The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-12-19, Page 7a
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St. Paul's Church
gifts of
GRAM service
John Street'ot Centre Street «`'
The Rector: The Rev. John T.M. $won, C. Th. to
BEt.GRAVE — Ca,rdp pealed
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 (A1'th on the crwp mwaiag air,
Th* Fourth Sunday in Advent * welcoming manbers of the Kam
United Church, on Sunday, to the
100:: a.m.•—Holy00 a.m.—Sunday
Eucharist White Gift Service, Christmas
School �
11:00 a.m.—Sung Eucharist broadcast over CKNX Radio decorations I gave a festive at-
nNapbere the sanctuary.
*Christmas Eve * George Procter, Sunday School
3:00 P.M.—The First Evensong of Christmas, Procession, superintendent, gave the call to
The Blessing of the Crib, Csuper
Children's Service at the Crib, and uperworsup.Scripture passages
Carols. from Isaiah and John 1, were
11:15 P. F" -(Midnight) Procession, Solemn Eucharist and read by Steven Taylor, Patrick
Carols, broadcast over CKNX Radio Cull, Paul and Steven Coulter,
* Christmas Day * Katherine Procter and Can Ann
10:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist Pletch.
* The Sunday after Christmas, Dec 30th* The children's choir of 20
voices sang "The Virgin Mary
8:30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist , , Had a Baby Boy", accompanied
10:00 a -m. --Sunday Schoolr. by Mrs. George Procter, organ -
11:00 a.m.—Mottins and Carols , .', x ist.
New Year's Day" A report on the Foster Child,
tSinta of Bali, Indonesia was pre-
sented. a.m.—Holy A sum of $228 is required
— A Blessed and Joyous Christmos•tide To All —
annually for his support. The.
Sunday School has supported
"'s" "'""I*s, Sinta, a diligent 5th grade schol-
ar, annually for five years. He
Merly Christfflas is lively and active but the family
lacks protein as the main food is
• rice.
�n,Triangle Discount
�� � � A box containing four different
a` t`;• _> : i objects was used by Rev. John
� Y �. 4A0 Vi111N F; Roberts as he spoke mainly to the
After Shave �;. �� a -K children. A balloon was shown as
a e 2 � the symbol of surprise. He
' lbs "ra�"�. stated that Jesus' birth was a
Yardley sdak or roll-on surprise. For hundreds of years a
CHRISTMAS DELICACIES—Ian Metcalfe hands out Christmas cakes to residents at the powerful person had been ex -
Deodorant ,99 Brookhaven Nursing Home. He was only one of the Grade 8 students from Wingham petted. What a surprise when
Josue came as a baby. A loaf of
Public School who visited the home on Monday to. sing carols and greet the seniors.
Ladies' and Men's bread symbolized "Life"; a bell
Billf. represented "Joy" — As a town Y'
olds 25%OFF crier ringing a bell might an -
5.76 pounce a joyful celebration. The
N w o ffe i e e rs n t ' fourth symbol, a Candle stood for
value p, e d "Hope", Jesus is the ho of the '.
world.�Trart�tp Cologne199
We send .gifts to our adopted
Eleonte Boxed Chocolates 600 gr. Gomeboy to bring him surprise, life,
church von�en and ho
by joy pe, said Mr. Roberts.
Smiles & Chuckles GORRIE—A highlight of the ng secretary, . MrsChristmas story in all its phases The white gift envelopes were
torte ndi received in white baskets by
annual meeting of the United Melville Dennis. from the prophecy concerning Andrea Coultes and Sheila Ander-
Christmas 3 roll pack Church. Women at Gorrie was the Committee conveners are: Christ's birth to the visit of the son. Christmas hymns were sung
Gift W ra 4 installation of the new officers for Church in Society, Mrs. Alex wise men. Mrs. Ball closed the and as a postlude the choir sang
■ V 1980. Mrs. Clifton Coulter sub- Taylor; Supply and Welfare, Program .with two Christmas
Go Tell It on the Mountain".
mitted the report of the Mrs. Sheldon Mann; Community poems, followed by prayer.
Open for nominating committee and, in an Friendship and Visiting,,Mrs. W. Mrs. Wilbur Hogg contributed
your convenience impressive service, the new Ball; Stewardship and Finance, Piano solos and a lovely duet was
BOXING DAY NOON " S1 executive was installed by Mrs. Mrs. Lloyd Jacques (treasurer); sung by Mrs. Jack Ferguson and
•� J. E. Fellows. World Outreach, Miss Margaret Mrs. Robert Strong, all in UCW meets at
The officers are: honorary Dane; Christian Development, keeping with the Christmas
QTRIANGLE president, Mrs. Fellows; past. Mrs. Raymond Gowdy. Members theme. Mrs. Sheldon Mann was Mothers home
D' .D C Q Q President, Mrs. Bill Nay; of the nominating committee are Pianist for the evening.
president, Mrs. Robert , Strong Mrs. Bruce Robertson and Mrs. Mrs. Bill Nay, retiring
.1,�.._.�� `-__�: t7mo vice `'Robert Edgar; Mrs. Lionel president took charge of the BLUE VALE—Members -of
f,.�.;..,�,_S president, Mrs. Robert ,Johnston is �he UCW re g Unit Three of the United Church
Harper; recording secretary, presen- busipess when reports were
OPen 9 to 9 p.m. Weekdays Sundays Noon to Six Mrs. William Behrns tative on the manse committee given by various conveners. A Women met at the home of Mrs.
and the auditors are Mrs. Allan generous contribution was votedCharles Mathers and enjoyed a
X xk: � :� ,.< ,. Hyndman and Mrs. Ronald to the Board of Stewards of the tasty pot luck meal served at the
on our on Mann. church, as well as donations to noon hDecember 12.
