The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-09-26, Page 13FOR A GOOD
your hook
by calling
The W6sgham Advas)ee-Tb as. Sgtn*w 30. 3!'111—lisps M
Debate on childhood
difficulties Is draw
11MZRAVE — Everyone loves modern Wat"er•- ftmkft for
a good debate. That was proved the yot" people of of "ars so,
again * a large crowd attended Airs. Lsshe Bolt and MW CM
the recentBolgrave Institute Logan n told of the any �-
meeting to hear the debate, chafer and old time is -
"Resolved that today's young conveniences that played a
people have a more difficult dominant role in their up -
childhood and adolescence than bringing -
did the young people of 50 yea To everyone's approval the de -
ago," bate was declared a draw by
Representing the affirmative judges Mrs. Kent Wbeeiar
side, Donelda Lamont and Janice and Airs. Jobe Roberts.
Coulter stressed the psychologi- Motto for the medics was "In -
cal disadvantages of constant ternational Year of the Child:
decision-making tha confronts What Does It Mesa to Us?" Pro-
gram convener Mrs. Glean CoW-
tes spoke briefly on the aims of
IYC and the need for all to take
time for children. Take the time
New Books]"I
to teach Yam' children the skins
your mother taught you.
in the Libra Doreen Mali and Janet Bishop
of the Wingham Care forthe
I'A -011L J v „ � interest-
showed an nter fist-
ing slide presentation on the pro -
THE DROWNING SEASON By grams offered for homebound
Alice Hoffman senior citizens. They stressed the
This is a novel of extraordinary need for volunteer help,
k'` x depth and maturity, a sym- especially volunteer drivers.
TOGETHER <; pathetic portrait of two women Anyone who can help is asked to
named Esther. The grand- contact the centre.
O SERVE motger, called Esther the White, Mrs. Leonard James con -
bas chosen to live cut off from the ducted the business mem.
dangers and joys of normal Mrs. Norman Coulter, and Mrs.
3 ��t human ... , .. en ... Her grand- James will be delegates to the
daughter, Esther the Black, has fall rally on October 1. A donation
WtNGHAM KINETT ES—Members of the Wingham KInette just turned 18 and is exploring was sent to the Muscular Dis-
Club for 1979-80 Include (back) Anne Wylie, vice president president; and Ann Crawford, secretary. The Kinettles are her first chance to flee from her trophy Association. The fall
Betty Verburg, registrar; Evonne Carter, past president; planning another busy year. One of their first activities was hated and hating grandmother OMAF program, "Indoor Gar -
Anna Gibbons, a new Kinette; (front) Joe-anne Eames, the canvass for the arthritis and rheumatism society this and from the strange world of the de ning" was announced.
treasurer; Trudy Hill, vice president; Susan Coghlin, week. compound. Lunch was served by the com-
THE TEMPTATION OF mittee of Mrs. Ivan Wightman
! ADAM by Helmut Gruber and Mrs. Ross Taylor.
Adam is Professor Adam
Buy your home, life, boat, and auto Molnar, wise, worldly, witty and
insurance from a friend Special week focuses on fifty. A cultivated man, he loves R W BELL
good food, good wine and the
various luxuries of the good life.
His temptation is finding an OPTOMETRIST
The Co -Operators Telfid ihorypawith more money GOD�CHroe oPub1*1c
health nurse than he has ever seen before. He The Square 524-7661
your credit union sponsored
keeps the money and so sets in
� motion a deadly game; a game
insurance Company cians. The can work in hos itals and without rules with his survival as -
By Joanne Buchanan confusion could exist because the Y P N13EAVERI
September 24 to 29 has been de- PHNs don't wear uniforms). In a pamphlet put out by the doctors' offices too and pass on the only prize.
clared Public Health Nurses' "During Public Health Nurses' Ontario Nurses' Association, the observations and recommenda- STALKING by Tom Selligson
Co-operation among CO -Ops.
Week in the province of Ontario Week, we will try to get it across Public health nurse is defined as tions to their team back at the • At 35 Frank Markham is the
and Huron County's public health to people one more time what we a person with two strong legs and local Health Unit (their head- youngest and most successful.
Located in the nurses are busy trying to pro- do," says Huron County PHN a large purse who visits schools, quarters) about the need to district attorney in New York
Credit Union Building. mote it. Madelaine Roske. people with problems, old folks follow up on a patient if that history. The combination of his
8 Alfred St., [corner of Many people don't really know Most people know at least one and new babies, listens a lot and patient needs services in the macho good looks, vitality,
what a public health nurse is. aspect of public health nursing: has a great sense of humor. home. ambition and legal brilliance
Josephine St.] Winghom, Ont. Some people have the notion that They may know that the nurses The Pamphlet, which will be Most of the work of a PHN makes him an ideal candidate for
the public health nurse is only a go into the schools to test pre- distributed throughout the county comes from referrals from other Congress or the governorship.
�. nurse for the r OEhers have sctoolers, but the ma not know during Public Health Nurses' agencies or relatives of an older His future seems assured. When
Nbifth"Huron Credit' iitf'Cbto�@i'dfOf S P°O ' e y Week states: A PHN is also person for families with health he was 13 his father committed
even expressed some concern that these nurses also make
Union 357-3311 357-3739 about the, public health nurse home visits, teach pre -natal able to assess, advise and recom- problems. A caseload (each suicide. Now,. without warning,
being a "real" nurse at all (this courses, counsel and act as clivi- mend many options for many nurse handles anywhere from 20 he learns from a stranger the _
problems. to 60 "cases") may consist of a 'cruel truth about his father's
"She teaches pre- and post- selection of people of all ages death., Flinging aside job and
natal care, mental health and each with a unique problem. As political future he sets a path of
-_ - child health, and deals with such university-trained registered obsessive revenge.
