The Wingham Advance, 1911-06-15, Page 88
E. B. OSLE11, M.P. . • President
W. D. MATTIHEWS - Vice -President
Oapitel $•1,000,000.00
Reserve $5,000,000.00
Total Asaeta $62,500,000,00
of Branch o
A Bra i Bank will be estab-
lished in London, Eng., on lst of July
next, at 73 OORNBII.L, E.O.
This Dranoll will issue Letters of
Credit and Drafts on all important
points hi Canada, negotiate Bills gent
for colleotton, make telegraphic trans -
fere, and transact every description of
banking business.
Information will be Tarnished on all
Canadian matters.
A special department will be provid-
ed for the use of visitors and beerers
of our Letters of credit.
0. A, BOGERT — General Manager
W. R, GEIKIE, Manager
R. VANSTONE, Solicitor.
Sbundexlts may enter any day.
Open entire year. Now is a
good time to enter; Largest
trainers in Canada. Gradu-
ates get best positions. Thou-
sands studying at home. Ex-
clusive right of the "Famous
Bliss Book -Beeping System"
for Ontario. "Actual Busi-
ness from Start to Finish.
Write for particulars.
(affiliated with Wingham Busi.
nese College)
Teacher Wanted.
For S. S. No. 6, Turnberry, ij miles
from Wingham; duties to begin after
the summer vacation. Applications
with testimonials, stating salary, will
be received up to July 10th, by the
42-44 Wingham P.U.
For Sale In Saskatchewan.
Two half sections of land, in the
famous Last Mountain Valley district.
One is 4i2 miles from Strassburg, and
a mile and a half from school. The
other is mile and a half from Daval,
with 170 acres. in crop. Reasonable
terms. Apply to
39-42 Strassburg, Sask.
Valuable Properties For Sale.
The brick and tile yards on the
Bluevale road, are for sale, coneisting
of one hundred acres, two houses,
barn, brickyard, with sheds and neces-
sary machinery.
, Also the Wingham brickyards, con-
sisting of 50 acres, with houses, ma-
chinery. and sheds.
Also 50 acres of good land on the B
For particulars apply to
Box 95, Wingham,
s The Council of the township of
Morris are asking for tenders for the
construction of the 111c0aughey and
Peacock municipal drains. The en-
gineer's plans, etc., may be seen at
the Clerk's residence. In the Peacock
drain, the tile will be furnished for
the contractor. Tenders opened at
the Township Ball on Monday, June
19th, at 2 p. in. Enclose cheque for
$50 with tender,
A. McEwEN, Clerk,
Bluevale, June 5th, 1911.
South half lot 2i, con. 10, West
Wawanosh, 100 acres, mostly in grass;
good buildings; convenient to school,
post office y and church, Easy terms of
payment short notice.
Apply toRpossession
Vanst ne,nWingham, or
43 St. Helene P.O.
Glorious Twelfth
A Short Procession.
Attraetive Special Prizes.
Are You Married ?
Good Speakers.
Special Trains and Rates,
/01, N NEV N A, its, Mb
rCburcb *novo
Rev, Dr. Rutledge expecte to be
able to occupy his pulpit next Sunday,
morning and evening.
Rev. E. Ii. Oroly Is in attendance at
the Synod of the diocese of Huron,
now in se0SiOn in Stratford,
Rev, J. J. Durrant of Belgrave filled
Rev. Dr. 1 utledge's pulpit acceptably
on Sunday evening, 111r, John •ICe1'r
took Mr. Dilrrant's work at Bel -
Oa Coronation Day there will lei a
public service in the Town Hall at
11 a.m. His Worship, Mayor Spottoo,
will preside and addresses will be
given by Mev, D, Perrie and Rev. G.
V. Conine, the other ministers assist-
ing in the service. The choirs of the
town will provide the music,
The last week in June is to he cele-
brated by the congregation of Knox
Church, Walkerton, as
its diamond jubilee. July 5, 1851, the
church was organized, and later the
first church building was erected on
lot 45, con. 1, Brant township, Speci-
al jubilee services will be held in com-
memoration of the event,
Last Sunday was Communion day
in Belgrave Presbyterian Church, A
special feature of the day was the
use for the first time of the individual
service, presented to the Church by
the faintly of the late Mr. and Mrs.
