The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-07-18, Page 11Water heater.
rents! to end
About 180 people renting
electric !slot water beaters from
the Wingham Public Utilities
Commission Will have to either
buy the units or replace them
with now water beaters. '
The PUC decided at its, July
meeting to stop renting the water
heaters, as of September 4.
Monthly rent an the 30 to 60 gallon
water beaters ranges from one
dollar to $1.75 a month, which
according to the commission is
no bargain for people who don't
use much hot water.
People who have the water
heaters will be given an op-
portunity to purchase them at a
depreciated value. They can also
decide to buy new water heaters.
For some time now the utilities
commission hasn't been renting
out new units and has been trying
to phase out the rentals. Ontario
Hydro has been encouraging
utilities to drop the rental
Some of the rental heaters in
town have been in service for up
to about 40 years and the flat
rental rate has increased to the
pout that it might take a large
family's hot water consumption
to make renting a water heater
more economical than owning
one, according to ` Carson
Snowdon, a PUC employee.
e 6
Mrs. Agnes Caskanette and visit with friends in the Western
Anne Morrison returned home provinces.
last w* after spending the past Dr. and Mrs. Alex Strong, Dr.
month n Dartmouth, Bereford, and Mrs. David Thorne and Dr.
Sackville and Halifax, Nova and Mrs. Stewart Leedham and
Scotia, with Wilfred and Sandra family attended the O.V.A.C.V.-
Caskanette. They attended the M.A. conference held at the
presentation of the Queen's Toronto Hilton Harbour Castle
Colors to the Armed Forces, also July 5 to 8. As of June 30, Dr.
a ceremony to signify the In- Thorne left the Wingham
ternational Year of .the Child, Veterinary Clinic and is opening
while Her Majesty Queen his own small Animal clinic in
Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, Port Colborne.
was in Halifax for three days. On In the absence of Rev. K. Barry What's new at
returning home they visited Don Passmore from the Wingham
and Diane Caskanette in Guelph. United Church, lay people have HU r0n V low?
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCool, been conducting Sunday morning
Minnie Street, celebrated their worship services. Jack Kopas On Saturday morning under
sr venth wedding anniversary in spoke at the July 1 service and the direction of Frank Bissett and
Toronto at the weekend, and are was ably assisted by Ian Mrs. Elsie Henderson the choir
now holidaying on a tour through- Deslauriers. On July 8, Ken Wood held its practice. At church
Quebec. conducted the service and Mrs. Sunday morning the choir sang
Mrs. Agnes Elliott returned George Underwood spoke on a "Amazing Grace" and Sunday
home Monday after a three-week stewardship theme. Mr. evening Mrs. Luther held a
Passmore was present to conduct service -at 7 o'clock.
Sunday's service and next Mrs. M. Lovett,- Mabel
Sunday, William Henderson will Killough, Max 'Wedlock, Mary
- &A be the guest speaker. Ross, Dora Buchanan; Grace
n INUINAI l Mrs. Claude Bronson, Ron and Peck went in the van to Goderich
Carolyn visited one day last week Monday morning for a shopping
:rvith ir'u. and Mrs. Rowland trip. Wednesday morning Jim
Ballagh, Catherine Street. Ron Ruddock, Mrs. Olive Straughan
has recently returned from St. and Eber Lewis went for a ride to
SID ADAMS John where he was employed by Summerhill. Six of our gen-
the New Brunswick Telephone tlemen from special care took a
Complete Company. He left Monday on a van ride to Sugar Bush at
RADIATOR SERVICE trip around the world which will. Bayfield for some soft ice cream
for take him to continental Europe, after dinner Wednesday. Taking
Russia, Greece, Africa, India, advantage of the beautiful day
Automobiles, light Trucks, Pakistan, Thailand, Hong Kong, we then took a stroll through the ---
Farm Tractors Australia and New Zealand park.
New -Rad Cores .before he again sets foot on Nelson Lear is vacationing for
RoddingCanadian soil next spring. a few days with family at Sauble
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett Beach while Mrs. Rhoda
Cleaning i Flushing spent a few days recently with McKercher tells us she enjoyed a
14 North St. 357-1102 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Steedman visit from her daughter from
and Andrew at Armstrong, Sarnia, Mrs. Ann Larsen, and her
Ontario. darling little grandaughter,
Heather. Mrs. Betty Scratch had
a good visit with her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Waters from Chardon,
ANNOUNIUM ENT Ohio, also Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Waters from Willowick Ohio.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION awards were presented at the
recent year end banquet of Sacred Heart School. Junior Absent was Mark Foxton. In rear: teacher Jim Steffler,
Athletes Shawn Kieffer and Valerie McGlynn are IIn front. Sophie Beyersbergen, Peter Keet and Suzanne Doerr.
