The Wingham Advance, 1911-03-16, Page 5THURSDAY, MAReu xG, x9II
1Mr sweu Dresser says
goociciothes iSall there
is to it
McGee & Campbell
Early Election Probable,
A prominent Liberal in 13•a•1in, Otho
Is in tou h with the Cabinet minister
at Ottawa, upon being asked to ex
press his views on the reciprocal ar-
rangement declined on the ground
that the q'zestion is to be finally de.
oi'ed by an appeal to the electorate at
a 1 early date,
A Valuable Claim.
Ope veteran's claim in New Ontario
has proved worth a lot of money,
The owner is Allan Campbell, a com.,
znereial traveller, Ilia claim is in
Porcupine, and the T. N, & O. Rail-
way has selected the site of the claim
for a station. The owner bas refused
$100,000 for the property.
Limit For Partridge .And Duck.
R. R. Gamey has a new plan for
protecting the gain birds of the pro-
vince. He will introduce a bill into
the Legislature providing that no ono
shall shoot more than 25 wild ducks
in one day, nor more than 10
partridge. lie would also limit the
number one man can shoot in a
Beason to 150 ducks and 50 partridge.
Be would prohibit the use of auto-
matic guns in shooting. There
doesn't seem to be mach reason in
this part of the country, at least, for
the number being placed so high. If
a hunter were to gather in a dozen
ducks in a season he would consider
the fact worth blowing about for
a year.
Women have more than their share
of the aches and pains that afflict hu-
manity. They must "keep up," in
spite of constant aching backs, or
headaches, dizzy spells, etc. Mrs. Ed,
Oalwood of 123 S. Harold St., Fort
William, Ont., says
"I suffered with dull, miserable
pains, soreness across my bank and in
my sides for months, They would
catch me so badly at tithes that I
could scarcely move around. I would
have dizzy spells and altogether felt
generally run down, After using a
number of remedies without finding
relief. I learned of Booth's kidney
pills and found them an excellent
remedy. They not only relieved me
of the miserable pain and soreness in
my back, but cured me of my kidney
Booth's Kidney
Pills cure back-
ache, dull shoot-
ing pains, thick
and cloudy urine,
gravel or stone,
rbeumatism and
all diseases of
the kidneys and
All druggists
and dealers 50c a
box or postpaid from The R. T. Booth
Oo., Fort Erie, Ont. If you derive no
benefit your money will be refunded.
Gould we say more ? Sold and guaran-
teed by J. W. McKibbon.
Pains or
"I carry Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain
Pills with me all the tirne, and
for aches and pains there is
frothing equals them. I have
used them for rheumatic pains,
headache, and pains in side and
back, and in every case they give
perfect satisfaction."
Boonton, N. J,
Pain comes from tortured
tervcs. It may occur in any
part of the head or body where
there is weakness or pressure
upon the nerves.
Dr. Miles'
An ti -Papa Pills
Relieve pain, whether it be neu-
ralgias, rheumatic, sciatic, head-
ache,- stomache, pleurisy or
ovarian pains.
Price 25c at your druemlet. He should
supply you. If he does not, send price
to us, we forward prepaid.
DR. MILES MEDICAL 00., Toronto,
gad Fifty Children.
The Transvala papers accord the
palm to Mrs, Thelia Van Wyk, aged 78.
She has been married sirs times, has
fifty children that call her mother,
and 270 grandchildren.
gas Plenty Yet.
1llarkdale has the promise of $5000
for a Carnegie Library ; Shelburne
bas applied to Mr, Carnegie for a
$0,000 donation, and Durham has the
promise of :8,000 for a building,
Grand Valley Is preparing plane for a
Carnegie Library to cost $7,500.
That Bald Spot.
Don't let that bald spot grow 1
Go to your druggist at once and get
a bottle of Parisian Sage and if that
don't check the falling hair, and cause
new hair to grow, nothing will,
Dandruff i'a the cause of baldness,
dandruff germs cause dandruff. Pari-
sian Sage ki11s the germs, eradicates
dandruff, stops failing hair and itch-
ing scalp. We will refund your
zuoney, it it fails to do this in two
weeks, Parisian Sage wilt cause the
hair to grow, if the hair roots be not
dead. It causes the hair to grow
thicker, more Iuxnriant, and puts new
life into it,
The girl; with the auburn hair is on
every package of Parisian Sage. It is
sold for 50c by all druggists or sent
postpaid by The Giroux Mfg.Co„ Fort
Erie, Ont„ on receipt of price. Sold
and guaranteed by T. W. McEibbon,
Strange Was Tbis.
Toronto dailies report the death of
We. lranelere, and a strange thing is.
recorded. The night before her death,
a very young grandchild of the wo-
man said to her mother. "Grandma
is sick, She has something the mat-
ter with her head," At the time Niro.
Branciere was apparently in the best
of health. The next morning about
0.30, Mrs. Branciere woke her hus-
band, saying:—"Paul I feel something
breaking in my leg, It is going to my
head." Then she lapsed into =con -
?doneness front whish she never
roused, Clots of blood on the brain
are said to have caused her death.
A Narrow Escape.
While clearing snow from the swit-
ches recently, Mr. Chas, kllauchfleld,
trackman in the Palmerston G. T. It,
yards, met with the experience of his
life, In the blinding storm which ob-
scured his vision he was mysteriously
caught by the passenger engine from
Southampton and carried under the
engine, The engineer's attention
was attracted by his calla. Think-
ing someone was Locked in one
of the freight cars he made an in-
vestigation and finally located the
unfortunate man between the pilot
and engine truck, firmly wedged in.
