The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-06-13, Page 7St. Andrew's
WMS meets
Vows exchanged at Teeswater
cross, each person suffers trials
A slide preMatation of in-
ter sights in Spain, Por-
appreciation of the entire group
for the int travelogue.
On May 19 at [our o'clock in the
The maid' of honor was Jags
During the signing of the
A congregational choir was led -
and 1!1°r was the
The meeting opened with a
afternoon, Mary Isabel White,
White, sister of the bride.
register, Jane White sang "The
son at the piano.
highlight of the meeting of the
poem, followed by a hymn.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Bridesmaids were Cecilia While
Lord's Prayer" and -•Jesu, Jo of
two masterful duet renditions,
Three Me, held in st. Andrew's
Scripture was read from Psalm
Norman White, RR 2, Teeswater,
of London. sister-in-law of the
Man's Desiring" She was ac -
companied by Miss Alison
Presbyterian Church. Mr. and
100 and a meditation was given.
became the bride of Terrence
hride, hbonda Butcher of
�npamed by Mrs. Syd Smith at
Mrs. Arnold Halliday and Mrs.
Mrs. Wilson Thornton guided the
Mrs. Niergarth closed the
Joseph O'Malley, son of Mr. and
�P y'
Guelph, cousin of the bride,
the organ
call to worship followed by a
member through the armchair
worship with prayer,
Mrs. Charles O'Malley of
Teresa O'Malley of London and
A reception was held at
tour, showing them colorful
Teeswater. The double ring
Patricia Devitt of Ripley, both
Teeswater Community Centre.
places which
pia they visited on a
Rev. Dr. Robert H. Armstrong
ceremony was performe4 in the
sisters of the groom. They were
The bride's mother chose a sheer
tau of the three countries last
closed the meeting with prayer
Teeswater United Church by
dressed in lilac jacquard plisse
pastel pink gown with an orchid
year. They were thanked b Mrs.
and a social time followed during
Aev. Arnold Proud.
gowns and carried bouquets of
corsage The
g groom's mother
C. Niergarth who voiced the
which lunch was served.
Amid a setting of lilacs and
lilacs and tulips.
wore an ivory and cerise
spring flowers, the bride, given in
Laura White, sister of the
flowered gown with an orchid
marriage by her father and
bride, was flower girl, wearing a
mother, looked lovely in a gown
white embossed gown and
For travelling the bride wore a
of white embroidered Belgian
carrying a basket of sweet peas,
sheer mauve and grey two-piece
sheer over taffeta with tight
l,ly-of-the-valley -and baby's
dress. After a honeymoon at the
h '
fitting bodice and full skirt. A
long veil of English tulle held
Milleroft Inn at Alton the couple
The best man was Edward
will reside in Teeswater.
in place by a wreath of fl0 ers.
O'Malley of Teeswater, brother
To complete her co stum¢¢ the
of the groom. Ushers were
Old Spice - 4.8 os.
bride wore a pearl and amethyst
pendant which belonged to her
Joseph White of London and
Thomas White of Teeswater, both•
2 3
grandmother. She carried an
brothers of the bride, and
arm of white and mauve
lilacs and bleeding heart.
Richard MacNamara of PortII
Franks, the.
Old Spice
cousin of groom.
(Stick Deodorant and After Shave)y,.
A few copies are still available
ofthe historical edition produced
by The Wingham
On June 6, Anne Catharine
Advance -Times
daughter of Mr. and
' f °
for the town's 75th anniversary in
Mrs. William Sande of RR 2,
Old Spice 6 oz.
The edition contains many old
as well as information
Teeswater, graduated from
the University of Guelph. She
received a Bachelor of Ap-
on the early development of the
plied Science degree, major -
Old SpiceIng
town, its industries and in -
stitutions and its outstanding
in Applied Human Nutri-
Z 3 9Y
tion. Anne was also selected
as a co -winner the Jean C.
It is now out of print but the
remaining copies are available at
Bradley Memorial Prize for
Wilkinson Stainless - 5's
The Advance Times office ata
being faithful in academic
6 9
cost of two dollars each.
work and thoughtful of
Amphora - U/z oz. Pouch
Brut - 200 MI.
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our good selection of
Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays - Sandays Noon to Six
;hild abuse is speaker's
ubie'ct at UCW meeting
3ELGR VE — The UCW of birds, why not save our children?
lox Um�ed Church, met on Mrs. Pride explained the helpful
esday night, June 5th in the services offered at the Goderich
urch schoolrooms ' Mrs. Centre and showed a film which
,rothy Logan opened the meet- stressed the,prevention of child
and welcomed everyone, abuse.
eluding those attending„ from - A, short business period was
lvin-Brick and the Anglican conducted by Mrs. Dorothy
3 Presbyterian Churches in Logan. Correspondence was read
lgrave. and included an invitation to
Che worship service, presented attend Workshops on leadership,
Mrs. Glenn Coultes and Mrs. committee stfvcture and pro-
irray Vincent, had as its theme gramming being held by Huron-
uffer Little Children to Come Perth Presbyterial on Monday,
to Me". The scripture reading June 18th at Camp Menesetung.
s from I Corinthians 13:1-13. Provision has been made to
ections read for the medita- entertain. the children while the
n were "Heaven's Very adults attendthe workshop (Photo by by Snyders Studio) Special Child", "What About sions.
