The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-11-07, Page 15REMEMBRANCE DAY
k h - TLe Winsiksm Advance-
- liunrT-rNoveabar T.3819-- Psi 16
Com onc ent•
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November 11 E Madip was Drennan, Shawn Drennan, Procter, Ruth Pullman, Kenneth
cked with sttldegb, f9soilk o, Christopher Debelaar, Kim iluipp. TAY Taylor, Gail Thompson, Alton, Brian Arnold, Donald Margaret Maclutyre, Jay
mans and dads and relatives last Duciharme, Philip Ea+4t, Joanne Noreen Rab. prime B,en- Susan Thompson, Douglas Balls, Anne Balser, Michael MacLaunn, Michelle Mc -
Friday Parade at 11: p'�aY to celebrate dw com- Edgar, Timothy Edisbgry� wick, Darlene Rich, John �- Treleaven, Sony&��' Verb"k, Patricia cath rineimt nuance Barbara �
30 a.m. hnencement of 900 students, Edward P-11 L 1Bpiskk Abraham V
During the course of the Elizabeth Exel. Ym Ritchie,�Sandra Robb, S mond, DonaldWaw' Sheila Waw, Stephen 4 Anne Campbell, Dean Montgomery, Rath ' Nethwy,
POrode t0 form up at the Win ham L ion evening = seOO�rY wbool M"Y �, �l°Y Fischer. Rude, James Rutter, liasearme Weser' MaD' Anne Wel ��ri Cerson,' David
g e9 graduation diplomas were Nancy Fisher, Ursa, Fitch, gallows, Maly Elizabeth �- Carol Wheeler, Jane White, M. David R. Cronin. Shane ptrt�, Lada Renwick,
at 11 O.m, awarded along with 25 cer- Brenda Fox6an, Catllt p'arc6ea, der Richard Richard Scammell, �n ate' Beverly Wim' Uddie Fairies, Janice Alison Roberts, Joanne San -
Cenotaph service at 1.00 P.M. tificabn of training and 47 honor Rhonda Frank, Karol Galbraith, Joyce Scheurwater, Brenda Janet Wood, M'�h Young. Fischer,, pamela Gerrie, derson, Sheila Shobbrgok,
graduation diplomas. Douglas Gambia, Sandra Gard- Schiestel, Nancy Schiestd, Gregory 6wrf, Lurk Haines, Patricia Stewart, Frances
CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING ner, Kevin Gibson, Robert Scbl]l David Mar. omHONOR GRADUATION Deborah Hanula, Marlene Telebus, Tbonias Wainer, Mand
Those receiving Gibson Gail Gollan, Dept! DIPLOMAS Walsh, Catherine Watters, Dale
wing cerhificates of Gar- Schuler, Gregory Schultz, Dianne Those who reeieved honor , � ,TseE► , Steven
training were: Jeffrey Alden, el, Rodney Gond, Edidk,- Rnesr, graduation di ' t ' Wei° Whitfield, Kathryn Willits,
rKenneth Brooks, Carolyn Jo-Ame Grummatt. Scott, Deborah Searle, Daryl diplomas
were: Ruth Le Van, Barbara Loree, Joanne Wood.
