The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-12-12, Page 11•
Belmore members ur `ed
to , �
Wand' will be held in
Jan 16 and a. Mrs. aw Hadi m
thanked the ladies iter bWplag le
one guest of
ceid anthers nte an
Der6, at the honee s ofof Mss.
a �abk occasion.
The Christmas program was
Following the dinner Mrs.
Harry Judge, the president,
convened by Mrs. Emerson
Ferguson, who also
called the meeting to arder with
gave a
reading. Card siring was on_
BELMORE—The Women's
During the business
Missionary Society of Knox
PrOPhYtOrian Church, Delmore,
programs for 1980 were
distributed and Mrs. Elmer
held its Decembir 1De1Dting early
in the
JONMY, Mrs. Bruce Darft and
month to avoid the
Christmas rush. The new
Mrs. 'John Dickson were ap-
pointed a lunch Committee for the
Au#0M0W6s, light Trucks,
president, Mrs. Ken Dickson,
chase verses of appropriate
coming Year. It was decided to
quilt the top donated by Mrs
Form Tractors
hymns for the call to worship and
Bruce Darling at the February
Now Rod Cores
pening Elmer. Ballagh led
m � congregation ass .
devotions, reading from the
Cleaning B Flushin •
Prophecy of Isaiah, chapter nine.
urged the members, as
for 1M were
chosen and avaried Christmas
14 North st. 337-1102
people whom Christ has brought
program was presented by the
from darkness into light, to give
members each contributing an
themselves with their gifts at
article or poem of seasonal in -
terest. For a special feature,
Mrs. Darling asked each one to
write down the words she 01111thud
as she read the Adoration of the
Magi from the gospel of Mat-
carols were sung
The Wiogbom Adveacs-Tb we Doemo her 12. 1!'A•—las•s 11
VW MoMbers hold
"KELL” A delicious turkey
Asher complete with all the
Wand' will be held in
d'bnmf ngs, was eu.*w by 1S
members and
Jan 16 and a. Mrs. aw Hadi m
thanked the ladies iter bWplag le
one guest of
ceid anthers nte an
Der6, at the honee s ofof Mss.
a �abk occasion.
Harold Wallace.
The Christmas program was
Following the dinner Mrs.
Harry Judge, the president,
convened by Mrs. Emerson
Ferguson, who also
called the meeting to arder with
gave a
reading. Card siring was on_
the The Christmas
laked by everyone and readkilp
Mrs. Gordon a presented by
right. Everyone
were also given by Un . Joke
Venteeg and Mrs- Charlie Scott.
answered the roil call by telling a
place they would like to visit and
Mrs. Harold Wallace damaa-
strafed how to Cover
why. It was announced that the
for a practical
workshop for the 4-H
The afternoon Concluded with a
Prosect, 'Your Corner of the
gift exchange.
WOU00 p and an exchange of gifts from'~I
Wg Secret Pals, a lunch of Christmas Missionaryso iwith blower and heat exchanger cookies and tea concluded theC e
s� meeting.
as meeting
Homemakers The Women's Missionary Christmas
offer unique Society of St. Andrew's of David's City.
k Presbyterian Churg, W' The hymn, 'As With Gladness
g 1t ft idea held its Christmas meetingmg>�' in the Men of Old', was sung. .
The secretary, Mrs. O. McKay,
. ., upper room on Tuesday, Dec. 4. read theY
The Town and Country
T president, Mrs. R. H. The of the last
Homemakers, who provide Armstrong, opened the meeting �,
services throughout Huron
with worshipcall worshipP
Christmas ,message. Wall, gave her report. The report
County, have a unique suggestion a The hymn, 'O Little Town of of the nominating committee was
for a special Christmas gift this Bethldtem was s given by Ars. J. gam_ -The
Year; .one which is sure to be _ �ari[eli�i"' ung. Mrs. G.
e, Yearly reports were given by
Wall gave the scripture, which,
appreciated by anyone receiving each of the executive
was found in Luke 1, e, and oom-
it. ��'
Luke 2, 4-7. Olive Lapp assisted
Jean Young, administrator, YEAR OF THE CHILD— 1979 as the International Year of the Child was celebrated In by rendering solo D3'singlag
announced that anyone is free to the float entered by the Wingham Kinsmen in the Santa Claus rade. The Night',
pa the reading of the scripture. Mfrs. 'Holy Night', a prayer re Mies hM.
