The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-02-25, Page 097"
p Feb'., 12 5, 1987
a of ed"tor" I pinion
C's Ot V i io o
. .. . .......
Group is concerned over
Nk� Published at Wingham, Ontario' P.O. BOX 390 -NUG 2WO
by Wenger Bros Limited
David Wenger, President Norman MacLennan, Sec.-Trees.Sr 1
possible program cutba- ks
Robert Murphy, Editor Audrey Currie, Advertising Manager Dear Editor:
o source of this supplemen ry ser -
Member of Audit Bureau of.Circ4lations Enclosed is a letter prepared by -vice.
Member—Canadian C to us that the original
ommunity Newspaper Assoc. the Integration Action Group, in –It appears
Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc. for: -Special Servi ' have
support of Special Services at gut
Subscriptio . ns $21.00 per year Six months �12.50 a U ore 0, Home", which was sent to Com- been interpreted ' differently
$23.00 beyond"40-mile zone m6nity and Social Services Minister throughout the province, which
•o John Sweeney. indicates that .they ,were not clear
A provincial review of these snd they were not made available to
Second Class Mail Registration No, 08 Retu'rn Postage guaranteed
2f services is now -being done an,0 we those administering the program
feel public attention to,the issues directly. We also feel that the
outlined in the. letter to
lair. Sweeney original guidelines did not provide
will ensure -continuation jqf -this adequately for the ongoing need of
worthwhile service. fai ilies. This i evidenced "by the
Thank you overwhelming requests for service
•Wendy King which has resulted in an over-
expenditure of monies in the
Dear Mr. Sweeney: province.
......... ..
Re: Ministry review of "Special We trust that the Ministry of
-Don't stop there
40. W,
....... I Services at Home" Comm'nity and Social Services
Atr the local chapter, of the review Will* take, these issue6- into
Integration Action Group, some account and continue to provide the
bout the high quality service from which the
The recent acknowledgement by Natural Resources Minister Vince concerns were expressed a
Kerelo of his ministry's possible' participation 1'n the Town of review. Since both'Special Services families -in Huron County have
Wingham,s Howson Dam reconstruction project was t least at Home and the. Integration Action benefited inthe past.
epcouraging news to town council, although I not perfect. at
Group ,focus ori' integrating people Sincerely yours '
into -the; community, we would like to Wendy King
f6l I Ing short of the type, of announcement hoped for by the town when
`the proposed reconstruction was first discussed, it is nevertheless a "AA ID 410, LONG �IA VE YV4 11A D r, q, E share these concerns withyou, Chairman
//V& X GET y6q Parents of children with- a Integration
complete reversal from the MNR stand a few months ago when it =EEL T19r IVEDIA ARE Wr developmental handicap in Huron Action Group,
appeared the ministry might walk away from the 'project entirely.
County have benefitedgreatly from
It seems Mr. Kerrio is now willing to commit his ministry to 50 per both the I parent r1blief and
cent of 'the, total project — the Ministry of Transportation and programming aspects 'of Special Writer *ees
Communications has already been committed to its 50 per cent — but Services at Home. It has improved
at a reduced rate of funding, a 50 per cent subsidy rather than the 85 Ite 0.1 the quality of life for these children With LeVan letter"
per cent wished for by town council and'representatives o ' f the eS and their families. These services
Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. -Town, council has decided to MS "ro, Id - Fare not available anywhere else in Dear Editor:
not let the issue cool down and will continue its pursuit of a firm the county. I hope Mr. LeVan's letter- to the
commitment from MNR. Hopefully, such doggedness will harvest Our basic concern is that this editor last weekbas sparked some
fruitful results., FEBRUARY 1940 The marri.age,,,will take place the Department will. build a new bridge service might be cut,. back or so' controversy in other households as it
has in ours.