GENERAL PROFICIENCY award winners at the Sacred Heart School graduation ban-
quet were Vicki Belanger, Natalie Campeau and Anne Kernaghan. They received cheques
from CWL President Mrs. William McKeon.
1979 and we all look forward to working with him. p y
bases backwards sometimes. We
June 26 was graduation day. for Central. That doesn't sound too appreciate the part these priests
Wins In games Grade 8 students at Sacred difficult, but I had to go on a high played in our religious training
Heart. A banquet for students, school bus to Sacred Heart and and hope what they tried to teach
for handicapped parents and staff was held in then change onto.a small bus to us will influence us all our lives.
Sacred Heart parish hall. The go to Turnberry Central. I was so We wish to thank the teachers
BELGRAVE - Keith Cart guest speaker was John Me- frightened; those high school who have taught us and joined us
Under New Ownership and Management g � �' g l
to a school family.
wright of London, son-in-law of Cauley, superintendent for the pupils looked like giants to a little in
TRI-COUNTY WELDING AND Mrs. Mae Rinn, attended the On- Huron -Perth board. He was in- five-year-old. I was sure I would we also want to thank our
tario Games for Physically troduced by Trustee Keith get lost and would never see my parents who helped us along the
FABRICATING Handicapped in Oshawa this past Montgomery. parents again. way, putting up with our many
weekend. Keith won two gold The valedictorian was Anne I guess I knew what I was moods and giving us en -
(formerly Maitland Metal and Fabricating) medals for javelin and two silver Kernaghan, whose speech is worrying about as the high school couragement when we needed it.
medals for racing. printed below. bus did forget me one day at the Even now they are probably
"SPECIALISTS IN ALUMINUM WELDING" He started the first wheelchair Proficiency awards were school but Father Mooney gave worrying, "How will they ever
Casey Verwey - Shop Manager basketball game in London and is presented by Mrs. William me a ride home to Brussels. My get along in high school'" C�-
announee their opening at 446 Josephine St„ now coach of a second team. McKeon, president of the father and mother would tell me As a group we learned to
Keith and four others from Lon- Catholic Women's League, to what a big girl I was going all support each other when help
Wingham. don go on to the Canada Games in Vickie Belanger, Natalie that way on the bus, but I didn't was needed. We are now leaving
Hours of business: Vancouver. Campeau and Anne Kernaghan. feel very big at all. this family and we will be making
w friends.
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 P.M. William Kinahan, board new
will have fond memories
Saturday9.00 to 12 noon chairman, as well as Father By the time I went into Grade 1
a.m. Dalton and Principal Mary Sacred Heart had a Kindergarten and as we travel through high
Phone 357-2222 UCW meeting O'Malley congratulated the and my sister started school and be
school we hope we will always a credit to Sacred HearI School.
graduates. Following the we were picked up at the door by
FORDWICH-Mrs. Fred banquet Father Dalton offered a car. As°time went on more
McCann hosted the July 11 the eucharistic celebration for pupils in the area went to Sacred ��re
csutdoor meeting of the evening the intentions of the graduates. Heart and we finally got a small A�CI�l�
unit of the Fordwich United their parents and teachers. The bus.
ATTENTION Church UCW graduates wish to thank the Folk When we started Grade 1 we , The Registered Nurses of the
The meeting was called to Choir and the mothers and girls thought the pupils in Grade R former Wingham !;cncral
order and 11 members and one who catered the banquet. ,'.c^c so aniportant-looking and Hospi} al enjoyed a picnic in
visitor answered the roll call. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS really knew their wav around. _Gofi,�rich Harbour Park on
The ladies are going to the There are times when a person and they had so many books' The Sunday, July 15 Friends were in
M. L. Watt would like to Fordwich village nursing home feels happy and sad at the same years pass quickly, though, and " attendance from Kincardine,
r in the near future to visit the time. This is one of those oc- before we knew it we were gT)mg Exeter. Wroxeter. Goderich.
