The Wingham Advance, 1911-05-25, Page 7-r
French ?cornier's Condition. Satis-
factory Despite His Injuries.
Minister of War to be Buried With
Full National Honors.
Pierre Vedrine the Only Aviator to
Start in the Race to Madrid.
Paris, ?Slay 22. -Antoine E. Monis, the
French Premier anti 3/1inister df the In-
terior, who was seriously injured, yeeter.
day when the aeroplane, piloten by M.
Train, dashed into a group el govern-
ment officials, who had gathered on the
military field at Issy Les Moulineaux to
witness the start of the Paris to Madrid
rave, killing Henri M. Berteaux, the
French Minister of War, and injuring
two other men, passed a quiet night.
Although Premier Monis, who was
buried beneath the wreekage of the
monoplane, sustained compound frac-
tures of two bones in the right leg, had
his nose broken, his face badly contused
and received bruises on the breast and
abdomen, his condition at noon to -day,
according to a statement given out by
the physicians attending him is satisfac-
tory, No complications have set in.
II:Germs was tihe only contestant out
of yesterday's starters to reach Anedou-
lene. Gibed readied Pontlevoi, but
learning of the catastrophe on the Issy
field, decided to proceed no further,
Le Lassenr landed nt Cosne, 'having
lost his way in a fog. Bailment descend-
ed at Amy Sur Imbre and on attempt-
ing to resume his flight damaged the left
wing of his aeroplane by dashing against
a tree.
The terrible disaster of yesterday at
the commencement of an international
coutest, which promised to be one of the
principal aviation events of the season,
has plunged the whole French nation in-
to a state a grief, and the death of Min-
ister of War Berteaux it mourned with-
out political distinetions throughout the
republic as a national loss.
To -day the body of the War Minister
is iYing itt Stlita at the Ministry of War.
The funeral, Which is expected to take
place on Friday, will be conducted with
full national honors. The army will go
into mourning for thirty days.
Pierre Vedrine, undismayed by his
own accident yesterday, when just prior
to the disaster in which the French Min-
ister of War was kilted, his machine end.
deny capsized and was wrecked, again
started in the Paris to Madrid race
early this morning.
A. thick haze covered the Issy Les
Moulineanx aviation field and compara-
tively few spectators were on hand. to
witness the resumption of the race. The
field looked desolate.
M. Train, who in trying to avoid
crashing into a squadron of cuirassiers
galloping across the military field, caus-
ed yesterday's lamentable tragedy, and
who was entitled under the conditions of
the race to make another start in the
international flight contest, announced
that he had no heat to do so, because of
hie terrible accident of yesterday.
Four other aviaaen, M. M. Weymaim,
Frey, Garnier and Ferrept, also retired
from the race.
Vedrine at half -past three this, morn-
ing took a preliminary flight around
the field for the purpose of testing his
motor, and then at 4.11 o'clock arose
high in the air and disappeared swiftly
in the fog towards Angoulein, the flint
ntege of the Paris to Madrid. race. There
were no acelamatione when the aviator
aterted on his flight. The crowd and
the 'judges, however, remaieed on the
aviation field throughout the morning
and reeeived telegrams from the official
time-keepere along the route ' of the
flight. Vedrinc arrived. at Angouleme
at 7.5d, having covered the 279 miles in
fi hours and 39 minutes. The running
time of the southern exprees between
Pads and Angoulerne is 5 hours and 17
The indgee announced that Vedrine
had broken the record for long distance
oross-country flight. His time was all
the more extrittaialirtary when it was con-
sidered that the ari man had made a
stop at Ettempes, 35 mike from Paris,
to regulate his motor. The aviator ar-
rived at Angouleme in good rendition,
though he suffered considerably from
the eold.
The condition of Premier Monis, while
still serious, is satisfactory to his Op
einem; and Should no complications set
in; the Prime Minister is expeeted to re;
Lenri Deutsch de la leleurthe, the vet-
eran patron of aeronautics and automo-
hiling. And Antoine Monis, son of the
Premier, both of whoni were struek by
Train's machine when it plungea into
the group of offkial‘spectators, were not
eeriously injured,
Frieburg, Germany, May 22. -Four
aviators who are competing in the tipper
Rhine reliability flights hnve arrived
here from Baden, having made the pre-
scribed intermediate landing at Offen'.
burg. The first to reach Frieburg was
:rennin, who covered the distance in two
hours and ten minutes. Brunhuber we's
second, in 2 hours and 11 minutes. The
aviator Witterstaetter, who attempted
the flight with hie wife as n passenger,
did not finish.
The subsequent etages of the reliabil-
ity flight include Straesburg,
Mannheiin and Erankfort-on-the-Main, a
t otal distance of 360 miles.
Prominent Frenchman Ran Off With
Pretty Deverness,
(Nebo!, May 22.----Aebnitting that he
was Pertlinend Darreet Paubbadie end
that sha was Helen Benoit, both were
taken from the C. P. E. liner Uoke Cham-
plain. this morning, and are now in the
detention hospitel waiting probable de -
imitation. Daubbadie is the wealthy
hon master of Evereux, France, who
eloped, with Miss Benoit, a governess
.employed in his household. The affair
bus create:I great sensation in Pane soci-
ety circles, as Laubbirdie and family
moved in high society. They travelled to
-Canada under the names of Mr. and Mrs.
