The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-11-28, Page 1214i �
Page Ug --Tele Win&m Advance Times, November a, 1979
Environment minister saysBelrave
We are sorry to hear that
Taylor Wilighain sadwa.Dpatient the
trans -
public's SquestionsHospital
'unfair/ for a couple days and was trans- forced to University Hospital,
London. His many Meads wish
"Ibare is no such thing as a government is taking the U- retarding hazardous products -... him a speedy recovery.
risk hoe society," aceordiot to most care" to protect both the but people are not asking us to
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Edgar
Dnviroanent Minister Harry C. environment and people. He reduce those -hazards to a �
Parrott. and people today are pointed out however that without possible logical amount- They of Petrolia visited on Sunday eve-
being somewhat " uzatair" in their the cooperation of municipal are saying eliminate the hazards nint with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
criticiams of governments. governments, the provincial altogether. _Well you can't do fru' and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
'lbs keynote speaker at a government is limited in what it that."
resources management seminar can achieve. The environment minister said Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman
bald Saturday at the Midwestern "Take the Environmental the same attitude applies to visited on Saturday with Mr. and
anaI Centre, located on Assessment Ad, for example. We liquid wastes. While everyone Mrs. Don Metcalfe and family of
ay 23 between Listowel think it is a good ad. If you want welcomes the products connected Hanover.
sad Palmerston, Dr. Parrott said to take it and fight it, thea I think with such wastes, they don't want
government critics are applying you will be to accept the problems connected Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, Mr. and
today's to decisions munities a � Yom' sum p 'disosal Stephen and
knowledge great disservice. with the of the bazar- Mrs. Murray Gaunt,
mads 90 and 90years ago. Dr. Parrott said it is with ads dour chemicals. Dr. Parrott said Stephanie of W bam and Mrs.
were dinner
"It's a difficult game to win," like the Environmental his ministry had realized the Harry McGuire
he said, "at the same time it Assessment Act that the danger's about a year and a half lits of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
otters atremendous challenge to government is
eng g trying to avoid ago, had been about to make a Stonehouse following the lay -
the people in this room." mistakes today that will be public statement when the liquid mens service in Knox United
Sponsored by the Public Ser- noticeable tomorrow". waste story in New York State hit Church an Sunday morning,
vice Advisory Board and the Using the recent train wreck at the headlines. where Murray was guest
Institute of Public Ad- Mississauga as an example, Dr. "Once again there were the ser'
ministration of Canada, the all- Parrott said there are "hun- inevitable questions: why do we Mrs. James Walsh returned
day seminar attracted over IN dreds" of trains carrying similar have these wastes? why aren't home on Friday with her daugh-
delegates. They represented products through communities they properly disposed of?" ter, Miss Marlene Walsh after
mmdcipal ;, i ,,, ,,,, ants from the every day of the week, but until The seminar was chaired by spending a week at the latter's
five counties of Huron, Bruce, the Mississauga accident, no Doug McTavish, London regional ENVIRONMENT MINISTER—Dr. Harry Parrott, Minister home in Sarnia. Marlene stayed
Perth, Wellington and Grey. questions were asked, director of the Ministry of the of the Environment, was the keynote speaker at a resources over the weekend with her
Government person .Toa hand '"!ben all of a sudden it's 'How Environment. management seminar held at the Midwestern Regional mother
to present information and an- could you let this happen?', 'Why Following the luncheon, Centre on Saturday. Above he talks with CKNX newsman
swer questions .. , . , . , ted the did you do those things?', 'Why delegates were welcomed by Rick Rathburn. The seminar attracted more than 150 dele- We are QTY to hear Mrs. Clar-
Ministry of Agriculture and did you make those decisions?'." Perth County Warden Ormond gates from the five counties of Huron, Bruce, Perth, ence Roth is a patient in VictoriaFood, the Ministry of Housing, "It's as natural as breathing of Pridbam. In the morning Perth Wellington and Grey. (Staff Photo) Hospital, London. Her many
. oo
the Ministry of Natural course, but it's difficult to ex- MPP Hugh Edighoffer also friends wish her a speedy re_
Resources and the Ministry of the plain," Dr. Parrott said. welcomed delegates. covery.
Environment. "Railroads and people go hand
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard James
Four major topics were in glove -- even if you put a of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs.
covered at the seminar. They railroad in the middle of Robert Hibberd and Henry Patti -
included: the Pettyon of Bl
ty Trespass Act, nowhere, You'd soon have a � Blyth attended the five
environmental assessment, the. community... Make m mistake, counties banquet in Exeter
White Paper on Planning and the we had aobering once at Proposedtrespass Iaw Legion Hall on Saturda even .
