The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-01-28, Page 01m
.1, w caution on
inth' 0
East Wawanosh Township Council mitments, that,the lots are sold"
is" taking a cautious route , in In addition to the $48,000: al . 'ready more than $5,000,'but later 4f6 ad- C 6uncil's main task now is to decide
Aevejoping' -the Humphrey spent to purchase the subdivision, more in order to cover Costs. - added.
subdivision at Belgrave and will council members learned it could "I think we (the township) can sell . Pollowing a presentation from an
start development only after -the cost as much as $75,000 to install a 'the lots, but how fast will the local Ontario Hydro, representative, Paul
first 16 lots have been sold. communal water system at the site;
people build?" Mr. Snell said. "We McKee, council, members decided ,g
Council held a special meeting another $16,000 for road work and can't stop people from buying. as. an an underground hydro service into
Monday to discuss the 38 -lot $14,000.for,un'derground hydro hook- investment. the subdivision would be best.
mated hydro
subdivision, which the township up. "We can't sink $130,000 into it (the Council members esti
These Costs
purchased for $48,000 late last year. Yv
do not include paving subdivision) andniot have the people hook-up would cost- approximately.
Over the course of the meeting, it the roads, installing streetlights or build, said Councillor Ray $800 per lot.
became evident the' costs' of., even, the cost.of the trenching and Hallahan. When council learned it would cost
veloping the subdivfMon could put back-Mling. Mr. Snell said he was confident $7500� to 'supply water to the first 16
-the township in a financial bind
Reeve Ernie Snell said half the lots could be, sold this year lots in the subdivision and another
unless it has firm, up-ftont com- 'he hoped the lots could sell for no and the' other half next year. $25,000 to the remainder, Councillor
Jim Taylor remarked
going to be price
While he agreed the water system
Nonmprofit hdusipg,group
is ",awfully- expensive", Mr. Snell
said he remained confident the lots
would sell and township would get its
money back. W
B I gets appro V- a SIR -
In wm-,ore,
However, Mr. Taylor Was not so
'What if those lots don't go
I n a, joint, federal -provincial an- The Belmofe Non -Profit Housing The federal government, through'
for 20 years. We have to lookat inore
nouncement made last week, a Corporation will develop.20 units for Canada' Mortgage and Housing
roup senior citizens. Corporation, pays 60 per cent of the 4,
(.Hallahan) had an excellent iaea
received approval to develop a total. V . �.A
The program, administered by the cpst of these stibsidieg and the
of 20 residential units. (�nd that was) to tr� the market.
Ont�rib Ministry of Housing, per- provincial,g9vernment pays 40 per
The announcement was made b" 91 1 , r I:%
mits municipal, private and co- cent. Subsidies required to. support H.Mlahan said council i
look�ng at selling the lots fora bare
Ontario Housing Minister Alvin operative non-pr.ofit groups to build, 9ther , rent-gleared-to-ineome "units,
Curling and Bruce -Grey MP Gary minimum of $6,500 and that does not
housing for people With low and, as well as all market re t units, are
moderate incomes'. V� id by the province alone. Councillor Don--Se'hultz said
nes,'federal respofisible for The federal and provincial The total annual -cost of sub- council must sell all. the lots in the' IN CA SE YOU'VE FOR G-3 0 TTEN this is What winter looks like in South western Ontario. Granted, we mdnag-,
Canada Mortgage a,nd Housing governm6ts will share the cost Of sidizing. the 6,700 new units across subdivision in order to develop it or ..ed to get off easy for the first two months; but winter hit with �uffforce last Friday, closing schools and busi
Corporation. subsidizing rent�geared-to-income Ontario is expected to be ap-
under the"Ifederal-provincial housing.' for go to thetaxpayers for more money. nesses.
