The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-31, Page 2Pyle 2—The Wingham Advance -Times, October 31, 1979
Several townships appealing
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e uaimanon frClOW iii ■....
Several townships in Hui vu towns and villages would pay a formation it was promised, be
County, among them Morris apd smaller share than in the past. said, noting the Nov. 1 appeal
Hawick, are appealing the Some township councils deadline was not far away.
revised equalization factors- question the fairness of the Exeter Reeve Eldrid Simmons'
announced fur this year. changes said are upset because announcement that his town isn't
However for most tate appeal is they can't find out more about the appealing its assessment came
not so mutt a protest against the basis on which land values have as no surprise, while Tucker -
changes as it is a last ditch effort been reassessed. smith Township Reeve Ervin
,. to find out more about them. Morris Council had an Sillery reported T*kersmith has
As announced, the revised assessment officer at its last appe#led, wadttiig" to be on the
factors take into account changes meeting, but still didn't get an- safe side and get in under the
U1 lana Jdiiura vLrr iiie past swats to all its questions, Reeve deadline. You can always with -
several years. Since rural land Bill Elston yeported during the draw the objection if you are
has been appreciating in value afternoon session of cou4ty convinced the new factors are
faster than urban land, rural council last week. fair, he point ,
municipalities would end up The township would like to Allan Cai reeve of
paying a larger portion of county know what is going on and is McKillop T. which is
and school board levies while waiting for some additional in- slated for one od the highest in-
creases in levy share, noted the
lack of hard information makes it
MRS. WILLIAM SOTHERN difficult to decide whether to rr
"On what grounds do you ask
Notes f ro m Fordwich
- a
for an appeal?" he wondered.
"What grounds do you appeal on?
The sympathy of the coin- (Wade) Hamilton. His life career When it comes to a hearing, how
munity is extended to Mr. and was teaching in Mount Forest, do you back this up?" CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY—Construction Is underway for the plaza planned for the
Mrs. John Johnson in the sudden Wroxeter, Wyoming and Port A further comment, that he south end of town. Here Gordon Hislop of Wroxeter uses his bulldozer to spread gravel for
death of their son, Ron, who was Burwell. He and his wife Lottie agrees the towns are assessed too the foundation.
killed Saturday in a car accident. retired in Wyoming. low, was met with calls of "Sit on
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller were it!" by some of the urban
spent a few days last week with guests Saturday evening at the representatives. e— MRS. GEORGE BROWN
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang and Gilbert -Dickson wedding in County Clerk Bill Hanly told County passes
family, Mississauga. Belmore Presbyterian Church council it had been announced at
Friends of Mrs. Jack Douglas and the reception which followed Queen's Park that where Gorrie Personal Notes Continued from Page 1
will be sorry to hear she was in the Belmore Community equalization factors increase special bylaw to contribute its
admitted to St. Joseph's Hospital, Centre. assessment by more than five per Mrs. Annie Mundell of home of Mr. and Mrs. James share, he said.
London, on Sunday where she Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller cent the province will provide a Hamilton and Mrs. Harold Moloney, Bramalea. Another change in the new
will undergo surgery. spent Monday in Owen Sound. grant to cover the difference. Hutton .of Wingham visited Mr. and of London ape t the weekend with bylaw removeg the necessity for
The Fordwich ACW bazaar and The . Fordwich Women's In- He also commented that the Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. i all five county hospitals to agree
tea will be held in the Fordwich stitute held its first card party of highest -assessed farm land in Alvin Mundell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson. to a project before it can be
Community Hall Saturday, the year. Prizes for high scores Huron County is in Usborne Wellesley Strong visited Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hamilton fended. The grants will now be
November 3, at 2 p.m. went to Mrs. Jessie Hotchiss and Township at slightly over $1,000 Sunday with Mrs. Addison visited Saturday with Mr. and approved by council on the
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Zimmer and Harold Cook. Low scores won an acre. If that's correct and Hutchison and Stanley Edgar of Mrs. Carman Hamilton of recommendation of the executive
Aaron of Orillia were weekend prizes for Mrs. Donna Maw and what he hears about the price Molesworth. London. committee which will review
visitors with the latter's parents, Mrs. Margaret Elliott. Mrs. land is selling for is also correct, Mrs. Jean Taylor of Brussels Robert Harper has returned each project' together with the
Mr. and Mrs. Don Montoux. Doris Adams won a special prize. he doubts whether any spent the weekend with Mr. and home from Wingham and county appointees to the hospital
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marriner and municipality has grounds for Mrs. Edgar Dane. District Hospital.