announce that he has pur- shut-ins and cookies will be easions and I feel sure my into Grade 8, looking just as Lucknow and Wingham
served. classmates here share these grown up, or so we thought St Andrew's Presbyterian
f chased the Moir -Davidson A thank you letter was read feelings with me. The only one who never seemed Church will host special event
from the children's home in Happy because after nine to get any older was Mrs on Sundae. ,July 22. when
Funeral Chapel in Gorrie. Goderich*thanking the ladies for years of learning we have O'Malley; she was always there L' Ar a h i a n F e I I o w• s h i p
layettes. There was also a letter in the background to lend a Missionary Conference will be
from the parents of the foster completed our elementary helping hand and straighten out held in the fellowship hall from 3
Mr. Watt will continue to child the unit sponsors. The child grades and are now moving on to our difficulties, and she is a super until 5 p m Guests will be Laura
seems happy that someone is our secondary level, math teacher' Collar) and Terrell Boyes. home
operate the Brussels chapel helping, the unit was told. Sad because we are leaving School wasn't all work• we had on furlough from Israel.
p Mrs. Jim Timperely combined behind the school and teachers a lot of fun too. I can't think of More than 50 descendants of
as well as the Gorrie chapel . the worship service and the we have become so comfortable any school which had better trips John Wolfe and Elizabeth Ries
program and 'Abide by Me' was with. than we did. Imagine going to attended a family reunion at the
sung. The theme of the program The first day i went to school i Ottawa for three whole. days and home of Mr and Mrs. Alex
i was a real ioneerI I was the first staving at the Holiday inn' Those Jeffrey. near Denfield, on Sun -
the Lord of light. p g y
' Gorrie Brussels A barbecue lunch was served pupil from Brussels to attend trips to the circus, the African day Local family members
eCI outdoors following two contests. Sacred Heart School. There was Lion Safari and Tobermory were attending were Mr and Mrs.
' 335-3571 887 6336 Mrs. Carold Donaldson and Mrs. a catch, though: Sacred Heart as fun too. ,Jack Ferguson, Corrie, Mr. and
Jean Hutchison were lunch yet did not have a Kindergarten We had some great outings Mrs. Rowland Ballagh and
►• - - '- Convenors so I had to attend Turnberry with Father Nolan and he even Lavonne• Wingham.
The Wingham Advance -Times, July 18. 1979 --Page 11
Monday, August 6 - 2:00 p.m..
CATEGORIES: Junior (11 yrs. and under)
Senior (12 and up)
Address ..................... ....... ...
-Age ......................................
Phone ...................... Entry Few $2.00
!Dain entry form and fee to:
Wingham Junior Citizens
Box 993, Wingham
Wingham Centwnnial .
Enter o bed in the Bed Races to be f,eld on Monday, August 6th at 8:00
p.m. Entry fee is $5.00 per bed ... 5 people must be on one team.
4rme of Group
Junior (18 yrs. and under)
Send entry form to Mngham Junior C7f+tsens,
Box M Wingham.
Further details will be moiled to you.
SM&Y, August 5 1:00 P.M.
CATEGORIES: Junior (16 and under) Senior
ladies.......... . .........................
Men................. .............. ..
ENT"AY ucE: $".w peg c0A00
` Name .................... Acle ...........
Address .................. Phone... .. .
Mcilformie*e, to :
a ........................
Wingham Junior Citizens
Box 993, Wingham
Centennial Program,
August 11 -6th
Main Centennial Celebrations
Midway Open Everyday
Wednesday, Au4.1
Registration at Town Hall, 1-6 p.m.
Centennial 9 Hole Golf Tournament, 9 a.m.
Caravan of Quilts Display at the Legion Hall, 2-4 p.m.
and 7-9 p.m.
Beard Growing Contest Judging at the Arena, 6 p.m.
Wingham Arena Dedication, 7 p.m.
Junior Citizens Centennial Queen Competition, Arena,
7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Aug.2
Registration, Town Hall, 1-6 p.m.
Official Opening Ceremonies, Arena, 7 p.m.
Kinsmen Bavarian Garden, Diagonal Road, 5-11 p.m.
Lions Talent Contest Finals, Arena, 7:30-10 p.m. -
Centennial Doll Draw, Arena, 9 p.m.
Senior Citizens Sing Along Down Memory Lane,
Arena, 10 p.m.; King & Queen Coronation, Arena, 10
Friday, Aug.3
Registration, Town -Hall, 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Pancake Breakfast, Town Park, United Church
Women, 7:30-10 a.m.
Horticultural Society Tree Dedication, Town FSark, 2
bicycle Parade, Josephine Street, 6 p.m.
Penny Carnival, Armories, 6:30 p.m.
Kinsmen Bavarian Garden, 4 p.m. -1 a.m.
