The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-11-28, Page 1BOOK YOUR WIUM VACATION NOW I
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Listow01, OnlBrio 291.2111
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FIRST SECTION Wingbam, WedssYyr, November 2d, 1979 IkOo Copy Nut Over 40c
Ch'i*ld care could 4
.by ward relocati-on,, boar 's o
The quality of child care at discontent" with the relocation, patients and pointed out that, toys which have been donated le situation.
Wingham and District Hospital and suggested a study to see while other patients have the hospital for use by tri He said the nursing staff and
has been reduced as a result of whether the ward is where it facilities available for relaxation children• the medical staff had been`
the bed shuffling which sent the should be. and therapy, there is no longer Hospital Director Norman consulted, although he admitted
children's ward to the second Mrs. Vair estimated she has any play area for the children. Hayes said the board wasn't the nursing staff disagreed with
floor, some members of the been approached by between 45 Going into hospital can be a consulted about the move the relocation and wanted to keep
hospital board feel. and 60 people, both mothers and very traumatic experience for a because it was an operationd the ward on the first floor.
As a result the hospital will call hospital workers, who are upset youngster, she told the board, decision, but he offered to call in Two of the doctors on the
in a consultant from the about the situation. She noted the and play therapy is important to the senior nursing consultant for board, Dr. R. D. Wilkins and Dr.
provincial health ministry to noise of a sick child .crying all relieve the s.train. She also noted southwestern Ontario from the Doug Mowbray, president and
decide whether the present night can be upsetting to other there is now no place to put all the health ministry to 4rPview the secretary of the medical staff,
location is acceptable. said they couldn't recall any
The relocation of the children's detailed discussion of the matter
ward, one of the changes made as by the medical staff. However
a result of closing 14 beds at the Dr. R. B. Treleaven, chief of
Extra fundinghospital earlier this year, was brings hosp. staff, maintained it had been
raised during the board meetingdiscussed, either at a• staff
last week by Raye Elmslie, a meeting or by the medical ad -
former nurse at the hospital who eloser to a ba�a�nced by o f vtsory board, and said the doc-
left to serve on the board. tors had given approval,
The former children's ward on Additional funding of nearly minister; he said. he added he Dr. R. D. Wilkins, president of although with some reservations•
the first floor has been closed and $46,000 received from the Ontario has invited the-4ealth minister the medical staff, poked fun at Dr. Wilkins later said he
the ward moved into what had Ministry of Health has brought himself to visit the hospital next the study recommendations, Personally is disappointed with
been two four -bed men's wards Wingham and District Hospital spring, but doesn't know yet calling them an exercise in . the decision to move the ward
on the second floor. closer to balancing its budget this whether he will come. trivia. However Mr. Hayes and, while he admitted he's not
Mrs. Elmalie said she foresees year. Asked why the figure happened defended the study, saying the Please turn to Page 2
problems with the new location, Hospital Director Norman to be $45,900, Mr. Hayes explain- hospital had to do it before the
citing increased exposure to Hayes told members of the ed that represents 1.5 per cent of ministry would even consider
infections and distance of the hospital board last week that the net ministry liability to the giving more money. Chana made In
ward from a fire exit, and asked $45,900 has already been received hospital and was the maximum "We invested 96 200 to' get
why the board hadn't been from the ministry and he is the official was allowed to give x,900 tack," he pointed out. paraTe route
consulted about the move. hoping to get an additional without taking the matter before Dr. Wilkins and Dr. Doug Thee has been a slight change
She was strongly supported by allocation of $10,500. He said the a special committee for review. Mowbray also questioned plans in the route of the Santa Claii
Mary Vair, president of the extra funding makes it The hospital is presetting a bill to buy a paper shredder for the parade so as to give setillor
hospital auxiliary, who declared "reasonably sure" the hospital for the additional $10,500 it had. hospital, asking whether it ht
she is "very disappointed and can come in on budget. requested and still hopes to get It; �sP g citizens a better view, - in. -
really needed. They were told it Wingham Junior Citizens ` in. SO -YEAR PIN—Mrs. Olive Lewis was honored for her 50y ears of s9rvl4e tv the Legion
Earlier this year, at the time he added. improves confidentiality by mounted: Auxiliary with the presentation of a 50 -year pin Monday night. The presentation was made
the board voted to close 14 beds He said the additional funding, ensuring the destruction of President Sheila Burke said by Past President Mary Wallace.
