The Wingham Advance, 1911-09-14, Page 5THURSDAY, EPTEM13ER 14, 1911 ,1„ H E WINGITAM A D 1' IA N O „il'# Model 71, The Athletic Style. One of the very smartest of the new three buttoned styles. Note the wide shoulders, 'handsorme lapels, full chest effect, shapely skirt and new cuff. Bench tailored by expert needlemen. A large range of cloths to choose from. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS ea. MEN'S FURNISHERS MISLEADING THE FARMER. Farmers who read The Weekly Sun and other pzo reciprocity papa's should, beware of the misleading use of figures and schedules made in pre- senting the reciprocity case. For ex- ample, The Weekly Sun 'heads a USE of changes, "Where the farmer Stands to Gain in Buying." The list at a glance shows such items as "On bindery from 174 per cent, to 15 per cent, ; on horse rakes, from 20 per cent, to 15 per cent. ; belie and gongs, 30 per Dent. to 271 per cent., Many are persuaded that recipro- city will bring about what these fig- ures appear to promise, and will be surprised to learn that the cut in each case is not from 20 to 15 per cent., or from 30 to 27a per cent., but merely 5 per ceut. or 24 per cent„ as the ease may be, the duty being reduced, not the cut being made in prices, from 30 to 271. If the farmer thinks he is going to get a cut of 15 or 20 per cent. on implement prices he is simply trialed. DOMINION ELECTION, 1908. Following are the official returns of the last Federal Election in the South Riding of Bruce. Lib. Con. McKenzie Donnelly maj. maj. 351 486 135 308 450 142 218 274 26 285 240 45 201 395 194 330 325 295 192 231 261 212 129 126 89 116 83 109 78 Brant I Garrick Elderslie ... Culross !Greenock IHuron I Kinloss ... Walkerton I Chesley ... 1 Lucknow 'Paisley Teeswater•. 2812 3005 2812 Con. Maj 193 0000000000000000000000000 FARM AND FIELD HINTS ON THE CPU OF CULTD'IIE Well to Ilave a Special Box to Keep Mother Culture In. It is well to have a special box in which to keep the mother culture. Thisbox should be well insulated in order that a uniform temperature may be maintained. Such a box can be. made by anyone, and will he found to be invaluable in maintaining a uni- form temperature. The atmosphere in the make room often varies 30 or 40 degrees or more in 20 hours. Under such conditions unless protected in an insulated box, there can be little hope of having a uniform culture Prole day to day. If the temperature of the cul- ture one day le at 90 and the next day at 70 or below, one might do his best with the culture and get very indifferent results. One needs to use much judgment as to what is likely to take place un- der varying conditions; find out how much the culture does change, and then "set" accordingly. With milk or cream at a high temperature, set more sparingly, at a low temperature set more heavily once having found the right method, stick to it. Do not change from day to day. If the culture goes wrong, get a fresh one. It is practically impos- b 1 le to bring it back by setting less• s at least, such a practice is unsatis- factory, and is not to be recommend- ed. If ouE could keep a culture for long periods, set more lightly and maintain the temperature about five degrees lower. It is not well to place it on the ice save in the case of it being too ripe late on in tho day, 5 i and one was not yet ready to use it. 103 In our cream gathering creameries, 33 our greatest trouble comes through 83 thick cream delivered in an over -ripe 37 condition and in being unable to keep 33 ripe culture and have the proper 31 «favor from day to day. BABY'S TERRIBLE ECZEMA. Hands Tied To Prevent Scratching. Five Doctors' Failed To Relieve, But Zam-Buk Worked A Cure. Mrs. Chas. Levere of Prescott, North Channel, Ont., tells how Zam-Buk cured her baby. She says : "My baby's head and face was one complete mass of sores, The itching and irritation were fearful, and the little one's blight was so serious that one time we feared her ears would be eaten off by the disease. "We had to keep her hands tied for days to prevent her rubbing and scratching the sores. Doctor after doc- tor treated her in vain. until we had had five doctors. They all agreed it was a frightful case of eczema, bat none of them did any permanent good. . As a Last resource ,we were advised to try Zara-Buk. The first box did so much good that we felt sure we were at last working in the right direction. We persevered with the treatment un- til we had used thirteen boxes, had at the end of that time I am glad to say Zam-Buk had Effected a complete core." For eczema, eruptions, rashes, tet- ter, itch, ringworm and similar skin diseases, Zam-Buk is without equal. It also cures cuts, burns, scalds, biles, scalds, piles, abscesses, chronic sores, blood poison, etc. All druggists and stores at 50c a box, or post free for price from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Refuse imitations. The Directors of the East Huron Agricultural Society are planning for the biggest and best fair ever held in Brussels. Dates are Thursday al d Friday, Oct. 5 and 0. WREN THE HORSE GROWS OLD. Some horses never seem to grow old, but are able to perform much work up to the age of twenty-five years, declares a writer in the Amer- ican Cultivator. With proper care and treatment the old horse is able to stand a great deal of work and for light work is worth just as much as a much younger animal. If offered for sale, of course the old horse will not bring a very large price. But if horses are to be serviceable until a good old age they' must re- ceive the very best of care and treat- ment at all times. They must not be neglected at any time, whether work- ing or idle. The old 'horse does not always get proper attention in regard to feed. He cannot masticate some kinds of food, especially corn, thoroughly, nor can he eat his ration in as short a time as can a young animal whose teeth are - sound. So unless some ground grain is provided for him and he is given sufficient time to eat -his meals when being worked, ho will fall to get the full benefit of his food and in a short time will begin to lose flesh and strength.