�01\Campbell, Donald Carter, Sharon Gregory Hackett, Edwin bhp' �Y°1e Sewers, Donald
Carter, Eric Cook, Douglas Baines, Babara Hamilton, Joan Shiell, Douglas Sholdice, Currie
Cousins, Gordon Dalton Joban Hamilton, Bernard Hartemb* Simpson, Shari Smith, WilliamB@t�V@rSDorsch, Brian Elphick, Rhonda Roderick Havens, Jill Hayden bpm' Allan Snowden, Donna dubs FOxton Bonnie Hall Ba den, Diana Sowers W / �nd ��
� ,Hugh Ives, Barbara Henderson, Thomas Staff William `���
' Sharon McMurray, Robert Owen, Henderson, Mark Hill, Christine Stafford, Holly Steffier, Dianne Members of the It was noted that to daft there
Stephenson, Carola GrOuP �- continue �� � drive. Some
Paul Reidt, Carol Rutter Holloway, Bradley Horton, P Y Strome, mittee for the lot Wingham Cubs members felt the are 86 active in
_ Jeannette Strong Jill Strong. and Scouts met Sunday evening, Paper was >� in
NOTICE Dwayne Sanborn, Tarty sceplhen Howard, Gregory Inglis, ening, down this time since many Wmgbam. New shirts have been
Scammell, Alfred Stangen, Kevin • Paul Irwin. Douglas Taylor, Linda Taylor, Nov. 4. It was noted Oct. 20 had families are not getting a daily purchased for the Cub leaders at
Swan, Bonnie Thompson, Mark Brian Jefferson, Gerald Jef- been a very successful day in paper. However it was felt this is a cost of see.62• Treasurer Byron
TOWN OF WINGHAM TOt'ant' Ronald Verner and fersou, Sherri Jerome, Brent wirhgham for the Beavers, Cubs a service -project Adams was instructed to
and Scouts. The Beavers P left to the nom- bill Pay ibis
Richard Walker. Johnston, Deborah Johnston, ,with munity and one in which together with an outing
GRADUATION DIPL0MAs Lynn Johnston, Linda Kennedy, the help of Cubs and parents held everyone could participate. It bill for transportation for the
Final installments of 1979 taxes for the Recipients of secondary $chool Denise �, Hien King, Brenda CORRECTION their annual Apple Day. When was decided a paper drive will be boys trip to Manitoba last
graduation diplomas were: Kingsbury, Suzanne Kingsbury, the event was completed they held in the spring in either, late. summer. It was decided the
Town of Wingham are due and payable on or James Adams, Donna Aitchison y Kuenzig, Arlene had used almost 15 bushels of April or early May. Everyone is �e of the chairman, Rick
before November 15th, 1979. Shelly Alden, Glenn Allan Kufske, James Laidlaw Frank An error appeared in the report apples and raised almost $900: urged to keep their papers over Whiteley, and secretary, Mrs.
William Renwick Stephen Allen, Gordon Alton, Leahy, Stephen Livingston, on t1e Mom Township Council The Beavers and Cubs had an the winter. months. Marlene Leedham, should be put
Grace Alton Laura Anderson Angela Lockridge, Shelley Long, meeting in the Oct. 24 issue of added treat when Marie in the community service
Clerk -Treasurer The Advance -Times. In the MacIntyre treated them all to The next fund-raising event directory being compiled by the
Mary Anderson, Douglas Ar- Ralph Lubbers, Murray Lyons.
buckle, Brian Armstrong, Bruce Marie MacAdam, Deborah section regarding a complaint doughnuts• will be the returnable bottle drive Wingham Advance -Times,
Armstrong, Brenda Arnold, MacConnell, Deborah Mac- OVer 11011 -erection of a fence, the ale the Be8Vers and Cubs Jan. 5. No non -returnable bottles Parents are reminded that
Martin Askes, David Atkinson, Donald, Etta Belle MacDonald, final sentence of the first were busy selling apples the rest will be accepted this year. Cubs and Scouts are to march in
PRIVATE LANDS ASSISTANCE Ross Baird, Linda Bakker, Robert MacDonald, Kevin Paragraph should have read: Of the cubs and Scouts were A letter from the W'
conducting the un8banh the Remembrance Day parade
Donna Ballagh, Michael Beattie Machan, Norma MacIntyre, „ g Pape' drive. With Centennial Committee was read on Sunday,Nov. 11. They are to
PROGRAMS Wayne Bell, Catherine Donald MacKenzie, Ian Mann, However the property was the help of parents and trucks thanking the group for its support be in full uniform and meet at the
Boneschansker, Movita Bradley, Michael Marks, Joanne McArter, sold before the fence was erected supplied by local merchants the during Centennial Week. Stan arena at 12:30 p.m. to march to
Offered by the' and the new owner was aware Paper' was collected in W' ding the the Cenotaph.