Ontario Food Land Guidelines. Mississauga and we ares, not Mr. and Mrs. James Paton,
Conscious of the long-range ignoring the safety aspects of the Richard and Jimmie of Moato
planning necessary for today's whatti�. There r no doubt but Ray -
takes onus visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ra Y
delddeos, Dr. Parrott said the what stricter controls are needed landowner mond r Y
G ren of Kincardine and
called on her mother Mrs.
Two things, a need for sim- for trespassing will range frommeant of an adult or child George Cook of Belgrave.
pliScation and a desire to change ;100 to $1,000. Reasonable court regarding trespassing, Mr. Fran
AUTOMOBILE _ salt s m the act, have costs are to be paid by the replied that there would be no
in Proper changes to trespasser. difference 'tin liability but
the Tess Law. The trespass law, said Mr. prosecution of juvenile offenders
INSURANCE Steve Fram, counsel for the Fram, must be changed to reflect would take place in family court. Auction Sale
Ministry of the Attorney General, the attitude that if someone is
Here's a sample of our auto- told delegates to a resources using a rural. landowner's In the case of leased property,
management seminar held at the AUCTION SALE
mobile rates for persons between - property for whatever purpose, the tenant would be considered
age 25-60 years. Compare them Midwestern .Regional .Centre be it snowmobiling, hiking, the occupier of the lands, Mr. WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE
y p near Palmerston on Saturday, horseback riding or cross- Fram clarified. BESIDE LCBO, WATER ST.,
with our resent rates. • Nov 28 SATURDAY, DECEMBER, 1,
pTO� changes country skiing", he is doing so at He said the ...... ; ::` changes
6 month' remium ought to wake things easier for 11:ni sr
pt�N0 Sado jury P rural landowners. his own risk. to the Trespass Lawsslwiuld be FURNITURE AND EFFECT'S
rop" -nodi in' and In answer to a question as to receiving first res
The seminar which involved whether there would be any legislature "within the next, few FROM WINGHAM AND
t 25,00--Acctd•nt eductlb four provincial ministries LUCKNOW DISTRICT
S 2s0--eotlisicndeductibl• 00"..
(a ricultur distinction between the treat- weeks .t 25--C.2 g e, housing, en-
d•ductibl•.vfronm .. t and natural rescue- Featuring_ corner china cabinet;
"No Application, Membership or res) attracted more than 15o modern 4 piece bedroom suite;
Policy Fee Required" delegates from the five countiese _ . �ble; cedar
t�a ,-leg .,fa
`ABOVE PREMIUM BASED ON of Bruce, Huron, Perth, Bel ayfe Krns�f � � �
Wellington and Grey. drliwer, ehett; pine cupboard;
1. No accidents or convictions in 3_ years. The proposed.. changes will Quebec heater; vintage kitchen
2. Driving to work 9 miles or less. limit liability to cases where/gcupboard; combination dresser -
3: 1978 or 79 Pontiac, Chev, Ford or
there there is a "dangerous and hear uest speak er armoire; bed with brass head -
deliberate" attempt on the part V M board; vintage bed; bow -front
dresser with mirror;
Plymouth. of the landowner to do lisim, said pine church
Mr. Frain Belgrave Kinsmen held a Sohn Nixon and Jeff Hurst. Blake pew', approx. 6% 5 press back and
4. Married person between 25 and 60. diner meeting in the Belgrave Evans, guests 3 hi
5. We also provide further discounts for Special consideration, he said, Arena on Nov. 7 with speaker, spoke on p rest chairs; hump -top
has been given to rural lan guest wildlife and fisheries manage- trunk; floor lamp with solid brass
pleasure use, 2 cars and .farmers receive downers in order to protect the speaker Bob Beardall of the ment in the Wingham district. base; kitchen suite, modern;
reductions of another#16:W etiery
interests of the agricultural Bruce Nuclear Power Develop- rare print Queen Victoria (jewel-
munityg ment, who showed a film and He also brought us up to date on try scene) ; oval braided mat, 9' x
6 months. (Premium $7&W/6 months) .- According to Mr. Fram, gave an interesting talk on the 'developments at Hullett Wildlife 12% good rug, 12' x 15% mirrors; 3
6.` Other rates by phone. agricultural groups had a great development. Area and Port Albert Fishway. electric heaters; step table; vint-.
INSURANCEdeal of input into the proposed New member Cam Anderson Mr. Evans showed an interesting age bed, single bed; treadle
was welcomed into Belgrave film on the government em- sewing machine; portable B & W
MCMASTER chanes, Kinsmen. to res of the natural resources TV several table lam 3 an -
"Farm communities were P Y lamps;
Home—Business—Auto—Farm—Fire—Life upset about the need to post land On Nov. 21 Belgrave Kinsmen throughout the province. tique coal oil lamps; Fleetwood
under cultivation antis required held a Buddy Night. About 5o President Paul reminded record player; all electrical ape
under the -present act, and about
men attended this meeting with
members of the upcoming turkey
pliances; kitchen utensils; vari-
for nypurpose. Ayellow marker
will indicate entry is prohibited
the need to fence all fields ... It
chicken for everyone.
bulago and the December ladies'
ety of dishes; small amount bed -
join singing,
When all men shall
became obvious that other
mese auction winners were
ding and old blankets; boxes of
T ¢
arrangements must be made."