and lay off 12 members of the which hadn't been available medical records. Now , tb ,, that instead of turning from Pat -
Two treated hospital staff, the hospital was earlier in the year, came about as hospital is burning old records` rick onto Centre Street on its way
predicting a shortfall of about a result of several factors. The and the odd piece goes out the top to the north end of town, the '
after accident $50,000 at year end. However, the hospital has now cut its beds to of the stack, Treasurer Gordon parade will,turn one block earlier
A Lucan man and an Exeter financial report presented to the the provincial guideline, it has Baxter reported. at Shuler Street. This will enable
man' Woo t. n an fr , m board last Wednesday night proven its efficiency and it was AQkM ,},,»,t tho onst of tt,e
;;.,,; A to pass Ane seniors' Apait,iaai,,a
showed the deficit is already heading for a budget deficit. shredder, Mr. Baxter said they
injuries at Wingham and District � Y when it turns at Alfred Street and
Hospital following a motor being whittled down. Hospital efficiency came under range in price up to $5,000, will provide -the residents with an '
vehicle accident last Thursday.Board 'Chairman Bora scrtitiny in a cost effectiveness depending on how big a bundle excellent opportunity to see all H '
Wallach Hesmey of Lucan and Milosevic reported the, approval study conducted this fall at a cost you want to shred all at once. the action;
Kirk of Exeter were apps- of additional funding came to the hospital of $6,200. At the
Jesse .
Jentlysse involved in an accident following two meetings .with meeting last week board _
ministry officials. They were members were shown the results
which occurred north of Luc know very impressed with the of the study, ttfttich came up with • ! -
on County Road 1. Both were operation of the hospital and a paltry $2,000 in possible m • R = • +
Rim s r in
discharged from hospital made excellent reports to the savings, y • p -
following treatment.
Mrs. Olive Lewis was honored She moved to Wingham with
Monday night by the ,F. Aes' her husband and family in 1937, ; ►.,
Three IOCaI Auxiliary for 50 years of service transferring her membership too
to the Royal Canadian Legion. the Wingham Ladies' Auxiliary r
youths Charged Past President Mary Wallace at that time. Since coming here "
7' presented Mrs. Lewis with her 50- she has held the offices of
In break-ins year pin during the auxiliary's secretary, first vice president,
November meeting. president and past president. She
Three local youths have been - Mrs. Lewis joined the Ladies' is still an active member of the
charged with a number of counts Auxiliary in October of 1929 at auxiliary and congratulations go
of break, enter and theft and ' Brampton, Ontario, when it was out to a very fine and gracious
break and enter with intent to r. known as the Great War lady.
steal. The charges arise from two Veterans' Association. While at Also at the meeting Mrs. Ethel
break-ins at Royal Homes Ltd. ""'" �� '� �" Brampton she served on the Day received her 40 -year pin
and two at Canadian Vanities membership committee and held from Auxiliary President Mrs. 40-YEAR.PIN—Mrs. Ethel Day received hi tty r 40 -year pin as a member of the Legion Aux -
Inc. iliary Monday night from Auxiliary President Mrs. Bi Morin.
' 0. the office of treasurer. Betty Morin.