David Scott, as a memorial of their
parents, who for many years were
faithful members of Knox Church
congregation. The gift was a
thoughtful one, anti is much appre-
ciated by the Board, of Managers and
the entire congregation.
The 54th session of the Synod of
Huron will be held at Stratford, in-
stead of at London, on account of the
General Synod being held in London
in the fall. This will be the first tine
in 54 years that the Synod will have
met outside of the city of London.
The lay delegates this year include
such well-known men as Judge Bar-
ron, Stratford; Oharles Jenkins,
Petrolea; Police Magistrate Judd,
London : Hon. I. B. Lucas, Markdale ;
Judge Robb, Simcoe ; Alex. McCall,
M.P., Simcoe ; Judge Ermatinger, St.
Thomas ; Matthew 'Wilson, Chatham ;
W. I`. Cockshutt, ex-M.P„ Brantford;
and Judge Holt, Goderich. Mr. John
Nethery of Morris will represent- St.
Paul's Church, Wingham, 'as the lay
To the Editor of The Advance.
Dear Sir :—Allow me a small space
to put myself right before the public.
There has unfortunately been a dis-
pute between myself and my neigh-
bor, Mr. Lewis Jewett, regarding a
line fence, and as I do not wish to be
misrepresented, I would say :—I offer-
ed to build either end of the fence, if
my neighbor would do the other end.
On his refusal, I brought on the fence -
viewers. As an evidence that I was
only reasonable in my demands, the
fence -viewers have awarded me exact-
ly as I had offered Mr. Jewett.
The entrance examinations will be
held on June 20, 27 and 28, and will be
followed immediately by the Depart-
mental Examinations which will con-
tinue until July 13th.
.A gang of men are working on the
railway, putting in new rails.
Miss Janet and Mr. Crerar of Moles-
worth, visited at Mr. Robt. Murray's
on Saturday.
Preparatory service was'held in the
Presbyterian Church. on Friday morn-
ing. Rev. Mr. McMillan of Belmore
occupied the pulpit.
Mrs. Jas. Cooper of Tregaske, who
was called home on account of the
iIIness of her father, Mr. R. Murray,
arrived on Thursday,
The supplementary meeting of the
Gorrie Women's Institute will be held
in the Township hall on June 21st,
commencing at 2.30 o'clock.
The A, Y. P. A. of St. Stephen's
Church has decided to purchase a new
communion table and to make other
improvements in the chancel of the
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was observed ie the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday afternoon, when
the individual cups were used for the
first time.
G. W. Walker purchased a three-
year-old driver from Mr. Robt. Coch-
rane last week. This horse took the
blue ticket in the two-year-old road-
ster class at fiowick last fall.
Wm, Yeo of Turnberry delivered a
fine four-year-old heifer to Mr. Stin'
son on Monday morning, which tipped
the scales at 1,725 pounds. This
heifer is said to have been the finest
beset ever shipped here,
Mr, Thos. Eutehinson of Newton,
treated his scholars and the young
people south of Gorrie, who were
formerly scholars of his, to a trip to
Goderich on Saturday last. The ex-
cursion train left Listowel at 7,30 a.m.
A. very pleasant day was spent, Mr.
Hutchinson paid all expenses.
Township Council Will meet on Mon.
day, 19th inst. .
Mr. Joe Sellers) 2nd line, bad bis
shoulder dislocated while handling a
colt last week,
Mrs, Thos. Maguire and two chip
dren of Ohio, are visiting at the home
of Mr, Robt, Maguire, 3rd line.
MIes Elsie Shieli of East Wawanosh
spent last week on the lst line, visits
ing old friends and acquaintances.
Well, the census enumerator has
been around, and of course we ell told
our honest age to avoid the $10 fine.
Mr. Chas. Wilkinson, 4th line, logit a
fine tivo-year-old eolt, and a tyro -year-
old steer by lightning, during Satur•
day night's storm.
