The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-03, Page 1FIRST SECTION
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Wingham, Wednesdq, Oetaber 3, 1979
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Wingham councillors want to citizens' group spearheading the the costs are being allocated. Supreme Court. He also noted the all 100 beds open. The case is still
have a clearer picture of just fundraising drive, will be invited At a meeting last month $12,425 requested would mean 3% with its lawyer and no court date
what is going on before they to a council meeting Nov. 5 to members of the hospital board to four mills on next year's taxes has been set -
decide whether to commit more present their case. and the Citizens' Action Com- and said he doesn't think the town At another meeting the
than $12,000 to a legal battle Mayor William Walden sits on mittee picked $50,000 as a target can afford it. following week the board voted to
being pursued by Wingham and the hospital board and Councillor to raise for the legal defence. "It seems to me they made an ' close 14 active beds and lay off 12
District Hospital. Gordon Baxter is board This is being pro -rated to the 15 admission they can do without full-time staff when it found the
treasurer, however Mr. _Waldep municipalities which send most the beds when they closed them," hospital was running into the red.
At a meeting Monday night explained he had been unable to of 1he patients to the hospital on Councillor Ray Walker com-
council decided to withhold its attend the past several board " basis of the number of ad- mented, adding the only people
decision on a request for a meetings and Mr. Baxter missions from each during the who would get rich from a court Post office
donation to the hospital's legal declared a conflict of interest and past fiscal year. Wingham, with case would be the lawyers.
defence fund until it can get some abstained from any discussion of about 25 per cent of the ad- Both he and Mr. Harrison •
explanation of the matter. the matter. missions, is being asked for questioned why the hospital is expansion
Hospital Administrator Nor- Councillors were not opposed to $12,425. going to the municipalities for
man Hayes, Jack Kopas, the request for support from the Councillor Allan Harrison said money if it has funds of its own is p I a n n ed
chairman of the hospital board's municipalities, but they had he isn't so sure this is a fair way put away.
public relations committee, and some questions about the court of dividing up the costs, noting it Councillor Jack Bateson said The federal government has
John Mann, who chairs the case itself and the way in which is possible last year was a "bad he thinks it's not a bad idea to ask awarded the contract for ad -
year" for Wingham, with an the town and townships for ditional construction at the
unusually large number of people money, pointing out that is Wingham Post Office and work
K getting sick. possibly the hospital's only should begin shortly, Huron -
Town council s h o � He suggested it might have source for donations of this Bruce MP Bob McKinley an
been fairer to split•things on the amount. nounced Monday.
basis of population, the number "I'm not against this," he He said the contract for the
The anti -noise bylaw con- Reporting for the finance of people in each municipality declared. "I don't care if there $67,000 expansion project was
sidered by council at its Sep- committee, Councillor Baxter who have access to the hospital if are only two beds up there, but if awarded Friday to Don Riehl
tember meeting and later said he has received an interim they need it. I get sick I want one of them," Construction of New Hamburg.
published in The Advance -Times financial report for the period Mr. Walden told council he had The hospital board decided in a The addition, which is to be
was passed Monday night by a ending June 30 and it appears the favored going to court against the closed meeting Sept. 12 to take built onto the north end of the
narrow margin. majority of accounts are within health ministry until he heard the the Ontario :health ministry to 'posting building, will contain a
Clerk William Renwick the bounds of the budget. Windsor hospital lost a similar court in an attempt to get ad- new office for the postmaster and
reported two letters were Councillor Harrison asked case on an appeal to the Ontario ditional funding needed to keep additional work area.
received in response to council's whether it would be possible to
invitatio$ for comments on the get an actual, up to date budget
proposed bylaw, both in favor of picture for the police department
the measure. and Mr. Baxter promised that is
Councillor Allan Harrison said 0 the works for all departments Florence ReaWe
o�nted �pp
the two major thrusts of the and should be ready before the ;
bylaw will be to control the next council meeting.
playing of stereos at high volume 04)-0
and squealing of tires on private of Ontado AMR
property, which is not covered . Council has accepted withdirecfor d the Hi Tr ff' A t regret the resignation of Marie
Bu/sinus or pleasure • book now!
Listowel, OntarioZO: "1-2111
Call T 11 Fro* 1-•00-263-3220
Single Copy Not Over Sk
un er alMy a he c .
