The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-09-19, Page 15Workshop will look at
-;:• nw FbWbm Adreaoe-Times, 8spwmbsr 0. WN—ftV N
alcohol-dru abuse
A oomrnta.e concerned with Mr. Ellison, who has been available from the AA, Al�Anoa The Howick Grapevine
ale" shad *ug abuse in Hwm involved in the treatment of and Ala -Teen organizations. (AA
ComtY b planning a wor#dwp alcohol and drug related works with the alcoholics Seven students, under the in Mrs. Parson's grads sob
next week to discuss ways of problems for 10 years as a themselves while Al -Anon is for direction of Mr. Fisher, are is class they wrote creative starts
handling the problems. psychiatric nursing assistant,, spouses and Ala -Teen is for charge of gathering and putting about soawthing that was black
The workabop will run from 9 speaks about alcoholism from children of alcoholics, to help Grapevine
ether materialeach for the Howick
week. Their � 'sem and was Here b u� am
a.m. to 3:30 m. at the Can- %' ` Devine lady porch• story that
P• experience: be was: an alcoholic them cope with the problems s � ,
dleligilt Restaurant and Tavern, who first became aware of the created in their own lives.) names are Shirley Boonstra, one of the pupils did.
Coder'ich, and both professionals problem at age 29. He said a workshop held seven Marsha Tersteege, Llsa Bustler, THE WRONG
and the general public are in. There will always be alcoholics years ago recommended forming LeaAnne Wright, Greg Hotton, COLORED RKUNK
vit4d. It is planned that this as long as there are people and such a committee, but it took Wendy Groom and
workabop will lead up to a booze, he predicted. But while until recentlyto get it o The neider. Peggy �►- When the lady pert door
number of future at maybe you can't prevent going. Hopefully you will enjoy thought she had a deck and
APs Y Y P committee now has about 20 the items. white animal under bet bat*
the community level in the larger alcoholism you can prevent the members including lay People y, : porch, time was real euiteatent
centres around the county. disease from continuing on a long and police, doctors and other" in the neighborhood. All over the
Grant Ellison, chairman of the term basis and crew ,
BMW Canty Council for Action for the alcoholic creating
those professionals. � � � � bentoar
on Alcohol and Other Drugs, said around him or her. It is now in the process of SPORTS CLUB
houses. The small children were
again this year Mr.
the sessions are % icy - F" has chosen a
designed to He said the three Facets of the deciding .what programs are yy n cwt home from school and day -
make the public aware of the attack on alcohol or drug abuse needed in the county. It might be club to Livermoreor him with man � care centres near. Old ladles
drinking problem which exists, are education, identification of necessa. , to come up with a P Y the were running down the street
particularly among teenagers, in problems and prevention. People unique manner of treatment to OPEN ING CEREMONI E"aek Higgins acted as chairman for the opening ceremonies spotting activities throughout the with grocery per, p all
the county. with the problem or their friends operate in a rural area with school year. The following will be directions men were running in
+ Re6wt studies have shown and relatives are often unaware small, urban centres, he noted, at the school fair. Platform guests o Elston, Simon Hiott, chairman
Murray Gaunt and Jean �y�.+s members of the sport raincoats armed with hoes,
problem drinking is increasing in of the help available and the and there is still a great deal to be Sle ducatstsema each spoke words of welcome before John Elliott, chairman of the Huron board club � �. �esraker and shovels One brave
Us of southwestern Ontario committee has set out to of education, declared the fair officially open. President,. Darlene McGrath; man stepped forward and ewe -
part change done in the field of educating
at a rate faster than for the this. people about the problems vice president, Wendy Groom; fully and slowly pent down. He
province as a whole, and ap- Since the closing of the connected with alcohol or drug secretary, Julie Mulvey; tress- got on his bands and knees and
proximately 49 per cwt of the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital abuse. Wroxeter Women's Institute ane ftvnda
Dickson;Martin; asasnance, am his face w� When s red ashi
abuse of alcohol is taking place the general hospitals in the Anyone interested in fu rtherup
among YOM people aged 19 and county have been treating information is invited to contact Kevin Armstrong, David Har- tomato. All of sudden he let out a
celebrates 60th anniversary s Wayne great roar of laughter. Foouelld,
under. ' alcoholism and help is also Mr. Ellison at 524-2624. Wig:
A shady also showed that about Mann, � Tena', Chris �: him was a Shakey, tousled,.