Mist Ida Cornish, teacher at No, 5,
Morris, received the sad news of the
death of her uncle in Clinton, and
attended the funeral on Monday
The Sabbath Schools of Belgrave
will be re -opened on Sunday, June
18th, after having been °loved for ife/r.
eral weeps, oaring to iloar'let fer'rtr in
the *101 rlity.
in tea may mean
to you flavor or
strength or fragrant
richness. Red Rose
Tea Is blended with
such nicety that it is
the combination of all
three points of merit.
Will you try a package.
Your Grocer Will
Recommend It
Mr, Jas. Nickel spent Sunday in
Miss Agnes Pomeroy returned home
from the West last week.
Mr. E. Butchart of Edmonton paid
a flying visit to our burg.
The young ladies of the vicinity are
organizing a baseball club.
Mrs. Jas. Douglas left on Tuesday
to visit friends in the West.
Mrs. Livingston of Brussels is visit-
ing her mother, Mrs. Murray.
Miss M. Aylesworth has been re-
epgaged for next term at an increased
Mr. D. Sutherland and wife of To-
ronto are spending a few weeks in this
Mr. E. Lucas will take the service
in the Methodist Church at 7 p.m.
next Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Irwin underwent an
operation at the Wingham Hospital
last Thursday. We hope to hear of
her speedy recovery.
We are pleased to see the interest
taken in the Christian Endeavor by
the young people. We hope the
meetings will continue and that alt
the young people will come out and
help it along.
Mrs. (Rev.) W. J. West, Rhena and
Jamie, are visiting Mrs. West's moth-
er at Whitby.
Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess are
visiting friends .in Toronto this week.
Mr. Burgess is a delegate to High
Court C. 0. F.
Owing to the rain on Monday even-
ing the garden party in connection
with the Methodist Church was not
largely attended.
Mr. T. Stewart and Rev. W. J.
West, M.A., High Chaplain of C.O.F„
are attending the High Court of
C.O. P. this week.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was observed in Knox Church and
Padie's last Sabbath. Sixteen mem-
bers were added to the Communion
Knox Church will give the annual
garden party on Wednesday evening,
June 21st, on the church grounds.
Wingham Citizens' Band, along. with
other talent, will render music and
entertainment, Tea served after six
o'clock, and refreshments served on
the grounds.
Cassie Harris of Toronto is visiting
here mother and sisters here.
Miss Clara Fortune of Turnberry
was a visitor at the manse over Sun-
Percy Wright of Coilingwood is the
new junior clerk in the Traders' Bank.
He came last week.
Mr. Savage left on Tuesday morning
for Fort George, British Columbia.
We trust that he will enjoy his
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was dispensed in the Presbyterian
Church last Sunday morning. There
was a large attendance.
The Rev. A. L. Russell returned
from Conference last week. He oc-
cupied the pulpits on the Wroxeter
circuit last Sunday, as the new
minister has not arrived yet,
Hurry Brown has erected a very
neat and beautiful rustic summer-
house on his grounds. He did all the
work himself. Harry is not only a
good miller, but displays ability in the
use of tools.
l-iowick Boundary.
Mr. W, A. Cathere took a trip to
Goderich one day last week.
Miss Fortune of Turnberry called on
friends on the 15th con. en Wednes-
day last.
Wedding bells are again ringing;
this time it it on the west of the
Quite a number of young people
from this vicinity took in the services
in the Formosa chapel on Sunday.
Mrs-. (leoiwas as called t
Witigham on Sunday, to see her
mother, Mre. Iialliday, who is very
ill at time of writing.
Miss. Lilley of Toronto, who bag
been spending a few pleasant weeks
with friends on the 15th con., returned
to her home on Monday last.
Vit. Helens.
'The beef ring commenced operations
Iast week.
Mr., and Mrs. Henry Woode visited
trims in Wingham over Sunday.
Quite a number around here took in
the excursion to Guelph this week.
Miss Lizzie Andersson has returned
after a vieit with friends in Milton,
Mimi Mary Woods is *letting her
ie * ter, Mrs ,I'atlriea Irwin, 2nd oon, of
tbiO tl,
Prank Si oebottoin is using his en.
gine for culling wood.
Mrs. 13. 11cIver of Winnipeg, is the
guest of Alrs. J. A. Brandon.
Mr. and Mrs, T. Howe of Blyth,
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. 3.
