The Wingham Advance, 1911-01-26, Page 44 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1910 King's For Bargains We Want Your Trade KING'S rais THE BUSY STORE ►, Sag el d: kICSvirail tin r owl 4.4 cz di wcz dw1 0 ul -err I 4 '6 csin act a I= a 44fees m r t o �w p al 4'0 4:1 OHO U O co cz vs., =I a#o t� e -u PeZC ss, Pei 0 us t®il Co rte -PI 1 P -i P4_1 M CO fez Ha CO r -i ers As v sitCC PRODUCE WANTED -- Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Feathers, Beans, &c. • GEO. E. KING Good . Goods 1 One Hour Of Road Building. Built 380 Nies lir idle Day. The greatest piece of road -building on record was accorpllelzetl in the state of Iowa recently, when. in the *pace of one single hour, a line of road 380 miles In length and stretch- ing entirely across the ()tate from Council Bluffs to Davenport, was put in the most perfect condition of any road west of the Mississippi river. Weeks and months were spent in preparation for the work, but not a pick or i.hovel was used until the designated 'second 'was ticked off, `.,'hen, as if by magic, 10,000 workmen awanned out on tothe roadway, and when they ceased work 00 minutes later Iowa had one of the finest long- distance roads in the entire west. Cheap Prices THIS Mpd BE THE LAST OPPORTUNITY FOR SECURING SUCH WONDERFUL REDUCTIONS IN EITHER Dry Goods or Groceries For we are now negotiating with a practical business man to purchase the whole stock. Come right along at once secure your requirements at such money --saving reductions as ,may not be offered again in your time. In all probability, there won't be more than a week or so of this sacrificing Sale. Butter, Eggs,, Poultry, Dried Apples and Beans taken, and Cash, of course, not refused. GORDON'S Clearing Sale /mom earrome.kinome Independent Telephone. The independent telephone line of the Tp. of Obinguacousy has proven a great success. Though only or- ganized eighteen months, at a cost of $4000, the Co. has 400 subscribers, At Brampton they have connection with 800 Bell subseribcirs, and 800 more at °sledon.. They are reaching out for other townships. And not the least interesting thing in connection with the tremendous piece of work is the fact that not a man of the entire 10,000 engaged on the work received one cent of wages, Good will and patriotism alone are responsible for the splendid showing. Last winter the Igwa roads became so fearfully bad that traffic was practi- cally killed and farmers were simply compelled to remain in their hones. Finally the matter became a political question and both parties got behind the movement. Instead of appointing new com- mittees to handle the work, the reg- ular republican and democratic com- mittees in each county through, which the road would pass were appealed to. The chairman of the committee of each party were asked to get in the game and work for the road. Every- body agreed to do so, and soon a rivalry was created between repub- licans and democrats, each to see which party would have the most workmen "on the job" when the time for work arrived. Will Be Great City, The story of Winnipeg is one of the most marvellous and impressive records,gf growth on the continent. Thirty-five years ago Winnipeg's population was less than 1,000, and the school attendance was only 85 pupils it was but a, post of the Hudson's Bay Company, without churches, streets or railroads, and but a few years previously the Indians chased herds of Buffalo across the prairie where the city now stands. It is now the rails road and business centre of the Canadian West, Twenty-two railway tracks radiate from it, and the C.P,R* Yard there, with its. 120 miles of pid- ings, is the largest in the world eon - trolled by a single corporation. Win- nipeg is the chief central point of the Canadian Northern and Grand Trunk Pacific railway systems—these roads having just built a Union Station at a cost of $1,500,000. Three thousand six hundred railway em- ployees reside in the city, The streets of the city are generally wide, . the principal avenues being 132 feet, 120. miles of streets are paved with asphalt, block and macadam. The area of 18,000 acres has been covered by 185 miles of sewers, water mains have been laid down since the city's in- corporation 30 years. ago. A Saturday was selected as the day and from 9 to 10 o'clock the hour of work. Every farmer along the way was personally seen, and agreed to give the ono hour that was asked for. Farmers were asked to bring their plows, scrapers- and road drags, and an organization equal to those em- ployed in professional railroad build- ing was worked but. In the weeks preceding the work all bridges and culverts along the road were repaired and put in first-class order, that no delay might come to the road builders when once this latter started working. The result of the organization was shown on the appointed Saturday. Shortly before 9 o'clock in the morn- ing farmers began getting out in the road. Hundreds and thousands of plows, picks, shovels, scrapers, road drags, grading -machines and other implements were brought along. Every farmer brought his team with hien, Superintendents and overseers had been appointed in readiness when, promptly at 0 o'clock- the order was issued to "fall to," and 10,000 deter- mined inen "fell to." For an hour they continued, working with might and main. At 10 o'clock the job was finished, and the farmer§ went back to their fields, leaving Iowa the pos- sessor of the finest piece of long- distance roadway in the West. PiitiVsisoccotlePolospontivneradt,ilePratikti tzrabfl.W,t t t z One ,Who saves wisely i s not consider- ed a rnti:ser. Bather its