- When trength:When the horse begins to grow old give him just as good care as you did when he was young, and he will more than pay for his feed and care by the work which he can perform. RATION FOR GROWING PIGS It is impossible for any one to say what is the best ration for growing pigs The feeding capacity of one dif- fers from another. We have been feeding for years, yet are all the time looking and anticipating some way to produce better results, writes a farmer. Sometimes we think we are feeding more grain than neces- sary; then again we think we are not feeding enough. As a rule, more pigs are underfed than overfed. We find a good ration for developing youngsters is five pounds of 0, P. oilmeal, ten pounds of wheat bran or middings, fifteen pounds of cornmeal and one pound of salt well mixed in a barrel with milk and warm water, feeding all they will eat up clean morning and night. If you have apples, cab- bage or roots feed them at noon. After they have eaters their evening slop feed them one pound of corn to each pound of live weight of pigs. Ground wheat, barley or oats an be substituted for a portion of the bran and middlings if desired. 1 I 11 I I I I I!III 1111 "Uniformity is a big word, Bud." "I 'spect it's because it means a lot, Rose." Steady—Regular--Dependable Quality' there's the FIVE ROSES idea. No bad dreams bakeday eves -- the morning batch "flat" instead of "up." So very exasperating, you knows to get less loaves this week than' last -from the same quantities. FIVE ROSES is the sure flour -- reliable,' you see. No wrinkling worries over bread, or cakes, or pies, or' anything. Bake things always up eo Me mark of your happy. expectations. Disappointment—never." Four times Uniform --Strength, Color, Flavor, too, and Yield. 11V} ROSES--troubit proof flown, Use FIVE ROSES alwayst 111'_ 09l Rln�gllBwn� 1 ill , 11111111111 �I� 'U IIlIIIIIII11(iIIIIIIIIII1IiIIIIIIIIIillll 1111II I li IIIIII1I111IIIIIIIIIIIfI 111111111111111""""1111111 1 1 ",nf1 { j uu 11 i VI 11 11 11IIIII11I11II1°"""'01 iIII�ui1611I11IIIIlilll{il91ilIIIII1 !'iII ` w I I r 1 1 v a f��ii lilllil1111tI11.8IiN,�11I 14 . .�, ii 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111!111'11 1'111111111 rROINTS ABOUT TKE DEAL.'- -- SIX i` LET LAURIER FINISH HIS WORK. The Grand Trunk Pacific Scheme le a Direct Result of the Abandon- ment of Reciprocity •r;, ne JOHN v, BONNE. a 4 Always when a country adopts a new and definite line of policy, some Special, tremendous work is under- taken, which embodies that policy and becomes its, monument. That is as Inevitable ria that day should follow night, It nfay be undertaken by mem- bers of the community, whose efforts may coalesce in several enterprises, or the Government itself may launch some scheme in the name of the coun- try. Canada furnishes two outstanding examples of this. The logical outcome of Confederation was an ocean -to - ocean Canada, The logical necessity of an ocean -to -ocean Canada was an ocean -to -ocean railway. The Canadian Pacific had to be, It was first under- taken by the Government, and was then committed to private hands, with. Government assistance. When the abandonment of the Re- ciprocity idea was so quickly succeed- ed by a marvelous expansion of busi- ness, and, as Sir Wilfrid Laurier said, "We now'but all our hopes upon the British trade," the policy of fiscal in- dependence had its sequel in a vast engine designed to establish that in- dependence—the National Transconti- nental Railway—which is to be oper- ated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way, to which the backing of the pub- lic treasury was liberally given. The general election of 1904 was fought on the wisdom of the Grand Trunk Pacific and National Trans- continental bargain, which was the Government's method of carrying to its logical end the repeal of the Reci- procity offer, and of implementing the Premier's announcement to the Im- perial Conference, that Canada was devoted to East -and -West trade. The election was won by the Gov- ernment, and the railway was begun. In 1908 the Government went to the country again—not on the wisdom of the bargain, but on 'the necessity of completing the job. "Let Laurier finish his work," was the victorious slogan. The work is not finished. Another In competition with it has been be- gun. POINTS ABOUT THE DEAL `SEVEN BEWARE THE COMPETITOR :Sir Wilfrid Said, "Heaven Grant That 1 It Be Not Already Too Late" By JOHN V. BORNE. A great deal has'been said for and against the contention that in making ,a reciprocity agreement without con- sulting the people the Dominion Gov- ernment reversed its established pol- icy. Those who say the Liberal party was always committed to Reciprocity, forget that the transcontinental rail- way policy was based on the aban- donment of reciprocity, and that the general election of 1904, won by the Government, was the strongest en- dorsement of the abandonment .of Re- ciprocity the country could give; for it authorized the Government to spend large sums of money to make new 'channels of East and West trade, whidh Reciprocity would have ren- dered unnecessary. Listen to the Prime Minister justi- fying the great scheme:— ` A