The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-12-05, Page 14.
tV 4-7U W' Advaw*-Times, December 5. 19-M
Howick Mid ets� play
team from
Members at the Howick Midget
Farmatic plant in Gorrie and Bob
hockey dub have more an their
Hastie's beef operation in Howick
minds these days than the next
upcoming game, school
Advance tickets for the game
examinations and Christmas.
can be obtained by calling either
What they have on their minds
335,-3302 or 335-4157.
is Dec. 39 and a special game at
the Hiowick Community Centre at
Howick Midgets are not only
3 p.m. Their opponents in that
looking forward to the game with
game will be a team from
Denmark, but to wearing their
sharp new uniforms, supplied by
The game with the visiting
Farmatic. White with blue and
Danes was arranged by the
orange, the uniforms are more
Howick Midgets will play a visiting team from Denmark at
Ontario Minor Hockey
colorful thtln the previous green.
the Howick arena on Dec. 29 at 3 p.m. In honor of the oc-
Association and the Western
During their stay in Ontario, the
casion, snappy new uniforms were supplied to the Howick
Ontario Athletic Association.
member,% of the Denmark team
team by Farmatic of Gorrie. Members of the Howick
While in the area members of the
will spend 10 days, mostly in the
Midgets are: from left, front row, Troy Pccaluyko, John
Denmark team will tour the
Parkhill are&
Stroop, Paul Douglas, Brad Wright, Dorren Fosrter; back
row, coach Bob Gibson, Jeff Espensen, Dan Strome, Jamie
Baker, Leonard Stamper, Dale Hunt, Nathan Peel, Tom
Toner, trainer Bert Pocaluyko. Absent for photo was
manager George Hamilton.
Howick-has Super Series
The Howick Athletic Associa- short end of the stick when it Squirt hockey players in house
tIon obviously has a good thing comes to tournament time and lenges will get a tournament. It
going in its Super Series tourna- Mr. Armstrong decided to do is to be held at the Howick
went. And knowing a good thing something about it. He organized Community Centre on Dec. 22
tsilw they see it, members of the a Super Series for Tykes last and 23.
i1110dation have decided to ex- March at the Howick Community • Besides the great hockey, a
pond the series thus year. Centre• star attraction will be none other
It was a tournament with a than Santa Claus himself and the
The Super Series started last difference. No trophies were ice surface will be especially
year as the brainchild of John presented. Instead of winners decorated for Christmas.
Armstrong of RR 1, Fordwich. and losers the tournament Discussing the Squirt Super
With three boys of his, own in featured lots of playing, a free Series on Sunday, Dec. 2, coon s' --
minor hockey, Mr. Armstrong is meal for the youngsters and a dinators John Armstrong and
more than a little aware of the crest for every player. Bob Gibson, also of RR 1, Ford -
win -at -all -costs kind of at- The tournament was an un- wich, said the series will follow
asphere that tends to pervade believable success. Not only did the same format as the Tyke,,,,,,,..•
the game of hockey — even at the it involve over 200 youngsters, tournament did last year.
minor level. but parents packed the arena for "Each team will play threez .'
That kind of attitude often finds both days of the event. ; games, there will be a meal and
house league players getting the This year besides ttA' Tykes, crests for all the kids," Mr. �.
Armstrong said. "Everybody
will be a winner."
MRS. GEORGE BROWN In response to' a request for
assistance last year, area
• businesses really went all out for
Gorrie Personal Notes the Super Series. This year the ANp
Howick Athletic Association is
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vines and the home of his brother-in-law, encouraging more community
Blaine Vines of RR 2, Listowel *Rev. William Henderson of involvement.
visited Sunday with Mrs. Albert Woodstock. "We'd like to stay away from
)!-.-t__W Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stauffer of businesses if we could," Mr. �
•aL ��_ GiNsnn said .. � 1%, PTP�Q an awful
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stefan of Elora visited Sunday w"" "AA . I" Vp
Kingston spent. the weekend at and Mrs. Larry Bott. lot of pressure on the business
be home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mr. and Mrs. Barry Elschner people — they end up getting hit
Nickel. and James of Mitchell•visited last for everything. They gave us
Mrs. Charles Finlay ac -'
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert terrific support last year and this
eompanied Mrs. Lloyd Jacques Elschner. year we'd like to give the com- a _
to St. Thomas where the spent a munity a crack at it - including
y Pen '� ANOTHER SUPER SERIES—Last year when Howick Community Centre hosted a Super
couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. community clubs." Series for house league Tyke teams, featuringtreats lunches and lots of playing but no
Thomas Edgar. r'' •That's ` right agreed Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Woods, Baptism Service Armstrong. "We'll welcome any trophies, the series was a solid hit. This year the idea was expanded to include a Squirt
Michel and Alanna of Londonu.%,kind of help. If le feel the series to be played at Howick on the same basis on Dec. 22-23. Above the co-ordinators of
r B �ptisz—The service of p lip y the tournament, Bob Gibson (left) and John Armstrong admire a sign for the tournament
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Holy Baptism was observed can contribute financially that's which was painted by Bert Pocatuyko of Wroxeter.