households within -..Proximately $47 million annually,. 44 We f igu . red from the start i - his'
pr6gr,am,- more than 6,700 apar- certain income- limits that cannot,
—with the province's 'share being a thing._(the -subdivision) could cost
tments and townhouses -have been find adequate, suitable rental ac- little.moie thmi half. �150'6_00 or better,, but it's looking Hospital board
allocated in almost 7 ' 0 ' miinicipalitie� commodation in the community' -Those eligible fo - r - rent -geared -to- moie like $250,000 before we,'re
across Ontario for 1*. A si miflar without paying' more 'than. 30 per
number was commjtted i'n.,1986. . ent.of their incomes on rent. n
"We don't kkio-W the market is
income housi gproduced under the done," said Mr. Hallahhn. Foundation,lo. discuss
program include low imd moderate
income ' families," seniors " anO there," said Mr. Taylor, "We've got
Vice p ysically, developmentally and to try.the market."
Apped people
capable' of living, independently. (Please turn to P e,
mo t of bill .., '' I Ott
psychiatreally handic Finally, after some further concerns with__co
over social i ac age, 5) mmi e,
The vice-chairman, of the -Huron religious -education is, to support the .,The Wirigham,afid District Hos- , of silly campaign? he,�sked. meeting to discuss concerns over the
County Board of edUcation' is con- concept of a se0a rate high school 4h pital .Foundation and the board's "Would a consultative approach wording of the in ' otion, RosgDkvies
,cerned that the sociail'impact of Bill the county. New n u mber for- a', M' bu la nce ma I nagpment committee. will meet (between the foundation and the- said ll� fears the board will lose
30 will ha�e a greater effect onrural Historically, rural communitie§ next month to discuss, the foun- board) not work? The people on the control.of hospital: fund�raising if it'
communities' than its economic have held ,a strong allegiance tp calls,,beginning. Monday.. dation's fun4-,raising role. foundation are not 'a bunch of delegates' complete control to the
ramifications. At. last Thursday evening';s hos- .'yahoos, who will go off half- foundation.
their_schools,� Mr. Jewitt said. For n a ream . pit -at board of governors' meeting, cocked"' said Mr. Kopas, adding Mr. 'Kdpas said he felt the issue'
Effective Monday, Feb. 2, any is ille Ihst centie to come o t
John . Jewitt, at the board's'Ja6u- this reason, he feared the, greatest person calling -'for an ambulance in the Owen Sound system, he said. Jack Ko as, a former foundation that six of the I eight foundation, should be tabled
ary meeting, offered'his opinion on impact of the Ontario government's p until, -the
t We m6s-t use the new telephone,number Under, the 'new system., the 357- inemb�r, said that bodywants to be members are former hospital board management committee has a
high social impact of the move"to divert ihe'funding will be
357-1155, Roon Kasper, manager of 1155 number will be,answered in recognized, as the� "chief fund- members.
legislation. to divert all- provincial socialirather than economic. the Central Ambulance Comr O�vefi Sound where an unpublished chance to sit down and discuss'the
funding for the education of H`uron High social costs will. mean the telephone'line will be used to raising arm" of the hospital. But he While he said the management matter with" -the foundation. The
County's Roman Catholic secondary public is going to be the big loser. munication Centre in Owen Sound, dispatch the Ambul said he f6lt a. recent committee should have met with the other board members agreed with
school- students to the Huron-Pertb Society has Made great 'strides in tol,0 The Advan6e-Times .. last ance. board recommendation did not foundation prior , to the board the stiggestion.
Roman Catholic. Separate School getting.,atong with each other in Thursday. If a, caller were to use -the old reflect that wish.