Reeve 'Joe Kerr questioned
MacLean as assistant clerk-
Mrs. Florence Reavie, presi-
Programs for the retarded in
out in supervised work groups to
Rev. J. Hardy of Clinton and
what effect it might have on noise
treasurer effective Feb. 29, 1980.
dent of the Wingham and District
the area are now in full operatiot
rake and bag leaves for Wingham
Deanery to represent the church
made by snow removal equip-
In her letter of resignation Mrs.
MacLean noted she has been
Association for the Mentally Re-
tarded, - has been appointed
and the local association execu - iitouseholders. Anyone interested
tive is working toward a .... , l : ira:�l>is service can -arrange for it
, I EN'OF T!;�E IR—Seventepfl OI Mary Beth Sanderson was u'gMm-
%-'% .._
w '1nq
night y
meet late at t or earl m the
working for the town for to
regional director for the Ontario
to build a new workshop. Adults, +
telephoning the workshop.
ed Queem""""o i e 4t a I`16W1 ktM%
>t a r fast afur�y
morning, but it was noted council
and said she feels it is time for
Association for the Mentally . Re-
at the Jack. Reavie Opportunity
The workshop is in need of sup -Lorraine
Mary Beth sponsorey HowtcJunior igoer plrs, Dins -
d by JiWI, won over eight other
can rant exem tions for such
g P
her to retire.
tarded. Mrs. Reavie will rep-
Workshop are busy with work
plies for' its many craft projects
more, first runner-up, Janice Behrns, Susan Edgar, Diane McLean, Nancy Fisher, Nancy
Council passed the bylaw by a
No action has yet been taken to
resent North Huron on this
contracts with Stanley Door and
and donations of the following
Dixon, P Schneider and Sharon Brown. The new queen was crowned b last ear's
Peggy 4 Y Y
vote of -43 with one councillor
look for a replacement in the
governing board.
Russell Fear. They are also going
items _ would be appreciated:
winner, Barbara Harkness. .
Hospital vote
will assess students and work
yarn, dry cleaner bags, old
with room teachers, resource
Clerav is Homed
Christmas decorations, quilt bat-
ting, pieces of ribbon, lace and
Baptist Church expanding nfelt, old candles, styrofoam, fab- Oppositionpromised to bylaw
rics, spice jars, baby food jars,
The Wingham Baptist Church seeing the construction, which is styrofoam and tin dishes, tin cans
has begun work on an expansion being undertaken by members of with plastic lids, bottle caps,
program which, when completed, the congregation on a volunteer empty tubes from paper towels, rezoning Cruickshank Park.
will more than double its present basis. He said they expect to have etc.
floor area. the walls up and the roof on Several new volunteers are The next stop a�ppears certain zone change. They, as well as any should realize the. opposition
A new addition being con- before the snow flies. now helping with the pre- to be an Ontario Municipal Board other interested persons or
strutted at the west side of the He also expressed his pleasure schoolers at the Silver Circle among townspeople fo the
P P hearing for the proposal to groups, have 21 days in which to and recommended
103 -year-old church will hold at the growth in the size of the Nursery. The executive is grate- � file an objection with the town proposal i thea'
Sunda School rooms a pastor's congregation which has made the ful to these interested le for construct senior citizens housing jeo drop it and look :., . .... for
Sunday omop in a portion of Cruickshank Park. clerk. The bylaw, together with suitable land before more time
study, library and washrooms as addition necessary. The old their help. Dori its meeting Monde any objections, is then forwarded
well as an annex to accept church was b' enough for 103 Plans are being made for an During g y and money are wasted.
P hg > F g
overflow from the main sant- years, but now is too small to hold open meeting to be held on Octo- night Wingham council passed to the OMB, which will schedule a Hardly a day goes by without
tuathe bylaw rezoning a section of 'hearing on the objections. someone dropping in at his shop
store The addition will be two everyone, he noted. The addition Un e C urc . T at Wingham the park for the housing, however The rezoning bylaw had earlier to voice opposition to the plan, he
stories high and finished in will accommodate 100 more United Church. The association several merchants who attended cleared the town planning board
Angelstone to fit in with the adults at services, but he said he needs new members, and anyone which in a close vote, retain said.
