The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-17, Page 8■ :a r ,. fi lt!r 8—The Winghwu Advimcr Tunes, (k-Lober 17, 1878 M ", . micro I A Y any details, but she did say the clusively for you- Don't be full of 19W Courier will be the biggest regrets"wben June rolls around. In full sMng and best ever. She said some of Buy your 19M Courier now. the teachers' pictures have Any former teachers, gradu- One of the most important already been taken. Thus, their ates or businesses wanting a copy events of the school year is taking pictures will persevere through of the Yearbook for waiting area, place during the next few weeps. 19W, even if they don't. etc., may order we by sending $6 The 19W edition of your year- This year's Courier is on sale to: Y9orbook Club, c•o F. E. book. The Courier, is an sale. during both lunch hours and acti- Madill Secondary School, 231 The yearbook stag, headed by vitt' periods in the main hall for Victoria St. E., Wingbam, On - editor Louise Gibson, is already the low price of $e. Probably at no tario. hard at work on this year's book. other time in your life will you be Delivery of tbese books will be Priorities: 1%9 world or me? Louise was unwilling to divulge able to buy a book published ex- . made in late May. Biology, chemistry, math, expected at trials." Hmm that Would be so beneficial for both French. I guess that's all that I sounds more important than farmer and consum ..- , but will have to study tonight. But what to diffusion. marketing boards survive?. start with? My chemistry and Nonsense! Get back to the Kathy! Study! Right. Copper biology practically command me books! All right, math, I'm plus sulphur equals copper sul- to study them, yet my math text coming, I'm coming ALag--b-C Philo. is glaring at me in a very LQg—b•CA. Right. About as clear `CUrk hints Canada ready for threatening roamer ! , Ob well, I as mud. PLO talks." What is going to have to begin som . Eenie- come of Clark's suggestion to meenie-miney-moe. Biology. OK, "Guerrillas condemn Rho- move the Canadian embassy to biology it is. desian peace plan." What is Jerusalem? Is the economic Now, Id's see. Diffusion is, uh, going on over there anyway? Do backlash that mfy result worth well, umm, diffusion is the Spon- the Britisb have any right to stick the move? taneous movement of particles their noses into the politics of Really, kiddo. If you hope to train a region of greater comm- Rhodesia? OK, OK, I'm studying. pass these tests, hit the books. tration to one of lesser concentra- Pierre, Perrier a choisi le plus You know what is most im- tion. Got it, I think gran oeuf de... portant... "Nuclear plant site But what's that headline in the "Marketing boards provide assault repulsed", "Family newspaper? "Insight into MnHa stability and security." They theme dominates Pope's fare- well", "Early surprises in Commons likely".. . Ah, but mine is not to reason Teacher interview if the fAorces that movoccurs e sub- PAULELGIE here at F. E. Madill. Recently he stances across a membrane are Paul Elgie, a teacher of drama also received an appointment supplied by the cell's own meta- O and English at F. E. Madill, was from the department of edu- holism and... x - ' born in Fort William Ontario cation,to a dramatic arts com- Kathy Underwood, 12K (now Thunder Bay), the son of mittee which will determine dra- " Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Elgie. Mr. matic arts programs for the Pro- Elgie began his schooling in vine of Ontario for the next LaComing eves mbeth, Ontario, near London, seven years. in a two -room schoolhouse. From Mr. Elgie is also very active "PAUL STANLEY" FROM KISS a realistic pencil draw- there he moved to Landon where when it comes to hobbies and, Friday, October 19, is the Ing by Bevin Finlay. he completed his elementary and once again, his artistic back- second school dance of the year. secondary school education. His groundcomes through. He plays The band will be "Charade". studies continued through Ridley the piano, writes and records his This band performed for the 1976- C� R K �- .MIND College, Western University and �, music and is a registered 77 spring formal and was can - KN ow a v R K finally the University of Toronto. r , , with the Professional celled last year due to a snow h1 It should be a A>; N!:1 "'y u16 6 p Haig acquired these advanced gets Organization, Mr. Elgie's storm. Hopefully it will not be 14 A