The engine had to be jacked to secure
his release. He got off with a scalp
wound and broken leg,
Si omach Troubles
Cured by Vinol
r" l suffered so long from stomach
trouble and indigestion, that I lost
flesh rapidly —VINOL cured me
after everything else had failed. It
strengthened my digestive organs—
gave me a hearty appetite, and I
can eat anything without the slight-
est distress. I do not believe any-
thing equals VINOL for stomach
trouble and indigestion."
Portland, Me.
Mr. Thos, G .Wallace, of Detroit,
Mich., writes, "I suffered for years
from a chronic stomach trouble.
VINOL entirely cured me after
everything else had failed."
It 'is the curative medicinal ele-
ments of the cod's liver, combined
with the strengthening properties
of tonic iron contained in VINOL,
which makes it so successful in re-
storing perfect digestion, and at
the same time building up the weak-
eakened run-down system.
Try a bottle of VINOL with the
understanding that your money will
be returned if it does not help you.
Druggist - Wingham
00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000
3 Weeks Clearing'
00004000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000a
TO $12,000
Successors To The Geo. E. King Estate
Snatest Stoac WIlt-stekon Sake Sd‘ `'&e ik.C'kston NkIng‘Nam
Three whole weeks of Great Money Saving Opportunity
Dress Goods.
25 pieces All Wool Dress Goods'
Plain and Fancy Weaves, to clear
at 25c per yard,
50 pieces Wool Dress Goods,
Piain colors and Fancy Weaves,
regular $i.00, $x.25 and $i.5o,
for 75c a yard.
Kid Gloves.
too pairs guaranteed I(id Gloves,
regular $r:oo and $t.25, for
Silk . Waists.
Black and White, all sizes, reg-
ular $3.50, $4.50 and $5 00, for
$2 75.
Factory Cotton.
25 pieces 10 and 121i
quality, for 8c.
Toweliings, - tea and Crash.
Regular i2;,/2"c, for - - 8c
`t tor, for - - 7e
Sac Fancy Huck -a
Back for. -
One Case 10 and 1211-0
quality for 8c.
Table Linens.
`$1,00, $1.25 and $1.50
for 98e'
50c and 60e
for 89e.
Flannelette Blankets-.
A job lot to clear at
90c pair.
Silks and Satins.
300 yards, all colors, for 390 ;
15o yards, black, $i.00 and -$1.25
for 79c.
50 Pieces Print.
Regular 121-0 for 9e.
50 ends, all colors, reg.
20c and 25c for 1lc.
Produce Wanted
No matter what you want in general
mdse., get our prices before buying.
0000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000450 00000000000000000000000630
Men's Clothing.
100 Suits to. clear at
prices never before
heard of.
Men's Fur Coats.
Last chance to buy at
reduced prices.
Wool and Flannelette
Blankets, Sheeting, &c.
at 25 per cent. off.
Lace Curtains, Carpets,
Rugs, Linoleums, Oil
Cloths, etc., at 25 per
eent. off.
Open An Account With The
New Firm-ra., KING BROS.
A-*** ***.4♦*#****+A;t,4*4
New Idea
I0 Cts.
New Idea
10 Cts.
on Clothes if you investigate
our prices
This is the place to get your
Spring Suit, Coat or Skirt
of Beady -to -wear Garments, the finest
in the land, are now here at this store
awaiting your inspection, and our great-
est pleasure is showing them to you.
Don't wait until yon are ready to
buy before you come here to see the
new style; you should see them right
We know that we are showing this
season by far the greatest values and
the finest assortment of high class
apparel ever shown by this or any
other store in Wingham.• We want
you to know it.
The only„ way you will know it is
to come and see for yourself.
We can show _you everything
in Correct and Stylish Ready-
to-wear Apparel for Women
And what is more we can show
you STYLES and VALUES you
will not see elsewhere.
LH. E. isard & Co.
In the materials of the • spring showing comprises,
in the staple lines, Serges, Panamas, and Hairline
Worsteds in the heavier goods, Cashmeres and Fine
Serges on lighter weaves, as well as a nice showing
of fine mest and fancy Voiles, Tweed Effect and
Mannist Suitings are also shown,
Dainty Wash Fabrics in large assortment, Crumbs
English Print (the word "Crumbs" is a household
word and needs no explanation) we have them in
a great quantity of patterns, other Prints at 7, 8
and 9 cts. a yard. Dress Ginghams, Anderson's
Zephyrs, Fawns, White, Cream and Black Vestings,
Repp Suitings, Muslins, etc,, etc.
Silk Department
We have bought heavier in Silks this year than
ever. During the spring and summer Silks *ill
be strong, and we are now showing 1Vlessalines,
Palliettes, Peau De Soil, Bengaline, Pongell, Taffeta,
and Satin surfaced Silks, 40 inches wide.
Grocery Specials
No. i Granulated Sugar - ..$4..75
No. i 20 lb. bag Sugar .................. 1.0o
to lb. pail Pure i-Ioney ..,. 1,25
t Ib. section Comb Honey. . .. .16
Large quantities of Butter, Eggs.and Potatoes
wanted cash or trade.
T. A • Mills