railway to extend from the shores tot the Atlantic Ocean to the shores of the Pacific Ocean, and to be, every inch .of it, on Canadian soil, is a natidnal as a well as a commercial necessity. That such a road must be built, that it is, in the language which I have used, a national and a commercial necessity, that it Is a corollary of our status as a nation, that it is a requisite of our commercial develoment, is a proposi- tion to which, up to this moment, I have heard no dissent. . . • We consider that it is the duty of all those who sit within these walls by the will of the people, to provide im- mediate means whereby the products of those new settlers may find an exit to the ocean at the least possible cost, and whereby; likewise, a market may be found in this new region for those who toil in the forests, in the fields, in the mines, in the shops of the old Pro- vinces. Such is our duty: it is imme- diate and imperative. It is not for to- morrow, but of,this day, of this hour, and ofthis minute. Heaven grant that it be not already too late; heaven grant that whilst we tarry and dispute the trade of Canada is not deviated to other channels ,and that an ever vigi- lant competitor does not take to him- self the trade that properly belongs to those who acknowledge Canada as their native or their adopted land. . . POINTS ABOUT THE DEAL. EIGHT ltlrIMINI CANADA'S INDEPENDENCE The Finance Minister Would Have Built a Third Transcontinental to Emphasize It By JOHN V. BORNE. Though the Prime Minister always speaks for the Government, great im- portance attaches to the deelaratiotis of their Ministers: and, where big ex- penditures aro concerned, especially ,to the Minister of Finance, Me. Field- ing. In turning from the United States Mr. Fielding was as thoroughgoing as this Chief. He told the House of Com- ,>atons: It Is desirable that we should gilt° our American brethren to understand .that Canada is resolved to work Out her independence in these things, that the Present proposal will promote this object, and that even if still another railway should be necessary we shall be prepared to construct it. The atti- tude that the Government has taken upon this subject. has already attracted touch attention across the 'border, and there is a much keener eppreclation of Canada's independence than ever before. s, You v{III at once be struck by the clearness of the .allusion to the de- sirability of achieving independence of the United States. Why should there be this persistent appearance of the United States in the speeches of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Mr. Fielding, insisting upon the building of a rail- way that was not to approach the. United States border line? Thera was no proposal to build, the lino north and south instead et east and' west. It could only be because some cone dition that formerly affected the re- lations of Canada with the United' States had undergone a change. What{ was it? You may search the records' of the times in vain for the slightest, proof that there had been any ques-: tion between the two countries which; could be a factor in Canada's embarka- tion on a vast commercial enterprise„ except one—and that was the ques tion of reciprocity. Sir Wilfrid Laurier had led the Lib- erals who in 1891 desired unrestricted reciprocity. Mr. Fielding when Pre- mier of Nova Scotia had kept an open. door for his Province's withdrawal from Confederation, because it was thought better to trade with the United States than with the rest of Canada. Especially to them, there- fore, the new transcontinental railway scheme was a confirmation of the abandonment of the reciprocal idea; and their assertion of the Fiscal Inde- pendence of Canada was consequently all the more definite and clearcut. Jas. Walker +S. Son WINt1MANt UNDERTAKERS RS We are tpeolnlly qualified Under• kers and Iantsatmers and those takers their work tot may rely on it being even done. ZOOS balls received at residenoe: 01uoe Phobos Ike Rotase Phone 1St POINTS ABOUT THE DEAL. NINE LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE Means Just About the Same as "Let Laurier Finish His Work" By JOHN V. BORNE. In reality there is not much differ- ence between "Let Laurier Finish His Work" and "Let well enough alone." Mr. Fielding has sneered at "Let well enough alone." He has read into it the meaning that Canada should be content with the commercial progress alreatly made. "Let Laurier Finish His Work" meant "Let the Government complete the project which is intended to en- large and consolidate trade between the provinces and trade with• Great Britain." "Let well enough alone" means "Let us not turn aside from the develop- ment of Canada on the lines that have proved our ability to be independent of the United States; and which are the best guarantee that our expendi- ture of $200,000,000 on a railway that is to strengthen this independence will not be prejudiced." How important is the work by which Sir Wilfrid Laurier wishes to be judged—the work which arose directly out of the abandonment of recipro- city—may be judged by the Minister of Railways' statement on March 10th, 1911, as to the cost of the National Transcontinental, which is being built from Mouton, New Brunswick, to Winnipeg -1,804 miles:— Cost of work done to Decem- ber 31st, 1910 $94,580,500 Estimated cost of work re- quired to complete 50,758,200 $145,339,700 The figures, which do not include interest charges during construction, work out at $80,565 per mile. At the end of January, 1911, the total per- centage of work done on all contracts was 67.62 per cent.