The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-12-26, Page 14t:
Pater xwk-GrP+sru"tAS- Dee moor 25, 1#79-
itil a ri I it Mo
WALES ls8b-ls3s. by Eric
shames. YYWI as Intradreetliaa by
Andrew WUtea: Chane a Wlndus,
Londa•. (h Canada: Clarke,
Irwin A Company Limited,
® Toronto. 844.95.) 113. by 8% in.
lig pp.
R(sviewed- by
a Joseph Mallord William
Turner (1775-1851) is well known
M?? --• for his water colors which illus -
e a " trated many books. When he was
• asked to do sketches of places in
flelp rr \ England and Wales, he obliged,
goodCIS„-� ��1 making many more than were
W7hd \ required to fill the proposed book
111tC of "Picturesque Views in Eng -
111C land and Wales". The present
For help with all your volume by Eric Shanes with
family insurance needs,
extensive notes on the sketches
reproduces most or all of them
see: with some not in color. There are
Turner's water colors are
.LACK A. generally rather hazy, unlike the
WATKIN precision of photographs, but he
INSURANCE puts more into them than meets
,nM =s••«Lw. I the eye. The notes help to explain
o•ti.wwooxo this and give you a better grasp
s;,•i1ip°°,w1 ', of just what is to be found its a
R" MIM Turner drawing. This, is a splen -
State State did art volume, excellent for the
- ����� �••� f
le=urence Companies serious student of Turner and
even as an introduction to this
StarAorougA.Onterw painter. ,wfu••,•c, Cansdun Oc famous inter. It seems to this
reviewer, however, that it is
vastly overpriced.
1,.,1/2. PRICE
Moran IDA P armacy
Main St., Mount rest
WHAT'S THIS?—No they're not reindeer. Seen here are two
deer owned by John Lane, who lives in Listowel, but has a interesting feature to Mr. Lane's farm. He explained that,
farm near Wingham where he keeps the animals, "as a "A lot of people stop to take picutres and someone even took
novelty", he said. The couple, raised in captivity, add an one for a calendar."
257 Main St., Mount Forest 323-2985
N040 Forest Pharn?acy
(Beside Mac's Milk)
All major drug plans honourod.
Blue Cross, Tri Care, Etc. s
Senior Citizens Drug Cards
(Ont. Drug Benefits)
Moura -
Mon., Wed., Sat. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M.
Tuesday, Thursday 9 A.M. - 7 P.M.
Friday 9 A.M. - 9 P.M.
248 Main St. S. Phone 323-1420
,k J.
Ski -Doo
OU r i s ria a YU us
.. :.: _ o loth
One night after a school band barrass him." forgot how their kids em- parents take a subtle revenge 1 Ann*
tit, +' : ,, • r g4,,, ~ �'�.o' , concert I met a friend who was on "Go ahead," said I. "Em- barrassed them back in the olden when their kids get older. ' ' ^' Cele * Reba;"
her way up to congratulate her barrass him. You're entitled." days.
There is not a baby Want to embarrass your 14-
•,.;, son, the tuba player. "I'd really Parents of the world are y boy in the year-old son? When the phone is �(��
like to give him a big hug," she always going around in fear of world who has not embarrassed AND G M ��''
said, "but I don't want to em- embarrassing their kids. They his mother by scoring a direct hit for him, hand him the receiver C=
and say loudly, "It's some GIRL. �Oar'�400f'
on the pediatrician on the first or g „ SMW' S1S�tDR'
Residents of the Town of Mount Forest I post -natal visit. The kid You can put cute affectionate Every purclutaer�
lies there n the examining table, notes in his lunch bag. Buy your new Ski�Doo® snowmobile from
A T Ias limp and still as a wad of Or, if he has some friends in for December 7th, 1979 to January 5th, 1980,
Re: Garbage Collection 7 i ��y putty. Then the doctor palls down and draw your instant cash Cele*Rebate for
QQ---- the diaper to ins the evening, come down about 10
Farm Business � pe inspect the plumb- o'clock in your bathrobe and or $200, minimum of a X20, or $40 or $80' or $120.