W. V. Woe.
Daubleolie is it man of about 40 years
while the girl is e preposeessing maiden
of 22, 13esides admitting their identity,
both admitted they were not marled.
A, Alk,..****
Breaks Away and Causes Lots of Ex-
citement at Ingersoll.
Broke Down Fences, Sunk in Swamp
But at Last Captured.
Ingereoll, May 21. -Roaming over the
fertile fields of Oxford county much 0,1
ter the feshion et ins native jungle, a
targe elephant, which. suadenly Weenie
munanageable and escaped from Gowe'e
elicits between 7 and 8 o'cloek yesterday
moruing, eaused I.:wielder:dee damage
:um createt1 eousterna don OlOungst tlui
country Oak, uv to t he time of its
recapture, about 5 °Sloe!: in tee alter,
II(I4)II , hundreds ot tountry people were
attraeted Lo the swamp, :them five
Milo end a half south of here, in
whielt the animal hacl takeit refuge.
'rho elephant made ILA (Hope when,
with others of the herd, it wee being
watered at the Thames envoy Suddenly
breaking away .from he keeper, the ani-
mal plunged into the stream and hiwried
fer the opposite hauk. The keepers tried
heroically to stop the iyogress of the
animal, but their efforts were in vain.
Hooks which the keepers carriei were
eunk deeply into the animal's ears, but
it slimily shook its head in dedanee and
rushed on, hauling the helpless men with
It. Reaclune thebank the animal made
eintightwaffor the open country, some-
times following the sidewalks and cross-
ing boulevards and lawns.
The big brute left a path of destruc-
tion. towns suffered severely, and in
the country nine fences on the num .of
hit. M. J. Williams were knockei down.
.11though apparently not malicious, the
elephant was obstinate, and paid no at-
tealion to those it had formerly obeyed.
The course the animalpursued was in a.
southerly direction, wide!' eventually
brought it to a large swamp on the
farm of the late George Patio, five and
a half miles from Ingersoll. 11 made
quick time, reaching the swamp about 9
o'clock with it small -army of .circus em-
ployees and others who Mustered up
sufficient courage in hot pursuit.
For a considerable length of time the
elephant was mired in it lawspot in the
eivamp, and for a thne there were grave
doubts as to it ever being rescued. It
slowly settled until only its bead could
be seen. It gradually worked its way
out, however, and at every opportunity
a 'rope was thrown about it. Once free
from the mud the emitted was as unruly
is ever, and soon crossed a road to &D -
other and higher section of the swamp.
Here it wee closely followed ana eventio
illy surrounded.
Evened by the chest., the animal
pulled up numerous small trees with
its trunk and tossed them about tie
though they were playthings. After
several hours of arduous work the
enimal WaS hoppled by means of chains,
and with the essistance of another Me -
plant, was coaxed out of the memo
end brought into town between $ and 6
o'clock in the afternoon.
The animal, it female, is said to
have shown peouliar disposition at
times sinee her baby was disposed of
by the show people it year or so ago,
ant1 this is not the first time she has
calmed trouble. The einem- people at-
tribute her strange eonduet to a de.
-lire to 1 ind her young. Owing to the
isappearanee of the ekphant the
etat of the herd did not figure in the
street parade.
Several daiins were preseeted to
the rheum people for damages, alt of
whieli were ptomptly settled.
Pan Adopted in Hungary for Fighting
infectiqus Diseases.
Undesirable Austrians Rounded
Near Tecumseh.
$t. Thomas to be Made a City
Tilt et) su 110108,
'Belleville, Way M. -Edward Cart, tt
young rnnn reeidjeg in this 'city, eattsed
eonsiderable excitement on Saturday af.
teenoon. Ile threatened to shoot his
1trother4n-1W, Bert Report, and when
At ponce officer same to arrest hint Otrr
to the river and. walked out to deep
one where the °Meer nrrested hint.
water,. e4ger4 in the cell he made
Alter bona "44 f9har% himeelf,and
n determined ette. eneeeteled lutd not,
possibly would 41aVe ititn to
Idit suspenders broke, tie. de the net
fall to the cell floor. Ite was nano
or making a second attempt io
himself whenhie plane were deteeted.
Winnipeg, Man., May '12.-4'ngineer Y.
P. Moffatt, 18 l'ilttlgt. of a large party of
sorveyore. will leave Selkirk to -morrow
on the City ef Sellirle to vomplete the
fillet %cation lindeon Uy Railway
*welkin from *Moulton llapide west to
the loss• a distance. tif alma NO mike.
Vide, the first inetion of the toed, will
lie reedv for eemornetion eome time dor.
ing inideummer.
4 i• •
Fireman Suing the M. C. R. For
Damages For Injuries.
The eongregation of Cooke's Church,
Toronto, celebrated their sixtieth anai-
An aeroplane fell in a crowd at Ku-
rak, Russia, injuring 100 persons, of
whom five are dying,
R. R. llowbray, reeve of rieltering,
was nominated for the Legislature by
the Liberate of South Ontario.
