The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-05-09, Page 6•--Mw Advance -Times, May 9, 1979
of good wishes and confetti. The -
bride was wearing a three-piece
suit of pale green check with
beige accessories and they loft by
Lakelet Women's InstpointBtVte mucor for Myrtle Svutb
Carolina, and other points in the
eastern states.
mains 4H members a°`` : N The bride is on the staff r the
ante 3 3 Eastern Ontario Children's
` Hospital and the groom is an
LAXZLXT—The members of Cancer Society. The generosity ofursurance salesman They plan to
&S 1Wfty Knotters and their canvassers and contributors is " reside in Ottawa.
m0!lters were guests of the much appreciated. Honored guests were Mrs. Ken
Women's Iatitute on May 3 when Mrs. Jacques gave an in- Beach, sister of the groom, from
the regular meeting was held at teresting report of Officers' Lyons, France, Miss Edith Elliott
the home of Mrs. Lyle Murray. Conference to which she was a and Miss Leah Currie, aunts of
The president, Mrs. Harry delegate May 1, 2 and 3. Cour- �� the bride. Guests were present
Judge, opened the meeting in the tesies were given by Mrs. Henry from Toronto, London, Chatham,
usual manner. Thirteen mem- Hohnstein and lunch was served 'j� Schomberg, Pembroke,
bets and nine gets answered by Mrs. Lloyd Forler,.assisted by re +� Lucknow, Wingham, Ajax,
the roll call by displaying a the hostess. Aylmer and Gatineau, Quebec,
handcrafted article and telling and Ottawa.
about it. Devotions for the x.. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Elliott en -
evening were conducted by Mrs• Parables dead I' '►} ; a from en-
tertained relatives of the bride
Elmer Greenley:� > from Toronto and Western On-
4-H girls modelled the a tario at their home, 33 Wilton
articles they made during the at meetingCrescent, on Saturday evening
project, "Accessories: The Final t s following the wedding.
Taiich" with Wendy Groom as
commentator. Following that, BELGRAVE The Evening _ ^`x
Marion Huth commented on the Unit of the UCW of Knox United
club exhibit, "Handbags for all Church, met at the home of Mrs. �►,,; sl '►�
Norman Cook on May 1st with a ►� r�
Occasions". t
The motto, "A busy mind is large attendance. Mrs. James -�
Coultes led in the worship with �,
never a bored one", was capably ,
dealt with by Mrs. Lloyd Jacques the theme "To Show Love by Our n ",
and pointed out a variety of ways Action The parables of the good
". ' t
of making use of spare time. Samaritan and the lame man t
being healed were read from the
During the business, Mrs. Bible. RED SHIELD APPEAL—Janet and Susan Hubbard, Kathy Hartley, Lt. Iain Trainor and
Judge, Mrs. Derril Hallman and The general meeting of the Sgt. Major Bill Henderson of the Wingham Citadel of the Salvation Army prepare to set
Mrs. Harold Wallace were UCW will be held on June 5th with out on the annual Red Shield Appeal which started last Wednesday and ends this
named voting delegates to Huron the guest speaker, Cathy Pride Wednesday evening. Money raised through the appeal is used by the Salvation Army in its
East District Annual being held from the family services in God- community service work. In addition to covering the Wingham area the canvassers go as
this week in Fordwich. The erich speaking on "The Rights of far afield as Ripley, Teeswater, Fordwich and Brussels. A number of other groups,
Summary Day for the senior the Child". Everyone in the com- including the local Junior Citizens, are lending a hand in the canvass this year.
course on needlepoint will be in munity is invited to this meeting.
Howick Community Centre on The program consisted of an
May 22 at 8 p.m. An invitation "Interview with St. Peter" with
was also extended to the fashion Mrs. Ross Anderson, Mrs. Cliff Gibson=Ellioln rites in Ottawa
show sponsored by Hawick Logan and Mrs. Laura Johnston
Junior Institute on May 16 at 8 taking part. the processional hymn, "Praise, wore navy jackets, dark grey
p.m. at Howick Central School. The meeting closed with a The marriage of June Elaine P Y
Mrs. Percy Huth reported that social half hour and lunch was Elliott and John William Murray my Soul, the King of Heaven". trousers, navy and wine striped
a iota! of ;512. was realized in the served by Mrs. John Mclntosh's Gibson took place Saturday. Miss Karen Elliott, sister of the neckties.
recent canvass for the Canadian group. April 21, at one o'clock in the bride, was maid of honor. She The bride's mother wore a
Metropolitan Bible Church, wore an A-line Qiana jersey gown forts gown of Caress fabric,
Ottawa. in pale blue with navy trim and V styled on Grecian lines, in a dusty
tm+tt�Mtlttfnfttfnthtmhtt neckline. She carried a nosegay rose color with corsage of deep
The bride is the daughter of of carnations, lily of the valley, rose and lily of the valley. She
�- AYTON LODGE Mr. and Mrs. Eric Elliott of navy buttons and navy and white wore athree-strand pearl collar
Ottawa and granddaughter of the streamers. with matching earrings. The
late Mr: and Mrs. David Currie of Eric Elliott gave his daughter groom's mother wore delph blue
RESIDENTIAL HOME Wingham. The groom is the son in marriage on behalf of her silk polyester with matching
of Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson mother and himself. The bride headdress and corsage of pink
Country Home For Senior Citizens and.Retirees of Ottawa. Pastor Morry was radiant in a floor -length roses and lily of the valley.