we out of three tomes in the press, Mary Ellen Gibson, orange and brown pussy cat. He
county is affected by alcWROXETER—The 60th an- Gordon 'Kaster was master of Gibson had prepared\ The Shauna fie; money at noon, would have passed for a skunk, u
either directly or Indirectly. Seere is oohol,f g o od shopping niversary of the Wroxeter ceremonies for the program. Wes organization was formed Sep- Jane Dickson, Bonnie D'Arcey, he would have been the right
Abuse is when alcohol becomes Women's Institute was Ball, accompanied by Mrs. fiber 10, 1919, and hat con- Coral Locke, Mary Ellen Gib- color.
a problem, interfering with celebrated with a variety Kasten son; :;'..,,„ Kevin Rutian,
explained to WI members , played two trump tinted uninterrupted since that Lisa Buehler
health or any other part of a program and dance in the local solos. Mr. and Mrs. Art Gib time. Over the years the Institute Kevin Armstrong; scoring, Grade 6
person's lite, Mr. Ellison ex- _ community hall on September 12. played medley of Don M has been active in community Kevin Ruhttan; house league acti-
plained. He said alcoholism has BLUEVALE—The necessary closed her talk with words Approximately 175 attended from tunes on the piano. Mrs. Gor n projects of all kinds as well as the `Thus+ Sharon Zurbrigg, Barb NEW TEACHIEOt
been misunderstood; many task of grocery shopping was the written by Marjorie Holmes, a the Institute branches in the East Greig, Listowel, delighted the work of the Institute itself. The Templemen, Renee Sturgeon; Mr. Michael Park, a new
People picture an alcoholic as a theme of a talk given by Mrs. Eve prayer asking for judgement to Huron district, as well as former audience with her humorous domestic sciences have an im- bulletin boards, Barb Temple- teacher at Howtek Central
Skid Row bum, but figures show Payne when Mrs. Bert Garmss choose wisely and expressing members and their families. monologue, "Those In- portant part in Institute man, mon Burns, Wendy San- School, has been teaching Pri-
only about four per cent of mai her home for the meeting humble gratitude to God for Mrs. Ron McMichael, criminating Bones". Her second programs and members have burn; coming events, Barb mary grades for 8 years. He has
alcoholics fit this mold. of the Bluevale Women's In- money, be it much or little, to be president of the Wroxeterreading was "A Mother's Letter enjoyed learning to make their Templeman; announcements, taught in Brantford, Nanton
Many people don't realize the statute. "Supermarket Temp- able to buy the necessities of life. branch, welcomed :., ..: and to Her Faraway Son". own hats • to bake bread and Bonnie D'Arcey; classroom Ontario and Huron County. 96amount of suffering connected tations" was the title of her talk; Mrs. Charles Mathers, all the Institute members present pastries; gas well as the ever- equipment, Wendy Sanburn, far, he likes teaching here and he
with alcoholism, since much of and she defined the task as a president, opened the meeting by joined in singing the Institute Wilfred Brown had toes tap- popular crafts of quilting and Angela Petten: gym decorating, likes teaching Grade 2. He says
the suffering can't be Been, he complex game, a tug of war reading two poems. Mrs. Payne Ode. ping to several old-time dance needlepoint. To belong to the Julie Mulvey, Shauna Dane, that Grade 2 students are at
said, and he thinks people between our will ppm and the and her partner, Mrs. Jack numbers which he played on his Women's Institute organization Renee Sturgeon; score board up easier than Grade 8 students. He
supermarket's expertise". Nicholson who are conveners of to date Sharon gurus moved pack sere because the
violin. Mrs. McMichael was at
without the problem are in a Pa'm xPa' is both a privilege and a pleasure ��
position to help people with the Mrs. Payne spoke of the many the Family and Consumer Af- Mrs C Grainger the piano. Janice, Karen, Judith and long and lasting friendships events, Darlene McGrath; likes it here and he likes to see
illness through their awareness encouragements the shopper fairs committee, were in charge _ C. 9 and Rhonda McMichael step- are the result of learning and Brenda, Wendy Groom. the trees. His bobbies are playing
Of it.
encounters for spending money. of the program. The roll call, `a Conducts worship danced to "St. Anne's Reel". sharing the work of the group. Again the �� club will be � guitar, banjo, fiddle, auto
"Number one is bringing Aisles are arranged to encourage tip on beating the high cost of P Peter Dekker, ever popular ice cream as a m and dulcimer. He also an -
P P At the conclusion of the �� money harp
people to the awareness that the a flow of traffic through the living', was answered by 13 for Gorrie unit soloist from Listowel, sang program, the anniversary cake ring activity to purchase arm joys crass country skiing, sewing
problem exists. It's reality that entire store, thus exposing members and three visitors. several numbers during the was cut by Mrs. Anne Wylie and bars, trophies, and some school and motor cycling. He lives in.
