The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-12-19, Page 13t
moment of your Yuletide.
Gentleman's Corner
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
to our friends and customers
R.R. #11, Mitchell, Ont.
Inging our way,. to you with,
holiday greetings and best
wishes for harmony on earth.
j Thanks one and all.
_Luiorr L LUNCH
Jim Watt, worked for Kmart for 15 years before coming to
Wingham. He said he got Interested In Canadian Tire be-
cause, "1 always wanted to be an independent business-
f'r'T'°•oVw�•�11""•1�!1ti q"".M" 1+ .+ � . r - . wy► .. . .e . .i -+' •' /y„ f."
n!Yl W Advaaw-Tiers, Dassltltbsr 0. M'1'!-•-i'11ge U
JIM.Waff wanted to be an
Ind"ndent busineurnan
Jinn Watt, owner of the town's Canadian
Tire Store, says be came to Wingham in
January, im, "Becauss I always
shows an Wtered is the
the c>lho O&W on c of
wanted to
be an independent busin>ewman."
Ilir. Watt says the al" swves the
area by staying open six days a week, "And
After working for K -Mart the previous 15
a farming oointnunity I think that's imper-
years decided to utilize his skill and strike
out on his own. His attention was drawn to
Canadian Tire because, "Each owner works
Before taking over the franchise Mr. Watt
underwent six
independently," ••
adding, Owners live in the
town they operate in,
months of "
trainuing. But
retailing was nothing new to me."
making it more per-
sonal for the customer."
Obviously having a lot of experience has
paid off for the well stocked store operates
Another reason be says be was attracted to
with an air of efficiency.
Canadian Tire was that "It is a truly
Canadian organization." He was also im-
Today it employs eight full-time and eight
part-time workers, plus Mr. and Mrs. Watt.
pressed by its wares, selection and prices.
lie feels that the store's services to the
Now settled in town -the owner is involved in
other aspects of the community, the Wingham
community go beyond the obvious. "it is the
wily national retailer that gives a discount for
Planning Board and the curling club. He said
he would like -10 -join
cash "
• Payments. He explained that although
"funny money
ether organizations such
as the Lions or Kinsmen but, "I just haven't
is joked about, its presence
got time for any more things like that.,,
Wingham .. .
In its 100th year
EW concert attract
s about 200 guft'oblm
The - Bel
grave Christmas Anderson, Christopher Jamieson 'Jingle Bell Rock' and, `Silent Marla Hussey, Honey -Anne
concert at East Wawanosh and Verdell Jessup. Night'. Tilbrook, Jana Vincent, Debbie
Public School was on Wednesday, The senior choir, consisting of
Dec. 12. Kindergarten to Grade 4 Grades 4 - After, Sharon 'Ramsey per- Gulley and Linda Versteeg. Brian
sang, `Joy To The formed the, 'Ottawa Valley Step Campbell, Steven Taylor and Jeff
Presented skits to an audience of World',andd , What Child is This?' Dance'. She experienced some Pletch did crab walks and Chris
about 200. Piano was played by Grade 4 and trouble during rehearsal, but McIntosh, Paul Culland Jim
They had practiced hard for 5 teacher, Mr. Chaulk. managed well at the concert. Fenton did seal walks.
over two weeks getting ready for Then the Grade 1 class
the Next was Grade 2 with its The inch worms were done by
final moment. All were presented its skit, `Jolly Santa performance of, 'White Christ- Karen Montgomery, Heather
nervous and did their best to Claus'. They did extremely well mas'. The characters in that play Morton and Gayle Campbell and
make the plays better than the as their performance" was done were: King, Bradley Shiell; the backward rollers were Jacqui
ones in days gone by. E with ease. Everyone was ner- Queen, Christine Dobell; north Van Camp, Allen Wilson, Brian
was well done. vous, but did their best to put on a wind, Julie Smuch; east wind, Campbell Jana Vincent, Chris
Joanne Wood played the piano good show. Krista Bryde and Jack Frost was McIntosh, Debbie Golley, Honey -
before the concert opened. The cast of characters for that Steven Michie. Ben Barnes,. Ann Tilbrook, Marla Hussey,
Kindergarten presented their production were: mother, Cheryl Tricia Daer, Renay Taylor and Steven Taylor, Jason Coultes,
play, `The Christmas Story'. It Darlow; father, 'Steven Marks Dean Tilbrook played as the Stephen White, Gayle Campbell,
told about the birth of, Christ and and the children, Glen Taylor, snowflakes. Others were Diane Linda Versteeg and Jeff Pletch.