The steemer Gethland was detained
fer some' time at Grime Isle on account
of a auspeeted ease .of smallpox On
Two Grand Trunk special trains ar-
rived at the Union station, Toronto,
fromlt;rnigittunetbwe.c last night, with about 500
Traffic over the Wabash -Grand Trunk
was very muck interfered with on Sat-
urday ewingto the burning of a bridge
at Stoney Point,
Joseph Groves, M. C. R. fireman, of
St Thomas, is suing the M. C. R. for
unstated damages for injuries received
at Bridgeburg, Jan, 26.
Fire was discovered in the Princess
Theatoriona Kingston, The blaze VAS
close to the entrancei.and Was caused.
by ralr
spontaneous .eombuetion in a rag-
'William Jennings Bryan, visited Osh-
awa ou Saturday, and was the guest of
the Osbawa Y. M. C. A., under whose
iestes he delivered two .eloquent ad -
William Challenger, President of the
Challenger Athletic Goods Company,
died at his residence, 206 Dunn avenue,
Toronto, aged 60 years. Mr. Challenger'
was born in Mitchell, Ont. •
Owing to the hot wave, the season a
Port Stanley has opened much earlier
than usual. Hundreds of people are
spending the week-eud at the lekeside,
hotels and cottages being filled.
The corner -stone of the new Masonic:
hall at Caledon East was laid by W.
W. Bro. D. F. MaeWatt, of Sarnia,
Grand Master of the Grand. Lodge of
Canada, The new edifice is to cost
The members of the Royal Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
have decided to ask Lord Cromer to
resigil the vice-piesideney of the or-
ganization because be upholds vivisec-
A. wholesale capture of "undesirables"
was made by Canadian immigration of-
ficers near Tecumseh, when they round-
ed up eight Austrians who had evidently
been brought aeross the lake in small
Frank Gillias, better known among
the Italians of Guelph as "Big Frank,'
is in the toils again. He is charged
with stabbing a fellow -Italian named
Tony Tifini, who lives on Wellington
street. •
The plans to make St. Thomas a city
beautiful are being carried out. Floral
beds have been laid out •itt the book -
yards between the Michigan Central
*Railroad and Centre street, on eaeh side
of all street intersections, for over a
'mile through tbe city.
International- Institute of Farming
Makes Some Urgent Proposals.
• - 11!
Britain's First One Launched at
_Barrow-in-Furness To -day.
London, Mey 21. -The One-Man-
one-glaee principle has been adopted
in Hungary, with the idea of prevent-
ing the spread of coneumption and
othe infectious diseases. A Minis-
terial circular hp been tamed to the
IVIunicipul Councils throughout the
country notifying them that in, future
they will have to fee that the glaws
in cafes and restaurants are num-
The autheritiea believe that by a
system of numbering the promiscuous
exehanging of glonees will be avoided.
The Irlinisterial order eels forth that
water as well as more potent liquors,
must sbe tented to euetomere in num-
bered. glasses. The decree comes into
force in it tew months,
Representatives Signed the Peace
• Agreement at kiarez.
Signed on Doorstep While Reporters
Held Matbhes.
Juarez, Mex., May 22. --Officially de-
signated representatives of the Meal.
can Government and the revolutionists
at 10 o'clock lest night signed a peace
agreement at the customs house here,
intended to end the hostilities thataave
been waged in Mexico for the last she
Telegrams announcing the signing of
the agreement were despatched through-
out Mexico to revolutionary and federal
leaders alike.
The agreement records that President
Diaz and Vice -President Corral will re-
sign and that the government is to
concentrate it's attentions on desired
The actual signing of the agreement
took place under most extraordinary
circumstances on the steps of the cue
toms house. When the peace commis-
sioners arrived they found the door of
the customs house locked and no one
there to let them in. Accordingly they
gathered on the steps of the building,
and while newspaper men held. matches,
fountain pens were produced and the
document signed.
When the signatures were affixed the
Commissioners of both sides; embraced
joyfully, while a small crowd that had
collected shouted "Viva la Paz."
Barrow-in-Furness, Eng., May 22. -
Great Britain's first naval ainship,
.the construction of which has been
surrounded by mucih secrecy, was
suceessfully launched here to -day and
is anchored behind wind careens
erected in the harnor. The airship
woo christened the May Fly.
The airehip, which is 502 feet in
length, ie of tho rigid type with a
blunt nose tapering to it pointed
stern. A feature of the construction
is the provision for two separate
gondolas for the engines. The air-
is spettittly designed for naval
purposes and can be moored on the
The outer covering of *the upper
half of the dirigible whieth is 48 feet
itt fiameter, consists of silk treated
with et special waterproof dressing
over wane& autumn •duet has been
sprinkled. The lower part of the beg,
is yellow silk treated with the same
water -proofing material but witheut
the aluminum. The frame -work con.
tains eighteen gas bags . filled with
Rome, May 21, --The General Assem-
bly of the • Itternational Tristitute
of Agriculture, which has been in ses-
sion here for the past week, closed
the most suceessful meeting in its his-
tory yesterday. Fifty countries were
represented, and the final conclusions
The Assembly decided urgently to
request the GoVernments adhering to
the principles of the institute to send
to the institute estimate of yields
and conditions pertaining to the prin-
cipal erops for the three months pre-
-ceding the harvest, and selected the
system known as the "single numerieal
statentenV for these teports.