Sandra Brenzil, Karen Bridge, Constance McCool, .Doreen ngham Chadwick will be atter
Richard Brighton, Kathryn McCormick Christine Me- that one had to be put up." and outlying areas. At noon the groupcommittee meetings Some of the senior Scouts will
ITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION Brooks, Patricia' Brophy, Donald, Paul McDougall, boys had lust half the big truck repreenting the sponsoring be camping under the leaderslilp
AUTHORITY Gregory Brown, Craig Brydges. Catherine McGlynn, Todd Mc- filled. It was to their benefit that group, the Wingbam Kinsmen of Scouter
Pape' was selling for riYpas weekwd
Cretier nod
Keith Cameron, Bruce Glynn, Gary McInnes, Kevin good -Club. Murray Underwood is to weekend. This t
Campbell, Cindy Campbell, McKague, Vicki McKague, MRS. JOE WALKER this fes• approach the Kinsmen Club for several of the Scouts spent mach
1. Reforestation Assistance requests must be submitted Marilyn Campbell, Catherine Steven McKay, Kathryn McKim, Blue VaI@ At the. meeting pros ans cons badges representing the spon- of Saturday piling bricks at the
prior to May 1 at, 1980. Cardiff, Judy Carter, Kevin Diane McLean, David McLellan, weTe discussed on whether to soring group, old PUC building.
Carter Paul Casemore Mary Gregory McPherson Kenneth Some of the Scouts are
2. Erosion Control er 3 Assistance, 197, requests must be submitted. L ' Steven Chamney, Metzer, Wilfred Meurs, David first aid course while threeofto
prior to December 31st 1979, for 1980 projects. Susan Chapman, Donna Chet- Miller, Linda Miller, Larry Min Communion was celebrated boys have been introduced to
tleburgh, Laurie Clarke, Janice osevic, Sandra Moffat, Paul qday with Rev. R. H. Arm- Candystriping at the hospital.
Applications will be processed on a first come. Collins, Wanda Colvin, Janet Morrison, Jill Murray. strong, conducting the service in Be I g ra V e P.e rS0 n Q l N oteS The Candystriping has been
Cook, Leanne Cossitt, Joanne . Esther Nethery, Karleen Bluevale F made possible through the effortis
flit served basis. - . � . ,� , .. an Church. _
Coultes, James Cranston, Nevery, Mary Anne Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fear and On Saturday avail the family, Mrs Passmore. Of
- - - Kathryn Cruickshank. Austin O'Donell, William Ohm, A gift of money was presented Y Ing boys can build up service 'hour's
For moif ini!orrnotion contact: Stephen Darling, David de Jo -Anne Oldengarm from Bluevale and area people to Jana of London and Mrs. R. H. along with Mr. and Mrs.
_ ,Kimberle Roy this way as well as leanrinlg�in-
Y MF Mid 1L-.. E n,.11w v nt`7 ate �It. WC 1f••C_' tt anu Gai.y v •na_ Il�Ill7lY{J<I �1(r{Allpng r0 the aVLaa
V�sal�_J �.��/ _ .. Boer- Hilrta .ir �, �thRI'a VVYCn, Kathy Parker, John - ""o• raaaa'y jlililn OI + � � '+
MOW I Gnu v uney %-onservation Authority, Deidiert, B� Deitner, Robert Passchier, Mark. Passmore, Weston, the former Rosemary weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sam celebrated Mr. and Mrs, bospltal•
Box 5, Wroxeter, Ontario Demaray, Mary Dickson, Nancy Valerie Peel, Gail Pidgeon, Schmidt. Fear and attended the Mon- Arruda's 15th wedding anniver- The next meeting of the group
NOG 2X0 Dickson, Karen Doelman, Alida Susan Powell, Timothy Prior, tgomerY-Shobbrook wedding in /sarY at a family dinner held at committee will be Sunday
Mrs. Jeanet Walker and Ken Lucknow United Church on the home of Mrs. Cliff Logan. evening, Dec. 2.
Phone: 519-335-3557 Dorsch, Stephen Douglas,. Ann Stephen Pritchard, Christopher. Skinn were Sunda Saturday' Mrs La
1 y sapper guests Y• Barry gan and family
of Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Walker. Mr. and Mrs. America Arruda were unable to attend due to sick -
z. �. .:; �• - and family of Toronto, Mr. Barry 11M. FFME� BUSINESS -.