Under the changes it
Peron seeping entry to find out
shall rule in every heart".
books; costuinne jewellry, includ.
ing some china items;
► ` Clarksburg, Georgetown and Grimsby.
Psalm 23 was read by Mrs.
member is to bring a gift for her
will be taken for granted that
such lama as gardens, fields
New offs' for
pieces of flatware, silver plated;
brass pickle fork; electric
� mean t the mon can
anything," Mr. Fram
under cultivation and orchards
meeting on Dec. 5 at 2 p.m. in the
submit their comments or briefs to the under-
clocks; 2 small India brass ties
be considered off limits to
signed before April 2, 1980.
kettles; numerous other items.
Mrs. Elmer Jeffray read the
°u`� the beim I��•
devotional period with prayer.
Mrs. Carl Nickel read a Thank
report of the nominating com-
mittee and the following slate of
The Niagara Escarpment Commission.
A proposed new marking
In accordance with the provisions of The
system will immediately
They are president, Mrs. Ken
Georgetown, Ontario, L7G 4131,
Friday, November 30, 2.5 and 7-9
Niagara Escarpment. Planning and Develop-
designate the inteitiow of the
"Use the talents you possess,"
variety of favorites were recalled
ment Act, all Niagara Escarpment area land-
Ia• � • I . �. rogue the ac-
urged Mrs. Ralph Dickson,
to mind, All. the members ex-
owners and other interested citizens of Ontario
cessibility of his lands to out-
retiring president, as she opened
pressed thanks to the
are hereby advised that the Proposed Plan for
aiders A red marker will in-
the annual meeting of the
people of the church and Sunday
Phone 3S7-1442AND
the Niagara Escarpment is now available for
dicate that outsiders are
Women's Missions Soci t f
Fellowship in Winnipeg and
prohibited from going on the land
ry e y o
Knox Presbyterian Church,
School, who hosted the
congregation at dinner Nov. 17. It
The Proposed Plan may be examined at
for nypurpose. Ayellow marker
will indicate entry is prohibited
Belmore. Then she asked the
members to in
was decided to use the study,
Escarpment area municipal offices and libraries.
"except for certain activities
join singing,
When all men shall
of Human Rights",
The plan and reference material may be
Mr. Fran said it will be up to the
together, then the love of God
in 1980. After much discussion it
was resolved to visit the sick and
examined at the three Commission offices in
Peron seeping entry to find out
shall rule in every heart".
shut-ins more regularly. Each
► ` Clarksburg, Georgetown and Grimsby.
what activities are permitted.
Psalm 23 was read by Mrs.
member is to bring a gift for her
Public hearings will begin in April 1980.
removal of such signs will
John Dickson, whose meditation_
secret pal to the Christmas
Individuals or interested groups are invited to
� mean t the mon can
anything," Mr. Fram
linked the shepherd of David's
meeting on Dec. 5 at 2 p.m. in the
submit their comments or briefs to the under-
said. "The obligation is on the
psalm with the Good
Shepherd, who gave his life for
church schoolroom.
signed before April 2, 1980.
person using theland to know the
the sheep. She concluded the
Mrs. Elmer Jeffray read the
A copy of the Proposed Plan is available from:
circumstances. "
The proposed changes will
devotional period with prayer.
Mrs. Carl Nickel read a Thank
report of the nominating com-
mittee and the following slate of
The Niagara Escarpment Commission.
enable mages to fix the fine for
You Poem, which followed the
officets was accepted for 1990.
232 Guelph Street,
damages at the same time as the
seasons of the year in describing
They are president, Mrs. Ken
Georgetown, Ontario, L7G 4131,
trespass case is dealt with. Fines
the many blessi32gs for which we
Dickson; vice-president, Mrs. D.
Telephone (418) 877-5191
are grateful--'
McPhers6n ; secretary, Mrs.
Serving the County of Dufferin and Regional `
The secretaries reported that
John Stokes.; treasurer, Mrs. D.
Municipalities of Halton and Peel.
used clothing was sent to
MacAdam; pianist, Mrs. A.
The Niagara Escarpment Commission,
Evangel Hall and used literature
Mundell; assistant, Mrs. John
188 Main Street West,
Grimsby, Ontario, L3M 183.
was sent to Taiwan, Guyana, the
Philippines, A n i s h i n a b e
Dickson and auditors, Mrs. E.