be given credit for mueb good sense and judicious forethought. Ile looks ahead and sees, perhaps sickness, tttcident, or may one of the multitude of things which night cause an unusualstrain upon his resources, ti 3x sat One Dollar will start alt account with iYYiLL the Bank of Hamilton. ;4;v► C. P, SMITH, Agent Itlingliamf Maitland Drainage Scheme. A deputation was in Toronto re- cently interviewing Hon, Dr, Reaume Minister of Public Works, in connec- tion with a drainage scheme affecting the townships of Grey and Etma. About 10,000 acres of Iand in these townships are affected by the over flowing of the Maitland River where the banks are very low. This state of affairs is caused by the increased number of drains which empty into the river, overtaxing it. It is pro- posed that the river be dredged at this point and the deputation asked that the Government make a grant to assist the interested townships in carrying out this project. The prom- ise was given that the matter wbuld receive the most favorable considera- tion of the Minister. RHEUMATISM Cured By Booth's Kidney Pills. Not A Ghost. One night lately, the residents of a certain pkrt of the town of Galt were horrified to see what appeared to be a, real live ghost. The chief was notified and appeared on the scene to find a resident boarder of the town wander, ing about in ,his night attire, bare• footed, Ile was taken to his room, W111011 was found locked, thee making the mystery more mysterious. Upon unlocking his bedroom it was found he had opened u. window front which he had made his escape, The person was completely dazed, and apparently In perfect nightmare, T. E. Foster, of St. John St„ Fred- ericton, N,B., says :—I have found more actual relief from Booth's Kid- ney Pills than in all else I have ever tried for rheumatism. The pains in my limbs have .ssened greatly (nd I ant better .nd stronger hanin years pre - stem. My ap- petite has built up and I eat and sleep better than 1 have in over 8 years. My gen- eral health is greatly improved and I can credit this only to Booth's Kidney Pills." This is the Booth Kidney Pill way. These wonderful Pills are sold under a guarantee to refund your money if they fail to relieve any sufferer from rheumatism of any trouble having its origin in the kidneys. They cure backache, dull shooting pains, thick and cloudy urine, gravel and stone, rheumatism and all diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Booth's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists and dealers, 50c box, or post- paid from The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd.. Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by J. W. McKibbon. Things We Believe That the mss Country in the world is Canada. That the nun Province in Canada is Ontario, That the nEt'Is County in Ontario is Ib sen. That the BESTTown in Huron is Wingham. Just let these facts sink into you and then call on us and we will tell you where to place your money to advantage, by buying real estate in either town or country. "There is no better security on earth than the earth itself." SPECIAL THIS WEEK A good 100 -acre farm in a fine locality has, through mismanage- ment, fallen into a loan company's hands, and has been placed with us for immediate sale. A good man with $500 cash can secure the bar- gain of a life time, Lost His Baggage. Mike was an immigrant, no need to say where from. About all his bag gage consisted of a bottle of the "rale stuff." When he arrived in Canada, the man for whom he was to work met him and said "Where's your baggage 2" •Lost, sur," said Mike. "Lost 2 All your baggage ?" "'very bit of it, sur," replied Mike. "But how did it happen 2" asked the employer. "The cork came out, sur," answered Mike. ° Start Hens Laying. The frost binds the earth, and the air cuts sharply ; the hens feel the ef- fects of the cold. They molted long ago, and have fully grown their new coats of feathers, They look well with their fresh plumage and bright red combs, Their appetites are good, but they do not lay. Put over the fire a frying pan _stud heat some fat, either lard or tallow. Into the hot fat pour good, sound, phttnp oats, in quantity sufficient for the number of hens to bo fed. Cook the oats thoroughly. When they are done, remove the frying pan from the fire, and allow the oats to cool. Deed them while warm, but not while hot. Do this for the morning meal. For the mid-day heal give the hens some green food, such as beets, carrots, cab- bages or the like, as much as they will eat up in an hour or so. The cabbage may be suspended from a string, and the roots cut in two. At night give corn, whole or cracked, which bas been warmed through in the oven. This like the fried oats, should be fed warm, but net hot. Throughout the day give plenty of water, from which the chill has been removed, renewing the supply as may be necessary. It will not be many days, after this method of feeding has teen employed, before the hens will go singing about their task of producing eggs. The combination of elements in the oats, reinforced by the fats itt the lard or tallow, seems to be just what is need- ed to start the egg-produoing organs into action, Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Could Speak English.. , The intention to force the French language on the county shows itself in some serious and some absurd as- pects. The absurd phase is illustrated by an incident in Hawkesbury. A company there employs a large num- ber of French-Canadians, One day the boss gave an order to one of the men, and found to his surprise that he was not. understood. The Iack of understanding was shown when another laborer was spoken to. None of the men were able to understand the English, though formerly they had, The boss, who was a resolute man, issued an ultimatum that the men could speak English or quit, Ile threatened to shut down his mill. A miracle then happened at once, and the laborers resutned their knowledge of English without any delay. PARISIAN SAGE AN IDEAL NAIR 'SONIC. "YOU ARE LOSING" a lot of precious stuff whenever you allow any of our feed to go to waste. It,'s true it doesn't cost more thau others, but it's better. FLOUR AND FEED AT ANY TIME is more important than all other things. Neither man nor beast could exist long without flour and feed, They could though without gifts. Buy our flour and feed and be happy and save money. 