:.- - % Mrs. Alex Smith and Mrs. John Logan of Burlington, Mr. and Nature provided • a beautiful I�EV• N'r t3AN
Sacred White of Detroit visited a few Mrs. Ralph Logan and family of evening for the Hallowe'en trick
a days with Mrs. R. H. McKinnon. Wyoming spent the weekend with °r treaters and everyone was
r their mother, Mrs. Cliff Logan. boPPY to welcome the children
• s Heart into their homes.
e e R. A. Knighton of Landon was
M° Morns flgih� r tns the special speaker on behalf of
ai'boX the Canadian Bible Society in
Calvin -Brick and Knox -United r
- paper. The older on land.40.verances �des on Sunday, fisted i theHALLOWE'EN PARTIES- constructionJohn Roberts assisted in the
Each claw in our school hada pupils made the real thing. There Morris Township decided to put Mr. Armstrong service. In Calvin -Brick the `
party. Grades 1 and 2 were about 40 jack o'lanterns in ng explained he
and Kinder the brakes on its leniency toward would sell the laneway with the �°! choir �8 Dare to Be a
Kindergarten got dressed up the contest. land severances b t Daniel" and in Bel ave
and exchanged their candies. The winners were Kevin two applications d urnrrhg �� severance and keep the right' of senior choir sang "I All
Grades 3 and 4 held a Hallowe'en Nesbitt, Scott Allen, Clair and PP during Monday way. He said the initial sketch of World in Every Corner Sing„
dance and visited the other Lenny Schmidt, Kerrie Bray,
afternoon's meeting. Ap- the laneway presented to council
classrooms to show on their Terrance Allen, T Plications of - . , for Lot 14 was inaccurate and that it was
Bu our home life, con. 2, owned by Bill Arms actually longer.:,;
Y Y boat, and auto costumes. *Grades 5-6 held a Tammy Kieffer, Julie Koopman, and Lot 9 Con. 7 owned b Waw Y
dance and art in their Shannon Hallahan and Heal Y Wayne Council argued that because ofLike a good
Insurance from a friend Classroom party Hallahan Y Cantelon, were not recom- its narrow width snow could
The costumes werejtuged by . C A T E C H E T I C A L C O,N - mended by the top• easily block the entrance and if a neig«.
Mrs. O'Malley. Some41f the , FERENCE—A catechetical During last months meeting future landowner erected a fence
Tho Co-Opwators winners were Sean Bray ,11*ley conference, `Catechetics in the Bill Armstrong's application was access to the properties would be
Marklevitz,Mary Jean Her- Eighties', was held in Chatham turned down because his laneway difficult. ,
width did not meet township However Mr. Armstrong
' naghan and Terrance Allen as Nov. 1-2. Bishop Sherlock one of P ong in- . .
well as Mark Foxton. the guest s standards. Morris' policy is a 66 sisted because it is raised snow '.11r.1�, Brodt6agee
your Credit unldn -sponsored speakers, spoke on foot allowance, however his blockage is not a problem.
JACK-O'LAIVTERN CON• catechetizing children in our with = The Federal`Busiiriess Devel-
ins 0hCe company TEST -Mrs. Martin organ,,, I a diocese. Our teachers who at- laneway is only 25 feet wide. In answer to council's concern The F t Bank a Business
Jack o lantern contest for all tended were Miss Foran, Mrs. The application was then taken lyl�r. Goodall said ' `It's not '
grades. Kinahan, Mr. Steffier and Mrs_ to the Land Division and ap- council's. responsiblity to forsee ... appointment of K.D. Brod-
Proved ono Ce-ei O'Malle proved subject to the council's conflicts between landowners, thagen .as Manager of its
f@ p:.. Kindergarten and Grades 1 and. Y Father Sonderup also recommendation. Reeve Bill Elston stated the SG t11'1@. office at 10.'36•. tario Street,
2 made their creations from attended. Of!�' .
r Located in the The sympathy of all the Lawyer Jack Goodall, Present severance decision would last a „ Surat#cid. snow Ming D.L.
students and teachers is ex- at Monday's meeting, defended 1 time and if the land were to R. W RICK' GIBBONS Muir who is now Manager of
Credit Union Building. D \A, °i1g the Toronto -North ofrwe of
9 1`. T ♦ . BELL �� m �� Wimberly, whose �'• Armstrong's request stating be resold new owners, unhappy ZS ALFRED S.T. E. the bank. •
8 Alfred St., [corner of mother passed away last council should not insist on the 68 with the existing laneway, could S19.SS7•SZ80 Previous!