Mrs. Crosby Sotheran were in Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller were appeal, he said. The Youth Choir of Trinity Woodrow Dustow of Toronto The county fund is set up with
Wyoming on Saturday attending guests Sunday at the Wilkert- Goderich Reeve Eileen Palmer Anglican Church, Thornhill, spent the weekend with his money collected annually
the funeral of a cousin, Harold Yost wedding held at Kitchener said the government has an- provided special music at the mother, Mrs. Albert Dustow. through the municipal levy. It
Hamilton. The late Mr. Hamilton and the reception held later at the nounced the increases and morning service in Knox Bruce Grainger of Montreal; provides for a
was born on the sixth concession Blue Moon Hotel, Petersburg. decreases will be phased in over Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Quebec, visited over the weekend p grant of up to 37.5 .
of Howick Township, west of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Petznuk of five years, with no more than a They were directed by Rev. with Mrs. Cecil Grainger and per cent of the paid provincial
Fordwich, the son of the late Kitchener spent the weekend at five per cent change in one year. Philip Poole who was also the also with Mr. Grainger in subsidy on a capital building
William Hamilton and Lorenda their home here. "You just. have to take it in guest speaker. Wingham hospital. project, which works out to about
stride," she advised council.. Miss Bernice Brown of Mr. and Mrs.- Martin Scott one quarter of the total cost of a
— _�.. _
commenting that the government, Hamilton spent last week with spent a week at the home of their profit' The provincial subsidy _
- '- - -- - - — normally covers 66.7 per cent of
is trying to keep everyone happy. Mr. and Mrs. John Freeman, RR son, William Rea, and grandsons, the project cost, with the
There was also some argument 2. Donnie and Billy, while Mrs. Rea
Subdivision, ��S about whether land taxes are a Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hockri a flew to Los Angeles, California, remaining eight and one third per
fair way to pay for costs such as Scarborough,visited Fridaywith to visit her parents. cent to be raised by the local
r education. Mr. Elston noted he Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hyndman.
a rO V.a wasn't complaining about the Mr. and Mrs. Grant Miller and
�p county levy, but education is so family of Sudbury visited •
far wrong that "even if you get 50 recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ar -
After more than 4% of tory tests and exceeds the maxi- per cent back, it's still a hell of a chie Miller and attended the e
planning and n o a 9withfhum Judw Lam— " big tax bill if you own 200-300 B ld $
a win- rears wedding In
Queens Park, Natural Re- Septic tanks will be installed by acres". Fordwich United Church.
sources, Ministry of Environ- individual property owners, Jack Stafford deputy reeve of Mrs. Harvey Adams ac-
ment and local County and which land has been approved as •Howick Township, said he wasn't companied Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Municipal departments, final excellent for leeching beds by complaining about land values, King of Harriston on Sunday and r
approval has been received from Huron County Health Depart- but argued the whole principle of visited Mrs. Freda Colvin of
the Ministry of - Housing by meat and the Ministry of En- the idea is that people services Teeswater.
