The Wingham Advance, 1911-01-26, Page 54 TIUURSDAY,. JANUARY 26, 1910 THE WING 'AM ADVANCE a * ,loll!*!►****** ' * '.** *****. **** 'i•f e 20 Per Gent. Discount On Mens and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Pea Jackets, Odd Pants and Knickers. What It Means To You --- $ 5.0o Garments $ 7.50 $ T o.00 $15 00 $20.00 for .... $ 4 o0 $ 6 oo $ Soo 44.,.. $f2,co .. $16.00 it ct We are giving an extra -special price do Boys' 3 piece School Suits --regular $4 00 and $5,00 --for $3 00. Penman's Wool Underwear—regular 75c for 55c.. Special prices on Gloves and all other Winter Goods worth your while. to come and see. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS ea, MEAT'S FU'?tNISI E/R.S 4 fi3.4ii,TrF�F"Fia i es344ii i+ $4 G. WHITE Lades' and Gentlemen's Tailor The only stock I carry enntains the newest All - wool Fabrics, embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from the most reputable mills in the world. Inspeciton invited. You will find our Kingfisher Cloths in Black and Blues, Fancy Worsted 8uitings, Tweed Battings, Melton, Beaver, and Crombie's Over - coatings give the best satisfaction. Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre- vailing the day you are measured. You get every- thing the very latest and best when you let us make, Clothes expressly for you. E. C. WHITE WILSON BLOCK WINUNAM The Fashionable Men's and Ladies' Tailor Great Care Necessary. The Brussels Post reports the fol- lowing :—By a mistake in bottles, exactly alike, a person in town receiv- ed a dose of saltpetre instead of salts last week. A physician was called and prompt mea,snres used, so no serious results followed. It was an 7 anxious time for a while. Another warning not to trust to unlabelled bottles. Somebody advises the plac- ing of a pin in the cork of each bottle of poisonous tendency with the pin point through the top of the cork so that in handling the danger can be detected in light or dark. FOR THE STOMACH. Here's An Offer Yon Should Not. Ovt;rlook. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy stomach troubles by supplying the ono element, the absence of which in the gastric juices clauses indigestion and dyspepsia. They aid the stomach to digest food and to quickly convert it into Lich red blood and material necessary for overcoming natural body waste. Carry a paekago of Recall t ye- pepsia Ttiblete in your vest poeket, or keep them in your room. Take one after each heavy meal and indigestL'n will not bother you. Wo know what Ilexall Dyspepsia Tablets aro and what they 'will do, We guarantee them to relieve in. digestion and dyspepsia. If they fail we will refund your money. Three sizes, 25e, GOc and $1;00. Re. obtain flaxen all Re- medies you eonobt it only at -The RexeTl stmt. Ws 7i. MoZThbonr Nothing But Right. Brantford hotelmen have banded together to prevent the sale of liquor V) minors, and to prosecute under -age persons who try to buy the stuff'. Get Your Over -Hauls, Workiiig Pants and Coats from T. A. Mills. Good as the Wheat qpO° THOSE WH4 TOIL EARNEST'; AND WITH SUCCESS WILL BE SATISFIED ONLY WITH THE BEST OVER•HAUL THAT CAN BE MANUFACTURED., EATh ERj ABEL OVER•N�AU GH GRADE, O utlioN MADE AND g5T 1 1I.UB HAI„ f AME2ICAN-STYLE WORK CLOTHES. THEY ARE DOUBLE STITCHED THROUGHOUT, 81G AND GENEROUS (IT TAKES FROM 42 T044 YARDS TO MAKE A DO2EN),HAVE SEVEN POCISETS, IMPARTED BUCKLES AND BUTTONS THAT WONT COME OFF,EtASTIC DETACHABLE SUSPENDERS,ETC, LOOK FOR IHE TAN COLORED TRADE MARK ON YOUR OVERAILS,THE LEATHER LABEL. WE ARE THE•AGENTS FOR LEATHER LABEL OVERALLS. .1 UST ARRIVED—Fresh Frozen Trout and Her- ring. Also Pickled Herring ---heads off, and split --in 25, 50 and 100 ib. kegs ; will keep till next spring ; call and get a pail or keg. Produce of all kinds wanted. Potatoes in any quantity. T. A. Mills lI N a HAM HOW TO GET FREF A 50c. BOTTLE OF PSYCHINE The white corpuscles of the blood the Phagocytes, as they are known scientifically—are the policemen or the scavengers of the body. Wet a germ of disease can Invade the body anywhere but these white corpuscles get after it. And, if they are 'strong enough or in sufficient