Josephine St.] Winghom, Ont. foot allowance. He err y, Nur. Bmdthagen
Thursday. goad that blame council for its decision. was Man r of the FBDB
VIETNAMESE WO Land DI on was to y going change our office in North Ba
OPTOMETRIST RDs --good: " ane aka Ii we are o to ch STATE FARM
tat; school: the severance and widens of Policy in this c Y•
t B h0O' church:
�" we Established by the Govern -
North Huron Credit The Co-operators GODERICH nha tha; I'm sorry: xin loi; Don't me laneway would result in land have to change it for others in the CM
be afraid: Dung to so. being taken out of agricultural future," added Councillor Ross INSURANCE menu of Canada. FBDB as -
Union 357-2311 357-3739 The Square 524-7661 use, Proctor• v sists the development of small
businesses across Canada
After a lengthy discussion Ik TE FARproviding them with financialST
council decided to request a STATE !'e � ascisfance, chief) m the form
FEDERAL �Se eraised sketch of the proposed Insurance Companies, of term loans and equity fi- .
,A Management Seminar t severance of to stick by its Canadian Head Offices, nancing, and with manage-
BUS/NESS policy of a 66 foot road allowance.
' EVELOPMENT BANK Regarding Mr. Cantelon's
_ DScarborough Ontario men( services of dounselling,
request the township turned information and training.
SE/7li/CES thumbs down because the
' E , severance would result in the 1
at THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, WINGHAM destruction of viable livestock ,
farming facilities. OPENING RIGHT
' on THURSDAY, NOV. 22. 1 !'! ls00 AM to 4:30 PM The request was to serve iota
REGISTRATION: 8.30 AM , •' • • e � nd ttwotl ds and �
Would you like to attend? • ever the smaller
ptOWty would TONIGINIT
M you are Interested, please complete the registration coupon, and '
contain a house, bank and shed.
nwil It al with r cheque for $30. r Wednesd , November 7
� Y� �u Per Pew+• For further infor- Mr. Proctor complained, �
'motion, please cgntoct: "There are good buildings and
PETE HUXTABLE at tel.: 271-5650 (collect)the land to go with it and here we
ncOme are dividing it up," adding, "The A IM1111=111 Has
• • • be kept TL xes Should barn is not economical without
' Management Seminar, Federal Business Development Bank, ' o e minimum.
sufficient adjacent land for feed performed by
Not mum Y growing and manure di WINGHAM TOWNE PLAYERS
1006 Ontario St., Stratford , abouts the time L Comtcillor Bob Grasby� ',
I will attend the business management seminar find 'The ideal situation is to have Also showing Thursday, Nov. 8, Firda Nov. 9
income ° u t someone who will use the barn Y
at WINGHAM on NOV, 22, 1979. r TeCalculatio and the land
�. Calc together." 8:00 P.M.
Names Year uletlon; n, statiElston ._ ng neve. . I concern,
onte d' Wingham Town Hall (upstairs)
' End''
� , ' Inc o r make the barn toeless and it on 0 0
' Address � Div PO re t i on � would therefore tall 'down. He at
Postal Code ,` Tel. - S idends. said this practice, "is going up
MgislreN sn Fee of $W includes luncheon. questions.
list on hand to', and n the oaoceasioes like Adults $3.00 Senior CitizensChildren $1.50
Atlgesr Previoo owners recently built
tie barn and it is a modern dairy
r ■r 8r r 8r 8r 8>• r r rH r r 811 r■I r rr fadlity_