The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-07-25, Page 35Y
Advance-Tinwss CiOnfsi0aL1 FidiLiOi, I"—Par 21
The Best'
Congratulations and every
good wish to Wingham and
the good people who have
continued the proud record
of their town's founders.
176 Josephine Street, Wingham
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ley, Dock fes, No
Croakwright, Reg Anderson.
y ,
Ronald Cherry and Douglas
There are a lot of dudes
firemen and the fire diisf in
particular have this the pttblie.
sh z
isn't aware of, Mr. Crothers said.
The chief must inspect schools,
hospitals, businesses, public
buildings and licensed praziJIM
for fire hazards. Firemen not
maintain the fire hall, repair the
Are trucks and do weekly running
dwcks on the trucks.
The fire department must look
after replacing firemen who quit,
must practise and train
frequently and must file reports
of fire and incidents with the fire
marshal's office within three
days of an incident.
So the firemen are
knowledgeable about firefighting
techniques the department has
regular meetings and the men
learn ways to battle a fine, safety
methods, life saving techniques
and fire prevention.
Firemen also carry with them
a big responsibility when they
are called on to save property or
lives and they also lose personal
time or time on the job.
Mr. Crothers talks to com-
mmdty groups on fire prevention
and fire safety and often makes
inspections of small fires when no
alarm 18 sounded.
One of the highlights of the
displays the firemen will have for
people in town for the centennial
celebrations is the 1957 Ford
Pum PS truck restored to its
y,.. .�:� .,, i, u ��: <•. a;.
original condition. The truck will
be in Saturday's big parade and
WINGHAM FIRE BRIGADE—Front, from left, Gordon Welwood, Harley Stuart Montgomery, Ron Beecroft, Calvin Nixon, Kevin Hickey, y
Robert Steffen, Frank Hird, Francis
will be shown off while the fire
for tours.
Gaunt, J I m Carr, Dave Crothers, chief, Raymond Merkley, Was Simmons; Hickey; back row, Richard Jacklin,
Robert Chambers, Merkley, David Soames, Bruce Henry. Missing from photo, :.ndy Foxton.
station is open
As well there are photographs
centre, Keis de Vries, Calvin Hickey, Brian Elmslie,
of the present fire department
and old photos of the department
in years past.
Wing amhashad fire
Fighting today's fires is
. _ dangerous because modern
synthetics are often extremely
flammable, can give off
of �� �r poisonous gas or can be nyince a urnplosive. When at a fire of any
�. S type firemen have oxygen tanks
life and property from flames o �;4 ►,, r►,p hnnr anri cwnri a NAME CHANGES and masks nearby.
It is 79 years since a factory P Pe y the present system in which uie arm i;�-� _ OVER THE YEARS . Aerosol spray cans are a
worker, bartender, hardware and smoke. town and the townships of Turn- lot of time preventing fires, After 11 years of service to the special hazard because of their
F>: Clark (sic), miller, cabinet The fire hall, located just north berry, East Wawanosh, Morris learning how to handle certain young town the Alert Fire explosive potential. Automobiles
maker, finisher and others west of the town hall, will be open and Howick are joint owners of situations and what to expect in Company changed its name to are dangerous when they catch
banded together to form to the public for tours at special the fire department. local factories and institutions if the Wingham Hook and Ladder fire because vaporized gasoline
Wingham's first fire department, times during centennial week. On Dave Crothers, fire chief since there is a fire. Company. Two .years later it '-.has a tremendous explosive
the Alert Fire Company. display are lanterns, ladders, 1967, says things have changed a Experience plays a key role in became the Wingham Fire power — one pint of gasoline
Since 19M scores of men have trucks and other fire fighting lot in the firefighting business fighting fires and Mr. Crothers, Company. When the townships vaporized has the explosive
leapt up from their beds, their equipment. There are also over the years. Before the Alert the Huron County fire coor- joined the town in 1950 to help buy potential of a pound of dynamite.
work, their meals and their records of the Wingham Fire Fire Company was formed in dinator in case of a large a new truck, the firefighters' Batteries can also explode in
leisure time to answer the fire Department dating back to 1900, 19M there was undoubtedly a emergency, is now in his 40th group was known as the vehicles and $3m9 is materials
. alarm to save Wingham and area through several name changes to oup in town which fought fires year oi:,servicr f4 -local fire: Wingham Voluntary Fire inside the car. couldas tr
- 'rn an informal basis. Now there department and 44stant chief Brigade. It is now called simply occupants.