Harold T. Madgett for a subdivi- vironment. should be paid b le, not
sion in the Village of Fordwich. According to the Ministry of Y �°p and Mrs. Ronald Mann and
land: family spent the weekend at ;he
There will be 30 lots in the new Housing five per cent of the land The revised equalization home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle
subdivision, and it will be com- must be conveyed to the munici- factors are just one part of a Weber of Kimberley.
pleted in two phases. Phase one pality for park land and in this reform, he said, and that's an Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Workman
consists of 15. lots, south of the subdivision it will be approxi- unjust way of bringing it in. It of Brussels visited Thursday with
creek, and will be ready for de- mately five acres. This park should be part of a whole .Mr, and Mrs'. Archie Miller.
velopment in the very near when completed will be for package. It's not fair that land Mrs. Jack Ferguson, Mrs.
future. Upon completion of Phase people in the subdivision, and an pay for education, he declared. Raymond Gowdy and Mrs. O
one, the balance of 15 lots will be asset to the entire village. Colborne Township Reeve B'11 Ronald McMichael of Wroxeter
sold and developed The subdivision will be all $o ' t ted 6.11t' h f O
Offered by the
www a swwaM i a
1. Reforestation Assistance req�,ests must be submitted
prior to May 1st, 1960.
2. Erosion Control Assistance requests must be submitted
prior to December 31 st 1979, for 19W projects.
Applications will be processed on a first come -
first served basis.
For more information contact:
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gte re or a s w y ar- were among the Mari -Bel Singers
The water system will be com- estate lots, the smallest being mers get a 50 per cent rebate on who sang at the Sunday evening
prised of a communal well with 15,000 square feet, ranging to their land tax and Warden -Jack service in Brucefield United
watermains and water services others in larger sizes. Tinney reminded council: Church.
installed by the owner to the The plan of the subdivision was "Wasn't it about a year ago the Harold Robinson attended a
I� dine with individual drawn and land surveyed by J. D. government offered to pay all our convention in Ottawa. Mrs.
curb stops (shutoffs) for each, MacMillanI R
, O.L.S. of Listowel, farm taxes and we turned it Robinson accompanied him.
lot. The owner has drilled a well and Mitchell and Perry Ltd., down?"
Mr. and Mrs! John heO
and constructed a pumphouse Consulting Engineers and Town .Brussels Reeve Cal Kreuter spent a couple of daysays atat the
with all necessary appurtenances Planners, Richmond Hill were pointed out things aren't all rosy
rding to specifications of the �:, ..,role for the planning of in the towns and villages either. /
Ontario Water Resources Com- the water system and engineer- While a farmer pays one tax on n
mission of the Ministry of En- ing data and mediator for leis whole operation, a
vironment. It is an overflowing negotiations with various businessman in a village has to
well, and has met all the labora- government a commercial tax on his
business in addition to the J Heart
already -high urban tax on his of Mailbox
home and other costs such as
e Public Utilities Commission
D N Co n s rates. Grades t and 2—At our mission1
The Co-operators
If you re going to complain mass last Friday Halley Hal- to INCREASED RATE OF RETURN - = With the new rates a $100
about taxes, complain about it lahan. Joanne Doerr, Kevin �= ':
will be at the all, not just one factor." he ad- Dekker and Joey Schmidt The rate of interest on the new _:. _ _ = Compound Interest Bond will
vised. "You'll get no support that presented the offering to the Series of Canada Savings Bonds =
grow to $202.37 at maturity in
cim Park moTei, Rvom s way. ' ,,.salons from Grades 1 and _ _ _
iias been increased to 11%, for - - just 7 years.
A straw vote taken during the
Friday A Saturday, Nov. 2 3 wi
meeting revealed that Morris, Grades 3 and -t--The pupils the first year and 101/2% for
Hock, Tuckersmith, Stephen from Grades 3 and 4 worked at each oft a remaining years.
ears: EAS•. TO WN
9 a • m to 3 and McKillop townships planned getting to know missions and The new average�nnual yield to New Canada Savings Bonds are
p•/�� to appeal their equalization mission work much better o
Located on Highway 23, 5 miles north of Listowel maturity on the Bonds is 10.59 /o.- �? on sale now wherever you bank -or
factors. following Father Slaman's visit = - — }r .
