of Peruna and two of Mariann.
end 1 now feel like a new num. There
Is nothing better than Perana, and I
keep a bottle of It in My house an the
The Virgirtia "Health Almanie" pre-
sents for the month of November a few
hints about colds eild influenza. In
Virginia and toe less over the rest of
the country, the cleansing weather of
early .winter brings out a• crop of colds
in all parts of the etate. Comparative-
ly few wide lead to 'consumption, but
sinoe each cold weakens the System
and lessens the realist:face'every cold
should be closely watched. "There is
no infallible rule by which cold* can
be prevented," writes Dr. Ennion G.
Williams, to -state health commisioner,
"and there is no law by which every-
one an protect himself from the germ
'which causes Influenza. Common sense
is the beetprotection and it little fore-
thought Is the best - ally ef cummere
Draughts, overheated rooms, unsuit-
able clothing and senseless exposure
are the cldef causes of colds. Care for
these things greatly lessens the danger .
of catching cold. The open window,
which does not create a draught be the
secret of proper ventilation. Never
stay in a close room, but never yenta
lateeo you create a draught where you
are sitting.
' The man who puts on his flannels in
November and -resolves not to take
them off—except for a change—till
spring, miconsclottely eetemines that be
will have wide. Regulate your cloth-
ing heeording to ,the weathet, in cold
spells increase it; in warm weather, re-
duce it. A little foresight is better than
a spell of sickness.
Some of the methods of adapting the
clothing to the weather are of inter-
est. The clinic knows a gentleman
who has five weights of oVereOat: con-
tinually on his hooks during the win-
ter. Before going into the open air he
consults the thernoreeter, and dons the
overcoat that his scale determines to
be the right orie for that particular
.degree of Fahrenheit. This is perhaps
not quite so certain as the Chihese
method, in which it is said the ternper-
ature may be expressed in jackets, one
of which is put on after the other. Fif-
teen jackets cold would mean serious
lowness • of the thermometer,' evitieh
rises in the mercury during an outing,
which may well be possible if one is
away from his base of supplies for the
day, would mean it smeller figure. The
Chinese may come down to thirteen
or even ten Jackets without much die
ficulty, carrying the surplus twee his
arm, and in this covers rather better
theft the five-overeoat gentleman
changes in temperature during the mit.
ing. Another American gentleman,
There' steed. until isolne months ago in
High Holborn, two doors away trent
Museum street, and facing the end of
Drury Lane, an old building which
housed what was probabyt the original
of *hire. jarley's Waxworks. It was
once- UpOn a time a Polullar exhibition,
known as Ferguson's Waxworks, found-
ed bY that gentleman In 1322 or Ma. itt
its extensive monis and "promenade.'
were to be seen the characters Xing
_George 111.. Mr . Grimaldi, as clown,
Mary Queen oi Scots, and that "Unfortu-
nate of Honour in the time of Queen
Etisabeth who died from pricking her
finger In consequente of working upon a
Sunday" (Lady Anne Wilson). ,
All these are enumerated in Mr. Fer-
guson's Catalogue (IMO), evhich I have in
my eoltection, the other personages men-
tioned In the "Old Curiosity Shop" ewe -
Ing dolibtlessbeen changed into other accordance with the ami-
able custora of waxwork 'proprietors.
An Old gentleman. Who was tor Inany
yeare connected with the show, told me
that their shOw-wOman, Mrs, James (nor
ides. Harris) Was the very "Moral" Of
Jarley, and that she told him that
Diekens was a frequent visitor and
often spoke with her. VergUson's would
be on,Dieketes rodd to Work either iq
the "Sun." or alviirror of Parliament,'
or *adorning Chronicle" ?newspapers, as
high road then ran dowtrnligit Holbert,
through Broad street, and High street,
BletntsbUry, to (Word street. New Ox-
ford street was not Made Until WM
Cheep Von Noorden in the November
On a recent trip tei Genitally, Doctor
Hervey Wiley, the government's pure
food etpert, heard au allegory with
reference to the subjeet .of food adul-
Witten, whieb, he contendre should cause
Americans to congratulate themeelves
that things eve so Well oederett:in this
respect ift the United States. .
The German allegory was subitme
Caller as follows: •
Pear flies, wlech had made their, way
into a certain pantry, determined to
have a Sestet,
One few into the sugar awl ate
heartily, hut Pon died, for the sugar
wee full of white lend.
The second clioest the- float' as his
lmt he fared no better, for the
flour was !elided with plaster of Paris.