Centennial Ball, Johnny Downs Orchestra, Arena, 9
p.m. -1 a.m.
Saturday, Aug.4
Registration, Town Hall, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Pancake Breakfast, Town Park, W. Figure Skating,
7:30-10 a.m.
Back to School, F. E. Madill S.S., 9 a.m.-12 noon.
Centennial Plaque Unveiling, Town Hall, 12 noon.
Parade, 1-4 p.m.
Band Tatoo, Town Park, 4-5 p.m.
Kinsmen Beef Barbecue, Town Park, 5-7 p.m.
Kinsmen Bavarian Garden, 12 noon -1 a.m.
Fly -in, Wingham Airport, All Day.
Fly -over, Airplane Rides, Wingham Airport, All Day.
CKNX Barn Dance, Arena, 8 p.m. -1 a.m.
Centennial Car Draw, Arena, 1 a.m.
Centennial Quilt Draw, Arena, 1 a.m.
Sunday, Aug.5
an a Breakfast, Town Park, Maitland Institute,
730-10 a.m.
Morning Church Services.
Junior Citizens Water Regatta, Town Park, 1-4 p.m.
Fly in, Wingham Airport, All Day.
Fly -over, Wingham Airport, All Day.
Kinsmen Bavarian Garden, 3-6 p.m.
Nurse's Homecoming Tea, Hospital, 2-5 p.m.
Royal Canadian Legion Parade and Drumhead Ser-
vice, Town Park, 2 p.m.
Chicken Barbecue, Town Park, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Hanover Pipe Band Concert, Town Park, 4 p.m.
Combined Church Service, Town Park, 7-8 p.m.
Shirttail Parade, 10:30.11 p.m.
Dance, Crippled Duck, Arena, 11 p.m. -2 a.m.
Monday, Aug.6
Antique Car Show, Midway Park, 1 4 p.m.
Kinsmen Bavarian Garden, 1-5 p.m.
Horseshoe Pitching Contest, Midway Area, W. Sports-
men's Club, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Tug of War, Nall Hammering, Loq Sawing, Bed Race,
Soap Box Derby, Midway Area, 2-4 p.m.
Ethel Beattie was out visiting for
taught us to clean trout and make
The Huron County Housing Authority is pleased to an-
several days and Mrs. ElizabethS
Rae is away visiting with her
a rq
bush stew.
When Father up arrived
nounce the appointment of Mr. Elmer Sanderson as the new
we were impreessed with his
maintenances supervisor.
Mr. Sanderson is -a Blyth and is active in Church
Barbeques are beginning July
British accent and he seemed
24 starting with ground floor
fill the room with his warm
work and brings years of experience in the construction
north and will continue every
personality. Father Dalton is
field with him.
Mr. Sanderson will commence his new duties on July 23,
week until all the floors are
--�� M QI Ib O X
great fun and a terrific ball
la er even if he does run the
1979 and we all look forward to working with him. p y
bases backwards sometimes. We
June 26 was graduation day. for Central. That doesn't sound too appreciate the part these priests
Wins In games Grade 8 students at Sacred difficult, but I had to go on a high played in our religious training
Heart. A banquet for students, school bus to Sacred Heart and and hope what they tried to teach
for handicapped parents and staff was held in then change onto.a small bus to us will influence us all our lives.
Sacred Heart parish hall. The go to Turnberry Central. I was so We wish to thank the teachers
BELGRAVE - Keith Cart guest speaker was John Me- frightened; those high school who have taught us and joined us
Under New Ownership and Management g � �' g l
to a school family.
wright of London, son-in-law of Cauley, superintendent for the pupils looked like giants to a little in
TRI-COUNTY WELDING AND Mrs. Mae Rinn, attended the On- Huron -Perth board. He was in- five-year-old. I was sure I would we also want to thank our
tario Games for Physically troduced by Trustee Keith get lost and would never see my parents who helped us along the
FABRICATING Handicapped in Oshawa this past Montgomery. parents again. way, putting up with our many
weekend. Keith won two gold The valedictorian was Anne I guess I knew what I was moods and giving us en -
(formerly Maitland Metal and Fabricating) medals for javelin and two silver Kernaghan, whose speech is worrying about as the high school couragement when we needed it.
medals for racing. printed below. bus did forget me one day at the Even now they are probably
"SPECIALISTS IN ALUMINUM WELDING" He started the first wheelchair Proficiency awards were school but Father Mooney gave worrying, "How will they ever
Casey Verwey - Shop Manager basketball game in London and is presented by Mrs. William me a ride home to Brussels. My get along in high school'" C�-
announee their opening at 446 Josephine St„ now coach of a second team. McKeon, president of the father and mother would tell me As a group we learned to
Keith and four others from Lon- Catholic Women's League, to what a big girl I was going all support each other when help
Wingham. don go on to the Canada Games in Vickie Belanger, Natalie that way on the bus, but I didn't was needed. We are now leaving
Hours of business: Vancouver. Campeau and Anne Kernaghan. feel very big at all. this family and we will be making
w friends.