However, thi �determihbtion should not be restricted solely to the The Chainway Company has pur- "iniddleof March. on County R6ad-,7 on the ninth restricted as a result of the review
Howson Dam project. There still remains the problem of the Lower chased the building they now oc- The prospects for oil in the Lon- .concession of'Turnberry this year.. that the quality of life now enjoyed If the Public Utilities Commission
Town Dam, placed on a back burner while efforts have been eupy.. desborb community are about to be The boundary road between Rowick might be diminished, is runnOg its budget with a 35 per
concentrated on the MNR's non -commitment to the combined bridge An enthusiastic meeting of 'the exploited as an oil drilling rig., is and Turnber.ry will also receive . a Some of the specific issues are: slop, we, the ratepayers, are
and dam further upstream. Although for a white thesearch continued Wingham Baseball Club was held in being set in operation on the Artfiul. hard-,tops'urface from Belmore to --Ever-inereasifig administration going"to have, to find a slop in our
for a solution to problems,created-wheii the Cower Town structure.'the council 'chamber. W. Murray Jamieson farm west of - that, village.. Lane's ghool.. fees •use, up to one-third of the household budgets, as we will be the
Johnson was elected president, with This is the second drilling rig to be William Tilden, 'Minto Township -maximum allotment which should ones who will be paying for it.
washed out a few years age, it was effectively placed on hold when I
W., W. Gurney and W. T. put in motion in this area. farmer, will .contest the Wellington- be for direct service'. Some form of Ken Thompson
Ducks Unlimited Canada said it could offer relatively little in the way Cruickshank as vice'-presi dents. separate administrative budget
of financial a Seventeen hunters turned out fora Huron seat . in. the' federal election
.v, April 8. -He was chosen " the Lib&al would -all6viate'this
Some members of council have alluded to the possible availability Ross Harrison is secretary and rabbit drive which netted the part,
Murray Roberts treasurer,' six rabbits. Hunters from Wingham,...candidate ata meeting in Harriston., --At present, children using the Health -minister's
of other grantsf6r which the lower dam may be qualified. While it is Harry Calvert has purchased the 'Belgrave 'par-'flarvey Sparling was honored by� service, . must be - lEibelled
Teeswater and 0 .. t
true these subsidies could result in'a structure of somewhat lesser Gilmour house on MinnieStreet.. tjcipated. Plans for a wol( drive tn the, -congregation- df''Gorrie United ,.developmentally handicapped. We, reply o request
ambition than Previously being considered, they, would at least The Winghani'High School Board, Church -for his 63 years of faithful feel - that a4y. child with , ex
provide a solution. Wav,;itnosh are 'being contemplated
held its inaugural.mee'ting last week for this week.Local'men on the drive service in the church choir. He was.. tradrdiriary needs should have Dear Editor:
Perhaps the -time has, clime for council to move this project closer and elected Capt, W. J. Adams were jack Lewis, Frank Caskanette, presented with an electric 'Wall clock access to the program, without.' I have received your letter con -
to the front of the planning stove. It would not be wise to let it sit on chairman. W. A, Galbraith is board Jim Henderson,
I I I Terry of brass and walnut. being burdened with a lifetime label. cerning the "Letter to the Editor"
the back b I burner until whatever spark hat kept, it simmering until secretary and, treasurer is Abner Tenant Henderson; Bert Riley and --Aciidemic, occupational therapy, regarding the Huron County Health
now,, has died. Cosens. rt Furness. FEBRUARY 1973 speech and physiotherapy for Unit
During the past week the fire A total of i2 elementary and school-age children will not be At this. time I will decline your
Rev, Douglas Fuller ha!§, been
brigade had two calls and both were appointed to the parish of Gorrie, secondaTy schoQ) students took part provided through Special Services- invitation to comment on this
to the, same building, the second Fordwich and Wroxeter Anglican in' the public speaking contest because the ministry (community matter, except to comment that I
storey of the, old Advance -Times '–Churc . hes I and -`Al take* over h . is sponsored. by. the Wingham branch .and
and'social services,), feels that other am informed that there have been