The Assembly also voted for the in--
auguration of it System of eommereial
and price statistics of exports and im.
ports, recommended the Campbell
system, of dry foaming, the organizing
of A, permanent cOnintittee for the
study of the plant diseases, end it de-
partment of agtieultaral metrology.
The next Assembly will be held in
4.* • . . • - --
Montreal, Mey 21.---C. I'. It. Ihigin.
•ee iinhert Ctawford, of OttawA, who
. "earthly stalded all over his body
wits n - .44 down under his rngine,
while pints • eent end, (Inched feet
-when the Otte, eallidion a Outre-
freightm eanta into 444 died At the
MItZttai Zviliikettolott Thiturossapaan, le p4461 0
morning, Fireman Arthur ltug.. ewe...
Ottawa, who was badly cut, is tato. I
The bode of 11reicesnuto Miller, of
(hteber, mhteeng slew* the eollielon, wee
fennel waft the &Mix. . .
• • I
Chamberlain's Advice at a Great Pref-
erence Medting at Manchester.
British Newspapers LIR Enormous.
Sums Through Libel Suits.
Unfair to the Press and a Demand
for a Change in the Law.
London, May Sitaatanne recent awards
of judo in libel actions, against 110Wer.
papers in which the newspaper propri-
etors have been mulcted. for heavy dam-
ages, have started en agitation for the
reformof the law uf libel. Air. Justice
Scrutton, Judge of the Kitige lieneli
division, WO Court of Jwitice, in it re-
cent speeelt remarked. that. pablie opin-
ion lute been shocked by einge vermets
given in libel ;anions.
"But," he added, "the juries alone
gave the verdicts, and it is not eeweys
the judges who are responaible fur the
misioi tuner; of newspaper proprietors:
When law of tilt comment lees thor-
inyikly established, he thought, now+,
papers would oceupy e hotter petition
Dian they do now. An innocent expres-
sion of opiniou, although the jury dis.
agreed with it as fair Noumea, ought to
alloteed, .eVell though derogatory to
eertala persons concerned. -
Although extremely heavy, the sums
newspapers have to pity OS the result of
the &eliding; of juries, they are nothing
compared with the amoimt paid annu-
ally to mettle threatened aetions..Hardly
a, day pateies that London newspapers do
not have to pay out, large sums in set-
tlement of claims for alleged libel, doing
so bevause it is ennsidered cheaper than
fighting a ease against a man who might
not be ahle to pay the eosts if he incp-
plied to lose. Only last week an illus. -
&rated paper paid it waitrese $5000 in
settlement of it elaim for damages based
on 11 eoznie pictore labelled 'The Stout
Waitress," A waitrese in a city restaur-
ant brought an :lotion elaiming damages
for "ridienle," and Ow paper Was advised
to pay, although the artist WILS ready
tc. bring forward the model, who sat for
the pietma, and was prepared to wear
that be lied never seen the city waitreas
who claimed that the picture was a car-
icature of her.
This ia only one of thnesands of MOOS*
that never reach the courts. Those who
do go before a jury have, a teaet
eently, ended in the assetement of
,heavy damages against thenewspaper,
sometimes for the most trivial comment.
There are a number of newspaper pro-
prietors in Parliament, and they have
uedertaken ti' urge a reform of the Jaz
London, May 21. -On the *wagon
of an Imperial preference demonetra-
Lion on Saturday, the Rt. Hon. Joseph
Chamberlain wrote as follows to the
president: -"This is the critical time
for our preference policy, in view of
the proposed reciprocity between Can-
ada and the United States. Advan-
tage ought to be taken of the Imperial
Conference to make some aaliafactory
offer to Canada and The other domin-
ions. I still believe it is the only way
the Empire can be strengthened and
kept together. The English now
the opportunity; perhape it will be
the last."
Austen Chamberlain said he believ-
ed that reciprocity would- mark the
first step of a great reversal ef the
national policy of Canada, whieh for
a generation has been the common
policy of both the great parties and to
which Canada owed her extraordinary
and magnificent development.
Mr. Boner Law still believed it was
not too late to attaixi the ideal which
had been pursued throughout them
years by all the colonies. The ideal
of making commou cause with men of
our own race had peopled other lands
by becoming with them one nation
united in teality not onlv by the tie
of eentiment, but oleo the bonds of
eommon interest.
St. Catharines, Ont., May 22.---/n an-
nouncing that during the warni weather
the church services would be made very
brief, Rev. Dr. M. Benson; at Welland
aveinte Methodist Church, yesterday
mid: "I wish all you goon ladies would
leave those pretty hats of yours at
home during the hot %leather and come
to church with parasols. If you did it
would eentlitee to your own tomfort and
that of others. I wish you would think
About this."
Toronto, May 22.-Thomes Martin,
middle-aged man, was found uneonseious
on a bench in Clarenee Square on Satur-
day afternoon, Beside the man Was it
bottle that had contained laudanum,
and, the man ltd appareutly tried to
eammit suicide. The Man lives at 24
Clarence Square and works for the 'To-
ronto Towel Company. Re was in it bail
condition when taken to the tioepital,
but yesterday had quite reeovered,
reason b; known for the man wanting to
take his Ilic.
