The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-08-15, Page 83
N i�ham \. , ....., , uu. , \ue;k,al lJ, l`Jik
Day centre participated
e` in the centennial parade
&off ' esh es acco an centennial
Saturday morning of ticipatin` and watching file
centennial weekend preparations succeasaful Dorado. 'PLe centre
were being made for the Day expressed thanks to Jahn Malick
Centre for the Homebound's for use of washrooms. Listowel
0 0 entry in the big parade. The Transport Ltd. for the truck and
acume rocessiona articles for the float were Stan Berfeltz for as well
transported to the Lloyd Doors as to Lloydyd for u Doors for use of the
parking lot where a truck from parking lot.
Listowel Transport was waiting. Any senior citizen is invited to
To the strains of "Amazing The bride was given in marriage flounce adorned the skirt which chiffon with a corsage of coral The float included a home scene, drop in at the centre for coffee
Grace", piped by the groom's by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken fell from an empire waistline. Sweetheart roses. The groom's a quilt display and a barber shop and a visit any Tuesday or
great uncle, Tom MacFarlane of Currie, RR 3, Wingham. The She carried a white lace fan with mother chose sky blue in a quartet and was built by day Thursday. The centre is located
Brussels, Joan Currie of groom is the son of - Mrs. trailing white ribbon adorned cocktail -length dress with a centre staff from articles in the Wingham Armouries.
Waterloo entered St, Andrew's Margaret Black of Lucknow. with two yellow silk daisies. She corsage of yellow Sweetheart donated by clients and staff.
Presbyterian Church to become The bride chose an ivory wore a single yellow daisy in her roses. Those riding on the float were:
the bride of David Black of chiffonown styled with off -the- hair. For travelling to Prince Ed
g Y Lillian Elliott, Lindsay TenPas,
Lucknow. Rev. Dr. Robert H. shoulder flounce with re- Bridesmaids were Julie Brown ward island, New Brunswick and Lesley TenPas, Mary Foran, Institute tours
Armstrong performed the embroidered lace trim and of Waterloo, a friend of the bride; Nova Scotia, the bride wore a Doreen Mali, Sharon Warwick,
ceremony at 6:30 on the evening flounced skirt trimmed with lace Helen Currie of London and coffee -colored polyester dress Lynne Anderson, Hilda Scherer, Wingham museum
of Saturday, July 21. Mrs. Don and satin ribbon. The gown was Elizabeth Black of Lucknow, trimmed with black around the V Edna Eckmeier, Debbie Stark
Robertson was organist and sleeveless and featured a chapel sisters of the bridal couple. They neckline, sleeves and lapels and and Anne Adair. The regular BELGRAVE — The Women's
accompanied Mrs. Mary Lee as train. A picture hat, trimmed wore yellow peasant dresses featuring a black belt.
she sang "The Wedding" before with re -embroidered lace and styled with off -the -shoulder Mr. and Mrs. Black will reside volunteer drivers provided Institute held an interesting
the ceremony; "On This Day" satin ribbon, held a veil which flounces. They also carried white in Lucknow. The bride is em- transportation for the occasion. meeting recently as they toured
during the ceremony; and "The extended down the back and she p yed by the Waterloo Count The other clients watched the the museum in Wingham.
lace fans. to Y parade from a shady spot at the
Wedding Prayer" as the register carried a bouquet of yellow and Doug Stevenson of Lucknow, a Board of Education and the town park. A lunch of sand- Following the tour, they returned
was being signed. Pipe Major white daisies. good friend of the groom, per- groom is employed by Robert to the Belgrave WI jiall for the
MacFarlane piped the bridal A close friend of the bride, formed the duties of best man. Strathern, carpenter, Lucknow, wiches, cookies, grapes, cherries business meeting. It was decided
and orange juice was provided to send donations to the
party out of the church with Sandra Lee of Wingham, served Guests were ushered by Kevin Honored guests at the wedding for both Wingham
"Mary's Wedding". as her maid of honor. She wore a Black of Lucknow, the groom's were the groom's grandparents, museum and also to the Save the
yellow daisies floor -length gown of mint green brother, Terry Taylor of P,pint Mr. -and Mrs. GordonMac-
White and Everyone enjoyed par- Children Fund. .