tiuniberg, they devour it. If they're not strong enough or in sufficient numbers, then the invading army of disease germs triumphs and • disease holds the body. Any preparation that strengthens these white corpuscles or that in- ereases their number, will not only preserve health, but will build up its defences so strongly that contagion or infection aro Impossible. TTerbs have always been great eura- Live agents from time immemorial. They have bean styled nature's own remedies. Certain herbs more than others are noted for their curative powers. And it has been found that those herbs that are most effective In main- taining or restoring health, do no by building up the white corpuscles or Phagocytes. *iFit Meats b r'br art Incorporated in (PROItOtJNCED SI-1iEEN) And It Is the tremendous curative power of these herbs that is respon- sible for the unequalled record of this splendid preparation. Think of It. Tri Psyehine we have a preparation that has been in use a third of a century, That has cured hundreds of thousands of many kinds of diseases. Por which we have received hun- dreds of thousands of unsolicited testimonials, Isere are the diseases for the treat- inent of which S'sychino la indicated: IA Grippe Bronchitis Ifentorrhagee Sore Throat Anaemia Pentale wcaknese indigestion Poor Appetite Chills and {`overs Sleeplessness end Nervous Troubles Bronchial Coughs Weak Lungs Weak Votco Spring Weakness Early Decline Catarrhal Affections Catarrh of Stomach Night Sweats Obstinate Coughs Laryngitis and Dyspepsia Atter-eiteets of Pleurisy, Pneumonia and La•tirippe. Now we don't ask you to take our word for the tremendously beneficial effect of Psychine. Pill out trio eoupon below, mail it to us and we'll give your druggist an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a 50 -cent bottle of Plsyc1a1ne to be given you tree of cost. We will undoubtedly buy and dis- tribute in this manner hundreds of thousands of these 60 -cent bottles of Psyehine. And we do that to show our entire confidence in thls wonderful prepara- tion. A confidence that has been based on our third of a century's experience with this splendid preparation with a full knowledge. of the hundreds of thousands of cures it has made. COUPON No. 11(3 To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, Ltd. 193.195 Spading Ave., Toronto x arcept your offer 10 try a toe. bottle of Psyehine (pronounced tai•keenl at your expense. I have not had a 6Oe bottle of 1' ychine under this pian. ICIndly adVLio my druggist to deliver this bottle to me. Iffy Name Town ., Street and Number ......: Ary Druggist's Nemo Street and Number..... •..,....... This coupon is not good fora Mr, bottle of P;sychino it presented to the druggist it must be sent us—wo will then buy the Me. bottle of I'ayeltino from your druggist and direet him to deliver it to you. This niter may be withdrawn At any Uwe without riottoe. Bend coupon Section Man Killed, A.n, accident oecurred Thursday afternoon otl the Canadian Paolfic Railway track about a mile south of Orangeville, whereby section foremlan. Thomas Tilley was instantly killed. Riley left the freight steed about two o'clock to walk over hie section. It is supposed that be fell on the icy road- bed and was stunned. A freight train, which left there at half past two, could not be checked in time on the heavy down grade, and though it is stated the engineer saw the form lying on the track, the whole train passed over the man. Deceased, who was about thirty-six years of age,. leaves a widow and two young children. Canine Sagacity, The Chesley Enterprise gives the following fact, which shows the at- tachment of a dog to its home :—Chas. Lorenz of Sullivan Tp., is a fire ranger in the Parry Sound District, Last spring Mr. Lorenz left Owen Sound by boat for Parry Sound, taking a horse, rig and dog with him, Ile drove forty miles north from Parry Sound to his camp. About the last of August he left camp and travelled a distance of some ten Hailes, When he returned to camp bis dog was gone, Mr. Lorenz made enquiries about his dog, but nobody had seen the animal, This fall Mr. Lorenz came home and to the