Ottawa, May 21.-A eurious Anne -
lion haft Arisen ta the Civie Isoletion
flompital here. Dr. Maelehereon, medi-
eel euperintendent, eontraeted sear -
let fever, and Dr. Sutherland eves
employed to tate hie place!. The latter
ale° coartteteS the disease, and a
third doetor had to he employed. Ihe
city auditor hes refiisM to Pam the
ealarlet of the tWo physfelana who are
Twenty-five Slaughtered in One Place
in City of Torreon.
Dynamite Magazine Explodes and
Other Property Boned.
Porcupine, May 21. --Ignited by the
bush fires, the dynamite magazine on
the Hollinger' property exploded, break-
ing the pipes, and the whole plant .was
gutted by the flames. :fir. 1.. K, Tim -
An Accident Near Oat on tho 0. P.
& H. Electric Railway.
Galt, May 21. -In it rear -end tot.
listen on the 0. P. & IL Electric Bali -
way at 7 o'clock on Saturday night
several passengers were injured. Vie
aecident °connel, itt the Golf Club
station, two miles north of Galt. One
car stopped to pick up a passenger. The
brakes ort a second, following closely be-
hind, failed to work, ani the collision
occured. Both of the cars were crowded,
and most of the passengers were shak-
en up or brused. William Canty sustain -
ea thee broken ribs, one is injured in-
ternally, while Sohn Blouse and James
Quirle also have frectured ribs. James
Clulow fell to the floor of it car and was
knocked unconscious, and in addition
sustained an injury to the spine.
Never Expresses a Wish to Return to
His Former Kingdom.
Will Maki a World feur After He
Has Attended Coronation.
London, May 21.-DoDni Manuel, the
former King of Portugual, who lost
his throne last year, is fast becoming
Anglicized. The young king, After a
Short stem with hie uncle, the Duke of
Orleans, took up his residence with
his mother, Queen Ainelie, at Melo
mond, and around the exiles then tuts
been growing up it small colony of
'Portuguese Royalists. While Manuel
naturally spends much of his time with
his countrymen, his pleasures are
largely those of an Englistunanlie
is frequenely at events of it sporting
nature, but is particularly keen on
Although so much out of doors, the
ex -King looks far from well. He is
still quite stout, but is pale and un-
healthy in appearance, and is seldom'
seen with the wile that he habitually
assumed before the weevolution de -
privet). him of his throne. His friends,
however, say he never expresses a de-
sire • to return to Lisbon, and it is
known that the Marquis De Several has
advised the Royalists not to take part
in any intrigues, but to wait quietly for
the 'Hine when the Portuguese people
want the king to return, which, in his
opinion, is inevitable.
Manuel has not taken Ai studies at
one o fthe universities, as it was an-
nounced he would do. Instead, its is
now said that after the Coronation,
which he will attend "unofficially,"
as a. guest of King George, he will
make it world tour.
The income of the Portuguese
Royal family will be very materially
curtailed by a recent decision of the
provisional Government This was
to the effect that the money advanced
to King Carlos, Queen A.melie and
the Dowager Queen Maria Pia should
be deducted in annual instalments
from the ineome from Manuel's Por-
tuguese propeeties. An investigation
has shown that $3,600,000 was ad-
vanced to King Carlos. The amount ad-
vanced to the two queens has not yet
beeir determined,
mins, who is here, sant that the loss on
the Hollinger property in $70,000. The
buildings on the McIntyre property have
also been burned.
The district around. Peal Lake lute
beeu swept by .the flames, and the
settlement _around Aura Lake has been
eompletely wiped out.
Two houses end e general stere
were burned at South Porcupine, The
itehiolhoii itt POrCilpilles, reported/
burned on Friday night, VMS saved. 49
Construction gangs on the T
lemming & 'Northern Celine Railway
fought the fires oti the right of way.
It rained hard on Friday night, and
this considerably checked the flames,
Ail the fires were out by Saturday
Monterey, Mexico, May 21. -Ameri-
can refugees from Torreon, who infra
just arrived here, bring tales of a
massacre of Chinese in that eity by
it mob of Mexioans; who took posses-
sion of the town following itt capture
by a bond of !rebels last Sunday. For
.several years Torreon Inc. been the
chief Chinsee centre of Mexico. Many
wealthy men of that nationality live
there,itt an
among their property hold -
Inge s an eleetne street railway and
various industrial establishments.
As soon as the rebels won their vic-
tory an uncontrollable mob filled the
etreets and began looting and muedet-
ing. They slaughtered 25 Ohineee itt
the railroad eating-housee And killed
meity„.of them in other parts of the
town. The mob made an attack on
the Chinese bank for the purpose of
robbing it of several thousands of dol-
lars which were stored in their vaults.
Several wealthy depositors took re-
fuge in the bank, and the meib withe
drew after several had been killed
and wounded. Tihe eitories of the
.01thwee masencre and *thee outrages
at Torreon were told here by ,Tames
°tendon, H. W. Wear and other re-
fugees. The town le still tut off.
