The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-07-18, Page 4,
A page of editorial opinion
... . .. . ....
Wednesday, July 18
Let's n kee
Clea �.
Now that it is centennial year most - as long as it is kept free of trash and mud. -
townsfolk are glad Mayor Bill Walden Insist- Certainly most of the business people are KIz J' t
ed on the renovation of Josephine Street last careful about their streetside housekeeping
year, particularly since the job was but there are a few who don't realty seem to "' "A '
completed well in advance of the Interna give a damn about how the town looks to ( y<
tional Plowing Match. The town's shopping either residents or outsiders. With all the
section now has the potential for looking new bunting and flags advertising the fact
most attractive to centennial guests. that we are celebrating our 100th anniver i >ts
But potentlail is the key word. The red nary it is only fitting that the streets be kept ,, s
tilingbetween curb an sidewalk look tidy and cl an. t
d s great � .
A �
More do-it-yourselfers
There is an old saying that necessity is were most urgently needed; the ones which
the mother of invention. It would a+
ppear that the settlers could not Provide adequately for
Inflation is the father of self-reliance. themselves. Among the first were flour mills
As the price of everything we must pay and sawmills. Hence the urigin of towns
for spiraling, we see more and more home situated by rivers which could provide not "'" •
owners trying their hands at jobs for which only drinking water for man and beast, but
professional service le have traditional-
p poop power to turn the wheels of the first mills.
ly been called in. This summer we have seen During the past half century we have
neighbors puffing up fences, nailing down come to rely very heavily on the skills and3,
new roofs, climbing ladders with paint brush tools of tradesmen, to the point where many`€':
In hand ... even doing their own plumbing. people lost all confidence in their ability to
Since there seems to be plenty of work do things for themselves. Townspeople SACRED HEART SCHOOL teachers and, school board representatives Beyersbergen, Natalie Campeau, Peter Keet, Anne Kernaghan, Juliet
left for those who make their living at these called for a serviceman whenever a job joined the school's 14 graduates for the year end banquet held recently. Cumprey, Eileen Mahe, Sharon Martin, David Montgomery, John Pools,
jobs, the trend is a healthy one. In pioneer needed to be done. Farm people quit making Graduates are: (not in order) Judy Anger, Vicki Belanger, Sophie Maria Pools, Paul Shaw and Paul Smits.
days our forefathers had to adapt them- their own butter and bread and butchering
selves to whatever needs arose. If they their own meat.
wanted to shut out the cold of winter they had There is a lot of satisfaction in mastering Editor to build their own houses and fireplaces. the skill needed to carry out our own repairs Brookhaven Events
Their women had to spin, weave and sew if and smaller building projects, fostered, Letters
O tie
the families were to be clothed. perhaps to some degree by the night classes The summer months thus far hardly keep up with the crowd
It is interesting to read the early history which have been offered at our high schools have surely been busy ones for buying crafts made by residents
of tie province and note the services which for several years past.
Thanks to teachers, school trustees, school Seeking support the residents at Brookhaven Nur- Mrs. Helen Ross, Miss Margaret
sing Home. Our Volunteers Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Margaret Carter,
,�•--., boards and inspectors from, the 2 � � g
Murray Gaunt Wingham Public School, the for Sportsfest Len Fex, Mrs. Jane Maida, Mrs. Miss Minnie Linklater, Miss
a Secondary School, the Sacred Dear Editor Erika During and Mrs. Gerrie Marion Simpson, Mrs. Florence
Could be a rip' -off Dear Sir: Heart Separate School the Kuyvenhoven, have been super- Hoppe; Miss Nora VanCamp
During the spring session of the We are actively seeking in- visi Bible stud word games and Mrs. Annie Baker.
Lower Town School, the Golden ng Y,
Ontario Legislature one of our mrested people in your c ing and crafts. Frequent visits b the Mrs. Hazel Bateman won the
� Circle School and the Business � Y
history classes visited the munity and the surrounding y, Chapel; guessing contest with a
A member of the provincial legislature Rurthe� study of the matter disclosed Y Colleges. Salvation Arm Berean Cha t>+ean
had charged that one of the big dairy food that it was not in any way Illegal to carry Parliament buildings in Toronto. In trying to get addresses of areas to come to Sportsfest 79 in United Church, Presbyterian guess of 1821 (there were 1655),
contents declarations In both terminologies. Our blind students were former gtijdwrt� used the Listowel August 10, 11 and 12 and Ch,W,*� WN-techurct "I'lle,nonites Wad received a beautiful it of
chains has used the switch -over to metric In ����• �°e � -t'-• �
a . �,_..,__ nleased to meet a real; live; .•_..�_ ,_ ,• . join in the fun -and activities. .-A Brussels Mciaia^v.^utc"s SSV n;ld2rs made and daunted by -
food pricing to jump the price of milk. He Whether or not the particular corirpany vrauc S Class rests throughout the w
says that since containers must now carr mentioned was indeed guilty of a rip-off Politician statesman in the years and classmates in W' Sportsfest consists of 16. � � immensely enjoyed. Mrs. Annie Baker. The proceeds
Y p person of MurrayGaunt MPP recreational event tournaments Fifteen residents attended the of the contest were forwarded to
metric weights and measures, such as litres remains unclear, ttuf certainly there area Huron -Bruce. The found ham worked enthusiastically try- through which we encourage fun,
instead of quarts, housewives can be easily g� many of us who would never know the Y ing to get as marled,4addresses as good sportsmanship, ichwecotea dance held in the Wingham the Ontario Heart Foundation.