surprise of hitnself and family the dog landed home on Nov. 20th in good con clition, having travelled some 300 miles over a road it had never been over before. The instinct of lower animals often approaches so closely to the rea- soning faculties of the human mind that,it is difficult sometimes to dis- tinguish between instinct and reason. Apparently this dog had no scent to follow, and its intelligence is certainly remarkable. FOR CONSTIPATION. . A Medicine That ,Doer Not Cost Anything Unless It Cures. The active medicinal ingredients of Rexall,Orderlies, which are odorless, tasteless and colorless, is an entirely new discovery. Combined with, other extremely valuable ingredients, it forms a perfect bowel regulator, in- testinal'invigorator and strengthener. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy and aro notable, for their agreeable- ness to the palate and gentleness of action. They do not cause griping or any disagreeable effect or incon- venience. Unlike other preparations for a like purpose, they do not create a habit, but instead they overcome the cause of habit acquired through the use of ordinary laxatives, cathartics and harsh physic, and permanently reprove the cause ofenonstipation or irregular bowel action. We will refund your money without argument if they do not do as we say they will. Two sizes, lac and -10c. Sold only at our store—The Rexall Store. J. W. McKibbon. Marriage License Changes, Since the beginning of the year new marriage license certificates have been sent out by the Provincial authorities to marriage license issuers. The new form is much simpler and requires less trouble to fill out. Under the 1011 forms all returns have to be made by the officiating clergyman, instead of the issuer having to send a separate affidavit to the Provincial Registrar, This is now printed on the back of the certificate and is returned when the 'certificate is returned by the clergy- man. With the certificate is another form attached as a coupon, which the officiating clergyman is required to fill out Lind fbrward to the Regis- trar of the municipality in which he Ives. Try Zaln-Buk For Piles. Read Row This Sufferer Benefited I Don't you believe that experience is better than heatsay? If you suffer from piles, just try Zana-13uk. You' can do so at our expense. So assured are we of the result that we will send you a free trial box if you send to our Toronto offices full name and address and a one cent stamp to pay return postage. Scores of people daily acquaint us with the benefit they have derived from the use of Zam-Duk. Mr. P. Astridge, of 3 St„ Paul St., St. Cath a, Ines, Ont., says :-"F r five years 1 have suffered untold agony with pro- truding piles. The pain was so great at tunes I would almost scream. "I lost weight and had no appetite. I tried everything T ever heard of for piles, as I was willing to take any- thing to get relief. It was useless, however, and I almost gave up in c'ieapair. One day a friend gave me sample of>,tm-Bilk, and told me of a friend of hie who had been cured. T decided to try Ztm-Bak, and the relief I got Was encouraging. I used three boxes, and at the end of that time I was com- nletely cured. I wish I could have got Zun-Buk years ago{ it would have eaved me a great deal of misery." Za.m-Buk will also be found a sure cure for cold sores, ehapped hands, frost bite, uleete, blood -poison, vari- cose rotes, scalp sores, ringworm, in• filmed patches, babies' eruptions and chapped places, eats, burns, bruises, and skin injuries generally. All drug- gists and stores sell at GOc a box, or post free from lana-Buk Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price, You are wartt- p ed Lagai fol ittiitations and {{blit ItMittu {substitutes. See the regietered name, '•ZenuBiik," on every package. t Rousing Stock Taking Sale at Isard's DOWN GO THE PRICE$ on Ladies' Coats, Skirts, Fur Lined Coats, Fur Coats, Fur Collared. Coats RIGHT NOW is the best time to get a new Coat, Skirt or Dress. You know what styles are best, and PRICES have reached the lowest limit. Do not delay. Colne at once, and get your pick of the season's smartest styles, at prices far below ordinary. REMEMBER, THIS IS A BIG STORE AND A BIG STOOK, COMPRISING NEARLY EVERYTHING THAT MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN WEAR r,..,.........,........