The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-12-01, Page 07Ar s-
,. •b
e Wfngl arn. Advance-Trmes,. c.1,, 1 - •Fagg 7A '
Elgh t at embr, a pafty, _
WR. D. --'here were eight
Lunch was served by ��i+��od
. �. tiles u1)slay a�.,the senior citizoes'
Coupland, Ted and Ethelene $mi h.
euchre party Wl ednesday, Nov. is, in
the community hall.
Winners for high, scores were Wes ,'
Paulin a4d Mrs. Les Douglas; low,
Everything that is mine, even to
Art Gibson and Mrs. Jack W><llitts;
my life, I may give to one I love; but
novelty, Johnny Brent.
the secret of my friend is not mine to
give. --Sidney
Due to municipal snow removal operations, notice is hereby
given that the bylaw governing the parking of cars .on -town streets
during the win.
• ter months 1• t A -
9 (Dec( o April 1 will be strict) enforc-
:.:: �•.:.i..: ..
:,..:. s, from road wa s
All v
- •.:..;. •,.,, , •. chicles must be removed from townstreets,
. - `: of- the .municipality, between the hours of 1 a.m.. and 7 a.m.
«•:�':. : ,: '.::�::;:<.... .::�: '...::•�';••.'. - .:: .;,.ti{ : : Violators will be
r wiII 'be
d to bear the -cost of
_h vin theirohicitowed away.
The owner of any such parked vehicle will be liable for any f -
MOMS'& TOTS -SALE The Be/more Moms — Tots group sponsored a tea, craft and,bake sale recently damage to the said -vehicle or to snow' plow equipment. °
at the. conimunity centre. Carol Farnell of Wingham had many of her handmade crafts- on display.. Notice Is also given that'the fine structure 'for the above park- .
tring .violation has been 'Increased to 510..00 first offence and
4 $25.00 second offense.
r� e rtalk..on.„
e� �n
J. Byron Adams.
■ ■ Clerk -Treasurer -.
WROXETE.R—Miss Dianne The main dress of women is a and the :theme,- "We've; 'Gott-
Szarka of Wellesleywas the nest "chubs' :: ::::: <
. g ', a One-piece wraparound,of Something ' To .Share", was noted <��: � z .,
spe4ker when the United Church wool serge material which is hand throughout. Music by Gordon'Kaster
Women's Thankoffering' service was sewn. Temperatures are very hot in and Trio was enjoyed and the {
held.' Sunday. evening in the church. " summer and very cold in winter and scripture story of ' The Good ` :<:•
MissSzarka has returned home the higher'onegoes up the mountain, Samaritan.. was' read by . Mrs.`
after six months is Nepal, a country the colder it becomes, (toads are Dorothy McGee. Mrs. Bonnie f.ock-
letvueen. India .and
China, as a trails 'and h villages and towns wood.led in prayer.
. d
re r..eserYtati abicycles
P v, of Canadian rickshaws pulled behind After the situ 'n of a h m Mrs.
Crossroads; 'a private non-profit :are one mode of transportation Hamilton r
organization which P t cad a poem, A .
g ch seeks to edtacate- though most people walk, -If anyone -}:::::
g P P ny Thankofferin Thought".. The. ofm,
becomes ill it may.
• maY take two weeks fe
was rece•ived bY•
Mrs. JoY
people about Canada andThird toreachadoctororhosiptalWylie and Mrs. McMichael
an �•
World development issues. ues. She . is dedicated by .Mrs. • Hamil'ton who
religious festivals
4 '. • • • •.
Religion and. rel '
experienced in day work, child then extended a warm welcome ;to
Are an important part of their lives;
assessment programs and research • all present, with an • invitation toY
and -- the love to dress 'u �n
and her. university b r• Y P n` }
ty ackg ound, in lunch and a social time at the end of `'�'���"•��•"'��}�•••`
costumes f. }�.<:::.,:<::: .
o bright colors. The have
child psychology all were Y >y<?4:1:
p y gy 'in- the service. A singsong led -by Mrs. •'`����
more temples and shrines '
strumental in her being chosen to P in this Marilyn El ie was livel and
small country than anywhere else in. Y g' Y
serve. spirited.:':<
the world. Their music is. oriental in At the close of the service Mrs. ¢`<;:�:x<:%- ✓•:fid}':
sound and produces a haunting.
Dianne began the presentation g Hamilton gave the benediction sound: and a
with a slide trip, through Nepal, social time concluded tl>te evening. "
showing the mountains and valleys, They grow small crops in-terraced
villages and, the capital of Kat- fields- on the mountainsides.. They BIN Cameron,-. Part -Time' Clerk of Ze•hrs
mandu: The mountains ,are some of must use every bit of land to feed the • Wingharn -presents a Ze'hrs Save -A -Tape Che-
the tallest in the world and viewers dense population. They must go to
were reminded of stories aboUtt• market each 'da to h� "� que for $291.95 to, Paul Statla Principal and
Y get rice, r�-�;., i ,
Mount Everest and the Sherpa vegetables and lentils, their staple' ; „'° . ':fir, s• Angella Doig President 'Student Council of
guides who accompany climber's up food'. There is very little meat used; ''' „•'
,3,, .
the mountains. the cow is- sacrdd attl ro�►rn about.
�• •` F • ��� . �- ••�� Howick Central School whose, org.anlZatlon re-
This was a 4most interesting look at _ r*�, ►y 1 all you need ,o'.wiI . deemGd� '4ehrs cash reg -lister tapes In order 't i
In most villages, people live in life on the.other side of the,wofld and '
= assist In.financ�n cles6 trips.
- t*�� �LEC'TRt�!N`!C g . p
mud brick huts with thatched roofs. made the congregation think :how,
• •
HEARING ESTS° Our sincere, con ratutatidns -to all who arlC
,There is no hydro, running water or much is, taken for granted in this_ g p
In Your Home or Our Office .
sewage systems in the countryside; land of plenty.' -Mrs. Phyllis . : 1pated in. this very coimrnendble project. ect. We
water is, carried from streams. McMichael y on behalf of all, thanked Famous Beltti'n quality in a com- ;
- p�ete product line. .
are plea e e were able to assist you -
- and presented her with a ,
Some Mats have two stories, the 'Dianne
lower level the an>etnals and the gtf t. Full �a°optratiori with your doctor.
y • An dxolosive cerhftetl harira ser -
upstairs for the ' family. It its quite
vice plan thaf protects your i6vest
primitive but ' the people are happy' Mrs. Eileen Hamilton opened the ment
servt<ce with, words from a
• psalra « rlVe service all makes and modols. '
hearing in'pa
h {
JIM E. -.—AN
more re peopifeA E,-aA- TAN 1 PL
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