The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-02-11, Page 08Page 8—Tbe Wingham Advance -Times, Feb. 11, 1987
19 ■VISITS MOTHER 'aMP138,11
Captain Wilfred J. Caskanette of Alan C
R. W. Bell - 1300�k $Ophln.o� St.
Education in Huron Go"hount y the Canadian Armed Forces -Bookkeeping 328A Jo
stationed in West Germany, spent a OPT 6METRIST - Income Tax Preparation WINGHAM
few days last week with his'mother, d'erich Experienced Staff. 357-3687
t Mrs. Agnes Caskanette of Wingham, Go
co,* $40 mitl ion last rear. and his sister Frances, Mrs. Jim The Square. 524-7661 9 -ti 9-1 8a!UrdaY_ t 7®A451
Shaw of Bluevale.
Education in this county cost its known as resident external tuition $698,419 to'the administration staff
residents $40,756,801 last year, ac- fees —. have not been confirmed for, of 22 and $81,335 to'school boprd
19 . ..... ..... . ... ..... .......
The largest percentage
cording to the 86 summary of 1986. members and advisory committees.
estimates and preliminary ex- of the Resident external tuition fees on
penditures released by the Huion external fees are paid out to other both the secondary, and elementary 6
County Board of Education last county boards for the education of panels cost $1,074,874 and staff $1 BILLION bi-oh'."CTAL CANADIAN GR__AdNS PR,OG
week. the students who live in Grey improvement plans cost $99,,024 for
Glenn Lamb, supervisor of' Township, but attend schools in the year.,
financial services at the education Listowel and for students in Howibk Regular maintenance of county
centre in Clinton, reported that the . schools cost $268,959 and renovations
Township who attend Palmerston Ilk
figure represents a 7.2 per pent schools., and repair projects cost $436,138.
increase over the 1985 budget. Emergency repairs totalled $182,114
Director of Education, Bob Allen A total ' of $25,024,-675, or 61.4 per while $789,204 was spent on utilities
said the figures in the report are cent of the $40 million budget is and heating of facilities, $67,561 on
expected to be accurate, subject to generated by provincial grants. boiler and fire insurance and
audit by the school board's firm of Another $14,224,123, or 34.9 per cent $162,107 on legal costs, including
Clarkson Gordon of London. -He comes from municipal taxes and the `audit, consultant and insurance fees. limp
noted, however, that no settlement remaining ' 3.7 per cent from board- There' are 5,930_ elementary school
has been reached yet on secondary generated revenues. pupils attendfhgschools in Huron maim
school teachers' salaries nor have County and 3,706 secondary school
the amounts billed to the county The report shows -that $19,410,854 students.
from other school boards teaching went into the operation of (he e Special Canadian Grains United States. Pedigreed seed, high moisture
students who reside in Huron — county's 24 elementary schools, Program is assisting farmers The first $300 million will be in -corn, high rhoisture barley and
• $17,582,085 into the operation of Library boo rd with $1 billion. This initiative, the hands of grain and oilseed farm fed' -grain are also covered.
Huron's six secondary, schools, i
Huronview Studies $810,403 into programs for the, conti-nues with-, announced by Prime Minister farmers this winter. Another-,
mentally handicapped and $2 953,459 Brian Mulroney, is the largest of $700 million will be Paid out in TNe first cheques are
are to be delayed into the operation of the system's eight members its kind ever undertaken by any being mailed directly to
administration centre in Clinton. the spring.
by an6ther' month. (Continued from Front Page) Canadian government on behalf The details of this historic Western farmers based, on
Salaries and benefits to teachers might be acting improperly since of farmers. Canadian Wheat Board permit
(Continued from Front Page) represented by far the largest f igure -Mrs. Bisback has hot officially been program are as follows: Canadian Wheat
in the budget, ,a total of $25,407,877 It is a national. program that book da '
studies be undertaken before fun- re -appointed by bylaw.
ding would be available for the paid to the county's 243 secondary Mr, Robinson replied that council responds to a national need. It You will benefit if, in 1986,
renovations'and expansion project. 'schoo.1 teachers, principals and vice- has I conformed with Mrs. Munro's will7lTolp offset low grain and ■ you grow wheat, barley,if Vou r crops. are,not
principals and to its 326 elementary oats, rye, mixed grains,,corn,
Under the current timetable "for advice by re. -instating Mrs. Bi,sback. oilseed prices resulting from included iri permit book
the project, the two studies would be school professionals, making the Former library board chairman, data, or if you are a qualifying
approved by both county..council and board of education one of Huron the subsidy war between the soybeans, canola, sunflower
County's largest employers. Hullet Township Reeve Tom Cun- European Commun.ity and the seeds for crushing or flax. producer who doesn't receive a.