' things as family budgets, birth nurses, PHNs have the knowl- For Children Beaver Lumber Co. ltd. is
e 1 I1141iQ 15.116 ou , 1 'Tq4 control, and how to get along with edge and experience to deal with GUMDROP GETS HIS WINGS Pleased to announce the
• ' • other people. a wide range of problems that by Val Biro appointment of Glen McNabb
"And more than likely she will may not be serious enough to put CATASTROPHE CAT AT THE as Home Salesman for the
- get her ear, stuck in an out -of- a person in hospital but are of ZOO by Dennis Panek Grey and Bruce area.
toevwn snowdrift at least once great concern to families and Mr. McNabb brings to this
er winter." individuals. position extensive experience
NOW You can reach a of Ontario A PHN wears many hats. As a Prevention of illness is perhaps in all phases of home con-
_ • • • • home visitor she can counsel a the major role 'played b the Gideon honor struction. Glen looks forward
u ' with your special classified ads P Y Y Mrs Kilpatrickto assisting his old friends and
family which may be heading for public health nurse, although this 9
trouble, whether it has to do with part of the work goes largely un- . many new ones ta' satisfy
- money, diet, sex, drugs or illness. noticed. their housing needs.
OR you may choose one section As a school nurse, one PHN The Ontario Nurses' Associa- At the Ladies' Auxiliary Anyone interested in seeing
may be responsible for two or tion feels that public health meeting of the Wingham Gideon how a Beaver Home or Lott-'
three elementary schools and nurses, also known as com- Camp, which was held at the age can improve your IN* -
of Ontario to fill your needs• may possibly be "on call" for a munity health nurses in some home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin style should contact Glen at
high school in her district. Her areas, will play a much greater Mundell, Gorrie, on September 126 5th Avenin Edit
role within the educational set- role in community health in the 18, Mrs. Anne Kilpatrick of Owen Sound - 1-116.1143
Red lake ting is a busy and varied one. 1980s. Wingham was presented with an
She counsels students about It is important for the public to honorary life membership in the �,�EAVER
their stress-related problems become aware of the services Gideon Ladies' Auxiliary by the
such as neck pain, lack of sleep offered by public health nurses, president, Mrs. Raymond Neill. 405 Josephine Strst East
and feeling uptight. She may be services that are paid for by their Mrs. Kilpatrick was also Wingham
called in to diagnose measles, taxes. Public Health Nurses' thanked for her 20 years of
a+e mumps and other communicable Week has therefore been laun- service to the Auxiliary. Telephone 357-4581
diseases. She may be asked to do ched as a public relations pro -
some health teaching or simply gram to bring public health
act as a resource person. She or- nursing to the public's attention. WARD & U PT I G RO V E.
Thunder Bay ganizes immunization clinics in So remember, although the
NORTH the schools as well as clinics for PHN does not wear a uniform, Listowel
vision, hearing, pre-school she is indeed a "real" nurse and (519) 291-3040
assessments and even scoliosis she provides a very real service
BLANKET oNraR10 w.+ti `- ��: •�` " the --� =" physical== �b CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS
---------- - \ JAlthough home ,visiting and the mental andV well-
YOUR CLASSIFIED ADManeSchool nursing comprise a major being of all.
Saun Ste part of the PHN's job, there are
A 25 word ad for: - _,, � — additional functions for which
t ', ,, she is responsible.
-A There
--���- Ouawa There are free family planning
0 West $75.00 0 East $50.00 �, clinics utilized by both married
a 1 �� and single persons. There is an
• North $2S 00 EAST obstetrical visiting program
�Ul / which requires the PHN to visit
M ♦ � �-- the maternity floor of the hospital
$100. buys the province 1 �. ' and speak with mothers of LAKELET STiTCHEROOSThreading a needle with a
WEST •^ ^ntn newborn babies (a district nurse piece of paper, plus the Lobelin
Additional words $2.00 each Ham non is available to visit once the
mother and baby have arrived and continental stitches, were
`°n° home from hospital). some of the things the girsl
There are prenatal classes
learned at their second meeting
•---� s'
which cover nutrition, dental at the home of Mary Beth
health during pregnancy, the
labor and delivery processes, The girls chose their club name
Through a special arrangement between the Ontario Weekly bodily and mental changes and each member was given a
during pregnancy, care of gthe sheet of graph paper on which to
newborn in hospital and at home draw her design for the canvas.
Newspapers Association we offer an Ontario -wide classified .R � P
.� and feeding and parenting
advertising service. \ methods. SNAPPY NAPPY NEEDLE
/ \ As an advisor the PHN can tell POINTERS
1 mothers what "needles" their FORDWICH—The leaders of
children need and when and this club are Mrs. Joyce Lockie
where to get them. Information
�~ and Mrs. Grace Sanderson.
• yy� on immunization required by President is Bev McCann; vice
�� �� P.�� resident, lienee Stur Pon;
Q1 3S7=2320
adults for travelling can also be P tT-
` received from the PHN. secretary, Donna Harding; press
"~ ! A PHN works pretty much nn reporter, Laurie Schneider.
her own, although a lot of her The girls discussed the quality
ie'' work is done in concert with other of different canvas and yarn and
1he� A&am*'=Vn%s "'' community services like Home felt the texture of each. They
Care, Meals on Wheels and were shown bow to do the Gobedin
Family and Children's Stervirm. and continental stitcher.