A. Brandon.
We are pleased to hear that Mr, and
Mrs. Win. Hopper are enjoying their
visit in Algoma,
Mrs. John Ferguson is on the sick
list, we are sorry to say, and under
the doctor's care.
We learn
that Joseph
Miller has
purchased the Clark property,
now oc-
cupied by Dr, Stewart,
The Woman's Institute met at Mrs,
Wm. Wray'e on Monday last; there
was a large attendance.
D. Wheeler is having his house
veneered with red brick, giving it a
very handsome appearance.
James Oloakey has returned from
the West, having found no place in
his travels as far as Vancouver to sur-
pass Huron.
Dr. Kirkby has moved bis office to
L. Williarlls' and installed a North
Huron phone, so as to accommodate
his Wawanosh patrons.
Rev. J. J. Durrant occupied the
pulpit of Wingham Methodist Church
last Sunday evening, Mr. John Kerr
taking his Belgrave appointment,
The farmers are not complaining of
lack of moisture this year, while
spring grain, pastures and hay are
doing well. Corn will suffer if the
rainy season last much longer.
The individual Communion service
presented to Knox Church by the
family of the late Mr. and Mrs. David
Scott as a, memorial, was used last
Sabbath for the first time. It is a
beautiful service and a fitting tribute
to the memory of their parents, who
were long members of the congrega-
A very pretty wedding took place
on Thursday, June let, at the home of
Mrs. James Campbell, of the 2nd con.
of West Wawanosh, when her young-
est daughter, Ada, became the bride
of Mr. W. G. Nethery, who is a
prosperous young farmer of the vici-
nity of Belgrave. At 5 p.m. the bride
entered the parlor leaning on the arm
of her brother, William, to the strains
of the wedding march, which was ably
played by Miss Estella P. Kirke of
Goderich. The decorations were
flowers and greenery, which added
beauty to the pleasing event. After
the ceremony, which was performed
by Rev. Thos. Hicks, all sat down to a
sumptuous repast. Mise Campbell
will be much missed in the vicinity of
her home by a host of friends. The
presents were beautiful and costly,
which testified to the high esteem in
which she is held.
Mr. W. E. Lucas will occupy the
pulpit here next Sunday.
A number of the young people from
here spent last Sunday in Formosa.
Mr. Waldo Weir visited hie uncle,
Mr. Robert Weir, of Turnberry, on
Mies .Euphemia McKersie returned
home last week, after spending the
winter in Toronto.
Mr, Frank Graham of Wingham
visited at the home of Mr. Robert
McIntosh last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Weir spent a
few days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
John Hartley of Clinton. .
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston,
from near Fordwich, called on friends
In these parts last Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Gauld of London, who
have been guests at W. A. Mines',
returned to their home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher spent
Sunday at the home of the latter's
mother, Mrs. Jaques, near Lakelet.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dane of con,14,
IIowick, visited the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Bush, last Sun-
Mrs, Fortune and her niece, who
were visiting in this vicinity, have
returned to their home at Sault Ste.
Blyth. .
A number from here will take in tke
Moonlight excursion at Goderich on
the 16th.
Dr. Redmond of Wingham was in
town on Sunday, in consultation with
the doctor attending Mr. J. Wilford.
The many friends of Mr. John Wil-
ford will be sorry to learn that there
is no improvement in his condition.
W. H. McElroy & Son are going
extensively into the coal business, and
have erected large coal bins on the
O.P.R. property.
Sunday, June 1Stb, will be observed
as Flower Sunday in the Methodist
Sabbath School. Dr. Oaten of Brus-
sels will have charge of the services.
Rev. Fear will supply at Brussels.
On June 27th our citizens will vote
on a By-law to issue debentures to
raise $5000 to pay for the electric light
plant and make improvements. The
debentures will run for twenty-five
years. No doubt it will receive a
favorable verdict.
A. tluiet but interesting event took
place on Thursday morning at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Mason, when
their Only daughter, 'Frolic's, became
the bride of Mr. W. Watson. Miss
Bessie Taylor played the wedding
march and Rev. Mr, Small performed
the ceremony, ()Wing to bereave-
ment in the family, this event was of
a quiet nature, The bride and groom
havo settled down in their home on
Mill St., with the best wishes of a host
of friends.