the prdvincial--governments by I ningham, said municipalities should -p an
March. During the period,of,May Salaries and benefits to teachers' be lobbying for y�,arly appointments cheque, you can pick u
1987 to January 1989, plans for the aides totalled $489,197; to school of citizens -at -large. Although the application at the following
project would be prepared, tender 'county must follow the provincial
secretaries,' $733,903;,to custodians,
documents finalized and all funding to bus drivers, legislation on citizen appointments,
$1,555,1U and
put in place. $236,331. municipalities should lobby for the Offices of Members,of
Construction on the estimated $3.2 Parliament
Salaries and benefits paid out to than in order to make sure that
million project is expected to start in _administration centre personnel "new bloodL,.comes onto the board
Grain elevators
the spring of 1988. amounted to $2,067,606, including each year'-"
..Grain producer organizations
Agriculture Canada offices and
research stations
c o u n t . e o u n citendorses
-Farm Credit Corporation
recom mendat�on of mayors .��
You can also have -forms mailed'
Continued from Front Page) issue o . f e 't' to you by contacting the
economic develo�merit'. The council for he betterment Wall
coriomic development and icon- only option the county has for easing citizens of Huron, regardless of Administrator,
inuing but ,informal liaison with the tax burden and ensuring growth; whether they reside in township, Special Canadian.Grains
ounty council. he said, is to aggressively seek more village or town," he said. Program,�
Mr. Shaw said the last ten years industrial, commercial and tourist In' the short time the committee qnada,.
Agrfculture Cc
•nave already brought about development has been me ting, the mayors have
significant I changes to Ontario and for'joint Ottawa K 1 A 1 J.3.
With the farm community no come to realize the need
gradually to Huron' County. longer able to support itself — let undertakings as Well as their Phone (613) 957-7078.
However, the next decade promises alone tli� urbanareas that have bee benefits. The issues presented by the
more discomfort as we adjust to a so dependent 'upon it farm mayors should not be labelled as APPLICATION DEADLINE IS
wide range of changes, h6 added. MARCH 31 st,"! 987.
operators are finding they now rural" or "urban" since they affect 7*
Statistics 'indicate that Huron require a second income in order to everyone, he' said. '.'It follows then,
y n
Count has one of the best unem- survive and are looking to the urban that effective solutions must involve The Gover ment of Canada is
ployment rates in the country, food •centres to provide that support. us all." cgTmitted to ensuring that
production here dwarfs any oth6r An overall, concerted effort should In his,closing rem� rks for "he
P L agriculture remains a strong,
area in, the province and'gross farm begin immediately, to meet this Mayor Alf Ross' and, vibrant part. of our country's
income far exceeds the-lational
change in roles, he said. The for indicated that future me ' etings, economy. The Special Canadian
average, he said. As a result, we mation of a separate economic between council and the,mayors
consider this to be a rural county, development office and the 'ap- would deal with other issues. Lan- Grains Program is' a part of that
yet no more than 25 per cent of pointment of a full-time de- dfill 'and its related concerns was commitment.
county residents can be considered velopment officer are now required one such item, he solid.
farmers or members of farm to meet ,the changing needs. "We Later in ,the meeting- council.
families. lies. There are fewer than 3,700 can no longer wait for development passed the resolution in support of
farms in Huron and probably fewer to approach us." improving Highway 8, while the
than 3,000 farm. t families, he said. A full-time development officer committee's, recommendations- air.
