The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-01-28, Page 12T - IF 7T, . . .....
Mr,W, T 'r
I- bath Ad"ance-T!" Jan. 28, 1987
your s•
Whether it. is the.. §Oppepyy frOm 4'
I '5r NIP -Or,, an liftresti. 0; in in • apokkipepinneJ, ctin MQ .0, .A p
Q11 t"04 'on or tie 1,,Jyoi Q
�viil a , f a Jn P*araton
a -. come Tow
to. hold unfamiliar ropin, when Olk 4,
ing to a
to a ly. for OFFIRR-Plus or visually impgka persop-
PP 51
The provincial government ex- amount of farm debt eligible for farmers,,, many lack a f0l.un-
SA*& pects 18,000 farmers to ,apply for interest rate reduction to $360,000, derstanding of what's. involved,
Willinars, what Agriculture and Food Minister an increase of $100,000 over the because of who they are and where .
Jack Riddell calls one of the hest original program's offer. At the they live, he said, estimating' that 97
Young People and communities financial support packages in this same time,, Mr. Riddell said, the per cent of the people in Ontario
have a great deal t9 gain from 4-H. country. program has been opened up to have little or no contact with the
In 1986,,747 young people in Huron The new program, OFFIRR Plus, more farmers by adding, for the farms of today.
usually based
address' to the Belmore gram.
ClOilullntY_COirnpleted 1,39.4 4-H projects was one of several outlined by Mr. first time, those taking part in the' "If urban people have..any image
on 16 different topics. A total of 195 Riddell last Wednesday during an beginning, farmer assistance pro- of farming at all, it's u'
volunteer 4-H leaders were involved. on old pictures or movies," he said.
Besides learning skills such as Chamber of Commerce in the Included in the 18,000 farmers "They see a weathered face, p
how -to show a calf or write a Belmore Community Centre. expected to, apply -for OFFIRR Plus' horse-drawn plow, a struggle' to
resume, 4-H members develop skills Although the original OFFIRR are between 3,000 and 4,000 who will survive against the elements."
in self-confidence, responsibility, plan — the Ontario Family Farm qualify for the Ontario government's b " t,,c:prnpared to Ontario farms of
u I
leadership and communications. Interest Rate Reduction program — one-year adverse weather assist- today, that image changes
Clubs have six meetings over a did a lot to offset the one-two punch ante, he added. Eligible producers drastically, he said. The sense of
three to six-month period. If a of high interest rates and low can receive bad weitber.:c6mpensa- individualism and the rugged spirit
project is not offered in your area, commodity prices-, the conditions tion on top. of their regular OFFIRR still exist and even & weather is a
new clubs can be formed. All it takes that prompted its introduction have benefit, if more than 30 per cent of factor, but the climate affecting the
i x , interested young not improved, Mr. Riddell said. farmer today is more likely to be
s� at least. .six th4r qrop was lost, Mr. Riddell
peopliti between the ages of 12 and 21 However, OFFIRR Plus is now, explained._ economic .rather than the natural
ani leader. The Ontario Ministry. being offered as an Fxpanded While the majority of people one:
of Agriculture' and Food provides program that raises the limit on the sympathize with the position of He-described, agriculture and food
leader training and project produ6tion as "J691 About The
materials. biggest business there Is in this
A volunteer 4-H leader requires' a province." He told those At the
genuine interest in young people, en- meeting, agriculture and food
thusiasm, an ability to work with ir
i � production as,an industry is"bigger
young people and a willingness to than mining or the other resource
learn new ideas. ev
S industries. It even surpasses any in
Iyea-der seminars will be held on the manufacturing sector, other
the following projects at the at the Wingham 111l than transportation, he added,
follo,wing places and times: Public School About 11 per -cent of those em-,
Dairy: Wed., Feb. 18, 10 a.m. at'. ployeA in the province depend.
the OMAF office'at Clinton; Editors: Andrea Grant directly on Ontario's farms for that
Beef.: Thurs., Feb. 26,'8 p.m,, 'Colleen Smith employment, he-said, 127,000 on the
OMA'F oilinton, farms' 84,000 in the 'food processing
Crops, Sodbusters, Agricultural ry
industry, 100,000 in the wholesale
Machinery and Conservation: Wed., and retail, endg and 150,000 in
March 4,8 p.m., OMAF office; restaurants and the food service
Poultry, Sheep, Swine and Goat: NEWSY SUZY,.,, composing poems bill to the story business. Adding in all the people
Thurs., March 5, OMAF office; -- The Jump Rope Demonstration writer and making .winter riddles. whose jobs indife'etly rely. on
Horse:'Tuei March 10, 8,., Team performed for the St. Jacob's The children see ' in to enjoy the agriculture and food, it works out
OMAF office; and St. Mary's separate schools in computer and it's in use much of , the that about one in every five jobs
Vet' Goderich last Wednesday. The team time.