their discussion with Mr..Gaunt thio. We also searched for g par Armouries to help celebrate Sen- The residents and staff thank
fooled. Thinking in quarts and not knowing difference. Miles are not too hard to convert to be quite interesting, in- P ticipation, low key competition
to kilometers, but it's something else again 4 g, the names and addresses of the for Citizens Week and all the rest- everyone who made June 23 such
how to make an accurate comparison In g g formative and educational. teachers and others involved in and hopefully ongoing in- dents were treated to a display of a successful and special day.
litres, the MPP says, It is not difficult to add when a housewife starts working in mililitres It was most rewarding indeed education. These hundreds of tercommunity competitions in` the musical talent of the East The July birthday party took
several cents to the price of the same quan- and grams. New recipes are appearing in to have a man in public service names were added to the alread the future of these developmental p Y Y P
metric and It's a safe bet that older cooks y sports. Wawanosh School choir on June lace Friday, Jul 13 with a to-
tity. take time out from his busy collected list of the Wingham �• gram put on by the St. Andrew's
will stick to the old`fefjable recipes for a long schedule to welcome our students The events offered are for all Singsongs or music a recia- Women's Missionary
Centennial Invitational Com- genn8 PP YSociety.
He demanded that the provincial auth- time to come. Of course our own experience this way. mittee who then mailed out. all ages. They include archery, tion and bingos are generally The residents enjoyed songs, a
orities investigate his charges immediately, with veteran cooks is that that they don't Thank you Mr. Gaunt. the invitations. However, we euchre, horseshoe pitching, held weekly and the June bingo skit, Gordon Wall on the violin
and when he said that the dairy company really_ rely' very heavily on measurements Ed Bro shuffleboard, soccer, T -ball, winner was Miss Margaret and delicious birthday cake. The
PAX. know we did not get the names g Y
should be obliged to mark the containers in anyway." They are more likely to use a The W. Ross Macdonald School tennis, fun run, karate, women's ,
both metric and imperial units Consumer and addresses of all involved in Curtis. Of course Juga s highlight July birthday celebrants were
Pe pinch of this and a little of something for the Visually Handicapped the Win recreational softball, swimming, was the open house June 23 with Mrs. Margaret Fralick, Mrs.
gtlam educational Sys_ softball, men's slow itch
Affairs Minister Frank Drea said that such else. They sure are hard to imitate, but when Brantford, Ontario tams and we are ho ' that P ' approximately 140 "friends and Annie Tervit, Mrs. Edith Ross,
table tennis, gymnastics and ball
double markings would contravene federal it comes to the eating, there is no way we can those who know about it will hocke relatives in attendance. Mrs. Minnie Hingston and Joseph
o ao aThe registration deadline for
law. argue their methods. spread the"word to who Y• While the Teeswater Catholic Smith.
tended or were involved in these events is July 20. If you are Ilg°men,s League served deli- Besides all the usual activities
School reunion schools in Wingham throughout interested in more information or cious squares in the dining room scheduled, the residents are look -
the years to "Come Back To in participating in Sportsfest '79 and the entertainment, also ing forward to Monday, July 30,
a Dear Sir: wool" Saturday morning Aug- in Listowel contact our local organized by the Teeswater when Fashion Express comes to
land should b a basl e The Wingham Centennial Re- ust 4th. Y CWL, enthralled the re�d&n s the nursing home and everyone
union is being held August 1-6, recreation director p com-
The school bells are ringing to mittee. Janet Bishop, and visitors in the lounge, the can do a little shopping and, of
and. as a part of it the Wingham p, Sportsfest
welcome all back. craft room was a hubbub of acti- course, everyone here is ver ex -
One of the most important contributing base price, but the land itself Is worth exact- School Reunion is being held on We are looking'
oo ' forward to a COO ator, can be contacted by vit For the first hour Mrs. cited abort viewing the upcoming
factors in the present wildly Inflated price of ly what It was 100 years ago. Farms with im- Saturday morning, August 4th, >� writing to Box 41, Listowel, or Y gay
homes is the horrendous cost of the land on proved fertility and drainage are an obvious bePPY reunion. calling291-2701. During.. Mrs. VanCaKuyvenoven and centennial parade on Saturday
from 9 to 12, in the F. E. Madill The Wingham Centennial Hoto see : Miss Nora VanCamp could Aug. 4.