surrounded lighted mint green cotton with white eyelet design. Clark, a friend of the groom, and Pherson of St. Helens; and the Mrs. Ross Taylor gave an in -
candles in candelabra which The scooped neckline was styled Ben Thompson, cousin of the groom's brother, Pte. Fred teresting reading and music by a
enhanced each side of the altar. with a flounce and a single groom, of Orangeville. Tim Black, Winnipeg, Manitoba. La Leehe League group of area girls was enjoyed
Currie of Chatham, the bride's Prior to the wedding the bride by all.
nephew, was ring bearer. The was honored at several showers. names new leader The Huron County Historical
!� a groom and ring bearer wore Sandra Lee and Helen Currie Society meeting in the Bel
chocolate brown tuxedos with hosted one for friends in Mrs. Barbara Kerr of RR 5, Hall was announced for Septem-
swallowtail jackets, ascot ties, Wingham; a community -relative Brussels was introduced as a ber 5. Ross Procter is to speak on
camel colored vests and pin shower was presented at newly certified leader for this the history of the pioneer settle-
t. striped trousers. The other male Belgrave by Mrs. Evelyn area when members of La Leche ment of Bodmin.
attendants wore chocolate brown Galbraith and Mrs. Barb Taylor; vague of Huron County met at The next Institute meeting will
tuxedos with striped ties, camel the staff of Pine Grove Public the home of Mrs. W. Graham of be held on September 18 with the
.. vests and pin-striped trousers. School, Kitchener, held a Exeter on the eveningof A P
A three -tiered round wedding shower; and friends attended a August theme being on "The Year of the
'> cake, iced in yellow and adorned shower in Kitchener, presented 8' Mrs. Kerr was introduced by Child". $
Mrs. J. Bisback.
with white daisies, decorated the by Mrs. Julie Brown and Mrs. The meeting closed with finch
head table at the Wingham Janice Orford. A miscellaneous Mrs. Kerr has been a member served by Mrs. Leonard James
Legion Hall where the reception shower was hosted in Lucknow of the League for two years, and Miss Lillian Potter.
was held. Guests attended from by Mrs. Nancy Bieman, Mrs. Preparing for leadership by
Stroud, Kitchener, Waterloo, Sharon Campbell and Mrs. Doug meeting certain requirements set
Chatham, London, Vancouver, Stephenson; members of St. out by La Leche League In-
ternational. Wroxeter church
' Winnipeg, Ottawa, Orangeville, Andrew's choir and Sunday Mrs. Bisback and Mrs. Kerr co -
Toronto, Walkerton, Londesboro, School honored Joan at a shower led the discussion on "Baby has Bible School
Richmond Hill, Ajax, Kin- hosted by Mrs. Bob Campbell,
Arrives: The Family and the
i sardine, Lucknow, Point Clark, Mrs. Wilfrid Congram and Mrs. Breastfeeding Baby" with the WROXETER—Vacation Bible
At St. Helens, Wingham, Listowel, Jack Donaldson. The couple was main emphasis on methods of School was held last week in the
Brussels and Bluevale. also honored with a Jack and Jill childbirth and their effects on Wroxeter United Church Sunda
'a The bride's mother wore a V- party presented by Sandra Lee Y
neck princess dress of steel blue Terry Taylor and Kevin Black mothering. Interesting com- School room.
parisons were made as members Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Fellows
related their mothers' birthing were very capable leaders
" experience and how it may have assisted by five teachers and
affected their own feelings their helpers. There was an
° ` toward childbirth and raising average attendance of 35.
children. It was agreed that a
confident approach to labor and Parents and friends were
nursing from birth are positive Present Saturday morning for the
influences and desirable in closing exercise's and everyone
was lea
In con creating a successful mothering P sed with the response
unction with Win
gham's Family members visiting over through breastfeeding. and refreshments. Those in
centennial celebrations, Mrs. the centennial and holidayFollowing the discussion, the charge of the Bible School are
se Allan Nicholson entertained eight weekend with Mr. and Mrs. mothers shared a social time and grateful to the parents who
of her 1952 classmates at a noon James Gibbons, Alice Street, refreshments. brought their children each day.
luncheon at her home, 263 Ed -
were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gib -
ward Street, Wingham. Iia at -
bons and sons James and John,
tendance were Mary Pigg (Rae), London; Mr. and Mrs. Warren - -
Alaska; Marlene Danchuk Weber; Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. "
` (Stainton), Barrie; Marion Ross Robert Cuillerier and daughters
(Chittick), Teeswater; Mary Ruthie and Kathryn, RR 3, Ailsa
" Louise Howard (Towne), Kit- Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beck-
chener; Alice Pajunen (Hayden), berger,and family, London.