Keiser's Marked Attentions to Prince
of Wales Revived Conjectures.
tombilt, lfay 21. 2rile attention
whiter Emperor William, during his
visit to London, paid to the Prinee
of Walee, end the (Wheel onnottnee.
ma that' the Prince will visit Pots-
dam (luring the pieeent tawnier,
elven :zest to the goesip regarding the
peseibilitvitte marrieten between. the
Prinee of Waive and Prineeee Vietorie
Teame, the only daughter of the German
The Prineees, while venfiding to an
intimate Wend, ie mortal as saying:
'd don't want to be a Bavarian, A
Wurtemburger or it Vienn-se. 1 'Want
to be British."
t k iti014111)4 t 114/AM1 t h t 101'11
Tria roves to the FinInulei he should
Nice his entileitediea
Not Even a Clergyman at Nathaniel
Self's Funeral.
London, May 22. --Without a flower,
without a mourner, and. without 5,
elergyman to offieiate at the obsequies
the remains of Nathaniel Self, who 'on.
Thursday Wit allot and killed himself,
after havihg wounded his Wife, were in -
torred at the Woodland' Cemetery Sat-
urday moniing,
The renutins were talon from the un-
dertaking rooms of John Ferguson &
Sons in the black wagon used- for such
purposes, and buried n the cemetery
it lot that had been arranged for by
Self's sisters,
Mrs, Self, who is still in it serious
condition in Victoria Hospital, aud her
family, had nothing whatever to do with
the funeral arrangements or the disp0
sal of the remains.
North Bay, Ont.. May 2h --Charles
leersythe, of North Pay, died in Isiew Lis-
keard dloimital on Sunday evening from
injuries.received by falling between the
van and an engine of it work train on
the Porcupine brancb, under construction
by the T. AS: X'• 0. Railway, One leg
wns badly erushed, and luid to be ampu-
tated close to the body, death resulting
from shock. Just at preeent his wife.
:toa two children are visiting at hie mo-
thers home in Woodstock.
Colon, May 22, --IL lh Parker, agent
of the Royal Mail Steam Paket Come
pang, who Was tonvieted Saturday .of
being implicated with a Weed Indien
named Owens in securing contract lab-
orers for the Colombian mines, has
been eatiteneed to three and one half
years imprisonment. Owens received A
sentence of five years /ma three menthe.
Parker has appealed trent the deris-
ion. The laborers recently sailed on lite
steatnship Clyde.
Young Man Drowned in the Humber
and Boy Drowned in Don.
Several Condemnatory Resolutions
Passed at District Meetings,
Palmerston District Votes Against
Union With Other Churches.
The Other Districts Support It and
Pass Resolutions.
Guelph despatch; At the annual busi-
nessmeeting of the thielph district of
the Hamilton Methodist Conference, held
:n Acton, it stroug resolution was passed
eith ref:Irate*" to thy no temere decree,
eutleunither almost miiiiihnouely Weer -
ng Church union.
On it vote of 26 to 1, one. refraining
(ram voting, the distriet needing passe4.
resolution in favorof the union of the
eletionlist Presbyterian an4 Cengregse
tional Churches on the basis as submit-
ted. Rev. Dr. Antlitf moved the rose-
tution, smutted by W, 14, Doughte.
Moved by Bev, Mr, Fitzpatrick,. sec-
onded hy elev. Alt', Harris, and unani-
mously carried: "That this Guelph dis-
trict of tee Hamilton Conference of the
Ale-Um:list Church wislica to record its
strong dleapproval of the `lie tenter&
:teem as it affectour 'marriage laws,
and appeals for a unifornt marriage law
fer the whole Dominion that will :Leisure
senetity of the home end the perman.
owe, of the marriage relation. We also
reeent and deprecate the seurritons and
wafting statement of certain of the
1101110.11 Ontbolic elergy and prose, itt-
gnarling Protestantism, which have been
publielied broatleust without apology,
end we call -upon all lovers of religious
liberty to rally for those principles. and
interests which were purchased at sueh
teavycost by our fathers."
Welland report.: At the annual
meeting of the Welland Dietriet Method.
ist Church, held here this week, the fol.
towing resolution was passed: "Whereas,
Ute public mind has been greatly mita-
ed over the annulling of a certain mar,
rings; 'and whereas it is desirable that
the sanctity and legality of the marriage
relations shall be upheld and finally
settled in this country for all thne to
eonie;• reeolved, that this Methodist
meeting requests the Conference tit
make pronouncement on tbe
and take such action as they deem
wise and prudent."
They also passed a resolution endors-
ing the proposed church union. Other
routine business was transacted, reports
from different distriets being very satis-
factory. -
Harriston despatch: The annual dis-
trict meeting of the Palmerston district
WS$ held in the Methodist Churcit on
Wednesday and Thursday.
Rev. Andrew D. Robb, of Harriston,
. moved a resolution in- favor of church
union. His speech in support took a
very broad and liberal view of the great
question. Rev. A. E. Smith, of Drayton,
end Mr. It. M. Hazelwood, of Clifford, a
member of the General Conference, also
made strong speeches in support The
resolution was voted down by a stand-
ing vote of ten to eiglit. Two of the
ministers only voted against union.
Toronto, May 22. -The Humber River
and the Don 'each claimed a victim yes-
terday, the first drowning accidents of
the bathing season.
