The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-04-29, Page 11......... . . . . . . . . 'N ­�l It— on, 'F i, C, �A J - jk� q t fit t 1� r A �7 V ;q tit, W 4V adpf A ey e amam Vv of lucky au ;T q Frid Bolt vffll q ie on. og" Flo] And, Torob wft `e fnenO W Jl pylpst.* q9tbt W who on iff !f ib it e on qr# t -0 ad 0 b ,e e draws.,Werq Wo A"10,40rdblie ad 1 I vis W1 q e ty �w om e Mr mill1ttleanoth0reupbre-par y fof'Mi W Aej toillight, (W040Sd eight 801 ft fe at kard We and B bridal s O�cWk. Everyone 1�5 W Onto, ertft n .......... . a, AV 1I own ida y att 7 nover Hiw 'that, hu away in Mrs. a ty 13411' and, Bv 164 "anitj D r W were;.Wdnesday w w C w and Mrs. AnOrews, Ad and AND Petawawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wallace siOl4 last'weekAn­London where 1b displayed their English It fur;ituiet at the Home.60 show. Mr. and Mrs, Gerald -Martin, Car and'Dean. Martin and Bill.1 as at Decem' ber, 31, 1986 - were among the ones from here attended the car show in Arthur Suaday. Good "day visitors with Mr. and.:. ­ STATEMENT 3 Mrs.- Bruce Kennedy were Mr. AUDITOR S. -REPORT PQ OATI N, t, onaid Mrs. Jack Siefer Chris Allis THE HURON COUNTY BOARD01F friend of Bramalea, Mr. and, Mrs, upporters Ofthe Huron CAPITAL FONI) STATEMENT OF 00ER"ATIONS Tolhe .8 Bob�Sieferi and Adam, PUlmerston Saturday. and, Easter Sunday." Board o YEAR ENDED P CESER. 31' 1:906, f Education: ty, d visitors at the same home were for (with comparat ve amounts. Herman Speare,of Toronto., Mr. and Mrs.. Wayne Locide and Brittany "afifle., examined the balance sheet of The Huron Couniy'Soard of Educatiop,as at December 31, 1986 and the Of nt reilfeiiue fund statement 6frevenue and expenditures, the capital fund statement, of Operations, the co inuily of reserve Cambrid e, Mr. and Mrs. Roy 9 funds and the Continuity of trust funds for the year theri end6d. Our, examination wasmdlif in accordance with generally Kennedy, -Mr.+ and Mrs. Gerald' i6bboted auditing standards, and accordingly Included such tests and otherpro.,cedtires a's we Considered necessary Kenn "family and Mr.'and 'in the circumstances. Sources of recovery of capital e ' *penditure$: Mrs.. L Capital expenditures out 611 revenue fund 1,025,061 S �66,420 neider and Laurie. In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly the, financial position of the, Board and thd trust funds, of Debentur principal payments Included in Mr. and Mrs. -Elmer Harding the Board as at December 11, 1966 and the results4of its, operations and the continuity of trust fu.nds'tor the ar th revenue fund expenoltuies 208,225 511,31,120 le . nded In accordance with the accounting principl6s described In note 1 to the financial statements applied,on a basis, Ontario Education Capital Aid. Corporation visited Misses Maud and'Esther 8"' Harding ifiToronto one day last, debenture writedow'n, 473,34 conildidnit. with that of the preceding year. week. 1;233:906. Mr. and Mrs. -Eric Mammen of Capital expenditures: Ravensford -were, Sunday Visitors 641, .404'.775 ith Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klaassen. Land and buildings W. 1540.24d,' 404:779 Furniture anoequipment Mrs. Stan Bride of,Palmerston London, Canada RED A.CCOUNTANTS, 1,026.061 485'.420. visited one day list week with Mrs. No. 120. Ucense Elva Cooper,. March 9, 1987 Not recovery 0 OriCIF years* capital 208.2i.5 Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simmons and expenditures 986.4.61. Mrs. Nellie Simmonsvislited Sunday Unrecovered icapital expenditure . s. be with.Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang in pf year Vnirifing, 495.826 1.482.294 Mississauga.,, The latter remained for a longer VIA t. "ecovered capital expenditti en a S 495.826 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OVEDUCATION STATEMENT Un, res,, d of ye' 1 28'7.601 .,Mrs. Jean Clarkson, Mrs. Evelyn SHEET wilsolit BALANCE Mrs. Wallace Bilton M, .