etihary and Farm Safety: depends on'what happens on family
Wed., March 11, 8 p.m., OMAF office -demonstrated many Grade 49,have been working
members The farms.
and- moves and showed various routines, on new multiplication tables and Because of the . scope of this in- The Ontario Family Farm Interest Rate Weather Assistance provision to assist
Sewing Plus: Thursday,'March 12. including a 'group routine and polishing up the old ones. Speech dustry, Mr. Riddell .said, the public Reduction program (OKIRR Plus) is those wh6-iuffered crop losses because of
time is approaching, so each of the in .1986.-
Dou ,
"Double Dutch". a should consider the farmer I a designed to. reduce your farm debt by adverse weather in.
Members. of the team thank Mr. students has bben preparing different light.'
ONLY accompanied part of the interest costs. To find out more about OFFIRR. Plus
Robertson,'who accompa speech to recite in front the class., image covering
Instead of this -rustic.
I the —Lisa Chapman OFFIRR Plus, a $246 million three- and the Adverse Weather Assistance
09 for, the,first time; Mr. Y ir 91 . I when we look at a hittrd�w,orking
co-ordinator, who. has s, ported In the French room, Mr. Poulin is, ,year program, applies to both long-term.' provision-contact any Ontario Ministry
them and been�a-lctyal fan fh6 last-, working, with -the futt&6 tense with, farmer in coveralls, we should see
an executive in a one-piece business and operating 'debt. of Agriculture and Food office.
five years an o Mr. w, -their the Grade students. it," he told the Chamber. of t Or call collect at Ministry of
MINUTES, -coach,- who in es it It possible. The Grade 7s are finishing a unit suit," It can reduce the interest rate on fann,
Commerce members. -a' 8 Agriculture
Thank you! in their books and'preparing for the, loans to as low s 965-7661.
OF YOU LIFE.... Food
Mr. Riddell also outlined. some and
•—Sylvia Wai, Amy Itaieniiin, upcoming, test. They are studying -And it can, cover as much as $360,000
..�WILI 0W A the verb "faire which mea . ns todo, others of the 54 new programs,
..Stuart Schaller anddirectiong introduced by worth of. aria debt annually. Completeda I pphcations: ONTARIO'.-
to mike. policies s an,'Adverse,,.' no' later than May 18,1987.
The "whiz tids!' in Mrs. Siarlak's or OFFIRR Plus include
his ministry since the Peterson Minister, Hon Jack Riddell
class have been testing their, Mr.- Sakasov's� Grade 5 class is re=r Hon Davd Peter6on
government was sworn'in on June'
abilities lately. They have been learning anew verb also "avoir" or
working with 'their computer," to have'. They're learni�g Activities 26,1985.
in French and -are• reviewing fora
Grade 3 now knows the numbers. in
French up to 50.. The students are SUSSMAN'S OF ARTHUR J 7.
starting toilearn a new unit on the,'
family and will be doing ajamily
tree soon.
—Patti Reid
--Grade 8 class'has
Mr .Shaw's"
equipment) ipinent. and Will
be taping 'the commercials the.,
students have, produced. The class
% groups
��e\oq has been divided idto three
et" oii plays As , �� (((� } ; ': F .
and has prodtl6dAts',own pI
0\0ile well. These three. -iroups will
oe wte -
at a mv\q C19 0 videcii each other acting out their
e6. �� -s� 1 .1 r-O' Y3 2,-k'-dS\ . .1 1 1 1 .. i
ovadso\41110 dm0i 6ei 63 F6 19:0 pays.
100 0ei Mr. Wbiteley, a'fora i tea6er, at'
U e the W-inglia School and now
�00ems,the principal ,.at Grey Central 600 MEN'S SUITS 1000 MEN'S F
Ethel, *firouglilt-, 'over-, that School's Outstanding value, sizes 36-52,
/VoHeyball team r ' efeptly. The. boys' SPORTCOATS
and girls". teams had a friendly Reg, to $350. SALE
competition in 'preparation for the..
Amazing selection, choose wool tweeds, Harris
North -Utiron Elementary Volleyball
Tournarnent held last Saturday. - tweeds, corduroys and suede looks, also poly/wool
Tournament .. 1., 11196 blazers. Reg. $1139.-S-199. SALE
—Angie Kerr. - - - - ---- --
'Mr. Sakasoi Grade 5 class ,is
learning how to' two-digit
a' -the -V gill t N, swjlolvt�'
numbers, Jason is t top of'the U111
°riiqth challenge', the students have
started• a,,new color in the SRA lab
and are,l�earning eAjectives in.
