The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-05-30, Page 14W
Page 14—The Wingham Advance Times, May 30, 1979 By Murray Gaunt, MPP for Huron -Bruce
ReWin ham Lionstons een9our 6NPDs Park
Minister of Community sed the Child Welfare Act, will be year in Ontario. Liberal Leader
A tour of the massive Bruce "ental nuclear plant use, One feature the Canadian Social Services Keith Norton baa delayed until Oct. 1 to enable the Stuart Smith emphasised the
Nuclear Power Development Don White, public relations plants have is a huge, seamless announced plans for ministry of the attorney general importance of maim
(BNPD) took the place of the representative for BNPD, told concrete vacuum buil to proclamation of the eight X
ding g pieeas to complete the work necessary ray inspection service at its
May 22 Li ns Club of Wingham the Lions. The water storage is capture radioactive materials of legislation relating to children to implement a new system for present manpower strength. The
business meeting last week. considered just a temporary and water in the event of a enacted by the legislature in the such legal representation. The inspection team bas been
storage as no extremely long serious accident. The vacuum last session. These new laws section within the Day Nurseries reduced by one, with another
toured the nuclear
Lions and some their wives term storage has been developed building has 2.5 million gallons of make major changes in such Act dealing with the completion being transferred to the ministry
ear power which is considered safe and cost water to cascade over areas as child abuse, adoption, of applications and needs tests by of labour in 1976 when labour was
development, saw huge steam effective. overheated reactors to help cool standards of service and parents or guardians within the given the responsibility for non-
electrical generators driven by them. children's rights. A further day nurseries themselves will be medical radiation safety.
the heat from nuclear reactors, In the meantime Unit 0 of each Heavy water used in the statement about these changes delayed pending further study of The legislature's select
t viewed
wexxpansive carry water
aanalso nldnuclear plant has.a water storage cooling system of Candu reactors will be made by the minister -what' additional costs are in- committee on Ontario Hydro has
elsand at Bruce A an ancillary at the Bruce is produced there closer to the date of volved. recommended that the Rolphton
the ren�ors bend saw r energy x building is used to store the too. Heavy water, distilled from proclamation, which is to be June The government continues to nuclear demonstrator plant
p g ' gy growing stock of irradiated fuel Lake Huron wat,Qr at a cost of 15. be under attack by opposition remain shut down until pbesible
Pr's. bundles. about $1,000 a gallon, is used in Proclamation is being delayed parties on the subject of X-ray safetyortcom' s can be in -
The Canadian-developed
the reactors to slow down free on two sections in the acts, one in hazards following the recent vestigat'ed. The motion was
Candu (Canada deuterium Because of the low con- neutrons to speed up heat the Child Welfare Act and one in disclosure in a University of passed at a special meeting of the
uranium) nuclear reactors used centration of fissionable transfer. the Day Nurseries Act. The Toronto report that excessive committee which vas requested
at BNPD use unprocessed materials in a Candu reactor, one Heavy water differs from matter of legal representation for radiation exposure from X-rays by Liberal MPP `Julian Reed
natural uranium concentrated to of the reactors cannot explode normal water in that it has an children, covered in Section 20 of is causing 20 cases of leukemia a after a Renfrew Colmty citizens'
the point that about one per cent like a nuclear bomb, the Lions extra neutron in each hydrogen group submitted a brief
of fuel in a nuclear reactor is were told. nucleus. Canada is now the • demanding a public he into
fissionable material. Mary Lee largest Stand ash listed for f
Robertson, who directed the tour The potential for nucjlear g producer of the rare the plant's safety features.
through the development, said energy is great and with dwin- substance, which is found in Also in connection with the
that even with the low con- supplies of fossil fuels like regular water in a one to 7,OW •
trig pp province's nuclear program the
oil and natural gas, the demand ratio. os pita bed cut multi-million dollar bill for
centration of uranium in nuclear for nuclear energy is expected to
fuel, a 62-po rid fuel bundle can gy 1� RECENT ACCIDENT repairs of 36 Babcock anf Wilcox
provide enough electricity to Increase to 40 per cent of all A recent accident at BNPD Standish, Michigan, Wing- proposed cuts will affect the local Canada Ltd. boilers will probably
meet the needs of an average electrical energy needs in resulted in two workers getting ham's sister across the water, hospital. Apparently Standish's be paid by Ontario Hydro
Canadian family for 150 years. Canada by 1990. exposure to more than the yearly must be experiencing some share of the cuts amounts to only customers. The contract for
limit of radiation, though they got twinges of family feeling this 1.4 beds. these boilers, which have never
The Lions got a tour through INCREASED INTEREST the exposure in one day. month: it, too, has been orderedStandish currently has a 37 -bed actually been in service at the
the Bruce A generating station IN NUCLEAR ENERGY The men were trying to free a to cut back on hospital beds, hospital, with 30 in medical- Pickering nuclear generating
and walked among the steam Interest in nuclear energy was fuel bundle which had come The Standish Community surgical, four in obstetrics and plant, was awarded without
electrical generators in the huge stimulated by the nuclear ac- apart while in a nuclear reactor. Hospital and three hospitals in p calling tenders, partly "so the
three in pediatrics.
building which is two-thirds of a cident at the Three Mile Island Though radiation exposure ex- nearby Bay City have been or- The hospital administrator company would stay. in business
mile long. The Bruce A control nuclear plant in Harrisburg, ceeded Canadian standards, Mrs. dered to eliminate 57 surgical- there is quoted as saying he has m Canada", according to an
room is located in the middle of Pennsylvania. Many more people Robertson compared the medical beds, the Arenac County never been able to get the exact Ontario Hydro spokesman.
the building above the spent fuel are touring Ontario Hydro's radiation exposure to natural Independent reported earlier in formula under which the bed cut Hundreds of dents and bends in
bays which contain irradiated nuclear power plants than usual radiation many people are May. However they've been order was issued and so far as he the tubes leading into the boilers
nuclear fuel stored in ordinary and they. provincial utility subjected to in some parts of the given a little more time to cope knows it isn't available. He did caused the equipment to be
water. welcomese chance to explain world. with the measures, since the cuts say the state is basically returned to the company's plant
The water storage has proven how nuclear energy works and Public tours of BNPD will start won't be finalized until 1984. establishing a criterion of 1,000 In Cambridge for rebuilding.