,� o . ing. The kid grins and squirts himper Cele*Rebate of $2,00b.
. Garbage Plek-up no► mliv scheduled for L� anagQment Topics � right in the eye. curlers and tell him it's time his So go beyond speed, beyond comfort,
Docombor 31st, 1979 Pediatricians are used to this, little friends went home. beyond handling, es to 20th
¢- Go ahead and embarrass your Anniversary Cele*Rebates.
! Wi// be Collected on but new mothers always feel as if kids. They deserve it. 5
Saturday, Doeomber 29th, 1979 it's their fault, and they are And some day, somebody will VVW40SALES
always embarrassed..
TOP CORN HYBRIDS rush. When kids get older, they get ask them to write a story about & SERVICE
f FOR 1979 There will be far less down their most embarrassing
PLEASE PLACE YOUR GARBAGE OUT EARLY • taken out to restaurants. They sit 1153 7th Ave.,
time repairing or • replacing there, sucking on their milkshake moment, and they'll have a
TO ENSURE PICK-UP This year the Perth and Huron rusted bearings and shafts. wealth of material to work on. HANOVER, Ontario
S '1 straws and the sober) b
W, I
V f and Crop Improvement Machines which have been Y Y o serve
directors picked- the best corn stored command a higher trade- the 'world around them. Arid `
' E. C. Brubacher g that's when the embarrassment
Clerk hybrids. They summarized 62 on- in value. starts s
farm trials. Farmers harvested A machine shed "beautifies" a"Mommy,d '
wh has that lad
Town of Mount Forest 103 hybrids from 519 plots. All farmstead in two ways: the got a moustache?" Y v .f ' • '.''
plots were machine planted and building itself enhances a farm- ! '
Or, Is that man ever fat. Is he �' .' � 'S .• `• � .
machine harvested. The soil and stead; machines are all stored in o
Santa Claus. .�
crop directors selected the best one place, out of view. r 3
Adal 11116` Or ` If she has a baby in her
' hybrids from these trials. The Following are -a few building tummy how did it get in there?"
directors point out that there are ideas: This is why a lot of parentsrQ
probably other hybrids just as The shed should be a minimum would like to tape their kids' "`
good as the ones selected. They of 40 feet wide and probably 12 mouths closed when they take
chose the hybrids based on yield, feet to 14 feet high (floor to them out in public. The Squire
moisture and stalk strength, as eaves). This -enables -one to place and I recall the profound ember- Q Q Q
."tO well as maturity - all selections the main (widest) doors in the Q `
mail were under 2800 heat units, as the end walls for the followingreseed silence that fell after one
committee felt that there were reasons: of our sons observed a well -
many excellent later varieties. End doors can be hung on the endowed young woman, pointed
'nese The best were rated as 3 star, 2 truss eliminating the need for to her bosom and hollered, Boy, t.. •
has that lad ever t b' • `
star or 1 star. Three star hybrids heavy, built-up beams over thO-^i ! Y 15�bigger 'g 980 e
muscles. They're bigger than
were chosen because of excellent doors which decrease the door grandma's!" O
Financial assistance stalk strength and excellent yield height by 10 inches to 12 inches >`s \
potential in their heat unit rating.Sometimes parents have to;t. •:
and increase costs. :t�*;,,•
111111Fcounselling Two star hybrids had excellent End doors eliminate the take their kids to family gather Serve Our Colonel Sanders' femOU3
trainm yield lentis) but only good stalk ing$ and this is where the kids `
g Po y g problem of snow sliding off the play 'let's morify-mum" with a "
101%Of"1Yfatlon On government strength. The one star hybrids roof and piling in front of the P si,: '.;. •
g� had good stalk strength and good door. vengeance. "?>; ,• `'
ProgrPrograms for business "Uncle Harry," they say,
ams yield potential. One other reason Doors in the end allow one to
On THURSDAY, JANUARY 3RD for rating a hybrid with 1 star park machinery along each side "Mum said you had a hollow leg. / .s
Will you show it to me?"• •
MEL HUTH was if it was only tested a small wall, leaving the centre section Or, "I can't eat this potato
number of times or only grown in clear for large tractors, corn- salad. It tastes pokey."