Equalization factors are used- last Friday. Father has spent six Everyone who has already bought, _ invest. You can buy them in various
to determine how common costs years in mission work in or who buys new Canada Savings 4mounts up to a total purchase limit
BUYING GOLD SILVER such as education and county Guatemala. Bonds will et these higher rates, of $25,000. Bu ours toda 1
levies, should be shared among y y y
municipalities. They have no Grades 5 and 6—The new even thong the bond certificates
NOTE: This will be our lost time in the effect on assessments within a students. Lieu and Hungh, are have the old rate printed on them.
Listowel area until 1980, municipality. doing very well in adapting to the
SILVER COLLARS new situation here in Canada. SAFE, SECURE AND SIMPLE TO CASff
1936 to 1939 ...................... payinst 69.00 each un ruesaa • evening Y � .. RETU ON PAST SERIES INCREASED
y ng a tree. New Landud Ddvtll �� uv,,...J u.4-
"- . • • • • .. • • • • • • • . • • . • ......... paying $66.00 each planting ceremony was held. TM secure investment that earns you good The rate of return on all outstanamg Danes ui
1946 • - • • • • • • ... • . • .............. paying $12.00 each Winners of new life and the tree are symbols Canada Savines Bonds has been increased to
interest year after year. The re backed by S
1947 • • • • • • - • - • • - • • • • • • • - - • • - - • • •paying $70.00 each used in the religion course of y y y 11 % forthe year beginning November 1, 1979
1948 ... • • • • .... • ............... i $360.00 each Grades 5 and 6. Man of the all the resources of Canada. And they're and to 101/2% for each remainin year until
1949 to 1967 ... . — lWing $7.50 each trawl d row parents - p y y s a need. rl,e bonds mature. For Series dated before
• • • • • • • - .... � areata were resent. easy t0 cash when there
SO• PIECES, QUARTERS. DIAAES In th.+ n..•. • - .. _ _ .
"in •v�cutZhi _, .yii u,r'41"rdsea ret+ern will
�. ,.. dw ,,, me m-tt 19 of our pupils participated in a A CHOKE OF BONDS
Paying $750 for each doper'$ Worth of aittVpr Travel Lottery held last Friday cross-countrN. meet held at be paid through an increase in the value of
+'��' Bob Crawford of Wingham came Seaforth. The meet was sport- Canada Savings Bonds also offer you a p y ty
1967 SILVER ..... paying $5.00 for each dollar's worth g y the cash bonus a able on the maturity date
1968 SILVER out as the big winner, qualifying sored by the Huron -Perth great choice. There s a Regular Interest Bond of the bonds. ,For the last two Series the higher
paying $3.00 for each doper's worth for a $1,500 trip to one of several separate schools. Sean Kieffer which pays interest each November 1 st at rates will be payable for each remaining year
locations. and Murray Skinn placed filth the nom,, higher rates. And a Compound until the bonds mature. Complete details are
So% * e • • • . • • • • . • • ........... paying $70.00 each Dr. R. Leibold of Alyth was the and sixth our of a group of !AB Interest Bond that reinvests yoyr interest available where ou bank or invest.
06.00 Canada Gold .............. paying $150• Junior bovs. The other runners Y y
00 each consolation winner. also did well. Miss Kimberly wag automatically, earning interest on interest.
$10.00 Canada Gold ............. paying $250.00 each The lottery is sponsored by the
Canadian Proof -like set in charge of the runners from our
��� Wingham and District school s '
1867 and so No . peykV $14.00 es�ch Association for the Mentally By Tracey Fischer and Jackie CAMWA SAVNGS WND —A B& I i tX CMCE 7HM EM
1921 an O&W nicheN............ psyk $600. a ch
Retarlkd. Rammtloo •