The third templed the syrup, but les
six lege were presently raised in the Air,
for the syrup was Mend with Aniline
The fourth fly, teeing all his friends
dead, determitied to ena his life also,
arid drank freely of the fly poinon
witieh he found in ktetetatient Puree..
lee is still alive and in gool health.
net, too. was adulterato(1.—Nirlicat
The fellow r.dio brags about whet
lie Is going to do to.rooteow generally
keel* (Inlet thour Whet he did yester-
quite well known to weave, mules al -
wept with him on WS SODIUM' launts
a little paper paicel. It contain* two
fresh tuidergarineute of varying weight*,
the one on ale body being the third. If
the eXertione of the walk make tit Rent-
pereture torrid, the eelentier will dis-
appear into thiebuehes and emerge with
thie proms of aultiug hie apparel to
the changes of the day er
consequent int exertion iterenehle Settles
one, ? Vaessiees
But to return to tlitift itteitA„etreiene
ae; there appears the n ielfftailWiele
of appropriate proverbs. cheaegielelefee
for Nenteinber: "A light oriteln
better thau a heavy cold. Mika?
cougla ends in a ,ciiffin. A tituffyattlorfh
is eimities best ally. A little rAtfee
lation is more effective then much quer
lite, There never was tio cold it ilaes
hue that a little frcelt air was health-
--Boston Transcript.
(From the /melon etandarde
oldeat solelitx In ilia Britem arillY
is eaid to be Panntel Partions. the:tang's
gunner at elandsea Castls, who eciemy
celebrated the fihy-second annivIeriewe
'or hie atepoltutnent as the Bole Ounnee
in the Hound Tower of Windsor„.,(tastl
Although enarly V year,et sae- i
mei on the active ost. heir0ei
tun military pay for !eogy..siee y#
l'arsona still retains ai# his faculties,
sighting very geed, and ealoys
het:1m lit Was boru, ete Amami,
Lov, Cornnall, itt 18.13, unit at the tvok;
le years Joined itte naive Arttliery
Devonport. tie %as at Quebec whiten.
reeintent for mix years, and after titre ,
years home serviee was despatched to'
the Crimea. After being laid up .fer a
time With fever, Pareona returned to the
• seat of war the day before the charge
oC Balaklava, although he di daot take
Part in that memorable Otiose, but was
• present at the battle or Inkennanu. At -
ter the Crimea be went to Woolwieh,
and WAS apubInted Royal Gunner at
Windsor Costle on October 17th, 1859.
Parsons poeseeses six medals, Including
the Ceimean medal. with bars for sebas-
topoi, Inkermann and Balaklava; the
Turkish medial, the long eerviee medal,
Queen Victoria's Jubilee medal, with a
bar for the diamorld jubilee. King Ed-
ward's Coronation medal, and King
George's Coronation medal. During the
flfty-two years Parsons hes been at the
Round "Tower there has never been an
accident. It la lila duty to hoist the flag
at sunrise and haul it down ea sunset,
When the court is in residence it Royai
Standard flies film the Masthead. With
a small one at night. Since 1392 the
Union Jack has been hoisted during the
abrenee of the court.
Cured by Lydia E. Pinko
Pox Lireek, N.B.—"I have always
had pains in the loins and a weak:
fleas there, and
often after my
meals tn y food
would distress me
aud canoe sore
on. Lydia B.
ble Corepoutul has
done me Itindh
good. I amStrong-
er, digestion is het -
to. arta1 can walk
with ambition. I
have encouraged
many mothers of
families to take it, as Itis the best rem-
edy' itt the world. you eaTtpublish this
In the papers. -- Mrs. \Yuma(
Bonito/A rot Creek, ZI.11., Called*.
The above is only one of the thou.
sands of grateful letters vvhich aro
tionstantly being received by the
Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn,
Mass.,which prove Beyond doubt that
Lydia Ii. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com.
pound, made from roots atcl herbt,
Actually dots euro theso obstinate. dis.
Game of W011'iert after all ether Intone
Mee failed, and that every such suf.
feting woman owes it to herself to at
least give Lydie B. Pinkham's Vegeta.
hie Compound a trial before sulimito
Wig* to att operation, or giving up
hope of recovery.
MS. Pirskliasts of Lynn, Nana.,
'Write* alt Sick *VVOIllitill to rite
her for a4vlee. She hag; tuttrr
tk,t health awl
Back Full, of Aches
. Headaches and Depression
Much of Women's Suffering is Need-
less and Can be Prevented by the
Use of Dr, Hamilton's Pills.
Conforms to tire
nigh' oternOort) of
Useful for
17ve Andre() pitrpoo.