In dine of the break-ins at Royal _
Homes last August about f350
was stolen from a cashbox and in
from a pop machine. 99er Nov. 12 about ;100 was
taken Reports, demonstration hi hli ht horticultural annual
Nothing was taken during a
break-in at the Canadian Vanities r r. The annual mega ing of the Committee reports were Wheels project. Wilson. Auditors will be Mr. and The guest 'speaker for the
plant that same night, but the,. Wingham Horticultural Society presented by each chairman. For The report of the nominating Mrs. Lloyd Ellacott. The evening was Mrs. Neil Heming-
following night thieves returned was held in the town hall Nov. 21. membership Frank Madill committee was submitted by secretary and treasurer will be way of Brussels, assisted by Mrs.
and stole about $50 worth of ' The usual abundance of counter reported there are 235 members, Chairman Frank Madill and the appointed by the directors at Janet Little of Whiterht Cin. Mrs.
wrapped Christmas presents, attractions and the weather down slightly from last year. Roy election of officers was con- their next meeting. Hemingway gave a very detailed
also smashing a 950 camera. accounted for a fair attendance Bennett gave an excellent report ducted by Mrs. E. Cudmore, A number of announcements demonstration of the Luwasa
Late last week provincial and this was complemented by on public plantings, outlining the' secretary of the Brussels Horti- were made regarding coming Hydro Culture method of growing
police from the Wingham detach- the excellent reports and a fine number of plants placed in each cultural Society. The 1980 board events, including the spring and propagating plants and vege-
ment charged Paul Bradley .. demonstration by the guest of the lots throughout the town. will consist of: resident, Mrs. I. flower and
P ugli p garden show in tables. This method, akin to
McDougall, 18, of RR 2, - F� a speaker. Stewart Beattie summarized the E. Morrey.; first voce president, Toronto, the annual meeting of hydroponics, proved to be a
Wingham, Robin David Walker,Mrs. I. E. Morrey, president, results of the annual flower Mrs. Janet Fielding; second vice District 8 scheduled for Chesley fascinating topic and those
19, of RR 3, Wingham, and Mike welcomed all those present and show; Mrs. Ena Ritchie gave a president, Mrs. Daisy Connell. on April 19, 1980, and the district present asked many questions of
Edward Ritakes, 16, of Patrick called for the reading of the resume of the work of the social Directors for one year will be photo competition, with the slides the speaker. The display, of
Street, Wingham. McDougall MARKS 102ND BIRTHDAY --Martha. Gathers was born minutes of the last annual committee and Mrs. Janet Roy Bennett, John Donaldson, to be submitted to Roy Bennett various house plants added
faces four charges in connection meeting. This was followed by Fielding told the meeting about Mrs. Annabelle Hoy, Connie before the end of next January. greatly to the lecture and found
with the incidents while each of Nov. 26, 1877 In a log house on the lith Con. of Howiek Town- the reading of correspondence the extra projects carried out Jamieson, filling the unexpired Several of the society members ready takers at the close of; the
the other youths faces two ship. After living for a number of years In Wingham, she and the presentation of the finan- during 1979, including the term of Jack Walker, and one put together a display of 'Christ- ,demonstration. i
charges, moved in September, 1977 to the Fordwich Village Nursing tial report by Mrs. Jean Ellacott, planting of a centennial red director yet to be named. Two- mas Ideas'. This consisted of a A number of members from the
All were released on their own Home where she resides today. Although confined to a auditor. Statements of the year's maple, placing bouquets of year directors elected at the number of inexpensive items Brussels and Teeswater societies
recognizance pending an ap- wheelchair, Mrs. Cathers is as 'sharp as a tack' when it business were distributed to all seasonal flowers in main street meeting are: Stewart Beattie, made mostly from natural were present and all enjoyed a
pearance Nov. 28 at provincial comes to discussing current events or recalling old mem- present and showed the society in businesses and distribution of Wayne Elston, Frank Madill, materials which could be used as time of fellowship at the close of
court, Wingham. orles. a healthy financial position. flower$ through the Meals on Mrs. Ena Ritchie and Merle Christmas tree ornaments, the meeting.