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 P.M. William Kinahan, board new
will have fond memories
Saturday9.00 to 12 noon chairman, as well as Father By the time I went into Grade 1
a.m. Dalton and Principal Mary Sacred Heart had a Kindergarten and as we travel through high
Phone 357-2222 UCW meeting O'Malley congratulated the and my sister started school and be
school we hope we will always a credit to Sacred HearI School.
graduates. Following the we were picked up at the door by
FORDWICH-Mrs. Fred banquet Father Dalton offered a car. As°time went on more
McCann hosted the July 11 the eucharistic celebration for pupils in the area went to Sacred ��re
csutdoor meeting of the evening the intentions of the graduates. Heart and we finally got a small A�CI�l�
unit of the Fordwich United their parents and teachers. The bus.
ATTENTION Church UCW graduates wish to thank the Folk When we started Grade 1 we , The Registered Nurses of the
The meeting was called to Choir and the mothers and girls thought the pupils in Grade R former Wingham !;cncral
order and 11 members and one who catered the banquet. ,'.c^c so aniportant-looking and Hospi} al enjoyed a picnic in
visitor answered the roll call. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS really knew their wav around. _Gofi,�rich Harbour Park on
The ladies are going to the There are times when a person and they had so many books' The Sunday, July 15 Friends were in
M. L. Watt would like to Fordwich village nursing home feels happy and sad at the same years pass quickly, though, and " attendance from Kincardine,
r in the near future to visit the time. This is one of those oc- before we knew it we were gT)mg Exeter. Wroxeter. Goderich.
announce that he has pur- shut-ins and cookies will be easions and I feel sure my into Grade 8, looking just as Lucknow and Wingham
served. classmates here share these grown up, or so we thought St Andrew's Presbyterian
f chased the Moir -Davidson A thank you letter was read feelings with me. The only one who never seemed Church will host special event
from the children's home in Happy because after nine to get any older was Mrs on Sundae. ,July 22. when
Funeral Chapel in Gorrie. Goderich*thanking the ladies for years of learning we have O'Malley; she was always there L' Ar a h i a n F e I I o w• s h i p
layettes. There was also a letter in the background to lend a Missionary Conference will be
from the parents of the foster completed our elementary helping hand and straighten out held in the fellowship hall from 3
Mr. Watt will continue to child the unit sponsors. The child grades and are now moving on to our difficulties, and she is a super until 5 p m Guests will be Laura
seems happy that someone is our secondary level, math teacher' Collar) and Terrell Boyes. home
operate the Brussels chapel helping, the unit was told. Sad because we are leaving School wasn't all work• we had on furlough from Israel.
p Mrs. Jim Timperely combined behind the school and teachers a lot of fun too. I can't think of More than 50 descendants of
as well as the Gorrie chapel . the worship service and the we have become so comfortable any school which had better trips John Wolfe and Elizabeth Ries
program and 'Abide by Me' was with. than we did. Imagine going to attended a family reunion at the
sung. The theme of the program The first day i went to school i Ottawa for three whole. days and home of Mr and Mrs. Alex
i was a real ioneerI I was the first staving at the Holiday inn' Those Jeffrey. near Denfield, on Sun -
the Lord of light. p g y
' Gorrie Brussels A barbecue lunch was served pupil from Brussels to attend trips to the circus, the African day Local family members
eCI outdoors following two contests. Sacred Heart School. There was Lion Safari and Tobermory were attending were Mr and Mrs.
' 335-3571 887 6336 Mrs. Carold Donaldson and Mrs. a catch, though: Sacred Heart as fun too. ,Jack Ferguson, Corrie, Mr. and
Jean Hutchison were lunch yet did not have a Kindergarten We had some great outings Mrs. Rowland Ballagh and
►• - - '- Convenors so I had to attend Turnberry with Father Nolan and he even Lavonne• Wingham.
The Wingham Advance -Times, July 18. 1979 --Page 11
Monday, August 6 - 2:00 p.m..