Road work has started ; Mr, John
Simpson is pathnlaster.
Mrs. 3. Beadle is visiting at her
tnother's, Mrs. C. Milne's,
Mr. and Mre. L. Small of London
spent Sunday with X. Paterson.
Mr. Wm. Hutchison is not improv-
ing as fast as his friends would like.
H. 1'1. Henderson is attending the
.high Court of the 0.0.F., in Toronto,
this week.
Mrs. Cook and daughter of Flora
are visiting Mrs. Robt. McOlenaghan
for a couple of weeks,
Mr. Jos. Clark and family left for
Harriaton on Saturday; we wish them
sueeess in their new home.
Rev'. A. McI:R.y of Rinoardine
preached in the Presbyterian Churoh
here on Sanday, Mr. MoEaobren
web away to the General Aeirembiy
at Ottatrat,
Town of YjQha
3Y -LAW NQ 634, 1911.
A By-law to provide for the improve-
ment and extension of the present
waterworks system of the Town
of Wingham and for procuring a
supply of pure water for domestic
purposes and to authorize the issue
of the. said s a Tawn to
the amount of $5000.00, for the
purpose of raising the emu re-
quired therefor,
WHEREAS the Municipal Connell of the
Corporation of the Town of Wingham deemed
it expedient and necessary that the present
waterworks system should bo improved and
that the ratepayers and residents of the said
Town should bo supplied with pure water tor
domestic purposes and in order thereto duly
passed a. By -taw et the said Corporation on
the tenth day of January, A. p, 1910. for the
purpose of expending the sum of $0000.00 in
tho said improvements and in procuring pure
water for domestic purposes as aforesaid in
pursuance of the estimates of W, Mahlon
Davis, the engineer of the said Town, which
said estimates wore appended to said Bylaw
and which said By-law is numbered 591, 1:109.
AND WHEREAS pursuant to said Bylaw
debentures of the said Town of Wingham
have been issued to the amount of $6000.00,
AND WIIERiOAS in further pursuance of
said 13y -law and in tho carrying out of the
objoots thereof, test wells have been sunk by
the said Municipal Council on the property of
the said Corporation adjacent to the Electric
Light Plant of ,the said Corporation, in the
the Town Plot of Winirham, which said wells, •
it has been ascertained, will furnish an abun-
dant supply ofpure water suitable for the
purposes of the said Corporation.
AND WHEREAS it has now been ascer-
tained that the said estimates of $6000.00 aro
altogether inadequate for the purpose of car-
rying out and completing the said improve-
ments and. extensions to said waterworks
system contemplated by said By-law.
AND WHEREAS the said Municipal Conn-
oil have procured revised estimates of the coat
of the improvements referred to and the in-
stalling of the said system of pure water for
the purpose aforesaid, which said revised es-
timates are appended hereto narked Schedule
"A" and which amount in the whole to the
sum of $11000,00.
AND WHEREAS in order to carry out and
complete the said works it will bo necessary
to issue further debentures of the said Town
of Wingham for the sum of $5000,00 as herein-
after provided, which sum is tho debt intended
to bo created by this By-law, the proceeds of
said debentures to be applied to the said pur-
pose and no other.
AND WHEREAS it 11,1 desirable to issue
the said Debentures at one time and to make
the principal of the said debt repayable by
yearly sums during the period of thirty years,
being the currency of the said debentures, said
yearly sums of such respective amounts that
the aggregate amount payable in each year
for principal and interest in respect of the said
debt shall be as nearly as possible equal to the
amount so payable in each o1 the other
twenty-nine years of said period as shown in
Schedule "B'hereto annexed.
AND WHEREAS the total amount re-
quired by the Municipal Act to bo raised an-
nually by special rate for paying the said debt
and interest as hereinafter provided is $325.26.
AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole
rateable property of the Town of Wiugham,
according to the hast revised assessment roll
thereof, la 007,518.