French. They algo,are sttidying, SAVE-50% OFF ENTIRE SELECTION
longitude and latitude in gie-ography.
Mrs, MacDon4ld is busy. , working111 1000 FAMOUS BRAND SUITS
with some -of the students' who are •The newest and best from Shipley, Merit, Guy Laroche, Chaps, Park Hall, Shetland, Hyde Park,
going to the music festival and Mrs• McGregor, Pierre Balmain and more, Sizes 36-54, reg. $275..$475.
Graham ' taught the class how W do ALL 1/2 PRICE$137.50 & up
pi in art class. The students Also a oil"
made, an Indian scene for Ahe A . ---I- I I �-
Meety' GLOVES; SPRIWAORIVALS- Crew orV Neck styles Reg. to $45.
our changing financial obli-, -KennetWLapp, $9'95 95
In Mr. Lisle's,class, the stitlidents, SAVE 1/20ff' DOOR CRASHER
gations with a Financtiat Security have been saying1heir speeches on 1,4 VF to % Off DOOR CRASHER
I topics from " Peeves',' to SAVE 50% OFF EVERY DRESS SHIRT IN STOCK give, 50% Off Every DRESS SLACK SAVi 50% OFF ALL FALL &
Planning Program from The "Whitney Houston Concerts' , They 3000 DRESS SHIRTS. sizes 14'19'/2, ALL 1/2 PRICE OR LESS in stock. All famous brands, choose from 2000
will - be finished by - the end of this famous names as Pierre Cardin, [4o Chevalier, 2000 DRESS & SPORT SHIRTS pair, sizes 28-54. Famous 'names as Park Hall, WINTER FASHIONS
Co-operators. Call today for' week and the best two speakers will BVD, Pierre Balmain, Christian Dio�, Forsyth, 4 Fabulous selection, i to $45, SALE Merit, NAsh, Riviera, Sansabelt, Gala, in our 2 Ladies' Stores
raw and more. Reg, $24.-$45. NOW Ashbridge, Keithlroor, Christian Dior and rhore.,_,r. "Sussman's For Her"
go on to compete in the gymnasium $995
complete information. $1495 . $1995 Reg. $42.95--$139,AtL 1/2 PRICE NOW complete tadies' Store
and say their spe6chdis to ffit entire $
12 & up. SAVE 1/2 OFF All Famous Brand Sportshirts • $ "Casually Yours" casual wear
school. --Melissa Schefteir Just deduct' 50% off ticketed price. 2150 - $6500 for the young at heart
(sladk alterations while you wait)
A total of 26 children tioni t1bi
East Wawanoi -Brussels, Wing-
ham, Grey Central Atid Turnberry
attended -an enrichment. workshop by Generra, Hollywood Era, 861tania Sergio Fashion styles by Everlast, Mark Elliot, Steve Value I s to $80, SALE TOPCOATS, OVERCOATS, ALL
F Mrs
on 11tesselations" recently, Valente, Rainbow, Howick And more
Reg. Nicholas, Green Line, Kamikaze. Reg, $32. &
Mrs. -
Barnes,Kelt $40.466. NOW AL1: IX, PRICE $14954- $1995
maw , and Jdr. 'Webster from Clinton SAVE,% OFF ENTIRE SELECTION Be early as some
all �assisted with the workshop. from $1995'. Sr up, ALL 1/2 PRICE 16. & up FAMOUS BRAND SWEATERS selections limited.
They also learned how to tile a was enjoygd by all. SAVE % OFF ENTIRE SELECTION Men's 2000 MEN'S 1000 DRESS SLACKS
—Andrea Grant 2000 LEATHER FASH11ON 015 DESIGNER JEANS includes fine wools
s 1TS Reg, values to $30"SALE poly/wools,
zs Isom Benchicraft, Custom Leather and Christian ks
istli All famous names. Reg. $410.�$60- SALE tweed lashlon'loo,
Keith Adams Dior. Reg. $15..$40. NOWFOO)IN SAVE $10. 3 ties for $1000 Reg. $50.-$75. 1$1 #1
If your ipar s 7 A up 2995 &,Up• -Thousands to choose from.
the YOU get rid of it,
^10% eight? Whildit if
ra ors•
Insurance Servides yourbodys
Out �of shdpo P
WINGHAR 8 Alfred Street, 357-3739
........... . . .....
... .......
* r Yo their
0 M h�s s ported
10 al, fan r file ]as
0 Mr. w _their
es it It possible..