—roughly, two- thirds. These figures do not include a cent of the Government's obligations for the Grand Trunk Pacific from Winni- peg to Prince Rupert. POINTS ABOUT THE DEAL. TEN TI1E EVER=VIGILANT COMPETITOR How the Government Spends Milllond to Keep j-lim Out and Then Brings Him In By JOHN V. BORNE. Yearly interest, at four per cent.; on the cost of the National Transconti-; nental Railway will be $3,200 per mfle,f roughly, five and three-quarter million dollars a year. Having been in business thirty years the Canadian Pacific Railway, after meeting operating expenses, has to find $901 per mile for fixed charges,, before it can pay dividends. On an average of 65 per cent. of its earnings are absorbed by operating expenses. If the National Transcontinental can begin with an equally good proportion of earnings to expenses, it will need to earn, in order to pay its fixed charges, $16,000,000 a year, in an empty country, which is being opened up entirely to enlarge east and west trade and trade with Great Britain. This is exclusive of the earnings of the Grand Trunk Pacific beyond Win- nipeg. There are two 'dominant reasons why the Government's predictions about its great railway should be rea- lized, both of which make the earning capacity of the railway a matter of extraordinary importance to the Cana- dian people. The first is that the people must pay the interest on the cost, whether the railway earns it or not, and there- fore, every taxpayer has a direct re- sponsibility for making the line pro- fitable. The second is that, if the Transcon- tinental cannot make both ends meet out of earnings, and the public tree, sury has to be drawn on, Canadian credit will be seriously prejudiced, be- cause, for the first time in the Twen- tieth Century (which Sir Wilfrid Laurier proclaimed to bo Canada's Century) a groat new transportation undertaking in the Dominion will fail to be selfsupporting, with obvious effeet on the further supply of capital for Canadian development. The Prime Minister was afraid the National Transcontinental might be too late against the "ever -vigilant competitor to the south." Reclproeity gives the competitor a three years' start of the Transcontinental Reiiway which WAS to defeat hint. —111r, Warnes Archibald of Seaforth o nsbi s as a over these t w Is known all p big buyer of horses. 110 has always voted Liberal, hat is so strongly op- posed to Reciprocity that he le work. Ing against it. He says that the ire- moval of the duty would so "flood the t a 'class n West with chew h Canadian per of horses from across the line that theme would be a great drop in the dentafsd for acrd the price of the Huron horse. L vitation Arrival Of New Fall Goods We wish every woman in Winghaln and the surrounding country would come and see the handsome New Suits, Goats, Skirts, Furs, Gowns, Dressing Sacques, Wrappers, Dresses, &c., now on display. To every woman who has an interest in Better Clothes,. we extend a most cordial in- to come, see and try on. We will not urge you to buy. Buy Your New Fall Dress • or Suit Now. Having bought a large shipment of Dress. Goods at a rate on the dollar—imported goods held in bond, re the Fitzgibbon Co., of Montreal, in Liquidation, these High Class Dress Goods are now on sale and will be sold quickly, a rare chance to save from 25 to 35 per cent. on New Fall Dress Goods. H. E. Isard & Co. WINGHAM •a� WINGHAM FALL FAIR THURSDAY & FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 28-29, 1911. Friday Afternoon, Sept. 29th. HORSE RACES 2,40 TROT OR PACE. Prizes—$40, $20, $12, $8. GREEN HORSE RACE. Prizes --$10, $6, $4. The naming of horses in the Green Race has been left with a corn- niittee. All entries in races must be made with Chas. Knechtel, at his harness shop, not later than noon on the 20th of 4eptember. Parties entering in Green Race and Running Race must be members of the Society, and in 2 40 class entrance fee is 5 per cent, of purse. American i'uleb to govern. . SPECIAL PRIZES Cha'. Knechtel is giving a special prize of $22 for the best two- year-old Fillies or Geldings in Heavy Draught, Agricultural and General Purpose classes. Prize divided—$10, $0, $4, $2. Thos, Kew is giving a special prize of $10 for best two-year-old. Fillies or Geldings in carriage and roadster classes, Prize divided -115, $3, $2. Animals competing in above two specials are to be judged in front of the grand stand at 2 o'clock sharp. Thos. Keay also gives a $2 whalebone whip to the best single driver, road or carriage. All harness horses are to be judged in front of grand stand and all prize winning horses are to take part in parade in front of grand stand before close of Pair. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PARADE.—There will be a parade of the pupils of Windham Public School and neighboring schools from Winghanl Public School building to the fair grounds, headed by the Bands. Parade will leave School at 12 45 o'clock sharp. WINGHAM CITIZENS" BAND AND LUCKNOW PIPE BAND WILL FURNISH MUSIC DURING AFTERNOON Admission to ("rounds, 25c. Children, 10c. 'Vehicles, 25e. REDUCED RATES ON RAILWAYS CONCERT—Sept. 29th A high-class Concert will be given in Opera house in the evening of Friday, Sept. 20th. The following well-known artists will give the pro. prang :—Harry lennett and Bert. Harvey, Comedians ; Miss Pearl O'Neil, the entertainer, as well ae members. of Pipe Band. This will snake one of the best conec'rte ever held in Winghani.. Admission -25c and 8,10.s D Plan of Hall at McKibbor'rug Store. WM. MAXWELL li. f. ELLIOTT 1ntE51DICNT SE00TREASURER . - ...=.._=.=.________- ,-. _.__,_. _1w,,, = i.. ®,wk'..— t. k' . - — TON' Capital Paid Up $ 2,750,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits . 3,150,000 Total Assets 40,000,000 4 ; . r•"' - 4j- - - In an age of extravagenoe, the thrifty forge sorely abead—while their less pro- --fa neighbors accumulate debts. Many a thrifty man or woman can point to the first decided step in life as having been taken the day a bank account was opened. .A. Savings Account in the Bank of Hamilton will prove a sure incentive toward thrift. t_}_1�' C. P. SMITH, Agent - WINGHAM is nfqii? ss 1i d �g S,e ??�,, 1,f3 a, {r itSea l i $ d _ x Y �,, t a '' /.�vident . , i � ' iii mel, l a r, , Ste.'' MISLEADING THE FARMER. Farmers who read The Weekly Sun and other pzo reciprocity papa's should, beware of the misleading use of figures and schedules made in pre- senting the reciprocity case. For ex- ample, The Weekly Sun 'heads a USE of changes, "Where the farmer Stands to Gain in Buying." The list at a glance shows such items as "On bindery from 174 per cent, to 15 per cent, ; on horse rakes, from 20 per cent, to 15 per cent. ; belie and gongs, 30 per Dent. to 271 per cent., Many are persuaded that recipro- city will bring about what these fig- ures appear to promise, and will be surprised to learn that the cut in each case is not from 20 to 15 per cent., or from 30 to 27a per cent., but merely 5 per ceut. or 24 per cent„ as the ease may be, the duty being reduced, not the cut being made in prices, from 30 to 271. If the farmer thinks he is going to get a cut of 15 or 20 per cent. on implement prices he is simply trialed. DOMINION ELECTION, 1908. Following are the official returns of the last Federal Election in the South Riding of Bruce. Lib. Con. McKenzie Donnelly maj. maj. 351 486 135 308 450 142 218 274 26 285 240 45 201 395 194 330 325 295 192 231 261 212 129 126 89 116 83 109 78 Brant I Garrick Elderslie ... Culross !Greenock IHuron I Kinloss ... Walkerton I Chesley ... 1 Lucknow 'Paisley Teeswater•. 2812 3005 2812 Con. Maj 193 0000000000000000000000000 FARM AND FIELD HINTS ON THE CPU OF CULTD'IIE Well to Ilave a Special Box to Keep Mother Culture In. It is well to have a special box in which to keep the mother culture. Thisbox should be well insulated in order that a uniform temperature may be maintained. Such a box can be. made by anyone, and will he found to be invaluable in maintaining a uni- form temperature. The atmosphere in the make room often varies 30 or 40 degrees or more in 20 hours. Under such conditions unless protected in an insulated box, there can be little hope of having a uniform culture Prole day to day. If the temperature of the cul- ture one day le at 90 and the next day at 70 or below, one might do his best with the culture and get very indifferent results. One needs to use much judgment as to what is likely to take place un- der varying conditions; find out how much the culture does change, and then "set" accordingly. With milk or cream at a high temperature, set more sparingly, at a low temperature set more heavily once having found the right method, stick to it. Do not change from day to day. If the culture goes wrong, get a fresh one. It is practically impos- b 1 le to bring it back by setting less• s at least, such a practice is unsatis- factory, and is not to be recommend- ed. If ouE could keep a culture for long periods, set more lightly and maintain the temperature about five degrees lower. It is not well to place it on the ice save in the case of it being too ripe late on in tho day, 5 i and one was not yet ready to use it. 103 In our cream gathering creameries, 33 our greatest trouble comes through 83 thick cream delivered in an over -ripe 37 condition and in being unable to keep 33 ripe culture and have the proper 31 «favor from day to day. BABY'S TERRIBLE ECZEMA. Hands Tied To Prevent Scratching. Five Doctors' Failed To Relieve, But Zam-Buk Worked A Cure. Mrs. Chas. Levere of Prescott, North Channel, Ont., tells how Zam-Buk cured her baby. She says : "My baby's head and face was one complete mass of sores, The itching and irritation were fearful, and the little one's blight was so serious that one time we feared her ears would be eaten off by the disease. "We had to keep her hands tied for days to prevent her rubbing and scratching the sores. Doctor after doc- tor treated her in vain. until we had had five doctors. They all agreed it was a frightful case of eczema, bat none of them did any permanent good. . As a Last resource ,we were advised to try Zara-Buk. The first box did so much good that we felt sure we were at last working in the right direction. We persevered with the treatment un- til we had used thirteen boxes, had at the end of that time I am glad to say Zam-Buk had Effected a complete core." For eczema, eruptions, rashes, tet- ter, itch, ringworm and similar skin diseases, Zam-Buk is without equal. It also cures cuts, burns, scalds, biles, scalds, piles, abscesses, chronic sores, blood poison, etc. All druggists and stores at 50c a box, or post free for price from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Refuse imitations. The Directors of the East Huron Agricultural Society are planning for the biggest and best fair ever held in Brussels. Dates are Thursday al d Friday, Oct. 5 and 0. WREN THE HORSE GROWS OLD. Some horses never seem to grow old, but are able to perform much work up to the age of twenty-five years, declares a writer in the Amer- ican Cultivator. With proper care and treatment the old horse is able to stand a great deal of work and for light work is worth just as much as a much younger animal. If offered for sale, of course the old horse will not bring a very large price. But if horses are to be serviceable until a good old age they' must re- ceive the very best of care and treat- ment at all times. They must not be neglected at any time, whether work- ing or idle. The old 'horse does not always get proper attention in regard to feed. He cannot masticate some kinds of food, especially corn, thoroughly, nor can he eat his ration in as short a time as can a young animal whose teeth are - sound. So unless some ground grain is provided for him and he is given sufficient time to eat -his meals when being worked, ho will fall to get the full benefit of his food and in a short time will begin to lose flesh and strength.