AND WHERE AS the amount of the exist-
ing debenture debt of the said Municipality,
exclusive of looal improvements secured by
special rates and assessments, Is $144,378.85,
whereof there is nothing in arrears for prin-
cipal or interest,
Therefore the Municipal Corporation of the
Town of Wingham enacts as follows :—
The Municipal Council of tho said Town of
Wingham shall expend the sum of $5000.00, in
addition to the sum of $0000.00 already provid-
ed as herelnbeforo set out, in improving the
n procuringwaterworks system of the said Town,
pure water for domestic pur-
poses • and for the purpose of raising the said
sum, ciebeutures of said Town to tho amount
of 55009.00 as aforesaid in sums of not less than
$100.00 each shall bo issued on the
day of. D. 1911: each of which
debentures shall he dated on tho date of the
issue thereof and shall bo payable within
thirty years thereafter at the office of the
Treasurer for the time being of the said Town
os Wingham,
2, Each of said debentures shall be signed
Br by some other the
authorized by By-law
co sign the same and, by the Treasurer, there-
of, and the Clerk shall attach thereto the Cor-
porate Seal of the Municipality.
3. Tho said Debentures shalt bear interest,
at the rate of five per cont per annum, payable
yearly ab tho Office oP the said Treasurer on
thio day oP in each and
every year during the currency thereof.
4. During the currency of the said Deben-
tures thorn shall bo raised annually by special
rate on all the rateable property of the said
Town of Wingham the sum of r325 26 for the
purpose of paying the amount duo in each of
the said years for principal and interest in
respect of the said debt as shown in Schedule
"11" hereto annexed,
5. This By-law shall take effect on the date
of the final passing thereof.
6. The votes of the electors of the said tff
Town " ringham shall betaken on this By-
law at the following times and places, that
is to say :—
On Monday, the tenth day of July next,
commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the
forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in
the afternoon of the same day, by the follow-
ing Deputy -returning Officers and Poll Clerks,
namely :—
In Ward 1 --At William Johnston's tailor
shop on Josephine Street, by W. J. Baines,
Deputy Returning Meer, and H. N, Road-
house, Poll Clerk,
Ia Ward 2 — At William Gannett's imple-
ment shop on Josephine Street, by Alex. J.
Alderson, Deputy Returning Officer, and Ben.
T. Jenkins, Poll Clerk.
In Ward 3 — At the Town Ball, by Walter
T. Hall, Deputy Returning Officer, and George
Tees, Poll (Mork.
In Polling Subdivision No. 1 of Ward 4—
At Ritchie & Coeons' Ottdco on Josephine
Street, by Abner Cosons, Deputy Returning
Officer, and J, W. Dodd, Poll Clerk.
In Polling Sub -division No..2 of Ward 4—
At Albert Bell's house on Josephine Street,
by C. N. Griffin, Deputy Returning Officer,
and John Eider, Poll Clerk.
7. Oa Saturday, the 8th day of July next,
the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham
shall attend at the Town Hall in the said
Town at eleven o'clock in tho forenoon to
at the finvarious
l summing
up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the
persons interested in and promoting or oppos-
ing the passing of this Bylaw respectively.
8. The Clerk of the said Town of Wingham
shall attend at the said Town Hall at eleven
o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the lith
day of July next, to sum up the number of
votes for and against the Bylaw.
Dated at the Town 'Hall in the Town 81
Wingham the fifth day of June, A,D. 1911.
Being an estinlate of the expenditure re-
ferred to in the foregoing ById,w,
Concrete reservoir, capacity 200,000
gallons $ 2400 00
Pump and motor house 400 00
Mains and orator services 4500 00
Connections to mina and pumps.... s..,. 500 00
4 etas° centrifugal pump, capaoily
500 gallons per minute, connected
electric motor and installing same 1500 00
Cost of wells 1257 00
Contingencies 413.00
511000 00
eamount 1 y -i w No.'601,1990fl�a� 0000 00
Total amount under this Bylaw.,... 50000 00
TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true
copy of a proposed Ilylaw which has been
taken into consideration and which will he
finally passed by the Conned Of the .itfunirip-
ality of tho Town of Wingham (in the event
of tho assent of the °hooters being obtained
thereto) after nue month from the first pub-
Ileation thereof In the Wingham ,Advance,
the elate of whioh publioat.lon was the Fit.
teanth day of June A I) 1911 and this votes
ein Axed. Arid that
be the ken thereon ttittoas tonro��to hi9 dayandpat the
hours and to o'mos a al�dot c'ot°511* a tyl ta�uni
cipali'ty at least ten days next preceding
the day of polling, a statutory declaration
stating Chet their leases Meet the require-
ments of subseeiion 1 of Lection 354 of The
Consolidated Municipal Aet, 1903, shall not be
'7laoed on thtie oters' list for such voting.
