The Wingham Advance, 1911-07-13, Page 4KING BROS.
July and August
11 Spring and Summer
100 . pieces best English Print, all colors and •good
patterns ; reg. 12-}c and 15c quality for 9c a yd.
500 yards best Import Dress Ginghars ; 12c and
15c quality for 9c ; 20c and 25c quality for 16c.
1000 yds. Embroidery and Insertion for 4c a yd. ;
25 pieces Embroidery and Insertion for 8c a yd.
10 pieces • Corset Cover Embroidery to clear at 15c ;
5 pieces Flouncing Embroidery, reg. 50c, 60c and
75c for 39c.
50 ends of 5 in. Taffeta Silk Ribbon, all colors,
to clear at 11c a yd.
Women's Summer Net Corsets ; reg. 50c and 60c
for 39c ; reg. 75c and $1.00 for 58c.
Ladies' White Underskirts and Night Gowns, broken
lines to clear, all prices for $1.10.
6 doz. Ladies' Plain • and Fancy Silk Lisle Hose ;
reg. 50c pr. for 35c or 3 pr. for $1.00.
25 doz. Ladies' Plain Cotton Hose, tan or black,
10c a pair.
Fifteen doz. Misses' and Boys' Ribbed Cotton Hose,
tan and black ; reg. 25c for 15c.
and Smocks ; reg. $1.00
10 doz. Men's Overalls
for 69e, $1.25 for 88c.
•••••15•311MINinim/ilmraMmilM 111M1=111.6.
Men's and Boys' Ready.made Clothing to clear a
Twenty -Five per cent. discount.
Extra value in 36 in. Black Taffeta Silk at 69c
a yard.
10 iec sMai Ette Silk, wblack,
p e 27 in. Plain . white, ,
pale blue, Kings blue, pink and rose, for 35c a yd.
Five doz. Black. Sateen Underskirts, 49c each.
the pieces 72 inch Pure Linen Table Damask,
reg 1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 for 73c a yd.
10 pieces Linen Hand Towelling, reg. 12-i- and 15c
for 9c; Five pieces 10c for 7c.
Fifteen Heavy r Shirting,light and dark colors
15c, �
reg. 15c, 17c and 18c to clear at 13c a yd.
A rare change to buy House Furnishings at Twenty.
Five Per Cent. Discount on Rugs, Art Squares,
► Oil Window
Carpets, Mattings, Ltnoleurns, Cloths,
Blinds, Etc.
Mn H E l■ I N 1./1 A M ADVANCE
Farm ana
Marketing Through. Shipping Assoola•
Cons Explained by Goverfinent.
The perishable nature of tate imma,
tura potato. renders it necessary to
place It upon the market in such, quan.
titles only as will admit of immediate
constitution, Producers inregions
where the growing of early potatoes
has been extensively developed appre-
ciate this and have provided for this
condition by organizing shippers' asso-
ciations through which the, crop is
graded, often trademarked, and distrib-
uted chiefly iu carload lots. The om-
cern of the association, being in con.
stint telegraphic communication with
the various markets, are thus informed
regarding the most satisfactory des-
tination for every consignment which
may be necessary. It is the purpose
of these associations, however, to con-
duct their business in such a way that
the product can be sold f: 0. b, ship-
ping point instead of by consignment,
and the best organized associations are
usually able to To this.
The great advantage of such a sys-
tem of selling Is that It enables the
brokers in a small city or town to buy
direct from the producer instead of
through another city broker. It en -
IU DY FOR Titin =BRUT. -
[From bulletin United States department
of agriculture,]
ables the consumer to obtain fresh
precincts, as they are shipped direct
from the point of production to the
place of consumption. The plan car-
ries other benefits which are .of great
moment to the producer. He Is enabled
to sell in carload lots at shipping point,
' thus saving to himself the cost of trans.
portatlon, which ranges froth 7 to 13
per cent of the gross selling price. The
exchange secures a much wider dis.
tribution of the crop, with the result
that overstocked markets are much
less likely than under the consignment
system. Transportation companies pro.
vide better service. and claims are
more promptly settled through the es•
change than in the case of Individuals.