existing building. expects the church eventuallyinterested in the work it does is the meeting promised they will Mr. McGee pointed out that if
continue their objections to force mended to council it bepassed. the plan goes through it would
Pastor Ross Smith is over- will need even more room. invited to attend. an OMB hearing. The objectors, including Bob
j Crawford, Fred McGee and John dace a residential complex right
The merchants object to in the middle of a commercial
placing a residential develop- Malick, all of whom operate area and said he doesn't think the
ment in the middle of a com- businesses in the area right two •uses are compatible.
mercial area. They feel the park around Cruickshank Park, "If it goes to the OMB I don't
should either be left as a park or showed up at the meeting after think it will go through."
developed commercially and also the bylaw had been passed, but He noted that virbually all the
suggested the main street is too council agreed to hear them• surrounding businesses involve
noisy for an apartment complex. Mr. Crawford declared all the use of machinery and predicted
Council, on the other hand, business people on the main this would lead to noise com-
continues to favor the park as a street oppose putting the apart- plaints. He would be right in the
site for seniors' housing and ments in the park -and showed middle and he foresees problems
although it realized the rezoning council a letter of opposition ..,;,,,
is certain to draw objections written back in February by the said, commenting that perhaps
decided to push it through and Wingham Business Association. he should sell his lot for senior
see what happens. A delegation from the association citizens' housing and move
The bylaw must now be cir- was supposed to come to council elsewhere
culated to all property owners at that time, but never appeared. He emphasized he is in favor of
within 400 feet of the proposed He added that councillors having the housing, but doesn't
think it needs to be right down-
Fe The only reason it's a good
ive treated location is because it's near
people downtown and the town owns the
land so it can give the housing
in Wroxeter mishap
ministry ad�� �nki�a
be an insurmountable difficulty
Five persons were taken to injuries to two persons. to put the apartments a couplg of
Wingham and District Hospital Douglas Moore of RR 2, blocks off the main street.
for treatment -of minor injuries Teeswater, was travelling down Mr. Malick agreed there would
following a collision between two a private drive at the ballpark in be a noise problem for apartment
cars in Wroxeter Sunday night. a heavy fog when he ran off the residents living on the main
Provincial police at the road and hit a Hydro pole, police street, which is a provincial high-
Wingham detachment report that report. He and a passenger, way. He said he had talked with
a vehicle driver by Robert Peel Tammy Mason of Listowel, were some seniors and they expressed
of RR 1, Bluevale, was parked taken to Wingham hospital for reservations about living on main
along Howick Street and then treatment. Mr. Moore was street with trucks going by and
backed across the roadway into treated and discharged while stopping late at night or early in
the path of another vehicle being Miss Mason was admitted. the morning.
driven by George Dunkin of RR 4, James Houston of Wroxeter Mayor William Walden noted
Goderich. and a passenger in his pickup the objections, but said council
Both drivers were injured as truck were treated at hospital for has its own ideas and wants to go
were three passengers in the minor injuries following a single to the end and see what happens.
Dunkin vehicle: Larry Daer, vehicle accident along Highway It's now up to the OMB. he said.
Gerald Gaynor and Kenneth 88 three miles east of Wingham. Council has agreed to sell a
Reid, all of Goderich. Police report the truck ran off the portion of the park amounting to
The accident occurred at about road and into the ditch; hitting about % of an acre to Ontario
CHURCH GROWING—The Wingham Baptist Church has begun wont on an expansion 11:15 p.m. Sunday. some shrubs. The accident took Housing for slightly over 04,000.
which will more than double the space available. The new addition will house Sunday Another accident in Wroxeter place at 6:45 p.m. Sept. 26. Also it is to be used for construction of
School rooms, accommodate overflow from the existing sanctuary and hold a pastor's during the early hours of injured was Mrs. Kathleen a 19 -unit, subsidized rental,
study, library room and washrooms. Saturday morning caused minor Cassidy of Wingham, seniors' apartment complex.
� t •
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4; f
to liaison committee
By Wilma Oke
They will help complete the
Rev. J. Hardy of Clinton and
curriculum for the students being
Rev. P. Mooney of Zurich have
taught family life in the system's
been named by the Stratford
19 schools.
Deanery to represent the church
In other business at the
on the trustee -clergy liaison
meeting held last week in Dublin
committee of the Huron -Perth .