Grade 5 students are into dope shoppers to more goods. Carts Mrs. Nicholson read a poem, GORRIE—Unit Two members program. Paul Elgie, local Mrs. Margaret Adams, the two equipment during the school Seaforth. I hope Mr. Park knows
and booze, whether we like it or have flip -seats for the toddler "Saints and Sinners", and gave of the United Church Women met teacher and talented pianist, women who have been WI year- that he is welcome to our school.
not who may Ipfluence a shopper's several short humorous at the new home of their played several of his own com- members the longest. —Wendy Groom
"We don't see the problems, choice. End -aisle displays offer readings. Interest was shown in president, Mrs. Alec Taylor, on positions along with old favorites Gordon Morrell, Harriston, --Laurie Schneider
but they're there. We're getting new and high profit items and are the short course, Indoor Gar- Wednesday, September 12. like "Stardust". Janice. Me- provided music for dancing and
kids in for treatment at age 14 to negotiated for at great cost by the dening", and Mrs. Edna Mac- Mrs. CecilGrainger , was .in Michael performed a solo Ottawa lunch was served in the lower
" noting that wholesalers. Supermarkets have Tavish and Mrs. Marie deVos charge of devotions and chose u* Valley stepping routine. hall to conclude an enjoyable
18, he reported, . a, Now -
unless ;
unless they can be helped to been -charged and found guilty of volunteered to attend the two-day opening hymn followed by: Mrs. Mac Allan presented a evening and a milestone in the • VJh Q}
their problems they false advertising. workshop in Wingham. reading of Psalm 23 add"" a history of the Wroxeter Institute history of the Wroxeter Women's
can't be expected to mature into The speaker told the members Mrs. Mathers and Mrs. Carl prayer. She took as her theme, which she and Miss Mario Institute. t,pr1
responsible adults. that the secret of successful Johnston were appointed "Let There Be Light", reading 1 3 . P
He said schools and industries shopping is to go with a detailed delegates to the Huron County verses from the book of Genesis
list, don't meander up and down rally on October 1 . The Bluevale and Johns Gospel, as well as � MRS. GEORGE BROWN
don't admit _,they have the Pel �
problems because it's not a nice the aisles, spot a genuinely good Institute members will be Psalm 18 from the scriptures. • • •
subject to talk about. hay, use the store specials and visiting Huronview to entertain Mrs. Grainger summed up her Gorrie Personal Notes • ' • • e a e
dont shop when hungry. She the residents and celebrate with study by saying, "We should all • •
those having birthdays in try to make a glimmer in a dark
• November., world as many people have Mrs. Gordon Holt, RR 2, Willets, and Brian King in Mount .8F- ST UPIO —
CLASSICAL Cake and ice cream were blackouts in their lives and need Bluevale, called on Miss Jean Albert Community Centre. They 00WIT GOTO SChOtT�-
WINGHAMserved by the hostess, Mrs. W. J. help to cope with them." Sparling and Harvey Sparling also attended the weddingR1,�t,
Peacock, Mrs. Mel Craig and The worship closed with a last Sunday. Saturday in Mount Albert United
GUITAR�' Gordon Holt. g Mr. and Mrs. David Neilson Church.
BODY SHOP prayer and a hymn was sun
LESSONS The president conducted the have returned from visiting Miss .Mrs. Alvin Mundell and Miss Mr_ Park's grade 2's made a was so excited she even chose
Elizabeth Neilson of Red Deer, Louise Matthews of Fordwich
business, reading the minutes of real "dinosaur" story. Tammy hers as a pet.