Purchase hours for homemaking � P Deans. A lunch, Prepared by �
or housecleaning from the Wall closed with Prayer-� committee
For those who are ever homemakers for their elderly • W*11ed
The offering was received by cake and short C�9Y COnsCiOus parents or homebound friends•��'�Mrs: Wall and dedicated by Mrs. �,ed by all•
bcad was but appreciate the beauty of a' good for 1980
B. Holmes. ,
A gift of home help might in- 'Joy To The World', was sung
wood stove. clude sho • by a quartet composed of Miss MRS. JOE WAucsit
PPmg, shovelling snow, —
• An airtight stove with full wag floors or anything elseAgnes Williamson, Mrs. Ard,
y gasketted door which might need to be done by Umium Church Women Mrs. H. Aitchison and Mrs. W B1v eVtde
• Baffled door for preheated combustion air around the house. Ford.
• carol, service w
Heat exchanger and blower are standard Homemaking BLUEVALE—In a meaningful Garniss, Mrs. Glen Sellers; message based on the t Mrs. T. .Currie presented Mrs• be ped m
the Bluevde
equipment eking would include service . : ,1 by Robert Communications, Mrs. Wallet guidance, love, servi�and V. Young with a Life Membership Presbyterian
assistance with requirements Perry, the new officers of the Willits, Mrs. Ross Nicholson; P on ��y
such as personal care, light giving. Mrs. Harold Johnston Certificate' Abe' 16, at a pm. Everyone
Enjoy the beauty i ah a fine wood stove all housework, laundry, etc. Bluevale United Church Women. Leadership Development, Mrs- played a Miss M. Deans gave the is welcome,
evening and wake in the morning to a warm Y appropriate ac-
were installed and reminded of Ken Johnston; In -Church Ser- compar►im�t nn t�.,;e..,. a..�__
house,or cottage. Mrs. Young said more =d their n-- .w L_,.-. - r---- .......,8
�:..rai.►.u�,cs ivc v,cc, Mrs. Cart Johnston, Mrs. J. the presentation. Mrs. Ross
more peopie in the county' are 1980• The officers' are: past R. Johnston, 'Mrs. Ed Stewart, Nicholson read a poem to com-
taking advantage of both the President, Mrs. Wendell Stam- Mrs. W. Peacock. piste the worship service.e w
81x MOdah TO ChOoq;prgm home help and homemaking per; President, Mrs. Charles Members of the nominating '�
services available, but there are Mathers; first vice resident commit dell Each committee reported its
,. many more people who still are Mrs. Harold Johnston; Stamper, Mrs. Mel Craig and during past year.
not aware of the service. secretary, Mrs. Bert Garniss; Mrs. Harold Johnston. Mrs. Mrs. McFarlane reported for
e; treasurer, Mrs. Bert Hastings; Keith , Johnston is the Church and Society; Mrs. Beth
For more information pianist, Mrs. Glen Sellers; representative to the Official Johnston for World Outreach;
^ regarding a gift certificate or auditors, Mrs. s. Stewart for Christian n junction with 501 rave
•Larry Siston, Board and Mrs. Ross Nicholson . r (Held i ton
Just' general information call .Mrs. Doug Garniss: represents the UCW on the Board Developmelft Mrs; NiclioikOa for "' ;'• }
Lodwow Piet $48.6392- Mrs. Yo and Lucicnow Co-opsr_
Young at 357-3222 or write . Committee conveners are: of Stewards. Mrs. Nicholson and Publicity and communication;
Box 691, Wingham. Church in Society, Mrs Murray Mrs. J. Searson are leaders of the Mrs. Carl Johnston for the flower
McFarlane, Mrs. Harvey Edgar; Messengers. committee; Mrs. Lloyd Warwick
World Outreach, Mrs. Beth Mrs. Charles Mathers opened for In -Church Service and Mrs: Thursu'r oft■ �3
Johnston, Mrs. Keith 'Nicholson; • the December 5 meeting with a Peacock for the manse com-
Stewardship and Finance, Mrs, seasonal poem. followed by mittee. Year-end reports were 7EJWJ. V. Fischer, Mrs. Bert prayer. Unit 4 conducted the also given by . the four unit
Hastings; Christian Develop- worship service which included leaders, Mrs. Carl Johnston, Pu�u
t • B of Liquidation meet, Mrs. Bob Fraser, Mrs. some familiar Christmas carols. Mrs. J. Casemore, Mrs. o Street
Harold Johnston. Mrs. Bert Mrs. Jack Searson presented a and Mrs. J. Johnctnn
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