-11 11011
PEIZP.0 • :711
moo onnio
That Stab -like Pain in the Back is
Sure Indication pf Kidney Trouble.
Mrs. Anna Rodriguez writes as fol-
lows front her home itt Valencia: "For
a long tiine 1 seffered with failing
strength and nagaieg licadathes. My
condition grew steatlies- worse, my limbs
became bloated and elialty, was sallow
and thin, felt rheutnatie rains, (tininess
and chills, I unfortunately didn't sus -
Tea my kidneys, and was nearly deed
when I discovered the true cause of my
sufferings. 1 read so nmeh about the
wonderful health and strength that
comes toall who use Dr. Hamilton's
Pills that I felt sure they would help
Such blessing of health and comfort
I got from 13r. Hamilton's Pills I
can't describe. They speedily put me
right, and their steady use keeps ma
active, energetic, strong and happy.
I strongly urge others to regulate and
tone their system with Dr, Hama -
ton's Pills of Mahdrake and. Butter-
No greater medicine exists than Dr,
Hamilton's .Pille for the euro of indi-
gestion, eonstipation, flatulence, liver,
bladder awl kidney trouble. Refume
substitutes for Dr. Handlton'a Pills,
25e. per box, or five boxes for $L00, at
all dealere or the Catarrhozone Com-
pany, Kingston, Ont.
4e •
Cattle fattened on blue grass pactures
will make double the gain on the same
grain for the Bret three months of the
pasture season, as compared with the
late months of the petting period. .01s
important facter, as well ae, the influ-
ence of age, nitrogeneous simplemepts
and the margin of profit arb disettseed
in. Bulletin 90 of the MISSOUri Experi-
ment Station. This bulletin wai writ-
ten by Dean P. B. Munford and records
the resulte of five years' experiments in
fattening cattle of various ages on blue
grass pasture. This extensive inveeti-
tion itivolved the feeding of 203 cattle
divided into 38 distinct experiments and
Is the largest and most complete inves-
tigation of this maim Which has ever
been made in this country. The bulletin
will be sent on request by writing to the
Director of tae Experiment Station,
Colorable, elf°.
Three hundred billion bees, aecording
to one celled &pietism, made enougn
honey last year to fill a train Of ears
long enough to reach front New York to
Buffalo. At the low wholesale rate of 1
cents a pottna It was worth $25,u00,000,
and if the 700,000 beekeepers Of the
country bed worked' as industriously
and iikilfully its did the bees, the
weight of the output would have heart
three time as greateand the value ei75,-
000,000. Not only die the little Workers
contribute thee vast supply of pure and
delicious fool produrt to the station,
but as they Made it they trotted It MO
tisepticilly with fortnie acid, thos pre.
veAti»g impurities or doey.
Explanation—The field of the flag is red, the union blue, hearing a
white sun,
tars; that every hawk and owl is worth
ort an average ea to the 'State; that
one "flieker" can eat 5,000 . ants at a
single meal; that .the kingfisher is the
most powerful defender of the poultry
e'er(' itt existence.
• - --
In a study of the root system of
wheat, made at the Leng..ion tie
subatation, it was found that the roots
went to a depth of four feet four inch-
es, while the grain was only 24 inches
high. About 73 per cent. of tbe roots
were at e depth of over two feet.
As iiIuIs oI ihe soil, eat tit warms
constitute a greet' army. It Is 'estimat-
ed that there are 54,000 worms in eack
acre of garden ground, and about half
that namber in cerafnel.le. NUIO bu)-
rows or worm holes are tumally found
in two square feet of oarden soh. It is
further computed that c in all cultivated
lands in which worma are able to live
no less than ten tons of earth , are
brought to the surface In each acre by
the worms each year. Worm burrows
ere frequently found extending for nye
or six -feet down below the rurface.
j. P. Gilbert, of the Univereity of Wei
Said in a latent lecture on "Birds
of -the Farm arta City" that the hunters
of the birds who did met tealize the
value value of bit& to farm prodncte
nude possible an annual 1015 from fitrill
ineentg to crops and forests of the Unit-
ed States Of $700,000,000. Gilbert
said it is due to the destruction of quit
in Minnie that the potato bug is 'iale
eoming twill a pest; that quail on the
tchle s worth it few vents, eat colt
4041 On the farm le worth many ASV
(Farmerei Advocate.)
It is from the .Teanes fund, establiehed
for.the moteral benefit of the eotored
people, and with the aid of the Pubile
Leon Serdeut found new health in
Dodd's Kidney Pills
• Itelgium is the champion beer drinker,
with 0 per eapitt consumption of M.2
• gallons in MO. The United ,Kingdom
had 31.44 gallons.