Christine Kelly, speech
Roman Catholic Separate School
pathologist with the board, gave
Board. I I
a presentation on the language
Board representatives on the
and speech program she im-
committee are trustees Arthur
plemented in the schools last
Haid and Michael Connolly- and
year. During the past year 160
the representative from the
students had in-depth
administrative staff is John
assessments and a treatment
McCauley, superintendent of
program was recommended for
97 of them.
Father Hardy is also the
Miss Kelly said articulation
second member of the clergy on
and language were the problems
the family life advisory com-
most commonly dealt with but
mittee; Rev. A. Loebach of
dysfluency (stuttering) and voice
Goderich is the other member.
and hearing problems were also
During this school term she
Hospital vote
will assess students and work
with room teachers, resource
not unanimous
tnarho,•a nn,i �e.�;�w
The vote by the hospital board
The board voted to support
to close 14 active beds and lay off
classroom use of the Farm Safety
12 staff members was not
Association's elementary school
unanimous, as reported by Board
Program beginning next Sep -
Chairman Bora Milosevic last
tember• Present staff members
week, although it was unopposed.
will attend workshops and
Board member Mrs. Rae
receive training from association
Elmslie reports she opposed the
personnel and will then instruct
move but abstained from voting
the students.
on the matter. The vote as well as
an dhasssion of theclosings and
MVCA gets
layoffs was held m closed session.
Mrs. Elmslie was also critical
grant for
of the timing of the closures,
which comes just as the board is
flood warning
preparing to go to court in an
attempt to pry additional funding
A S31,5W provincial grant will
from the provincial health
be used by the Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority to im-
She reported that at a meeting
prove the flood warning system
Sept. 12, at which the board
for the 2,989 sq. km. (1,154 sq.
approved taking legal action,
mi.) area under its jurisdiction.
Hospital Administrator Norman
In announcing approval of the
Hayes had assured members it
grant, Natural Resources Minis -
would not be necessary to close
ter James Auld said that the pro -
beds for several months.
posed improvements to the
However, at the regular meeting
system will not only more effec-
one week later the board was told
tively service the flood warning
it was necessary to close beds
needs of the watershed residents,
and lay off staff immediately.
but will also facilitate future
The hospital reported an
management of the water re -
estimated operating deficit of
sources within the Maitland
$0,628 as of the end of August as
a result of the board's decision
EctiuMted total cat of the pro -
earlier in the year not to cut beds
jest which wW be undertaken
and lay off staff.
over a five year period Is tj70,000.
Christmas decorations, quilt bat-
ting, pieces of ribbon, lace and
Baptist Church expanding nfelt, old candles, styrofoam, fab- Oppositionpromised to bylaw
rics, spice jars, baby food jars,
The Wingham Baptist Church seeing the construction, which is styrofoam and tin dishes, tin cans
has begun work on an expansion being undertaken by members of with plastic lids, bottle caps,
program which, when completed, the congregation on a volunteer empty tubes from paper towels, rezoning Cruickshank Park.
will more than double its present basis. He said they expect to have etc.
floor area. the walls up and the roof on Several new volunteers are The next stop a�ppears certain zone change. They, as well as any should realize the. opposition
A new addition being con- before the snow flies. now helping with the pre- to be an Ontario Municipal Board other interested persons or
strutted at the west side of the He also expressed his pleasure schoolers at the Silver Circle among townspeople fo the
P P hearing for the proposal to groups, have 21 days in which to and recommended
103 -year-old church will hold at the growth in the size of the Nursery. The executive is grate- � file an objection with the town proposal i thea'
Sunda School rooms a pastor's congregation which has made the ful to these interested le for construct senior citizens housing jeo drop it and look :., . .... for
Sunday omop in a portion of Cruickshank Park. clerk. The bylaw, together with suitable land before more time
study, library and washrooms as addition necessary. The old their help. Dori its meeting Monde any objections, is then forwarded
well as an annex to accept church was b' enough for 103 Plans are being made for an During g y and money are wasted.