Qoyne Michel S da t the alright and if they want to assist
un y a Umted Church
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomp- here with Rev. T. Fleetham in us in running the tournament
son and Jeremy of Ripley, Mr. charge. itself, we'll welcome that too." MRS. WILLIAM SOTHERN
and Mrs. Philip Cressman of New Received into the church by To assist with finances, the •
Hamburg visited Sunday with baptism were Rebecca Lynn athletic association is also Ford wici1
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Bolander. Siefert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. sponsoring a draw on a ;loo
Mrs. Harry Gowdy ac- John Siefert, and Joan Elizabeth money tree. Tickets are Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demerling
companied Mrs.. Harvey Clarkson, daughter of Mr. and available from any member Af visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Coupland of Wroxeter to Listowel Mrs. Robert Clarkson. the association at a cost of one Elmer Wolfe at Mitchell.
on Tuesday and visited Mrs. dollar each or five tickets for IFI. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leppington
Watson Brown., The money trees will be on Sr. were entertained at the
Mr. and Mrs. John McCutcheon display at banks in Fordwich, Charcoal Steak House in Kit -
spent a couple of days with Mr. Gorrie and Wroxeter. The draw chener by their family on
and Mrs. James Moloney of . for the money tree will be made November 24, the occasion being
Bramalea. Infant baptized at 3 p.m. on Dec. 23 at the arena. their 40th wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Wesley Gallaway has Tickets can also be purchased at Mr. and Mrs. Barry D'Arcey
returned home after visiting her G O R R I E —Rev . Ernest, the tournament. and boys visited Sunday with Mr.
sister, Mrs. Addison Jacques of Fellows received by baptism into "If the winner is at the tour- and Mrs. John Leppington Jr. in
Summerland, British Columbia. the Gorrie United Church on nament when the ticket is drawn, Gorrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stirling Sunday, Neil Gerald Hyndman, the or she will get $120; if they're Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang,
are home after spending several infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald not there they will receive =100," Paul and Brian, and Miss Donna
weeks with their son and Hyndman. Mr. Armstrong said. Mitchell of Mississauga visited
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. The cash for the money tree Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Laird Stirling,, of Dartmouth, was donated by individuals. Simmons and were
Nova Scotia. They also visited • Tournament organizers expect Saturday at the wedding of their
other relatives. Winter t p.� teams from a dozen centres, niece in Palmerston.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson including such places as Friends of James Vittie will be
Vent the weekend with Mr. and Milverton, Palmerston, Belmore, pleased to hear that he was able
Mrs. Douglas Gibson of The following tips on winter etc., to participate in the Squirt to return home Thursday from
Orangeville• walking were contained in the Super Series. Listowel Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Underwood November newsletter of "We really hope families will Friends here will be sorry to
and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Scott Wingham Public School. They come out to this tournament," hear that Mrs. George Ashton of
motored to Guelph on Sunday. make good sense for children Mr. Gibson said. "We think it's a Listowel, formerly of Fordwich,
The Un � , ., visited their walking to and from school, or for good idea and people seem to is a patient in Listowel Memorial
son, Jack, and bis wife, Shirley, anyone else doing any walking enjoy it." Hospital.
and the Scbtts attended the this winter. A Tyke Super Series will be Mr. and Mrs. John Harris of
matinee performance of the Walk on the sidewalk, not the held at Howick Community Bramalea spent the weekend
musical production, "Oliver", in road. Centre in March. with Mrs. Eva Harris.
wldch Lisa Rea took part. If no sidewalk is available walk Anyone *ishing to offer Mr. and Mrs. John Ziest of
Mrs. Alvin Mundell attended in single file on the left hand side assistance with the Super Series Bluebell, Pennsylvania, and Mr.
Me Synodical planning board of the road, facing traffic. tournament, or more information and Mrs. Henry Hurst of
meeting in Central Presbyterian Do not walk along the tops of regarding it, can contact Mr. Wallenstein were visitors one day
Church, Brantford, on Wed- snowbanks since it is easy to slip Armstrong at 335-6157 or Mr. last week with Mr. and Mrs.
nesday. Mr. Mundell visited at down into the roadway. Gibson at 335-3277. Glenn Johnston'.
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