Perey L. Rouse, age 21, of 23 Har-
vard avenue, and Arthur • Wallaee
went swimming in the Humber, near the
old mill at noon. Five minutes later
Rouse sank. The body was recovered in
a few minutes anel efforts were made at,
resuscitation. The remains were taken
to the Parkdale Canoe Club, where Cor-
oner Ricker of Ilimieo, viewed the body
and decided that an inquest wa,s not ne-
cessary. The body was then taken home,
Nine-year-old .Alexander blaglestone,
whose parents reside at 163 Skipper
avenue, lost his life in the Don yes-
terday afternoon. Cormier IV. A.
Young is investigating, but it is not
likely that an inquest will be held.
The body, which was recOvered after
it bee been in the water about twenty-
five mirtutes, was reraoved to Ingram's
undertaking room, Queen street east.
After Sunday School young Eagle -
stone and four other boys went in
swimming in the Don flats, near Tay-
lor's paper mills, Eaglestone, who
could not swim, paddled around itt the
shallow water for some time and then
got beyond his depth. Ile called for
help, but sank before Anyone could
reach him
Vienna, May 22. --Some einem is
eaused by the nenewneentent that the
specialist, Prof, Xeueser, inul been
summoned to Geedelloe, where the Em-
peror Franein Joeeplt is At present 80.
looming in the royal chateau. Art an-
thoritetive statement issued says that.
the F,rtiperor'fe heelth is good and that
Dr. Xeusser's miseion was to ascertain
the effect of the treatment whieli be ad-
vised some time ago for it emigre from
telikli the Emperor We,* reffeting.
Dominion Government Determined to
Fight the Case to a Finish.
Damage Dant by LigIttaleg ti
Toronto on Saturday.
Toronto, May 22,-4. Woe at the
Corner of Walter street and Sunnyside*
avenue Was Struck, the current tearing
a hole in the root The hOtts0 of John
Rawlineon WI North Station street,
Weldon, had it. narrow escape from de-
struction, as the lightning etrnek the
chimney, tearing half the top 9Ifi
tore down through three mins by the
stovepipe, igniting some paper in the
stove, tearing up the linoleum, and
stripping most of the paper from the
wails, The G. N...W, Telegraph °ern -
pally had trouble with its Chicago wire.
The C. P. R. Was aided in its service by
ite plant at the Union. Station,
The lightning must have taken a wild
and fanciful turn around Long Branch,
for it, struek a house there and also split
a tree down the middle at Etobieoke,
mile to the west. Half the trunk af the
tree is lying down and the other half
is also cut itt the middle. Separating
these is it piece of bark tightly wedged
in, Sunday visitors looked on the tree
with a great deal cif interest.
The house at Long Branch etrUck by
lightning is the property •of Mr. A.
Singer. The shingles on a cupola were
torn off, and on the north aide the
supports of the house ever° shaken and
will probably have to beestretigthened.
The storm seemed very severe in Etobi.
coke township,
Belleville despatch; The ' Belletille
Methodist district met yesterday and
referred the question of union to the'
annual conference.
London, Ont., despatch: The London
district annual meeting of the ?Methodist
Church passed resolutions this afternoon
favoring church union and. condemning
the die tenu're' deeree. The meeting
opened in Wesley Hall, Rev. A. K. Birks.
A resolution was presented in refer-
ence to the ne tetnere decree. There
was a difference of opinion as to the
wisdom of wording it too strongly, and
Lt was decided to modify the resolution
and therefore to remind the publication
only the amended resolution'which
wits as follows: "That whereas the re-
cent action of the Quebee courts in the
matter of the Hebert marriage case
lute aroused the. Protestant ehurches of
Canada to it realizationof the danger
nising out of the design. of .the Roman
hierarchy, and witeretua the British eon-
etitution as well as her civil and political
inttitutions are essentially Protestant.
ind tolerant to the religious faith, not
only of her citizens, but also of all for-
eigners within bet Empire, and whereat;
the Church of Rome, not understanding
the true nature of British Protestant
toleration, oe unwilling to acknowl-
edge it, -assumes that it isan mime.
tionof their unreasonable and unjust
:labile and. arrogant pretensions of ato
thority es it universal dietator, both in
siturch aedState, as is fully demonstrat-
ed itt the application of the infamous
lie • tentere decree withie the British
Empire; as illustrated by the wrecking
of the McCann, Hebert and Haney fain -
lies in Irelentl, Quebec and Ontario;
therefore, be it resolved, that we, as n
.listriet meeting, .composed of lay mud
elinisterial members, endorse the recent
ietion inaugtirated by 'our General Con -
(armee Special eommittee, the principle
at which has been endorsed by other
Protestant denominatione, and we sol-
emnly pledgeourselves to unceasing ite.
tivity until the foundations of the F.m-
pire, the home, the (+tacit and the
Slate, be secured by wise legielation, and
quintet' by :ROA penalties."
The reeoltition was unanintottaly
sdopt ed.
Ottawa, Ont., May 2 -2. -The Luber De.
pertinent, in eo-operation with the ,Itts-
tice DepartMent, will mtt up it strong
fight before the Privy Connell to resist
the appeal of the United Slitee Machin-
ery Company from the decision of the
Quebec eottris refusing, an bijunction to
prevent the inwatigation ordered under
the Combines" Act of hast APSS1011 into
the alleged infringement of the low
by the (-oniony. hi ease it is found
that the present statute is insuffielent
to prevent evasion by legal teehnicali-
ties and delays, the Ntinister of Labor
will introduce nn amendment to pre-
vent tiny thwarting cif the intention of
the aet,
Toronto, May 22. ---The regulations
respecting angling permits to non-reeid.