the gifts of love and wealth that Lanea Wilson, Steven Guy, . Black, Heather Campbell, ' Everyone did forward rolls and
were given. Caroline.Humphrey, Dean Jordan Guy, Carol Hopper, Lissa Stevenson . acted as
The actors and actresses were: Vincent, hristopher Campbell Mellinda Hussey, Scott Jessup, guard. the
Mary, Heather Dobell; Joseph, and Sheila SC vartzentruber. Kevin Taylor, Jeffrey Kikkert, Balancing performances were
Shawn Roger; shepherds, Tom Cull acted as Santa Clans, • Jeff McKee, Thorsten Muscheid, done by Steven. Taylor, Lynne
Richard McKeon, Lori Crawford and his hhlp�s' were:" Trintx,_ 'Kath' Newell, .Jennifer Proctor Campbell, Debbie Golley, Allan
and Paul McIntosh and the Mark Coultes; Pinie, Darrell and Debbie Paul. Bailie, Brian Campbell and
angels, Crystal Black, Darlene Pletch and Ned, Andrew Camp- The senior coir then sang, 'O Heather Morton.
I Black, Lana Thompson and bell. The dancing dollies were Little Town of Bethlehem', and, The senior choir closed with,
Lorna Humphrey. Ian Mortan, Heather Hopper and Dana `God Rest You Merry. Gen- 'The twelve Days of Christmas'.
Jason Campbell and Matthew : Gibbons and Ricky Johnston Uemen'. It was one of the best concerts yet
Hussey acted as.the three wise played as a top with David Grades 3 and 4 demonstrated performed.
men. Those playing as children' 'McKee as a Teddy bear. their talents in gymnastics, as
� were: Tanya Campbell, david The story book characters they did tumbles and bends. BY Johanna Vatt(lsap
Paul, Jason White, Brenda were: Little Jack Horner, Even Santa did :. • _..'\,.. , or he
White, Cindy Kikkert, Robbie Micheal Jardin ; Little Miss tried. Of course Santa was too fat
Muffitt, Brenda Hallman and to do very much, all he did was
Jack and Jill, Keith Massy and fall and look silly, but he was the Mrs. John Bell
Chettleburge. In hit of the whole consert.
Christmas social charge of bells and wood -block Santa was played by Allan
• • was Debbie Taylor. Bailie and the cartwheels were Chalmers `
delights Tran The senior choir then sang, Mformed by Jacqui Van Camp,
S.S. children Christmas meefi
BELGRAVE —'On Friday
Whitechurch—Mrs John Bell
��� Csan
ring, Trinity Anglican Church y 9 holds party
held a pot luck supper, followed was hostess when Chalmers "
eg Women's Missionary Society,
by a Christmas social in the The
gang held its regular workers. One in particular held its December, meeting
Women's Institute Hall. The hall monthly meeting in the Ar- -deserves mention. One of the Wednesday of last week with an
was decorated with a Christmas mouries on Friday, original executives, Mrs. attendance of 11.
tree laden with gifts. This meeting started with a Margaret Hastings, treasurer Mrs. Bill Evans opened the Ar—
The program opened with reci- delicious potluck dinner. There since the gang's inception meeting with a poem and ex-
tations by Angela Nethery, Mich- were over 40 gathered for the resigned. Mrs. Margaret Foxton tended a, welcome to all.
Kim ael and Darryl Jardin, Karen feast and I'm quite sure twice agreed to give the job a trial run. Following the singing of a c"
Procter, Allan Bathe, Kand that many could have come. I Most of the members then sat Mrs. ' Bill Purdon led in prayer.
Jason Sargent, Marilyn and Kipp still hope more seniors will be- down to a game of... :.•, ve Christmas readings were given
Mayberry and Jeffrey Saunders. come involved. euchre under the able super- by Don Ross, Mrs Victor
There were two piano solos by We had Rev. John Swan and vision of George Gregg. Emerson Mrs. John deBoer,
Denise Nethery. A song by the Mrs. Swan as our guests. After a The next meeting will be Jan. Mrs, plan Falconer, Mrs. peter
choir, dccumpantect uY Rev. Dan short carol sing Rev. Swan gave 11 at 2 p.m. Mrs.deBoMrs. Bill ,Mrs.
