The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-06-20, Page 66-1Ue
Wingham Adv aace-Times, June 20, 1979
AUTHENTIC COSTUMES from days gone by were shown
In a fashion show at the centennial luncheonof the hospital
auxiliary Monday afternoon. Mary Campbell is seen with
vouna Carolyn Elston in old costumes,.
St. Paul'sChurch
John Street of Centre Street
The Rector: The Rev. John T.M. Swan, L. Th.
8:30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
11:00 a.m.—Mattins attended by Wingham Lodge No. 286
A.F. & A.M. This Service will be broadcast over CKNX Radio
3:00 p.m.—The Sacrament of Confirmation
Officiont: The Rt. Revd, G. H. Parke -Taylor,
Bishop Suffragan of Huron
Friday, June 29th [ SS. Peter & Paul]
10:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
Revised Kindergarten policy
does God help'. They stressed
that 'faith
takes effect this September
By Wilma Oke
heard a presentation on do
pearls—to enhance every woman's loveliness.
DUBLIN—The revised policy
geography curriculum taught to
on Kindergarten admission
Grade 7 and 8 students. 7%
approved earlier by the Huron-
presentation was made by
Perth Roman Catholic Separate
teachers . from Stratford,
We will he happy to explain the subtle nuances
School Board will take effect this
Seaforth and Goderich seboob.
September, Superintendent of
It was decided that tenders will
of pearl value to you and aid you in selecting
Education Joseph McCauley
be called for installation of metal
reminded trustees June 11
siding over the bricks on the
He said the board office has
upper part of the gym at 8t.
had calls from parents wanting
Mary's School, Goderich, aNd
the fine culturedarl jewelry exactly right
PE' ] g
clarification on the starting time
also some remodelling at the
for the policy.
Mount Carmel school.
for today's fashions.
Previously a child had to be
A field day is being held June 20
five years old by Dec. 31 in order
at the. Mitchell District High
to enroll in Kindergarten in
School for athletes from the 19
September. Under the revised
schools in the Huron -Perth
policy a child may be enrolled, at
system. Trustees were invited to
the parents' request and
provided sufficient space is
The board also accepted the
available, if he or she turns five
resignation of Lillian Simpson, a
by the end of January.
part-time music teacher, ef-
In other business the board
fective Aug. 31.
;Centennial luncheon
ends auxiliary veer
... at your house?
It's time to call your
Welcome Wagon hostess.
She will bring con#mtu-
lations and gifts for the
family and the NEW
e�c�m ori
Janet Little
THE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY "Presented Norman Hayes, Wingham and District Hos- Phone 357-1963
More than 100 people, many in Mr. Hayes praised the hospital pital executive director, with a $3,730 cheque Monday. Mary Vair, auxiliary president
centennial dress, attended the auxiliary for its work for the made the cheque presentation. The money will go toward the purchase of a stretcher bed
centennial luncheon of the hospital. and a whirlpool bath for the second floor of the hospital.
Auxiliary to Wingham and A fashion show with a cen-
District Hospital Monday. tennial theme was the en- _
President Mary Vair presented meet • • inment highlight of the Rev and Mrs W es I ey Ball HOUSE PAINTING
hospital administrator Norman meeting. A total of 21 people
Hayes with a cheque for $3,730.
The money is to purchase a
whirlpool bath and a new
stretcher bed.
St. Andrew's
WMS meets
in upper room
The Women's Missionary
Society of St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Wingham,
held its monthly meeting in the
upper room June 5.
Mrs. J. Conn opened the
meeting with a poem, "Tha
followed by repeating of the
Lord's Prayer and singing of a
hymn. The scripture reading was
taken from Timothy, chapter 6,
and was read by Mrs. G. Day,
who also gave the meditation
titled "It is no sin to be rich in this
modelled outfits which ranged
from a baby's christening gown
from 1893 to a gentleman's
evening suit, two authentic bridal
gowns, widow's weeds and af-
ternoon dresses.
Doris French provided the
commentary for each costume
and Don Vair played background
The fashion show included boys
and girls wearing the candy
striping uniforms and they
assisted young children who
modelled pajamas.
The luncheon was the final
meeting of the hospital auxiliary
until September.
Wingham couple
married 40 years
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mundell,
Charles Street, Wingham, were
given farewe
A farewell was given to Rev.
and Mrs. Wesley Ball Sunday
evening at the choir night' of
Wroxeter United Church. The
Balls are leaving for a new
charge at Thamesford at the
beginning of July.
The choir started the evening
with 'Give God a Chance' and
'Lord of the Dance', followed by a
trumpet solo by Wesley Ball, Jr.,
and a piano solo by Paul Elgie.
The choir sang 'How Long Has it
Been' and 'I'll Walk With God'.
Art Gibson and his daughter
Marcia played a duet on the
piano and organ and the Riley
cictPrs sana a eminlP of hymns,
accompanied by Tharon Riley on
guitar. Another trumpet solo by
Mr. Ball was followed by a duet
by Art and Marcia during which
the offerings were received and
doxology sung.
The choir sang `This World is
11 by choir
Bert VandeKemp, chairman of
stewards, then called Mrs. Ball to
the front where he presented the
couple with an envelope. George
Nichol, steward, presented the
couple with a swag lamp and
hanging planter. The planter was
made by Dorothy McGee. Glenn
McMichael, clerk of session,
gave the Balls a framed sketch of
Wroxeter United, Church on
behalf of the congregation and
said a few words in appreciation
of the time he was the minister.
Mr. and Mrs. Ball .gave a few
words of thanks.