educational courses, he A To b AR R w' I 1 AR � ��g profession. entered available at the local record rrecord of Naor4l and Elizabeth Is eally �ea,this 1 so hope to I► e -, ,IL TO ° Mr. Elgie has been teaching at store. He says he enjoys travel as see everyone out at it. \ �'. F. E. Madill now for eight years. well, and in the past has travelled Monday, October 29, is a pro- �4 Before coming here he also a large portionof the world, in- fessional development day. No taught out West, in Ottawa and in cluding Europe, India and School! Need I say more? Peterborough, Ontario. He Russia. Wednesday, October 31, is j teaches English and drama, and During his busy and varied life Hallowe'en and Purple and White says that he enjoys drama the Mr. Elgie also managed to find Day. So, get out those purple most. time to serve as a pilot in the socks or whatever and join the Mr. Elgie is by no means out of Royal Canadian Air Force. As for school spirit. Anyway, purple is his element in drama, for he had the future, this can be guessed at in this year! vast experience in this field. He' from the fact that Mr. Elgie spentOn this same day at 2:30 there / has completed . advanced dra- part of this summer attending a is a pep rally. matic arts courses in numerous principals' course, which in- Friday, November 2, at 8:15 colleges and universities in structs future high school princi- p.m., the graduation exercises Canada and the US, notably at paw in their future, duties. will be held at I� E. Madill: Don't Western University and the In closing, Mr. Elgie adds that forget to remind any graduating Pasadena Playhouse, California, he tMn, "F. E. Madillis one of students! 1 Human acceptance a particularly famous school of the beat high schools in Ontario, These are only a -few of the drama. In the past, Mr. Elgie has and it definitely has the best Stu- events taking place. Besides directed and acted in plays in the dents.,, these there are many basketball I saw a picture the other day of changed! It is not just our Chris- Northern Ontario Drama Festi- and volleyball games to come a youth; his face was firmly set, tian duty, nor just our act of pity val and has acted professionally and see. . his eyes glared belligerently and to accept them, but this would ex- in the Pasedena FoothillsDiane Dennis 126 T his arms were grasping a ladder. press the equal acceptance and Theatre. The question What caught my attention was respect of one individual to At present he is drama critic that he had no legs. The caption another. for CKNX as well as director of of the week stated that he worked in a circus Bernice Passchier 12F our school's spring productions All aboard the Midnight EXPRESS! Some Clearance Racks and Tables up to 50. OFF Boys' Scrubbies Jeans SIZES: 7.12 ...................... 1393 14-18 ..................... 1493 1599 20 ......................... Clearance of GWG Fortrel or Hopsack Dress Pants ......................... 1993 Boys' Velour Shirts ..... special Purchase ...... f99s Men's Penman Briefs .......... 100 pair, 3 pair lots Men's latest Velour Shirts are in stock! W have a full stock of RUB R FOOTWEAR Everything Else in Store 10% Off and Up and Hivyes &Ing L� Win ono and of threes Fri. till Josephine St. Wingham, Ont. $150. shopping midnight! 357-1700 vouchers as an acrobat, proving his ability to move about without legs. I was What has been the happiest day ",MiNdn'iEgh' astounded as I read on about ai(or moment) of your life at midget who also worked as part Well, what is t? Madill?of the show. The insensitivity of0-0-0 our human race seems to know Picture this. It is a Friday whatever they may be, just for a Murray Campbell 9A • "The no bounds. night. Sue and Ben Brown are good time? Surely there must be day I got in trouble..." We, as a society, pride our- having a party. Their parents are an alternative. Kim Boyd 9A: "The day we put Express selves on our equality. But are we gone for the weekend. The crowd someone's lock on super-side- reall? Throughout the is la There is, and it is v Y equal? � laughing and talking. Empty very ways!" ages the physically handicapped beer bottles and various other Do not drink. Experiment. Try Joanne Lang 9D: "The day I and deformed have' suffered the bottles are spread about the having a party with no drinking got my his history test back from bizarre cruelties of man. Though house. Loud music blares from of alcoholic