Well, it is really eneonraging to eee
the men taking hold of eonio religious
movements. The women have long been
the burden -hearers.
twer........10.1, 116..,-,.....•
ROY. Dr. Workman las recovered a
judgment for 0,500 and costa in his ease
for wrougfut dismissal, That will be
mule balm for thq wounde which be
received in the lieresy,,hunt.
The 'United States Government crop
report for November puts the wheat
crop at about 40,000,000 bushels losa
than last year, The corn crop is placed
at 2,7013,301 against 3,128,-
713,000 last year.
Suffered With His Kidneys and Was
'Very Feeble, But Now He is Feeling
Saint Walburg, ,Susk., Nov. 20. (Speciat)—Ono healthy, happy family
in this neighborhood are always ready
to speak a good word for Doddei Kid-
ney Pills. They are Mr. aud Mrs, Leon
Sergent; and here is the reason in Mr.
• Sergent's own words: •
"1 euffered with .my Kidneys and 1
Wes very feeble. My urine was thick •
and had a, brick -dust sediment. As
Dodd's. Kidney Pills had already cured
my wife 1 bought three bone. Now my
urine is normal and I feel Inc."
It is statemente such as these that
giro Dodd's Kidney Pills their popiti
larity, They are no cure-all. They sim-
ply cure diseased Kidneys and the ills
that come from diseased Kidneys. bit
no matter what neighborhood you visit
you -find some man or woznazt who has
been sick and in pain and has been cur-
ed by Dodd's Kidney Pills, For It score
of years this work has been going on
andto-day in every part of Canada
Dodd's Kidney Pals are known as the
one sure cure for Kidney Disease, lir-
inhey Troubles'Backache, Rheumatism,
Biopsy, Diabetes,.end Bright's Disease.
Health.Service, that a new table of ten
canunandments for Iteelth in country lite
has been issued, intended Brat for south.
ern negroes, but which may be regeated.
for whom it :tiny coneern, of wieetever
or enter.' They are boiled down
from a more technical, longer draft a..nd
are as follows;
First—leave sand spittoons. Spitting
on floors spreads eonsuinption and other
Second—Lese outhouses with tub or
hex under seat, which must be emptied
at least once a week. Pour oil in the
tub to keep insects away.
Third—Haul away stable manure at
least once a week, and let no rouse
or stegnant WRiOr collect round the
Fourth—Be careful to protect toed
from flies, for flies carry several forms
of direaee.
Sixth—Use only Oro drinking water,
and if it is uncertain •whether the water
he pure, bail, it before drinking.
'Seventh—II:tee plenty of fresh air in
the room day and night, -avoid smoky
Eighth—Keep 'may from whiskey and
allailcoholie &hike, ineluding all patent
Ninth—Wash frequently, and be very
careful to liave your fingers clean when
cooking or handling food.
Tentheollaise and tett plenty of vege-
tables and fruits, arid have a supply ot.
milk Ana egge.
••••••••00••*••••••*••••••••• .••••••••••••*
When it driver whips a horse, observes
an exchnnge, be usually does so in an-
ger or excitement, and does it unwisely
It is possible to punish a horse prudent-
ly and effectively, but that is not cruel-
ty. Ninety-nine per cent. 'of the blows
white), horses receive at 4., -unearned and
harmful., Many drivers' whip a horse
immediately after he has shied front
some missing object, like an automobile,
while he does not understand, and
which fills him with terror. It may be
necessary to ply the whip to the fright-
ened animal xn meter to keep him from
turning and upsetting the vehicle, or
colliding with other objects, and thus
bringing disaster, but once the terroriz-
ing object bus been passed, the whip-
ping of the horse for having been fright-
ened is simply cruelty, which only serves
to infuse greater terror in the animal
towara the object, aud causes him to
be more frightened at the next meeting.
—Farmer's Advemate.
"Every student01cichi)story knows that
our Christmas customs are a develop-
ment Of the Roman Saturnalia."
"Oh. surely nut all"
ki 19T° "
o, nhere's no reason to sup -
,pose, for instance, that the Romans were
all the tithe being hunched to do their
Saturnalian shopping early."
In the New Home
You want the best when starting in the new home. Above
all, you want that kite to be snug and wartn and ccunfortable.
You are sure bi warmth and comfort with a Perfection
Smokeless Oil Heater.
The Perfection is the best and most reliable heater made.
It is a sort of portable fireplace.
It is ready night and rifty. Just strike a matth and light
the wick. The Perfection is all aglow in a minute.