- When trength:When the horse begins to grow old give him just as good care as you did when he was young, and he will more than pay for his feed and care by the work which he can perform. RATION FOR GROWING PIGS It is impossible for any one to say what is the best ration for growing pigs The feeding capacity of one dif- fers from another. We have been feeding for years, yet are all the time looking and anticipating some way to produce better results, writes a farmer. Sometimes we think we are feeding more grain than neces- sary; then again we think we are not feeding enough. As a rule, more pigs are underfed than overfed. We find a good ration for developing youngsters is five pounds of 0, P. oilmeal, ten pounds of wheat bran or middings, fifteen pounds of cornmeal and one pound of salt well mixed in a barrel with milk and warm water, feeding all they will eat up clean morning and night. If you have apples, cab- bage or roots feed them at noon. After they have eaters their evening slop feed them one pound of corn to each pound of live weight of pigs. Ground wheat, barley or oats an be substituted for a portion of the bran and middlings if desired. 1 I 11 I I I I I!III 1111 "Uniformity is a big word, Bud." "I 'spect it's because it means a lot, Rose." Steady—Regular--Dependable Quality' there's the FIVE ROSES idea. No bad dreams bakeday eves -- the morning batch "flat" instead of "up." So very exasperating, you knows to get less loaves this week than' last -from the same quantities. FIVE ROSES is the sure flour -- reliable,' you see. No wrinkling worries over bread, or cakes, or pies, or' anything. Bake things always up eo Me mark of your happy. expectations. Disappointment—never." Four times Uniform --Strength, Color, Flavor, too, and Yield. 11V} ROSES--troubit proof flown, Use FIVE ROSES alwayst 111'_ 09l Rln�gllBwn� 1 ill , 11111111111 �I� 'U IIlIIIIIII11(iIIIIIIIIII1IiIIIIIIIIIillll 1111II I li IIIIII1I111IIIIIIIIIIIfI 111111111111111""""1111111 1 1 ",nf1 { j uu 11 i VI 11 11 11IIIII11I11II1°"""'01 iIII�ui1611I11IIIIlilll{il91ilIIIII1 !'iII ` w I I r 1 1 v a f��ii lilllil1111tI11.8IiN,�11I 14 . .�, ii 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111!111'11 1'111111111 rROINTS ABOUT TKE DEAL.'- -- SIX i` LET LAURIER FINISH HIS WORK. The Grand Trunk Pacific Scheme le a Direct Result of the Abandon- ment of Reciprocity •r;, ne JOHN v, BONNE. a 4 Always when a country adopts a new and definite line of policy, some Special, tremendous work is under- taken, which embodies that policy and becomes its, monument. That is as Inevitable ria that day should follow night, It nfay be undertaken by mem- bers of the community, whose efforts may coalesce in several enterprises, or the Government itself may launch some scheme in the name of the coun- try. Canada furnishes two outstanding examples of this. The logical outcome of Confederation was an ocean -to - ocean Canada, The logical necessity of an ocean -to -ocean Canada was an ocean -to -ocean railway. The Canadian Pacific had to be, It was first under- taken by the Government, and was then committed to private hands, with. Government assistance. When the abandonment of the Re- ciprocity idea was so quickly succeed- ed by a marvelous expansion of busi- ness, and, as Sir Wilfrid Laurier said, "We now'but all our hopes upon the British trade," the policy of fiscal in- dependence had its sequel in a vast engine designed to establish that in- dependence—the National Transconti- nental Railway—which is to be oper- ated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way, to which the backing of the pub- lic treasury was liberally given. The general election of 1904 was fought on the wisdom of the Grand Trunk Pacific and National Trans- continental bargain, which was the Government's method of carrying to its logical end the repeal of the Reci- procity offer, and of implementing the Premier's announcement to the Im- perial Conference, that Canada was devoted to East -and -West trade. The election was won by the Gov- ernment, and the railway was begun. In 1908 the Government went to the country again—not on the wisdom of the bargain, but on 'the necessity of completing the job. "Let Laurier finish his work," was the victorious slogan. The work is not finished. Another In competition with it has been be- gun. POINTS ABOUT THE DEAL `SEVEN BEWARE THE COMPETITOR :Sir Wilfrid Said, "Heaven Grant That 1 It Be Not Already Too Late" By JOHN V. BORNE. A great deal has'been said for and against the contention that in making ,a reciprocity agreement without con- sulting the people the Dominion Gov- ernment reversed its established pol- icy. Those who say the Liberal party was always committed to Reciprocity, forget that the transcontinental rail- way policy was based on the aban- donment of reciprocity, and that the general election of 1904, won by the Government, was the strongest en- dorsement of the abandonment .of Re- ciprocity the country could give; for it authorized the Government to spend large sums of money to make new 'channels of East