This plan enables the producer to be
his own salesman. It transfers the
distributing point from the city to the
field, where it should be. It brings
the market to the field instead of the
product to the market. The exchange
becomes the farmer's commission house,
and it is much easter to keep informed
regarding the transactions of a home
association than of n foreignn concern.
-United States Department of Agricul-
ture Bulletin.
The -best way to preserve a
manure pile is not to have any.
Manure produces the greatest bene-
f's when placed upon the ground
imme:'.iateiy. One of the best inn-
plements on the farm is the manure
To or Farm properties at prices
to suit everybody's wishes.
Wo know values, and when you
consult us you get the advantage of
our long experience in the Real Es -
tato and Insurance business.
,fust at the present chute we have
some exoeptionally nice properties on
our lists at right prices,
Wingham is a live growing town,
and you. will make no mistake in
baying a home here.
We have two or three nice houses
to rent.
Ritchie & Cosons
Lades . - c�►
St. Thomas,Ont:
. The Hum of ,the Hive.
For estrzteted honey ,nothing •is bet-
ter than the sixty pound new tin can,
two of which come in a ease. This
style of package appeals to the bot-
tler of honey. asthe honey canbe
quickly liquefied in the cans.
Ther is 'money In beekeeping if sit
le managed properly. - Beekeeping Is
being carried on with both profit and
pleasure by many 1 houaands of peo-
ple in allprints of the United States,
and while,as a rule; it is not the sole
occupation of those who pursue it.
there are ninny places where an ex-
perienced beekeeper can make a good
living by devoting his entire time and •
attention to this line of works -United
States Department of Agriculture.
Whenever 1 have tomb ivtthout poi -
len I have no moths, but when 1 have
pollen in the tombs 1 have the moth,
says n' Texas beekeeper.
it Is not good policy to thin honey
in any way; in fact, most consumers
of honey like it as thick as they can
get it,
Change all failing or slow queens ;
promptly and breed frena the best ye
can secure; thus raising the standard
Of your stork step by step and int.
proving the average year by year,
Whero He Got bidets.
Murphy was a new recruit in
cavalry. fie could not ride at all,
and by ill lues was given one of the
most vinous horses in the troop,
"Remember" Paid the eergeant, "no
once is allowed to; dismount without
orders." Murphy was no sooner in
the xaEldle than lie was thrown to
the ground. " "Murpby 1" yelled the
sergeant, when he discovered him ly.
hag breathls-s on the ground, ''you
dtsmounbccl 1" "1 did," "Had you
orders P' "1 had." "Frosts headquarters
I suppose!'" "No sort from hied.
Music Emporium
we have the Heintzman, the
Bell, Dominion, Majestic, New-
combe, Milton, Morris, Sher-
lock -Manning, and other maker.
Large stock to choose from.
we carry the Thomas, Bell, Do-
minion and Sherlock -Manning.
Pianos or Organs to runt.
A. full line of Stringed Instru-
ments. Also Phonographs, and
full supply of Records.
American and Canadian Sew-
ing Machines.
The Place Where Good
Clothes Come From
If yon get your clothes from us,
you are sure to get •
made to fit
neatly made
well made
that, look well
that wear well
that last well
in latest style
that please
that satisfy
Wo understand our business
We have the goods
We know the styles
Our charges are right
The Nifty Alan's Tailor
1t. Maxwell's old stand
Omens -Corner Patrick and Centro streets
Pno es=-
Rcesidence, Dr, Itennedy 143
Residence, Dr. Calder 151
Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery.
Dr. Calder devotes apeetal attention to
Diseases of the Bye, Isar, Nose and Throat.
JCyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properlyfitted.
0010k111, ON$.
3T6tror Graduate Toronto trnivornity, Divert -
matt of Dentistry. Graduate Royal t,ol-
.lcge of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.
At Wroxeter every 'Tuesday afternoon and
'Wednesday (all dap-wofilee in Grand Central
Mock.'ord'Wieh every friday forenoon
The beet of the modern Ynethods used for the
preservation and rostoration of the teeth.