Board. recent times and re -directing the Beginning Monday, all ambul"c'e numbei after Monday, Mr. Kasper The recommendation -states the
calls from this area will be answered pointed out it would only result in a, hospital. board rhi
Under the new legislation, which funding places' that good will in by the Owen Sound centte. Although delay wh . en time could be vital. ust ."give prior Flu, vaccine ..available
came 'into effect Jan. 1, 1987, the jeapoedy, he added: ' - .1 In the past, the ambulance calls approval to" any fun&raising ac -
Huron -Perth board is the - body now, The letter asked the Huron County the ambulances will still 'be tivities undertaken by the foun-
,responsible for the edfication of', Board -of Education to make it clear stationed at the Wingham and went through the hospital switch- da1ion. Mr. Kopas said foundation
Cathblic' students in Huron County, that it is willing to accommodate District Hospital, they will now be board. When the new system goes members would prefer the board ead'y in February
dispatched through Owen Sound. into effect, the hospital will have no "be co'natilted prior to" any foun-
despite the fact they may be in full- religious education in- existing Mr. Kasper said the new system way to transfer ambulance calls and dation fund-raising projects. The new Haemophilus Inflaenzae -Dr. Marie Gear, president of the
time attendance at al 1446h -high county high'schools, but because' of a Type B (HIB) vaccine will be medical staff and a b6ard,member,
school. legislative, technicalit , cannot take will not result in- delays in dispat- the caller *ill be asked to hang up , In* his'view,'this would reinforce available at Ideal doctors' offices' reported the vaccine is to arrive the.
y ching an am6ulance to an and redial the new number. "the co-operative nature and the
Mr. Jewitt mad6 his.remarks in the initiative in making the offer.
response to a emeirgency., "In order to eliminate that type of sense of partnership" between the early next month, membera'bf the first two weeks of Febru�ry, ending
letter Presente�d at the However,- this.has always been the The switch in numbers locally is a delay it's important that the foundation and members of the board of governors at the Wingham several weeks of waiting for anxious
board meeting by Trustee Joan Van board's position, Mr. Jewitt said., part of. a provincial government public be aware of the charigexigbt . board of 9'overnors. and -District Hospital learned at the parents.,
de Brock, The letter expressed The subject has been discussed master plan to centralize the dis- from the beginning," Mr, Kasper However, when Mr. Kopas moved January meeting last Thursday At its,November meeting the
conc�rn'that some separate school, repeatedly at jo� t meetings w b
ith patching of ambulances. Wingham said. 'the charige' in wording for the evening. oard agreed to'stipply the'vaccine
supporters in the county feel that the Zembers of the Hur.on-Perth board. on the 4ecommendation of the*
only way their children can get a (Please turn to Page 5) ko recommendation,.. no. one would John McIntosh medical staff and Dr. Gear An -
second his motion.
"I am gravely' nounced at the December meeting'
concerned about is agricu tural doctors would be administering the
way this will be received by the in their offices in'January.
Frostyfest 87,begins, foundation, " Mr, Kopas remarked. society president vace'n"
Board member Bob Middleton" - I The- vaccine, licensed for use in
outlined his concerns with the John McInto Canada, in March of last year, is to
.�,h of RR 5, Brussels is be used for prevention of, invasive
-tonight. at vade'ty- concert -wording change. Since the foun- the 1987i,president of the Brussels "diseases in children, caused by HIB,
y dationuses the hospital name, he Agricultural Society. He succeeds of which fineningitis is the most
Frostyfest '87 gets underwa children at 2 p.m. at the Lyceum
said he is not sure whether or not Keith Williamson of RR 3, Walton
tonight, Wednesday, at a Lions' Theatre. serious.
people know the diff between
variety, concert starting at eight C�oss-country ski enthusiasts and was acclaimed to the position at Parents with children aged two to
the two bodies. "What Would happen the society'soannual meeting in the five years are urged to have them
if -the foundation launched some type
o'clock at the Wingham t8wn Hall. should enjoy Sunday's family ski
Brussels, Morris and G�ey Com- vaccinated by their family doctor or
In addition to a numeious acts by day at the Langside Trails. Fe6e bus munity Centre last Wednesday at a public health clinic. The Ontajio'
talented local performers__ the transportation will- be provided at 2
evening will be highlighted by the r m n Hall.
0.m..f. o theLegio— evening. Ministry of Health is offering the
crownin -prinrie- Low desigh by Mr. Williamson remains on the vaccine at no charge and Dr. Gear
and princess and the Frostyfest executive as past president,. while said she, for one, will be placing,a
queen, a new,attraceion this year. Timmy Run.' ,.Wingham woman, others elected include: Jim Hunter,,. potice in the community newspaper
RR 1, Belgrave, first'vide-presid6nt; 'a's soon as it becomes available for
If you would r 'lay bingo, the raises $3,38-2
Allen Cardiff, RR 5, Brussels, her patients.