OlYn Rall, Win hart, June 5th, 41).1911.
Showing in respect to 0ao11 instalment of
the debt to bo thereby oreatod how much of
the amount to be annually raised is for prin-
cipal and how much is fol' interest.
V"ear Interest Principal Total
1912 5250 00 5 75 26 5325 2f,
1 210 24 79 02 325 20
19 242 29 8'3 97 3'25 26
•i8 4
299752 1 Sr .. 3', 2222
1 2, 4
191E "33 78 91 43 325 26
1917 221) 21 9¢ 05. 325 50
15118 221 41 100 85 325 26
)910 2(9 37 105 89 1333322'22'5551
25 26
1920 211 07 111 19 325 26
10'21 208 51 11¢ 75 325 26
19'32 202 (i7 122 59 325 '26
9(9 55 128 71 `325 20
19'34 190 11 135 16 325 2¢
1926 183 35 141 91 325 26
10'2¢ 17(1 26 149 00 325 2¢
1927 168 81 156 415 32.1 26
1928 160 88 161 28 325 26
1029 1,52 77 172 49 3:6 20
1930 141 14 181 12 32,E 26
)931 133 00 190 17 325 20
Ifl32 125 58 199 Gi 3`35 26
1033 115 60 2(9 (SO 325 2¢
1931 105 11 220 l5 39:312222.5555 26
1935 91 11 281 to 26
193¢ 82 ((5 212 71 26
1:137 7(1 41 2 i1 35 26
]9:15 57 67 2G7 ,50 325 2¢
19:19 44 29 280'97 323 26
1911 6 9 295 92 325 2P,
309 77 325 26
a to the
This Is The Tea And Coffee Store
Agent Wanted.
We want agent for WINGHAM
and district to sell EDMONTON
City Property and Alberta Farm
Lands. Must be responsible party
and worker. References required,
Bank or Business preferred. Good
returns for a hustler. Apply at
once to
Edmonton City Property
Alberta Farm Lands
43 Jasper Ave. W.
UN_ Xm:
The Popular Tourist
Route To
ONTO ro.r5 daily except Sunday, mak-
ing direct connection at Muskoka Wharf
for all Muskoka Lakes points.
- ..
At low rates via Sarnia or Chicago
Literature and full information,
tickets, etc., from any Grand Trunk
Agent, or address
D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto.
G. LAMONT, Depot Agt.
Distance Is No Hindrance
to those who wish 06 get the best.
Many student$' from the distant Provin-
ces and the united States attend tho
WORN. Graduates readily get good
positions. Open entire year. Enter now.
Write for eataloguo.
Cor, 'Yongo and Alexander Ste.
12r'l✓ i
This spool has a continental routs..
Lion for high grado work and for the
enatees of its Students, Wo havo three
departments -- Conimerctat, Shorthand
sow Telegraphy. Ambitious you ni inert
and women should send for Our mega
frog catalogue). Write for it at epee
Tieseee is a good tihat out. me oftllrea your doing,
Yon to enter our closers. Students are
entering etwh week. Commohoo your
oour'eo xt Ones.
A. iter.,A,OI#t. tt . Priest*
IOpen the Evening Before (Wednesday,
the 2Ist) until I0 p. m.
Willis 679 Co.
Sole Agents
For The
Nf•••w••NwN•44.444+•N iN•N.••••M••I4•Ns•
Hanna & Co.
We Can Please You
To our regular stook we Have added over 400
lines from The "House of Robberlin," There
are patterns to please almost any fancy, including;
the new Grays that are very much in demand
this st?asoll. Remember, our reputation is behind
every garment. Prices—$18.00 to $28.00. We
are solo Agents for these high classed tailored