Business association elects new executive
The Wingham Business Asso-
outgoing executive.
that merchants open their stores
well as allowing them to tie the
profit group providing free coun-
funded by the government,
held in several centres around
centred around snow removal
dation elected its executive for
Joan Middleton volunteered to
on Mondays during the month of
Funfest in with the group's an-
selling to people with debt
leaving the group to raise $4,000
the county, probably Goderich,
from the main street. Several
1980 last week, sticking to its
serve as secretary for the up-
December and stay open every
niversary July 23.
problems. It is intended to help
locally. Mr. Elston said $2,000 in
Exeter and Wingham.
merchants felt the town was
tried and true format of five
coming year and Murray Gerrie
night of the week before Christ-
Mr. Watt pointed out the
people who have gotten into debt
pledges has already been
Mr. Elston said he feels this is
doing a pretty good job, while
directors whet alternate as
will continue as treasurer for the
change win bring the Wingham
over their heads find a way out
received and they are ap-
something which should be tried
others thought it could be im-
chairmen. One 'of the five is
The dates for the sidewalk sale
sale into dpnfliet with a sale in
without going into bankruptcy.
proaching business associations,
in Huron. He finds there are
proved, especially during the
carried over from the previous
next summer were moved back a
Goder•ich,ut the majority of
service clubs, banks and unions
people with credit problems, and
month of December. Jim Currie
executive, while the other four
In other business at the
week to July 17-19 to tie in with
merchants at -,.the meeting
The program was introduced to
for contributions. He added that
a person in this area has nowhere
declared he finds snow removal
directors anew.
meeting the association ad its
the Junior Citizens' plans for
declared that shouldn't make any
the county by Pam Coleman of
additional persons are also
to turn except to his minister or
here to be the worst of anywhere
The five selected in what was
store hours for the month of
Funfest. The merchants had
the Huron County Resource
needed to sit on the board of
friends, he noted. Credit coon-
around, but it was noted most
the first-ever election for the
December and the dates for its
planned to hold the sale July 10-
Centre, Vanastra. Mr. Elston
selling is available in some other
villages don`t have to contend
business association (other slates
sidewalk sale. Members also
12, but Sheila Burke, Junior
Miss Burke also reminded the
said the county was faced with
centres, but this will be the first
with light poles and parking
had always been acclaimed) are
listened to Mr. Elston, who was
Citizen president, said this
association that the Santa Claus
the choice of either setting up its
The service being purchased
for Huron County.
meters on the sidewalk.
Shirley Walker of Shirley's House
Invited to the meeting as the
wouldn't give her group time to
parade, which is organized by the
own program at a cost of W,OOQ
will be aimed at' helping in -
of Fashion, Gerry Kavanagh of
guest speaker and ended by being
prepare its festival.
Junior Citizens with financial
or purchasing the service at a
dividuals only, not businesses. it
He asked the business associa-
Eventually the group. decided
Standard 'bust, 114urray Elston '
elected to the executive, explain
backing from the business
cost of 110,000. It opted for the
is primarily concerned with the
tion for its support, both financial
to send a letter to town council
of Crawford, Mill and Davies,
the proposed consumer credit
The extra week will . give the
association, is set for Dec. S.
more economical service and is
whge-earner who can't make
and manpower -wise, however no
thanking it for its cooperation
and John McInnes of Wingham
counselling service for Huron
young people more time to
Mr. Elston told the members
currently negotiating with a
ends meet, he said, and the group
decision was made at the
regarding snow removal and
Cleaners. Jim Watt of Canadian
prepare following the end of
that the proposed credit coun-
Stratford firm, he reported.
expects to handle W to 55 cases a
encouraging it to keep up the
Tire is the holdover from the
The association recommends
school exams, she explained, as
selling service will be a non-
Sixty Per cent of the coat will be
year. Counselling sessions will be
Other discussion at the meeting
good work.
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