CATEGORIES: Junior (11 yrs. and under)
Senior (12 and up)
Address ..................... ....... ...
-Age ......................................
Phone ...................... Entry Few $2.00
!Dain entry form and fee to:
Wingham Junior Citizens
Box 993, Wingham
Wingham Centwnnial .
Enter o bed in the Bed Races to be f,eld on Monday, August 6th at 8:00
p.m. Entry fee is $5.00 per bed ... 5 people must be on one team.
4rme of Group
Junior (18 yrs. and under)
Send entry form to Mngham Junior C7f+tsens,
Box M Wingham.
Further details will be moiled to you.
SM&Y, August 5 1:00 P.M.
CATEGORIES: Junior (16 and under) Senior
ladies.......... . .........................
Men................. .............. ..
ENT"AY ucE: $".w peg c0A00
` Name .................... Acle ...........
Address .................. Phone... .. .
Mcilformie*e, to :
a ........................
Wingham Junior Citizens
Box 993, Wingham
Centennial Program,
August 11 -6th
Main Centennial Celebrations
Midway Open Everyday
Wednesday, Au4.1
Registration at Town Hall, 1-6 p.m.
Centennial 9 Hole Golf Tournament, 9 a.m.
Caravan of Quilts Display at the Legion Hall, 2-4 p.m.
and 7-9 p.m.
Beard Growing Contest Judging at the Arena, 6 p.m.
Wingham Arena Dedication, 7 p.m.
Junior Citizens Centennial Queen Competition, Arena,
7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Aug.2
Registration, Town Hall, 1-6 p.m.
Official Opening Ceremonies, Arena, 7 p.m.
Kinsmen Bavarian Garden, Diagonal Road, 5-11 p.m.
Lions Talent Contest Finals, Arena, 7:30-10 p.m. -
Centennial Doll Draw, Arena, 9 p.m.
Senior Citizens Sing Along Down Memory Lane,
Arena, 10 p.m.; King & Queen Coronation, Arena, 10
Friday, Aug.3
Registration, Town -Hall, 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Pancake Breakfast, Town Park, United Church
Women, 7:30-10 a.m.
Horticultural Society Tree Dedication, Town FSark, 2
bicycle Parade, Josephine Street, 6 p.m.
Penny Carnival, Armories, 6:30 p.m.
Kinsmen Bavarian Garden, 4 p.m. -1 a.m.
Centennial Ball, Johnny Downs Orchestra, Arena, 9
p.m. -1 a.m.
Saturday, Aug.4
Registration, Town Hall, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Pancake Breakfast, Town Park, W. Figure Skating,
7:30-10 a.m.
Back to School, F. E. Madill S.S., 9 a.m.-12 noon.
Centennial Plaque Unveiling, Town Hall, 12 noon.
Parade, 1-4 p.m.
Band Tatoo, Town Park, 4-5 p.m.
Kinsmen Beef Barbecue, Town Park, 5-7 p.m.
Kinsmen Bavarian Garden, 12 noon -1 a.m.
Fly -in, Wingham Airport, All Day.
Fly -over, Airplane Rides, Wingham Airport, All Day.
CKNX Barn Dance, Arena, 8 p.m. -1 a.m.
Centennial Car Draw, Arena, 1 a.m.
Centennial Quilt Draw, Arena, 1 a.m.
Sunday, Aug.5
an a Breakfast, Town Park, Maitland Institute,
730-10 a.m.
Morning Church Services.
Junior Citizens Water Regatta, Town Park, 1-4 p.m.
Fly in, Wingham Airport, All Day.
Fly -over, Wingham Airport, All Day.
Kinsmen Bavarian Garden, 3-6 p.m.
Nurse's Homecoming Tea, Hospital, 2-5 p.m.
Royal Canadian Legion Parade and Drumhead Ser-
vice, Town Park, 2 p.m.
Chicken Barbecue, Town Park, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Hanover Pipe Band Concert, Town Park, 4 p.m.
Combined Church Service, Town Park, 7-8 p.m.
Shirttail Parade, 10:30.11 p.m.
Dance, Crippled Duck, Arena, 11 p.m. -2 a.m.
Monday, Aug.6
Antique Car Show, Midway Park, 1 4 p.m.
Kinsmen Bavarian Garden, 1-5 p.m.
Horseshoe Pitching Contest, Midway Area, W. Sports-
men's Club, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Tug of War, Nall Hammering, Loq Sawing, Bed Race,
Soap Box Derby, Midway Area, 2-4 p.m.