which a home has been or will be erected. exception. Secondary School. pe you involved. in
City lots can run as high as 150,000 and even The high price of building sites Is creat- We are welcoming back to the School Reunion Committee Sportsfest '79. Let's make it the
former and present students, Florence Reaviie eatest et! � MRS. GEORGE BROWN �
in smaller towns. 120,000 and more is not un- ed by outright speculation - the knowledge Wingham School Reunion all an
g Y
common. on the part of the owner or developer that - Sportsfest '79 Coordinator G ort i e Persona
It is just to bad that our governments .somebody can be arm -twisted into paying a Notes
were not sufficiently farsighted In years huge price because that is the spot where he e MRS. WILLIAM SOTHERN k
gone by to establish some basic rules about and his family must live. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Henderson spent last week holidaying in
the sale of land. Obviously in times of Young families today face a bleak of Woodstock spent a couple of Eastern Ontario. They visited
inflation the cost of a home itself Is bound to future. When they have to pay today's enor- days with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Upper Canada Village, enjoyed a
Increase, because the materials required mous prices for their homes they. are mortNotes from FordwichMundell. cruise through the Thousand
have all be subject to higher costs of produc- gaging not only a very large portion of their Mrs. John Strong visited with Islands and returned home
tion: human labor, transportation fuels and future income, but minimizing the oppor- Sothern spent Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nickel at Islandshrough Prince Edward County.
equipment, etc. tunities which could otherwise lie in store for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Finley and Nicholson and family of pen Monday in Kit- their cottage at Varney.
However, the land on which the house is their children. family of Milton are holidaying at Bluevale, Weert Klaassen and chener. Rev. and Mrs. Wesley Ball of Ms. Marilyn Connell and Carol
to be built has not been processed, trans- Houses are objects made with men's their home here. Ted Klaassen Jr. entertained Friends of Fred McCann will > Thamesford spent Sunday with Ann sppeent the weekend with the
Friends of Harold Doi will be their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted be sorry to hear he is presently a their son and daughter-in-law, formei''s mother, Mrs. Sheldon
ported or improved. (We refer, of course, to hands; the land is something provided for g g Mann.
a building lot which does not require grading our use by the Creator. There is something sorry to hear he is a patient in Klaassen, to dinner at St. Agatha patient in Listowel Memorial Mr. and .Mrs. Wesley R. Ball. Mr. and Mrs. John Van de
or fill.) The land is exactly the same as, it wrong with a system which makes even Listowel Memorial Hospital. in honor of their 30th wedding p Wanda and Winona Ball visited Kemp attended services in
was when the trees were cut down and the s Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn of anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klaassen over the weekend with Janna
yin which to live a commodity almost Orillia visited last week with Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. were pleasantly surprised on Gowdy and Sandra and Barbara Second Christian Reformed
stumps removed. Natural), pace if sewage, beyond our ability to pay, particularly in a Wednesday Church, Brampton, on Sunda
.. water and electrical services have been county such as ours where Livia Mrs. Dora Ridley and Mr. and Doug Browne (Brenda Bennett) Y evening when Templeman and returned home P Y
Y and visited with Mrs. Frank
Installed, their cost must be added to the unlimited. 9 space is Mrs. Bill Haverfield. who were married Saturday in several friends from Shelburne, with their parents. Sandra
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Klaassen of St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Union, Kitchener and Raven- Templeman accompanied them Harkema.
Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gorrie. A reception followed in swood arrived at their home to home.
the Howick Community Centre. `Fish them the best on their 30th Misses Janice and Kim Pehlke
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bride of wedding anniversary. The of Monkton visited last week with
Killin th�O S e Don Mills were weekend visitors evening was spent socializing their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
ge g with Mrs. Harold Doig and with and lunch was served. Mel Taylor.N e W Books
Mr. Doig in Listowel Hospital. Miss Bev McCann returned Mrs. Murray Broa n, Kit -
We live in the great age of Imitation. We They also visited Mr. and Mrs. home Monday after spending a chener, visited one day last week in the Library
9 9 selling a ticket on the Irish sweepstakes we Bill Hawksbee in�L.istowel. week in Indiana, USA, as a 4-H with Mr. and Mrs. George
saw the first of the phenomenon in the now have a proliferation of gambling exchange Brown.
movies 20 or 30 ears ago. One studio turned Vegas Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan are ge student. SANGAV SURVIVED; THE
Y 9 schemes which make Las V as and Reno holidaying at their cottage at Mr. and Mrs. B. Winkel and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mundell
out a money maker about Catholic priests look like back room poker. It's not,so much Amberley. Mr. and Mrs. W. Norde of STORY OF THE ECUADOR
and immediately all the other producers the lotteries themselves as the fantastic '"a'` Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller at- Holland are visiting with Mr. andVOLCANO DISASTER by
Jumped on the same band wagon. You don't advertising campaigns which attempt to get` tended a family reunion at the Mrs. John Winkel and Mr. andRichard Snailham
have to go back that far. Television is full of us to put ever more gold into the some- home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Goosen Winkel and Wedding is On Aug. 12, 1976, six English -
the same mindless mimicry. And so many tning-for- nothing pot. Mrs. John Douglas, Clifford. families. men set off from their base camp
TV shows play on the impossible- girls with Pte. and Mrs. Bill Sullivan of Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong sad occasion at the foot of a snow-covered
magic powers; men with impossible mus- Regardless of what all this is doing to the Kingston spent last week with and family, accompanied by Mr. mountain in the Ecuadorian
cies. Even men and women who have been Canadian psyche, thie competition Is sure Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller and and Mrs. Bob Kelley and Brian of Andes. They were to act as the
fitted with computerized reflexes. knocking the tar out of the profits. There was Hanover, are on a motor tri to Mr and Mrs.. Carl Bondi of reconnaissance
big mono In other relatives. Miss Lori Miller p Wingham were members of what party for a
The ultimate In imitation comes, how- 9 Y this legalized gambling at first, returned to Kingston to spend a the east coast. scientific expedition and their
ever, with the lotteries. In a nation which but now it's split so many ways the future ofweek's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Seip of turned out to he a very sad first objective was to climb
only a few years ago had a law against the whole lottery boom Is hazy. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Johnson; Exeter spent the weekend with wedding party last Saturday. Mount Sangay. Within seven
_ accompanied by Mrs. Murray the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs The wedding, in which the days two of them were dead and
bride was one of Carl's cousins,
Kirkby and Tara of Listowel, Scott Clarkson. there seriously injured.
l y was delayed when one of the VV
spent Saturday in Toronto. • A PRACTICAL GUiDE TO
RECEIVES B.Sc. DEGREE LIStOWP.I man hers failed to arrive. After SMALL-SCALF,
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Sympathy of the community is some delay it was learned that
iC A Douglas Bern Miller, son of extended to Mrs. Ernie D'Arce GOATKEEPING by Billie Luigi
Y • • the missing man was one of a Croats are the ideal homestead
Published at H"inRham. Ontario. by Wenger Bros. limited Mr. and Mrs. Allan A. Miller and family in the sudden death of w'ns• bus trip Party of six who had earlier gone dolt
of RR 1, Lucknow, received her husband who ssed awa at y animals because their
Pa y up for a flight in a rented air
Bary Wenger. President Robert O Wenger, Sec •Treas his 'Bachelor of Science de- his home on Sunday evening. FORDW`lCH-Jack Sates of 555 craft. The plane took off from needs and their production are
. g gree in agriculture with hon- Mrs. Ellen Siefert spent three scaled to the capabilities and
Pen Barber Ave., Listowel, won a Buttonviile airport, north of needs of the average family. A
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations ors at the Unlvetrsity of days last week at Sauble Beach Nashville Thanksgiving weekend Toronto, and crashed in Lake couple of goats wdh't overload
• Guelph. He has accepted a with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siefert. motorcoach tour in a draw held Simcoe
Member - Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc position as assistant agricul. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Siefert of July 4 by the Howick Optimist The pilot and his five the family with work and they
tural representative with the Bramaiea spent Monday with Club won't drown the family in milk
t passengers died in the accident, either. The emphasis throughout
Subscription $14 00 per year Six months $7 50 ministry of agriculture and Mrs. Siefert. Lieutenant Governor Reg believed to have been caused by this s
1 food In Halton County at Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sothern, Chamney drew the winning ticket the failure of one engine on the pedal book is on the
Second Class Mail Registration No 0821 Return postage guaranteed Milton. Tim and Tracy and Mrs. Bill for the early bird,.draw Twin Utter. household scaled herd of from
two to slit goats;