Mete of the. Province desiring to angle
for fish in Provincial Waters, have .been
emended, AO as to provide that on pay -
tient of A fee of lel per tod, non-veeiti-
elite of Ontario may Angle in the De.
teolt and St. Clair Rivera, whether SKINStem-
Member of Parliament and Family •
Nearly Plunged Into Niagara.4
Buffalo, May 21. -Plunging down it
short iodine at the foot of Ferry street,
A. big touring ear in whielt was L. R.
Lawlor, a inember of the Canadian Par -
fitment, of Dunnville, Oa., and two
membersof hie family, was saved from
going into the Niagara River by a small
poet eatehing in one of the wheels. 14
might have been death of the occupants
of the car had the machine leaped into
the -river.
Believing he had set the brakes
tight, or else they became loosened' by
t slight lurch of the car, the chauffeur
had gone to purchase tickets to cross
on the ferry. . He had only been gone
k few minutes .when the ear started to-
vard the water.
Gaining momentum,. before those in
the car realized what had happened the
machine plunged quickly down the bil4
Ind stopped suddenly, a, few feet from
thegates leading to the ferry, by it short
post- projecting in one of the wheels.
The escape was a narrow one,Indeed,
and members of -the party, who were
visiting Mr. Lawlor's son-in-law, IL R.
Mitehell, of 59 Argyle Park, were nearly
thrown into hysterics from the shock.
Toronto, May 22.- Tenders for the
purchase of the skins which Supt Dart.
lett brought down front Algenquirt Park
were *petted yesterday by W. T. Gibeon, -
Deputy Minister of Mines, and the skin*
were sold for $2,030.80. The firm of
Sohn Hallam & Company seetred 370
beaver skins for e2,724, And ten otter
for $173.50. • E. T. Carter & Company
pad $ for al nufhlasa Skins, $44 for
eight martens, and $5 for one Rot akin.
Man, Wife and Two Daughters, Killed
by Cars at Newark.
(By Times Special' WiTe)'"."
Newark, Ohio, May 22. -The fam-
ily of D. W. Docelson, of Hebron, was
wiped out yesterday when an inter-
urban ear on. the Newealc division of
the Ohio Electrie Railway struck
their buggy and killed Dodson, aged
30, Mrs. Dodson, of the. same age,
and their two little girls, aged 7 and 4.
'The Dodsons were riding along the
highway evhich flanks the electric
line a mile east of Hebron and were
paasing a car, when their horse be-
came frightened and plunged aeross
the track in front of the ear.
Luscious Fruit in Few Weeks If Rain
St. Catharines, Ont., May 22. -The un-
seesonably hot weather of last week has
brought growth aidlig wonderfully all
over the Niagara fruit belt, and growers
say that if there is plenty of rain soon
it, will result in Mw earliest home-grown
strawberries on record around here, The
berry plants are already very far ad-
vaneed. That home-grown berries will
be on the market long before the middle
of June, the usual time, is the prediction
of growers.
Charles Stringfellow, Aged 18, Lost
His Life at Hagersville.
Rogersville, May 2L-Ohaties String-
deltoiv, eighteen years old, the only son
of Rev, Chas, Stringfeltow, a superan-
nuated Methodist minister, residing at
Rogersville, was drowned this afternoon
while swimming in the pond at Winger's
sandpit about three lulled from Hagers-
vide. He was a good swimmer, but
seems to have taken a cramp, and went
down in fifteen feet of water. Ilis body
was in the cold spring water for an
hour and a half before his companions
eould 'orate him and get lam out. Drs.
Playlnir and Quante worked for a long
time, but could not resuseitate him.
• * --
Winnipeg; Man.,. May 22, -Premier
Roblin loft last night for the cortena-
Lion. Daring his absence Robert Regent,
Minister of Public Works, will be act-
ing premier. The revelry contingent for
the eoronation began drilling in Winni-
peg tide morning. The. Royal N. W. M.
P. emitingent, 150 strong, Weed eaet
yeeterday en route to London.
Petereoro' deep:deli: This morning
during a motto eleettleel storm the barn
Martin Coughlin, Douro town.
was struek by lightnieg. John
Cummirere ot farm hand, aged 18, who
was working in the but, was btotnntly
tmoa. Theban Was bully Wrecked, bub
porarily residing in the Province or 1 not baited. The young mint hid no fi tele.
s rem
h f their OW11 boats or rotas, tives Ma aountrr.
Berlin, May 22. ---The German Govern.
nient has just toneluded the agreement
at its present megaton. The Swedish du.
ties on manufactured goods have gen.
trolly been raised 40 to 00 per
but the treaty With Cermet*, ohanges
these figures to about 20 to 20 per cent,
sec se -e
Torento, May 22. ---Toronto's first
heat victim dieel thie morning on
Yohgc atreet. The deceased wall ari
unknown women and the had been
Mending irt the street waiting for it
eta to pass when. she collapsed with
the heat. She died before reaohit4
4 hoet44111.