office, On Wednesday the pipes in duties on March 1. of -the Royal Canadian Legion. First ministrie�, -shoWd resume respon7 improvements in areas of nutrition,
the kitcheti of the back apartment in the elementary, division, went to sibilities for these areas. These maternal -paternal and -senior
Horror. in:, Middle East', took fire and on Saturday it was
FEBRUARY 196:3 Nancy 'Meyer of Sacred Heart 'services are available, but only on a citizens'programs'in the I health unit,
feared the roof obs
on fire. gut it Marvin.. Howe, who this year Schol, Te0swater 'arid Janice Guest consu . Itation b I asis. Realistically, I -appreciate . -being asked to
turned out to be an obstruction in the celebrates his 10th year as member of WinghamPublic School. Classes many children require supplement's respond,,
chimney. No harm, done either time. for the federal'.Seat for Welli tOq- in the secondary division were.won to the programs and services they Yours very truly
.1', The.qn-going horror in the city' of Beirut as Muslim factions Belmogre -residents are always in- 'Upron, was acclaimed candidate by students.,, at. F. E.'Madill Secon- receive from the ministries of Murray 4. Elston, MPP
continue to massacre-ohe another is all but beyond belief. Admittedly t last week at a meeting of dary School,.Fernie Elliott and Huron -Bruce
y brutal to others of their own erested. in talent and were education and,health. We feel that
Progressive Conservatives in
Christians'have, in times past, been v�e' delighted, to hear over the radio Mary Edith Garniss. Special Services at Hom'e'is the only; Minister of Health
faith, bu " t history has recorded few more tragic domestic quarrels Sadie and Jimrny Stokes, 'on the "arriston. Mr. Howe is a'.merchant
than those the' world Is witnessing, at present in Liebaridn. guitar and mandolin. in Arthur. A letter from'.a Brussels -area
Within recent weeks one Muslim faction has.kLipt the Palestinian Harold Walsh' has purchased A public. meeting was held in resident caused considerable
d discussion at the meeting of the'
refugee camps hear Beirut under, such close seige that children an Harry Campbell's farm at Belgrave, BeIgrave to begin, planning the new
old people have starved to death because their captors refused to arena building for, the village. A governors of the Wingham and
allow,,Red Cross food trucks inside the camp perimeters. FEBRUARY 1953 committee of Stan Hopper, Mason District Hospital. The letter stated
So complicated are the relationships, between the various m Mr. and Mrs. John Sangster of Robinson, Bob Coultes and Norman that anxiety had been caused to a
atrick. Street,
factions that few Westerners are able to -understand just who is an P . Wingham, were Cook was named t6 gotoLondonand family after a story had been
enemy of whom, and for what reasons. Into this Impond6rable well surprised When about 60 relative's see various arenas. William Coulteg, broadcast on CKNX, concerning W
has droppedI Church of England good will envoy Terry Waite, who and friends gathered to do honor on Gordon Pengelly and Albert Bieman injuries to a family member.
,has done more than almost any other Westerner to free many of the the 40th anniversary of their wed- will see the agricultural engineer discussion, followed about the
hostages held by one or,anoth6r of these warring factions. Waite has ding. and Mrs. Ted Fear, John Nixon and hospital's right to release any in-
-enc e E - formation about patients.
Lawrence Hiseler announces Lewis Cook were narned, a fund
now been missing and unaccounted for more than a month. Each of
the engagement' of his daughter, 'raising committee.
the warring groups disclaims knowledge of his whereabouts or Winner of the Marguerite Burrell xtP fix
Joan Christine, to William Thomas Reeve A. D. Smith of Turnberry
responsibility for his captivity. Armstrong, son of Mi.. and Mrs. Township ha� received word that the Trophy to the senior skater in
•The entire situation, of course, has been made ever so much more Wingham Figure Skating Club
Mark Armstrong, West Wawanosh. County of Huron Highways
e judged on improvement, personality
difficult by the evidence that Americans were prepared to meddle
clandestinely In the hostage situation by secretly Sending arms to and all-round help to the club, was
Iran,in exchange for the'freedorn of some, of their countrymen who Joanne Wood.
were held captive In the Middle East. Darwin Weber was judged king of
Western governments are attempting to understand the workings the Fordwich carnival and Suzanne
of the Oriental mind and they are not succeeding. Machan the queen of theevent. The
best centennial couple was Mrs.