'Phone 84, Parisian Sage is compounded on the most advanced scientific principles, and nothing on the market to -day can compare with it, It accomplishes so much more than the brdinary tonics and does it so quickly that users are astonished. Parisian Sage kills. the dandruff germs and eradicates dandruff, stops falling hair, itching of the 'scalp and splitting hairs in two weeks or we will refund your money. Parisian Sage gives a fascinating lustre to women's hair and makes it beautiful. It melee the hair grow luxuriantly ; it is the daintiest and most refreshing hair dressing that science has produced, and has not a particle of grease or stickness in it. Parisian Sage casts 50o.at your drug• gists or postpaid from the proprietors, he Giroux Mfg. Do., Port Erie, Ont. The girl with the auburn hair is on avey W. Molka ern Bold and guaranteed. Ezra Merkley DR. JAS. L. WILSON, B.A. Physician, Surgeon, Unanchor, Special attention to diseases of Women and Children. also Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested, and glasses properly fitted. (Dr. McDonald's old stand) DR. R. M. MacLEAN DENTAL SURGEON OORi21a, ONT. Rotor Graduate Toronto University, Depart- ment at Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wroxeter ever Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday (all day-alikein Grand Central Block. At Fordwie every Friday forenoon. Tho best of the modern methods used for the preservation and restoration of the teeth. 1 Winter Term From Jan. 3rd CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Write as at once for ourfreefree catalo- gue business college in Western On6 Our graduates secure good positions, and meet with SUMPS!, business men say they are the bust. We giVe lndtvid- u:.t l struotion and you may enter at any time. We have three departments — Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy, Get our free catalogue at once. D. A. 04cLAC;iI°AN - Principal • 1 WANTED 1 'Young Men and Wonsan to prepare for positions of '*rust and Re- sponsibility 'worth from $10 to $100 nor month. Tho famous ELLXOTT 1 TORONTO ONZ. stands far above the arorago business college of this country. ' Ito record for placing students in positions is a re- markable one. Large catelokne free, W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINC)AAL. Cor. TOnge and .Alexander Ste. Jas Walker & Son WIMOIIAMMA Turniture Dealers and Undertakers We sic speofally qualified Under- takers and Rnabehnere, and those entrusting their work to ee nese rely On ill berg Welt dont. flight Olio reosived ab residence. Odle' Phon610 Yonas Phone 1ss The Profit Sharing Store .Wingbarn, Ont. Agents— Ladies' Home Jourxia l Kerr Sc. Bird Agents-- Ii:ome Journal Patterns SIG CLEARING SALE NOW IN FULL SWING WILL BE CONTINUED TO JANUARY 31ST Everything - in Dry Goods, Furs, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Slippers, and Plain and Fancy Chinaware, is offered at REDUCED P! ICES A VERY DEEP CUT IN PRICES has been made in the following lines:— Dress Goods, Mantle Goods, Womens and Childrens Coats, Mens and Boy's Ready to wear Suits, Pants, Overcoats, Overalls, Hats, Caps, Alt Fur Goods; Mens Shirts, Ties and Underwear. Also Heavy Rubbers Also all Fancy China. Remember, Everything for Men and Boys, Overshoes, Light Slippers, Boots and Shoes. We have a fine selection of newest shapes in fine china. in this BIG STORE goes except staple groceries .Rubbers, Felt decorations and at CUT PRICES Puffed Rice, 3 pkgs. for 25c Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 25c Layer Figs, reg. 20c, for 15c Layer Figs reg. 15c for lac Cluster Raisins, reg. 2oc for r5c Keens Comp. Mustard reg. 2oc tin for 15c Try our "Muskoka Maple Syrup" -- 25 cents a quart tin. Try "Birds Concentrated Egg Powder" a complete substitute for eggs in making Cakes, Buns, Puddings, Pancakes, etc. Quality guaranteed ; Price 15 cts a tin. Directions on every package. Try "Birds' -Custard Powder" for making the richest Custards without eggs at one half the cost and much less trouble. Directions on every package. Price 15 cents a package. FARMERS—We want Butter, Eggs, Poultry, White Beans, Onions, Potatoes, Oats, and Dry Hardwood. Concrete ,t ' is the _f Best Material -from every standpoint—where- with to build things about the farm. This recently -published book, "What the Fanner Can Do With Concrete," will prove to you the superiority and "in -the -long -run" economy of " CONCRETE " as at Building Material You, as a progressive farmer, owe it to yourself to read this book before you attempt any further improvements. The retail price of the' book is 50 cents -----but we will send it, absolutely free, to any farmer who will fill out and send to us the coupon below, CANADA CEMENT COMPANY, Limited i511.00 Nafionel Dank banding, Montreal You may fend me # copy of your book, "What the Farmer Can too With Concrete."