<> The program was in charge of church -related funds. After the meal the president,
the committee for Community Mrs. Nay expressed her thanks Mrs. Walter Willits, chaired the
Friendship and Visiting. Mrs. for support she received during meeting and presented the j
George Brown gave some ex- her term of office and turned Christmas topic. The group sang
reetings cellent thoughts on the im- over the meeting to Mrs. Strong familiar Christmas carols. Cards
111 portance of friendship, Mrs. who spoke briefly and closed with were signed and distributed to be
Clifton Coulter' led in a service of prayer. A delicious dessert lunch sent to former members and sick`
scripture readings and. Christ- was served by members of Unit and shutins. Miss Emma
�+ R mas carols which
As >�7 a�l the , J Wiz' o portrayed the One. Johnston was presented with a
poinsettia plant and good wishes
��° • • for her birthday on December 24.
UCW W1" senOfficers for 1980 are:
color andd gift
a president, Mrs. Walter Willits;
to a foster child Secretary, Mrs. Laura Mac-
.,� Farlane; assistant, Mrs. Carl
pageantry t l i � FORDWICH—'fhe evening whit Christmas', several carols were Johnston; treasurer, Mrs.
114�11Wendell Stamper; card
of the United Church Women met P
a � .� sung. A� poem, `Christmas Eve secretary, Mrs. Jack Fischer.
' in the church basement on Dec. Thought', was read by Mrs.
12 at 7 p.m. starting with a Livermore and the scripture was
of this Christmas pot -luck supper. taken from Isaiah, chapter 11
?` The meeting was opened with a verses 1-10. A carol was sung
Deemobw 0. 1111M --.Paas 7
I 1 �
Enter our 3rd annual
Draw for V4 of
4-H Club Beef!
Shop now for Christmas and
see our tremendous selection)
Gemini Jewellers.
102 Main St. west 214 Josephine St.
Listowel VVI n orcin
Wingham, Ontario
poem, 'Joy of Giving', by the followed by a .prayer by Mrs.
mystical ���` President, Eva Harris. 'Oh Little Livermore. A short story en•�
y „t� Town of Bethlehem', was sung titled, `Inside Christmas', was
followed by a prayer by Mrs. read and Mrs. Johnston read,
' Harris. The roll call was an- 'The Gift of Salvation' and a carol m '
_ n w
swered by 17 members and Rev. was sung. A poem, 'Christmas is
«� The minutes of the last meets More', was the closing of the
ng worship service.
were approved as read. The
Christmas stockings were Jean Wilson had the theme for
unfolds! 4" the program
hChristmas Is'.
�" A 2` anded in and the members Members answered questions voted to use them again next q s of
year. The money from them will the different meanings of
go towards the foster child. A gift Christmas. several carols were
M is to be sent to the child in the sung and poems read. A carol
near future. called, 'The Meaning of
The offering was received and Christmas', was sung.
; dedicated. Mrs. Ron Livermore There was a revealing of secret
and Mrs. Morley Johnston were pals and new names were drawn
3 the committee for the worship and gifts exchanged brought the
service. meeting to a cipse. The next one
With the theme 'Inside will be held Jan. 9 at the Church.
bells peal
a glorious
message of love and peace;
Humbly we say thanks.
UCW has Christmas theme
FORDWICH—With the theme
under the leadership of Mrs. Jack
of the December meeting of the
Wilson and Mrs. Leone Carswell.
afternoon unit of Fordwich UCW
It opened with soft music and
being Christmas, members and
prayer by Mrs. Carswell. "A
ij visitors sat down to a delicious
Christmas Story" was narrated
dinner prepared and served by
by Mrs. William Wilson with
the members.
readings and Christmas carols
After dinner the business
alternating throughout the
session opened with a prayer by
Mrs. Clarkson. Minutes, roll call
and treasurer's report were
The lighting of five candles was
given and gratitude was ex-
done by members with short
tended for communion cloths and
readings describing their
napkins donated by church
meaning. The candles sym-
members. Two study books are to
bolized trust, truth, glory, the
be ordered. A discussion about
Christel ild and the Light of the
serving lunches at meetings
World. They were lit by Mrs.
resulted in the members deciding
Clarkson, Mrs. Annie Pit -
to serve one item and a cup of tea
tendreigh, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs.
at each meeting. White Gift of-
Topham and Mrs. Madgett.
ferings were received and
Following the worship service
_ dedicated.
Mies. Wilson summarized the
The Christmas program was
Program and a carol was sung.
� 1
Karen Hicks, Jeanette McDonald, David Hicks.
Not shown in picture - Marie Chapman and Maxine Taylor
a4d my
AT CHRISTMAS. 357-2670
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