The shift from farms to towns and would aggressively pursue all �economic development and ongoing
villages has been slow but steady, he phases and avenues for attracting liaison. were referred to the Government Gouverh6ment Canaaa
said, resulting in the appearance.6f development, that may be open. The executive committee fdrd its con- of Canada du Canada
new, problems. "We, as urban planning department also would be, sideration.
leaders, will eventually have to relieved of an extra role and have
provide answers, but more and more more time to devote to thojin
responsibility will be shifted to the creasing planning workload
county '(government) for y There are several areas currently
policy, insight' and leadership in
using similar, systems, Mr. Balfour
these areas.,"
said. "And they 'are working ex- SOME OUT. O,F. TOWN
With more and- more of county tremejy well."
council's time devoted to urban Wingham Mayor Jack Kopas said
problems , and less to rural concerns, the committee hopes the liaison with
help and co-operation'are essential. county council would continue,
Each of the mayors' is prepared to perhaps through the executive SiPECIALS,ARE REAL
assist,, he'said, but from the outside. committee, but on an informal basis
"Not one of us is supportive of the rather than as a, deputation or,
notion that heads 'of council should delegation. "Today, it is our hope
becounty representativ;�s." . that this venture will be extended NO ARGAIN
Clinton Mayor John Balfour was further 'through a co-operativ6,
the committee's spokesman on the informal partnership with county
Council says'no increase,
wipes out $1870.00. revenue. $78
(Continued from Front Page) council would still have at least "one
fee hike "had done its homework." more. go at it".
Grey Township Reeve Leona In a,'21-10 recorded vote, council
Armstrong said that although 'approved sending' the proposal on
council may have _66f6d hastily in for management committee , review.
refusing the increase, she ' hoped the In favor were: Mrs. Armstrong, OUT Or - TOWN,
planning department dould live Goderich Township Deputy Reeve
within a four per cent increase while Laurie Cox;, West Wawanosh Reeve SHO PPER
still absorbing the loss in anticipated Cecil Cranston, Mr. Cunningham,
revenue. Howick Reeve Gerald D'Arcey, Hiy
Planning Director'Gary Davidson Deputy Reeve Claire Deichert,
said it wouldn't be -that simple. The Town of Goderich Deputy Reeve
cost of processing consents comes John Doherty, Morris Re
off the top and the department has eve Doug
Fraser, Ashfield Reeve Allan
no control over it, he said. If people
want consents, the - planning Gibson, Warden Briark. MeBurney,
department is bound by law to Stephen Deputy Reeve Ken McCann,,.
process them. Mr. Prout, Stanley Reeve Clarence
obinson, -next time you're bampted,to'travel h 'so I Ke away or $5
Rau, ttensall Reeve Jim R The to e spent somewhere else will t6 $4
"There is not very much we can do
to alter the costs and still process Goderich Township" Reeve Grant
them (consent applications) the Stirling, Brussels Reeve Hank city'Qe out-of-town Shopping mall, stop and In teade, wages, local taxes, etc..,
sante," he added. TenPas, Stephen Reeve Tom Tomes,
Hay 'Township Reeve Lionel Blyth Reeve Albert, Wasson, Mr. think of the real cost. Be sure. to add mileage,
Wilder, 1986 planning committee Wilder and Town of Gdderich Reeve
. 4 Harry Worsell (two votes).
chairman, and one of those sup cost of meals, babysitter expense, time and "Your friendly merchants at, home Probably
porting- the fee fncrease,'ealWd the In oppositibn were: Tuckersmith i
debate a waste of time since the fee Reeve Bob, Bell, Seaforth Reeve other incidentals. have just what you want anyway .... and often
increase issue had been dealt with; William Bennett, Clinton Reeve nee
aeceri-but mistakeand Beton an Cooke, Zurich Reev6 gob Fisher, ,Money experts s that each, , dollar will turn cheaper er than store's in the city. -Shop
ay P VIM at
with it, he said. Exeteri'Deputy Reeve LoMy. Puller, d- A, I - - A I I
It ajs�6 was suggested that council' MCM116 Reeve -Marie fficknell, Mr, home is easier and - icker, an
over as, many as. four or flW`Aftbes, in 9 com- I qu 0 YOU won't
send the pro�osal• on for J01ifist6h, - Wiftbath Reeve flruee . . ` I . I
manag6ffi6nt d,offifflittee review - Mddhhn; Exetdr Reeve gilvmicklc� - •S18 for 'o shirt.
Muni' "like- UrS, which means thaT a dollar have to spend
1pi U,
][or Grain AiA
rather than back'61he Olanfiffig and and Ebt6t, WAwAnosh Reeve 9'rft4st - ty -
development comMittee since Snell.' W011 11",WW11 111-111, 11S, IN''m h "§J1;11;.J1J,r, ig 'W"', il11,4,� I ,0w1WN411,,W