beverages. Compare. Mrs. McDonald.,, not so much today, a certain pre- the stereo. Ashtrays are full; the At which did you have the better MurrayDevos 10C: "The da I Open Thursday Judice remains and as a society air is thick with smoke.'A pretty time? Which was better for you? got out of final exams." Y we have singled out the handi- redhead giggles hilariously. A After which one did you feel best Murray Gilchrist 11C: "Grade and Friday capped. Are not they the ones few couples are dancing. Some- the next day?nine night!" ,till midnight! who are crippled? Are not they one trips; she .winces then So there ha 't W do Rob Henderso 11D •`The the ones who have difficulty getting jobs? Are not they the ones who should be in institu- tions? We tend to view "them" as a separate part of society, things to be stared at and not to be con- sidered as normal, emotionally sensitive human beings. I myself have been exposed to this public ignorance of handi- laughs. Others help hereto the couch; her ankle is sprained. It is a big joke to all present. The smoking and drinking and music Continues. Someone is throwing up in the bathroom. The night wears on. This is how many a Friday or Saturday night is spent by the oun an le of o t' you ve h . e tet need alcohol. We want it. Its benefits are distorted and con- fused. Yet abstaining from it scores all the points. Debbie Sjaarda 12M PURPLE CHASER If the students at F. E. Madill n first day of Fiddler on the Roof." Howard Martin 12E: "The day of the student -teacher broomball game Christy Davies 12C: "The day I got out of Mr. Elliott's math 251." Vicki McKague 13B: "'When we got ence4n-a4ifetime chance to see . Simpson do his famous Six Brand New Releases capped people. f was injured and Y•nces Y g p p ur rale. Strangely enough, the next were plants, and the teachers ape walk for us in Grade 11." Tom Henderson "The „Corner Stone" STYX had to spend several weeks on morning they reminisce, with were gardeners, it would be the best garden 13A: da Y I was on a triple high of my bio - crutches. During that time when headaches and nausea,about the ar o Caroline lOF rhythmic cycle." I walked down the street I was wonderful time last night. All Aileen Underwood 11K "'Hollywood HoIlywood Love" subjected to the quick side- were drunk; half had to throw glances of others and the longer up; someone was hurt, but they CARROLL BAKER sideglawhen their curiousity all had a great time ReallDid ? was not satisfied. Even people I they honestly have a good time? knew jokingly referred to me as What is it that makes alcohol so ' "cripple". It was meant to he LP "im ALL ", out the stigma re- mains. I was "crippled"; my in- Perhaps it is the taste, jury was a novelty and seemed to although I doubt it. Perhaps it become the whole Peron. gives one an escape from prob- And this is what happens to the lems. Or maybe there is some — OnFf handicapped; they are not sort of bliss in being ignorant of _ "Special". They are normal what you are doing or saying. But -i - beings of the human kind who then it could be the fact that if l also are handicapped. Society you just have orange crush y06 : has a deeprooted opinion of are a "square", and totally out of t whereas a beer or a or what - l Win one of three $150 shopping vouchers! "Seasons" BING CROSBY R Trnr4 LP or'Cassette 2 99 49 handicapped people that must be 1 rY ever makes you part of the , "Lon Run" EAGLE S crowd. It is your membership 9 99 card to good times. As long as --,.,"Eat to the Beat" BLONDIE LP you're drinking you feel grown- =� up and glamorous and great. .4 n1@ reason is thps at it�ens� e good "In Through the Out Door" LED ZEPPELIN • ti e. What I fail to understand is „ 8 Track o r 9 smat w 1 y we need scala to have a Kenny KENNY ROGERS for great time. The effects felt the Cassette • next morning do not appear as a acim lot of fun to me. Hitting another 'I,I I . .0 1ti car the road because i cannot i' aw straight ;/ . LliA7 see straight does not sound too _ great. Prospects of addiction or �. alcoholism do not seem enjoy- - ' THE able. The negative side far over- K r*e A S�4 ADVANCE -TIMES powers the positive aide of drink- rMUSIC CENTRE 357-2320 ing. We do riot per t need alcohol to CYLON RAIDER shooting at a Colonial Viwith the enjoy ourselves. Let's face it. Are Battlestar Galactica at "m bottom — a pen drawing by we willing to face consequences. Bevin Finlay. .. - - - - ... ... Wingharn, Ont. Tel. 357-2$11