Jas. Waiker & Son
vee are sperleslly netatttled Cinder -
takers and laatbaImer,, and throw
entreating their work to too may re
on it ng well dime. Night
vreoellyed 'at retllacnoe
Office noes 10 Souse Picone tial
Kerr & Bird - Wingham
Monster Clearing
Sale For 4 Weeks
Opens Monday, June 26. Closes Saturday, July 22.
We take stock in July, Before doing so we wish to reduce our stock Five
Thousand Dollars. We can do it with your help, We'll make the prices
right. You do the rest.
Everything in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, China=
ware and Glassware, at Sacrifice Prices. All
New, Fashionable, Up=to=date Goods.
This BIG SALE gives you an opportunity such as is seldom offered to the
people of this community, to buy new and seasonable goods at cost and be-
low. Don't allow anything to hinder you from attending this Salo.
Cucie Waists
Cacie Brand Silk Waists,
Brand White and Colored
$5 00 Waists for $3 40
$3.00 Waists for 52.10
$1.75 Waists for $1.82
$1 25 Waists for 08c
75e Waists for 55e
Black and Colors. Cucie,
Waists and MIddy Waists.
$3 50 Waists for $2 48
$2 00 Waists for $1.49
$1.50 Waists for $1.12
$1 00 Waists for 75c
Cucie Brand White and
Black Underskirts
Silk and Regal Taffeta Skirts, Black Sateen and
fine White Skirts with Lace, Insertion. or Em-
broidery Trimming. Currie Brand is a guarantee
of quality and workmanship.
50 00 Skirts for $1 48 55 00 Skirts for 58 00
53.00 Skirts for $2.1 $2 50 Skirts for $1 89
$2 00 Skirts for $153 51.75 Skirts for $1.20
$1 50 Skirts for $1.12 $1,25 Skirts for 980
$1.00 Skirts for 75c
Over 100 Pieces of
Dress Goods
Fancy .Tweed, Broad Cloth, Mohair, Serge, Voile,
Henrietta, Lustre, Basket Serge, etc. Some at 25
per cent, and a quantity at 33?3 per cent, less than
regular prices. What a snap for those who buy
during our Sale,
Summer Dress Goods
Linen Suitings. Ohambrays, Galatea, Gingham,
Muslins. Prints, ete.
Regular 30c yd. for 23e Regular 25e yd. for 19e
Regular 20e yd, for 15e Regular 15e yd, for lle
Regular 124c yd. for 10e Regular 10e yd. for Se
One Quarter Off
Laces, Insertion, Embroidery, Ribbons, Collars,
Frillings, .Handkerchiefs, Gloves Buttons, Belts,
Combs, etc., at 25 per cent, less than regular
prices for two' weeks. The economical, careful
buyer will get busy during this sale.
Big Sale of Corsets
Good Style, Good Quality, Perfect Fitting.
Long, medium and short. For slim or stout wo-
inen. During the Sale we offer Corsets at from 20
per cent. to 39S. per cent. off regular prices. The
wise buyers wilt take advantage of this sale.
Chenille and Damask
Curtains & Table Covers
New goods, at 75e on the dollar.
$4.50 Curtains for $3 38
$3 00 Curtains for $2 28
$1 50 Curtains for $1.11
75e Curtains for 55c
$5 00 Curtains for 53 48
$•t 00 Curtains for $2 08
$2 00 Curtains for $1 53
$1 00 Curtains for 75c
Flannelette Blankets
Our stock of Flannelette Blankets ordered for
Fall came to hand four months too soon. We put
the knife into prices here, tooi•$125 Blankets for
$1 00 ; $1.50 Blankets for 51.10 ; $183 Blankets
for $1.54. Best quality Blankets on the market.
Pants and Overalls
Men's and Boys' Pants and Overalls; good quality
and workmanship.
$1"25 Overalls for 08c $1.00 Overalls for 15c
85e Overalls for die
53.00 Pants for $2 25 $1.75 Pants for $131
5250 Pants for $100 $150 Pants for $115
$2,00 Pants for $1 40 I $125 Pants for 030
Away Below Cost
JUTS AND OAPS. Think of it -=-
12 00 Suit for $7 50 I $7 00 Suit for $ t tl.i
$0 00 Suit for $0 00 $000 Snit for $3 O8
$800 Suit for $5 33 $500 Snit for "'58lis
Underwear and Hosiery
for Women and Children
For Summer or Fall wear, at 20 to 25 per cent,
less than regular prices,
Ladies' Hand Bags
Some at nearly Half Price,
Some at less than Half Price.