Ballagh and Mrs. John Stokes.
Telephone (416) 945-9235
Fellowship in Winnipeg and
The secretaries will be for Glad
Serving the Regional Municipalities of
Frontier College in Toronto as
Tidings, Mrs. Myrtle Weir;
Hamilton -Wentworth and Niagara.
well as the local hospital. Used
friendship and service, Miss
The Niagara Escarpment Commission,
postage stamps were sent to the
Bible Society in Toronto 'and
Edith Stokes; literature and
library, Mrs. Carl Nickel; sup -
11 -13 Marsh Street, P.O. Box 9,
Clarksburg, Ontario, NOH 1 JO.
there are 12 subscribers to the
ply, Mrs. Arnold Jeffray and
Telephone (519) 509-3340
Glad Tidings. Cards and
press, Mrs. A. Mundell
Serving the Counties of Bruce, Grey and
Automobiles, Light Trucks,
novelties were sold to raise
The nominating committee
Forel Traitors
m for the
money supply allocation
was Mrs. D. MacAdam, Mrs. D.
and the sick and shut-in members
McPherson and Mrs. A. Mundell.
New Rad Cores
of the congregation were
The retiring officers were
remembered with cards and
thanked for their inspired leader -
Escarpment Ivor McMulVttiClean
i Flushing
visits. The treasurer was happy
ship and faithful service. A hymn
Commission Chairman
to report that the allocation for
of consecration, Be Thou My
14 North St. 367-1102
1979 had been exceeded.
Vision", and prayer by Mrs.
The roll call was answered with
Bruce Darling and Mrs.. Carl
a favorite Bible verse and a
$4009 REWARD
in good condition
end rp for silver Dollar
$ dated 1457 & befo,e
14S° for ss' Pieces doted 1157 i before
$-2! for 2s` Pieces dated 1955 t before
40` for Silver Dimes dated 1958 i before +
Canadian Olympic coins, American
Silver dollars & all Gold Coins wanted
Saturday, December 1'',.1979 1
Bedford Arms Motel "
Highway No. 21 Goderich
Phone 524-7368
at the
6110 Josephine St. North end of Wingham across from Hodgins
7:30 P.M. i
Partlat Listing of Safe:
Round oak table with 6 matching chairs; solid oak side board
very ornately carved; oak combination buffet and china cabi-
net; 3 pc. bedroom suite; complete dining room suite odd
dressers and chests of drawers; burled walnut wardrobe;
Kroehler recliner (like new); colour TV portable black and.
white TV; chesterfield suite; kitchen suite; coffee and end
tables; washer and dryer; electric range and refrigerator;
numerous new small items.
TERMS: Cash, Cheques, Chargex, Mastercharge night of sale.
PRe-vit:vv: Thursday 12 boon iii sale time.
PHONE 357-1730
Of New Furniture_
at the
I.Wingham Sales Arena
680 Josephine St. North end of Winghom
across from Hodgins Buildall
Thurs., Nov. 29,906 pism,
Fri., Nov. 30, 9e9 P.M.
Sat.. Dec. 1, 9.5 p9mo
We have been instructed to liquidate over 25 new chester.
field suites consisting of 2, 3 and 4 pc. settings in assorted
styles, and materials. Also selling will be sofa beds, bed.
room suites, box spring and mattresses, china cabinets,
dining room suites, oak tables and chairs, coffee and end
tables, brass beds, stereo sets, color TV's, hall trees and
paintings. All merchandise must be sold. Please remember
TERMS—Cash, Cliequws, Mastercharge, Charg•x.
Days of sale
Sales Manager
Owned by Jerry De Jong
Neustadt, Ontario
2 miles west of Durham on Ifo Highway
12:00 NOON
A fine herd of milking cows with quality udders with R.O.P.
records to 7,855 kg milk, 360 kg fat, 4.58 test. From such great
sires as Glenofton Herdmaster'(Ex'-Exteo), Pickland Citation R
(Ex), Elmcroft Pontiac Chieftain (Ex -St). Also selling 8 daughters
by Roybrook Starlite (Ex-Extro), one VG daughter with a BCA
161M - 198F and her son born June/79 by Classic Citation.
Fully listed..
Reclassified before the sale.
Plan now tb attend.
Owned by Robt. Franklin, Staynor, Ontario
Selling are 18 N.I.P. Grade Holsteins by Perseus Mark and Per.
seus Admiral milking up to 90 lbs. per day. Eight have freshen•
ed since Sept. Also selling are 4 open heifers by Skogvole• Clas-
sic Citation that are ready to be bred; yearling heifers and
Listed herd.
Plan to attend.
Auctionoor and Solos Managor
Phone 519-369-3804 or 369.2831