Private and Semi -Private Rooms Worozbyt was the officiating fitted gown of white Qiana nylon During the signing of the
A Home Atmosphere with Loving Care clergyman, Miss Patricia jersey. long sleeves with lace register Mrs. Healey sang "The
Our Rates are Very Reasonable Pilgrim the organist. Ap- trim at the neckline, wrists and Lord Is My Shepherd". The
proximately 90 guests were waistline. A wreath of, white recessional was "Jesu, Joy of
Eileen MOyles ushered to seats in the sanctuary stephanotis held her shoulder- Man's Desiring". The guests
5 Louisa St. by David Elliott, brother of the length veil and she carried a were ushered to an adjacent
Phone bride, and Dr. Gordon Murray.; a cascade bouquet of white room for fellowship where
Ayton, Ont, friend of the groom. Following stephanotis, gladioli, green caterers served punch while the
NOG I CO 519-665-7825 the organ prelude, Mrs. Donald velvet and white streamers. wedding party was photographed
f�g�or -
UNi� Healy, sister of the groom, sang Harris Gibson, brother of the in the sanctuary. Following this,
"O Wedding Guest Divine". The groom, was groomsman. All they formed a receiving line and
s.rt;• rll� oa wedding guests joined in singing gentlemen in the wedding party all proceeded to the fellowship
hall which was decorated with
pale blue and white streamers
wngham Kinsmenand wedding bells. A single blue
Travelogue of Brazil is lighted candle and floral base
centred each guest table where
Smnc.w (iARDEn enjoyed by UCW members members of the bride's and
groom's families intermingled. A
BRUSSELS—A knowledgeable her interesting presentation. full course dinner was served.
and interesting tour of Brazil was Brazilian juice and fruit were For the enjoyment of the guests
the highlight of the meeting of the served during lunch time, adding Murray and June had prepared
afternoon unit of the United to the authenticity of the song booklets. Barry Lowe,
Church Women which was held travelogue. guitarist and baritone soloist,
May 1 at Mrs. White's home. Eighteen ladies attended the and Patricia Pilgrim, pianist, led
meeting which was chaired by the singing. Dr. Gordon Murray
Mrs. Crocker visited her Mrs. Evans in the absence of the was master of ceremonies. A
daughter and family in Brazil president. Her opening remarks 'time of socializing was enjoyed
Featuring an excellent supply of and returned with a great deal of of welcome included a short' until late afternoon when the
garden plants, shrubs and trees information about the country. prayer and a poem, "What Is a happy couple left amid showers
Throughout her travelogue she Mother?". The program was
including: displayed many souvenirs and convened by Mrs. Turnbull who
manufactured articles of read scripture from the 14th
•,w+iv«s •M°vleTreft clothing. She told the group that chapter of St. Luke's Gospel.
. Tr.•s •Glob• Calan
• •Toriio1O•, Brazil is a place of extreme Mrs. Turnbull led in prayer and a: •coulmow« d poverty as well as multiple meditation on "The Home" was
•�•^�'+O' 'G•f01rago riches. The le are of Indian,
.sas0„b. •s�a,0ya,+ - people read by Mrs. Vern Hupfer.
Portuguese and African an-
The above stock is supplied by: The climate is hot and humid
Bruce MacDonald Art's with almost equal hours of day Shower is held
in and night. The world's largest
Greenhouse landsea P g forest reserves are in Brazil but for bride -elect
W.0—.0"I Gd_", 0."0. very little is manufactured from
them. Fish, sugar cane, coffee, GORRIE—A bridal shower
w•"'ANalso A°"•°j°`Q°s•j.ctl°n°f w�10�•Ond 11o""K s..df
cocoa, nuts and fruit are was held for Sherrie McEachern
produced in abundance. Rice and at the home of Mrs. Alex
rday, May 24; beans are staple foods, sup- Graham. Sherrie's marriage to
plemented by meat and Richard Nay takes place later
vegetables. Good drinking water this month.
10,�■�■ to is scarce. Co -hostesses were Mrs. Glenn
t.iY1al Mrs. Crocker said there is a Underwood and Mrs. Robert
dire need for more schools in Edgar. Fifteen friends and
Brazil. About 35 per cent of the neighbors attended. Contest
At the Armouries country's children never attend winners were Mrs. Earl Cud -
institutions of learning. Teachers more, Mrs. Max Bell and the
(behind the Town Hall) are well paid and highly bride-to-be.
respected. Car manufacturing, Karen Underwood and Diane
especially Volkswagens, is very Edgar presented the
Free Delivery important, as is the manufacture miscellaneous gifts to the bride -
of shoes. most of which are im- elect, also a no -name pantry
All profits to be returned to eommunRy semvices- ported. Oil is produced in shower of groceries. They also
Your support will be appreciated. abundance. assisted the hostesses in serving
PP° PP Mrs. Crocker was thanked for lunch.
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The Rector: The Rev. John T.M. $won, L. Th.
t The Fourth Sunday after Easter e
i-,30.a.m.—Holy Eucharist
10:15 a.m.—Confirmation Class
10:30 a.m'.—Church School
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