P hg > F g
overflow from the main sant- years, but now is too small to hold open meeting to be held on Octo- night Wingham council passed to the OMB, which will schedule a Hardly a day goes by without
tuathe bylaw rezoning a section of 'hearing on the objections. someone dropping in at his shop
store The addition will be two everyone, he noted. The addition Un e C urc . T at Wingham the park for the housing, however The rezoning bylaw had earlier to voice opposition to the plan, he
stories high and finished in will accommodate 100 more United Church. The association several merchants who attended cleared the town planning board
Angelstone to fit in with the adults at services, but he said he needs new members, and anyone which in a close vote, retain said.
existing building. expects the church eventuallyinterested in the work it does is the meeting promised they will Mr. McGee pointed out that if
continue their objections to force mended to council it bepassed. the plan goes through it would
Pastor Ross Smith is over- will need even more room. invited to attend. an OMB hearing. The objectors, including Bob
j Crawford, Fred McGee and John dace a residential complex right
The merchants object to in the middle of a commercial
placing a residential develop- Malick, all of whom operate area and said he doesn't think the
ment in the middle of a com- businesses in the area right two •uses are compatible.
mercial area. They feel the park around Cruickshank Park, "If it goes to the OMB I don't
should either be left as a park or showed up at the meeting after think it will go through."
developed commercially and also the bylaw had been passed, but He noted that virbually all the
suggested the main street is too council agreed to hear them• surrounding businesses involve
noisy for an apartment complex. Mr. Crawford declared all the use of machinery and predicted
Council, on the other hand, business people on the main this would lead to noise com-
continues to favor the park as a street oppose putting the apart- plaints. He would be right in the
site for seniors' housing and ments in the park -and showed middle and he foresees problems
although it realized the rezoning council a letter of opposition ..,;,,,
is certain to draw objections written back in February by the said, commenting that perhaps
decided to push it through and Wingham Business Association. he should sell his lot for senior
see what happens. A delegation from the association citizens' housing and move
The bylaw must now be cir- was supposed to come to council elsewhere
culated to all property owners at that time, but never appeared. He emphasized he is in favor of
within 400 feet of the proposed He added that councillors having the housing, but doesn't
think it needs to be right down-
Fe The only reason it's a good
ive treated location is because it's near
people downtown and the town owns the
land so it can give the housing
in Wroxeter mishap
ministry ad�� �nki�a
be an insurmountable difficulty
Five persons were taken to injuries to two persons. to put the apartments a couplg of
Wingham and District Hospital Douglas Moore of RR 2, blocks off the main street.
for treatment -of minor injuries Teeswater, was travelling down Mr. Malick agreed there would
following a collision between two a private drive at the ballpark in be a noise problem for apartment
cars in Wroxeter Sunday night. a heavy fog when he ran off the residents living on the main
Provincial police at the road and hit a Hydro pole, police street, which is a provincial high-
Wingham detachment report that report. He and a passenger, way. He said he had talked with
a vehicle driver by Robert Peel Tammy Mason of Listowel, were some seniors and they expressed
of RR 1, Bluevale, was parked taken to Wingham hospital for reservations about living on main
along Howick Street and then treatment. Mr. Moore was street with trucks going by and
backed across the roadway into treated and discharged while stopping late at night or early in
the path of another vehicle being Miss Mason was admitted. the morning.
driven by George Dunkin of RR 4, James Houston of Wroxeter Mayor William Walden noted
Goderich. and a passenger in his pickup the objections, but said council
Both drivers were injured as truck were treated at hospital for has its own ideas and wants to go
were three passengers in the minor injuries following a single to the end and see what happens.
Dunkin vehicle: Larry Daer, vehicle accident along Highway It's now up to the OMB. he said.
Gerald Gaynor and Kenneth 88 three miles east of Wingham. Council has agreed to sell a
Reid, all of Goderich. Police report the truck ran off the portion of the park amounting to
The accident occurred at about road and into the ditch; hitting about % of an acre to Ontario
CHURCH GROWING—The Wingham Baptist Church has begun wont on an expansion 11:15 p.m. Sunday. some shrubs. The accident took Housing for slightly over 04,000.
which will more than double the space available. The new addition will house Sunday Another accident in Wroxeter place at 6:45 p.m. Sept. 26. Also it is to be used for construction of
School rooms, accommodate overflow from the existing sanctuary and hold a pastor's during the early hours of injured was Mrs. Kathleen a 19 -unit, subsidized rental,
study, library room and washrooms. Saturday morning caused minor Cassidy of Wingham, seniors' apartment complex.
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