Now available by well ex- SID ADAMS Familygathers the June meeting in the absence Alberta. attended the board meeting of
perienced teacher, classical
of the secretary. The treasurer's Mrs. Edward Bolander spent Maitland Presbyterial held at r
titan lessons, in the Wing- Complete opo given b Mrs. D. the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Kincardine last Monday. (`1 Pe+ D;noSaurr-Tam�1r1 � 1�
p for anniversaryreport was y y
nom area. 9 RADIATOR SERVICE Clegg and a motion was made to Nellie Dredge of Palmerston. Mrs. Ira Neill of Wingham is hen I W d S QQ in QU} � e S d
BELGRAVE — On Sunda the quarterly Mr. and Mrs. David Tem g O CIUf olnd `� t�1p't WUS he SdmeOn.e
Preparing for Royal Conser- i for Y, Pay q Y Payment to the leman, Brian and Barbara of George
n with Mr. and Mrs. �/� {- 1 ryl W F+ f @Spy a tt
votary of Music Examinations, . Autonwbiles, li ht Trucks, four generations of the family of general fund of the church. P George Brown and other friends. QS e Ore nd I f h
University of Toronto. R Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cook met at It wasdecided to cater to a 40th Wellesleyspent the weekend with y Adams visited I $ S U pPOS o b � ed u (.� a a � r'
h Form Tractors Mrs. Joe Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. rand Mrs. Duff +
the White Carnation at Holmes- wedding anniversary celebration y Colvin of rn p � yii ng I fo p h i m O S G h.O 9rH
New Rod Cores ville to celebrate their rents' in October. The Regional Rall Robert Peel, Nathan and Trevor Teeswater on Sunday. n d I of
pa eg y M PQr s c r ea me Q
I For more information and grandparents' 55th wedding was announced for October 2 in of RR 1, Bluevale, visited Sunday Mrs. Jack Le in ton Mr. and
Rodding�' � g PP g % �` r i end 1 �. TI•,C n I d k e h l (n 1 e
Call Anita Dekker anniversary which was Septem- the Wroxeter church and the at the same home. Mrs. John Leppington and Mr. r1 f e % 0 f i de
wonted }o ke i m ou S
Cleaning i Flushing her 17. general UCW meeting September Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mc- and Mrs. Gerald D'Arcey of O fl , m and T e Sc 1d a IePs CLQ
� Those attending Callum of Wingham, ac- Fordwich visited Jack Le „c lde
14 North St. 357-1102 Mrs Robert Cook, were Mr. and 26 in Gorrie church basement. A companied by Mrs. Sheldon in ton in a London hospital on �"hc1' C O n1G O n b O , ) e t5 Q0� 0.y 5
, Kathy and thank -you was received from P g P O j A r. Par k ca n J0 p T _% r L 'le n
Jennifer of Shelburne; Mr. and Robert Gibson. The unit is again Mann, visited their uncles and Sunday. v ,
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Cook, Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Henderson e, \ bCLC 1c Of' your n eC
Mrs. Wayne Hopper, Carol and taking orders for cards and gifts. Ha Cook and Ernest Cook, all of Woodstock s u u>c . ,,,,:, �-: / �� �-.. /
Heather, RR 5, Brussels; Mr. and to be ordered by September 30 for �' r� i -
Mrs. Randy McLean and Bradley : early delivery. of Gravenhurst, on Wednesday. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin -
WARD & U PT I G RO'V E of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Greg The roll call, "A Pet Peeve" in Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grainger Mundell.
Cook, Jackie and Carla, RR 1, our society or unit, was answered and David of Waterloo visited
Listowel Belgrave; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon by the members. The meeting Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
(519) 291-3040 Cook and Erie RR 1 Bel ave Grainger. The Arthritis Societyreports
!P' closed with�a hymn and a short Mr. and Mrs. Geon �
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS and Miss Susan Cardiff of Brus- prayer by the president. A George that one family in five is affected
J sels. delicious afternoon tea was Hetherington and Mrs. Stanley by arthr, tis. Arthritis research is
Mr. and Mrs. Cook were provided by Mrs. Marie Schmidt, Gallaher of Wroxeter attended designed to make life as normal
presented with a corsage and a Mrs. Edgar Dane and the the reception on Friday evening as possible for patients and their
boutonniere and emerald gifts. hostess. for their great niece, Barbara families.
You are invited to attend
The Annual Meeting of
Wed. September 26, 74
at 7:30 p.m.
at the
Huron Centro Offices
106 Huron Street, Clinton
(Corner of Huron and North street)
Dr. Barrie Evans of C.P.R.I. will report on his
current work on Infant stimulation and the
II The "wast Cen# for Children end Youth has provWkW
counselling services for hundreds of yormg'eo'le end
fewdlles, from all ever Huron County and reyeed. since
tis 1 Ileus ori Children's Mental Health Centre
In W7. The Cemtro Is #everned by a sward of Directors
elected at the Annual Maeting of the CWPOmtlem oath
LOTS TO LOOK AT—It was the first school fair for these and Interesting as they waited for the opening ceremonies
Kkxbwgarten youngsters and they found It all quite strange to end to the fun could start.
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