Kitchener; Sandra Shantz Mrs. William Partridge and
(Smith), Waterloo; Mary Richard and Danny Burke of
Frances Smith (Currie), Webster, New York, and Mrs.
Photo by Ward Robertson Toronto; and Betty Breckenridge. Mae Platt and Mac of Port
(Henry) of Woodstock. An en- Colborne visited with Cal and 11�
joyable time of sharing school Frank Burke and family. Mr. and PF
days and the happendings of the Mrs. Michael West, daughter
years since, will long be Nancy and granddaughterOPESt• P U I's remembered. Mrs. Nicholson is Rachel also visited with the
Church the former B arbors Merrick. Burk
John Street at Centre Street
The Rector: The Rev. John T.M. Swan; L. Th.
*The Tenth Sunday After Trinity
8:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
10:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist and Sermon
Wednesday i Friday: 10:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
Red Rose - 2W's
Schneiders Brooded - 11/2 Ib. bag
case 24 - 10 oz. cons
Highliner Flaked - 6% oz. can
MorA@1 to FrWay 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Setw*ys 7:30 •.a- to 7:00 p.m.
Minto 357-2240 CLOSED SUNDAYS We DoNnor
A LONDON CEREMONY on July 21 united In marriage
Margaret Fleet, daughter of Bruce and Marilyn Fleet, of
London and Jeffery Lockrldge, son of Bill and Edith Lock -
ridge, Wingham. They will reside In Befgrave.
BOX 18.000
The Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic
Separate School Board
Registration of New
(Kindergarten to Grade 8)
Parents who have not yet registered their child-
ren or residents new to the Huron -Perth area
may register their children at any of the follow-
ing Schools on -
Between the hours of 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
St. Joseph's School
St. Columban School
Mr. David Zyluk, Principal
Mr. Ray Contois, Principal
RRN3 Goderich (529-7646)
RRN2, Dublin ( 345-2066)
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Ecole Ste Marie
Mrs. Lillione Laporte, Princ.
Mr. Gary Birmingham, Princ.
RR#2, Zurich ( 236-4860)
RRN3, Dashwood ( 237-3337)
St. Joseph's School
Precia4s Blood School
Mr. Donald Farwell, Principal
Mr. Laurie Kraftcheck, Princ.
169 Beech St., Clinton
Saunders St., Exeter
( 482-7035) .
( 235-1691)
St. Mary's School
St. James School
Miss Betty Clark, Principal
Sister Theresa Mader, Print.
70 Bennett S4 E., Goderich
Chalk St. Seaforth ( 527-0321)
( 524-9901)
Sacred Hurt School St. Boniface School
Mrs. Mary O'Malley, Principal Mr. Goetan Blanchette, Princ.
Box 68, Cornyn St., Wingham Box 128, Zurich (M -AM)
( 357-1090)
Kindergarten children need to be 5 years of age
on or before December 31 st, 1979. tv'b'heti3re there
are suffiant student spaces, a child -who at-
tains the age of 5 years after the 3i st of Decem-
ber but prior to the 31 st of January may on the
request of the parent, be registered in Kinder-
garten for the school year.
Please bring Birth Certificate, Social Insurance
Number, if available, O.H.I.P. Number, Im-
munization Cards and any other pertinent
health records at the time of registration. .. -
Saturday, Aug. 18
Bulk, Natural Foods
- Complete Nutrition - An Affordable Alternative
75 Hamilton St., Goderich
featuring naturally grown products
Variety of flours, beans, grains, legumes, oils, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, pasta,
cheeses, goats milk, herbs, spices, herbal teas, granolas, bulk peanut butter-