The choir sang 'Battle Hymn of ;
thn Pe"oihlir' anti Mr Rall ¢_ave
the blessing. The choir then
retired to the church parlors for
light refreshments and a social
Reliable Service- First Class Materials
Free Estimates
Vergo Visions
Ail A&
Harriston - Ontario
guests of their family at a sur -
world". Mrs. R. Hasting led in prise dinner held at the Wingham not my Home' and 'Down From
prayer. Golf and Curling Club on Friday, His Glory' and as the latter
Mrs. G. Wall conducted the June 8 on the occasion of 'their number finished, Mrs. Sandra STR WBERRIES
business part of the meeting. 40th wedding anniversary. Edgar, on behalf of the choir,
Mrs. R. McKay, the secretary, presented Mr. Ball, Sr., with a TO CARLO%
gave the roll call and read the Thirty-three relatives from wooden scroll inscribed with his
correspondence and minutes of name. The names of choir
Bramalea, Hamilton Cam -
the last meeting. Mrs. Wall, the !. members were inscribed in 5 'er
treasurer, then gave her report. bridge, Kitchener, Blenheim, in appreciation ,,f the leadership XV
A solo, "Behold Me Standingat Guelph, Blyth, Ripley and he pp p
Wingham attended the dinner gave them -it practice and (Cfool
the Door", was sung by Mrs. J. and social evening. services.
Ostrom, accompanied by Mrs. Paul Elgie gave another piano
Conn at the piano. Hugh and Elaine have one son, solo followed by a solo 'The
The offering was received by Robert of Wingham, and two Savior is Waiting' by Mr. Ball,
Mrs. Wall and dedicated by grandchildren, Jodi and Shari. Sr.
singing "All Things Are Thine".
Mrs. V. Young gave the topic on
China as it is and has been for
Pick Your Strawberries
AT '
a.m, to 7 p.m.
ly to Saturday
the past 150 years. After theBENMILLER
singing of another hymn the Fordwich UCW worship • STORE 11/2 MILES NORTH OF BENMILLER
meeting, closed withprayer. A THEN 1/2 MILE EAST
social hour followed.defines promise of faith
"wJ- Bring Your
FORDWICH—"Faith is the The meeting closed with a e
substance of things hoped for, the hymn and benediction by Rev. T. Own
evidence of things unseen." This Fleetham. Lunch was served bylar/SPLENDOR definition of faith and the Mrs. Doig, Mrs. Austin Stinson, Containers
rewards and promises it contains Mrs. Sam Johnston and Miss
were the topic of the June Violet Beswetherick. LISTEN TO CKNX 12:45 P.M. DAILY
meeting of the United Church
482 3901
Women as they spoke of
"Growing in Faith". They chose
one of the best known chapters of
the Bible, the lith chapter of
Paul's letter to the Hebrews, as
their scripture background.
• Quiet music opened the*ALL STAR TOUR,
meeting which was in charge of
Mrs. Madgett. Mrs. Topham
gave a reading which em ""OUR BUSINESS IS GOING
phasized that Christians lack
faith. Psalm 121 was then read
and Mrs -Jack Wilson sanI
' --
Nl s+.r Tours
Mrs. Louttit and Mrs. Madgett Visit Beautiful r
divided the worship service into
five parts: what is faith"; how l
can one have faith" : how does AflaCanada
il `
one grow in faith'; how does
faith change one's life' how
Treasured gift of the sea—lustrous, glowing
does God help'. They stressed
that 'faith
pearls—to enhance every woman's loveliness.
as small as a grain of
mustard seed' will
mountains ani'°pen many doors.
We will he happy to explain the subtle nuances
Learning what faith did for many
of pearl value to you and aid you in selecting
great people, as found in the
13 Days from $549
Bible, will helpthe Christian find
7 Days from $369
(each of two)
the fine culturedarl jewelry exactly right
PE' ] g
a stronger faith, they said, then
(each of two)
1 1 Departures -Most Sun.
for today's fashions.
onemust act upon it and exercise
it. "It grows gradually," they
6 Departures - July 16, 23,
days starting June 10.
told the group. "Be patient."
August 13, September 10, 24.
Features: 'Overnight Cruise
Features: New Brunswick,
Faith gives one a whole new
outlook on life. However, the
and Annapolis Valley
Prins,e Edward Isldnd, Nova
speakers warned the members
that one must have purpose in life
19 Days from $759
(each of two)
6 Departures - July 9, 23,
August 13, September 3, 10.
Features: New Brunswick,
Prince Edward Island, Nova
Scotia and Newfoundland
to work toward. Working toward Itineraries for the above tours are outlined in our summer tour brochure.
that purpose, God gives the You will 3Iso find a number of other tours in our brochure including New
Christian peace and un- England and Cape Cod; Williamsburg and Washington; The Pennsylvania Dutch
EWELLERS LIMITED derstanding which is better than Treat; Kentucky Bluegrass; the Agawo Canyon & Polar Bear Tour; and other
wealth. "You know you are not excellent tours.
�. alone. God loves you and your BROCHURES AVAILABLE FROM
284 MAIN ST, 26 MAIN ST. S. 203 DURHAM E. prayers will be answered in
WALKERTON God's g� •time."
EXETER SEAFORTH During the business session, ALL STAR TOURS 235-2468 527-1720 881 0122 plans wereiWfinalized for the L
strawberry supper on .June 26. •
The group will visit the nursing CAMBRIDGE 1-800-265-8620
home on Thursday, .June 21, and OR CONTACT YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT
the Midwestern Regional Centre
on September 25. A garage sale
�T— will be held later in the year.