The Perfeetion 03 Heater does not (Snell nor smote -'-a patent
automatic device prevents that. It can he carried essay from room to
room anti is equally suitable.for any room in the house. Handsomely
finished, w:th nickel trimmings; drums of either turquoise -blue enamel
or Plain steel.
•1i tarot -into
Meow tattler le eaw see * ferfieire
emoketen Cal Heater, sr elate/ deta helot
ekoesr egret to toy &roe a
(hero City Ciii Ntroay, 1.iekitt4
zee eveseeteeeneetiossieweitilWeleineeteergetire=seettse
Spain declares that it eannot give
its ceneent to the PraneoGerniatt
agreement about Morocco, but it seem*
likely that France and Germany will
have to worry along without Spain'*
consent to the arrangement,
The Supreme Court of the District
of Columbia upholds the con.stitutioue
ality of the antabucket shop law pass-
ed by Congreas. But the ease le by no
means ended, The interests opposed to
the law have a great length of legal
The British law requires persons in
charge of automobiles to pry licensee
granted. on proof of competency to man.
age the 'machines. In New York State
chauffeurs must pass an examination.
Some itch measure is muelt needed 1*
Begging as all industry ie not always
unprofitable, Michael Sullivan, a Saa
'Promisee mendieatit for thirty-five years,
found dead 111 hie hoyel a short time
ago, left bank kooks showing over $500,
000 on deposit. Sullivan left a will be-
qtteathing Ids hoard to it (sister fa
'Utica, N. Y.
• Au Inventor out in prohibitalTaris eas
has produced a solid whiskey. It was
his hope that his product would escape
Inland Revenue taxes, but the depart-
ment proposes to lay upon the solid alz
coholle product emtetly as if it were
The motor taxicab companies in Lon-
don are said to be losing money, The
same complaint comes from New York,
where it Cab at Tail Company has just
gone into bankruptcy, with liabilities of
53,073,964, and assets of $583,429. The
business appears to be overdone; as the
rates are steep enough,
During the six months ended with
October Clyde ship builders launched 22
vessels aggregating 60,000 tons, and for
the year 218 vessels aggregating 493,000
tone. This is the third highest year
recorded, and only About 17,000 tont
less than the zaaxinium.
Persia has long been a buffer state,
being divided into tavo spheres of WM-
ence, British and Russian. Now there Is
furtheatrouble kenning 111), and limpet's
and British troops have been sent into
• the country. It appears probable that
Persia will also be divided tIttimstetT In-
to two parts, one of which will be Rus-
sian and one British.
The cause of woman's rights progrese.
es. In New York City hereafter, wome
school teachers will receive equal pay
with men teachers for equal work. The
arrangement will make an increase of
$3,134,940.1n the elementary schools, aud
5372,480,10 the high .sehools. The Board
of Education expects that the &sage
will result in a great inereaSe in Um
number of male teachers employed.
Andrew Carnegie has given $25,000,-
000 to the Carnegie corporation of New
York to promote the advancement and
diffusion of knowledge in the United
States. It will take over the establish-
meht end aiding of libraries, technical
education, scientifie research, hero fund,
etc. This arrangement will provide for
the continuation of the work after Mr.
scene. negle shall have passed from the
The report of the British, Postmaster*
General gives the following figures of
the year's businees: Letters, 3,647,-
500,000; postcards, 871,400,000; half-
penny packets, 1,044,100,000; news-
papers, 190,300,000; weeds, 121,8Q00
000. Vital, 6,281,100,000. There wae
big falling off in the telegraph end of
the busidess which still shows a Iteavy
deficit. About 170,000 fewer telegrams
were sent out: and the decline Would
have been greater but for the poem]
electime which furnished over 1,000,000
tvorae he it fortnight. Telephone calls
inereimed in London; het not eat)*
10 balariee the account,
•••••••••.•••••••111.14P,.......a• •
A. Montreal judge has beld that a
munitipal torporation tarrying (nit Odli-
struction worke on its own aceoant felle
under the restrictions of the set gov-
erning responsibility of employers and
is liable to the employee for damages
Ia ehief of works. The judge deolered
that "the law of eorapensation for
vrorkinett ie it inedeen twelution of an
olii principle Of morale And (brattiest
charity, which imposed on the employer,
no matter what lie wee, whether it
builder, a nuteufaeturer, it merehmet,
Or hiMply the hese). of a houeehold,
duty to aid Ide employees, Ids woritiCeni
eves( his gervartte, to WhoM alt ereitket
happened in the tett* of welt being
tented on in his interests."