are bylaws to follow, provincial Jim Carr is in his 50th year on the the Wingham Fire Department. The Wingham,Fire Depart'
and l regulations work department. There is a total of 69 past ment realizes the dangers of the
underr and
nd dangerous chea micals There are others in the fire members of the fire department job and has insisted on having
and synthetic materials to department with long service who are still living. They are good equipment to handle tough
contend with. records. Gordon Welwood has John Cruickshank, Jack Baker, situations over the years. When
Firemen in the old days were served since 1958, Wes. Simmons Harry Merkley, Ross Orvis, Les the town and the four t. _. hips
volunteers, who, for the benefit of since 1961, Harley Gaunt since Reinhart, Wilfred Gilkinson, got together to purchase the 1951
n ver the community dropped 1962, C. L. Hickey since 1964, Laverne Windsor, Jack Orvis, pumper truck, it was the first
whatever they were doing to Ernie Merkley since 1964 and Wilford Caslick, Jack Pym, time in Ontario that several
battle a blaze, but now firemen Keith Devries, 1965. Larry Hiseler, Wade Stapleton, municipalities had jointly agreed
Nels Nichols, C. Bennett, Harold to purchase a firefighting
Ross, Clarence Machan, Harvey vehicle.
An editor's business Aitchison, William Young, Since the 1950 agreement
Harold Smitts, Tom Wade, Bud between the town and the
The, following appeared in the anybody sick or going to be sick? Foxton, Roy de Grout, Dave townships the firefighting rate
March 13, 1885, edition of The Is anybody dead or going to die? Carr, Fred Templeman, Morris charged to a municipality where
Times: Is anybody born—or any accident Swanson, Don Gurney, Bruce there is a fire has risen to $100 an
"An editor's business is to give to anybody or liable to be? Is Anger, Murray Taylor, Bill hour from $10 an hour plus a
the news. A live paper must be there a public gathering? Is Tiffin, Bill Bain, Emerson dollar an hour for each fireman
full of tnews. Pleny of news anybody married or liable to be? I Hickey, Doug Foxton, Harvey at the scene. The equipment and
makes a live paper. t your
live paper Tell us about your store, your Taylor, Gord Rapson, Jack technology have improved to
will make a live town. Alive stock: anything that might Crothers Jr. and Ken Foxton. situations and in a. large
Shaw, Robert Sinnamon, Dave help today's firemen tackle tough
people will make a live paper. A rest anyone. Is there a revival
live editor and a live people will to vogue? Does the preacher Other firefighters over the emergency there are provincial
make a live country. Now, a live speak well or poor? How many years have been Norm Anger, and national agencies on which to
editor wants a live people to converted and how many ought to Clarence Duquette, Dave Pen call.
ner, Charles Kerr, Robert Deyell, Through all the changes and
furnish lively news for the live be? Tell us about your children,
paper, and help keep the editor for of course you will take the Donald Willie, Robert Hickey, despite weather conditions,
alive, that it may keep the paper and it will please them to Sid Keeble, Les Armstrong, Paul changes of personnel and having
country alive and that the people see their names in print. In fact O'Reilly, Gary Earl, Mike Willie, other jobs to think of first,
may live. We want fresh news. write often and much and the Lorne Hamilton, Brian Cronk- members of the Wingham Fire
We want all the news, from editor will have a big supply from µ'right, Robert Holmes, Fred Department have been prepared
everywhere and from everybody which to gather the cream. Learn McGee, Doug Carr, Russell to save lives and property in
and about everybody. Is anybodythis article by heart and act upon Foxton, William Payne, George Wingham and the townships of
visiting anybody, or is anybody its suggestions and we promise , Pete Bauer, Jeff Croskill, Turnberry, , Morris, East
going to visit anybody' Is you a live paper." John Green, Wright, Bradley Wawanosh and Howick.
�. -6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- • -
Cana re
are Right p
Your Alley
At Stainton's every year seems to be
busier than the one before as stocks
increase, new lines are added and more
good friends come to us for their hard-
ware needs.
The something is true of the Town of
Wingham. Despite 100 years of growth
and progress this community bustles with
ever increasing activity.
The addition t they regular civic
improvements th4 past few years have
seen great developments in leisure -
time facilities for sports and entertain-
Wingham is a great place to live and
work - and a town with a great future.
Best Wishes Wingham
Josephine St. Winghom
It strikes us that our patrons are
really something special. To you all
we send wishes for a resounding
Centennial with our thanks.
Opening in September.
Register now for fall leagues.