�k 4,t V As Dor' 2janderson a ten e e Scottish Festival 'Saturday at ASS T k, S, Bingeman Park, itcheulir.. 1986 Mr. and Mrs6 :MAC Smith.f, Palmerstoili were ner. guests. din ,cash and term deposits Saturda w- -Mrs. Lorne. s I s 866.3 12 Accounts p .7d5.130 fAvl�ourits receivable: Laitcal'ta all qu flitin, Mr. and r e STATEMENT' 4. y, ith of Ontario 1.7�7,756 11662.3�37 (state 11 2) -485.645 s io I 'HE HURON COUNTY. 00 Keiley. a ciryed is" I Rowley, Mrs. ]Jong .,VLoc�aj Trade acc6un yable d c T ARID OF ED CATION' Mrs..Stewai -Supplementary taxes' '24622 33.255 cWaiges incite 8) l',963.66 I.S31�,SSW Bunker- Elvi Ooster, Mrs. Emerson 103,733 473.786 Other school boards 184.049 114.814 CONTINUITY -OF RESERVE FUNDS Other sc400l boards son,, Mrs.' WAy Nixolli and 'YEAR' DUCIE1 Igo$ j..W. lbaimt aiiiiiiaed the ACW ffiO,264 21.S73k.524 2,05�475 %u rs 1 neetin '!held eedain 3.671.505 3,029.271 114,777 ��_nua i t w4tiaffidiants, e r e. 6 -rises 'Act capii� 7275 Prepaid expL at (Wit l'o 1 to reso d IL:Paul's Cath0dralf London. ti u Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klaasse'n d word las eceive gaia ci�, � 9% 3.794.216 16 9 t'. week that the 11,12!�000,,,_, 921'0 IV 144is�srve for woritlOg f und'. (note 3) n 3.144,048 Is brother-in-law pasgi6d b irm r rinintil 'Capital Fund' itAl Fund t end" to of year f old of year away in Germany. the syIn 500 pathy Of Accounts receivable S 225 S 225 -Holdbacks payable S ' 7t5O9 6, Due from revenuelund 5 debt Incite 4),�, 495.026 fiilttends�heregoes toTpd and Freida - 7.275 -7.27 Unmistured df�benture eves: Residents are asked. to please save .Capi�pl outlay to, be recovered in Elementary r6se tuture �oars (statement 3) 287.601, 495.826 Futdie capital expenoiturer. - their pa�ers as the Ailiwiltiest and, �S 295,161" S 503.326 295.101 S 503,326 Ministry e4uity S 6,022 will.hold. a� paper drive on S 6,022 Gui noserve Fund Reserve Fund 4 to FutuVe capild expendittilirei.- be Jo Saturday, May 2, apd w glad to s 168.417 S 159.022 Etiult�inreserve�fund..,(slateriiei�it4),. S 108417 S% '159.022 6,203 6293 -k them up. Due from revenue fund pic irr st Funds Retiligiment gratuities 48,754 48�754j -9bridilly visitors withUr. afid'Mrs. Trust Funds lChsh S 20.036 S .17.902 ;AWards payable 8.310 S 5,540 61,069 6,11,069 Bruce Keiinedywere Wayne ockie at cost which 15-itluily'in trust funds (statement'; nvestments and Brittany of qaillibridget. 'approximates market value 190,307 10.907 incite 6) 262MWi 196,260 'Secondary,re serves:' Friends of Bruce Armstrong win Ontiehalf of the. Ociarci 36,800 36 be pleased to Cap�ltqt imprqventents '890 4ear he Director was able to 90,458 Director Refirientent graWities.. 61,003 S 29,395 return home last wak from County S 201,809 29,30b Bruce �s 210.346 201,809 127,348 of General. Hospital, Walkejrton� S Eastelit'Sunday Visitors With Mrs. 022 S 140,417 Total S, tso; mitrian Kirby 1 and were Mr. Mrs. 'I Burnett ' Da' W W HURON -COUNTY'BOAN6 OF fOU10 �N- Nej and vid aterloo, Mr. and a 11. and. ATEMIINT OF AIEV01400 AND 'E .9'., Duncan. Ba Mug FUND ST., Stephen of Thornhill. Nixon visited ENDED' DEC Mrs. Wally with com radve amoutits for 101 p9i Sol friends, in Torionton the weekend. rdrdwich frWhills. co�giatuilate V.etililifi. add Joan& 4061 "' g R0 10 ng 80d6ndAVYz dcohdwy r V so a 0 ATION beth, on + .60h6ols (1,41 , ep, dn.the birth of daugh t 1 to ls Brittany 91ft Q0 "1' 90* at Listowel. Memorial V4,666 OL: Apri s (i0jitisso S 201,710 9 � .1 .1 . . 1; 1 T 4 .2 5,0�15�. 474,66 g4s Old' 9 o234,6111 loss 20,901 .4. imna00," 4, 1" 40. 96 too 040 A" C OUR- I or, 0 -90 I Ito 2 fifilditure 3160 a'hditurailt excluding transfers .... . ... orid c , a0tai loan interest fincite 6) 1404 f8it too got, 0. d, PIP, R y r Of lip; 33' a2 1:0, 0 to ,� q �, t , _:, i�.: : W, ., L 7 ­; ............ _7 7-77� 7 t, ft, , 4