will be at trials with its own company's bines, forage wagons, etc. Using Or, "I don't wanna kiss her. serve
The Office of: GRANT Et DEVERELL, hy�'�' this method, one can move the wr ost tt2.t6 people
She smells funny." '` a'?x.s or morel Your Now rYear' guests will recslvee 3 pieces
For Huron County, the 3 star large machinery quickly in order Maybe the most embarrassing y`
166 Main Street S., MOUNT FOREST, from ;,• ;: {`'`' salads,
Kentucky FrlBr Chicken each, as well as a choice of
hybrids are PAG SXiii, Pioneer to reach the remainder of the moment in your life was when sslado, (3racian Bread - everything
8 a.M. - 4 p.rn. F%one: 323.1600. 3978, Pioneer 3975A; 2 star equipment easily. ' <;<` erythtng -plates, fork., nap
"` 3rys kine, serving
hybrids are C your kid threw up on the Grey- ;:v;.:;-,;.::;, R trays, even the table cloth.
y o -op 259, Cargill With doors in the side of a shed
It you require financing to start, modernize 810, Pioneer 3950; 1 star hybrids only, machinery tends to be hound bus. he the time he hada f : 3'?'
Y y, � ••• ,•�;; Just plus us 2 hours notice .. ,than come and Ret it!
expand ` • ' are Funk's 4065, Co -0p.259. Sum- parked in front of one another, tantrum In the grocery store, and
obtain it j fr•:.
elsewhere on maries of these trials, and copies increasing the difficult of older women kept averting theirconditions
Y eyes and saying, "If that was my HOLIDAY Mon., Dec. 31st Tues., Jan. tot -
"r if you are interested of each individual trial may be removal in the spring. If you plan child, I'd smack his > «:% STORE Open s : • : t ." <' HOURS: until a.m. OPEN Reg. Hours
or wish picked up at the OMAF office. doors in the side wall only, themortifying
• I remm bed my::
government programs available for yourMike Miller, shed should not be greater than
Associate Agricultural 32 feet wide. own mo r once w e we were
• srepresentative. visiting in a rather elegant home. ;h
Representative One easy method of determin I was encouraged to go out into
WILL A MACHINE ing the size of a machine shed is the back garden to play. I
SHED PAY" to mark out the dimensions with couldn't get the door open - it
Do you realize the many ad- string and then try to park your was one of those multi -paned
vantages of owning a properly equipment inside. if the floor French doors - so I swung a
sized machinery shed? Following plan is impractical, this will sturdy hip against it several
are just a few: become quite clear through this times. There was a tinkle of
• You will spend approximately procedure. breaking glass, and a horrified
BUSINESS 10 per cent less over the life of a Machine shed plans and assis- gasp from my mother. I also Main St. alar Qulln
0FVFL0PMFNT BANK machine for repairs tance are readily available from remember that after I got home, �� Sa xl.., R.,,�. MOUNT FOREST
You will tend to repair the Ministry of Agriculture and the bruise on my hip sort of • •
P one 74"186 machinery over the winter Food in Clinton. �Kt11Ck Fried kle ' Othlrs In -
months instead of leavingthe spread around to the back. kat Gull h - Flrgus .Owen Sound
Or writs 306 King $t. W., KITCHENER, N2G 3Y9 maintenance until the spring Engineerm BAs�d�h�„e gids embarrtm fir parents A CANADIAN COMPANY P
`✓ nR so much that its no wonder