and West trade, whidh Reciprocity would have ren- dered unnecessary. Listen to the Prime Minister justi- fying the great scheme:— ` A railway to extend from the shores tot the Atlantic Ocean to the shores of the Pacific Ocean, and to be, every inch .of it, on Canadian soil, is a natidnal as a well as a commercial necessity. That such a road must be built, that it is, in the language which I have used, a national and a commercial necessity, that it Is a corollary of our status as a nation, that it is a requisite of our commercial develoment, is a proposi- tion to which, up to this moment, I have heard no dissent. . . • We consider that it is the duty of all those who sit within these walls by the will of the people, to provide im- mediate means whereby the products of those new settlers may find an exit to the ocean at the least possible cost, and whereby; likewise, a market may be found in this new region for those who toil in the forests, in the fields, in the mines, in the shops of the old Pro- vinces. Such is our duty: it is imme- diate and imperative. It is not for to- morrow, but of,this day, of this hour, and ofthis minute. Heaven grant that it be not already too late; heaven grant that whilst we tarry and dispute the trade of Canada is not deviated to other channels ,and that an ever vigi- lant competitor does not take to him- self the trade that properly belongs to those who acknowledge Canada as their native or their adopted land. . . POINTS ABOUT THE DEAL. EIGHT ltlrIMINI CANADA'S INDEPENDENCE The Finance Minister Would Have Built a Third Transcontinental to Emphasize It By JOHN V. BORNE. Though the Prime Minister always speaks for the Government, great im- portance attaches to the deelaratiotis of their Ministers: and, where big ex- penditures aro concerned, especially ,to the Minister of Finance, Me. Field- ing. In turning from the United States Mr. Fielding was as thoroughgoing as this Chief. He told the House of Com- ,>atons: It Is desirable that we should gilt° our American brethren to understand .that Canada is resolved to work Out her independence in these things, that the Present proposal will promote this object, and that even if still another railway should be necessary we shall be prepared to construct it. The atti- tude that the Government has taken upon this subject. has already attracted touch attention across the 'border, and there is a much keener eppreclation of Canada's independence than ever before. s, You v{III at once be struck by the clearness of the .allusion to the de- sirability of achieving independence of the United States. Why should there be this persistent appearance of the United States in the speeches of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Mr. Fielding, insisting upon the building of a rail- way that was not to approach the. United States border line? Thera was no proposal to build, the lino north and south instead et east and' west. It could only be because some cone dition that formerly affected the re- lations of Canada with the United' States had undergone a change. What{ was it? You may search the records' of the times in vain for the slightest, proof that there had been any ques-: tion between the two countries which; could be a factor in Canada's embarka- tion on a vast commercial enterprise„ except one—and that was the ques tion of reciprocity. Sir Wilfrid Laurier had led the Lib- erals who in 1891 desired unrestricted reciprocity. Mr. Fielding when Pre- mier of Nova Scotia had kept an open. door for his Province's withdrawal from Confederation, because it was thought better to trade with the United States than with the rest of Canada. Especially to them, there- fore, the new transcontinental railway scheme was a confirmation of the abandonment of the reciprocal idea; and their assertion of the Fiscal Inde- pendence of Canada was consequently all the more definite and clearcut. Jas. Walker +S. Son WINt1MANt UNDERTAKERS RS We are tpeolnlly qualified Under• kers and Iantsatmers and those takers their work tot may rely on it being even done. ZOOS balls received at residenoe: 01uoe Phobos Ike Rotase Phone 1St POINTS ABOUT THE DEAL. NINE LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE Means Just About the Same as "Let Laurier Finish His Work" By JOHN V. BORNE. In reality there is not much differ- ence between "Let Laurier Finish His Work" and "Let well enough alone." Mr. Fielding has sneered at "Let well enough alone." He has read into it the meaning that Canada should be content with the commercial progress alreatly made. "Let Laurier Finish His Work" meant "Let the Government complete the project which is intended to en- large and consolidate trade between the provinces and trade with• Great Britain." "Let well enough alone" means "Let us not turn aside from the develop- ment of Canada on the lines that have proved our ability to be independent of the United States; and which are the best guarantee that our expendi- ture of $200,000,000 on a railway that is to strengthen this independence will not be prejudiced." How important is the work by which Sir Wilfrid Laurier wishes to be judged—the work which arose directly out of the abandonment of recipro- city—may be judged by the Minister of Railways' statement on March 10th, 1911, as to the cost of the National Transcontinental, which is being built from Mouton, New Brunswick, to Winnipeg -1,804 miles:— Cost of work done to Decem- ber 31st, 1910 $94,580,500 Estimated cost of work re- quired to complete 50,758,200 $145,339,700 The figures, which do not include interest charges during construction, work out at $80,565 per mile. At the end of January, 1911, the total per- centage of work done on all contracts was 67.62 per cent.