$5 00 Hand Bag for $2 98 $1 50 Hand Bag for OOc
$100 Hand Bag for $2 39 $L00 Hand Bag for 08e
$2 50 Hand Bag for $1.78 75e Hand Bag for 490
$2.00 Hand Bag for $12,t 130e Hand Bag for 39a
50e Hand Bag for Ste
About three Dozen Hand Bags, marked to sell at
$2 00. During the Sale you may have them at
at 85c EAOH. They are good Bags. Come and
examine them.
Men's and Boys' Braces, Ties, Collars, Shirts, Sox
and Underwear. also Misses' Summer Hats, Tame,
etc., at One Quarter less than regular prices.
Carpets, Rugs, &c.
Carpets, Linoleums, Rugs. Carpet Squares, Floor
Oilcloth, Mats, Curtain Poles, 'Window Shades,
etc„ all go at 25 per cent. less than the regular
prices. Good time to buy House Furnishings.
Umbrellas and Parasols
$.l.25 hnd 5150 Ladies' -Umbrellas-for
$1.00 Ladies' Umbrellas -for
Men's $1 25 Umbrellas -for 98e
Men's 51.00 Umbrellas -for 700
Girls' 75e Parasols -for , . 49e
Girls' 500 Parasols -for 38c
Bargains In the Grocery
Puffed Rice, regular 13c -for 10e
Post Toasties, regular 10c -for 8e
Art Baking Powder, regular 250 lb. for 150
Matches, 8c box -for 5e
Blue Ribbon Tea, black or mixed,, 25e lb. for
20e ; 40e lb. for '30e
A. quantity of good Shoe Polies, same quality
and size as any 10e box, quality guaranteed
Our special price to clear 50
Canned Peas, Quaker Br and, reg, 150 tin-only100
Canned Peas, Frence, very choice, 15e tin-onlylOe
Prunes, choice fruit, reg. 10e lb., now 3 lbs. for20c
Prunes. choice fruit, reg. 13e ib , now 2; lbs. for. , 255o
No. 1 White Laundry Starch, big lamps, reg. 100
lb. -Sale Price, 4 lbs. for 25o
English Orange and Lennon Peel, regular 20e lb. -
Sale Price 123
0. K. or Judd Soap -1.2 for 25c
Diamond Dyes -4 for . , .........25c
Extract of Beef, reg. 50c -for 40e
Gallon tin cif Apples, reg. 40e -for., 35c
Granulated Sugar at rock bottom prices.
•Min21•51110111•MIONIM 411.0111
Bargains In Boots and
Women's Boots, (Morrie and Slippers, also Misses'
and Children's Fine Dongola Kid, Patent Calf,
Patent Pumps and Oxfords, Men's and Boys'
Heavy Boots, Fine Blucher Cut, Dongola laid, ,
Patent Calf and ,Tan Oxfords. New styles, easy
fitting, solid comfort, satisfactory shoes, and they
allgo at 25 per cent. lees than regular prices.
This IS your opportunity. Buy footwear freely
at such prices.
Chinaware Department
We have a very large stock of Plain , and Fancy
Chinaware, Cut Glass, etc , and its all offered at
reduced prices. Dinner and Tea Sete, Toilet Sets,
Table Sete, Choeolato Seta, Platee, Cups and
Saucers, etc., new handsome Panay China. Big
Cut in' prices for two .weeks.
20 to 25 and 50 per cent. less than
regular prices,
we have not room to enumerate here. Come in
and see the goods. Everything marked in plain
Ono titnoges China Dinner Set, regular price
$3.3 00 -for only . $23 00
Orta Limoges China Tea SNt, regular price
$15 00 --=for only . , $0 80
TERMS OP SALE...Spot Cash or l'armi Produce. foods Rill rot be charged at
Sale Prices, but goods may be charged at regular prices as usnsl. Premium
Cards will not be "punched for goods sold at reduced prices, oir for flour, or
for sugar by the sack. During Sale no goods will be given out on approval.