Sargent on the guitar, also songs a delightful talk on the mean , Mrs.
by Rev. Dan Sargent and Clark ingful way names were used longt3h lady for the euchre was Gordon Rintoul, Mrs. Evans and
Johnston were enjoyed by all. ago with reference to the Irene Basman and high man was Mrs. Bell. These readings told
Santa Claus arrived an ached. Bethlehem story and Christ's Gordon Walker. The high lady, the beginnings of the Christmas
ule to the great delight of the birth• who was playing as a man, was story and related each event that
smaller children and distributed A short business meeting was Margaret Hastings. Ethel took Place that first Christmas -
gifts and bags of candy. He held consisting mainly of votes of Holmes was the winner of the night. The readings were in-
departed wishing all a M thanks to some of the good tally �_ .1 with singing of ;
y card draw. the si i
Christmas" and a "Happy New Chrbbnas carols.
Year". Mrs. Evans spoke on the to
"The Gift from the Shepherd
�IA�OR '�M•O>l71>�{ ..
The Canadisp cluirtared ba*s
have mwav am gli a» eta_
ployees, an kwiresse of &beat
50,000 since 1173.
dive a
Many thanks for your
Keith Moffatt
Plumbing and Healing
Men fining as brothers in a word
at peace ,that is our
Christmas. Thanks one an�
De and Bertha Miller and Staff of
Miller's Ladies' Wei
Boys" Mrs. Peter deBoer led in
• • : * = % ' :. Notes from 1 Fo rd W i C h prayer and presided for the ti•
C business. The offering was
• received and dedicated by Mrs.
ll ' • Y Y Wesley Tiffin and all answered
•• Mr. and Mrs. Wray Wilson and and also with Mrs. Dora Ridley at •,,:.••
Amanda visited Friday evening Geri Care. the roll call with a Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Reg Wright and vim• The minutes were read by
at Guelph. Tim of Port Credit spent the Mrs. Purdon• '+``
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McElwain weekend with Mr. and Mrs. The Society d WG d`� O/lG, 0� tltGC,
Of Toronto visited a couple of Ba decided to
p Barry D Mcey. remember this Christmas season
• days last week with Mrs. George A nunpber from here called at those residents of Pinecreat d tz60(!,t iltG L �/
Pittendreigh, Miss Minnie the Trench Funeral Home, 40&--"7
D Nursing Home who have no
� McElwain and John McElwain. Listowel, on Sunday to pay their
Mr. and Mrs. Gar Sothern, res families. The singing of a carol (� p
y i Y pests H the family of the late and a closing prayer by Mrs. Bell. .' 2�"^ """7 f�
` Tim and Tracy of Palmerston William Hawkabee of Listowel to�0"visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. formerly of Fordwich. ended the meeting•then met with Bill Sothern. The Ladies' Aid :.i� 444
Mr. and Mrs. David Schneider, The senior citizens held their Mrs- John deBoe► giving the i f�/lGd• RIIW �{(EG/G
Barbara and Mark of Kitchener card party in the community hall financial statement. Offering ssLL __`__
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. on Friday night with 14 tables in was received and members We, 00W. i & tIIax
Bruce Armstrong.
Kn •1 d f it • i d i •1 � n'°A6• Pia Pei f hi partici ted i
0" 11M .71M an �n►ur am I " a «ar "Fun c . lAht. . Y• zes or gh scores were W n assembling :;•;r'::;
14'e htgx M have the pleasure of continuing to yen r } cni 4 Mr• and Mrs. Alex Wray of won by Peggy Schneider and jigsaw puzzles cut from s'
• • Scarborough spent a few days at Harold Christmas cards.
and extend (•hristmas greetings that are -warm and sincere• their home here and attended Kreger of Palmerston.
� Low scores moron prizes for Laurie 'r°;'t��s;}•:
s funeral service Monday for Schneider and Jim Warrell. y remarks were given •.""'`` ••
' William Hawksbee, held at Christ Freida D'Arcey won the special by Mrs• Weal
RIVERVIEW DRIVE-IN • Anglican Ch,dhLitley Tiffin and Grace
I sowe. prize, was sung before the hostess
Don and Florence Delmage and Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn of Christmas greetings to served a Christmas lurch. The H. KERR CONSTRUCTION
Orillis visited on the weekend everyone from p•ordwieh next meeting will be held at the LIMITED, WINGHAM
With Mr. and Mrs. Bill Naverfield correspondent, Jean Sothern. home of Mrs. Wesley Tiffin.