—roughly, two- thirds. These figures do not include a cent of the Government's obligations for the Grand Trunk Pacific from Winni- peg to Prince Rupert. POINTS ABOUT THE DEAL. TEN TI1E EVER=VIGILANT COMPETITOR How the Government Spends Milllond to Keep j-lim Out and Then Brings Him In By JOHN V. BORNE. Yearly interest, at four per cent.; on the cost of the National Transconti-; nental Railway will be $3,200 per mfle,f roughly, five and three-quarter million dollars a year. Having been in business thirty years the Canadian Pacific Railway, after meeting operating expenses, has to find $901 per mile for fixed charges,, before it can pay dividends. On an average of 65 per cent. of its earnings are absorbed by operating expenses. If the National Transcontinental can begin with an equally good proportion of earnings to expenses, it will need to earn, in order to pay its fixed charges, $16,000,000 a year, in an empty country, which is being opened up entirely to enlarge east and west trade and trade with Great Britain. This is exclusive of the earnings of the Grand Trunk Pacific beyond Win- nipeg. There are two 'dominant reasons why the Government's predictions about its great railway should be rea- lized, both of which make the earning capacity of the railway a matter of extraordinary importance to the Cana- dian people. The first is that the people must pay the interest on the cost, whether the railway earns it or not, and there- fore, every taxpayer has a direct re- sponsibility for making the line pro- fitable. The second is that, if the Transcon- tinental cannot make both ends meet out of earnings, and the public tree, sury has to be drawn on, Canadian credit will be seriously prejudiced, be- cause, for the first time in the Twen- tieth Century (which Sir Wilfrid Laurier proclaimed to bo Canada's Century) a groat new transportation undertaking in the Dominion will fail to be selfsupporting, with obvious effeet on the further supply of capital for Canadian development. The Prime Minister was afraid the National Transcontinental might be too late against the "ever -vigilant competitor to the south." Reclproeity gives the competitor a three years' start of the Transcontinental Reiiway which WAS to defeat hint. —111r, Warnes Archibald of Seaforth o nsbi s as a over these t w Is known all p big buyer of horses. 110 has always voted Liberal, hat is so strongly op- posed to Reciprocity that he le work. Ing against it. He says that the ire- moval of the duty would so "flood the t a 'class n West with chew h Canadian per of horses from across the line that theme would be a great drop in the dentafsd for acrd the price of the Huron horse. L vitation Arrival Of New Fall Goods We wish every woman in Winghaln and the surrounding country would come and see the handsome New Suits, Goats, Skirts, Furs, Gowns, Dressing Sacques, Wrappers, Dresses, &c., now on display. To every woman who has an interest in Better Clothes,. we extend a most cordial in- to come, see and try on. We will not urge you to buy. Buy Your New Fall Dress • or Suit Now. Having bought a large shipment of Dress. Goods at a rate on the dollar—imported goods held in bond, re the Fitzgibbon Co., of Montreal, in Liquidation, these High Class Dress Goods are now on sale and will be sold quickly, a rare chance to save from 25 to 35 per cent. on New Fall Dress Goods. H. E. Isard & Co. WINGHAM •a� WINGHAM FALL FAIR THURSDAY & FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 28-29, 1911. Friday Afternoon, Sept. 29th. HORSE RACES 2,40 TROT OR PACE. Prizes—$40, $20, $12, $8. GREEN HORSE RACE. Prizes --$10, $6, $4. The naming of horses in the Green Race has been left with a corn- niittee. All entries in races must be made with Chas. Knechtel, at his harness shop, not later than noon on the 20th of 4eptember. Parties entering in Green Race and Running Race must be members of the Society, and in 2 40 class entrance fee is 5 per cent, of purse. American i'uleb to govern. . SPECIAL PRIZES Cha'. Knechtel is giving a special prize of $22 for the best two- year-old Fillies or Geldings in Heavy Draught, Agricultural and General Purpose classes. Prize divided—$10, $0, $4, $2. Thos, Kew is giving a special prize of $10 for best two-year-old. Fillies or Geldings in carriage and roadster classes, Prize divided -115, $3, $2. Animals competing in above two specials are to be judged in front of the grand stand at 2 o'clock sharp. Thos. Keay also gives a $2 whalebone whip to the best single driver, road or carriage. All harness horses are to be judged in front of grand stand and all prize winning horses are to take part in parade in front of grand stand before close of Pair. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PARADE.—There will be a parade of the pupils of Windham Public School and neighboring schools from Winghanl Public School building to the fair grounds, headed by the Bands. Parade will leave School at 12 45 o'clock sharp. WINGHAM CITIZENS" BAND AND LUCKNOW PIPE BAND WILL FURNISH MUSIC DURING AFTERNOON Admission to ("rounds, 25c. Children, 10c. 'Vehicles, 25e. REDUCED RATES ON RAILWAYS CONCERT—Sept. 29th A high-class Concert will be given in Opera house in the evening of Friday, Sept. 20th. The following well-known artists will give the pro. prang :—Harry lennett and Bert. Harvey, Comedians ; Miss Pearl O'Neil, the entertainer, as well ae members. of Pipe Band. This will snake one of the best conec'rte ever held in Winghani.. Admission -25c and 8,10.s D Plan of Hall at McKibbor'rug Store. WM. MAXWELL li. f. ELLIOTT 1ntE51DICNT SE00TREASURER