Wingharn Optimist Club is spon- second vice-president; Rose Maiie While the vaccine is recom-
Bishop, RR 1, Xtbel, secretary-' mended for all children aged tw 'to
Wednesday evening at the Legion
�rippled Children or the "Timmy has beefi notified Ahat her 'logo treasurer. o
Hall. five, it, is not reliably effective. for
Run" raised over $3,000 locally On �,fltnPn design has lieen awarded third prize
Two new members were elected to
The Wingham those younger than,two. However,
.uerchants get into Sunday, reports Fred McGee of by the City of Belleville.
4� the board of directors, while two an additional vaccine for
the sWin youngsters
g. of things with Frostyfest Wingbam, one Of its organizers.' Mrs. Ritter hid submittedher positions remain vacant. Elected under 'two currently is being
sales Thursday-thrbugh-Saiurday. mt., mdGie said thia. yeor's turn- design in the city's eo�t at to find a were: Ross Mitchell'. 1111,3, Brussels developed.
AL19111fly costume, skating party is ac A so 0 $
out of riders And in hine I n of, suitable logo for its, u aming ses and Brian Workman, RR' 2,
scheduled for Friday from 5:30 to 7 the best in years and the 24' riders quicontennial celebrations.
"ootest. was Dec.
P.M. at the Lockridge. Mernorigl - who left the WhIghalu Legiob ]Rail Deadine, for th In the ladies' division', Bett No accidents,
Arletia, sponsordd by the Wl raised $3,3ag., Only six riders took i and Mrs. Ritter d Cardiff of RR 1, Ethel Was re-elected
PigureSk4ting.Club. three efitries. Although she waa %nt, while Joan Bernard of
part in last year's run. as presidie despite storm
Events On Sifitarday get underway Bob, Steffell ot, Winghwin was the notified, last week 'that one of her Brussels is the 1061 'first vice.
with a pancake breakfast at the top pledge getter locally with over entries was chosen third, Mrs. Ritter president., Edith Pipe of Brussels thbu� conditions outdoors
Willghilth Legion Hall. There 0196 $1400 1 , ledges
saA4 the information did not say remains as seoretary-treasuror. left a lot to be desired in the storm
will be horse4ra'wn sleigh rlde
a A SPIE"I oldded, attraction was a which of tho three ntit bid been Gueat speaker at the atinual late last week, the gntario
.89tUrday from tile tbgio# Hall, visit foojh this y,#Atg grjWo, Resioll
selocfe& Meeting was Ross Proetei of RA 5f Provincial Police at Win ham
Of the Le lon- Ad -the' TA.mtny1f , 14,yoar,old! DAW'd, reportno injury accidents local y
606#014 A eaih award of $50 goes iflong nrusao[A, weWknowfi pork pr6dueer,
he, third glade recilghitiou mW and
%04" will, be freeAsiting at the,, WAY 6UP40#0 06N00#61' 010. the t, ellovillo bm, also Ofertorated even
cerebral'' 't", a0hily resident the Hurba,06uhty Pow Vrldiy', but d"
111g, Wado. ropotti 29 064 Aid arfafigQ to disolai till of fh# KON"60ea nd viedor6gident of the further Saturday to the point where
to .2 parttaloatod, Ifl, the Wire bruee Hbbfiftlp W0 Pr#�dhfdlo WIM, mumAkato Al LOU" 6M 1 01, Mflol6gosll World shorthorn OW 601L He Is also, Highwa No. 4 Was dloseA for
b, is hei0on oid 't'als6id 66 ft for 160.1 h69061 b'Odtd ,0h6ffM4H,! at 010.0day 6' iyli� hyvy, Ma, Ritter W&A&Ignor of the Past pr#sl&fii of the Ham, 06��, SOV041 hou'r8,14orth ai
P the logo