Jack Wilson and Warren Zurbrigg.'
an Sanderson has purchased
the house adjacent to his'property in
the village of Wroxeter from Mrs.
Charles Lawrence of Gorrie.
Budgets are predictable Mardi Adams, Bob Loree, Janice
>z hKieffer and Carol Adams comprised
the 1972-73 Madill Reach for the Top
n al budget Very seldom doe ,c really offer R
p,_g9vernment's annual
surprises and last week's versiorimas no exception. With an election
due In two yeprs or less, and the public opinion polls rating the
Progressive Conservatives In a distant third place position, there was 'The Senator
of ariy heart breaking tax Increases. Naturally they
�fio rea I likelihood
'don't want to make any unnecessary enemies'for'the next. few John Hanna Celled
Yes, there,�vere a few Increases, but they were pretty safe ones. 25 year-tago
Ten or 15 cents more on a package of cigarettes w I I I -offend only those Jl
A recent letter. from Harold
Idiots who haven't quit yet and another cent a litre on gasoline won't whsq4
Cantelon'of Tweed, Ont. reminded
hurt too much.
The Advance -Times that 19871s the
Equally predictable was. the response from the two parties In 25th anniversary of the death of John
opposition. When was the last time you ever heard of an 'o
Hanna, long-time member of the On-,
tario, uce.
member admitting that there wad anything acceptable In a
legislature for Huion:-Rr
government's budglet? Of course the assigned task of the oppdSition' Is
the men's
John was the owner of
to find fault with all the ruling party proposes, but It would Indeed be
r6freshing, once More in Wingham which still
wear 0
in a wh I le, to hear the opponents admit It that at least a
the family name. He was a
budtiot could have been worse.
_Ieolofful figure, who was comi�only
Go6dnesa knows, the present government has faced enough
known in Toronto political circles as
SS a
ernbirra' in scandals within the past few months to seriously a
the Senator". He retained suite
its r
161pair rddiblllty as far as the average voter Is concerned, but its in the Royal York Hotel for many
actual record of achievement Is not all, that dreadful. Unemployment,
years, *here friends from Wingham
though Still higher ffia" 11 should be 16 a, prosperous nation,, has been and area were always welcome.
,octatlohed more by the numbers of people entering the work, force
Inflection Is among the lowest levels In
that! bV 166� of existing job Aftciehis death the business was
rho warlwand new and In -coming Industries promise of more jobs in It d' by 'ClWre Canteloh, a
'brother of Harpid thetitionod above,
ar fofuro.
the, toamnably tie
Truth Is that- Canada, Is one of the truly fortunate countries In the who had, belail the store's active
"fity to beef and complain. Such Cornplaints Manager for many years.
16001 undoe0andabto when they co•me from NeWfoundland,ailii fhd Following Clarelg , death, HEA; '9 CAUPAION Canve&pot,4 th Wh9hath 061160ted for
oiho� irodg of the iatid whore dioceepancles and lae4uallfles 0011 owl , forship re'vert6d to his wife, 'the the , llf�'art and%te;06 FoOdation oarflor thJ6, wook. dan A10ohdor ca/1-
6mv - AN Mt& Stuokoyl
0�10.1406 100hfArlo, h6ikovor, w#,havo little rot for co.mplal
J 14
ed 6AA6 V. Rba Grant 6h Minh/6 81rd6t.
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