"safe and effective" for hod' the Candu system differs again in mid June and are In the meantime a committee days of hospital care per 1,000
irradiated fuel for the past 25 from nuclear reactors in the available to groups and in- has been set up to study how the population.
years of commercial and ex- United States, Mr. White said. dividuals. a
THE BRUCE A CONTROL room, located in the middle of the four nuclear power reactors
which make up the Bruce A plant, Is shown above. The big -room full of dials, gauges,
lights and switches allow operators to monitor and control the Bruce. A nuclear reactors.
LIONS AMONG THE TURBINES—The Lions Club of Wingham and members' wives
went for a tour of the Bruce Nuclear Power Development May 22. Don White of BNPD ex-
plains the way the generator turbines In the background will work when Installed.
BRUCE A generators are below as members of the Lions Club of Wingham and their
wives look down while touring the Bruce Nuclear Power Development last week. The
group toured the nuclear power site and viewed a film explaining the Candu reactor
A MASSIVE BUILDING, the Bruce A reactor building at
BNPD, was toured by the Wingham Lions and wives last
week. BNPD public relations representative Don White,
left, and Archie Hill are shown strolling through the build-
Vance's Drug Store, Wingham
FRIDAY, JUNE it - 1-3 -P:Me
Batteries, Accessories, repairs to all makes.
/) Fair Hearing Aid Service
145 Ontario St., Box 423
HEA WO AIDS Stratford, Ont. NSA 6T3
presents a concert of
Featuring the young people of the
Institute at
at 8:00 p.m.
Brieecrest Bible Institute
Caronport, Saskatchewan
rwei wi
confi ence,,
Hie one fire
to saw volt
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\ I P185/75R13 BR78-13 $4s.00 I
_ I P195/75R14 DR/ER78-14 W.451
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\ \ I P215/75R14 GR78-14 277.751
\ P225/75R14 HR78-14 $61.65
^ P205/75R15 FR78-15s]�.60
\ I P215/75R15 GR78-15 $77.75
\ I P225/75R15 HR/JR78-15 $81.85
^ I P235/75R15 LR78-15 $91.051
\ Buy a set of Tiempo radials and drive with
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give Tiempo traction and pull rain or shine
e POLYESTER CORD... in the tire body
provides sidewall strength, flexibility...
Act now —and eliminate tire changeovers gives you a smooth ride
11 John St., Wingham 357-3712
Federal Business Development Bank ■
1036 Ontario Street, Stratford
I will attend the business management
seminar at _ -- _. _ -. -- on _-- _ _ ■
Name(,) -
Address - - -- ---- -- __ ■
------ -_ -_ -- . Postal Code _- _—
The Raglstrotlon Fee ot:30.0o per pKson Incled106 luncheon.
A MASSIVE BUILDING, the Bruce A reactor building at
BNPD, was toured by the Wingham Lions and wives last
week. BNPD public relations representative Don White,
left, and Archie Hill are shown strolling through the build-
Vance's Drug Store, Wingham
FRIDAY, JUNE it - 1-3 -P:Me
Batteries, Accessories, repairs to all makes.
/) Fair Hearing Aid Service
145 Ontario St., Box 423
HEA WO AIDS Stratford, Ont. NSA 6T3
presents a concert of
Featuring the young people of the
Institute at
at 8:00 p.m.
Brieecrest Bible Institute
Caronport, Saskatchewan
rwei wi
confi ence,,
Hie one fire
to saw volt
_ Time "Uhle
J m
_ m
ad on.
v \ each
$4\ installed
\ \ ` =3
\ I P185/75R13 BR78-13 $4s.00 I
_ I P195/75R14 DR/ER78-14 W.451
v I P205/75R14 FR78-14 $70.601
\ \ I P215/75R14 GR78-14 277.751
\ P225/75R14 HR78-14 $61.65
^ P205/75R15 FR78-15s]�.60
\ I P215/75R15 GR78-15 $77.75
\ I P225/75R15 HR/JR78-15 $81.85
^ I P235/75R15 LR78-15 $91.051
\ Buy a set of Tiempo radials and drive with
/ confidence all year. You save the cost of 2
/ ^ extra winter tires. And you say'poodbye' to
^ \ changeovers every Spring and Fall.
^ More good reasons to buy Tlempo
_money on gas, compared to bias -ply fires
` e TWO STEEL BELTS ... helps minimize
penetrations, bruising in critical tread
- area
^ e up to 13,000 BITING EDGES in the tread
give Tiempo traction and pull rain or shine
e POLYESTER CORD... in the tire body
provides sidewall strength, flexibility...
Act now —and eliminate tire changeovers gives you a smooth ride
11 John St., Wingham 357-3712
Federal Business Development Bank ■
1036 Ontario Street, Stratford
I will attend the business management
seminar at _ -- _. _ -. -- on _-- _ _ ■
Name(,) -
Address - - -- ---- -- __ ■
------ -_ -_ -- . Postal Code _- _—
The Raglstrotlon Fee ot:30.0o per pKson Incled106 luncheon.