Your Family?" and "Children A letter from Huron Perth
Learn What They Live". Special Presbyterial was read, detailing
music was provided by Mrs. the boycott on Nestle's Milk pro -
William Stevenson, who sang ducts, which they are supporting.
"There's a Friend for Little Chil- The boycott was organized be-
dren"• cause Nestle's Milk continues to
Mrs. John Roberts introduced sell powdered milk to Third
the guest speaker, Mrs. World countries, which lack safe
Catherine Pride, a social worker drinking water, and many infants
with the Goderich Family Ser- and children's deaths have been
vices. She spoke about the abuses attributed to the use of this milk.
to which children are subjected.
She told some of the history of The Country Fair will be held
child abuse, citing some of the on June 23rd at the Belgrave
cultural customs that were ac- Community Centre and the ladies
ceptable in olden times. Family decided to provide the lunch for a
Services, she said, look at all booth at Bodmin Ltd. on July
types of abuse — verbal, emo- 17th.
tional, neglect and physical. If it Lunch and a social time was
is so important to save our en- enjoyed at the close of the-meet-
vironment — water, trees, seals, Ing.
Moving -Sale
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e Don't Want To- Mone Our
So they are on sale at
raft Supplies
Macrame Hangers
Ceramic Rower Pots
Sale Continues Until June 30
306 Josephine St.
Wingham 357-2023
Mrs. Anderson is speaker
at Calvin -Brick service
BELGRAVE — Calvin -Brick
road of service; the road to the
United Church congregation held
cross, each person suffers trials
anniversary service on Sunday,
and tribulations; and the Em -
with Mrs. J. H. Anderson of Lon-
maus road, 4he happy road.
don, wife of a former minister of
A congregational choir was led -
the Belgrave charge in 1960-1W3.
by Mrs. Norman Coultes at the
She was assisted by Rev. John G.
organ and Mrs. Sydney Thomp-
son at the piano.
In her message Mrs. Anderson
Robert Stoner of Blenheim and
referred to anniversary as being
Rev. John Roberts favored with
similar to New Year's. It has two
two masterful duet renditions,
faces; you look ahead and back.
"The Holy City'" and "Watch-,
Insignificance leads to de-
man, What of the Night?" ac -
pression. The Bible is a book of
companied by Miss Alison
journeys. Each person travels
four roads: the Damascus road,
' Everyone enjoyed the social
dhe Jericho road which is the
hour at the close of the service.
Alice G. Beecroft, daughter
LAURANNE SANDERSON of Margaret and Gilbert Bee -
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. croft of RR 1, Belgrave,
Leonard Sanderson of Gorrie, graduated June 7 fromKing's
received an Honors Bachelor College, University of West -
of Science degree in animal ern Ontario, with a Bachelor
and poultry science at convo- of Arts degree with honors
cation ceremonies at the Uni, standirq in history and soci-
versity of Guelph June 8. She ology. She Is a former student
is continuing studies toward of East Wawanosh Public
her Master's degree at School and F. E. Madill
Guelph. Secondary School.
The Wingham Advauce-Times, June 18, JOW—P,11112T
Year of the Child,
Jis UCW unit topic
Mrs. Russell Bone chose as her
from the ninth and tenth AapMm
topic The international Year of
of St. Mart's Gospel sad No
the Child when she spoke at the
Wilson led in prayer. Aft. Boge
meeting of the afternoon unit of
gave an interesting readfag
the United Church Women held in
entitled "No Excl 8hmday"
the fellowship room of the church
Mrs. Lockwood presided for
on June 5.
the business. Twenty-five
Mrs. Bone said that parents
;•members were Weseeit sad 149
should always take time to listen
visits had been made, The
to what children have to say and,
manberg were reminded of the
more important, to be alert to
special CW day at Camp
what they don't say. "Not only
Menesetung on June IS and of the
the intellectual and physical
Centennial UCW pot luck supper
needs of children should be
in the Wingham church in the
provided for them, but also their
evening. The jhendehip Club pd,
ilpiritual needs," she said.
luck luncheon will be held .Tune
Mrs. Arnold Halliday and Mrs.
20. Mr. and, Mrs. Tapp will be
Shiell welcomed the ladies. Mrs.
guest speakers.
Bone opened the meeting with a
The meeting closed with all
call to worship followed by a
CepC8ting the Mizpah benedle-
hymn. Mrs. Leddy read scripture
rf 411
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