„........„....„....„...,.,.....,.. This Great Stock Taking Sale opens Saturday,. January the 7th and continues to the end of the month We are overstocked, but we don't intend to be very long. We are determined to do triple the ordinary amount of Business for this month, and PRICES have been made with that idea in mind $9.(in Garment in our store. These For your choice of any $12,00 great values, so many of our customers have said, are not equalled elsewhere. $1.25 Undershirts, perfect in every way, only 98c Big snap in Girls' Coats ; 18 only to sell ; value up to $4.50, for $2.98 20 PER CENT. Off regular prices of TOP SKIRTS. Lots to choose from. $11•25 Nowhere else can ,goo tet such excellent vibes in $15.00 Coats as here. Compare them with any you see else- where at that price, Your choice, $11.25. SILK- SKIRTS — Good value at $5,00 ; now $3.95 4 lot of Coats to clear, not thisseason's; a i priees ; you choice for - $1.98 FUR COATS. 1 Persian Lamb Coat, worth $75, for $59.00. ,, One Coon Coat, worth $60, for $48.00. MEN ! MEN ! MEN ! GO WHERE YOU WILL, and when you will, you cannot find better Clothing Values than we ?lifer at our regular prices, Here is your chance to save 20 per cent. off our very low prices, If you want to wear better Clothes than ordinary without paying as much as usually asked for the common kind, you want attend this Rousing Stock Taking Sale. Remember, this Sale includes every Ready-to-wear Garment. None are re- served. First come, first served. NOTICE—A11 accounts must be settled by cash or note by January 15th. ' H. E. ISARD & CO., Wipghani'i IS The Eye Specialist Who Practices the New System "HE LOOKS INTO THE EYE". An opportunity will soon be given the people of Wingham and surrounding country to have their eyes ex- amined and glasses fitted by the new and wonderful "Shadow Test" method which does away with all machines, drops and drugs in testing, also the old but still used method of .trying on glasses. Prokssor F, A, Graham instructor in the New System, Montreal, will be in Wingham to fill a nine days' engage ' ment of Sight Testing at our Store. Ile will be here from Thursday, Jan. 26, to Saturday, Feb. 4. A new day has dawned for eye -sight sufferers, This specialist has perfected a system so perfect that it has brought the correcting of imperfect sight to an exact science, No long, tedious sitting in the optician's chair to have innumerable pairs of glaeses tried to your eyes, but a new and wonderful, quick and easy method by which the inside of the eyeball is illuminated and nature gives up the secret of poor vision. Children's eyes can be accurately exatnined by this method without asking questions.. . Cross eyes can in many cases be straightened by wearing glasses fitted by this system. All examinations will be made by Professor Graham 1!ree of Charge, those requiring glasses paying for glasses only. 1 avant this message tobe an invitation to eyesight sufferers, to all who require a change in their glasses, to , • all who wish to know if the glasses they are wearing are exaetly right, to all headache sufferers and alt children afflicted with cross eyes. This le an opportunity perhaps of a lifetime to many who are unable to visit these Specialists in their city of- flees, and I am fully convinced that those who take advantage of this visit of Professor Graham will be fully repaid in satisfaction and results. The time set for free examinations each day and evening is as follows—fl to 12, 2.34 to (3, S and fE, the evening being fully as good as the daytime as all work is done by artificial light, Our optician will cora. pieta his course of instruction in the new system while Professor Graham is with us. Please bear in mind the fact that this epeeist engagement is only for two weeks. Our message to the people le this—COME—all who need help for your eyes. We are now booking appointments. 1. ours to serve, F. J. HIND Druggist and Optician, WINGHAM